mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:15:34 +08:00
Log messages generated with logmsg can now be buffered and returned from the runner as a return value. This will be needed with parallel testing to allow all messages for one test to be displayed together instead of interspersed with messages of multiple tests. Buffering can be disabled by setting a logging callback function with setlogfunc, which is currently being done to preserve existing logging behaviour for now. Some additional output is generated in verbose and debugprotocol modes, which don't always use logmsg. These modes also impact some servers which generate extra messages. No attempt is made to buffer everything if these modes are enabled. Ref: #10818 Closes #11016
1030 lines
31 KiB
1030 lines
31 KiB
# _ _ ____ _
# Project ___| | | | _ \| |
# / __| | | | |_) | |
# | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
# \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
# Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
# KIND, either express or implied.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
# This module contains entry points to run a single test
package runner;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
# these are for debugging only
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
use pathhelp qw(
use processhelp qw(
use servers qw(
use getpart;
use globalconfig;
use testutil qw(
# Global variables set elsewhere but used only by this package
our $DBGCURL=$CURL; #"../src/.libs/curl"; # alternative for debugging
our $valgrind_logfile="--log-file"; # the option name for valgrind >=3
our $valgrind_tool="--tool=memcheck";
our $gdb = checktestcmd("gdb");
our $gdbthis; # run test case with gdb debugger
our $gdbxwin; # use windowed gdb when using gdb
# torture test variables
our $shallow;
our $tortalloc;
# local variables
my %oldenv; # environment variables before test is started
my $UNITDIR="./unit";
my $CURLLOG="$LOGDIR/commands.log"; # all command lines run
my $SERVERLOGS_LOCK="$LOGDIR/serverlogs.lock"; # server logs advisor read lock
my $defserverlogslocktimeout = 2; # timeout to await server logs lock removal
my $defpostcommanddelay = 0; # delay between command and postcheck sections
# Check for a command in the PATH of the machine running curl.
sub checktestcmd {
my ($cmd)=@_;
my @testpaths=("$LIBDIR/.libs", "$LIBDIR");
return checkcmd($cmd, @testpaths);
# See if Valgrind should actually be used
sub use_valgrind {
if($valgrind) {
my @valgrindoption = getpart("verify", "valgrind");
if((!@valgrindoption) || ($valgrindoption[0] !~ /disable/)) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Massage the command result code into a useful form
sub normalize_cmdres {
my $cmdres = $_[0];
my $signal_num = $cmdres & 127;
my $dumped_core = $cmdres & 128;
if(!$anyway && ($signal_num || $dumped_core)) {
$cmdres = 1000;
else {
$cmdres >>= 8;
$cmdres = (2000 + $signal_num) if($signal_num && !$cmdres);
return ($cmdres, $dumped_core);
# 'prepro' processes the input array and replaces %-variables in the array
# etc. Returns the processed version of the array
sub prepro {
my $testnum = shift;
my (@entiretest) = @_;
my $show = 1;
my @out;
my $data_crlf;
for my $s (@entiretest) {
my $f = $s;
if($s =~ /^ *%if (.*)/) {
my $cond = $1;
my $rev = 0;
if($cond =~ /^!(.*)/) {
$cond = $1;
$rev = 1;
$rev ^= $feature{$cond} ? 1 : 0;
$show = $rev;
elsif($s =~ /^ *%else/) {
$show ^= 1;
elsif($s =~ /^ *%endif/) {
$show = 1;
if($show) {
# The processor does CRLF replacements in the <data*> sections if
# necessary since those parts might be read by separate servers.
if($s =~ /^ *<data(.*)\>/) {
if($1 =~ /crlf="yes"/ ||
($feature{"hyper"} && ($keywords{"HTTP"} || $keywords{"HTTPS"}))) {
$data_crlf = 1;
elsif(($s =~ /^ *<\/data/) && $data_crlf) {
$data_crlf = 0;
subvariables(\$s, $testnum, "%");
subnewlines(0, \$s) if($data_crlf);
push @out, $s;
return @out;
# Load test keywords into %keywords hash
sub readtestkeywords {
my @info_keywords = getpart("info", "keywords");
# Clear the list of keywords from the last test
%keywords = ();
for my $k (@info_keywords) {
chomp $k;
$keywords{$k} = 1;
# Memory allocation test and failure torture testing.
sub torture {
my ($testcmd, $testnum, $gdbline) = @_;
# remove memdump first to be sure we get a new nice and clean one
# First get URL from test server, ignore the output/result
logmsg " CMD: $testcmd\n" if($verbose);
# memanalyze -v is our friend, get the number of allocations made
my $count=0;
my @out = `$memanalyze -v $memdump`;
for(@out) {
if(/^Operations: (\d+)/) {
$count = $1;
if(!$count) {
logmsg " found no functions to make fail\n";
return 0;
my @ttests = (1 .. $count);
if($shallow && ($shallow < $count)) {
my $discard = scalar(@ttests) - $shallow;
my $percent = sprintf("%.2f%%", $shallow * 100 / scalar(@ttests));
logmsg " $count functions found, but only fail $shallow ($percent)\n";
while($discard) {
my $rm;
do {
# find a test to discard
$rm = rand(scalar(@ttests));
} while(!$ttests[$rm]);
$ttests[$rm] = undef;
else {
logmsg " $count functions to make fail\n";
for (@ttests) {
my $limit = $_;
my $fail;
my $dumped_core;
if(!defined($limit)) {
# --shallow can undefine them
if($tortalloc && ($tortalloc != $limit)) {
if($verbose) {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
my $now = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d ", $hour, $min, $sec);
logmsg "Fail function no: $limit at $now\r";
# make the memory allocation function number $limit return failure
$ENV{'CURL_MEMLIMIT'} = $limit;
# remove memdump first to be sure we get a new nice and clean one
my $cmd = $testcmd;
if($valgrind && !$gdbthis) {
my @valgrindoption = getpart("verify", "valgrind");
if((!@valgrindoption) || ($valgrindoption[0] !~ /disable/)) {
my $valgrindcmd = "$valgrind ";
$valgrindcmd .= "$valgrind_tool " if($valgrind_tool);
$valgrindcmd .= "--quiet --leak-check=yes ";
$valgrindcmd .= "--suppressions=$srcdir/valgrind.supp ";
# $valgrindcmd .= "--gen-suppressions=all ";
$valgrindcmd .= "--num-callers=16 ";
$valgrindcmd .= "${valgrind_logfile}=$LOGDIR/valgrind$testnum";
$cmd = "$valgrindcmd $testcmd";
logmsg "*** Function number $limit is now set to fail ***\n" if($gdbthis);
my $ret = 0;
if($gdbthis) {
else {
$ret = runclient($cmd);
#logmsg "$_ Returned " . ($ret >> 8) . "\n";
# Now clear the variable again
if(-r "core") {
# there's core file present now!
logmsg " core dumped\n";
$dumped_core = 1;
$fail = 2;
if($valgrind) {
my @e = valgrindparse("$LOGDIR/valgrind$testnum");
if(@e && $e[0]) {
if($automakestyle) {
logmsg "FAIL: torture $testnum - valgrind\n";
else {
logmsg " valgrind ERROR ";
logmsg @e;
$fail = 1;
# verify that it returns a proper error code, doesn't leak memory
# and doesn't core dump
if(($ret & 255) || ($ret >> 8) >= 128) {
logmsg " system() returned $ret\n";
else {
my @memdata=`$memanalyze $memdump`;
my $leak=0;
for(@memdata) {
if($_ ne "") {
# well it could be other memory problems as well, but
# we call it leak for short here
if($leak) {
logmsg "** MEMORY FAILURE\n";
logmsg @memdata;
logmsg `$memanalyze -l $memdump`;
$fail = 1;
if($fail) {
logmsg " Failed on function number $limit in test.\n",
" invoke with \"-t$limit\" to repeat this single case.\n";
return 1;
logmsg "\n" if($verbose);
logmsg "torture OK\n";
return 0;
# restore environment variables that were modified in test
sub restore_test_env {
my $deleteoldenv = $_[0]; # 1 to delete the saved contents after restore
foreach my $var (keys %oldenv) {
if($oldenv{$var} eq 'notset') {
delete $ENV{$var} if($ENV{$var});
else {
$ENV{$var} = $oldenv{$var};
if($deleteoldenv) {
delete $oldenv{$var};
# Start the servers needed to run this test case
sub singletest_startservers {
my ($testnum, $testtimings) = @_;
# remove old test server files before servers are started/verified
# timestamp required servers verification start
$$testtimings{"timesrvrini"} = Time::HiRes::time();
my $why;
my $error;
if (!$listonly) {
my @what = getpart("client", "server");
if(!$what[0]) {
warn "Test case $testnum has no server(s) specified";
$why = "no server specified";
$error = -1;
} else {
my $err;
($why, $err) = serverfortest(@what);
if($err == 1) {
# Error indicates an actual problem starting the server
$error = -2;
} else {
$error = -1;
# timestamp required servers verification end
$$testtimings{"timesrvrend"} = Time::HiRes::time();
return ($why, $error);
# Generate preprocessed test file
sub singletest_preprocess {
my $testnum = $_[0];
# Save a preprocessed version of the entire test file. This allows more
# "basic" test case readers to enjoy variable replacements.
my @entiretest = fulltest();
my $otest = "$LOGDIR/test$testnum";
@entiretest = prepro($testnum, @entiretest);
# save the new version
open(my $fulltesth, ">", "$otest") || die "Failure writing test file";
foreach my $bytes (@entiretest) {
print $fulltesth pack('a*', $bytes) or die "Failed to print '$bytes': $!";
close($fulltesth) || die "Failure writing test file";
# in case the process changed the file, reload it
# Set up the test environment to run this test case
sub singletest_setenv {
my @setenv = getpart("client", "setenv");
foreach my $s (@setenv) {
chomp $s;
if($s =~ /([^=]*)=(.*)/) {
my ($var, $content) = ($1, $2);
# remember current setting, to restore it once test runs
$oldenv{$var} = ($ENV{$var})?"$ENV{$var}":'notset';
# set new value
if(!$content) {
delete $ENV{$var} if($ENV{$var});
else {
if($var =~ /^LD_PRELOAD/) {
if(exe_ext('TOOL') && (exe_ext('TOOL') eq '.exe')) {
logmsg "Skipping LD_PRELOAD due to lack of OS support\n" if($verbose);
if($feature{"debug"} || !$has_shared) {
logmsg "Skipping LD_PRELOAD due to no release shared build\n" if($verbose);
$ENV{$var} = "$content";
logmsg "setenv $var = $content\n" if($verbose);
if($proxy_address) {
$ENV{http_proxy} = $proxy_address;
$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = $proxy_address;
# Check that test environment is fine to run this test case
sub singletest_precheck {
my $testnum = $_[0];
my $why;
my @precheck = getpart("client", "precheck");
if(@precheck) {
my $cmd = $precheck[0];
chomp $cmd;
if($cmd) {
my @p = split(/ /, $cmd);
if($p[0] !~ /\//) {
# the first word, the command, does not contain a slash so
# we will scan the "improved" PATH to find the command to
# be able to run it
my $fullp = checktestcmd($p[0]);
if($fullp) {
$p[0] = $fullp;
$cmd = join(" ", @p);
my @o = `$cmd 2> $LOGDIR/precheck-$testnum`;
if($o[0]) {
$why = $o[0];
$why =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
elsif($?) {
$why = "precheck command error";
logmsg "prechecked $cmd\n" if($verbose);
return $why;
# Prepare the test environment to run this test case
sub singletest_prepare {
my ($testnum) = @_;
if($feature{"TrackMemory"}) {
# remove server output logfiles after servers are started/verified
# if this section exists, it might be FTP server instructions:
my @ftpservercmd = getpart("reply", "servercmd");
push @ftpservercmd, "Testnum $testnum\n";
# write the instructions to file
writearray($FTPDCMD, \@ftpservercmd);
# create (possibly-empty) files before starting the test
for my $partsuffix (('', '1', '2', '3', '4')) {
my @inputfile=getpart("client", "file".$partsuffix);
my %fileattr = getpartattr("client", "file".$partsuffix);
my $filename=$fileattr{'name'};
if(@inputfile || $filename) {
if(!$filename) {
logmsg "ERROR: section client=>file has no name attribute\n";
return -1;
my $fileContent = join('', @inputfile);
# make directories if needed
my $path = $filename;
# cut off the file name part
$path =~ s/^(.*)\/[^\/]*/$1/;
my @parts = split(/\//, $path);
if($parts[0] eq $LOGDIR) {
# the file is in $LOGDIR/
my $d = shift @parts;
for(@parts) {
$d .= "/$_";
mkdir $d; # 0777
if (open(my $outfile, ">", "$filename")) {
binmode $outfile; # for crapage systems, use binary
if($fileattr{'nonewline'}) {
# cut off the final newline
print $outfile $fileContent;
} else {
logmsg "ERROR: cannot write $filename\n";
return 0;
# Run the test command
sub singletest_run {
my ($testnum, $testtimings) = @_;
# get the command line options to use
my ($cmd, @blaha)= getpart("client", "command");
if($cmd) {
# make some nice replace operations
$cmd =~ s/\n//g; # no newlines please
# substitute variables in the command line
else {
# there was no command given, use something silly
my $CURLOUT="$LOGDIR/curl$testnum.out"; # curl output if not stdout
# if stdout section exists, we verify that the stdout contained this:
my $out="";
my %cmdhash = getpartattr("client", "command");
if((!$cmdhash{'option'}) || ($cmdhash{'option'} !~ /no-output/)) {
#We may slap on --output!
if (!partexists("verify", "stdout") ||
($cmdhash{'option'} && $cmdhash{'option'} =~ /force-output/)) {
$out=" --output $CURLOUT ";
# redirected stdout/stderr to these files
my @codepieces = getpart("client", "tool");
my $tool="";
if(@codepieces) {
$tool = $codepieces[0];
chomp $tool;
$tool .= exe_ext('TOOL');
my $disablevalgrind;
my $CMDLINE="";
my $cmdargs;
my $cmdtype = $cmdhash{'type'} || "default";
my $fail_due_event_based = $run_event_based;
if($cmdtype eq "perl") {
# run the command line prepended with "perl"
$cmdargs ="$cmd";
$CMDLINE = "$perl ";
elsif($cmdtype eq "shell") {
# run the command line prepended with "/bin/sh"
$cmdargs ="$cmd";
$CMDLINE = "/bin/sh ";
elsif(!$tool && !$keywords{"unittest"}) {
# run curl, add suitable command line options
my $inc="";
if((!$cmdhash{'option'}) || ($cmdhash{'option'} !~ /no-include/)) {
$inc = " --include";
$cmdargs = "$out$inc ";
if($cmdhash{'option'} && ($cmdhash{'option'} =~ /binary-trace/)) {
$cmdargs .= "--trace $LOGDIR/trace$testnum ";
else {
$cmdargs .= "--trace-ascii $LOGDIR/trace$testnum ";
$cmdargs .= "--trace-time ";
if($run_event_based) {
$cmdargs .= "--test-event ";
$cmdargs .= $cmd;
if ($proxy_address) {
$cmdargs .= " --proxy $proxy_address ";
else {
$cmdargs = " $cmd"; # $cmd is the command line for the test file
$CURLOUT = $STDOUT; # sends received data to stdout
# Default the tool to a unit test with the same name as the test spec
if($keywords{"unittest"} && !$tool) {
if($tool =~ /^lib/) {
elsif($tool =~ /^unit/) {
if(! -f $CMDLINE) {
logmsg "The tool set in the test case for this: '$tool' does not exist\n";
return (-1, 0, 0, "", "", 0);
if($fail_due_event_based) {
logmsg "This test cannot run event based\n";
return (-1, 0, 0, "", "", 0);
if($gdbthis) {
# gdb is incompatible with valgrind, so disable it when debugging
# Perhaps a better approach would be to run it under valgrind anyway
# with --db-attach=yes or --vgdb=yes.
my @stdintest = getpart("client", "stdin");
if(@stdintest) {
my $stdinfile="$LOGDIR/stdin-for-$testnum";
my %hash = getpartattr("client", "stdin");
if($hash{'nonewline'}) {
# cut off the final newline from the final line of the stdin data
writearray($stdinfile, \@stdintest);
$cmdargs .= " <$stdinfile";
if(!$tool) {
if(use_valgrind() && !$disablevalgrind) {
my $valgrindcmd = "$valgrind ";
$valgrindcmd .= "$valgrind_tool " if($valgrind_tool);
$valgrindcmd .= "--quiet --leak-check=yes ";
$valgrindcmd .= "--suppressions=$srcdir/valgrind.supp ";
# $valgrindcmd .= "--gen-suppressions=all ";
$valgrindcmd .= "--num-callers=16 ";
$valgrindcmd .= "${valgrind_logfile}=$LOGDIR/valgrind$testnum";
$CMDLINE = "$valgrindcmd $CMDLINE";
$CMDLINE .= "$cmdargs >$STDOUT 2>$STDERR";
if($verbose) {
logmsg "$CMDLINE\n";
open(my $cmdlog, ">", $CURLLOG) || die "Failure writing log file";
print $cmdlog "$CMDLINE\n";
close($cmdlog) || die "Failure writing log file";
my $dumped_core;
my $cmdres;
if($gdbthis) {
my $gdbinit = "$TESTDIR/gdbinit$testnum";
open(my $gdbcmd, ">", "$LOGDIR/gdbcmd") || die "Failure writing gdb file";
print $gdbcmd "set args $cmdargs\n";
print $gdbcmd "show args\n";
print $gdbcmd "source $gdbinit\n" if -e $gdbinit;
close($gdbcmd) || die "Failure writing gdb file";
# Flush output.
$| = 1;
# timestamp starting of test command
$$testtimings{"timetoolini"} = Time::HiRes::time();
# run the command line we built
if ($torture) {
$cmdres = torture($CMDLINE,
"$gdb --directory $LIBDIR $DBGCURL -x $LOGDIR/gdbcmd");
elsif($gdbthis) {
my $GDBW = ($gdbxwin) ? "-w" : "";
runclient("$gdb --directory $LIBDIR $DBGCURL $GDBW -x $LOGDIR/gdbcmd");
$cmdres=0; # makes it always continue after a debugged run
else {
# Convert the raw result code into a more useful one
($cmdres, $dumped_core) = normalize_cmdres(runclient("$CMDLINE"));
# timestamp finishing of test command
$$testtimings{"timetoolend"} = Time::HiRes::time();
return (0, $cmdres, $dumped_core, $CURLOUT, $tool, use_valgrind() && !$disablevalgrind);
# Clean up after test command
sub singletest_clean {
my ($testnum, $dumped_core, $testtimings)=@_;
if(!$dumped_core) {
if(-r "core") {
# there's core file present now!
$dumped_core = 1;
if($dumped_core) {
logmsg "core dumped\n";
if(0 && $gdb) {
logmsg "running gdb for post-mortem analysis:\n";
open(my $gdbcmd, ">", "$LOGDIR/gdbcmd2") || die "Failure writing gdb file";
print $gdbcmd "bt\n";
close($gdbcmd) || die "Failure writing gdb file";
runclient("$gdb --directory libtest -x $LOGDIR/gdbcmd2 -batch $DBGCURL core ");
# unlink("$LOGDIR/gdbcmd2");
# If a server logs advisor read lock file exists, it is an indication
# that the server has not yet finished writing out all its log files,
# including server request log files used for protocol verification.
# So, if the lock file exists the script waits here a certain amount
# of time until the server removes it, or the given time expires.
my $serverlogslocktimeout = $defserverlogslocktimeout;
my %cmdhash = getpartattr("client", "command");
if($cmdhash{'timeout'}) {
# test is allowed to override default server logs lock timeout
if($cmdhash{'timeout'} =~ /(\d+)/) {
$serverlogslocktimeout = $1 if($1 >= 0);
if($serverlogslocktimeout) {
my $lockretry = $serverlogslocktimeout * 20;
while((-f $SERVERLOGS_LOCK) && $lockretry--) {
if(($lockretry < 0) &&
($serverlogslocktimeout >= $defserverlogslocktimeout)) {
logmsg "Warning: server logs lock timeout ",
"($serverlogslocktimeout seconds) expired\n";
# Test harness ssh server does not have this synchronization mechanism,
# this implies that some ssh server based tests might need a small delay
# once that the client command has run to avoid false test failures.
# gnutls-serv also lacks this synchronization mechanism, so gnutls-serv
# based tests might need a small delay once that the client command has
# run to avoid false test failures.
my $postcommanddelay = $defpostcommanddelay;
if($cmdhash{'delay'}) {
# test is allowed to specify a delay after command is executed
if($cmdhash{'delay'} =~ /(\d+)/) {
$postcommanddelay = $1 if($1 > 0);
portable_sleep($postcommanddelay) if($postcommanddelay);
# timestamp removal of server logs advisor read lock
$$testtimings{"timesrvrlog"} = Time::HiRes::time();
# test definition might instruct to stop some servers
# stop also all servers relative to the given one
my @killtestservers = getpart("client", "killserver");
if(@killtestservers) {
foreach my $server (@killtestservers) {
chomp $server;
if(stopserver($server)) {
logmsg " killserver FAILED\n";
return 1; # normal error if asked to fail on unexpected alive
return 0;
# Verify that the postcheck succeeded
sub singletest_postcheck {
my ($testnum)=@_;
# run the postcheck command
my @postcheck= getpart("client", "postcheck");
if(@postcheck) {
my $cmd = join("", @postcheck);
chomp $cmd;
if($cmd) {
logmsg "postcheck $cmd\n" if($verbose);
my $rc = runclient("$cmd");
# Must run the postcheck command in torture mode in order
# to clean up, but the result can't be relied upon.
if($rc != 0 && !$torture) {
logmsg " postcheck FAILED\n";
return -1;
return 0;
# Get ready to run a single test case
sub runner_test_preprocess {
my ($testnum)=@_;
my %testtimings;
if(clearlogs()) {
logmsg "Warning: log messages were lost\n";
# timestamp test preparation start
# TODO: this metric now shows only a portion of the prep time; better would
# be to time singletest_preprocess below instead
$testtimings{"timeprepini"} = Time::HiRes::time();
# Load test metadata
# ignore any error here--if there were one, it would have been
# caught during the selection phase and this test would not be
# running now
# Start the servers needed to run this test case
my ($why, $error) = singletest_startservers($testnum, \%testtimings);
if(!$why) {
# Generate preprocessed test file
# This must be done after the servers are started so server
# variables are available for substitution.
# Set up the test environment to run this test case
# Check that the test environment is fine to run this test case
if (!$listonly) {
$why = singletest_precheck($testnum);
$error = -1;
return ($why, $error, clearlogs(), \%testtimings);
# Run a single test case with an environment that already been prepared
# Returns 0=success, -1=skippable failure, -2=permanent error,
# 1=unskippable test failure, as first integer, plus any log messages,
# plus more return values when error is 0
sub runner_test_run {
my ($testnum)=@_;
if(clearlogs()) {
logmsg "Warning: log messages were lost\n";
# Prepare the test environment to run this test case
my $error = singletest_prepare($testnum);
if($error) {
return (-2, clearlogs());
# Run the test command
my %testtimings;
my $cmdres;
my $dumped_core;
my $tool;
my $usedvalgrind;
($error, $cmdres, $dumped_core, $CURLOUT, $tool, $usedvalgrind) = singletest_run($testnum, \%testtimings);
if($error) {
return (-2, clearlogs(), \%testtimings);
# Clean up after test command
$error = singletest_clean($testnum, $dumped_core, \%testtimings);
if($error) {
return ($error, clearlogs(), \%testtimings);
# Verify that the postcheck succeeded
$error = singletest_postcheck($testnum);
if($error) {
return ($error, clearlogs(), \%testtimings);
# restore environment variables that were modified
return (0, clearlogs(), \%testtimings, $cmdres, $CURLOUT, $tool, $usedvalgrind);
# Kill the server processes that still have lock files in a directory
sub runner_clearlocks {
my ($lockdir)=@_;
if(clearlogs()) {
logmsg "Warning: log messages were lost\n";
return clearlogs();
# Kill all server processes
sub runner_stopservers {
my $error = stopservers($verbose);
my $logs = clearlogs();
return ($error, $logs);