buildconf.bat: Generate and clean files in the same order

This commit is contained in:
Steve Holme 2015-08-09 11:04:04 +01:00
parent 4c47cbf533
commit 55a255ee9c

View File

@ -72,18 +72,18 @@ rem
echo Generating prerequisite files
rem create tool_hugehelp.c
if exist src\tool_hugehelp.c.cvs (
echo * %CD%\src\tool_hugehelp.c
copy /Y src\tool_hugehelp.c.cvs src\tool_hugehelp.c 1>NUL
rem create Makefile
if exist Makefile.dist (
echo * %CD%\Makefile
copy /Y Makefile.dist Makefile 1>NUL
rem create tool_hugehelp.c
if exist src\tool_hugehelp.c.cvs (
echo * %CD%\src\tool_hugehelp.c
copy /Y src\tool_hugehelp.c.cvs src\tool_hugehelp.c 1>NUL
rem create curlbuild.h
if exist include\curl\curlbuild.h.dist (
echo * %CD%\include\curl\curlbuild.h