#!/usr/bin/perl #*************************************************************************** # _ _ ____ _ # Project ___| | | | _ \| | # / __| | | | |_) | | # | (__| |_| | _ <| |___ # \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| # # Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html. # # You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell # copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file. # # This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: curl # ########################################################################### my %filelevel= ('file' => 1, 'service' => 1); my $jobid = 1; sub submit { my ($jref)=@_; my %job = %$jref; printf "\n##### job %u \n", $jobid++; for my $k (sort keys %job) { printf "%s: %s\n", $k, $job{$k} if($job{$k}); undef $$jref{$k} if(!$filelevel{$k}); } } sub githubactions { my ($tag)=@_; my @files= `git ls-tree -r --name-only $tag .github/workflows 2>/dev/null`; my $c = 0; foreach my $f (sort @files) { my $j = 0; my $m = -1; my $done = 0; chomp $f; open(G, "git show $tag:$f 2>/dev/null|"); # start counting file jobs undef %job; $job{'file'} = $f; $job{'service'} = "gha"; my @cc; my $os; my $topname; my $line = 1; while(<G>) { $job{'line'} = $line; if($_ =~ /^name: (.*)/) { $topname=$1; } elsif($_ =~ /runs-on: (.*)/) { my $r = $1; #print "runs-on: $r\n"; if($r =~ /ubuntu/) { $os = "linux"; } elsif($r =~ /macos/) { $os = "macos"; } # commit previously counted jobs $c += $j; # non-matrix job $j = 1; } elsif($_ =~ /matrix:/) { # switch to matrix mode $m = 0; $j = 0; } elsif($_ =~ /^ - run: .* apt-get install (.*)/) { $job{'install'} = $1; } elsif($m >= 0) { if($_ =~ /^ - name: (.*)/) { # matrix job #print "name: $1\n"; $job{'name'} = $1; $j += ($m?$m:1); } elsif($_ =~ /install: (.*)/) { $job{'install'} = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /( |curl-)configure: (.*)/) { $job{'configure'} = $2; $job{'os'}=$os; submit(\%job); $done++; } elsif($_ =~ /generate: (.*)/) { $job{'cmake'} = $1; if($m) { # matrix mode, multiple copies my %dupe = %job; for my $cc (@cc) { %job = %dupe; $job{'cc'} = $cc; $job{'os'}=$os; submit(\%job); $done++; } } else { $job{'os'}=$os; submit(\%job); $done++; } } elsif($_ =~ /- CC: (.*)/) { # matrix multiplier push @cc, $1; $m++; } elsif($_ =~ /steps:/) { # disable matrix mode $m = -1; } } $line++; } close(G); # commit final counted jobs $c += $j; if(!$done) { $job{'name'} = $topname? $topname : '[unnamed]'; $job{'os'}=$os; submit(\%job); $done++; } # reset internal job counter $j = 0; } #print "Jobs: $c\n"; return $c; } sub azurepipelines { my ($tag)=@_; open(G, "git show $tag:.azure-pipelines.yml 2>/dev/null|"); my $c = 0; my $j = 0; my $m = -1; my $image; my %job; my $line = 1; my $os; $job{'file'} = ".azure-pipelines.yml"; $job{'service'} = "azure"; while(<G>) { if($_ =~ /^ vmImage: (.*)/) { my $i = $1; if($i =~ /ubuntu/) { $os = "linux"; } elsif($i =~ /windows/) { $os = "windows"; } } elsif($_ =~ /^- stage: (.*)/) { my $topname = $1; if($topname !~ /(windows|linux)/) { $job{'name'} = $topname; $job{'line'}=$line; submit(\%job); } } elsif($_ =~ /job:/) { # commit previously counted jobs $c += $j; # initial value for non-matrix job $j = 1; } elsif($_ =~ /matrix:/) { # start of new matrix list(!) $m = 0; $j = 0; } elsif($m >= 0) { if($_ =~ /^ name: (.*)/) { # single matrix list entry job $j++; $job{'name'} = $1; } # azure matrix is a simple list, # therefore no multiplier needed elsif($_ =~ /steps:/) { # disable matrix mode $m = -1; } elsif($_ =~ /^ configure: (.*)/) { $job{'configure'} = $1; $job{'line'}=$line; $job{'os'}=$os; submit(\%job); } } $line++; } close(G); # commit final counted jobs $c += $j; return $c; } sub appveyor { my ($tag)=@_; open(G, "git show $tag:appveyor.yml 2>/dev/null|"); my $c = 0; my %job; my $line=0; $job{'file'} = "appveyor.yml"; $job{'service'} = "appveyor"; while(<G>) { $line++; if($_ =~ /^( - |install)/) { if($job{'image'}) { $job{'os'} = "windows"; submit(\%job); $c++; } } $job{'line'} = $line; if($_ =~ /^ APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: \"(.*)\"/) { $job{'image'}= $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^ BUILD_SYSTEM: (.*)/) { $job{'build'} = lc($1); } elsif($_ =~ /^ PRJ_GEN: \"(.*)\"/) { $job{'compiler'} = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^ PRJ_CFG: (.*)/) { $job{'config'} = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^ OPENSSL: (.*)/) { $job{'openssl'} = $1 eq "ON" ? "true": "false"; } elsif($_ =~ /^ SCHANNEL: (.*)/) { $job{'schannel'} = $1 eq "ON" ? "true": "false"; } elsif($_ =~ /^ ENABLE_UNICODE: (.*)/) { $job{'unicode'} = $1 eq "ON" ? "true": "false"; } elsif($_ =~ /^ HTTP_ONLY: (.*)/) { $job{'http-only'} = $1 eq "ON" ? "true": "false"; } elsif($_ =~ /^ TESTING: (.*)/) { $job{'testing'} = $1 eq "ON" ? "true": "false"; } elsif($_ =~ /^ SHARED: (.*)/) { $job{'shared'} = $1 eq "ON" ? "true": "false"; } elsif($_ =~ /^ TARGET: \"-A (.*)\"/) { $job{'target'} = $1; } } close(G); return $c; } sub cirrus { my ($tag)=@_; open(G, "git show $tag:.cirrus.yml 2>/dev/null|"); my $c = 0; my %job; my $line=0; my $name = 0; my $os; $job{'file'} = ".cirrus.yml"; $job{'service'} = "cirrus"; while(<G>) { $line++; if($_ =~ /^ ( |-) (name|image_family|image):/) { $c++; } if($_ =~ /^ - name:/) { if($name) { $job{'os'} = $os; $job{'line'} = $line; submit(\%job); $name = 0; } } if($_ =~ /^ - name: (.*)/) { $job{'name'} = $1; $name = 1; } elsif($_ =~ /^ image_family: (.*)/) { $os = "freebsd"; } elsif($_ =~ /^windows_task:/) { $os = "windows"; } elsif($_ =~ /^ prepare: pacman -S --needed --noconfirm --noprogressbar (.*)/) { $job{'install'} = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^ configure: (.*)/) { $job{'configure'} = $1; } } close(G); if($name) { $job{'os'} = $os; $job{'line'} = $line; submit(\%job); } return $c; } sub circle { my ($tag)=@_; open(G, "git show $tag:.circleci/config.yml 2>/dev/null|"); my $c = 0; my $wf = 0; my %job; my %cmd; my %configure; my %target; my $line=0; my $cmds; my $jobs; my $workflow; $job{'file'} = ".circleci/config.yml"; $job{'service'} = "circleci"; while(<G>) { $line++; if($_ =~ /^commands:/) { # we record configure lines in this state $cmds = 1; } elsif($cmds) { if($_ =~ /^ ([^ ]*):/) { $cmdname = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^ .*.\/configure (.*)/) { $cmd{$cmdname}=$1; } } if($_ =~ /^jobs:/) { # we record which job runs with configure here $jobs = 1; $cmds = 0; } elsif($jobs) { if($_ =~ /^ ([^ ]*):/) { $jobname = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^ - (configure.*)/) { $configure{$jobname}=$1; } elsif($_ =~ /^ resource_class: arm.medium/) { $target{$jobname}="arm"; } } if($_ =~ /^workflows:/) { $wf = 1; $cmds = 0; } elsif($wf) { if($_ =~ /^ ([^ ]+):/) { $workflow = $1; } elsif($_ =~ /^ - (.*)\n/) { my $jb = $1; my $cnfgure = $configure{$jb}; my $trgt = $target{$jb}; $job{'configure'} = $cmd{$cnfgure}; $job{'name' }=$workflow; $job{'os'} = "linux"; $job{'line'} = $line; $job{'target'} = $trgt if($trgt); submit(\%job); } if($_ =~ / *jobs:/) { $c++; } } } close(G); return $c; } sub zuul { my ($tag)=@_; open(G, "git show $tag:zuul.d/jobs.yaml 2>/dev/null|"); my $c = 0; my %job; my $line=0; my $type; $job{'file'} = "zuul.d/jobs.yaml"; $job{'service'} = "zuul"; while(<G>) { $line++; #print "L: ($jobmode / $env) $_"; if($_ =~ /^- job:/) { $jobmode = 1; # start a new $type="configure"; } if($jobmode) { if($apt) { if($_ =~ /^ - (.*)/) { my $value = $1; $job{'install'} .= "$value "; } else { $apt = 0; # end of curl_apt_packages } } if($env) { if($envcont) { if($_ =~ /^ (.*)/) { $job{$envcont} .= "$1 "; } else { $envcont = ""; } } if($_ =~ /^ ([^:]+): (.*)/) { my ($var, $value) = ($1, $2); if($var eq "C") { $var = $type; } elsif($var eq "T") { $var = "tests"; if($value eq "cmake") { # otherwise it remains configure $type = "cmake"; } } elsif($var eq "CC") { $var = "compiler"; } elsif($var eq "CHECKSRC") { $job{'checksrc'} = $value ? "true": "false"; $var = ""; } else { $var = ""; } if($value eq ">-") { $envcont = $var; } elsif($var) { $job{$var} = $value; } } elsif($_ !~ /^ /) { # end of envs $env = 0; } } if($_ =~ /^ curl_env:/) { $env = 1; # start of envs } elsif($_ =~ /^ curl_apt_packages:/) { $apt = 1; # start of apt packages } elsif($_ =~ /^ name: (.*)/) { my $n = $1; if($n eq "curl-base") { # not counted $jobmode = 0; next; } $job{'name'} = $n; } elsif($_ =~ /^\n\z/) { # a job is complete $job{'line'}=$line; $job{'os'}="linux"; submit(\%job); $jobmode = 0; $c++; } } } close(G); return $c; } my $tag = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null` || "master"; chomp $tag; githubactions($tag); azurepipelines($tag); appveyor($tag); zuul($tag); cirrus($tag); circle($tag);