Since "too old" versions are no longer included in the generated man
page, this field is now mandatory so that it won't be forgotten and then
not included in the documentation.
The file format for each option now features a "Example:" header that
can provide one or more examples that get rendered appropriately in the
output. All options MUST have at least one example or complains
at build-time.
This fix also does a few other minor format and consistency cleanups.
- Add protocols field to max-filesize.d.
- Revert wording on unknown file size caveat and do not discuss specific
protocols in that section.
Partial revert of ecf0225. All max-filesize options now have the list of
protocols and it's clearer just to have that list without discussing
specific protocols in the caveat.
Reported-by: Josh Soref
Also make it clearer that the caveat 'if the file size is unknown it
the option will have no effect' may apply to protocols other than FTP
and HTTP.
Reported-by: Josh Soref