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# _ _ ____ _
# Project ___| | | | _ \| |
# / __| | | | |_) | |
# | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
# \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
# Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
# KIND, either express or implied.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
# This module contains functions that are useful for managing the lifecycle of
# test servers required when running tests. It is not intended for use within
# those servers, but rather for starting and stopping them.
package servers;
use IO::Socket;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = (
# variables
# functions
our @EXPORT_OK = (
# functions
# for debugging only
use serverhelp qw(
use sshhelp qw(
use pathhelp qw(
use processhelp;
use globalconfig;
use testutil qw(
my %serverpidfile; # all server pid file names, identified by server id
my %serverportfile;# all server port file names, identified by server id
my $sshdvernum; # for socks server, ssh daemon version number
my $sshdverstr; # for socks server, ssh daemon version string
my $sshderror; # for socks server, ssh daemon version error
my %doesntrun; # servers that don't work, identified by pidfile
my %PORT = (nolisten => 47); # port we use for a local non-listening service
my $server_response_maxtime=13;
my $httptlssrv = find_httptlssrv();
my %run; # running server
my %runcert; # cert file currently in use by an ssl running server
my $CLIENTIP=""; # address which curl uses for incoming connections
my $CLIENT6IP="[::1]"; # address which curl uses for incoming connections
my $posix_pwd=$pwd; # current working directory
my $h2cver = "h2c"; # this version is decided by the nghttp2 lib being used
my $portrange = 999; # space from which to choose a random port
# don't increase without making sure generated port
# numbers will always be valid (<=65535)
my $HOSTIP=""; # address on which the test server listens
my $HOST6IP="[::1]"; # address on which the test server listens
my $HTTPUNIXPATH; # HTTP server Unix domain socket path
my $SOCKSUNIXPATH; # socks server Unix domain socket path
my $SSHSRVMD5 = "[uninitialized]"; # MD5 of ssh server public key
my $SSHSRVSHA256 = "[uninitialized]"; # SHA256 of ssh server public key
my $USER; # name of the current user
my $sshdid; # for socks server, ssh daemon version id
my $ftpchecktime=1; # time it took to verify our test FTP server
# Variables shared with
our $SOCKSIN="socksd-request.log"; # what curl sent to the SOCKS proxy
our $err_unexpected; # error instead of warning on server unexpectedly alive
our $debugprotocol; # nonzero for verbose server logs
our $stunnel; # path to stunnel command
# Check for a command in the PATH of the test server.
sub checkcmd {
my ($cmd, @extrapaths)=@_;
my @paths=(split(m/[:]/, $ENV{'PATH'}), "/usr/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin",
"/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/usr/local/bin", @extrapaths);
for(@paths) {
if( -x "$_/$cmd" && ! -d "$_/$cmd") {
# executable bit but not a directory!
return "$_/$cmd";
return "";
# Create a server socket on a random (unused) port, then close it and
# return the port number
sub getfreeport {
my ($ipnum) = @_;
my $server = IO::Socket->new(LocalPort => 0,
Domain => $ipnum == 6 ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET,
Reuse => 1,
Listen => 10 )
or die "Couldn't create tcp server socket: $@\n";
return $server->sockport();
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile/;
# Initialize configuration variables
sub initserverconfig {
my ($fh, $socks) = tempfile("/tmp/curl-socksd-XXXXXXXX");
my ($f2, $http) = tempfile("/tmp/curl-http-XXXXXXXX");
$SOCKSUNIXPATH = $socks; # SOCKS Unix domain socket
$HTTPUNIXPATH = $http; # HTTP Unix domain socket
$stunnel = checkcmd("stunnel4") || checkcmd("tstunnel") || checkcmd("stunnel");
# get the name of the current user
$USER = $ENV{USER}; # Linux
if (!$USER) {
$USER = $ENV{USERNAME}; # Windows
if (!$USER) {
$USER = $ENV{LOGNAME}; # Some Unix (I think)
# Load serverpidfile and serverportfile hashes with file names for all
# possible servers.
sub init_serverpidfile_hash {
for my $proto (('ftp', 'gopher', 'http', 'imap', 'pop3', 'smtp', 'http/2', 'http/3')) {
for my $ssl (('', 's')) {
for my $ipvnum ((4, 6)) {
for my $idnum ((1, 2, 3)) {
my $serv = servername_id("$proto$ssl", $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidf = server_pidfilename("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", "$proto$ssl",
$ipvnum, $idnum);
$serverpidfile{$serv} = $pidf;
my $portf = server_portfilename("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", "$proto$ssl",
$ipvnum, $idnum);
$serverportfile{$serv} = $portf;
for my $proto (('tftp', 'sftp', 'socks', 'ssh', 'rtsp', 'httptls',
'dict', 'smb', 'smbs', 'telnet', 'mqtt')) {
for my $ipvnum ((4, 6)) {
for my $idnum ((1, 2)) {
my $serv = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidf = server_pidfilename("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", $proto, $ipvnum,
$serverpidfile{$serv} = $pidf;
my $portf = server_portfilename("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", $proto, $ipvnum,
$serverportfile{$serv} = $portf;
for my $proto (('http', 'imap', 'pop3', 'smtp', 'http/2', 'http/3')) {
for my $ssl (('', 's')) {
my $serv = servername_id("$proto$ssl", "unix", 1);
my $pidf = server_pidfilename("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", "$proto$ssl",
"unix", 1);
$serverpidfile{$serv} = $pidf;
my $portf = server_portfilename("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", "$proto$ssl",
"unix", 1);
$serverportfile{$serv} = $portf;
# Kill the processes that still have lock files in a directory
sub clearlocks {
my $dir = $_[0];
my $done = 0;
if(os_is_win()) {
$dir = sys_native_abs_path($dir);
$dir =~ s/\//\\\\/g;
my $handle = "handle.exe";
$handle = "handle64.exe";
my @handles = `$handle $dir -accepteula -nobanner`;
for my $tryhandle (@handles) {
if($tryhandle =~ /^(\S+)\s+pid:\s+(\d+)\s+type:\s+(\w+)\s+([0-9A-F]+):\s+(.+)\r\r/) {
logmsg "Found $3 lock of '$5' ($4) by $1 ($2)\n";
# Ignore stunnel since we cannot do anything about its locks
if("$3" eq "File" && "$1" ne "tstunnel.exe") {
logmsg "Killing IMAGENAME eq $1 and PID eq $2\n";
system("taskkill.exe -f -fi \"IMAGENAME eq $1\" -fi \"PID eq $2\" >nul 2>&1");
$done = 1;
return $done;
# Check if a given child process has just died. Reaps it if so.
sub checkdied {
my $pid = $_[0];
if((not defined $pid) || $pid <= 0) {
return 0;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
my $rc = pidwait($pid, &WNOHANG);
return ($rc == $pid)?1:0;
# This function makes sure the right set of server is running for the
# specified test case. This is a useful design when we run single tests as not
# all servers need to run then!
# Returns: a string, blank if everything is fine or a reason why it failed, and
# an integer:
# 0 for success
# 1 for an error starting the server
# 2 for not the first time getting an error starting the server
# 3 for a failure to stop a server in order to restart it
# 4 for an unsupported server type
sub serverfortest {
my (@what)=@_;
for(my $i = scalar(@what) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
my $srvrline = $what[$i];
chomp $srvrline if($srvrline);
if($srvrline =~ /^(\S+)((\s*)(.*))/) {
my $server = "${1}";
my $lnrest = "${2}";
my $tlsext;
if($server =~ /^(httptls)(\+)(ext|srp)(\d*)(-ipv6|)$/) {
$server = "${1}${4}${5}";
$tlsext = uc("TLS-${3}");
if(! grep /^\Q$server\E$/, @protocols) {
if(substr($server,0,5) ne "socks") {
if($tlsext) {
return ("curl lacks $tlsext support", 4);
else {
return ("curl lacks $server server support", 4);
$what[$i] = "$server$lnrest" if($tlsext);
return &startservers(@what);
# Start a new thread/process and run the given command line in there.
# Return the pids (yes plural) of the new child process to the parent.
sub startnew {
my ($cmd, $pidfile, $timeout, $fakepidfile)=@_;
logmsg "startnew: $cmd\n" if ($verbose);
my $child = fork();
if(not defined $child) {
logmsg "startnew: fork() failure detected\n";
return (-1,-1);
if(0 == $child) {
# Here we are the child. Run the given command.
# Flush output.
$| = 1;
# Put an "exec" in front of the command so that the child process
# keeps this child's process ID.
exec("exec $cmd") || die "Can't exec() $cmd: $!";
# exec() should never return back here to this process. We protect
# ourselves by calling die() just in case something goes really bad.
die "error: exec() has returned";
# Ugly hack but ssh client and gnutls-serv don't support pid files
if ($fakepidfile) {
if(open(my $out, ">", "$pidfile")) {
print $out $child . "\n";
close($out) || die "Failure writing pidfile";
logmsg "startnew: $pidfile faked with pid=$child\n" if($verbose);
else {
logmsg "startnew: failed to write fake $pidfile with pid=$child\n";
# could/should do a while connect fails sleep a bit and loop
if (checkdied($child)) {
logmsg "startnew: child process has failed to start\n" if($verbose);
return (-1,-1);
my $pid2 = 0;
my $count = $timeout;
while($count--) {
$pid2 = pidfromfile($pidfile);
if(($pid2 > 0) && pidexists($pid2)) {
# if $pid2 is valid, then make sure this pid is alive, as
# otherwise it is just likely to be the _previous_ pidfile or
# similar!
if (checkdied($child)) {
logmsg "startnew: child process has died, server might start up\n"
# We can't just abort waiting for the server with a
# return (-1,-1);
# because the server might have forked and could still start
# up normally. Instead, just reduce the amount of time we remain
# waiting.
$count >>= 2;
# Return two PIDs, the one for the child process we spawned and the one
# reported by the server itself (in case it forked again on its own).
# Both (potentially) need to be killed at the end of the test.
return ($child, $pid2);
# Return the port to use for the given protocol.
sub protoport {
my ($proto) = @_;
return $PORT{$proto} || "[not running]";
# Stop a test server along with pids which aren't in the %run hash yet.
# This also stops all servers which are relative to the given one.
sub stopserver {
my ($server, $pidlist) = @_;
# kill sockfilter processes for pingpong relative server
if($server =~ /^(ftp|imap|pop3|smtp)s?(\d*)(-ipv6|)$/) {
my $proto = $1;
my $idnum = ($2 && ($2 > 1)) ? $2 : 1;
my $ipvnum = ($3 && ($3 =~ /6$/)) ? 6 : 4;
killsockfilters("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $verbose);
# All servers relative to the given one must be stopped also
my @killservers;
if($server =~ /^(ftp|http|imap|pop3|smtp)s((\d*)(-ipv6|-unix|))$/) {
# given a stunnel based ssl server, also kill non-ssl underlying one
push @killservers, "${1}${2}";
elsif($server =~ /^(ftp|http|imap|pop3|smtp)((\d*)(-ipv6|-unix|))$/) {
# given a non-ssl server, also kill stunnel based ssl piggybacking one
push @killservers, "${1}s${2}";
elsif($server =~ /^(socks)((\d*)(-ipv6|))$/) {
# given a socks server, also kill ssh underlying one
push @killservers, "ssh${2}";
elsif($server =~ /^(ssh)((\d*)(-ipv6|))$/) {
# given a ssh server, also kill socks piggybacking one
push @killservers, "socks${2}";
if($server eq "http" or $server eq "https") {
# since the http2+3 server is a proxy that needs to know about the
# dynamic http port it too needs to get restarted when the http server
# is killed
push @killservers, "http/2";
push @killservers, "http/3";
push @killservers, $server;
# kill given pids and server relative ones clearing them in %run hash
foreach my $server (@killservers) {
if($run{$server}) {
# we must prepend a space since $pidlist may already contain a pid
$pidlist .= " $run{$server}";
$run{$server} = 0;
$runcert{$server} = 0 if($runcert{$server});
killpid($verbose, $pidlist);
# cleanup server pid files
my $result = 0;
foreach my $server (@killservers) {
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
if($err_unexpected) {
logmsg "ERROR: ";
$result = -1;
else {
logmsg "Warning: ";
logmsg "$server server unexpectedly alive\n";
killpid($verbose, $pid);
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
return $result;
# Return flags to let curl use an external HTTP proxy
sub getexternalproxyflags {
return " --proxy $proxy_address ";
# Verify that the server that runs on $ip, $port is our server. This also
# implies that we can speak with it, as there might be occasions when the
# server runs fine but we cannot talk to it ("Failed to connect to ::1: Can't
# assign requested address")
sub verifyhttp {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port_or_path) = @_;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $bonus="";
# $port_or_path contains a path for Unix sockets, sws ignores the port
my $port = ($ipvnum eq "unix") ? 80 : $port_or_path;
my $verifyout = "$LOGDIR/".
servername_canon($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum) .'_verify.out';
unlink($verifyout) if(-f $verifyout);
my $verifylog = "$LOGDIR/".
servername_canon($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum) .'_verify.log';
unlink($verifylog) if(-f $verifylog);
if($proto eq "gopher") {
# gopher is funny
my $flags = "--max-time $server_response_maxtime ";
$flags .= "--output $verifyout ";
$flags .= "--silent ";
$flags .= "--verbose ";
$flags .= "--globoff ";
$flags .= "--unix-socket '$port_or_path' " if $ipvnum eq "unix";
$flags .= "--insecure " if($proto eq 'https');
if($proxy_address) {
$flags .= getexternalproxyflags();
$flags .= "\"$proto://$ip:$port/${bonus}verifiedserver\"";
my $cmd = "$VCURL $flags 2>$verifylog";
# verify if our/any server is running on this port
logmsg "RUN: $cmd\n" if($verbose);
my $res = runclient($cmd);
$res >>= 8; # rotate the result
if($res & 128) {
logmsg "RUN: curl command died with a coredump\n";
return -1;
if($res && $verbose) {
logmsg "RUN: curl command returned $res\n";
if(open(my $file, "<", "$verifylog")) {
while(my $string = <$file>) {
logmsg "RUN: $string" if($string !~ /^([ \t]*)$/);
my $data;
if(open(my $file, "<", "$verifyout")) {
while(my $string = <$file>) {
$data = $string;
last; # only want first line
my $pid = 0;
if($data && ($data =~ /WE ROOLZ: (\d+)/)) {
$pid = 0+$1;
elsif($res == 6) {
# curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host '::1'
logmsg "RUN: failed to resolve host ($proto://$ip:$port/verifiedserver)\n";
return -1;
elsif($data || ($res && ($res != 7))) {
logmsg "RUN: Unknown server on our $server port: $port ($res)\n";
return -1;
return $pid;
# Verify that the server that runs on $ip, $port is our server. This also
# implies that we can speak with it, as there might be occasions when the
# server runs fine but we cannot talk to it ("Failed to connect to ::1: Can't
# assign requested address")
sub verifyftp {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) = @_;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $time=time();
my $extra="";
my $verifylog = "$LOGDIR/".
servername_canon($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum) .'_verify.log';
unlink($verifylog) if(-f $verifylog);
if($proto eq "ftps") {
$extra .= "--insecure --ftp-ssl-control ";
my $flags = "--max-time $server_response_maxtime ";
$flags .= "--silent ";
$flags .= "--verbose ";
$flags .= "--globoff ";
$flags .= $extra;
if($proxy_address) {
$flags .= getexternalproxyflags();
$flags .= "\"$proto://$ip:$port/verifiedserver\"";
my $cmd = "$VCURL $flags 2>$verifylog";
# check if this is our server running on this port:
logmsg "RUN: $cmd\n" if($verbose);
my @data = runclientoutput($cmd);
my $res = $? >> 8; # rotate the result
if($res & 128) {
logmsg "RUN: curl command died with a coredump\n";
return -1;
my $pid = 0;
foreach my $line (@data) {
if($line =~ /WE ROOLZ: (\d+)/) {
# this is our test server with a known pid!
$pid = 0+$1;
if($pid <= 0 && @data && $data[0]) {
# this is not a known server
logmsg "RUN: Unknown server on our $server port: $port\n";
return 0;
# we can/should use the time it took to verify the FTP server as a measure
# on how fast/slow this host/FTP is.
my $took = int(0.5+time()-$time);
if($verbose) {
logmsg "RUN: Verifying our test $server server took $took seconds\n";
$ftpchecktime = $took>=1?$took:1; # make sure it never is below 1
return $pid;
# Verify that the server that runs on $ip, $port is our server. This also
# implies that we can speak with it, as there might be occasions when the
# server runs fine but we cannot talk to it ("Failed to connect to ::1: Can't
# assign requested address")
sub verifyrtsp {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) = @_;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $verifyout = "$LOGDIR/".
servername_canon($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum) .'_verify.out';
unlink($verifyout) if(-f $verifyout);
my $verifylog = "$LOGDIR/".
servername_canon($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum) .'_verify.log';
unlink($verifylog) if(-f $verifylog);
my $flags = "--max-time $server_response_maxtime ";
$flags .= "--output $verifyout ";
$flags .= "--silent ";
$flags .= "--verbose ";
$flags .= "--globoff ";
if($proxy_address) {
$flags .= getexternalproxyflags();
# currently verification is done using http
$flags .= "\"http://$ip:$port/verifiedserver\"";
my $cmd = "$VCURL $flags 2>$verifylog";
# verify if our/any server is running on this port
logmsg "RUN: $cmd\n" if($verbose);
my $res = runclient($cmd);
$res >>= 8; # rotate the result
if($res & 128) {
logmsg "RUN: curl command died with a coredump\n";
return -1;
if($res && $verbose) {
logmsg "RUN: curl command returned $res\n";
if(open(my $file, "<", "$verifylog")) {
while(my $string = <$file>) {
logmsg "RUN: $string" if($string !~ /^[ \t]*$/);
my $data;
if(open(my $file, "<", "$verifyout")) {
while(my $string = <$file>) {
$data = $string;
last; # only want first line
my $pid = 0;
if($data && ($data =~ /RTSP_SERVER WE ROOLZ: (\d+)/)) {
$pid = 0+$1;
elsif($res == 6) {
# curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host '::1'
logmsg "RUN: failed to resolve host ($proto://$ip:$port/verifiedserver)\n";
return -1;
elsif($data || ($res != 7)) {
logmsg "RUN: Unknown server on our $server port: $port\n";
return -1;
return $pid;
# Verify that the ssh server has written out its pidfile, recovering
# the pid from the file and returning it if a process with that pid is
# actually alive, or a negative value if the process is dead.
sub verifyssh {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) = @_;
my $pidfile = server_pidfilename("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", $proto, $ipvnum,
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid < 0) {
logmsg "RUN: SSH server has died after starting up\n";
return $pid;
# Verify that we can connect to the sftp server, properly authenticate
# with generated config and key files and run a simple remote pwd.
sub verifysftp {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) = @_;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $verified = 0;
# Find out sftp client canonical file name
my $sftp = find_sftp();
if(!$sftp) {
logmsg "RUN: SFTP server cannot find $sftpexe\n";
return -1;
# Find out ssh client canonical file name
my $ssh = find_ssh();
if(!$ssh) {
logmsg "RUN: SFTP server cannot find $sshexe\n";
return -1;
# Connect to sftp server, authenticate and run a remote pwd
# command using our generated configuration and key files
my $cmd = "\"$sftp\" -b $LOGDIR/$PIDDIR/$sftpcmds -F $LOGDIR/$PIDDIR/$sftpconfig -S \"$ssh\" $ip > $sftplog 2>&1";
my $res = runclient($cmd);
# Search for pwd command response in log file
if(open(my $sftplogfile, "<", "$sftplog")) {
while(<$sftplogfile>) {
if(/^Remote working directory: /) {
$verified = 1;
return $verified;
# Verify that the non-stunnel HTTP TLS extensions capable server that runs
# on $ip, $port is our server. This also implies that we can speak with it,
# as there might be occasions when the server runs fine but we cannot talk
# to it ("Failed to connect to ::1: Can't assign requested address")
sub verifyhttptls {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) = @_;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = server_pidfilename("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", $proto, $ipvnum,
my $verifyout = "$LOGDIR/".
servername_canon($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum) .'_verify.out';
unlink($verifyout) if(-f $verifyout);
my $verifylog = "$LOGDIR/".
servername_canon($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum) .'_verify.log';
unlink($verifylog) if(-f $verifylog);
my $flags = "--max-time $server_response_maxtime ";
$flags .= "--output $verifyout ";
$flags .= "--verbose ";
$flags .= "--globoff ";
$flags .= "--insecure ";
$flags .= "--tlsauthtype SRP ";
$flags .= "--tlsuser jsmith ";
$flags .= "--tlspassword abc ";
if($proxy_address) {
$flags .= getexternalproxyflags();
$flags .= "\"https://$ip:$port/verifiedserver\"";
my $cmd = "$VCURL $flags 2>$verifylog";
# verify if our/any server is running on this port
logmsg "RUN: $cmd\n" if($verbose);
my $res = runclient($cmd);
$res >>= 8; # rotate the result
if($res & 128) {
logmsg "RUN: curl command died with a coredump\n";
return -1;
if($res && $verbose) {
logmsg "RUN: curl command returned $res\n";
if(open(my $file, "<", "$verifylog")) {
while(my $string = <$file>) {
logmsg "RUN: $string" if($string !~ /^([ \t]*)$/);
my $data;
if(open(my $file, "<", "$verifyout")) {
while(my $string = <$file>) {
$data .= $string;
my $pid = 0;
if($data && ($data =~ /(GNUTLS|GnuTLS)/) && ($pid = processexists($pidfile))) {
if($pid < 0) {
logmsg "RUN: $server server has died after starting up\n";
return $pid;
elsif($res == 6) {
# curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host '::1'
logmsg "RUN: failed to resolve host (https://$ip:$port/verifiedserver)\n";
return -1;
elsif($data || ($res && ($res != 7))) {
logmsg "RUN: Unknown server on our $server port: $port ($res)\n";
return -1;
return $pid;
# STUB for verifying socks
sub verifysocks {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) = @_;
my $pidfile = server_pidfilename("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", $proto, $ipvnum,
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid < 0) {
logmsg "RUN: SOCKS server has died after starting up\n";
return $pid;
# Verify that the server that runs on $ip, $port is our server. This also
# implies that we can speak with it, as there might be occasions when the
# server runs fine but we cannot talk to it ("Failed to connect to ::1: Can't
# assign requested address")
sub verifysmb {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) = @_;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $time=time();
my $extra="";
my $verifylog = "$LOGDIR/".
servername_canon($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum) .'_verify.log';
unlink($verifylog) if(-f $verifylog);
my $flags = "--max-time $server_response_maxtime ";
$flags .= "--silent ";
$flags .= "--verbose ";
$flags .= "--globoff ";
$flags .= "-u 'curltest:curltest' ";
$flags .= $extra;
$flags .= "\"$proto://$ip:$port/SERVER/verifiedserver\"";
my $cmd = "$VCURL $flags 2>$verifylog";
# check if this is our server running on this port:
logmsg "RUN: $cmd\n" if($verbose);
my @data = runclientoutput($cmd);
my $res = $? >> 8; # rotate the result
if($res & 128) {
logmsg "RUN: curl command died with a coredump\n";
return -1;
my $pid = 0;
foreach my $line (@data) {
if($line =~ /WE ROOLZ: (\d+)/) {
# this is our test server with a known pid!
$pid = 0+$1;
if($pid <= 0 && @data && $data[0]) {
# this is not a known server
logmsg "RUN: Unknown server on our $server port: $port\n";
return 0;
# we can/should use the time it took to verify the server as a measure
# on how fast/slow this host is.
my $took = int(0.5+time()-$time);
if($verbose) {
logmsg "RUN: Verifying our test $server server took $took seconds\n";
return $pid;
# Verify that the server that runs on $ip, $port is our server. This also
# implies that we can speak with it, as there might be occasions when the
# server runs fine but we cannot talk to it ("Failed to connect to ::1: Can't
# assign requested address")
sub verifytelnet {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) = @_;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $time=time();
my $extra="";
my $verifylog = "$LOGDIR/".
servername_canon($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum) .'_verify.log';
unlink($verifylog) if(-f $verifylog);
my $flags = "--max-time $server_response_maxtime ";
$flags .= "--silent ";
$flags .= "--verbose ";
$flags .= "--globoff ";
$flags .= "--upload-file - ";
$flags .= $extra;
$flags .= "\"$proto://$ip:$port\"";
my $cmd = "echo 'verifiedserver' | $VCURL $flags 2>$verifylog";
# check if this is our server running on this port:
logmsg "RUN: $cmd\n" if($verbose);
my @data = runclientoutput($cmd);
my $res = $? >> 8; # rotate the result
if($res & 128) {
logmsg "RUN: curl command died with a coredump\n";
return -1;
my $pid = 0;
foreach my $line (@data) {
if($line =~ /WE ROOLZ: (\d+)/) {
# this is our test server with a known pid!
$pid = 0+$1;
if($pid <= 0 && @data && $data[0]) {
# this is not a known server
logmsg "RUN: Unknown server on our $server port: $port\n";
return 0;
# we can/should use the time it took to verify the server as a measure
# on how fast/slow this host is.
my $took = int(0.5+time()-$time);
if($verbose) {
logmsg "RUN: Verifying our test $server server took $took seconds\n";
return $pid;
# Verify that the server that runs on $ip, $port is our server.
# Retry over several seconds before giving up. The ssh server in
# particular can take a long time to start if it needs to generate
# keys on a slow or loaded host.
# Just for convenience, test harness uses 'https' and 'httptls' literals
# as values for 'proto' variable in order to differentiate different
# servers. 'https' literal is used for stunnel based https test servers,
# and 'httptls' is used for non-stunnel https test servers.
my %protofunc = ('http' => \&verifyhttp,
'https' => \&verifyhttp,
'rtsp' => \&verifyrtsp,
'ftp' => \&verifyftp,
'pop3' => \&verifyftp,
'imap' => \&verifyftp,
'smtp' => \&verifyftp,
'ftps' => \&verifyftp,
'pop3s' => \&verifyftp,
'imaps' => \&verifyftp,
'smtps' => \&verifyftp,
'tftp' => \&verifyftp,
'ssh' => \&verifyssh,
'socks' => \&verifysocks,
'socks5unix' => \&verifysocks,
'gopher' => \&verifyhttp,
'httptls' => \&verifyhttptls,
'dict' => \&verifyftp,
'smb' => \&verifysmb,
'telnet' => \&verifytelnet);
sub verifyserver {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) = @_;
my $count = 30; # try for this many seconds
my $pid;
while($count--) {
my $fun = $protofunc{$proto};
$pid = &$fun($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port);
if($pid > 0) {
elsif($pid < 0) {
# a real failure, stop trying and bail out
return 0;
return $pid;
# Single shot server responsiveness test. This should only be used
# to verify that a server present in %run hash is still functional
sub responsiveserver {
my ($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) = @_;
my $prev_verbose = $verbose;
$verbose = 0;
my $fun = $protofunc{$proto};
my $pid = &$fun($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port);
$verbose = $prev_verbose;
if($pid > 0) {
return 1; # responsive
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
logmsg " server precheck FAILED (unresponsive $srvrname server)\n";
return 0;
# start the http server
sub runhttpserver {
my ($proto, $verb, $alt, $port_or_path) = @_;
my $ip = $HOSTIP;
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = 1;
my $exe = "$perl $srcdir/";
my $verbose_flag = "--verbose ";
my $keepalive_secs = 30; # forwarded to sws, was 5 by default which
# led to pukes in CI jobs
if($alt eq "ipv6") {
# if IPv6, use a different setup
$ipvnum = 6;
$ip = $HOST6IP;
elsif($alt eq "proxy") {
# basically the same, but another ID
$idnum = 2;
elsif($alt eq "unix") {
# IP (protocol) is mutually exclusive with Unix sockets
$ipvnum = "unix";
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $portfile = $serverportfile{$server};
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--gopher " if($proto eq "gopher");
$flags .= "--connect $HOSTIP " if($alt eq "proxy");
$flags .= "--keepalive $keepalive_secs ";
$flags .= $verbose_flag if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" --logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logdir \"$LOGDIR\" ";
$flags .= "--portfile $portfile ";
$flags .= "--config $LOGDIR/$SERVERCMD ";
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
if($ipvnum eq "unix") {
$flags .= "--unix-socket '$port_or_path' ";
} else {
$flags .= "--ipv$ipvnum --port 0 ";
$flags .= "--srcdir \"$srcdir\"";
my $cmd = "$exe $flags";
my ($httppid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($httppid <= 0 || !pidexists($httppid)) {
# it is NOT alive
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
return (1, 0, 0, 0);
# where is it?
my $port = 0;
if(!$port_or_path) {
$port = $port_or_path = pidfromfile($portfile);
# Server is up. Verify that we can speak to it.
my $pid3 = verifyserver($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port_or_path);
if(!$pid3) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server failed verification\n";
# failed to talk to it properly. Kill the server and return failure
stopserver($server, "$httppid $pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
return (1, 0, 0, 0);
$pid2 = $pid3;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server is on PID $httppid port $port_or_path\n";
return (0, $httppid, $pid2, $port);
# start the http2 server
sub runhttp2server {
my ($verb) = @_;
my $proto="http/2";
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = 0;
my $exe = "$perl $srcdir/";
my $verbose_flag = "--verbose ";
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--nghttpx \"$ENV{'NGHTTPX'}\" ";
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" --logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logdir \"$LOGDIR\" ";
$flags .= "--connect $HOSTIP:" . protoport("http") . " ";
$flags .= $verbose_flag if($debugprotocol);
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $port2 = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $aflags = "--port $port --port2 $port2 $flags";
my $cmd = "$exe $aflags";
my ($http2pid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($http2pid <= 0 || !pidexists($http2pid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$http2pid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $http2pid ".
"http-port $port https-port $port2 ".
"backend $HOSTIP:" . protoport("http") . "\n";
return (0+!$http2pid, $http2pid, $pid2, $port, $port2);
# start the http3 server
sub runhttp3server {
my ($verb, $cert) = @_;
my $proto="http/3";
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = 0;
my $exe = "$perl $srcdir/";
my $verbose_flag = "--verbose ";
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--nghttpx \"$ENV{'NGHTTPX'}\" ";
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" --logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logdir \"$LOGDIR\" ";
$flags .= "--connect $HOSTIP:" . protoport("http") . " ";
$flags .= "--cert \"$cert\" " if($cert);
$flags .= $verbose_flag if($debugprotocol);
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$exe $aflags";
my ($http3pid, $pid3) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($http3pid <= 0 || !pidexists($http3pid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid3");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$http3pid = $pid3 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $http3pid port $port\n";
return (0+!$http3pid, $http3pid, $pid3, $port);
# start the https stunnel based server
sub runhttpsserver {
my ($verb, $proto, $proxy, $certfile) = @_;
my $ip = $HOSTIP;
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = 1;
if($proxy eq "proxy") {
# the https-proxy runs as https2
$idnum = 2;
if(!$stunnel) {
return (4, 0, 0, 0);
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
$certfile = 'stunnel.pem' unless($certfile);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--verbose " if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" --logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logdir \"$LOGDIR\" ";
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
$flags .= "--ipv$ipvnum --proto $proto ";
$flags .= "--certfile \"$certfile\" " if($certfile ne 'stunnel.pem');
$flags .= "--stunnel \"$stunnel\" --srcdir \"$srcdir\" ";
if($proto eq "gophers") {
$flags .= "--connect " . protoport("gopher");
elsif(!$proxy) {
$flags .= "--connect " . protoport("http");
else {
# for HTTPS-proxy we connect to the HTTP proxy
$flags .= "--connect " . protoport("httpproxy");
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $options = "$flags --accept $port";
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/ $options";
my ($httpspid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($httpspid <= 0 || !pidexists($httpspid)) {
# it is NOT alive
# don't call stopserver since that will also kill the dependent
# server that has already been started properly
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$httpspid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
# we have a server!
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server is PID $httpspid port $port\n";
$runcert{$server} = $certfile;
return (0+!$httpspid, $httpspid, $pid2, $port);
# start the non-stunnel HTTP TLS extensions capable server
sub runhttptlsserver {
my ($verb, $ipv6) = @_;
my $proto = "httptls";
my $ip = ($ipv6 && ($ipv6 =~ /6$/)) ? "$HOST6IP" : "$HOSTIP";
my $ipvnum = ($ipv6 && ($ipv6 =~ /6$/)) ? 6 : 4;
my $idnum = 1;
if(!$httptlssrv) {
return (4, 0, 0);
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--http ";
$flags .= "--debug 1 " if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--priority NORMAL:+SRP ";
$flags .= "--srppasswd $srcdir/certs/srp-verifier-db ";
$flags .= "--srppasswdconf $srcdir/certs/srp-verifier-conf";
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $allflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$httptlssrv $allflags > $logfile 2>&1";
my ($httptlspid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 10, 1);
if($httptlspid <= 0 || !pidexists($httptlspid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$httptlspid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $httptlspid port $port\n";
return (0+!$httptlspid, $httptlspid, $pid2, $port);
# start the pingpong server (FTP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP)
sub runpingpongserver {
my ($proto, $id, $verb, $ipv6) = @_;
# Check the requested server
if($proto !~ /^(?:ftp|imap|pop3|smtp)$/) {
logmsg "Unsupported protocol $proto!!\n";
return (4, 0, 0);
my $ip = ($ipv6 && ($ipv6 =~ /6$/)) ? "$HOST6IP" : "$HOSTIP";
my $ipvnum = ($ipv6 && ($ipv6 =~ /6$/)) ? 6 : 4;
my $idnum = ($id && ($id =~ /^(\d+)$/) && ($id > 1)) ? $id : 1;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
my $portfile = $serverportfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--verbose " if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" --logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logdir \"$LOGDIR\" ";
$flags .= "--portfile \"$portfile\" ";
$flags .= "--srcdir \"$srcdir\" --proto $proto ";
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
$flags .= "--ipv$ipvnum --port 0 --addr \"$ip\"";
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/ $flags";
my ($ftppid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($ftppid <= 0 || !pidexists($ftppid)) {
# it is NOT alive
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
return (1, 0, 0);
# where is it?
my $port = pidfromfile($portfile);
logmsg "PINGPONG runs on port $port ($portfile)\n" if($verb);
# Server is up. Verify that we can speak to it.
my $pid3 = verifyserver($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port);
if(!$pid3) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server failed verification\n";
# failed to talk to it properly. Kill the server and return failure
stopserver($server, "$ftppid $pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
return (1, 0, 0);
$pid2 = $pid3;
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server is PID $ftppid port $port\n" if($verb);
# Assign the correct port variable!
$PORT{$proto . ($ipvnum == 6? '6': '')} = $port;
return (0, $pid2, $ftppid);
# start the ftps/imaps/pop3s/smtps server (or rather, tunnel)
sub runsecureserver {
my ($verb, $ipv6, $certfile, $proto, $clearport) = @_;
my $ip = ($ipv6 && ($ipv6 =~ /6$/)) ? "$HOST6IP" : "$HOSTIP";
my $ipvnum = ($ipv6 && ($ipv6 =~ /6$/)) ? 6 : 4;
my $idnum = 1;
if(!$stunnel) {
return (4, 0, 0, 0);
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
$certfile = 'stunnel.pem' unless($certfile);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--verbose " if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" --logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logdir \"$LOGDIR\" ";
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
$flags .= "--ipv$ipvnum --proto $proto ";
$flags .= "--certfile \"$certfile\" " if($certfile ne 'stunnel.pem');
$flags .= "--stunnel \"$stunnel\" --srcdir \"$srcdir\" ";
$flags .= "--connect $clearport";
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $options = "$flags --accept $port";
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/ $options";
my ($protospid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($protospid <= 0 || !pidexists($protospid)) {
# it is NOT alive
# don't call stopserver since that will also kill the dependent
# server that has already been started properly
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$protospid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
$runcert{$server} = $certfile;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server is PID $protospid port $port\n";
return (0+!$protospid, $protospid, $pid2, $port);
# start the tftp server
sub runtftpserver {
my ($id, $verb, $ipv6) = @_;
my $ip = $HOSTIP;
my $proto = 'tftp';
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = ($id && ($id =~ /^(\d+)$/) && ($id > 1)) ? $id : 1;
if($ipv6) {
# if IPv6, use a different setup
$ipvnum = 6;
$ip = $HOST6IP;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $portfile = $serverportfile{$server};
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--verbose " if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" ";
$flags .= "--portfile \"$portfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logdir \"$LOGDIR\" ";
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
$flags .= "--ipv$ipvnum --port 0 --srcdir \"$srcdir\"";
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/ $flags";
my ($tftppid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($tftppid <= 0 || !pidexists($tftppid)) {
# it is NOT alive
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
return (1, 0, 0, 0);
my $port = pidfromfile($portfile);
# Server is up. Verify that we can speak to it.
my $pid3 = verifyserver($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port);
if(!$pid3) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server failed verification\n";
# failed to talk to it properly. Kill the server and return failure
stopserver($server, "$tftppid $pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
return (1, 0, 0, 0);
$pid2 = $pid3;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server on PID $tftppid port $port\n";
return (0, $pid2, $tftppid, $port);
# start the rtsp server
sub runrtspserver {
my ($verb, $ipv6) = @_;
my $ip = $HOSTIP;
my $proto = 'rtsp';
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = 1;
if($ipv6) {
# if IPv6, use a different setup
$ipvnum = 6;
$ip = $HOST6IP;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
my $portfile = $serverportfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--verbose " if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" ";
$flags .= "--portfile \"$portfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logdir \"$LOGDIR\" ";
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
$flags .= "--ipv$ipvnum --port 0 --srcdir \"$srcdir\"";
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/ $flags";
my ($rtsppid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($rtsppid <= 0 || !pidexists($rtsppid)) {
# it is NOT alive
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
return (1, 0, 0, 0);
my $port = pidfromfile($portfile);
# Server is up. Verify that we can speak to it.
my $pid3 = verifyserver($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port);
if(!$pid3) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server failed verification\n";
# failed to talk to it properly. Kill the server and return failure
stopserver($server, "$rtsppid $pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
return (1, 0, 0, 0);
$pid2 = $pid3;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $rtsppid port $port\n";
return (0, $rtsppid, $pid2, $port);
# Start the ssh (scp/sftp) server
sub runsshserver {
my ($id, $verb, $ipv6) = @_;
my $ip=$HOSTIP;
my $proto = 'ssh';
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = ($id && ($id =~ /^(\d+)$/) && ($id > 1)) ? $id : 1;
if(!$USER) {
logmsg "Can't start ssh server due to lack of USER name\n";
return (4, 0, 0, 0);
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $sshd = find_sshd();
if($sshd) {
($sshdid,$sshdvernum,$sshdverstr,$sshderror) = sshversioninfo($sshd);
logmsg $sshderror if($sshderror);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--verbose " if($verb);
$flags .= "--debugprotocol " if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" ";
$flags .= "--logdir \"$LOGDIR\" ";
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
$flags .= "--ipv$ipvnum --addr \"$ip\" ";
$flags .= "--user \"$USER\"";
my @tports;
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
push @tports, $port;
my $options = "$flags --sshport $port";
my $cmd = "$perl $srcdir/ $options";
my ($sshpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 60, 0);
# on loaded systems sshserver start up can take longer than the
# timeout passed to startnew, when this happens startnew completes
# without being able to read the pidfile and consequently returns a
# zero pid2 above.
if($sshpid <= 0 || !pidexists($sshpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$sshpid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server on $port\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
# once it is known that the ssh server is alive, sftp server
# verification is performed actually connecting to it, authenticating
# and performing a very simple remote command. This verification is
# tried only one time.
$sshdlog = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, 'ssh', $ipvnum, $idnum);
$sftplog = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, 'sftp', $ipvnum, $idnum);
if(verifysftp('sftp', $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port) < 1) {
logmsg "RUN: SFTP server failed verification\n";
# failed to talk to it properly. Kill the server and return failure
stopserver($server, "$sshpid $pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$sshpid = $pid2 = 0;
2023-08-01 17:19:58 +08:00
logmsg "RUN: failed to verify the $srvrname server on $port\n";
return (5, 0, 0, 0);
# we're happy, no need to loop anymore!
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
my $hostfile;
if(!open($hostfile, "<", "$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR/$hstpubmd5f") ||
(read($hostfile, $SSHSRVMD5, 32) != 32) ||
!close($hostfile) ||
($SSHSRVMD5 !~ /^[a-f0-9]{32}$/i))
my $msg = "Fatal: $srvrname pubkey md5 missing : \"$hstpubmd5f\" : $!";
logmsg "$msg\n";
die $msg;
if(!open($hostfile, "<", "$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR/$hstpubsha256f") ||
(read($hostfile, $SSHSRVSHA256, 48) == 0) ||
my $msg = "Fatal: $srvrname pubkey sha256 missing : \"$hstpubsha256f\" : $!";
logmsg "$msg\n";
die $msg;
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname on PID $pid2 port $port\n" if($verb);
return (0, $pid2, $sshpid, $port);
# Start the MQTT server
sub runmqttserver {
my ($id, $verb, $ipv6) = @_;
my $ip=$HOSTIP;
my $proto = 'mqtt';
my $port = protoport($proto);
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = ($id && ($id =~ /^(\d+)$/) && ($id > 1)) ? $id : 1;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
my $portfile = $serverportfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
# start our MQTT server - on a random port!
my $cmd="server/mqttd".exe_ext('SRV').
" --port 0 ".
" --pidfile $pidfile".
" --portfile $portfile".
" --config $LOGDIR/$SERVERCMD".
" --logfile $logfile".
" --logdir $LOGDIR";
my ($sockspid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 30, 0);
if($sockspid <= 0 || !pidexists($sockspid)) {
# it is NOT alive
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
return (1, 0, 0);
my $mqttport = pidfromfile($portfile);
$PORT{"mqtt"} = $mqttport;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server is now running PID $pid2 on PORT $mqttport\n";
return (0, $pid2, $sockspid);
# Start the socks server
sub runsocksserver {
my ($id, $verb, $ipv6, $is_unix) = @_;
my $ip=$HOSTIP;
my $proto = 'socks';
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = ($id && ($id =~ /^(\d+)$/) && ($id > 1)) ? $id : 1;
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $portfile = $serverportfile{$server};
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
# start our socks server, get commands from the FTP cmd file
my $cmd="";
if($is_unix) {
" --pidfile $pidfile".
" --reqfile $LOGDIR/$SOCKSIN".
" --logfile $logfile".
" --unix-socket $SOCKSUNIXPATH".
" --backend $HOSTIP".
" --config $LOGDIR/$SERVERCMD";
} else {
" --port 0 ".
" --pidfile $pidfile".
" --portfile $portfile".
" --reqfile $LOGDIR/$SOCKSIN".
" --logfile $logfile".
" --backend $HOSTIP".
" --config $LOGDIR/$SERVERCMD";
my ($sockspid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 30, 0);
if($sockspid <= 0 || !pidexists($sockspid)) {
# it is NOT alive
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
return (1, 0, 0, 0);
my $port = pidfromfile($portfile);
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server is now running PID $pid2\n";
return (0, $pid2, $sockspid, $port);
# start the dict server
sub rundictserver {
my ($verb, $alt) = @_;
my $proto = "dict";
my $ip = $HOSTIP;
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = 1;
if($alt eq "ipv6") {
# No IPv6
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--verbose 1 " if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" --logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
$flags .= "--srcdir \"$srcdir\" ";
$flags .= "--host $HOSTIP";
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$srcdir/ $aflags";
my ($dictpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($dictpid <= 0 || !pidexists($dictpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$dictpid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $dictpid port $port\n";
return (0+!$dictpid, $dictpid, $pid2, $port);
# start the SMB server
sub runsmbserver {
my ($verb, $alt) = @_;
my $proto = "smb";
my $ip = $HOSTIP;
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = 1;
if($alt eq "ipv6") {
# No IPv6
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--verbose 1 " if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" --logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
$flags .= "--srcdir \"$srcdir\" ";
$flags .= "--host $HOSTIP";
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$srcdir/ $aflags";
my ($smbpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($smbpid <= 0 || !pidexists($smbpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$smbpid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $smbpid port $port\n";
return (0+!$smbpid, $smbpid, $pid2, $port);
# start the telnet server
sub runnegtelnetserver {
my ($verb, $alt) = @_;
my $proto = "telnet";
my $ip = $HOSTIP;
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = 1;
if($alt eq "ipv6") {
# No IPv6
my $server = servername_id($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
# don't retry if the server doesn't work
if ($doesntrun{$pidfile}) {
return (2, 0, 0, 0);
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
stopserver($server, "$pid");
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
my $srvrname = servername_str($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $logfile = server_logfilename($LOGDIR, $proto, $ipvnum, $idnum);
my $flags = "";
$flags .= "--verbose 1 " if($debugprotocol);
$flags .= "--pidfile \"$pidfile\" --logfile \"$logfile\" ";
$flags .= "--id $idnum " if($idnum > 1);
$flags .= "--srcdir \"$srcdir\"";
my $port = getfreeport($ipvnum);
my $aflags = "--port $port $flags";
my $cmd = "$srcdir/ $aflags";
my ($ntelpid, $pid2) = startnew($cmd, $pidfile, 15, 0);
if($ntelpid <= 0 || !pidexists($ntelpid)) {
# it is NOT alive
stopserver($server, "$pid2");
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 1;
$ntelpid = $pid2 = 0;
logmsg "RUN: failed to start the $srvrname server\n";
return (3, 0, 0, 0);
$doesntrun{$pidfile} = 0;
if($verb) {
logmsg "RUN: $srvrname server PID $ntelpid port $port\n";
return (0+!$ntelpid, $ntelpid, $pid2, $port);
# Single shot http and gopher server responsiveness test. This should only
# be used to verify that a server present in %run hash is still functional
sub responsive_http_server {
my ($proto, $verb, $alt, $port_or_path) = @_;
my $ip = $HOSTIP;
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = 1;
if($alt eq "ipv6") {
# if IPv6, use a different setup
$ipvnum = 6;
$ip = $HOST6IP;
elsif($alt eq "proxy") {
$idnum = 2;
elsif($alt eq "unix") {
# IP (protocol) is mutually exclusive with Unix sockets
$ipvnum = "unix";
return &responsiveserver($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port_or_path);
# Single shot pingpong server responsiveness test. This should only be
# used to verify that a server present in %run hash is still functional
sub responsive_pingpong_server {
my ($proto, $id, $verb, $ipv6) = @_;
my $port;
my $ip = ($ipv6 && ($ipv6 =~ /6$/)) ? "$HOST6IP" : "$HOSTIP";
my $ipvnum = ($ipv6 && ($ipv6 =~ /6$/)) ? 6 : 4;
my $idnum = ($id && ($id =~ /^(\d+)$/) && ($id > 1)) ? $id : 1;
my $protoip = $proto . ($ipvnum == 6? '6': '');
if($proto =~ /^(?:ftp|imap|pop3|smtp)$/) {
$port = protoport($protoip);
else {
logmsg "Unsupported protocol $proto!!\n";
return 0;
return &responsiveserver($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port);
# Single shot rtsp server responsiveness test. This should only be
# used to verify that a server present in %run hash is still functional
sub responsive_rtsp_server {
my ($verb, $ipv6) = @_;
my $proto = 'rtsp';
my $port = protoport($proto);
my $ip = $HOSTIP;
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = 1;
if($ipv6) {
# if IPv6, use a different setup
$ipvnum = 6;
$port = protoport('rtsp6');
$ip = $HOST6IP;
return &responsiveserver($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port);
# Single shot tftp server responsiveness test. This should only be
# used to verify that a server present in %run hash is still functional
sub responsive_tftp_server {
my ($id, $verb, $ipv6) = @_;
my $proto = 'tftp';
my $port = protoport($proto);
my $ip = $HOSTIP;
my $ipvnum = 4;
my $idnum = ($id && ($id =~ /^(\d+)$/) && ($id > 1)) ? $id : 1;
if($ipv6) {
# if IPv6, use a different setup
$ipvnum = 6;
$port = protoport('tftp6');
$ip = $HOST6IP;
return &responsiveserver($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port);
# Single shot non-stunnel HTTP TLS extensions capable server
# responsiveness test. This should only be used to verify that a
# server present in %run hash is still functional
sub responsive_httptls_server {
my ($verb, $ipv6) = @_;
my $ipvnum = ($ipv6 && ($ipv6 =~ /6$/)) ? 6 : 4;
my $proto = "httptls";
my $port = protoport($proto);
my $ip = "$HOSTIP";
my $idnum = 1;
if ($ipvnum == 6) {
$port = protoport("httptls6");
$ip = "$HOST6IP";
return &responsiveserver($proto, $ipvnum, $idnum, $ip, $port);
# startservers() starts all the named servers
# Returns: string with error reason or blank for success, and an integer:
# 0 for success
# 1 for an error starting the server
# 2 for not the first time getting an error starting the server
# 3 for a failure to stop a server in order to restart it
# 4 for an unsupported server type
sub startservers {
my @what = @_;
my ($pid, $pid2);
my $serr; # error while starting a server (as as the return enumerations)
for(@what) {
my (@whatlist) = split(/\s+/,$_);
my $what = lc($whatlist[0]);
$what =~ s/[^a-z0-9\/-]//g;
my $certfile;
if($what =~ /^(ftp|gopher|http|imap|pop3|smtp)s((\d*)(-ipv6|-unix|))$/) {
$certfile = ($whatlist[1]) ? $whatlist[1] : 'stunnel.pem';
if(($what eq "pop3") ||
($what eq "ftp") ||
($what eq "imap") ||
($what eq "smtp")) {
if($torture && $run{$what} &&
!responsive_pingpong_server($what, "", $verbose)) {
if(stopserver($what)) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive ".uc($what)." server", 3);
if(!$run{$what}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2) = runpingpongserver($what, "", $verbose);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting ". uc($what) ." server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid $what => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
$run{$what}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "ftp-ipv6") {
if($torture && $run{'ftp-ipv6'} &&
!responsive_pingpong_server("ftp", "", $verbose, "ipv6")) {
if(stopserver('ftp-ipv6')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive FTP-IPv6 server", 3);
if(!$run{'ftp-ipv6'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2) = runpingpongserver("ftp", "", $verbose, "ipv6");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting FTP-IPv6 server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid ftp-ipv6 => %d %d\n", $pid,
$pid2) if($verbose);
$run{'ftp-ipv6'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "gopher") {
if($torture && $run{'gopher'} &&
!responsive_http_server("gopher", $verbose, 0,
protoport("gopher"))) {
if(stopserver('gopher')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive GOPHER server", 3);
if(!$run{'gopher'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{'gopher'}) =
runhttpserver("gopher", $verbose, 0);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting GOPHER server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf ("* pid gopher => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'gopher'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "gopher-ipv6") {
if($torture && $run{'gopher-ipv6'} &&
!responsive_http_server("gopher", $verbose, "ipv6",
protoport("gopher"))) {
if(stopserver('gopher-ipv6')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive GOPHER-IPv6 server", 3);
if(!$run{'gopher-ipv6'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"gopher6"}) =
runhttpserver("gopher", $verbose, "ipv6");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting GOPHER-IPv6 server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid gopher-ipv6 => %d %d\n", $pid,
$pid2) if($verbose);
$run{'gopher-ipv6'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "http/3") {
if(!$run{'http/3'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"http3"}) = runhttp3server($verbose);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTP/3 server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf ("* pid http/3 => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'http/3'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "http/2") {
if(!$run{'http/2'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"http2"}, $PORT{"http2tls"}) =
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTP/2 server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf ("* pid http/2 => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'http/2'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "http") {
if($torture && $run{'http'} &&
!responsive_http_server("http", $verbose, 0, protoport('http'))) {
if(stopserver('http')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive HTTP server", 3);
if(!$run{'http'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{'http'}) =
runhttpserver("http", $verbose, 0);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTP server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf ("* pid http => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'http'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "http-proxy") {
if($torture && $run{'http-proxy'} &&
!responsive_http_server("http", $verbose, "proxy",
protoport("httpproxy"))) {
if(stopserver('http-proxy')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive HTTP-proxy server", 3);
if(!$run{'http-proxy'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"httpproxy"}) =
runhttpserver("http", $verbose, "proxy");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTP-proxy server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf ("* pid http-proxy => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'http-proxy'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "http-ipv6") {
if($torture && $run{'http-ipv6'} &&
!responsive_http_server("http", $verbose, "ipv6",
protoport("http6"))) {
if(stopserver('http-ipv6')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive HTTP-IPv6 server", 3);
if(!$run{'http-ipv6'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"http6"}) =
runhttpserver("http", $verbose, "ipv6");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTP-IPv6 server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid http-ipv6 => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'http-ipv6'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "rtsp") {
if($torture && $run{'rtsp'} &&
!responsive_rtsp_server($verbose)) {
if(stopserver('rtsp')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive RTSP server", 3);
if(!$run{'rtsp'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{'rtsp'}) = runrtspserver($verbose);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting RTSP server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid rtsp => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
$run{'rtsp'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "rtsp-ipv6") {
if($torture && $run{'rtsp-ipv6'} &&
!responsive_rtsp_server($verbose, "ipv6")) {
if(stopserver('rtsp-ipv6')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive RTSP-IPv6 server", 3);
if(!$run{'rtsp-ipv6'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{'rtsp6'}) = runrtspserver($verbose, "ipv6");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting RTSP-IPv6 server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid rtsp-ipv6 => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'rtsp-ipv6'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what =~ /^(ftp|imap|pop3|smtp)s$/) {
my $cproto = $1;
if(!$stunnel) {
# we can't run ftps tests without stunnel
return ("no stunnel", 4);
if($runcert{$what} && ($runcert{$what} ne $certfile)) {
# stop server when running and using a different cert
if(stopserver($what)) {
return ("failed stopping $what server with different cert", 3);
if($torture && $run{$cproto} &&
!responsive_pingpong_server($cproto, "", $verbose)) {
if(stopserver($cproto)) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive $cproto server", 3);
if(!$run{$cproto}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2) = runpingpongserver($cproto, "", $verbose);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting $cproto server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid $cproto => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
$run{$cproto}="$pid $pid2";
if(!$run{$what}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{$what}) =
runsecureserver($verbose, "", $certfile, $what,
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting $what server (stunnel)", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid $what => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{$what}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "file") {
# we support it but have no server!
elsif($what eq "https") {
if(!$stunnel) {
# we can't run https tests without stunnel
return ("no stunnel", 4);
if($runcert{'https'} && ($runcert{'https'} ne $certfile)) {
# stop server when running and using a different cert
if(stopserver('https')) {
return ("failed stopping HTTPS server with different cert", 3);
if($torture && $run{'http'} &&
!responsive_http_server("http", $verbose, 0,
protoport('http'))) {
if(stopserver('http')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive HTTP server", 3);
if(!$run{'http'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{'http'}) =
runhttpserver("http", $verbose, 0);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTP server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid http => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
$run{'http'}="$pid $pid2";
if(!$run{'https'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{'https'}) =
runhttpsserver($verbose, "https", "", $certfile);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTPS server (stunnel)", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid https => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'https'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "gophers") {
if(!$stunnel) {
# we can't run TLS tests without stunnel
return ("no stunnel", 4);
if($runcert{'gophers'} && ($runcert{'gophers'} ne $certfile)) {
# stop server when running and using a different cert
if(stopserver('gophers')) {
return ("failed stopping GOPHERS server with different cert", 3);
if($torture && $run{'gopher'} &&
!responsive_http_server("gopher", $verbose, 0,
protoport('gopher'))) {
if(stopserver('gopher')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive GOPHER server", 3);
if(!$run{'gopher'}) {
my $port;
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $port) =
runhttpserver("gopher", $verbose, 0);
$PORT{'gopher'} = $port;
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting GOPHER server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid gopher => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
logmsg "GOPHERPORT => $port\n" if($verbose);
$run{'gopher'}="$pid $pid2";
if(!$run{'gophers'}) {
my $port;
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $port) =
runhttpsserver($verbose, "gophers", "", $certfile);
$PORT{'gophers'} = $port;
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting GOPHERS server (stunnel)", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid gophers => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
logmsg "GOPHERSPORT => $port\n" if($verbose);
$run{'gophers'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "https-proxy") {
if(!$stunnel) {
# we can't run https-proxy tests without stunnel
return ("no stunnel", 4);
if($runcert{'https-proxy'} &&
($runcert{'https-proxy'} ne $certfile)) {
# stop server when running and using a different cert
if(stopserver('https-proxy')) {
return ("failed stopping HTTPS-proxy with different cert", 3);
# we front the http-proxy with stunnel so we need to make sure the
# proxy runs as well
my ($f, $e) = startservers("http-proxy");
if($f) {
return ($f, $e);
if(!$run{'https-proxy'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"httpsproxy"}) =
runhttpsserver($verbose, "https", "proxy", $certfile);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTPS-proxy (stunnel)", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid https-proxy => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'https-proxy'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "httptls") {
if(!$httptlssrv) {
# for now, we can't run http TLS-EXT tests without gnutls-serv
return ("no gnutls-serv (with SRP support)", 4);
if($torture && $run{'httptls'} &&
!responsive_httptls_server($verbose, "IPv4")) {
if(stopserver('httptls')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive HTTPTLS server", 3);
if(!$run{'httptls'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{'httptls'}) =
runhttptlsserver($verbose, "IPv4");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTPTLS server (gnutls-serv)", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid httptls => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'httptls'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "httptls-ipv6") {
if(!$httptlssrv) {
# for now, we can't run http TLS-EXT tests without gnutls-serv
return ("no gnutls-serv", 4);
if($torture && $run{'httptls-ipv6'} &&
!responsive_httptls_server($verbose, "ipv6")) {
if(stopserver('httptls-ipv6')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive HTTPTLS-IPv6 server", 3);
if(!$run{'httptls-ipv6'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"httptls6"}) =
runhttptlsserver($verbose, "ipv6");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTPTLS-IPv6 server (gnutls-serv)", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid httptls-ipv6 => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'httptls-ipv6'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "tftp") {
if($torture && $run{'tftp'} &&
!responsive_tftp_server("", $verbose)) {
if(stopserver('tftp')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive TFTP server", 3);
if(!$run{'tftp'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{'tftp'}) =
runtftpserver("", $verbose);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting TFTP server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid tftp => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
$run{'tftp'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "tftp-ipv6") {
if($torture && $run{'tftp-ipv6'} &&
!responsive_tftp_server("", $verbose, "ipv6")) {
if(stopserver('tftp-ipv6')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive TFTP-IPv6 server", 3);
if(!$run{'tftp-ipv6'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{'tftp6'}) =
runtftpserver("", $verbose, "ipv6");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting TFTP-IPv6 server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid tftp-ipv6 => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
$run{'tftp-ipv6'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "sftp" || $what eq "scp") {
if(!$run{'ssh'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{'ssh'}) = runsshserver("", $verbose);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting SSH server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid ssh => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
$run{'ssh'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "socks4" || $what eq "socks5" ) {
if(!$run{'socks'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"socks"}) = runsocksserver("", $verbose);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting socks server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid socks => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
$run{'socks'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "socks5unix") {
if(!$run{'socks5unix'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2) = runsocksserver("2", $verbose, "", "unix");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting socks5unix server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid socks5unix => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
$run{'socks5unix'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "mqtt" ) {
if(!$run{'mqtt'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2) = runmqttserver("", $verbose);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting mqtt server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid mqtt => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2) if($verbose);
$run{'mqtt'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "http-unix") {
if($torture && $run{'http-unix'} &&
!responsive_http_server("http", $verbose, "unix", $HTTPUNIXPATH)) {
if(stopserver('http-unix')) {
return ("failed stopping unresponsive HTTP-unix server", 3);
if(!$run{'http-unix'}) {
my $unused;
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $unused) =
runhttpserver("http", $verbose, "unix", $HTTPUNIXPATH);
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting HTTP-unix server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf("* pid http-unix => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'http-unix'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "dict") {
if(!$run{'dict'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"dict"}) = rundictserver($verbose, "");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting DICT server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf ("* pid DICT => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'dict'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "smb") {
if(!$run{'smb'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"smb"}) = runsmbserver($verbose, "");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting SMB server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf ("* pid SMB => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'smb'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "telnet") {
if(!$run{'telnet'}) {
($serr, $pid, $pid2, $PORT{"telnet"}) =
runnegtelnetserver($verbose, "");
if($pid <= 0) {
return ("failed starting neg TELNET server", $serr);
logmsg sprintf ("* pid neg TELNET => %d %d\n", $pid, $pid2)
$run{'telnet'}="$pid $pid2";
elsif($what eq "none") {
logmsg "* starts no server\n" if ($verbose);
else {
warn "we don't support a server for $what";
return ("no server for $what", 4);
return ("", 0);
# Stop all running test servers
sub stopservers {
my $verb = $_[0];
# kill sockfilter processes for all pingpong servers
killallsockfilters("$LOGDIR/$PIDDIR", $verb);
# kill all server pids from %run hash clearing them
my $pidlist;
foreach my $server (keys %run) {
if($run{$server}) {
if($verb) {
my $prev = 0;
my $pids = $run{$server};
foreach my $pid (split(' ', $pids)) {
if($pid != $prev) {
logmsg sprintf("* kill pid for %s => %d\n",
$server, $pid);
$prev = $pid;
$pidlist .= "$run{$server} ";
$run{$server} = 0;
$runcert{$server} = 0 if($runcert{$server});
killpid($verb, $pidlist);
# cleanup all server pid files
my $result = 0;
foreach my $server (keys %serverpidfile) {
my $pidfile = $serverpidfile{$server};
my $pid = processexists($pidfile);
if($pid > 0) {
if($err_unexpected) {
logmsg "ERROR: ";
$result = -1;
else {
logmsg "Warning: ";
logmsg "$server server unexpectedly alive\n";
killpid($verb, $pid);
unlink($pidfile) if(-f $pidfile);
return $result;
# substitute the variable stuff into either a joined up file or
# a command, in either case passed by reference
sub subvariables {
my ($thing, $testnum, $prefix) = @_;
my $port;
if(!$prefix) {
$prefix = "%";
# test server ports
# Substitutes variables like %HTTPPORT and %SMTP6PORT with the server ports
foreach my $proto ('DICT',
'FTP', 'FTP6', 'FTPS',
'POP3', 'POP36', 'POP3S',
'RTSP', 'RTSP6',
'SMB', 'SMBS',
'TFTP', 'TFTP6') {
$port = protoport(lc $proto);
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}(?:$proto)PORT/$port/g;
# Special case: for PROXYPORT substitution, use httpproxy.
$port = protoport('httpproxy');
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}PROXYPORT/$port/g;
# server Unix domain socket paths
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}HTTPUNIXPATH/$HTTPUNIXPATH/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}SOCKSUNIXPATH/$SOCKSUNIXPATH/g;
# client IP addresses
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}CLIENT6IP/$CLIENT6IP/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}CLIENTIP/$CLIENTIP/g;
# server IP addresses
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}HOST6IP/$HOST6IP/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}HOSTIP/$HOSTIP/g;
# misc
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}CURL/$CURL/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}LOGDIR/$LOGDIR/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}PWD/$pwd/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}POSIX_PWD/$posix_pwd/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}VERSION/$CURLVERSION/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}TESTNUMBER/$testnum/g;
my $file_pwd = $pwd;
if($file_pwd !~ /^\//) {
$file_pwd = "/$file_pwd";
my $ssh_pwd = $posix_pwd;
# this only works after the SSH server has been started
# TODO: call sshversioninfo early and store $sshdid so this substitution
# always works
if ($sshdid && $sshdid =~ /OpenSSH-Windows/) {
$ssh_pwd = $file_pwd;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}FILE_PWD/$file_pwd/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}SSH_PWD/$ssh_pwd/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}SRCDIR/$srcdir/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}USER/$USER/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}SSHSRVMD5/$SSHSRVMD5/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}SSHSRVSHA256/$SSHSRVSHA256/g;
# The purpose of FTPTIME2 and FTPTIME3 is to provide times that can be
# used for time-out tests and that would work on most hosts as these
# adjust for the startup/check time for this particular host. We needed to
# do this to make the test suite run better on very slow hosts.
my $ftp2 = $ftpchecktime * 2;
my $ftp3 = $ftpchecktime * 3;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}FTPTIME2/$ftp2/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}FTPTIME3/$ftp3/g;
$$thing =~ s/${prefix}H2CVER/$h2cver/g;