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2004-03-25 20:16:42 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# _ _ ____ _
# Project ___| | | | _ \| |
# / __| | | | |_) | |
# | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
# \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
# Copyright (C) 1998 - 2015, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at
# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
# KIND, either express or implied.
# What is This Script?
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
# is the master script to use for automatic testing of curl
# directly off its source repository.
# This is written for the purpose of being run from a crontab job or similar
# at a regular interval. The output is suitable to be mailed to
# to be dealt with automatically (make sure the
# subject includes the word "autobuild" as the mail gets silently discarded
# otherwise). The most current build status (with a resonable backlog) will
# be published on the curl site, at
# [options] [curl-daily-name] > output
# Options:
# --configure=[options] Configure options
# --crosscompile This is a crosscompile
# --desc=[desc] Description of your test system
# --email=[email] Set email address to report as
# --extvercmd=[command] Command to use for displaying version with cross compiles.
# --mktarball=[command] Command to run after completed test
# --name=[name] Set name to report as
# --notes=[notes] More human-readable information about this configuration
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
# --nocvsup Don't pull from git even though it is a git tree
# --nogitpull Don't pull from git even though it is a git tree
2005-05-20 19:24:55 +08:00
# --nobuildconf Don't run buildconf
# --noconfigure Don't run configure
2005-03-19 02:03:38 +08:00
# --runtestopts=[options] Options to pass to
# --setup=[file name] File name to read setup from (deprecated)
# --target=[your os] Specify your target environment.
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
# if [curl-daily-name] is omitted, a 'curl' git directory is assumed.
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Spec;
2004-03-25 20:16:42 +08:00
# Turn on warnings (equivalent to -w, which can't be used with /usr/bin/env)
#BEGIN { $^W = 1; }
2004-03-25 20:16:42 +08:00
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
use vars qw($version $fixed $infixed $CURLDIR $git $pwd $build $buildlog
$buildlogname $configurebuild $targetos $confheader $binext
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
use vars qw($name $email $desc $confopts $runtestopts $setupfile $mktarball
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
$extvercmd $nogitpull $nobuildconf $crosscompile
$timestamp $notes);
# version of this script
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
# Determine if we're running from git or a canned copy of curl,
# or if we got a specific target option or setup file option.
if (-f ".git/config") {
$CURLDIR = "./";
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
$setupfile = 'setup';
$configurebuild = 1;
while ($ARGV[0]) {
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /--target=/) {
$targetos = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--setup=/) {
$setupfile = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--extvercmd=/) {
$extvercmd = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--mktarball=/) {
$mktarball = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--name=/) {
$name = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--email=/) {
$email = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--desc=/) {
$desc = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--notes=/) {
$notes = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--configure=(.*)/) {
$confopts = $1;
shift @ARGV;
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
elsif (($ARGV[0] eq "--nocvsup") || ($ARGV[0] eq "--nogitpull")) {
shift @ARGV;
2005-05-20 19:24:55 +08:00
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--nobuildconf/) {
shift @ARGV;
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--noconfigure/) {
shift @ARGV;
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--crosscompile/) {
shift @ARGV;
elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /--runtestopts=/) {
$runtestopts = (split(/=/, shift @ARGV, 2))[1];
else {
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
$git=0; # a given dir, assume not using git
# Do the platform-specific stuff here
$confheader = 'curl_config.h';
$binext = '';
$libext = '.la'; # .la since both libcurl and libcares are made with libtool
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $targetos) {
if (!$targetos) {
# If no target defined on Win32 lets assume vc
$targetos = 'vc';
2010-08-10 10:09:35 +08:00
if ($targetos =~ /vc/ || $targetos =~ /borland/ || $targetos =~ /watcom/) {
$binext = '.exe';
$libext = '.lib';
2009-05-21 20:59:49 +08:00
elsif ($targetos =~ /mingw/) {
$binext = '.exe';
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$libext = '.a';
elsif ($targetos =~ /netware/) {
2005-03-19 02:03:38 +08:00
$configurebuild = 0;
$binext = '.nlm';
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$libext = '.lib';
else {
$libext = '.a';
if (($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'msys') &&
2010-08-10 10:09:35 +08:00
($targetos =~ /vc/ || $targetos =~ /mingw32/ ||
$targetos =~ /borland/ || $targetos =~ /watcom/)) {
# Set these things only when building ON Windows and for Win32 platform.
# FOR Windows since we might be cross-compiling on another system. Non-
# Windows builds still default to configure-style builds with curl_config.h.
$configurebuild = 0;
$confheader = 'config-win32.h';
$ENV{LC_ALL}="C" if (($ENV{LC_ALL}) && ($ENV{LC_ALL} !~ /^C$/));
$ENV{LC_CTYPE}="C" if (($ENV{LC_CTYPE}) && ($ENV{LC_CTYPE} !~ /^C$/));
sub rmtree($) {
my $target = $_[0];
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
foreach (glob($target)) {
system("rd /s /q $_");
} else {
system("rm -rf $target");
sub grepfile($$) {
my ($target, $fn) = @_;
open(F, $fn) or die;
while (<F>) {
if (/$target/) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub logit($) {
my $text=$_[0];
if ($text) {
print "testcurl: $text\n";
sub logit_spaced($) {
my $text=$_[0];
if ($text) {
print "\ntestcurl: $text\n\n";
sub mydie($){
my $text=$_[0];
logit "$text";
chdir $pwd; # cd back to the original root dir
if ($pwd && $build) {
# we have a build directory name, remove the dir
logit "removing the $build dir";
rmtree "$pwd/$build";
if (-r $buildlog) {
# we have a build log output file left, remove it
logit "removing the $buildlogname file";
unlink "$buildlog";
logit "ENDING HERE"; # last line logged!
exit 1;
sub get_host_triplet {
my $triplet;
my $configfile = "$pwd/$build/lib/curl_config.h";
if(-f $configfile && -s $configfile && open(LIBCONFIGH, "<$configfile")) {
while(<LIBCONFIGH>) {
if($_ =~ /^\#define\s+OS\s+"*([^"][^"]*)"*\s*/) {
$triplet = $1;
return $triplet;
if($name && $email && $desc) {
# having these fields set are enough to continue, skip reading the setup
# file
elsif (open(F, "$setupfile")) {
while (<F>) {
if (/(\w+)=(.*)/) {
eval "\$$1=$2;";
else {
$infixed=0; # so that "additional args to configure" works properly first time...
if (!$name) {
print "please enter your name\n";
$name = <>;
chomp $name;
if (!$email) {
print "please enter your contact email address\n";
$email = <>;
chomp $email;
if (!$desc) {
print "please enter a one line system description\n";
$desc = <>;
chomp $desc;
if (!$confopts) {
if ($infixed < 4) {
print "please enter your additional arguments to configure\n";
print "examples: --with-ssl --enable-debug --enable-ipv6 --with-krb4\n";
$confopts = <>;
chomp $confopts;
2005-03-11 08:20:30 +08:00
if ($fixed < 4) {
open(F, ">$setupfile") or die;
print F "name='$name'\n";
print F "email='$email'\n";
print F "desc='$desc'\n";
print F "confopts='$confopts'\n";
print F "notes='$notes'\n";
print F "fixed='$fixed'\n";
# Enable picky compiler warnings unless explicitly disabled
if (($confopts !~ /--enable-debug/) &&
($confopts !~ /--enable-warnings/) &&
($confopts !~ /--disable-warnings/)) {
$confopts .= " --enable-warnings";
my $str1066os = 'o' x 1066;
# Set timestamp to the UTC this script is running. Its value might
# be changed later in the script to the value present in curlver.h
$timestamp = scalar(gmtime)." UTC";
logit "STARTING HERE"; # first line logged, for scripts to trigger on
logit 'TRANSFER CONTROL ==== 1120 CHAR LINE' . $str1066os . 'LINE_END';
logit "NAME = $name";
logit "EMAIL = $email";
logit "DESC = $desc";
logit "NOTES = $notes";
logit "CONFOPTS = $confopts";
logit "RUNTESTOPTS = ".$runtestopts;
2005-03-14 20:26:29 +08:00
logit "CFLAGS = ".$ENV{CFLAGS};
logit "LIBS = ".$ENV{LIBS};
2005-03-14 20:26:29 +08:00
logit "CC = ".$ENV{CC};
logit "TMPDIR = ".$ENV{TMPDIR};
2011-12-27 00:09:44 +08:00
2005-03-14 20:26:29 +08:00
logit "target = ".$targetos;
logit "version = $version"; # script version
logit "date = $timestamp"; # When the test build starts
$str1066os = undef;
# Make $pwd to become the path without newline. We'll use that in order to cut
# off that path from all possible logs and error messages etc.
$pwd = getcwd();
my $have_embedded_ares = 0;
if (-d $CURLDIR) {
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
if ($git && -d "$CURLDIR/.git") {
logit "$CURLDIR is verified to be a fine git source dir";
# remove the generated sources to force them to be re-generated each
# time we run this test
unlink "$CURLDIR/src/tool_hugehelp.c";
# find out if curl source dir has an in-tree c-ares repo
$have_embedded_ares = 1 if (-f "$CURLDIR/ares/GIT-INFO");
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
} elsif (!$git && -f "$CURLDIR/tests/") {
2012-07-03 05:22:10 +08:00
logit "$CURLDIR is verified to be a fine daily source dir";
# find out if curl source dir has an in-tree c-ares extracted tarball
$have_embedded_ares = 1 if (-f "$CURLDIR/ares/ares_build.h");
} else {
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
mydie "$CURLDIR is not a daily source dir or checked out from git!"
# make the path absolute so we can use it everywhere
$CURLDIR = File::Spec->rel2abs("$CURLDIR");
# remove any previous left-overs
rmtree "build-*";
rmtree "buildlog-*";
# this is to remove old build logs that ended up in the wrong dir
foreach (glob("$CURLDIR/buildlog-*")) { unlink $_; }
# create a dir to build in
mkdir $build, 0777;
if (-d $build) {
logit "build dir $build was created fine";
} else {
mydie "failed to create dir $build";
# get in the curl source tree root
chdir $CURLDIR;
2010-03-28 01:57:24 +08:00
# Do the git thing, or not...
if ($git) {
my $gitstat = 0;
my @commits;
# update quietly to the latest git
if($nogitpull) {
logit "skipping git pull (--nogitpull)";
} else {
logit "run git pull in curl";
system("git pull 2>&1");
$gitstat += $?;
logit "failed to update from curl git ($?), continue anyway" if ($?);
# Set timestamp to the UTC the git update took place.
$timestamp = scalar(gmtime)." UTC" if (!$gitstat);
# get the last 5 commits for show (even if no pull was made)
@commits=`git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit -5`;
logit "The most recent curl git commits:";
for (@commits) {
chomp ($_);
logit " $_";
if (-d "ares/.git") {
chdir "ares";
if($nogitpull) {
logit "skipping git pull (--nogitpull) in ares";
} else {
logit "run git pull in ares";
system("git pull 2>&1");
$gitstat += $?;
logit "failed to update from ares git ($?), continue anyway" if ($?);
# Set timestamp to the UTC the git update took place.
$timestamp = scalar(gmtime)." UTC" if (!$gitstat);
# get the last 5 commits for show (even if no pull was made)
@commits=`git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit -5`;
logit "The most recent ares git commits:";
for (@commits) {
chomp ($_);
logit " $_";
chdir "$CURLDIR";
2005-05-20 19:24:55 +08:00
if($nobuildconf) {
logit "told to not run buildconf";
2005-05-20 19:24:55 +08:00
elsif ($configurebuild) {
# remove possible left-overs from the past
unlink "configure";
unlink "autom4te.cache";
# generate the build files
logit "invoke buildconf";
open(F, "./buildconf 2>&1 |") or die;
open(LOG, ">$buildlog") or die;
while (<F>) {
2011-12-27 20:23:47 +08:00
my $ll = $_;
# ignore messages pertaining to third party m4 files we don't care
2011-12-27 20:23:47 +08:00
next if ($ll =~ /aclocal\/gtk\.m4/);
next if ($ll =~ /aclocal\/gtkextra\.m4/);
print $ll;
print LOG $ll;
if (grepfile("^buildconf: OK", $buildlog)) {
logit "buildconf was successful";
else {
mydie "buildconf was NOT successful";
else {
logit "buildconf was successful (dummy message)";
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
# Set timestamp to the one in curlver.h if this isn't a git test build.
if ((-f "include/curl/curlver.h") &&
(open(F, "<include/curl/curlver.h"))) {
while (<F>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\#define\s+LIBCURL_TIMESTAMP\s+\"(.+)\".*$/) {
my $stampstring = $1;
2010-03-25 05:26:41 +08:00
if ($stampstring !~ /DEV/) {
$stampstring =~ s/\s+UTC//;
$timestamp = $stampstring." UTC";
# Show timestamp we are using for this test build.
logit "timestamp = $timestamp";
if ($configurebuild) {
if (-f "configure") {
2005-05-20 19:24:55 +08:00
logit "configure created (at least it exists)";
} else {
2005-05-20 19:24:55 +08:00
mydie "no configure created/found";
} else {
logit "configure created (dummy message)"; # dummy message to feign success
sub findinpath {
my $c;
my $e;
my $x = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? '.exe' : '';
my $s = ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? ';' : ':';
my $p=$ENV{'PATH'};
my @pa = split($s, $p);
for $c (@_) {
for $e (@pa) {
if( -x "$e/$c$x") {
return $c;
my $make = findinpath("gmake", "make", "nmake");
if(!$make) {
mydie "Couldn't find make in the PATH";
# force to 'nmake' for VC builds
$make = "nmake" if ($targetos =~ /vc/);
2010-08-10 10:09:35 +08:00
# force to 'wmake' for Watcom builds
$make = "wmake" if ($targetos =~ /watcom/);
logit "going with $make as make";
# change to build dir
chdir "$pwd/$build";
if ($configurebuild) {
# run configure script
print `$CURLDIR/configure $confopts 2>&1`;
if (-f "lib/Makefile") {
logit "configure seems to have finished fine";
} else {
mydie "configure didn't work";
} else {
logit "copying files to build dir ...";
if (($^O eq 'MSWin32') && ($targetos !~ /netware/)) {
system("xcopy /s /q \"$CURLDIR\" .");
elsif ($targetos =~ /netware/) {
system("cp -afr $CURLDIR/* .");
system("cp -af $CURLDIR/Makefile.dist Makefile");
system("$make -i -C lib -f Makefile.netware prebuild");
system("$make -i -C src -f Makefile.netware prebuild");
if (-d "$CURLDIR/ares") {
system("$make -i -C ares -f Makefile.netware prebuild");
elsif ($^O eq 'linux') {
system("cp -afr $CURLDIR/* .");
system("cp -af $CURLDIR/Makefile.dist Makefile");
system("cp -af $CURLDIR/include/curl/curlbuild.h.dist ./include/curl/curlbuild.h");
system("$make -i -C lib -f Makefile.$targetos prebuild");
system("$make -i -C src -f Makefile.$targetos prebuild");
if (-d "$CURLDIR/ares") {
system("cp -af $CURLDIR/ares/ares_build.h.dist ./ares/ares_build.h");
system("$make -i -C ares -f Makefile.$targetos prebuild");
if(-f "./libcurl.pc") {
logit_spaced "display libcurl.pc";
if(open(F, "<./libcurl.pc")) {
while(<F>) {
my $ll = $_;
print $ll if(($ll !~ /^ *#/) && ($ll !~ /^ *$/));
if(-f "./include/curl/curlbuild.h") {
logit_spaced "display include/curl/curlbuild.h";
if(open(F, "<./include/curl/curlbuild.h")) {
while(<F>) {
my $ll = $_;
print $ll if(($ll =~ /^ *# *define *CURL_/) && ($ll !~ /__CURL_CURLBUILD_H/));
else {
mydie "no curlbuild.h created/found";
logit_spaced "display lib/$confheader";
open(F, "lib/$confheader") or die "lib/$confheader: $!";
while (<F>) {
print if /^ *#/;
if (($have_embedded_ares) &&
(grepfile("^#define USE_ARES", "lib/$confheader"))) {
print "\n";
logit "setup to build ares";
if(-f "./ares/libcares.pc") {
logit_spaced "display ares/libcares.pc";
if(open(F, "<./ares/libcares.pc")) {
while(<F>) {
my $ll = $_;
print $ll if(($ll !~ /^ *#/) && ($ll !~ /^ *$/));
if(-f "./ares/ares_build.h") {
logit_spaced "display ares/ares_build.h";
if(open(F, "<./ares/ares_build.h")) {
while(<F>) {
my $ll = $_;
print $ll if(($ll =~ /^ *# *define *CARES_/) && ($ll !~ /__CARES_BUILD_H/));
else {
mydie "no ares_build.h created/found";
$confheader =~ s/curl/ares/;
logit_spaced "display ares/$confheader";
if(open(F, "ares/$confheader")) {
while (<F>) {
print if /^ *#/;
print "\n";
logit "build ares";
chdir "ares";
if ($targetos && !$configurebuild) {
logit "$make -f Makefile.$targetos";
open(F, "$make -f Makefile.$targetos 2>&1 |") or die;
else {
logit "$make";
open(F, "$make 2>&1 |") or die;
while (<F>) {
if (-f "libcares$libext") {
logit "ares is now built successfully (libcares$libext)";
} else {
mydie "ares build failed (libcares$libext)";
# cd back to the curl build dir
chdir "$pwd/$build";
my $mkcmd = "$make -i" . ($targetos && !$configurebuild ? " $targetos" : "");
logit "$mkcmd";
open(F, "$mkcmd 2>&1 |") or die;
2009-05-21 21:23:49 +08:00
while (<F>) {
if (-f "lib/libcurl$libext") {
logit "libcurl was created fine (libcurl$libext)";
else {
mydie "libcurl was not created (libcurl$libext)";
if (-f "src/curl$binext") {
logit "curl was created fine (curl$binext)";
else {
mydie "curl was not created (curl$binext)";
if (!$crosscompile || (($extvercmd ne '') && (-x $extvercmd))) {
logit "display curl${binext} --version output";
my $cmd = ($extvercmd ne '' ? $extvercmd.' ' : '')."./src/curl${binext} --version|";
open(F, $cmd);
while(<F>) {
# strip CR from output on non-win32 platforms (wine on Linux)
s/\r// if ($^O ne 'MSWin32');
if ($configurebuild && !$crosscompile) {
my $host_triplet = get_host_triplet();
# build example programs for selected build targets
if(($host_triplet =~ /([^-]+)-([^-]+)-irix(.*)/) ||
($host_triplet =~ /([^-]+)-([^-]+)-aix(.*)/) ||
($host_triplet =~ /([^-]+)-([^-]+)-osf(.*)/) ||
($host_triplet =~ /([^-]+)-([^-]+)-solaris2(.*)/)) {
chdir "$pwd/$build/docs/examples";
logit_spaced "build examples";
open(F, "$make -i 2>&1 |") or die;
open(LOG, ">$buildlog") or die;
while (<F>) {
print LOG;
chdir "$pwd/$build";
# build and run full test suite
my $o;
if($runtestopts) {
$o = "TEST_F=\"$runtestopts\" ";
2005-09-16 05:49:26 +08:00
logit "$make -k ${o}test-full";
open(F, "$make -k ${o}test-full 2>&1 |") or die;
open(LOG, ">$buildlog") or die;
while (<F>) {
print LOG;
if (grepfile("^TEST", $buildlog)) {
logit "tests were run";
} else {
mydie "test suite failure";
if (grepfile("^TESTFAIL:", $buildlog)) {
logit "the tests were not successful";
} else {
logit "the tests were successful!";
else {
if($crosscompile) {
my $host_triplet = get_host_triplet();
# build example programs for selected cross-compiles
if(($host_triplet =~ /([^-]+)-([^-]+)-mingw(.*)/) ||
($host_triplet =~ /([^-]+)-([^-]+)-android(.*)/)) {
chdir "$pwd/$build/docs/examples";
logit_spaced "build examples";
open(F, "$make -i 2>&1 |") or die;
open(LOG, ">$buildlog") or die;
while (<F>) {
print LOG;
chdir "$pwd/$build";
# build test harness programs for selected cross-compiles
if($host_triplet =~ /([^-]+)-([^-]+)-mingw(.*)/) {
chdir "$pwd/$build/tests";
logit_spaced "build test harness";
open(F, "$make -i 2>&1 |") or die;
open(LOG, ">$buildlog") or die;
while (<F>) {
print LOG;
chdir "$pwd/$build";
logit_spaced "cross-compiling, can't run tests";
# dummy message to feign success
print "TESTDONE: 1 tests out of 0 (dummy message)\n";
# create a tarball if we got that option.
if (($mktarball ne '') && (-x $mktarball)) {
# mydie to cleanup
mydie "ending nicely";