mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 15:27:17 +08:00
This header is for providing the argument types for recv() and send() when built to not use a dedicated config-[platfor].h file. Remove the slow brute-force checks from configure and cmake. This change also removes the use of the types for select, as they were not used in code. Closes #9592
2023 lines
53 KiB
2023 lines
53 KiB
$! File: config_h.com
$! $Id: config_h.com,v 2012/12/02 19:25:21 wb8tyw Exp $
$! This procedure attempts to figure out how to build a config.h file
$! for the current project.
$! P1 specifies the config.h.in file or equivalent. If it is not specified
$! then this procedure will search for several common names of the file.
$! The CONFIGURE shell script will be examined for hints and a few symbols
$! but most of the tests will not produce valid results on OpenVMS. Some
$! will produce false positives and some will produce false negatives.
$! It is easier to just read the config.h_in file and make up tests based
$! on what is in it!
$! This file will create an empty config_vms.h file if one does not exist.
$! The config_vms.h is intended for manual edits to handle things that
$! this procedure can not.
$! The config_vms.h will be invoked by the resulting config.h file.
$! This procedure knows about the DEC C RTL on the system it is on.
$! Future versions may be handle the GNV, the OpenVMS porting library,
$! and others.
$! This procedure may not guess the options correctly for all architectures,
$! and is a work in progress.
$! Copyright 2013 - 2022, John Malmberg
$! Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
$! purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
$! copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
$! SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
$! 15-Jan-2001 J. Malmberg Original
$! 29-Apr-2001 J. Malmberg Also look for config.*in* in a [.include]
$! subdirectory
$! 30-Apr-2001 J. Malmberg Update for SAMBA checks
$! 09-Apr-2005 J. Malmberg Update for RSYNC and large file.
$! 29-Sep-2011 J. Malmberg Update for Bash 4.2
$! 01-Mar-2012 J. Malmberg Warn about getcwd(0,0)
$! 21-Dec-2012 J. Malmberg Update for gawk
$! 29-Dec-2012 J. Malmberg Update for curl
$ss_normal = 1
$ss_abort = 44
$ss_control_y = 1556
$status = ss_normal
$on control_y then goto control_y
$on warning then goto general_error
$!on warning then set ver
$! Some information for writing timestamps to created files
$my_proc = f$environment("PROCEDURE")
$my_proc_file = f$parse(my_proc,,,"NAME") + f$parse(my_proc,,,"TYPE")
$tab[0,8] = 9
$datetime = f$element(0,".",f$cvtime(,"ABSOLUTE","DATETIME"))
$username = f$edit(f$getjpi("","USERNAME"),"TRIM")
$pid = f$getjpi("","PID")
$tfile1 = "SYS$SCRATCH:config_h_temp1_''pid'.TEMP"
$dchfile = "SYS$SCRATCH:config_h_decc_''pid'.TEMP"
$starhfile = "SYS$SCRATCH:config_h_starlet_''pid'.TEMP"
$configure_script = "SYS$SCRATCH:configure_script_''pid'.TEMP"
$! Get the system type
$arch_type = f$getsyi("arch_type")
$! Does config_vms.h exist?
$update_config_vms = 0
$file = f$search("sys$disk:[]config_vms.h")
$if file .nes. ""
$ write sys$output "Found existing custom file ''file'."
$ update_config_vms = 1
$ write sys$output "Creating new sys$disk:[]config_vms.h for you."
$ gosub write_config_vms
$! On some platforms, DCL search has problems with searching a file
$! on a NFS mounted volume. So copy it to sys$scratch:
$if f$search(configure_script) .nes. "" then delete 'configure_script';*
$copy sys$disk:[]configure 'configure_script'
$ssl_header_dir = "OPENSSL:"
$if f$trnlnm("OPENSSL") .eqs. ""
$ ssl_header_dir = "SSL$INCLUDE:"
$! Write out the header
$gosub write_config_h_header
$! config.h.in could have at least five different names depending
$! on how it was transferred to OpenVMS
$if p1 .nes. ""
$ cfile = p1
$ cfile = f$search("sys$disk:[]config.h.in")
$ if cfile .eqs. ""
$ then
$ cfile = f$search("sys$disk:[]config.h_in")
$ if cfile .eqs. ""
$ then
$ cfile = f$search("sys$disk:[]configh.in")
$ if cfile .eqs. ""
$ then
$ cfile = f$search("sys$disk:[]config__2eh.in")
$ if cfile .eqs. ""
$ then
$ cfile = f$search("sys$disk:[]config.h__2ein")
$ endif
$ endif
$ endif
$ endif
$if f$trnlnm("PRJ_INCLUDE") .nes. ""
$ cfile = f$search("PRJ_INCLUDE:config.h.in")
$ if cfile .eqs. ""
$ then
$ cfile = f$search("PRJ_INCLUDE:config.h_in")
$ if cfile .eqs. ""
$ then
$ cfile = f$search("PRJ_INCLUDE:config__2eh.in")
$ if cfile .eqs. ""
$ then
$ cfile = f$search("PRJ_INCLUDE:config__2eh.in")
$ if cfile .eqs. ""
$ then
$ cfile = f$search("PRJ_INCLUDE:config.h__2ein")
$ endif
$ endif
$ endif
$ endif
$if cfile .eqs. ""
$ write sys$output "Can not find sys$disk:config.h.in"
$ line_out = "Looked for config.h.in, config.h_in, configh.in, "
$ line_out = line_out + "config__2eh.in, config.h__2ein"
$ write/symbol sys$output line_out
$ if f$trnlnm("PRJ_INCLUDE") .nes. ""
$ then
$ write sys$output "Also looked in PRJ_INCLUDE: for these files."
$ endif
$ write tf ""
$ write tf -
" /* Could not find sys$disk:config.h.in */"
$ write tf -
" /* Looked also for config.h_in, configh.in, config__2eh.in, */"
$ write tf -
" /* config.h__2ein */"
$ if f$trnlnm("PRJ_INCLUDE") .nes. ""
$ then
$ write tf -
" /* Also looked in PRJ_INCLUDE: for these files. */"
$ endif
$ write tf -
$ write tf ""
$ goto write_tail
$! Locate the DECC libraries in use
$decc_rtldef = f$parse("decc$rtldef","sys$library:.tlb;0")
$decc_starletdef = f$parse("sys$starlet_c","sys$library:.tlb;0")
$decc_shr = f$parse("decc$shr","sys$share:.exe;0")
$! Dump the DECC header names into a file
$if f$search(dchfile) .nes. "" then delete 'dchfile';*
$if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
$define/user sys$output 'tfile1'
$library/list 'decc_rtldef'
$open/read/error=rtldef_loop1_end tf1 'tfile1'
$open/write/error=rtldef_loop1_end tf2 'dchfile'
$ read/end=rtldef_loop1_end tf1 line_in
$ line_in = f$edit(line_in,"TRIM,COMPRESS")
$ key1 = f$element(0," ",line_in)
$ key2 = f$element(1," ",line_in)
$ if key1 .eqs. " " .or. key1 .eqs. "" then goto rtldef_loop1
$ if key2 .nes. " " .and. key2 .nes. "" then goto rtldef_loop1
$ write tf2 "|",key1,"|"
$ goto rtldef_loop1
$if f$trnlnm("tf1","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. "" then close tf1
$if f$trnlnm("tf2","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. "" then close tf2
$if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
$! Dump the STARLET header names into a file
$if f$search(starhfile) .nes. "" then delete 'starhfile';*
$if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
$define/user sys$output 'tfile1'
$library/list 'decc_starletdef'
$open/read/error=stardef_loop1_end tf1 'tfile1'
$open/write/error=stardef_loop1_end tf2 'starhfile'
$ read/end=stardef_loop1_end tf1 line_in
$ line_in = f$edit(line_in,"TRIM,COMPRESS")
$ key1 = f$element(0," ",line_in)
$ key2 = f$element(1," ",line_in)
$ if key1 .eqs. " " .or. key1 .eqs. "" then goto stardef_loop1
$ if key2 .nes. " " .and. key2 .nes. "" then goto stardef_loop1
$ write tf2 "|",key1,"|"
$ goto stardef_loop1
$if f$trnlnm("tf1","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. "" then close tf1
$if f$trnlnm("tf2","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. "" then close tf2
$if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
$! Now calculate what should be in the file from reading
$! config.h.in and CONFIGURE.
$open/read inf 'cfile'
$do_comment = 0
$if_block = 0
$!set nover
$ read/end=cfgh_in_loop1_end inf line_in
$ xline = f$edit(line_in,"TRIM,COMPRESS")
$! Blank line handling
$ if xline .eqs. ""
$ then
$ write tf ""
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ xlen = f$length(xline)
$ key = f$extract(0,2,xline)
$! deal with comments by copying exactly
$ if (do_comment .eq. 1) .or. (key .eqs. "/*")
$ then
$ do_comment = 1
$ write tf line_in
$ key = f$extract(xlen - 2, 2, xline)
$ if key .eqs. "*/" then do_comment = 0
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Some quick parsing
$ keyif = f$extract(0,3,xline)
$ key1 = f$element(0," ",xline)
$ key2 = f$element(1," ",xline)
$ key2a = f$element(0,"_",key2)
$ key2b = f$element(1,"_",key2)
$ key2_len = f$length(key2)
$ key2_h = f$extract(key2_len - 2, 2, key2)
$ key2_t = f$extract(key2_len - 5, 5, key2)
$ if key2_t .eqs. "_TYPE" then key2_h = "_T"
$ key64 = 0
$ if f$locate("64", xline) .lt. xlen then key64 = 1
$!write sys$output "xline = ''xline'"
$! Comment out this section of the ifblock
$ if if_block .ge. 3
$ then
$ write tf "/* ", xline, " */"
$ if keyif .eqs. "#en" then if_block = 0
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Handle the end of an ifblock
$ if keyif .eqs. "#en"
$ then
$ write tf xline
$ if_block = 0
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key1 .eqs. "#ifndef"
$ then
$! Manual check for _ALL_SOURCE on AIX error
$ if key2 .eqs. "_ALL_SOURCE"
$ then
$ write tf "/* ", xline, " */"
$! Ignore the rest of the block
$ if_block = 3
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$! Default action for an #if/#else/#endif
$ if keyif .eqs. "#if" .or. keyif .eqs. "#el"
$ then
$ if_block = 1
$ write tf xline
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Process "normal?" stuff
$ if key1 .eqs. "#undef"
$ then
$ key2c = f$element(2, "_", key2)
$ if (key2c .eqs. "_") .or. (key2c .eqs. "H") then key2c = ""
$ key2d = f$element(3, "_", key2)
$ if (key2d .eqs. "_") .or. (key2d .eqs. "H") then key2d = ""
$ key2e = f$element(4, "_", key2)
$ if (key2e .eqs. "_") .or. (key2e .eqs. "H") then key2e = ""
$ if key2d .eqs. "T"
$ then
$ if key2e .eqs. "TYPE"
$ then
$ key2_h = "_T"
$ key2d = ""
$ endif
$ endif
$ double_under = 0
$! Process FCNTL directives
$ if (key2b .eqs. "FCNTL") .and. (key2c .eqs. "O") .and. -
(key2d .eqs. "NONBLOCK")
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Process GETADDRINFO directives
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Process IOCTL directives
$ if (key2b .eqs. "IOCTL") .and. (key2c .nes. "")
$ then
$ if (key2c .eqs. "FIONBIO") .or. (key2c .eqs. "SIOCGIFADDR")
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$! Manual check for LL on
$ if key2 .eqs. "LL"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef __VAX
$ write tf "#define HAVE_''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "bool_t"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' short"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "bits16_t"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' short"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "u_bits16_t"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' unsigned short"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "bits32_t"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' int"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "u_bits32_t"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' unsigned int"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "intmax_t"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#ifdef __VAX"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' long"
$ write tf "#else"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' long long"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "uintmax_t"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#ifdef __VAX"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' unsigned long"
$ write tf "#else"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' unsigned long long"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "socklen_t"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' int"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "GETGROUPS_T"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' gid_t"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_SYS_SIGLIST"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 0"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_SYS_ERRLIST"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_STRUCT_DIRENT_D_INO"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! ! The header files have this information, however
$! ! The ioctl() call only works on sockets.
$! if key2 .eqs. "FIONREAD_IN_SYS_IOCTL"
$! then
$! write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$! write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$! write tf "#endif"
$! goto cfgh_in_loop1
$! endif
$! ! The header files have this information, however
$! ! The ioctl() call only works on sockets.
$! if key2 .eqs. "GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL"
$! then
$! write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$! write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$! write tf "#endif"
$! goto cfgh_in_loop1
$! endif
$! ! The header files have this information, however
$! ! The ioctl() call only works on sockets.
$! if key2 .eqs. "STRUCT_WINSIZE_IN_SYS_IOCTL"
$! then
$! write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$! write tf "#define ''key2' 0"
$! write tf "#endif"
$! goto cfgh_in_loop1
$! endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_STRUCT_TM_TM_ZONE"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_TM_ZONE"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_TIMEVAL"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "WEXITSTATUS_OFFSET"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 2"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_GETPW_DECLS"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_CONFSTR"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_PRINTF"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_SBRK"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_STRSIGNAL"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 0"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2a .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_STRTOLD"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 0"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_STRTOIMAX"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 0"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_STRTOL"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_STRTOLL"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_STRTOUL"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_STRTOULL"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_STRTOUMAX"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 0"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "GETPGRP_VOID"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "NAMED_PIPES_MISSING"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "OPENDIR_NOT_ROBUST"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "PGRP_PIPE"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "CAN_REDEFINE_GETENV"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_PRINTF_A_FORMAT"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "CTYPE_NON_ASCII"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_LANGINFO_CODESET"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 0"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! This wants execve() to do this automagically to pass.
$! if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_HASH_BANG_EXEC"
$! then
$! write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$! write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$! write tf "#endif"
$! goto cfgh_in_loop1
$! endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "ICONV_CONST"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2'"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "VOID_SIGHANDLER"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_POSIX_SIGNALS"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "UNUSABLE_RT_SIGNALS"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2a .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_FPURGE"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2a'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2a' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_DECL_SETREGID"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "HAVE_POSIX_SIGSETJMP"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "RAND" .and. key2c .nes. "" .and. key2d .eqs. ""
$ then
$ if (key2c .eqs. "EGD") .or. -
(key2c .eqs. "STATUS") .or. -
(key2c .eqs. "SCREEN")
$ then
$ if f$search("''ssl_header_dir'rand.h") .nes. ""
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ else
$ write tf "/* #undef ''key2' */"
$ endif
$ endif
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "STRCOLL_BROKEN"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "DUP_BROKEN"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! This is for a test that getcwd(0,0) works.
$! It does not on VMS.
$ if key2 .eqs. "GETCWD_BROKEN"
$ then
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output -
"%CONFIG_H-I-NONPORT, ''key2' being tested for!"
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-GETCWD, GETCWD(0,0) does not work on VMS."
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-GETCWD2, Work around hack probably required."
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-REVIEW, Manual Code review required!"
$ if update_config_vms
$ then
$ open/append tfcv sys$disk:[]config_vms.h
$ write tfcv ""
$ write tfcv -
"/* Check config.h for use of ''key2' settings */"
$ write tfcv ""
$ close tfcv
$ endif
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if (key2a .eqs. "HAVE") .or. (key2a .eqs. "STAT") .or. -
(key2 .eqs. "ENABLE_IPV6") .or. (key2b .eqs. "LDAP")
$ then
$! Process extra underscores
$ if f$locate("HAVE___", key2) .lt. key2_len
$ then
$ key2b = "__" + key2d
$ key2d = ""
$ double_under = 1
$ else
$ if f$locate("HAVE__", key2) .lt. key2_len
$ then
$ key2b = "_" + key2c
$ key2c = ""
$ double_under = 1
$ endif
$ endif
$ if (key2_h .eqs. "_H") .or. (key2 .eqs. "ENABLE_IPV6") .or. -
(key2b .eqs. "LDAP")
$ then
$! Looking for a header file
$ headf = key2b
$ if key2c .nes. "" then headf = headf + "_" + key2c
$ if key2d .nes. "" then headf = headf + "_" + key2d
$! (key2b .eqs. "READLINE")
$! Some special parsing
$ if (key2b .eqs. "SYS") .or. (key2b .eqs. "ARPA") .or. -
(key2b .eqs. "NET") .or. (key2b .eqs. "NETINET")
$ then
$ if key2c .nes. ""
$ then
$ headf = key2c
$ if key2d .nes. "" then headf = key2c + "_" + key2d
$ endif
$ endif
$! And of course what's life with out some special cases
$ if key2 .eqs. "ENABLE_IPV6"
$ then
$ headf = "in6"
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "LDAP"
$ then
$ if (key2 .eqs. "HAVE_LDAP_SSL") .or. -
(key2 .eqs. "HAVE_LDAP_URL_PARSE")
$ then
$ headf = "ldap"
$ endif
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "FILE"
$ then
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output -
"%CONFIG_H-I-NONPORT, ''key2' being asked for!"
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-FILE_OLD, file.h will not be configured as is obsolete!"
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H_I-FCNTL_NEW, "Expecting fcntl.h to be configured instead!"
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H_I-FCNTL_CHK, "Unable to verify at this time!"
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-REVIEW, Manual Code review required!"
$ if update_config_vms
$ then
$ open/append tfcv sys$disk:[]config_vms.h
$ write tfcv ""
$ write tfcv -
"/* Check config.h for use of fcntl.h instead of file.h */"
$ write tfcv ""
$ close tfcv
$ endif
$ endif
$! Now look it up in the DEC C RTL
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ define/user sys$error nl:
$ search/output=nl: 'dchfile' |'headf'|/exact
$ if '$severity' .eq. 1
$ then
$ if key64 then write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$if p2 .nes. "" then write sys$output "''dchfile' - #define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ if key64 then write tf "#endif"
$set nover
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Now look it up in the DEC C STARLET_C
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ define/user sys$error nl:
$ search/output=nl: 'starhfile' |'headf'|/exact
$ if '$severity' .eq. 1
$ then
$ if key64 then write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$if p2 .nes. "" then write sys$output "''starfile' - #define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ if key64 then write tf "#endif"
$set nover
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Now look for OPENSSL headers
$ if key2b .eqs. "OPENSSL"
$ then
$ headf = headf - "OPENSSL_"
$ header = f$search("''ssl_header_dir'''headf'.h")
$ if header .nes. ""
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$set nover
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$! Now look for Kerberos
$ if key2b .eqs. "GSSAPI"
$ then
$ header_dir = "sys$sysroot:[kerberos.include]"
$ headf = headf - "GSSAPI_"
$ header = f$search("''header_dir'''headf'.h")
$ if header .nes. ""
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$set nover
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$set nover
$ else
$! Looking for a routine or a symbol
$ if key2c .eqs. "MACRO"
$ then
$ if (key2b .eqs. "FILE") .or. (key2b .eqs. "DATE") -
.or. (key2b .eqs. "LINE") .or. (key2b .eqs. "TIME")
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_''key2b'"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_''key2b' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ endif
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Special false tests
$ if double_under
$ then
$ if key2b .eqs. "_FCNTL" .or. key2b .eqs. "__FCNTL"
$ then
$ write tf "/* #undef HAVE_''key2b' */"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "_STAT" .or. key2b .eqs. "__STAT"
$ then
$ write tf "/* #undef HAVE_''key2b' */"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "_READ" .or. key2b .eqs. "__READ"
$ then
$ write tf "/* #undef HAVE_''key2b' */"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$ keysym = key2b
$ if key2c .nes. "" then keysym = keysym + "_" + key2c
$ if key2d .nes. "" then keysym = keysym + "_" + key2d
$ if key2e .nes. "" then keysym = keysym + "_" + key2e
$! Stat structure members
$ if key2b .eqs. "STRUCT"
$ then
$ if key2c .eqs. "STAT" .and (key2d .nes. "")
$ then
$ key2b = key2b + "_" + key2c + "_" + key2d
$ key2c = key2e
$ key2d = ""
$ key2e = ""
$ endif
$ endif
$ if (key2b .eqs. "ST") .or. (key2b .eqs. "STRUCT_STAT_ST")
$ then
$ keysym = "ST" + "_" + key2c
$ keysym = f$edit(keysym,"LOWERCASE")
$ endif
$ if key2a .eqs. "STAT"
$ then
$ if (f$locate("STATVFS", key2b) .eq. 0) .and. key2c .eqs. ""
$ then
$ keysym = f$edit(key2b, "LOWERCASE")
$ endif
$!$ if (key2b .eqs. "STATVFS" .or. key2b .eqs. "STATFS2" -
$! .or. key2b .eqs. "STATFS3") .and. key2c .nes. ""
$ if (key2b .eqs. "STATVFS") .and. key2c .nes. ""
$ then
$! Should really verify that the structure
$! named by key2b actually exists first.
$! Statvfs structure members
$ keysym = "f_" + f$edit(key2c,"LOWERCASE")
$ endif
$ endif
$! UTMPX structure members
$ if key2b .eqs. "UT" .and. key2c .eqs. "UT"
$ then
$ keysym = "ut_" + f$edit(key2d,"LOWERCASE")
$ endif
$ if f$locate("MMAP",key2) .lt. key2_len
$ then
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output -
"%CONFIG_H-I-NONPORT, ''key2' being asked for!"
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-MMAP, MMAP operations only work on STREAM and BINARY files!"
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-REVIEW, Manual Code review required!"
$ if update_config_vms
$ then
$ open/append tfcv sys$disk:[]config_vms.h
$ write tfcv ""
$ write tfcv -
"/* Check config.h for use of ''key2' settings */"
$ write tfcv ""
$ close tfcv
$ endif
$ endif
$ if keysym .eqs. "CRYPT"
$ then
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output -
"%CONFIG_H-I-NONPORT, ''key2' being asked for!"
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-CRYPT, CRYPT operations on the VMS SYSUAF may not work!"
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-REVIEW, Manual Code review required!"
$ if update_config_vms
$ then
$ open/append tfcv sys$disk:[]config_vms.h
$ write tfcv ""
$ write tfcv -
"/* Check config.h for use of ''keysym' */"
$ write tfcv ""
$ close tfcv
$ endif
$ endif
$ if keysym .eqs. "EXECL"
$ then
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output -
"%CONFIG_H-I-NONPORT, ''key2' being asked for!"
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-EXCEL, EXECL configured, Will probably not work."
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-REVIEW, Manual Code review required!"
$ if update_config_vms
$ then
$ open/append tfcv sys$disk:[]config_vms.h
$ write tfcv ""
$ write tfcv -
"/* Check config.h for use of ''keysym' */"
$ write tfcv ""
$ close tfcv
$ endif
$ endif
$! Process if cpp supports ANSI-C stringizing '#' operator
$ if keysym .eqs. "STRINGIZE"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_STRINGIZE"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_STRINGSIZE 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if keysym .eqs. "VOLATILE"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_VOLATILE"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_VOLATILE 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if keysym .eqs. "ALLOCA"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_ALLOCA 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if keysym .eqs. "ERRNO_DECL"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_ERRNO_DECL"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_ERRNO_DECL 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if keysym .eqs. "LONGLONG"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$ write tf "#pragma message disable longlongtype"
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_LONGLONG"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_LONGLONG 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! May need to test compiler version
$ if keysym .eqs. "LONG_LONG"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$ write tf "#pragma message disable longlongtype"
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_LONG_LONG"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! May need to test compiler version
$ if keysym .eqs. "UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$ write tf "#pragma message disable longlongtype"
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! May need to test compiler version
$ if keysym .eqs. "UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$ write tf "#pragma message disable longlongtype"
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG_INT 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! May need to test compiler version
$ if keysym .eqs. "LONG_DOUBLE"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$ write tf "#pragma message disable longlongtype"
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if keysym .eqs. "FCNTL_LOCK"
$ then
$ write sys$output -
"%CONFIG_H-I-NONPORT, ''key2' being asked for!
$ write sys$output -
"-CONFIG_H-I-REVIEW, Manual Code review required!"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! These libraries are provided by the DEC C RTL
$ if keysym .eqs. "LIBINET" .or. keysym .eqs. "LIBSOCKET"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef HAVE_''keysym'"
$ write tf "#define HAVE_''keysym' 1"
$if p2 .nes. "" then write sys$output "''decc_shr' #define ''keysym' 1"
$ write tf "#endif
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if keysym .eqs. "HERRNO" then keysym = "h_errno"
$ if keysym .eqs. "UTIMBUF" then keysym = "utimbuf"
$ if key2c .eqs. "STRUCT"
$ then
$ keysym = f$edit(key2d,"LOWERCASE")
$ else
$ if key2_h .eqs. "_T"
$ then
$ if key2_t .eqs. "_TYPE"
$ then
$ keysym = f$extract(0, key2_len - 5, key2) - "HAVE_"
$ endif
$ keysym = f$edit(keysym,"LOWERCASE")
$ endif
$ endif
$! Check the DEC C RTL shared image first
$ if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ define/user sys$error nl:
$ search/format=nonull/out='tfile1' 'decc_shr' 'keysym'
$ if '$severity' .eq. 1
$ then
$! Not documented, but from observation
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ define/user sys$error nl:
$ if arch_type .eq. 3
$ then
$ keyterm = "''keysym'<SOH>"
$ else
$ if arch_type .eq. 2
$ then
$ keyterm = "''keysym'<BS>"
$ else
$ keyterm = "''keysym'<STX>"
$ endif
$ endif
$ search/out=nl: 'tfile1' -
$ severity = '$severity'
$! Of course the 64 bit stuff is different
$ if severity .ne. 1 .and. key64
$ then
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ define/user sys$error nl:
$ search/out=nl: 'tfile1' "$_''keyterm'"
$! search/out 'tfile1' "$_''keyterm'"
$ severity = '$severity'
$ endif
$! Unix compatibility routines
$ if severity .ne. 1
$ then
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ define/user sys$error nl:
$ search/out=nl: 'tfile1' -
$ severity = '$severity'
$ endif
$! Show the result of the search
$ if 'severity' .eq. 1
$ then
$ if key64 then write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$if p2 .nes. "" then write sys$output "''decc_shr' #define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ if key64 then write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$ if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
$! Check the DECC Header files next
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ define/user sys$error nl:
$ search/out=nl: 'decc_rtldef' -
"''keysym';", "''keysym'[", "struct ''keysym'"/exact
$ severity = '$severity'
$ if severity .eq. 1
$ then
$ if key64 then write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$if p2 .nes. "" then write sys$output "''decc_rtldef' #define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ if key64 then write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Check kerberos
$ if f$search("SYS$SYSROOT:[kerberos]include.dir") .nes. ""
$ then
$ test_mit = "SYS$SYSROOT:[kerberos.include]gssapi_krb5.h"
$ if (key2 .eqs. "HAVE_GSSAPI")
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! This is really do we have the newer MIT Kerberos
$ if (key2 .eqs. "HAVE_GSSMIT")
$ then
$ if f$search(test_mit) .nes. ""
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ else
$ write tf "#ifdef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#undef ''key2'"
$ endif
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Older MIT looks like Heimdal
$ if (key2 .eqs. "HAVE_HEIMDAL")
$ then
$ if f$search(test_mit) .eqs. ""
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' 1"
$ else
$ write tf "#ifdef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#undef ''key2'"
$ endif
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$ endif
$ write tf "/* ", xline, " */"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Process SIZEOF directives found in SAMBA and others
$ if key2a .eqs. "SIZEOF"
$ then
$ if key2b .eqs. "INO" .and. key2_h .eqs. "_T"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_INO_T"
$ write tf "#if !__USING_STD_STAT
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_INO_T 6"
$ write tf "#else
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_INO_T 8"
$ write tf "#endif
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "INTMAX" .and. key2_h .eqs. "_T"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_INTMAX_T"
$ write tf "#ifdef __VAX"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_INTMAX_T 4"
$ write tf "#else"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_INTMAX_T 8"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "OFF" .and. key2_h .eqs. "_T"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_OFF_T"
$ write tf "#if __USE_OFF64_T"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_OFF_T 8"
$ write tf "#else"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_OFF_T 4"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "CHAR" .and. key2_h .eqs. "_P"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_CHAR_P"
$ write tf "#if __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE == 64"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_CHAR_P 8"
$ write tf "#else"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_CHAR_P 4"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "VOIDP"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_VOIDP"
$ write tf "#if __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE == 64"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_VOIDP 8"
$ write tf "#else"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_VOIDP 4"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "INT"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_INT"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_INT 4"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "SIZE" .and. key2_h .eqs. "_T"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_SIZE_T"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_SIZE_T 4"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "TIME" .and. key2_h .eqs. "_T"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_TIME_T"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_TIME_T 4"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "DOUBLE"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_DOUBLE"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_DOUBLE 8"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "LONG"
$ then
$ if key2c .eqs. ""
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_LONG"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_LONG 4"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ else
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_LONG_LONG"
$ write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ endif
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2b .eqs. "SHORT"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SIZEOF_SHORT"
$ write tf "#define SIZEOF_SHORT 2"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ write tf "/* ", xline, " */"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Process NEED directives
$ if key2a .eqs. "NEED"
$ then
$ if key2b .eqs. "STRINGS" .and. key2_h .eqs. "_H"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef NEED_STRINGS_H"
$ write tf "#define NEED_STRINGS_H 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ write tf "/* ", xline, " */"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Process GETHOSTNAME directives
$ if key2 .eqs. "GETHOSTNAME_TYPE_ARG2"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#ifdef _DECC_V4_SOURCE"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' int"
$ write tf "#else"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' size_t"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Process GETNAMEINFO directives
$ if key2a .eqs. "GETNAMEINFO"
$ then
$ if key2 .eqs. "GETNAMEINFO_QUAL_ARG1"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' const"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "GETNAMEINFO_TYPE_ARG1"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' struct sockaddr *"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "GETNAMEINFO_TYPE_ARG2"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' size_t"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "GETNAMEINFO_TYPE_ARG46"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' size_t"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "GETNAMEINFO_TYPE_ARG7"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' int"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$! Process RECV directives
$ if key2a .eqs. "RECV"
$ then
$ if key2 .eqs. "RECV_TYPE_ARG1"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' int"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "RECV_TYPE_ARG2"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' void *"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "RECV_TYPE_ARG3"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' size_t"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "RECV_TYPE_ARG4"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' int"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "RECV_TYPE_RETV"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' int"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$! Process SEND directives
$ if key2a .eqs. "SEND"
$ then
$ if key2 .eqs. "SEND_QUAL_ARG2"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' const"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "SEND_TYPE_ARG1"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' int"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "SEND_TYPE_ARG2"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' void *"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "SEND_TYPE_ARG3"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' size_t"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "SEND_TYPE_ARG4"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' int"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "SEND_TYPE_RETV"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ write tf "#define ''key2' int"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$! Process STATFS directives
$! if key2a .eqs. "STATFS"
$! then
$! write tf "/* ", xline, " */"
$! goto cfgh_in_loop1
$! endif
$! Process inline directive
$ if key2 .eqs. "inline"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef inline"
$ write tf "#define inline __inline"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Process restrict directive
$ if key2 .eqs. "restrict"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef restrict"
$ write tf "#define restrict __restrict"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "STDC_HEADERS"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef STDC_HEADERS"
$ write tf "#define STDC_HEADERS 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$! Process PROTOTYPES directive
$ if key2 .eqs. "PROTOTYPES"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef PROTOTYPES"
$ write tf "#define PROTOTYPES 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ if key2 .eqs. "SEEKDIR_RETURNS_VOID"
$ then
$ write tf "#ifndef SEEKDIR_RETURNS_VOID"
$ write tf "#define SEEKDIR_RETURNS_VOID 1"
$ write tf "#endif"
$ endif
$! Unknown - See if CONFIGURE can give a clue for this
$ pflag = 0
$ set_flag = 0
$! gproj_name = proj_name - "_VMS" - "-VMS"
$ if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
$ define/user sys$output nl:
$ define/user sys$error nl:
$! if f$locate("FILE", key2) .lt. key2_len then pflag = 1
$! if f$locate("DIR", key2) .eq. key2_len - 3 then pflag = 1
$! if f$locate("PATH", key2) .eq. key2_len - 4 then pflag = 1
$ search/out='tfile1' 'configure_script' "''key2'="/exact
$ search_sev = '$severity'
$ if 'search_sev' .eq. 1
$ then
$ open/read/err=unknown_cf_rd_error sf 'tfile1'
$ read/end=unknown_cf_rd_err sf line_in
$ line_in = f$edit(line_in, "TRIM")
$ skey1 = f$element(0,"=",line_in)
$ if skey1 .eqs. key2
$ then
$ skey2 = f$element(1,"=",line_in)
$ skey2a = f$extract(0,2,skey2)
$! We can not handle assignment to shell symbols.
$! For now skip them.
$ if f$locate("$", skey2) .lt. f$length(skey2)
$ then
$ write tf "/* ", xline, " */"
$ set_flag = 1
$ goto found_in_configure
$ endif
$! Keep these two cases separate to make it easier to add
$! more future intelligence to this routine
$ if skey2a .eqs. """`"
$ then
$! if pflag .eq. 1
$! then
$! write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$! write tf "#define ",key2," """,gproj_name,"_",key2,""""
$! write tf "#endif"
$! else
$! Ignore this for now
$ write tf "/* ", xline, " */"
$! endif
$ set_flag = 1
$ goto found_in_configure
$ endif
$ if skey2a .eqs. """$"
$ then
$! if pflag .eq. 1
$! then
$! write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$! write tf "#define ",key2," """,gproj_name,"_",key2,""""
$! write tf "#endif"
$! else
$! Ignore this for now
$ write tf "/* ", xline, " */"
$! endif
$ set_flag = 1
$ goto found_in_configure
$ endif
$! Remove multiple layers of quotes if present
$ if f$extract(0, 1, skey2) .eqs. "'"
$ then
$ skey2 = skey2 - "'" - "'" - "'" - "'"
$ endif
$ if f$extract(0, 1, skey2) .eqs. """"
$ then
$ skey2 = skey2 - """" - """" - """" - """"
$ endif
$ write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$ if skey2 .eqs. ""
$ then
$ write tf "#define ",key2
$ else
$! Only quote non-numbers
$ if f$string(skey2+0) .eqs. skey2
$ then
$ write tf "#define ",key2," ",skey2
$ else
$ write tf "#define ",key2," """,skey2,""""
$ endif
$ endif
$ write tf "#endif"
$ set_flag = 1
$ else
$ goto search_file_rd_loop
$! if pflag .eq. 1
$! then
$! write tf "#ifndef ''key2'"
$! write tf "#define ",key2," """,gproj_name,"_",key2,""""
$! write tf "#endif"
$! set_flag = 1
$! endif
$ endif
$ if f$trnlnm("sf","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. ""
$ then
$ close sf
$ endif
$ if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
$ if set_flag .eq. 1 then goto cfgh_in_loop1
$ endif
$ endif
$! If it falls through everything else, comment it out
$ write tf "/* ", xline, " */"
$ goto cfgh_in_loop1
$close inf
$! Write out the tail
$gosub write_config_h_tail
$! Exit and clean up
$status = '$status'
$set noon
$if f$trnlnm("sf","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. "" then close sf
$if f$trnlnm("tf","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. "" then close tf
$if f$trnlnm("inf","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. "" then close inf
$if f$trnlnm("tf1","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. "" then close tf1
$if f$trnlnm("tf2","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. "" then close tf2
$if f$trnlnm("tfcv","lnm$process",,"SUPERVISOR") .nes. "" then close tfcv
$if f$type(tfile1) .eqs. "STRING"
$ if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
$if f$type(dchfile) .eqs. "STRING"
$ if f$search(dchfile) .nes. "" then delete 'dchfile';*
$if f$type(starhfile) .eqs. "STRING"
$ if f$search(starhfile) .nes. "" then delete 'starhfile';*
$if f$type(configure_script) .eqs. "STRING"
$ if f$search(configure_script) .nes. "" then delete 'configure_script';*
$exit 'status'
$ status = ss_control_y
$ goto all_exit
$! Gosub to write a new config_vms.h
$outfile = "sys$disk:[]config_vms.h"
$create 'outfile'
$open/append tf 'outfile'
$write tf "/* File: config_vms.h"
$write tf "**"
$write tf "** This file contains the manual edits needed for porting"
$!write tf "** the ''proj_name' package to OpenVMS.
$write tf "**"
$write tf "** Edit this file as needed. The procedure that automatically"
$write tf "** generated this header stub will not overwrite or make any"
$write tf "** changes to this file."
$write tf "**"
$write tf -
"** ", datetime, tab, username, tab, "Generated by ''my_proc_file'"
$write tf "**"
$write tf -
$write tf ""
$close tf
$! gosub to write out a documentation header for config.h
$outfile = "sys$disk:[]config.h"
$create 'outfile'
$open/append tf 'outfile'
$write tf "#ifndef CONFIG_H"
$write tf "#define CONFIG_H"
$write tf "/* File: config.h"
$write tf "**"
$write tf -
"** This file contains the options needed for porting "
$write tf "** the project on a VMS system."
$write tf "**"
$write tf "** Try not to make any edits to this file, as it is"
$write tf "** automagically generated."
$write tf "**"
$write tf "** Manual edits should be made to the config_vms.h file."
$write tf "**"
$write tf -
"** ", datetime, tab, username, tab, "Generated by ''my_proc_file'"
$write tf "**"
$write tf -
$write tf ""
$write tf "#if (__CRTL_VER >= 70200000) && !defined (__VAX)"
$write tf "#define _LARGEFILE 1"
$write tf "#endif"
$write tf ""
$write tf "#ifndef __VAX"
$write tf "#ifdef __CRTL_VER"
$write tf "#if __CRTL_VER >= 80200000"
$write tf "#define _USE_STD_STAT 1"
$write tf "#endif"
$write tf "#endif"
$write tf "#endif"
$write tf ""
$write tf " /* Allow compiler builtins */"
$write tf "/*-------------------------*/"
$write tf "#ifdef __DECC_VER"
$write tf "#include <non_existent_dir:builtins.h>"
$write tf "#endif"
$write tf ""
$! gosub to write out the tail for config.h and close it
$write tf ""
$write tf " /* Include the hand customized settings */"
$write tf "/*--------------------------------------*/"
$write tf "#include ""config_vms.h"""
$write tf ""
$write tf "#endif /* CONFIG_H */"
$close tf