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synced 2025-03-01 15:15:34 +08:00
The variable definition had a small typo making it declare another variable then the intended. Closes #3304 Reviewed-by: Daniel Stenberg <daniel@haxx.se>
391 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File
391 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
=begin comment
This script generates the manpage.
Example: gen.pl mainpage > curl.1
Dev notes:
We open *input* files in :crlf translation (a no-op on many platforms) in
case we have CRLF line endings in Windows but a perl that defaults to LF.
Unfortunately it seems some perls like msysgit can't handle a global input-only
:crlf so it has to be specified on each file open for text input.
=end comment
my $some_dir=$ARGV[1] || ".";
opendir(my $dh, $some_dir) || die "Can't opendir $some_dir: $!";
my @s = grep { /\.d$/ && -f "$some_dir/$_" } readdir($dh);
closedir $dh;
my %optshort;
my %optlong;
my %helplong;
my %arglong;
my %redirlong;
my %protolong;
# get the long name version, return the man page string
sub manpageify {
my ($k)=@_;
my $l;
if($optlong{$k} ne "") {
# both short + long
$l = "\\fI-".$optlong{$k}.", --$k\\fP";
else {
# only long
$l = "\\fI--$k\\fP";
return $l;
sub printdesc {
my @desc = @_;
for my $d (@desc) {
# skip lines starting with space (examples)
if($d =~ /^[^ ]/) {
for my $k (keys %optlong) {
my $l = manpageify($k);
$d =~ s/--$k([^a-z0-9_-])/$l$1/;
print $d;
sub seealso {
my($standalone, $data)=@_;
if($standalone) {
return sprintf
".SH \"SEE ALSO\"\n$data\n";
else {
return "See also $data. ";
sub overrides {
my ($standalone, $data)=@_;
if($standalone) {
return ".SH \"OVERRIDES\"\n$data\n";
else {
return $data;
sub protocols {
my ($standalone, $data)=@_;
if($standalone) {
return ".SH \"PROTOCOLS\"\n$data\n";
else {
return "($data) ";
sub added {
my ($standalone, $data)=@_;
if($standalone) {
return ".SH \"ADDED\"\nAdded in curl version $data\n";
else {
return "Added in $data. ";
sub single {
my ($f, $standalone)=@_;
open(F, "<:crlf", "$some_dir/$f") ||
return 1;
my $short;
my $long;
my $tags;
my $added;
my $protocols;
my $arg;
my $mutexed;
my $requires;
my $seealso;
my $magic; # cmdline special option
while(<F>) {
if(/^Short: *(.)/i) {
elsif(/^Long: *(.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Added: *(.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Tags: *(.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Arg: *(.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Magic: *(.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Mutexed: *(.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Protocols: *(.*)/i) {
elsif(/^See-also: *(.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Requires: *(.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Help: *(.*)/i) {
elsif(/^---/) {
if(!$long) {
print STDERR "WARN: no 'Long:' in $f\n";
else {
print STDERR "WARN: unrecognized line in $f, ignoring:\n:'$_';"
my @desc;
while(<F>) {
push @desc, $_;
my $opt;
if(defined($short) && $long) {
$opt = "-$short, --$long";
elsif($short && !$long) {
$opt = "-$short";
elsif($long && !$short) {
$opt = "--$long";
if($arg) {
$opt .= " $arg";
if($standalone) {
print ".TH curl 1 \"30 Nov 2016\" \"curl 7.52.0\" \"curl manual\"\n";
print ".SH OPTION\n";
print "curl $opt\n";
else {
print ".IP \"$opt\"\n";
if($protocols) {
print protocols($standalone, $protocols);
if($standalone) {
print ".SH DESCRIPTION\n";
undef @desc;
my @foot;
if($seealso) {
my @m=split(/ /, $seealso);
my $mstr;
for my $k (@m) {
if(!$helplong{$k}) {
print STDERR "WARN: $f see-alsos a non-existing option: $k\n";
my $l = manpageify($k);
$mstr .= sprintf "%s$l", $mstr?" and ":"";
push @foot, seealso($standalone, $mstr);
if($requires) {
my $l = manpageify($long);
push @foot, "$l requires that the underlying libcurl".
" was built to support $requires. ";
if($mutexed) {
my @m=split(/ /, $mutexed);
my $mstr;
for my $k (@m) {
if(!$helplong{$k}) {
print STDERR "WARN: $f mutexes a non-existing option: $k\n";
my $l = manpageify($k);
$mstr .= sprintf "%s$l", $mstr?" and ":"";
push @foot, overrides($standalone, "This option overrides $mstr. ");
if($added) {
push @foot, added($standalone, $added);
if($foot[0]) {
print "\n";
my $f = join("", @foot);
$f =~ s/ +\z//; # remove trailing space
print "$f\n";
return 0;
sub getshortlong {
my ($f)=@_;
open(F, "<:crlf", "$some_dir/$f");
my $short;
my $long;
my $help;
my $arg;
my $protocols;
while(<F>) {
if(/^Short: (.)/i) {
elsif(/^Long: (.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Help: (.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Arg: (.*)/i) {
elsif(/^Protocols: (.*)/i) {
elsif(/^---/) {
if($short) {
if($long) {
sub indexoptions {
foreach my $f (@s) {
sub header {
my ($f)=@_;
open(F, "<:crlf", "$some_dir/$f");
my @d;
while(<F>) {
push @d, $_;
sub listhelp {
foreach my $f (sort keys %helplong) {
my $long = $f;
my $short = $optlong{$long};
my $opt;
if(defined($short) && $long) {
$opt = "-$short, --$long";
elsif($long && !$short) {
$opt = " --$long";
my $arg = $arglong{$long};
if($arg) {
$opt .= " $arg";
my $desc = $helplong{$f};
$desc =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; # escape double quotes
my $line = sprintf " {\"%s\",\n \"%s\"},\n", $opt, $desc;
if(length($opt) + length($desc) > 78) {
print STDERR "WARN: the --$long line is too long\n";
print $line;
sub mainpage {
# show the page header
# output docs for all options
foreach my $f (sort @s) {
single($f, 0);
sub showonly {
my ($f) = @_;
if(single($f, 1)) {
print STDERR "$f: failed\n";
sub showprotocols {
my %prots;
foreach my $f (keys %optlong) {
my @p = split(/ /, $protolong{$f});
for my $p (@p) {
for(sort keys %prots) {
printf "$_ (%d options)\n", $prots{$_};
sub getargs {
my $f;
do {
$f = shift @ARGV;
if($f eq "mainpage") {
elsif($f eq "listhelp") {
elsif($f eq "single") {
showonly(shift @ARGV);
elsif($f eq "protos") {
} while($f);
print "Usage: gen.pl <mainpage/listhelp/single FILE/protos> [srcdir]\n";
# learn all existing options