mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 15:37:04 +08:00
tests/servers.pm: pick unused port number with a server socket
This change replaces the previous method of picking a port number at random to try to start servers on, then retrying up to ten times with new random numbers each time, with a function that creates a server socket on port zero, thereby getting a suitable random port set by the kernel. That server socket is then closed and that port number is used to setup the actual test server on. There is a risk that *another* server can be started on the machine in the time gap, but the server verification feature will detect that. Closes #11220
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
package servers;
use IO::Socket;
use strict;
use warnings;
@ -127,9 +128,6 @@ my $CLIENTIP=""; # address which curl uses for incoming connections
my $CLIENT6IP="[::1]"; # address which curl uses for incoming connections
my $posix_pwd=$pwd; # current working directory
my $h2cver = "h2c"; # this version is decided by the nghttp2 lib being used
my $serverstartretries=10; # number of times to attempt to start server;
# don't increase without making sure generated port
# numbers will always be valid (<=65535)
my $portrange = 999; # space from which to choose a random port
# don't increase without making sure generated port
# numbers will always be valid (<=65535)
@ -166,6 +164,21 @@ sub checkcmd {
return "";
# Create a server socket on a random (unused) port, then close it and
# return the port number
sub getfreeport {
my ($ipnum) = @_;
my $server = IO::Socket->new(LocalPort => 0,
Domain => $ipnum == 6 ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET,
Reuse => 1,
Listen => 10 )
or die "Couldn't create tcp server socket: $@\n";
return $server->sockport();
# Initialize configuration variables
@ -1210,37 +1223,27 @@ sub runhttp2server {
$flags .= "--connect $HOSTIP:" . protoport("http") . " ";
$flags .= $verbose_flag if($debugprotocol);
my ($http2pid, $pid2);
my $port = 32813;
my $port2 = 32814;
my %usedports = reverse %PORT;
for(1 .. $serverstartretries) {
$port += 1 + int(rand($portrange));
$port2 += 1 + int(rand($portrange));
next if exists $usedports{$port} || $usedports{$port2};
my $aflags = "--port $port --port2 $port2 $flags";
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $port2 = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $aflags = "--port $port --port2 $port2 $flags";
my $cmd = "$exe $aflags";
my ($http2pid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
my $cmd = "$exe $aflags";
($http2pid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($http2pid <= 0 || !pidexists($http2pid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$http2pid = $pid2 = 0;
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $http2pid ".
"http-port $port https-port $port2 ".
"backend $HOSTIP:" . protoport("http") . "\n";
if($http2pid <= 0 || !pidexists($http2pid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$http2pid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n" if(!$http2pid);
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $http2pid ".
"http-port $port https-port $port2 ".
"backend $HOSTIP:" . protoport("http") . "\n";
return (0+!$http2pid, $http2pid, $pid2, $port, $port2);
@ -1282,33 +1285,24 @@ sub runhttp3server {
$flags .= "--cert \"$cert\" " if($cert);
$flags .= $verbose_flag if($debugprotocol);
my ($http3pid, $pid3);
my $port = 33813;
my %usedports = reverse %PORT;
for(1 .. $serverstartretries) {
$port += 1 + int(rand($portrange));
next if exists $usedports{$port};
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$exe $aflags";
my ($http3pid, $pid3) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
my $cmd = "$exe $aflags";
($http3pid, $pid3) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($http3pid <= 0 || !pidexists($http3pid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid3");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$http3pid = $pid3 = 0;
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $http3pid port $port\n";
if($http3pid <= 0 || !pidexists($http3pid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid3");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$http3pid = $pid3 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n" if(!$http3pid);
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $http3pid port $port\n";
return (0+!$http3pid, $http3pid, $pid3, $port);
@ -1369,36 +1363,28 @@ sub runhttpsserver {
$flags .= "--connect " . protoport("httpproxy");
my $pid2;
my $httpspid;
my $port = 34813;
my %usedports = reverse %PORT;
for (1 .. $serverstartretries) {
$port += 1 + int(rand($portrange));
next if exists $usedports{$port};
my $options = "$flags --accept $port";
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $options = "$flags --accept $port";
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/secureserver.pl $options";
my ($httpspid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/secureserver.pl $options";
($httpspid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($httpspid <= 0 || !pidexists($httpspid)) {
# it is NOT alive
# don't call stopserver since that will also kill the dependent
# server that has already been started properly
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$httpspid = $pid2 = 0;
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
# we have a server!
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server is PID $httpspid port $port\n";
if($httpspid <= 0 || !pidexists($httpspid)) {
# it is NOT alive
# don't call stopserver since that will also kill the dependent
# server that has already been started properly
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$httpspid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
# we have a server!
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server is PID $httpspid port $port\n";
$runcert{$server} = $certfile;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n" if(!$httpspid);
return (0+!$httpspid, $httpspid, $pid2, $port);
@ -1442,32 +1428,24 @@ sub runhttptlsserver {
$flags .= "--srppasswd $srcdir/certs/srp-verifier-db ";
$flags .= "--srppasswdconf $srcdir/certs/srp-verifier-conf";
my $port = 35813;
my %usedports = reverse %PORT;
my ($httptlspid, $pid2);
for (1 .. $serverstartretries) {
$port += 1 + int(rand($portrange));
next if exists $usedports{$port};
my $allflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $allflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$httptlssrv $allflags > $logfile 2>&1";
my ($httptlspid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 10, 1);
my $cmd = "$httptlssrv $allflags > $logfile 2>&1";
($httptlspid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 10, 1);
if($httptlspid <= 0 || !pidexists($httptlspid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$httptlspid = $pid2 = 0;
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $httptlspid port $port\n";
if($httptlspid <= 0 || !pidexists($httptlspid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$httptlspid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $httptlspid port $port\n";
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n" if(!$httptlspid);
return (0+!$httptlspid, $httptlspid, $pid2, $port);
@ -1592,40 +1570,28 @@ sub runsecureserver {
$flags .= "--stunnel \"$stunnel\" --srcdir \"$srcdir\" ";
$flags .= "--connect $clearport";
my $protospid;
my $pid2;
# this calculation happens to be a perfect hash function for spreading
# out the port ranges for the 4 possible protocols (at the time of this
# writing) that will be used here
my $port = 36813 + 1000 * ((ord $proto) % 4);
my %usedports = reverse %PORT;
for (1 .. $serverstartretries) {
$port += 1 + int(rand($portrange));
next if exists $usedports{$port};
my $options = "$flags --accept $port";
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $options = "$flags --accept $port";
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/secureserver.pl $options";
($protospid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/secureserver.pl $options";
my ($protospid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($protospid <= 0 || !pidexists($protospid)) {
# it is NOT alive
# don't call stopserver since that will also kill the dependent
# server that has already been started properly
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$protospid = $pid2 = 0;
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
$runcert{$server} = $certfile;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server is PID $protospid port $port\n";
if($protospid <= 0 || !pidexists($protospid)) {
# it is NOT alive
# don't call stopserver since that will also kill the dependent
# server that has already been started properly
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$protospid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n" if(!$protospid);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
$runcert{$server} = $certfile;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server is PID $protospid port $port\n";
return (0+!$protospid, $protospid, $pid2, $port);
@ -1830,70 +1796,52 @@ sub runsshserver {
$flags .= "--ipv$ipvnum --addr \"$ip\" ";
$flags .= "--user \"$USER\"";
my $sshpid;
my $pid2;
my $wport = 0,
my @tports;
my $port = 40813;
my %usedports = reverse %PORT;
for(1 .. $serverstartretries) {
# sshd doesn't have a way to pick an unused random port number, so
# instead we iterate over possible port numbers to use until we find
# one that works
$port += 1 + int(rand($portrange));
next if exists $usedports{$port};
push @tports, $port;
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $options = "$flags --sshport $port";
push @tports, $port;
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/sshserver.pl $options";
($sshpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 60, 0);
my $options = "$flags --sshport $port";
# on loaded systems sshserver start up can take longer than the
# timeout passed to startnew, when this happens startnew completes
# without being able to read the pidfile and consequently returns a
# zero pid2 above.
if($sshpid <= 0 || !pidexists($sshpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$sshpid = $pid2 = 0;
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/sshserver.pl $options";
my ($sshpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 60, 0);
# once it is known that the ssh server is alive, sftp server
# verification is performed actually connecting to it, authenticating
# and performing a very simple remote command. This verification is
# tried only one time.
$sshdlog = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, 'ssh', $ipvnum, $idnum);
$sftplog = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, 'sftp', $ipvnum, $idnum);
if(verifysftp('sftp', $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) < 1) {
logmsg "RUN: SFTP server failed verification\n";
# failed to talk to it properly. Kill the server and return failure
stopserver($server, "$sshpid $pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$sshpid = $pid2 = 0;
# we're happy, no need to loop anymore!
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
$wport = $port;
# on loaded systems sshserver start up can take longer than the
# timeout passed to startnew, when this happens startnew completes
# without being able to read the pidfile and consequently returns a
# zero pid2 above.
if($sshpid <= 0 || !pidexists($sshpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$sshpid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server on $port\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server on $port\n" if(!$sshpid);
if(!$wport) {
logmsg "RUN: couldn't start $srvrname. Tried these ports:";
logmsg "RUN: ".join(", ", @tports)."\n";
return (1, 0,0,0);
# once it is known that the ssh server is alive, sftp server
# verification is performed actually connecting to it, authenticating
# and performing a very simple remote command. This verification is
# tried only one time.
$sshdlog = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, 'ssh', $ipvnum, $idnum);
$sftplog = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, 'sftp', $ipvnum, $idnum);
if(verifysftp('sftp', $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) < 1) {
logmsg "RUN: SFTP server failed verification\n";
# failed to talk to it properly. Kill the server and return failure
stopserver($server, "$sshpid $pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$sshpid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to verifty the $srvrname server on $port\n";
return (5, 0, 0, 0);
# we're happy, no need to loop anymore!
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
my $hostfile;
if(!open($hostfile, "<", "$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR/$hstpubmd5f") ||
@ -1917,9 +1865,9 @@ sub runsshserver {
die $msg;
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname on PID $pid2 port $wport\n" if($verb);
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname on PID $pid2 port $port\n" if($verb);
return (0, $pid2, $sshpid, $wport);
return (0, $pid2, $sshpid, $port);
@ -2086,31 +2034,24 @@ sub rundictserver {
$flags .= "--srcdir \"$srcdir\" ";
$flags .= "--host $HOSTIP";
my $port = 41813;
my %usedports = reverse %PORT;
my ($dictpid, $pid2);
for(1 .. $serverstartretries) {
$port += 1 + int(rand($portrange));
next if exists $usedports{$port};
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$srcdir/dictserver.py $aflags";
($dictpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$srcdir/dictserver.py $aflags";
my ($dictpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($dictpid <= 0 || !pidexists($dictpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$dictpid = $pid2 = 0;
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $dictpid port $port\n";
if($dictpid <= 0 || !pidexists($dictpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$dictpid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $dictpid port $port\n";
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n" if(!$dictpid);
return (0+!$dictpid, $dictpid, $pid2, $port);
@ -2154,31 +2095,24 @@ sub runsmbserver {
$flags .= "--srcdir \"$srcdir\" ";
$flags .= "--host $HOSTIP";
my ($smbpid, $pid2);
my $port = 42813;
my %usedports = reverse %PORT;
for(1 .. $serverstartretries) {
$port += 1 + int(rand($portrange));
next if exists $usedports{$port};
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$srcdir/smbserver.py $aflags";
($smbpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$srcdir/smbserver.py $aflags";
my ($smbpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($smbpid <= 0 || !pidexists($smbpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$smbpid = $pid2 = 0;
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $smbpid port $port\n";
if($smbpid <= 0 || !pidexists($smbpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$smbpid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $smbpid port $port\n";
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n" if(!$smbpid);
return (0+!$smbpid, $smbpid, $pid2, $port);
@ -2221,31 +2155,24 @@ sub runnegtelnetserver {
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
$flags .= "--srcdir \"$srcdir\"";
my ($ntelpid, $pid2);
my $port = 43813;
my %usedports = reverse %PORT;
for(1 .. $serverstartretries) {
$port += 1 + int(rand($portrange));
next if exists $usedports{$port};
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$srcdir/negtelnetserver.py $aflags";
($ntelpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$srcdir/negtelnetserver.py $aflags";
my ($ntelpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($ntelpid <= 0 || !pidexists($ntelpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$ntelpid = $pid2 = 0;
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $ntelpid port $port\n";
if($ntelpid <= 0 || !pidexists($ntelpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$ntelpid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $ntelpid port $port\n";
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n" if(!$ntelpid);
return (0+!$ntelpid, $ntelpid, $pid2, $port);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user