Note that here, Eigen::Vector2d is only used as an example, more generally the issue arises for all \ref FixedSizeVectorizable "fixed-size vectorizable Eigen types".
Note that here, Eigen::Matrix2f is only used as an example, more generally the issue arises for all \ref FixedSizeVectorizable "fixed-size vectorizable Eigen types" and \ref StructHavingEigenMembers "structures having such Eigen objects as member".
Note that here, Eigen::Vector4d is only used as an example, more generally the issue arises for all \ref FixedSizeVectorizable "fixed-size vectorizable Eigen types".
\section c4 Cause 4: Compiler making a wrong assumption on stack alignment (for instance GCC on Windows)
This is a must-read for people using GCC on Windows (like MinGW or TDM-GCC). If you have this assertion failure in an innocent function declaring a local variable like this:
void foo()
Eigen::Quaternionf q;
then you need to read this separate page: \ref WrongStackAlignment "Compiler making a wrong assumption on stack alignment".
Note that here, Eigen::Quaternionf is only used as an example, more generally the issue arises for all \ref FixedSizeVectorizable "fixed-size vectorizable Eigen types".
\ref FixedSizeVectorizable "fixed-size vectorizable Eigen objects" must absolutely be created at 16-byte-aligned locations, otherwise SIMD instructions adressing them will crash.