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1 | name | industry | field | label | status | describe | url | source | source_type | file_type | research | storage_class | storage_size | download_url |
2 | the_global_dataset_of_historical_yields_for_major_crops_1981_2016_the | 农业 | 1981-2016 年主要作物历史产量的全球数据集 - | 正常 | The global dataset of historical yields for major crops 1981–2016 - The | https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.909132 | github | 开源 | nc4 | 压缩 | 15.2 M | https://store.pangaea.de/Publications/IizumiT_2019/gdhy_v1.2_v1.3_20190128.zip | ||
3 | hyperspectral_benchmark_dataset_on_soil_moisture_this_dataset_was | 农业 | 土壤水分的高光谱基准数据集 - 该数据集是 | 正常 | Hyperspectral benchmark dataset on soil moisture - This dataset was | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1227837 | github | 开源 | ||||||
4 | lemons_quality_control_dataset_lemon_dataset_has_been_prepared_to | 农业 | 柠檬质量控制数据集 - 柠檬数据集已准备好 | 正常 | Lemons quality control dataset - Lemon dataset has been prepared to | https://github.com/softwaremill/lemon-dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
5 | optimized_soil_adjusted_vegetation_index_the_idb_is_a_tool_for_working | 农业 | 优化的土壤调整植被指数 - IDB 是一种用于工作的工具 | 正常 | Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index - The IDB is a tool for working | https://www.indexdatabase.de/db/i-single.php?id=63 | github | 开源 | ||||||
6 | u_s_department_of_agriculture_s_nutrient_database | 农业 | 美国农业部的营养数据库 | 正常 | U.S. Department of Agriculture s Nutrient Database | https://www.ars.usda.gov/northeast-area/beltsville-md/beltsville-human-nutrition-research-center/nutrient-data-laboratory/docs/sr28-download-files/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
7 | u_s_department_of_agriculture_s_plants_database_the_complete_plants | 农业 | 美国农业部的植物数据库 - 完整的植物 | 损坏 | U.S. Department of Agriculture s PLANTS Database - The Complete PLANTS | http://www.plants.usda.gov/dl_all.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
8 | 1000_genomes_the_1000_genomes_project_ran_between_2008_and_2015 | 生物学 | 1000 个基因组 - 1000 个基因组计划在 2008 年至 2015 年之间运行 | 正常 | 1000 Genomes - The 1000 Genomes Project ran between 2008 and 2015 | http://www.1000genomes.org/data | github | 开源 | ||||||
9 | american_gut_microbiome_project_the_american_gut_project_is_the | 生物学 | American Gut (Microbiome Project) - American Gut 项目是 | 正常 | American Gut (Microbiome Project) - The American Gut project is the | https://github.com/biocore/American-Gut | github | 开源 | ||||||
10 | broad_bioimage_benchmark_collection_bbbc_the_broad_bioimage_benchmark | 生物学 | 广泛的生物图像基准集合 (BBBC) - 广泛的生物图像基准 | 正常 | Broad Bioimage Benchmark Collection (BBBC) - The Broad Bioimage Benchmark | https://www.broadinstitute.org/bbbc | github | 开源 | ||||||
11 | broad_cancer_cell_line_encyclopedia_ccle | 生物学 | 广泛的癌细胞系百科全书 (CCLE) | 正常 | Broad Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) | http://www.broadinstitute.org/ccle/home | github | 开源 | ||||||
12 | cell_image_library_this_library_is_a_public_and_easily_accessible | 生物学 | 细胞图像库 - 该库是一个公共且易于访问的 | 正常 | Cell Image Library - This library is a public and easily accessible | http://www.cellimagelibrary.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
13 | complete_genomics_public_data_a_diverse_data_set_of_whole_human_genomes | 生物学 | 完整的基因组学公共数据 - 全人类基因组的多样化数据集 | 正常 | Complete Genomics Public Data - A diverse data set of whole human genomes | http://www.completegenomics.com/public-data/69-genomes/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
14 | ebi_arrayexpress_arrayexpress_archive_of_functional_genomics_data | 生物学 | EBI ArrayExpress - ArrayExpress 功能基因组学数据存档 | 正常 | EBI ArrayExpress - ArrayExpress Archive of Functional Genomics Data | http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
15 | ebi_protein_data_bank_in_europe_the_electron_microscopy_data_bank | 生物学 | 欧洲的 EBI 蛋白质数据库 - 电子显微镜数据库 | 正常 | EBI Protein Data Bank in Europe - The Electron Microscopy Data Bank | http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/emdb/index.html/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
16 | encode_project_the_encyclopedia_of_dna_elements_encode_consortium_is | 生物学 | ENCODE 项目 - DNA 元素百科全书 (ENCODE) 联盟是 | 正常 | ENCODE project - The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Consortium is | https://www.encodeproject.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
17 | electron_microscopy_pilot_image_archive_empiar_empiar_the_electron | 生物学 | 电子显微镜飞行员图像档案 (EMPIAR) - EMPIAR 电子 | 正常 | Electron Microscopy Pilot Image Archive (EMPIAR) - EMPIAR the Electron | http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/emdb/empiar/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
18 | ensembl_genomes | 生物学 | 整体基因组 | 正常 | Ensembl Genomes | https://ensemblgenomes.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
19 | gene_expression_omnibus_geo_geo_is_a_public_functional_genomics_data | 生物学 | Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) - GEO 是一个公共的功能基因组数据 | 正常 | Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) - GEO is a public functional genomics data | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
20 | gene_ontology_go_go_annotation_files | 生物学 | 基因本体 (GO) - GO 注释文件 | 正常 | Gene Ontology (GO) - GO annotation files | http://geneontology.org/docs/download-go-annotations/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
21 | global_biotic_interactions_globi | 生物学 | 全球生物相互作用 (GloBI) | 正常 | Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI) | https://github.com/jhpoelen/eol-globi-data/wiki#accessing-species-interaction-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
22 | harvard_medical_school_hms_lincs_project_the_harvard_medical_school | 生物学 | 哈佛医学院 (HMS) LINCS 项目 - 哈佛医学院 | 正常 | Harvard Medical School (HMS) LINCS Project - The Harvard Medical School | http://lincs.hms.harvard.edu | github | 开源 | ||||||
23 | human_genome_diversity_project_a_group_of_scientists_at_stanford | 生物学 | 人类基因组多样性项目 - 斯坦福大学的一组科学家 | 正常 | Human Genome Diversity Project - A group of scientists at Stanford | http://www.hagsc.org/hgdp/files.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
24 | human_microbiome_project_hmp_the_hmp_sequenced_over_2000_reference | 生物学 | 人类微生物组计划 (HMP) - HMP 测序了 2000 多个参考 | 正常 | Human Microbiome Project (HMP) - The HMP sequenced over 2000 reference | http://www.hmpdacc.org/reference_genomes/reference_genomes.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
25 | icos_psp_benchmark_the_icos_psp_benchmarks_repository_contains_an | 生物学 | ICOS PSP 基准 - ICOS PSP 基准存储库包含一个 | 正常 | ICOS PSP Benchmark - The ICOS PSP benchmarks repository contains an | http://ico2s.org/datasets/psp_benchmark.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
26 | international_hapmap_project | 生物学 | 国际 HapMap 项目 | 正常 | International HapMap Project | http://hapmap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/downloads/index.html.en | github | 开源 | ||||||
27 | journal_of_cell_biology_dataviewer | 生物学 | 细胞生物学杂志 DataViewer | 损坏 | Journal of Cell Biology DataViewer | https://rupress.org/jcb/pages/jcb-dataviewer | github | 开源 | ||||||
28 | kegg_kegg_is_a_database_resource_for_understanding_high_level_functions | 生物学 | KEGG - KEGG 是用于理解高级功能的数据库资源 | 正常 | KEGG - KEGG is a database resource for understanding high-level functions | http://www.genome.jp/kegg/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
29 | mit_cancer_genomics_data | 生物学 | 麻省理工学院癌症基因组学数据 | 正常 | MIT Cancer Genomics Data | http://www.broadinstitute.org/cgi-bin/cancer/datasets.cgi | github | 开源 | ||||||
30 | ncbi_proteins | 生物学 | NCBI 蛋白质 | 正常 | NCBI Proteins | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/guide/proteins/#databases | github | 开源 | ||||||
31 | ncbi_taxonomy_the_ncbi_taxonomy_database_is_a_curated_set_of_names_and | 生物学 | NCBI Taxonomy - NCBI Taxonomy 数据库是一组精选的名称和 | 正常 | NCBI Taxonomy - The NCBI Taxonomy database is a curated set of names and | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/taxonomy | github | 开源 | ||||||
32 | nci_genomic_data_commons_the_gdc_data_portal_is_a_robust_data_driven | 生物学 | NCI 基因组数据共享 - GDC 数据门户是一个强大的数据驱动 | 正常 | NCI Genomic Data Commons - The GDC Data Portal is a robust data-driven | https://gdc.cancer.gov/access-data/gdc-data-portal | github | 开源 | ||||||
33 | opensnp_genotypes_data_opensnp_allows_customers_of_direct_to_customer | 生物学 | OpenSNP 基因型数据 - openSNP 允许客户直接面向客户 | 正常 | OpenSNP genotypes data - openSNP allows customers of direct-to-customer | https://opensnp.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
34 | palmer_penguins_the_goal_of_palmerpenguins_is_to_provide_a_great | 生物学 | Palmer Penguins - palmerpenguins 的目标是提供出色的 | 正常 | Palmer Penguins - The goal of palmerpenguins is to provide a great | https://allisonhorst.github.io/palmerpenguins/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
35 | pathguid_protein_protein_interactions_catalog | 生物学 | Pathguid - 蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用目录 | 正常 | Pathguid - Protein-Protein Interactions Catalog | http://www.pathguide.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
36 | protein_data_bank_this_resource_is_powered_by_the_protein_data_bank | 生物学 | 蛋白质数据库 - 该资源由蛋白质数据库提供支持 | 正常 | Protein Data Bank - This resource is powered by the Protein Data Bank | http://www.rcsb.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
37 | psychiatric_genomics_consortium_the_purpose_of_the_psychiatric_genomics | 生物学 | 精神病基因组学联盟 - 精神病基因组学的目的 | 正常 | Psychiatric Genomics Consortium - The purpose of the Psychiatric Genomics | https://www.med.unc.edu/pgc/downloads | github | 开源 | ||||||
38 | pubchem_project_pubchem_is_the_world_s_largest_collection_of_freely | 生物学 | PubChem 项目 - PubChem 是世界上最大的免费 | 正常 | PubChem Project - PubChem is the world s largest collection of freely | https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
39 | pubgene_now_coremine_medical_coremine_is_a_family_of_tools_developed | 生物学 | PubGene(现为 Coremine Medical)- COREMINE™ 是一系列开发的工具 | 正常 | PubGene (now Coremine Medical) - COREMINE™ is a family of tools developed | https://www.coremine.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
40 | sanger_catalogue_of_somatic_mutations_in_cancer_cosmic_cosmic_the | 生物学 | Sanger 癌症体细胞突变目录 (COSMIC) - COSMIC | 正常 | Sanger Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) - COSMIC the | http://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic | github | 开源 | ||||||
41 | sanger_genomics_of_drug_sensitivity_in_cancer_project_gdsc | 生物学 | Sanger 癌症药物敏感性基因组学项目 (GDSC) | 正常 | Sanger Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Project (GDSC) | http://www.cancerrxgene.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
42 | sequence_read_archive_sra_the_sequence_read_archive_sra_stores_raw | 生物学 | 序列读取存档 (SRA) - 序列读取存档 (SRA) 存储原始 | 正常 | Sequence Read Archive(SRA) - The Sequence Read Archive (SRA) stores raw | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
43 | stanford_microarray_data | 生物学 | 斯坦福微阵列数据 | 正常 | Stanford Microarray Data | http://smd.stanford.edu/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
44 | stowers_institute_original_data_repository | 生物学 | 斯托尔斯研究所原始数据存储库 | 正常 | Stowers Institute Original Data Repository | http://www.stowers.org/research/publications/odr | github | 开源 | ||||||
45 | systems_science_of_biological_dynamics_ssbd_database_systems_science | 生物学 | 生物动力学系统科学 (SSBD) 数据库 - 系统科学 | 正常 | Systems Science of Biological Dynamics (SSBD) Database - Systems Science | http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp | github | 开源 | ||||||
46 | the_cancer_genome_atlas_tcga_available_via_broad_gdac | 生物学 | 癌症基因组图谱 (TCGA) 可通过 Broad GDAC 获得 | 正常 | The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) available via Broad GDAC | https://gdac.broadinstitute.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
47 | the_catalogue_of_life_the_catalogue_of_life_is_a_quality_assured | 生物学 | 生命目录 - 生命目录是一个质量有保证的 | 正常 | The Catalogue of Life - The Catalogue of Life is a quality-assured | http://www.catalogueoflife.org/content/annual-checklist-archive | github | 开源 | ||||||
48 | the_personal_genome_project_the_personal_genome_project_initiated_in | 生物学 | 个人基因组计划 - 个人基因组计划 始于 | 正常 | The Personal Genome Project - The Personal Genome Project initiated in | http://www.personalgenomes.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
49 | ucsc_public_data | 生物学 | UCSC公共数据 | 正常 | UCSC Public Data | http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/downloads.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
50 | unigene | 生物学 | 优尼基因 | 正常 | UniGene | https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/repository/UniGene/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
51 | universal_protein_resource_unitprot_the_universal_protein_resource | 生物学 | 通用蛋白质资源 (UnitProt) - 通用蛋白质资源 | 正常 | Universal Protein Resource (UnitProt) - The Universal Protein Resource | http://www.uniprot.org/downloads | github | 开源 | ||||||
52 | rfam_the_rfam_database_is_a_collection_of_rna_families_each | 生物学 | Rfam - Rfam 数据库是 RNA 家族的集合 每个 | 正常 | Rfam - The Rfam database is a collection of RNA families each | https://docs.rfam.org/en/latest/database.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
53 | actuaries_climate_index | 气候+天气 | 精算师气候指数 | 正常 | Actuaries Climate Index | http://actuariesclimateindex.org/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
54 | australian_weather | 气候+天气 | 澳大利亚天气 | 损坏 | Australian Weather | http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/dwo/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
55 | aviation_weather_center_consistent_timely_and_accurate_weather | 气候+天气 | 航空气象中心 - 一致、及时和准确的天气 | 正常 | Aviation Weather Center - Consistent timely and accurate weather | https://aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver | github | 开源 | ||||||
56 | brazilian_weather_historical_data_in_portuguese_data_related_to | 气候+天气 | 巴西天气 - 历史数据(葡萄牙语) - 与 | 正常 | Brazilian Weather - Historical data (In Portuguese) - Data related to | http://sinda.crn.inpe.br/PCD/SITE/novo/site/historico/index.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
57 | canadian_meteorological_centre | 气候+天气 | 加拿大气象中心 | 正常 | Canadian Meteorological Centre | http://weather.gc.ca/grib/index_e.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
58 | climate_data_from_uea_updated_monthly | 气候+天气 | UEA 的气候数据(每月更新) | 正常 | Climate Data from UEA (updated monthly) | http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
59 | dutch_weather_the_knmi_data_center_kdc_portal_provides_access_to_knmi | 气候+天气 | 荷兰天气 - KNMI 数据中心 (KDC) 门户提供对 KNMI | 正常 | Dutch Weather - The KNMI Data Center (KDC) portal provides access to KNMI | https://data.knmi.nl/datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
60 | european_climate_assessment_dataset | 气候+天气 | 欧洲气候评估和数据集 | 正常 | European Climate Assessment Dataset | https://www.ecad.eu/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
61 | german_climate_data_center | 气候+天气 | 德国气候数据中心 | 正常 | German Climate Data Center | https://cdc.dwd.de/portal/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
62 | global_climate_data_since_1929 | 气候+天气 | 自 1929 年以来的全球气候数据 | 正常 | Global Climate Data Since 1929 | http://en.tutiempo.net/climate | github | 开源 | ||||||
63 | charting_the_global_climate_change_news_narrative_2009_2020_these_four | 气候+天气 | 绘制全球气候变化新闻叙事 2009-2020 - 这四个 | 正常 | Charting The Global Climate Change News Narrative 2009-2020 - These four | https://blog.gdeltproject.org/four-massive-datasets-charting-the-global-climate-change-news-narrative-2009-2020/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
64 | nasa_global_imagery_browse_services | 气候+天气 | NASA 全球影像浏览服务 | 正常 | NASA Global Imagery Browse Services | https://wiki.earthdata.nasa.gov/display/GIBS | github | 开源 | ||||||
65 | noaa_bering_sea_climate | 气候+天气 | NOAA 白令海气候 | 损坏 | NOAA Bering Sea Climate | http://www.beringclimate.noaa.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
66 | noaa_climate_datasets | 气候+天气 | NOAA 气候数据集 | 正常 | NOAA Climate Datasets | http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/quick-links | github | 开源 | ||||||
67 | noaa_realtime_weather_models | 气候+天气 | NOAA 实时天气模型 | 正常 | NOAA Realtime Weather Models | http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/model-data/model-datasets/numerical-weather-prediction | github | 开源 | ||||||
68 | noaa_surfrad_meteorology_and_radiation_datasets | 气候+天气 | NOAA SURFRAD 气象和辐射数据集 | 正常 | NOAA SURFRAD Meteorology and Radiation Datasets | https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/grad/stardata.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
69 | the_world_bank_open_data_resources_for_climate_change | 气候+天气 | 世界银行气候变化开放数据资源 | 正常 | The World Bank Open Data Resources for Climate Change | http://data.worldbank.org/developers/climate-data-api | github | 开源 | ||||||
70 | uea_climatic_research_unit | 气候+天气 | UEA 气候研究部 | 正常 | UEA Climatic Research Unit | http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/data | github | 开源 | ||||||
71 | wu_historical_weather_worldwide | 气候+天气 | WU 全球历史天气 | 正常 | WU Historical Weather Worldwide | https://www.wunderground.com/history/index.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
72 | wahington_post_climate_change_to_analyze_warming_temperatures_in_the | 气候+天气 | 华盛顿邮报气候变化 - 分析气候变暖 | 正常 | Wahington Post Climate Change - To analyze warming temperatures in the | https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-2C-beyond-the-limit-usa | github | 开源 | ||||||
73 | worldclim_global_climate_data | 气候+天气 | WorldClim - 全球气候数据 | 正常 | WorldClim - Global Climate Data | http://www.worldclim.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
74 | aminer_citation_network_dataset | 复杂网络 | AMiner 引文网络数据集 | 正常 | AMiner Citation Network Dataset | http://aminer.org/citation | github | 开源 | ||||||
75 | crossref_doi_urls | 复杂网络 | 交叉引用 DOI URL | 正常 | CrossRef DOI URLs | https://archive.org/details/doi-urls | github | 开源 | ||||||
76 | dblp_citation_dataset | 复杂网络 | DBLP 引文数据集 | 正常 | DBLP Citation dataset | https://kdl.cs.umass.edu/display/public/DBLP | github | 开源 | ||||||
77 | dimacs_road_networks_collection | 复杂网络 | DIMACS 道路网络集合 | 正常 | DIMACS Road Networks Collection | http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/challenge9/download.shtml | github | 开源 | ||||||
78 | nber_patent_citations | 复杂网络 | NBER 专利引用 | 正常 | NBER Patent Citations | http://nber.org/patents/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
79 | nist_complex_networks_data_collection | 复杂网络 | NIST 复杂网络数据收集 | 正常 | NIST complex networks data collection | http://math.nist.gov/~RPozo/complex_datasets.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
80 | network_repository_with_interactive_exploratory_analysis_tools | 复杂网络 | 具有交互式探索性分析工具的网络存储库 | 损坏 | Network Repository with Interactive Exploratory Analysis Tools | http://networkrepository.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
81 | protein_protein_interaction_network | 复杂网络 | 蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用网络 | 正常 | Protein-protein interaction network | http://vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/data/bio/Yeast/Yeast.htm | github | 开源 | ||||||
82 | pypi_and_maven_dependency_network | 复杂网络 | PyPI 和 Maven 依赖网络 | 正常 | PyPI and Maven Dependency Network | https://ogirardot.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/sharing-pypimaven-dependency-data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
83 | scopus_citation_database | 复杂网络 | Scopus 引文数据库 | 正常 | Scopus Citation Database | https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/scopus | github | 开源 | ||||||
84 | small_network_data | 复杂网络 | 小型网络数据 | 正常 | Small Network Data | http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/netdata/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
85 | stanford_graphbase | 复杂网络 | 斯坦福图形库 | 正常 | Stanford GraphBase | http://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~algorith/implement/graphbase/implement.shtml | github | 开源 | ||||||
86 | stanford_large_network_dataset_collection | 复杂网络 | 斯坦福大型网络数据集集合 | 正常 | Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection | http://snap.stanford.edu/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
87 | stanford_longitudinal_network_data_sources | 复杂网络 | 斯坦福纵向网络数据源 | 损坏 | Stanford Longitudinal Network Data Sources | http://stanford.edu/group/sonia/dataSources/index.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
88 | the_koblenz_network_collection | 复杂网络 | 科布伦茨网络收藏 | 正常 | The Koblenz Network Collection | http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
89 | the_laboratory_for_web_algorithmics_unimi | 复杂网络 | 网络算法实验室 (UNIMI) | 正常 | The Laboratory for Web Algorithmics (UNIMI) | http://law.di.unimi.it/datasets.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
90 | uci_network_data_repository | 复杂网络 | UCI 网络数据库 | 正常 | UCI Network Data Repository | https://networkdata.ics.uci.edu/resources.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
91 | ufl_sparse_matrix_collection | 复杂网络 | UFL 稀疏矩阵集合 | 正常 | UFL sparse matrix collection | http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/matrices/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
92 | wsu_graph_database | 复杂网络 | WSU 图形数据库 | 损坏 | WSU Graph Database | http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/mgd/gdb.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
93 | community_resource_for_archiving_wireless_data_at_dartmouth_contains | 复杂网络 | 在达特茅斯存档无线数据的社区资源 - 包含 | 正常 | Community Resource for Archiving Wireless Data At Dartmouth - Contains | https://www.crawdad.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
94 | 3_5b_web_pages_from_commoncrawl_2012 | 计算机网络 | 来自 CommonCrawl 2012 的 3.5B 网页 | 正常 | 3.5B Web Pages from CommonCrawl 2012 | http://www.bigdatanews.com/profiles/blogs/big-data-set-3-5-billion-web-pages-made-available-for-all-of-us | github | 开源 | ||||||
95 | 53_5b_web_clicks_of_100k_users_in_indiana_univ | 计算机网络 | 印第安纳大学 10 万用户的 53.5B 网络点击。 | 正常 | 53.5B Web clicks of 100K users in Indiana Univ. | http://cnets.indiana.edu/groups/nan/webtraffic/click-dataset/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
96 | caida_internet_datasets | 计算机网络 | CAIDA 互联网数据集 | 正常 | CAIDA Internet Datasets | http://www.caida.org/data/overview/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
97 | crawdad_wireless_datasets_from_dartmouth_univ | 计算机网络 | 达特茅斯大学的 CRAWDAD 无线数据集。 | 损坏 | CRAWDAD Wireless datasets from Dartmouth Univ. | https://crawdad.cs.dartmouth.edu/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
98 | clueweb09_1b_web_pages | 计算机网络 | ClueWeb09 - 1B 网页 | 正常 | ClueWeb09 - 1B web pages | http://lemurproject.org/clueweb09/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
99 | clueweb12_733m_web_pages | 计算机网络 | ClueWeb12 - 733M 网页 | 正常 | ClueWeb12 - 733M web pages | http://lemurproject.org/clueweb12/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
100 | commoncrawl_web_data_over_7_years | 计算机网络 | 超过 7 年的 CommonCrawl 网络数据 | 正常 | CommonCrawl Web Data over 7 years | http://commoncrawl.org/the-data/get-started/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
101 | criteo_click_through_data | 计算机网络 | Criteo 点击数据 | 正常 | Criteo click-through data | http://labs.criteo.com/2015/03/criteo-releases-its-new-dataset/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
102 | internet_wide_scan_data_repository | 计算机网络 | 互联网范围的扫描数据存储库 | 损坏 | Internet-Wide Scan Data Repository | https://scans.io/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
103 | mirage_2019_mirage_2019_is_a_human_generated_dataset_for_mobile_traffic | 计算机网络 | MIRAGE-2019 - MIRAGE-2019 是一个人工生成的移动流量数据集 | 损坏 | MIRAGE-2019 - MIRAGE-2019 is a human-generated dataset for mobile traffic | http://traffic.comics.unina.it/mirage/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
104 | ooni_open_observatory_of_network_interference_internet_censorship_data | 计算机网络 | OONI:网络干扰开放观察站 - 互联网审查数据 | 正常 | OONI: Open Observatory of Network Interference - Internet censorship data | https://ooni.torproject.org/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
105 | open_mobile_data_by_mobiperf | 计算机网络 | MobiPerf 开放移动数据 | 正常 | Open Mobile Data by MobiPerf | https://console.developers.google.com/storage/openmobiledata_public/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
106 | the_peer_to_peer_trace_archive_real_world_measurements_play_a_key_role | 计算机网络 | Peer-to-Peer Trace Archive - 真实世界的测量起着关键作用 | 正常 | The Peer-to-Peer Trace Archive - Real-world measurements play a key role | http://p2pta.ewi.tudelft.nl/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
107 | rapid7_sonar_internet_scans | 计算机网络 | Rapid7 声纳互联网扫描 | 正常 | Rapid7 Sonar Internet Scans | https://sonar.labs.rapid7.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
108 | ucsd_network_telescope_ipv4_8_net | 计算机网络 | UCSD 网络望远镜 IPv4 /8 网络 | 正常 | UCSD Network Telescope IPv4 /8 net | http://www.caida.org/projects/network_telescope/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
109 | cccs_cic_andmal_2020_the_dataset_includes_200k_benign_and_200k_malware | 网络安全 | CCCS-CIC-AndMal-2020 - 数据集包括 200K 良性和 200K 恶意软件 | 正常 | CCCS-CIC-AndMal-2020 - The dataset includes 200K benign and 200K malware | https://www.unb.ca/cic/datasets/andmal2020.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
110 | traffic_and_log_data_captured_during_a_cyber_defense_exercise_this | 网络安全 | 在网络防御演习期间捕获的流量和日志数据 - 这 | 正常 | Traffic and Log Data Captured During a Cyber Defense Exercise - This | https://zenodo.org/record/3746129 | github | 开源 | ||||||
111 | aicrowd_competitions | 数据挑战 | 人群竞赛 | 正常 | AIcrowd Competitions | https://www.aicrowd.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
112 | bruteforce_database | 数据挑战 | 蛮力数据库 | 正常 | Bruteforce Database | https://github.com/duyetdev/bruteforce-database | github | 开源 | ||||||
113 | challenges_in_machine_learning | 数据挑战 | 机器学习的挑战 | 正常 | Challenges in Machine Learning | http://www.chalearn.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
114 | crowdanalytix_datax | 数据挑战 | CrowdANALYTIX dataX | 损坏 | CrowdANALYTIX dataX | http://data.crowdanalytix.com | github | 开源 | ||||||
115 | d4d_challenge_of_orange | 数据挑战 | 橙色的 D4D 挑战 | 损坏 | D4D Challenge of Orange | http://www.d4d.orange.com/en/home | github | 开源 | ||||||
116 | drivendata_competitions_for_social_good | 数据挑战 | DrivenData 社会公益竞赛 | 正常 | DrivenData Competitions for Social Good | http://www.drivendata.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
117 | icwsm_data_challenge_since_2009 | 数据挑战 | ICWSM 数据挑战赛(自 2009 年起) | 正常 | ICWSM Data Challenge (since 2009) | https://www.icwsm.org/2018/datasets/datasets/#obtaining | github | 开源 | ||||||
118 | kdd_cup_by_tencent_2012 | 数据挑战 | 2012年腾讯KDD杯 | 正常 | KDD Cup by Tencent 2012 | http://www.kddcup2012.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
119 | kaggle_competition_data | 数据挑战 | Kaggle 比赛数据 | 正常 | Kaggle Competition Data | https://www.kaggle.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
120 | localytics_data_visualization_challenge | 数据挑战 | Localytics 数据可视化挑战 | 正常 | Localytics Data Visualization Challenge | https://github.com/localytics/data-viz-challenge | github | 开源 | ||||||
121 | netflix_prize | 数据挑战 | 奈飞奖 | 正常 | Netflix Prize | http://netflixprize.com/leaderboard.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
122 | space_apps_challenge | 数据挑战 | 太空应用挑战 | 正常 | Space Apps Challenge | https://2015.spaceappschallenge.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
123 | telecom_italia_big_data_challenge | 数据挑战 | 意大利电信大数据挑战赛 | 损坏 | Telecom Italia Big Data Challenge | https://dandelion.eu/datamine/open-big-data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
124 | travistorrent_dataset_msr_2017_mining_challenge | 数据挑战 | TravisTorrent 数据集 - MSR 2017 挖矿挑战 | 正常 | TravisTorrent Dataset - MSR 2017 Mining Challenge | https://travistorrent.testroots.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
125 | tunedit_data_mining_machine_learning_data_sets_algorithms_challenges | 数据挑战 | TunedIT - 数据挖掘和机器学习数据集、算法、挑战 | 损坏 | TunedIT - Data mining machine learning data sets algorithms challenges | http://tunedit.org/challenges/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
126 | yelp_dataset_challenge | 数据挑战 | Yelp 数据集挑战 | 损坏 | Yelp Dataset Challenge | http://www.yelp.com/dataset_challenge | github | 开源 | ||||||
127 | 38_cloud_cloud_detection_contains_38_landsat_8_scene_images_and_their | 地球科学 | 38-Cloud(云检测)- 包含 38 个 Landsat 8 场景图像及其 | 正常 | 38-Cloud (Cloud Detection) - Contains 38 Landsat 8 scene images and their | https://github.com/SorourMo/38-Cloud-A-Cloud-Segmentation-Dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
128 | aquastat_global_water_resources_and_uses | 地球科学 | AQUASTAT - 全球水资源和用途 | 正常 | AQUASTAT - Global water resources and uses | http://www.fao.org/nr/water/aquastat/data/query/index.html?lang=en | github | 开源 | ||||||
129 | bodc_marine_data_of_22k_vars | 地球科学 | BODC - ~22K vars 的海洋数据 | 正常 | BODC - marine data of ~22K vars | https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
130 | eosdis_nasa_s_earth_observing_system_data | 地球科学 | EOSDIS - NASA 的地球观测系统数据 | 正常 | EOSDIS - NASA s earth observing system data | http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/data/sets/browse | github | 开源 | ||||||
131 | earth_models | 地球科学 | 地球模型 | 损坏 | Earth Models | https://earthmodels.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
132 | global_wind_atlas_the_global_wind_atlas_is_a_free_web_based | 地球科学 | 全球风图集 - 全球风图集是一个免费的、基于网络的 | 正常 | Global Wind Atlas - The Global Wind Atlas is a free web-based | https://globalwindatlas.info/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
133 | integrated_marine_observing_system_imos_roughly_30tb_of_ocean_measurements | 地球科学 | 综合海洋观测系统 (IMOS) - 大约 30TB 的海洋测量数据 | 正常 | Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) - roughly 30TB of ocean measurements | https://imos.aodn.org.au | github | 开源 | ||||||
134 | marinexplore_open_oceanographic_data | 地球科学 | Marineexplore - 开放海洋学数据 | 正常 | Marinexplore - Open Oceanographic Data | http://marinexplore.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
135 | alabama_real_time_coastal_observing_system | 地球科学 | 阿拉巴马州实时海岸观测系统 | 正常 | Alabama Real-Time Coastal Observing System | http://mymobilebay.com | github | 开源 | ||||||
136 | national_estuarine_research_reserves_system_wide_monitoring_program | 地球科学 | 国家河口研究储备全系统监测计划 - | 正常 | National Estuarine Research Reserves System-Wide Monitoring Program - | http://nerrsdata.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
137 | oil_and_gas_authority_open_data_the_dataset_covers_12500_offshore | 地球科学 | 石油和天然气管理局开放数据 - 数据集涵盖 12 500 个海上 | 正常 | Oil and Gas Authority Open Data - The dataset covers 12 500 offshore | https://data-ogauthority.opendata.arcgis.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
138 | smithsonian_institution_global_volcano_and_eruption_database | 地球科学 | 史密森学会全球火山和喷发数据库 | 正常 | Smithsonian Institution Global Volcano and Eruption Database | http://volcano.si.edu/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
139 | usgs_earthquake_archives | 地球科学 | 美国地质勘探局地震档案 | 正常 | USGS Earthquake Archives | http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/search/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
140 | american_economic_association_aea | 经济学 | 美国经济协会 (AEA) | 正常 | American Economic Association (AEA) | https://www.aeaweb.org/resources/data | github | 开源 | ||||||
141 | econdata_from_umd | 经济学 | 来自 UMD 的 EconData | 损坏 | EconData from UMD | http://inforumweb.umd.edu/econdata/econdata.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
142 | economic_freedom_of_the_world_data | 经济学 | 世界数据的经济自由 | 正常 | Economic Freedom of the World Data | http://www.freetheworld.com/datasets_efw.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
143 | historical_macroeconomic_statistics | 经济学 | 历史宏观经济统计 | 正常 | Historical MacroEconomic Statistics | http://www.historicalstatistics.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
144 | inforum_interindustry_forecasting_at_the_university_of_maryland | 经济学 | INFORUM - 马里兰大学的跨行业预测 | 损坏 | INFORUM - Interindustry Forecasting at the University of Maryland | http://inforumweb.umd.edu/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
145 | dbnomics_the_world_s_economic_database_aggregates_hundreds_of | 经济学 | DBnomics - 世界经济数据库 - 聚合了数百个 | 正常 | DBnomics – the world s economic database - Aggregates hundreds of | https://db.nomics.world/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
146 | international_trade_statistics | 经济学 | 国际贸易统计 | 损坏 | International Trade Statistics | http://www.econostatistics.co.za/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
147 | internet_product_code_database | 经济学 | 互联网产品代码数据库 | 正常 | Internet Product Code Database | http://www.upcdatabase.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
148 | joint_external_debt_data_hub | 经济学 | 联合外债数据中心 | 正常 | Joint External Debt Data Hub | http://www.jedh.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
149 | jon_haveman_international_trade_data_links | 经济学 | Jon Haveman 国际贸易数据链接 | 正常 | Jon Haveman International Trade Data Links | http://www.macalester.edu/research/economics/PAGE/HAVEMAN/Trade.Resources/TradeData.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
150 | long_term_productivity_database_the_long_term_productivity_database_was | 经济学 | 长期生产力数据库 - 长期生产力数据库是 | 正常 | Long-Term Productivity Database - The Long-Term Productivity database was | http://longtermproductivity.com/download.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
151 | opencorporates_database_of_companies_in_the_world | 经济学 | OpenCorporates 全球公司数据库 | 正常 | OpenCorporates Database of Companies in the World | https://opencorporates.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
152 | our_world_in_data | 经济学 | 我们的数据世界 | 正常 | Our World in Data | http://ourworldindata.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
153 | sciencespo_world_trade_gravity_datasets | 经济学 | SciencesPo 世界贸易重力数据集 | 损坏 | SciencesPo World Trade Gravity Datasets | http://econ.sciences-po.fr/thierry-mayer/data | github | 开源 | ||||||
154 | the_atlas_of_economic_complexity | 经济学 | 经济复杂性地图集 | 正常 | The Atlas of Economic Complexity | http://atlas.cid.harvard.edu | github | 开源 | ||||||
155 | the_center_for_international_data | 经济学 | 国际数据中心 | 正常 | The Center for International Data | http://cid.econ.ucdavis.edu | github | 开源 | ||||||
156 | the_observatory_of_economic_complexity | 经济学 | 经济复杂性观察站 | 损坏 | The Observatory of Economic Complexity | http://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
157 | un_commodity_trade_statistics | 经济学 | 联合国商品贸易统计 | 正常 | UN Commodity Trade Statistics | https://comtrade.un.org/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
158 | un_human_development_reports | 经济学 | 联合国人类发展报告 | 正常 | UN Human Development Reports | http://hdr.undp.org/en | github | 开源 | ||||||
159 | college_scorecard_data | 教育 | 大学记分卡数据 | 正常 | College Scorecard Data | https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
160 | new_york_state_education_department_data_the_new_york_state_education | 教育 | 纽约州教育部数据 - 纽约州教育 | 正常 | New York State Education Department Data - The New York State Education | https://data.nysed.gov/downloads.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
161 | program_for_international_student_assessement_pisa_contains_15_year | 教育 | 国际学生评估计划 (PISA) - 包含 15 年 - | 正常 | Program for International Student Assessement (PISA) - Contains 15-year- | https://www.oecd.org/pisa/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
162 | student_data_from_free_code_camp | 教育 | 来自免费代码营的学生数据 | 正常 | Student Data from Free Code Camp | https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/open-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
163 | ampds_the_almanac_of_minutely_power_dataset | 能源 | AMPds - Minutely Power 数据集年鉴 | 正常 | AMPds - The Almanac of Minutely Power dataset | http://ampds.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
164 | blued_building_level_fully_labeled_electricity | 能源 | BLUEd - 建筑物级完全标记的电力分解数据集 | 正常 | BLUEd - Building-Level fUlly labeled Electricity | https://energy.duke.edu/content/building-level-fully-labeled-electricity-disaggregation-blued | github | 开源 | ||||||
165 | combed | 能源 | 精梳 | 正常 | COMBED | http://combed.github.io/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
166 | dbfc_direct_borohydride_fuel_cell_dbfc_dataset | 能源 | DBFC - 直接硼氢化物燃料电池 (DBFC) 数据集 | 正常 | DBFC - Direct Borohydride Fuel Cell (DBFC) Dataset | https://github.com/ECSIM/dbfc-dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
167 | del_domestic_electrical_load_study_datsets_for_south_africa_1994_2014 | 能源 | DEL - 南非国内电力负荷研究数据集(1994 - 2014) | 正常 | DEL - Domestic Electrical Load study datsets for South Africa (1994 - 2014) | https://www.datafirst.uct.ac.za/dataportal/index.php/catalog/DELS | github | 开源 | ||||||
168 | eco_the_eco_data_set_is_a_comprehensive_data_set_for_non_intrusive_load | 能源 | ECO - ECO 数据集是用于非侵入式负载的综合数据集 | 正常 | ECO - The ECO data set is a comprehensive data set for non-intrusive load | http://www.vs.inf.ethz.ch/res/show.html?what=eco-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
169 | eia | 能源 | 环评 | 正常 | EIA | http://www.eia.gov/electricity/data/eia923/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
170 | global_power_plant_database_the_global_power_plant_database_is_a | 能源 | 全球电厂数据库 - 全球电厂数据库是一个 | 正常 | Global Power Plant Database - The Global Power Plant Database is a | http://datasets.wri.org/dataset/globalpowerplantdatabase | github | 开源 | ||||||
171 | hes_household_electricity_study_uk | 能源 | HES - 英国家庭用电研究 | 正常 | HES - Household Electricity Study UK | http://randd.defra.gov.uk/Default.aspx?Menu=Menu&Module=More&Location=None&ProjectID=17359&FromSearch=Y&Publisher=1&SearchText=EV0702&SortString=ProjectCode&SortOrder=Asc&Paging=10#Description | github | 开源 | ||||||
172 | hfed | 能源 | 高频ED | 正常 | HFED | http://hfed.github.io/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
173 | pem1_proton_exchange_membrane_pem_fuel_cell_dataset | 能源 | PEM1 - 质子交换膜 (PEM) 燃料电池数据集 | 正常 | PEM1 - Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Dataset | https://github.com/ECSIM/pem-dataset1 | github | 开源 | ||||||
174 | plaid_the_plug_load_appliance_identification_dataset | 能源 | PLAID - 即插即用设备标识数据集 | 损坏 | PLAID - The Plug Load Appliance Identification Dataset | http://plaidplug.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
175 | the_public_utility_data_liberation_project_pudl_pudl_makes_us_energy | 能源 | 公共事业数据解放项目 (PUDL) - PUDL 使美国能源 | 正常 | The Public Utility Data Liberation Project (PUDL) - PUDL makes US energy | https://github.com/catalyst-cooperative/pudl | github | 开源 | ||||||
176 | redd | 能源 | REDD | 正常 | REDD | http://redd.csail.mit.edu/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
177 | synd_a_synthetic_energy_dataset_for_non_intrusive_load_monitoring | 能源 | SYND - 用于非侵入式负载监控的合成能源数据集 - | 正常 | SYND - A synthetic energy dataset for non-intrusive load monitoring - | https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-020-0434-6 | github | 开源 | ||||||
178 | smart_meter_data_portal_the_smart_meter_data_portal_is_part_of_the | 能源 | 智能电表数据门户 - 智能电表数据门户是 | 正常 | Smart Meter Data Portal - The Smart Meter Data Portal is part of the | https://smda.github.io/smart-meter-data-portal | github | 开源 | ||||||
179 | tracebase | 能源 | 追踪库 | 正常 | Tracebase | https://github.com/areinhardt/tracebase | github | 开源 | ||||||
180 | ukraine_energy_centre_datasets | 能源 | 乌克兰能源中心数据集 | 正常 | Ukraine Energy Centre Datasets | https://ukrstat.org/en/operativ/menu/menu_e/energ.htm | github | 开源 | ||||||
181 | uk_dale_uk_domestic_appliance_level_electricity | 能源 | UK-DALE - 英国家用电器级电力 | 正常 | UK-DALE - UK Domestic Appliance-Level Electricity | https://jack-kelly.com/data | github | 开源 | ||||||
182 | whited | 能源 | 白色 | 正常 | WHITED | http://nilmworkshop.org/2016/proceedings/Poster_ID18.pdf | github | 开源 | ||||||
183 | iawe | 能源 | 爱威 | 正常 | iAWE | http://iawe.github.io/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
184 | top_streamers_on_twitch_this_contains_data_of_top_1000_streamers_from | 娱乐 | Twitch 上的顶级主播 - 这包含来自 [...] 的前 1000 名主播的数据 | 正常 | Top Streamers on Twitch - This contains data of Top 1000 Streamers from | https://www.kaggle.com/aayushmishra1512/twitchdata | github | 开源 | ||||||
185 | bis_statistics_bis_statistics_compiled_in_cooperation_with_central | 金融 | BIS Statistics - BIS 统计数据 与中央 | 正常 | BIS Statistics - BIS statistics compiled in cooperation with central | https://www.bis.org/statistics/full_data_sets.htm | github | 开源 | ||||||
186 | blockmodo_coin_registry_a_registry_of_json_formatted_information_files | 金融 | Blockmodo Coin Registry - JSON 格式信息文件的注册表 | 正常 | Blockmodo Coin Registry - A registry of JSON formatted information files | https://github.com/Blockmodo/coin_registry | github | 开源 | ||||||
187 | cboe_futures_exchange | 金融 | CBOE 期货交易所 | 损坏 | CBOE Futures Exchange | http://cfe.cboe.com/market-data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
188 | complete_faang_stock_data_this_data_set_contains_all_the_stock_data_of | 金融 | 完整的 FAANG 股票数据 - 该数据集包含 的所有股票数据 | 正常 | Complete FAANG Stock data - This data set contains all the stock data of | https://www.kaggle.com/aayushmishra1512/faang-complete-stock-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
189 | google_finance | 金融 | 谷歌财经 | 正常 | Google Finance | https://www.google.com/finance | github | 开源 | ||||||
190 | google_trends | 金融 | 谷歌趋势 | 正常 | Google Trends | http://www.google.com/trends?q=google&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=0 | github | 开源 | ||||||
191 | nasdaq | 金融 | 纳斯达克 | 损坏 | NASDAQ | https://data.nasdaq.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
192 | oanda | 金融 | 万达 | 正常 | OANDA | http://www.oanda.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
193 | osu_financial_data | 金融 | OSU 财务数据 | 损坏 | OSU Financial data | http://fisher.osu.edu/fin/fdf/osudata.htm | github | 开源 | ||||||
194 | quandl | 金融 | 匡德尔 | 正常 | Quandl | https://www.quandl.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
195 | sec_edgar_edgar_the_electronic_data_gathering_analysis_and_retrieval | 金融 | SEC EDGAR - EDGAR 电子数据收集、分析和检索 | 正常 | SEC EDGAR - EDGAR the Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval | https://www.sec.gov/edgar/about | github | 开源 | ||||||
196 | st_louis_federal | 金融 | 圣路易斯联邦 | 正常 | St Louis Federal | https://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
197 | yahoo_finance | 金融 | 雅虎财经 | 正常 | Yahoo Finance | http://finance.yahoo.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
198 | awesome_3d_semantic_city_models_collection_of_open_3d_semantic_city_and | GIS | Awesome 3D Semantic City Models - 开放 3D 语义城市的集合和 | 正常 | Awesome 3D Semantic City Models - Collection of open 3D semantic city and | https://github.com/OloOcki/awesome-citygml | github | 开源 | ||||||
199 | arcgis_open_data_portal | GIS | ArcGIS 开放数据门户 | 正常 | ArcGIS Open Data portal | http://opendata.arcgis.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
200 | cambridge_ma_us_gis_data_on_github | GIS | 美国马萨诸塞州剑桥 GitHub 上的 GIS 数据 | 正常 | Cambridge MA US GIS data on GitHub | http://cambridgegis.github.io/gisdata.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
201 | database_of_all_continents_countries_states_subdivisions_provinces_and | GIS | 各大洲、国家、州/省/省和 | 正常 | Database of all continents countries States/Subdivisions/Provinces and | https://www.back4app.com/database/back4app/list-of-all-continents-countries-cities | github | 开源 | ||||||
202 | factual_global_location_data | GIS | 实际的全球位置数据 | 正常 | Factual Global Location Data | https://places.factual.com/data/t/places | github | 开源 | ||||||
203 | ieee_geoscience_and_remote_sensing_society_dase_website | GIS | IEEE 地球科学与遥感学会 DASE 网站 | 正常 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society DASE Website | http://dase.grss-ieee.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
204 | geo_maps_high_quality_geojson_maps_programmatically_generated | GIS | Geo Maps - 以编程方式生成的高质量 GeoJSON 地图 | 正常 | Geo Maps - High Quality GeoJSON maps programmatically generated | https://github.com/simonepri/geo-maps | github | 开源 | ||||||
205 | geo_spatial_data_from_asu | GIS | 来自 ASU 的地理空间数据 | 正常 | Geo Spatial Data from ASU | http://geodacenter.asu.edu/datalist/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
206 | geo_wiki_project_citizen_driven_environmental_monitoring | GIS | Geo Wiki 项目 - 公民驱动的环境监测 | 正常 | Geo Wiki Project - Citizen-driven Environmental Monitoring | http://geo-wiki.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
207 | geofabrik_osm_data_extracted_to_a_variety_of_formats_and_areas | GIS | GeoFabrik - 提取到各种格式和区域的 OSM 数据 | 正常 | GeoFabrik - OSM data extracted to a variety of formats and areas | http://download.geofabrik.de/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
208 | geonames_worldwide | GIS | 全球地名 | 正常 | GeoNames Worldwide | http://www.geonames.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
209 | global_administrative_areas_database_gadm_geospatial_data_organized | GIS | 全球行政区数据库 (GADM) - 组织的地理空间数据 | 正常 | Global Administrative Areas Database (GADM) - Geospatial data organized | https://gadm.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
210 | homeland_infrastructure_foundation_level_data | GIS | 国土基础设施基础级数据 | 正常 | Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data | https://hifld-geoplatform.opendata.arcgis.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
211 | landsat_8_on_aws | GIS | AWS 上的陆地卫星 8 | 正常 | Landsat 8 on AWS | https://aws.amazon.com/public-data-sets/landsat/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
212 | list_of_all_countries_in_all_languages | GIS | 所有语言的所有国家列表 | 正常 | List of all countries in all languages | https://github.com/umpirsky/country-list | github | 开源 | ||||||
213 | national_weather_service_gis_data_portal | GIS | 国家气象局 GIS 数据门户 | 正常 | National Weather Service GIS Data Portal | http://www.nws.noaa.gov/gis/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
214 | natural_earth_vectors_and_rasters_of_the_world | GIS | 自然地球 - 世界的矢量和栅格 | 损坏 | Natural Earth - vectors and rasters of the world | https://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
215 | openaddresses | GIS | 开放地址 | 正常 | OpenAddresses | http://openaddresses.io/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
216 | openstreetmap_osm | GIS | 开放街图 (OSM) | 正常 | OpenStreetMap (OSM) | http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Downloading_data | github | 开源 | ||||||
217 | pleiades_gazetteer_and_graph_of_ancient_places | GIS | 昴宿星团 - 地名词典和古代地方图表 | 正常 | Pleiades - Gazetteer and graph of ancient places | http://pleiades.stoa.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
218 | reverse_geocoder_using_osm_data | GIS | 使用 OSM 数据的反向地理编码器 | 正常 | Reverse Geocoder using OSM data | https://github.com/kno10/reversegeocode | github | 开源 | ||||||
219 | robin_wilson_free_gis_datasets | GIS | Robin Wilson - 免费 GIS 数据集 | 正常 | Robin Wilson - Free GIS Datasets | http://freegisdata.rtwilson.com | github | 开源 | ||||||
220 | tiger_line_u_s_boundaries_and_roads | GIS | TIGER/Line - 美国边界和道路 | 正常 | TIGER/Line - U.S. boundaries and roads | https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/tiger-line.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
221 | tz_timezones_shapefile | GIS | TZ 时区 shapefile | 正常 | TZ Timezones shapefile | http://efele.net/maps/tz/world/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
222 | twofishes_foursquare_s_coarse_geocoder | GIS | TwoFishes - Foursquare 的粗略地理编码器 | 正常 | TwoFishes - Foursquare s coarse geocoder | https://github.com/foursquare/twofishes | github | 开源 | ||||||
223 | un_environmental_data | GIS | 联合国环境数据 | 正常 | UN Environmental Data | http://geodata.grid.unep.ch/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
224 | world_boundaries_from_the_u_s_department_of_state | GIS | 美国国务院的世界边界 | 正常 | World boundaries from the U.S. Department of State | http://geonode.state.gov/layers/?limit=100&offset=0 | github | 开源 | ||||||
225 | world_countries_in_multiple_formats | GIS | 多种格式的世界国家 | 正常 | World countries in multiple formats | https://github.com/mledoze/countries | github | 开源 | ||||||
226 | alberta_province_of_canada | 政府 | 加拿大阿尔伯塔省 | 正常 | Alberta Province of Canada | http://open.alberta.ca | github | 开源 | ||||||
227 | antwerp_belgium | 政府 | 比利时安特卫普 | 正常 | Antwerp Belgium | http://opendata.antwerpen.be/datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
228 | argentina_non_official | 政府 | 阿根廷(非官方) | 损坏 | Argentina (non official) | http://datar.noip.me/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
229 | datos_argentina_portal_de_datos_abiertos_de_la_republica_argentina | 政府 | Datos Argentina - Portal de datos abiertos de la República Argentina。 | 正常 | Datos Argentina - Portal de datos abiertos de la República Argentina. | http://datos.gob.ar/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
230 | austin_tx_us | 政府 | 美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀 | 正常 | Austin TX US | https://data.austintexas.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
231 | australia_abs_gov_au | 政府 | 澳大利亚 (abs.gov.au) | 正常 | Australia (abs.gov.au) | http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/DetailsPage/3301.02009?OpenDocument | github | 开源 | ||||||
232 | australia_data_gov_au | 政府 | 澳大利亚 (data.gov.au) | 正常 | Australia (data.gov.au) | https://data.gov.au/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
233 | austria_data_gv_at | 政府 | 奥地利 (data.gv.at) | 正常 | Austria (data.gv.at) | https://www.data.gv.at/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
234 | baton_rouge_la_us | 政府 | 美国洛杉矶巴吞鲁日 | 正常 | Baton Rouge LA US | https://data.brla.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
235 | beersheba_israel_open_data_portal_smart7_opendata | 政府 | 以色列贝尔谢巴 - 开放数据门户 (Smart7 OpenData) | 正常 | Beersheba Israel - Open Data Portal (Smart7 OpenData) | https://www.beer-sheva.muni.il/OpenData/Pages/default.aspx | github | 开源 | ||||||
236 | belgium | 政府 | 比利时 | 正常 | Belgium | http://data.gov.be/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
237 | city_of_berkeley_open_data | 政府 | 伯克利市开放数据 | 正常 | City of Berkeley Open Data | https://data.cityofberkeley.info/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
238 | brazil | 政府 | 巴西 | 正常 | Brazil | http://dados.gov.br/dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
239 | buenos_aires_argentina | 政府 | 阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯 | 正常 | Buenos Aires Argentina | http://data.buenosaires.gob.ar/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
240 | calgary_ab_canada | 政府 | 加拿大卡尔加里 | 正常 | Calgary AB Canada | https://data.calgary.ca/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
241 | cambridge_ma_us | 政府 | 美国马萨诸塞州剑桥 | 正常 | Cambridge MA US | https://data.cambridgema.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
242 | canada | 政府 | 加拿大 | 正常 | Canada | http://open.canada.ca/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
243 | chicago | 政府 | 芝加哥 | 正常 | Chicago | https://data.cityofchicago.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
244 | chile | 政府 | 智利 | 正常 | Chile | http://datos.gob.cl/dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
245 | china | 政府 | 中国 | 损坏 | China | https://data.stats.gov.cn/english/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
246 | dallas_open_data | 政府 | 达拉斯开放数据 | 正常 | Dallas Open Data | https://www.dallasopendata.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
247 | databc_data_from_the_province_of_british_columbia | 政府 | DataBC - 来自不列颠哥伦比亚省的数据 | 正常 | DataBC - data from the Province of British Columbia | https://www.data.gov.bc.ca/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
248 | debt_to_the_penny_the_debt_to_the_penny_dataset_provides_information | 政府 | Debt to the Penny - Debt to the Penny 数据集提供了信息 | 正常 | Debt to the Penny - The Debt to the Penny dataset provides information | https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/datasets/debt-to-the-penny/debt-to-the-penny | github | 开源 | ||||||
249 | denver_open_data | 政府 | 丹佛开放数据 | 正常 | Denver Open Data | http://data.denvergov.org// | github | 开源 | ||||||
250 | durham_nc_open_data | 政府 | 北卡罗来纳州达勒姆开放数据 | 正常 | Durham NC Open Data | https://live-durhamnc.opendata.arcgis.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
251 | edmonton_ab_canada | 政府 | 加拿大艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿 | 正常 | Edmonton AB Canada | https://data.edmonton.ca/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
252 | england_lginform | 政府 | 英格兰 LGInform | 正常 | England LGInform | http://lginform.local.gov.uk/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
253 | eurostat | 政府 | 欧洲统计局 | 正常 | EuroStat | http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database | github | 开源 | ||||||
254 | everypolitician_ongoing_project_collating_and_sharing_data_on_every | 政府 | EveryPolitician - 正在进行的项目整理和共享每个 的数据 | 正常 | EveryPolitician - Ongoing project collating and sharing data on every | http://everypolitician.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
255 | federal_committee_on_statistical_methodology_fcsm_formerly_fedstats | 政府 | 联邦统计方法委员会 (FCSM)(以前的 FedStats) | 正常 | Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) (formerly FedStats) | https://nces.ed.gov/FCSM/index.asp | github | 开源 | ||||||
256 | finland | 政府 | 芬兰 | 正常 | Finland | https://www.opendata.fi/en | github | 开源 | ||||||
257 | france | 政府 | 法国 | 正常 | France | https://www.data.gouv.fr/en/datasets/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
258 | fredericton_nb_canada | 政府 | 弗雷德里克顿 NB 加拿大 | 正常 | Fredericton NB Canada | http://www.fredericton.ca/en/citygovernment/Catalogue.asp | github | 开源 | ||||||
259 | gatineau_qc_canada | 政府 | 加拿大 QC 加蒂诺 | 正常 | Gatineau QC Canada | http://www.gatineau.ca/donneesouvertes/default_fr.aspx | github | 开源 | ||||||
260 | germany | 政府 | 德国 | 正常 | Germany | https://www-genesis.destatis.de/genesis/online | github | 开源 | ||||||
261 | ghent_belgium | 政府 | 比利时根特 | 正常 | Ghent Belgium | https://data.stad.gent/explore | github | 开源 | ||||||
262 | glasgow_scotland_uk | 政府 | 格拉斯哥 苏格兰 英国 | 正常 | Glasgow Scotland UK | https://data.glasgow.gov.uk/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
263 | greece | 政府 | 希腊 | 正常 | Greece | http://www.data.gov.gr/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
264 | guardian_world_governments | 政府 | 守护世界各国政府 | 正常 | Guardian world governments | http://www.guardian.co.uk/world-government-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
265 | halifax_ns_canada | 政府 | 哈利法克斯 NS 加拿大 | 正常 | Halifax NS Canada | https://www.halifax.ca/home/open-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
266 | helsinki_region_finland | 政府 | 芬兰赫尔辛基地区 | 正常 | Helsinki Region Finland | http://www.hri.fi/en/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
267 | hong_kong_china | 政府 | 中国香港 | 正常 | Hong Kong China | https://data.gov.hk/en/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
268 | houston_tx_us | 政府 | 美国德克萨斯州休斯顿 | 正常 | Houston TX US | http://data.houstontx.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
269 | indian_government_data | 政府 | 印度政府数据 | 正常 | Indian Government Data | https://data.gov.in/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
270 | indonesian_data_portal | 政府 | 印度尼西亚数据门户 | 正常 | Indonesian Data Portal | http://data.go.id/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
271 | iowa_welcome_to_the_state_of_iowa_s_data_portal_please_explore_data | 政府 | 爱荷华州 - 欢迎来到爱荷华州的数据门户。 | 正常 | Iowa - Welcome to the State of Iowa s data portal. Please explore data | https://data.iowa.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
272 | ireland_s_open_data_portal | 政府 | 爱尔兰的开放数据门户 | 正常 | Ireland s Open Data Portal | https://data.gov.ie/data | github | 开源 | ||||||
273 | israel_s_open_data_portal | 政府 | 以色列的开放数据门户 | 损坏 | Israel s Open Data Portal | https://data.gov.il | github | 开源 | ||||||
274 | istanbul_municipality_open_data_portal | 政府 | 伊斯坦布尔市开放数据门户 | 正常 | Istanbul Municipality Open Data Portal | https://data.ibb.gov.tr | github | 开源 | ||||||
275 | italy_il_portale_dati_gov_it_e_il_catalogo_nazionale_dei_metadati | 政府 | 意大利 - Il Portale dati.gov.it è il catalogo nazionale dei metadati | 正常 | Italy - Il Portale dati.gov.it è il catalogo nazionale dei metadati | https://www.dati.gov.it/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
276 | jail_deaths_in_america_the_u_s_government_does_not_release_jail_by | 政府 | 美国的监狱死亡事件 - 美国政府不会在 | 正常 | Jail deaths in America - The U.S. government does not release jail by | https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-jails-graphic/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
277 | japan | 政府 | 日本 | 正常 | Japan | http://www.e-stat.go.jp/SG1/estat/eStatTopPortalE.do | github | 开源 | ||||||
278 | laval_qc_canada | 政府 | 加拿大 QC 拉瓦尔 | 正常 | Laval QC Canada | http://www.laval.ca/Pages/Fr/Citoyens/donnees.aspx | github | 开源 | ||||||
279 | lexington_ky | 政府 | 肯塔基州列克星敦 | 正常 | Lexington KY | http://data.lexingtonky.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
280 | london_datastore_uk | 政府 | 英国伦敦数据存储 | 正常 | London Datastore UK | http://data.london.gov.uk/dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
281 | london_on_canada | 政府 | 伦敦 安大略省 加拿大 | 损坏 | London ON Canada | http://www.london.ca/city-hall/open-data/Pages/default.aspx | github | 开源 | ||||||
282 | los_angeles_open_data | 政府 | 洛杉矶开放数据 | 正常 | Los Angeles Open Data | https://data.lacity.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
283 | luxembourg_luxembourgish_open_data_portal | 政府 | 卢森堡 - 卢森堡开放数据门户 | 正常 | Luxembourg - Luxembourgish Open Data Portal | https://data.public.lu/en/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
284 | massgis_massachusetts_u_s | 政府 | MassGIS 马萨诸塞州 美国 | 正常 | MassGIS Massachusetts U.S. | http://www.mass.gov/anf/research-and-tech/it-serv-and-support/application-serv/office-of-geographic-information-massgis/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
285 | metropolitan_transportation_commission_mtc_california_us | 政府 | 美国加利福尼亚州大都会交通委员会 (MTC) | 正常 | Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) California US | http://mtc.ca.gov/tools-resources/data-tools/open-data-library | github | 开源 | ||||||
286 | mexico | 政府 | 墨西哥 | 正常 | Mexico | https://datos.gob.mx/busca/dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
287 | mississauga_on_canada | 政府 | 加拿大安大略省密西沙加 | 正常 | Mississauga ON Canada | http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/publicationsopendatacatalogue | github | 开源 | ||||||
288 | moldova | 政府 | 摩尔多瓦 | 正常 | Moldova | http://data.gov.md/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
289 | moncton_nb_canada | 政府 | 加拿大 NB 蒙克顿 | 正常 | Moncton NB Canada | http://open.moncton.ca/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
290 | montreal_qc_canada | 政府 | 加拿大 QC 蒙特利尔 | 正常 | Montreal QC Canada | http://donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
291 | mountain_view_california_us_gis | 政府 | 美国加利福尼亚州山景城 (GIS) | 正常 | Mountain View California US (GIS) | http://data-mountainview.opendata.arcgis.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
292 | nyc_open_data | 政府 | 纽约市开放数据 | 损坏 | NYC Open Data | https://opendata.cityofnewyork.us/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
293 | nyc_betanyc | 政府 | 纽约贝塔尼克 | 正常 | NYC betanyc | http://betanyc.us/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
294 | netherlands | 政府 | 荷兰 | 正常 | Netherlands | https://data.overheid.nl/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
295 | new_york_department_of_sanitation_monthly_tonnage_dsny_monthly_tonnage | 政府 | 纽约州卫生局每月吨位 - DSNY 每月吨位 | 正常 | New York Department of Sanitation Monthly Tonnage - DSNY Monthly Tonnage | https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/DSNY-Monthly-Tonnage-Data/ebb7-mvp5 | github | 开源 | ||||||
296 | new_zealand | 政府 | 新西兰 | 正常 | New Zealand | http://www.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats.aspx | github | 开源 | ||||||
297 | oecd | 政府 | 经合组织 | 正常 | OECD | https://data.oecd.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
298 | oakland_california_us | 政府 | 美国加利福尼亚州奥克兰 | 损坏 | Oakland California US | https://data.oaklandnet.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
299 | oklahoma | 政府 | 俄克拉荷马州 | 正常 | Oklahoma | https://data.ok.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
300 | open_data_for_africa | 政府 | 非洲开放数据 | 损坏 | Open Data for Africa | http://opendataforafrica.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
301 | open_government_data_ogd_platform_india | 政府 | 印度开放政府数据 (OGD) 平台 | 正常 | Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India | https://data.gov.in/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
302 | opendatasoft_s_list_of_1600_open_data | 政府 | OpenDataSoft 的 1 600 个开放数据列表 | 正常 | OpenDataSoft s list of 1 600 open data | https://www.opendatasoft.com/blog/2015/11/02/how-we-put-together-a-list-of-1600-open-data-portals-around-the-world-to-help-open-data-community | github | 开源 | ||||||
303 | oregon | 政府 | 俄勒冈 | 正常 | Oregon | https://data.oregon.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
304 | ottawa_on_canada | 政府 | 加拿大安大略省渥太华 | 正常 | Ottawa ON Canada | http://data.ottawa.ca/en/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
305 | palo_alto_california_us | 政府 | 美国加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托 | 正常 | Palo Alto California US | http://data.cityofpaloalto.org/home | github | 开源 | ||||||
306 | opendataphilly_opendataphilly_is_a_catalog_of_open_data_in_the | 政府 | OpenDataPhilly - OpenDataPhilly 是 中的开放数据目录 | 正常 | OpenDataPhilly - OpenDataPhilly is a catalog of open data in the | https://www.opendataphilly.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
307 | portland_oregon | 政府 | 俄勒冈州波特兰 | 正常 | Portland Oregon | https://www.portlandoregon.gov/28130 | github | 开源 | ||||||
308 | portugal_pordata_organization | 政府 | 葡萄牙——Pordata 组织 | 正常 | Portugal - Pordata organization | http://www.pordata.pt/en/Home | github | 开源 | ||||||
309 | puerto_rico_government | 政府 | 波多黎各政府 | 损坏 | Puerto Rico Government | https://data.pr.gov// | github | 开源 | ||||||
310 | quebec_city_qc_canada | 政府 | 魁北克市 QC 加拿大 | 损坏 | Quebec City QC Canada | http://donnees.ville.quebec.qc.ca/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
311 | quebec_province_of_canada | 政府 | 加拿大魁北克省 | 正常 | Quebec Province of Canada | https://www.donneesquebec.ca/en/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
312 | regina_sk_canada | 政府 | 加拿大里贾纳 | 正常 | Regina SK Canada | http://open.regina.ca/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
313 | rio_de_janeiro_brazil | 政府 | 巴西里约热内卢 | 正常 | Rio de Janeiro Brazil | http://www.data.rio/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
314 | romania | 政府 | 罗马尼亚 | 正常 | Romania | http://data.gov.ro/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
315 | russia | 政府 | 俄罗斯 | 正常 | Russia | http://data.gov.ru | github | 开源 | ||||||
316 | san_diego_ca | 政府 | 加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥 | 正常 | San Diego CA | https://data.sandiego.gov | github | 开源 | ||||||
317 | san_antonio_tx_community_information_now_ci_now_is_a_nonprofit | 政府 | 德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥 - 现在社区信息 - CI:Now 是一个非营利组织 | 损坏 | San Antonio TX - Community Information Now - CI:Now is a nonprofit | http://cinow.info/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
318 | san_francisco_data_sets | 政府 | 旧金山数据集 | 正常 | San Francisco Data sets | http://datasf.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
319 | san_jose_california_us | 政府 | 美国加利福尼亚州圣何塞 | 正常 | San Jose California US | http://data.sanjoseca.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
320 | san_mateo_county_california_us | 政府 | 美国加利福尼亚州圣马特奥县 | 正常 | San Mateo County California US | https://data.smcgov.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
321 | saskatchewan_province_of_canada | 政府 | 加拿大萨斯喀彻温省 | 正常 | Saskatchewan Province of Canada | http://opendatask.ca/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
322 | seattle | 政府 | 西雅图 | 正常 | Seattle | https://data.seattle.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
323 | singapore_government_data | 政府 | 新加坡政府数据 | 正常 | Singapore Government Data | https://data.gov.sg/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
324 | south_africa_trade_statistics | 政府 | 南非贸易统计 | 损坏 | South Africa Trade Statistics | http://www.econostatistics.co.za/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
325 | south_africa | 政府 | 南非 | 正常 | South Africa | http://www.statssa.gov.za/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
326 | state_of_utah_us | 政府 | 美国犹他州 | 正常 | State of Utah US | https://opendata.utah.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
327 | switzerland | 政府 | 瑞士 | 正常 | Switzerland | http://www.opendata.admin.ch/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
328 | taiwan_gov | 政府 | 台湾政府 | 正常 | Taiwan gov | https://data.gov.tw/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
329 | taiwan | 政府 | 台湾 | 正常 | Taiwan | http://data.gov.tw/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
330 | tel_aviv_open_data | 政府 | 特拉维夫开放数据 | 正常 | Tel-Aviv Open Data | https://opendata.tel-aviv.gov.il/en/Pages/home.aspx | github | 开源 | ||||||
331 | texas_open_data | 政府 | 德州开放数据 | 正常 | Texas Open Data | https://data.texas.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
332 | the_world_bank | 政府 | 世界银行 | 正常 | The World Bank | https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/2124 | github | 开源 | ||||||
333 | toronto_on_canada | 政府 | 加拿大安大略省多伦多 | 损坏 | Toronto ON Canada | https://portal0.cf.opendata.inter.sandbox-toronto.ca/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
334 | tunisia | 政府 | 突尼斯 | 损坏 | Tunisia | http://www.data.gov.tn/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
335 | u_k_government_data | 政府 | 英国政府数据 | 正常 | U.K. Government Data | https://data.gov.uk | github | 开源 | ||||||
336 | u_s_american_community_survey | 政府 | 美国美国社区调查 | 正常 | U.S. American Community Survey | https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
337 | u_s_cdc_public_health_datasets | 政府 | 美国 CDC 公共卫生数据集 | 正常 | U.S. CDC Public Health datasets | https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data_access/ftp_data.htm | github | 开源 | ||||||
338 | u_s_census_bureau | 政府 | 美国人口普查局 | 正常 | U.S. Census Bureau | http://www.census.gov/data.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
339 | u_s_department_of_housing_and_urban_development_hud | 政府 | 美国住房和城市发展部 (HUD) | 正常 | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) | http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/pdrdatas.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
340 | u_s_federal_government_agencies | 政府 | 美国联邦政府机构 | 正常 | U.S. Federal Government Agencies | http://www.data.gov/metrics | github | 开源 | ||||||
341 | u_s_federal_government_data_catalog | 政府 | 美国联邦政府数据目录 | 正常 | U.S. Federal Government Data Catalog | http://catalog.data.gov/dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
342 | u_s_food_and_drug_administration_fda | 政府 | 美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) | 正常 | U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) | https://open.fda.gov/index.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
343 | u_s_national_center_for_education_statistics_nces | 政府 | 美国国家教育统计中心 (NCES) | 正常 | U.S. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) | http://nces.ed.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
344 | u_s_open_government | 政府 | 美国公开政府 | 正常 | U.S. Open Government | http://www.data.gov/open-gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
345 | uk_2011_census_open_atlas_project | 政府 | 英国 2011 年人口普查开放地图集项目 | 正常 | UK 2011 Census Open Atlas Project | https://data.cdrc.ac.uk/product/cdrc-2011-census-open-atlas | github | 开源 | ||||||
346 | us_counties_this_is_a_repository_of_various_data_broken_down_by_us | 政府 | 美国县 - 这是各种数据的存储库 按美国 | 正常 | US Counties - This is a repository of various data broken down by US | https://github.com/evangambit/JsonOfCounties | github | 开源 | ||||||
347 | u_s_patent_and_trademark_office_uspto_bulk_data_products | 政府 | 美国专利商标局 (USPTO) 批量数据产品 | 正常 | U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Bulk Data Products | https://www.uspto.gov/learning-and-resources/bulk-data-products | github | 开源 | ||||||
348 | uganda_bureau_of_statistics | 政府 | 乌干达统计局 | 损坏 | Uganda Bureau of Statistics | http://www.ubos.org/unda/index.php/catalog | github | 开源 | ||||||
349 | ukraine | 政府 | 乌克兰 | 正常 | Ukraine | https://data.gov.ua/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
350 | united_nations | 政府 | 联合国 | 正常 | United Nations | http://data.un.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
351 | uruguay | 政府 | 乌拉圭 | 正常 | Uruguay | https://catalogodatos.gub.uy/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
352 | valley_transportation_authority_vta_california_us | 政府 | 美国加利福尼亚州山谷交通管理局 (VTA) | 正常 | Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) California US | https://data.vta.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
353 | vancouver_bc_open_data_catalog | 政府 | 温哥华 BC 开放数据目录 | 损坏 | Vancouver BC Open Data Catalog | http://data.vancouver.ca/datacatalogue/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
354 | victoria_bc_canada | 政府 | 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚 | 正常 | Victoria BC Canada | http://opendata.victoria.ca/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
355 | vienna_austria | 政府 | 维也纳 奥地利 | 正常 | Vienna Austria | https://open.wien.gv.at/site/open-data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
356 | statistics_from_the_general_statistics_office_of_vietnam_data_in | 政府 | 越南统计总局的统计数据 中的数据 | 损坏 | Statistics from the General Statistics Office of Vietnam - Data in | https://www.gso.gov.vn/Default_en.aspx?tabid=491 | github | 开源 | ||||||
357 | u_s_congressional_research_service_crs_reports | 政府 | 美国国会研究服务 (CRS) 报告 | 正常 | U.S. Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports | https://www.everycrsreport.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
358 | aws_covid_19_datasets_we_re_working_with_organizations_who_make | 医疗 | AWS COVID-19 数据集 - 我们正在与制造 | 正常 | AWS COVID-19 Datasets - We re working with organizations who make | https://dj2taa9i652rf.cloudfront.net/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
359 | covid_19_case_surveillance_public_use_data_the_covid_19_case | 医疗 | COVID-19 案例监视公共使用数据 - COVID-19 案例 | 正常 | COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Use Data - The COVID-19 case | https://data.cdc.gov/Case-Surveillance/COVID-19-Case-Surveillance-Public-Use-Data/vbim-akqf | github | 开源 | ||||||
360 | 2019_novel_coronavirus_covid_19_data_repository_by_johns_hopkins_csse | 医疗 | 约翰霍普金斯大学 CSSE 的 2019 年新型冠状病毒 COVID-19 数据存储库 - | 正常 | 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Data Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE - | https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 | github | 开源 | ||||||
361 | coronavirus_covid_19_data_in_the_united_states_the_new_york_times_is | 医疗 | 美国的冠状病毒 (Covid-19) 数据 - 纽约时报 | 正常 | Coronavirus (Covid-19) Data in the United States - The New York Times is | https://github.com/nytimes/covid-19-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
362 | covid_19_reported_patient_impact_and_hospital_capacity_by_facility_the | 医疗 | COVID-19 按设施报告的患者影响和医院容量 - | 损坏 | COVID-19 Reported Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity by Facility - The | https://healthdata.gov/dataset/covid-19-reported-patient-impact-and-hospital-capacity-facility?SorourMo/38-Cloud-A-Cloud-Segmentation-Dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
363 | composition_of_foods_raw_processed_prepared_usda_national_nutrient_database_for_standard | 医疗 | 美国农业部国家标准营养数据库的原料、加工、制备食品的组成 | 正常 | Composition of Foods Raw Processed Prepared USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard | https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/composition-foods-raw-processed-prepared-usda-national-nutrient-database-standard-reference-release-27 | github | 开源 | ||||||
364 | the_covid_tracking_project_the_covid_tracking_project_collects_and | 医疗 | COVID 跟踪项目 - COVID 跟踪项目收集和 | 正常 | The COVID Tracking Project - The COVID Tracking Project collects and | https://covidtracking.com/data | github | 开源 | ||||||
365 | ehdp_large_health_data_sets | 医疗 | EHDP 大型健康数据集 | 正常 | EHDP Large Health Data Sets | http://www.ehdp.com/vitalnet/datasets.htm | github | 开源 | ||||||
366 | gdc_gdc_supports_several_cancer_genome_programs_for_ccg_tcga_target_etc | 医疗 | GDC - GDC 支持 CCG、TCGA、TARGET 等多个癌症基因组程序。 | 正常 | GDC - GDC supports several cancer genome programs for CCG TCGA TARGET etc. | https://gdc.cancer.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
367 | gapminder_world_demographic_databases | 医疗 | Gapminder 世界人口统计数据库 | 正常 | Gapminder World demographic databases | http://www.gapminder.org/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
368 | mesh_the_vocabulary_thesaurus_used_for_indexing_articles_for_pubmed | 医疗 | MeSH 用于索引 PubMed 文章的词汇表 | 正常 | MeSH the vocabulary thesaurus used for indexing articles for PubMed | https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/filelist.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
369 | medal_a_large_medical_text_dataset_curated_for_abbreviation | 医疗 | MeDAL - 一个为缩写策划的大型医学文本数据集 | 正常 | MeDAL - A large medical text dataset curated for abbreviation | https://github.com/BruceWen120/medal | github | 开源 | ||||||
370 | medicare_coverage_database_mcd_u_s | 医疗 | 美国医疗保险覆盖数据库 (MCD) | 正常 | Medicare Coverage Database (MCD) U.S. | https://www.cms.gov/medicare-coverage-database/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
371 | medicare_data_engine_of_medicare_gov_data | 医疗 | Medicare.gov 数据的 Medicare 数据引擎 | 正常 | Medicare Data Engine of medicare.gov Data | https://data.medicare.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
372 | medicare_data_file | 医疗 | 医疗保险数据文件 | 正常 | Medicare Data File | http://go.cms.gov/19xxPN4 | github | 开源 | ||||||
373 | number_of_ebola_cases_and_deaths_in_affected_countries_2014 | 医疗 | 受影响国家的埃博拉病例和死亡人数(2014 年) | 正常 | Number of Ebola Cases and Deaths in Affected Countries (2014) | https://data.humdata.org/dataset/ebola-cases-2014 | github | 开源 | ||||||
374 | open_ods_structure_of_the_uk_nhs | 医疗 | Open-ODS(英国 NHS 的结构) | 正常 | Open-ODS (structure of the UK NHS) | http://www.openods.co.uk | github | 开源 | ||||||
375 | openpaymentsdata_healthcare_financial_relationship_data | 医疗 | OpenPaymentsData 医疗保健财务关系数据 | 正常 | OpenPaymentsData Healthcare financial relationship data | https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov | github | 开源 | ||||||
376 | physiobank_databases_a_large_and_growing_archive_of_physiological_data | 医疗 | PhysioBank 数据库 - 一个庞大且不断增长的生理数据档案。 | 正常 | PhysioBank Databases - A large and growing archive of physiological data. | https://www.physionet.org/physiobank/database/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
377 | the_cancer_imaging_archive_tcia | 医疗 | 癌症影像档案 (TCIA) | 正常 | The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) | https://www.cancerimagingarchive.net | github | 开源 | ||||||
378 | the_cancer_genome_atlas_project_tcga | 医疗 | 癌症基因组图谱项目 (TCGA) | 正常 | The Cancer Genome Atlas project (TCGA) | https://portal.gdc.cancer.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
379 | world_health_organization_global_health_observatory | 医疗 | 世界卫生组织全球卫生观察站 | 正常 | World Health Organization Global Health Observatory | http://www.who.int/gho/en/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
380 | yahoo_knowledge_graph_covid_19_datasets_the_yahoo_knowledge_graph_team | 医疗 | 雅虎知识图 COVID-19 数据集 - 雅虎知识图团队 | 正常 | Yahoo Knowledge Graph COVID-19 Datasets - The Yahoo Knowledge Graph team | https://github.com/yahoo/covid-19-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
381 | informatics_for_integrating_biology_the_bedside | 医疗 | 整合生物学和床边的信息学 | 损坏 | Informatics for Integrating Biology the Bedside | https://www.i2b2.org/NLP/DataSets/Main.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
382 | 10k_us_adult_faces_database | 图像处理 | 10k 美国成人面孔数据库 | 正常 | 10k US Adult Faces Database | http://wilmabainbridge.com/facememorability2.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
383 | 2gb_of_photos_of_cats | 图像处理 | 2GB 猫照片 | 正常 | 2GB of Photos of Cats | https://www.kaggle.com/crawford/cat-dataset/version/2 | github | 开源 | ||||||
384 | audience_unfiltered_faces_for_gender_and_age_classification | 图像处理 | 受众未经过滤的性别和年龄分类面孔 | 正常 | Audience Unfiltered faces for gender and age classification | http://www.openu.ac.il/home/hassner/Adience/data.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
385 | affective_image_classification | 图像处理 | 情感图像分类 | 正常 | Affective Image Classification | http://www.imageemotion.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
386 | airborne_object_detection_and_tracking_the_airborne_object_tracking | 图像处理 | 机载目标检测和跟踪 - 机载目标跟踪 | 正常 | Airborne Object Detection and Tracking - The Airborne Object Tracking | https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/airborne-object-tracking-challenge | github | 开源 | ||||||
387 | animals_with_attributes | 图像处理 | 有属性的动物 | 正常 | Animals with attributes | http://attributes.kyb.tuebingen.mpg.de/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
388 | caddy_underwater_stereo_vision_dataset_of_divers_hand_gestures | 图像处理 | 潜水员手势的 CADDY 水下立体视觉数据集 - | 正常 | CADDY Underwater Stereo-Vision Dataset of divers hand gestures - | http://caddy-underwater-datasets.ge.issia.cnr.it/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
389 | cytology_dataset_ccagt_images_of_cervical_cells_with_agnor_stain | 图像处理 | 细胞学数据集 – CCAgT:带有 AgNOR 染色的宫颈细胞图像 | 正常 | Cytology Dataset – CCAgT: Images of Cervical Cells with AgNOR Stain | https://arquivos.ufsc.br/d/373be2177a33426a9e6c/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
390 | caltech_pedestrian_detection_benchmark | 图像处理 | 加州理工学院行人检测基准 | 正常 | Caltech Pedestrian Detection Benchmark | http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/CaltechPedestrians/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
391 | chars74k_dataset_character_recognition_in_natural_images_both_english | 图像处理 | Chars74K 数据集 - 自然图像中的字符识别(英语 | 正常 | Chars74K dataset - Character Recognition in Natural Images (both English | http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/CVSSP/demos/chars74k/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
392 | cube_4890_raw_18_megapixel_images_each_containing_a_spydercube_color | 图像处理 | Cube++ - 4890 张 18 兆像素的原始图像 每张都包含一个 SpyderCube 颜色 | 正常 | Cube++ - 4890 raw 18-megapixel images each containing a SpyderCube color | https://github.com/Visillect/CubePlusPlus | github | 开源 | ||||||
393 | densely_annotated_video_driving_data_set_this_data_set_consists_of_28 | 图像处理 | 密集注释的视频驾驶数据集 - 该数据集由 28 | 正常 | Densely Annotated Video Driving Data Set - This data set consists of 28 | https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1596437 | github | 开源 | ||||||
394 | danbooru_tagged_anime_illustration_dataset_a_large_scale_anime_image | 图像处理 | Danbooru 标记动漫插图数据集 - 大型动漫图像 | 正常 | Danbooru Tagged Anime Illustration Dataset - A large-scale anime image | https://www.gwern.net/Danbooru | github | 开源 | ||||||
395 | dukemtmc_data_set_dukemtmc_aims_to_accelerate_advances_in_multi_target | 图像处理 | DukeMTMC 数据集 - DukeMTMC 旨在加速多目标 | 损坏 | DukeMTMC Data Set - DukeMTMC aims to accelerate advances in multi-target | http://vision.cs.duke.edu/DukeMTMC/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
396 | eth_entomological_collection_ethec_fine_grained_butterfly_lepidoptra_images | 图像处理 | ETH Entomological Collection (ETHEC) 细粒蝴蝶 (鳞翅目) 图像 | 损坏 | ETH Entomological Collection (ETHEC) Fine Grained Butterfly (Lepidoptra) Images | https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000365379 | github | 开源 | ||||||
397 | face_recognition_benchmark | 图像处理 | 人脸识别基准 | 正常 | Face Recognition Benchmark | http://www.face-rec.org/databases/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
398 | flickr_32_class_brand_logos | 图像处理 | Flickr:32 类品牌标志 | 损坏 | Flickr: 32 Class Brand Logos | http://www.multimedia-computing.de/flickrlogos/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
399 | gdxray_x_ray_images_for_x_ray_testing_and_computer_vision | 图像处理 | GDXray - 用于 X 射线测试和计算机视觉的 X 射线图像 | 正常 | GDXray - X-ray images for X-ray testing and Computer Vision | http://dmery.ing.puc.cl/index.php/material/gdxray/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
400 | humaneva_dataset_the_humaneva_i_dataset_contains_7_calibrated_video | 图像处理 | HumanEva 数据集 - HumanEva-I 数据集包含 7 个校准视频 | 正常 | HumanEva Dataset - The HumanEva-I dataset contains 7 calibrated video | http://humaneva.is.tue.mpg.de/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
401 | imagenet_in_wordnet_hierarchy | 图像处理 | ImageNet(在 WordNet 层次结构中) | 正常 | ImageNet (in WordNet hierarchy) | http://www.image-net.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
402 | indoor_scene_recognition | 图像处理 | 室内场景识别 | 正常 | Indoor Scene Recognition | http://web.mit.edu/torralba/www/indoor.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
403 | international_affective_picture_system_ufl | 图像处理 | 国际情感图片系统 UFL | 正常 | International Affective Picture System UFL | http://csea.phhp.ufl.edu/media/iapsmessage.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
404 | kitti_vision_benchmark_suite | 图像处理 | KITTI Vision 基准套件 | 正常 | KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite | http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
405 | labeled_information_library_of_alexandria_biology_and_conservation | 图像处理 | 亚历山大标记信息图书馆 - 生物学和保护 - | 正常 | Labeled Information Library of Alexandria - Biology and Conservation - | http://lila.science | github | 开源 | ||||||
406 | mnist_database_of_handwritten_digits_near_1_million_examples | 图像处理 | MNIST 手写数字数据库 近 100 万个示例 | 正常 | MNIST database of handwritten digits near 1 million examples | http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
407 | multi_view_region_of_interest_prediction_dataset_for_autonomous_driving | 图像处理 | 用于自动驾驶的多视图感兴趣区域预测数据集 - | 正常 | Multi-View Region of Interest Prediction Dataset for Autonomous Driving - | https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1548761 | github | 开源 | ||||||
408 | massive_visual_memory_stimuli_mit | 图像处理 | 麻省理工学院的大规模视觉记忆刺激 | 正常 | Massive Visual Memory Stimuli MIT | http://olivalab.mit.edu/MM/stimuli.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
409 | newspaper_navigator_this_dataset_consists_of_extracted_visual_content | 图像处理 | Newspaper Navigator - 该数据集包含提取的视觉内容 | 正常 | Newspaper Navigator - This dataset consists of extracted visual content | https://news-navigator.labs.loc.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
410 | open_images_from_google_pictures_with_segmentation_masks_for_2_8 | 图像处理 | 从 Google 打开图像 - 带有 2.8 分割掩码的图片 | 正常 | Open Images From Google - Pictures with segmentation masks for 2.8 | https://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/download.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
411 | rufa_contains_images_of_text_written_in_one_of_two_arabic_fonts_ruqaa | 图像处理 | RuFa - 包含以两种阿拉伯字体之一书写的文本图像(Ruqaa | 正常 | RuFa - Contains images of text written in one of two Arabic fonts (Ruqaa | https://github.com/mhmoodlan/arabic-font-classification/releases/tag/v0.1.0 | github | 开源 | ||||||
412 | sun_database_mit | 图像处理 | SUN 数据库 麻省理工学院 | 正常 | SUN database MIT | http://groups.csail.mit.edu/vision/SUN/hierarchy.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
413 | sviro_synthetic_vehicle_interior_rear_seat_occupancy_25_000_synthetic | 图像处理 | SVIRO 合成车辆内部后座占用 - 25.000 合成 | 正常 | SVIRO Synthetic Vehicle Interior Rear Seat Occupancy - 25.000 synthetic | https://sviro.kl.dfki.de | github | 开源 | ||||||
414 | several_shape_from_silhouette_datasets | 图像处理 | 几个 Shape-from-Silhouette 数据集 | 损坏 | Several Shape-from-Silhouette Datasets | http://kaiwolf.no-ip.org/3d-model-repository.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
415 | stanford_dogs_dataset | 图像处理 | 斯坦福犬数据集 | 正常 | Stanford Dogs Dataset | http://vision.stanford.edu/aditya86/ImageNetDogs/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
416 | the_action_similarity_labeling_aslan_challenge | 图像处理 | 动作相似性标签 (ASLAN) 挑战 | 正常 | The Action Similarity Labeling (ASLAN) Challenge | http://www.openu.ac.il/home/hassner/data/ASLAN/ASLAN.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
417 | the_oxford_iiit_pet_dataset | 图像处理 | Oxford-IIIT 宠物数据集 | 正常 | The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset | http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/pets/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
418 | violent_flows_crowd_violence_non_violence_database_and_benchmark | 图像处理 | Violent-Flows - 人群暴力/非暴力数据库和基准 | 正常 | Violent-Flows - Crowd Violence / Non-violence Database and benchmark | http://www.openu.ac.il/home/hassner/data/violentflows/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
419 | visual_genome | 图像处理 | 视觉基因组 | 正常 | Visual genome | http://visualgenome.org/api/v0/api_home.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
420 | youtube_faces_database | 图像处理 | YouTube 面孔数据库 | 正常 | YouTube Faces Database | http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~wolf/ytfaces/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
421 | all_age_faces_dataset_contains_13_322_asian_face_images_distributed | 机器学习 | All-Age-Faces Dataset - 包含 13322 张亚洲人脸图像 分布在 | 正常 | All-Age-Faces Dataset - Contains 13 322 Asian face images distributed | https://github.com/JingchunCheng/All-Age-Faces-Dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
422 | audi_autonomous_driving_dataset_we_have_published_the_audi_autonomous | 机器学习 | 奥迪自动驾驶数据集 - 我们发布了奥迪自动驾驶 | 正常 | Audi Autonomous Driving Dataset - We have published the Audi Autonomous | https://www.a2d2.audi/a2d2/en.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
423 | context_aware_data_sets_from_five_domains | 机器学习 | 来自五个领域的上下文感知数据集 | 正常 | Context-aware data sets from five domains | https://github.com/irecsys/CARSKit/tree/master/context-aware_data_sets | github | 开源 | ||||||
424 | delve_datasets_for_classification_and_regression | 机器学习 | Delve 用于分类和回归的数据集 | 正常 | Delve Datasets for classification and regression | http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~delve/data/datasets.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
425 | discogs_monthly_data | 机器学习 | Discogs 月度数据 | 正常 | Discogs Monthly Data | http://data.discogs.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
426 | free_music_archive | 机器学习 | 免费音乐档案 | 正常 | Free Music Archive | https://github.com/mdeff/fma | github | 开源 | ||||||
427 | imdb_database | 机器学习 | IMDb 数据库 | 正常 | IMDb Database | http://www.imdb.com/interfaces | github | 开源 | ||||||
428 | iranis_a_large_scale_dataset_of_farsi_arabic_license_plate_characters | 机器学习 | Iranis - 波斯语/阿拉伯语车牌字符的大规模数据集 | 正常 | Iranis - A Large-scale Dataset of Farsi/Arabic License Plate Characters | https://alitourani.github.io/Iranis-dataset/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
429 | keel_repository_for_classification_regression_and_time_series | 机器学习 | 用于分类、回归和时间序列的 Keel 存储库 | 正常 | Keel Repository for classification regression and time series | http://sci2s.ugr.es/keel/datasets.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
430 | labeled_faces_in_the_wild_lfw | 机器学习 | 野外标记面孔(LFW) | 正常 | Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) | http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
431 | lending_club_loan_data | 机器学习 | 借贷俱乐部贷款数据 | 正常 | Lending Club Loan Data | https://www.lendingclub.com/info/download-data.action | github | 开源 | ||||||
432 | machine_learning_data_set_repository | 机器学习 | 机器学习数据集存储库 | 损坏 | Machine Learning Data Set Repository | http://mldata.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
433 | million_song_dataset | 机器学习 | 百万歌曲数据集 | 损坏 | Million Song Dataset | http://labrosa.ee.columbia.edu/millionsong/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
434 | more_song_datasets | 机器学习 | 更多歌曲数据集 | 损坏 | More Song Datasets | http://labrosa.ee.columbia.edu/millionsong/pages/additional-datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
435 | movielens_data_sets | 机器学习 | MovieLens 数据集 | 正常 | MovieLens Data Sets | http://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
436 | new_yorker_caption_contest_ratings | 机器学习 | 纽约客字幕比赛收视率 | 正常 | New Yorker caption contest ratings | https://github.com/nextml/caption-contest-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
437 | rdatamining_r_and_data_mining_ebook_data | 机器学习 | RDataMining - “R 和数据挖掘”电子书数据 | 正常 | RDataMining - "R and Data Mining" ebook data | http://www.rdatamining.com/data | github | 开源 | ||||||
438 | registered_meteorites_on_earth | 机器学习 | 地球上已登记的陨石 | 损坏 | Registered Meteorites on Earth | http://publichealthintelligence.org/content/registered-meteorites-has-impacted-earth-visualized | github | 开源 | ||||||
439 | restaurants_health_score_data_in_san_francisco | 机器学习 | 旧金山的餐馆健康评分数据 | 正常 | Restaurants Health Score Data in San Francisco | https://data.sfgov.org/Health-and-Social-Services/Restaurant-Scores-LIVES-Standard/pyih-qa8i?row_index=0 | github | 开源 | ||||||
440 | tiktok_dataset_more_than_300_dance_videos_that_capture_a_single_person | 机器学习 | TikTok 数据集 - 300 多个捕捉一个人的舞蹈视频 | 正常 | TikTok Dataset - More than 300 dance videos that capture a single person | https://www.yasamin.page/hdnet_tiktok | github | 开源 | ||||||
441 | uci_machine_learning_repository | 机器学习 | UCI 机器学习存储库 | 正常 | UCI Machine Learning Repository | http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
442 | yahoo_ratings_and_classification_data | 机器学习 | 雅虎! | 正常 | Yahoo! Ratings and Classification Data | http://webscope.sandbox.yahoo.com/catalog.php?datatype=r | github | 开源 | ||||||
443 | youtube_boundingboxes | 机器学习 | YouTube 边界框 | 正常 | YouTube-BoundingBoxes | https://research.google.com/youtube-bb/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
444 | youtube_8m | 机器学习 | 优酷8m | 正常 | Youtube 8m | https://research.google.com/youtube8m/download.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
445 | ebay_online_auctions_2012 | 机器学习 | eBay 在线拍卖(2012 年) | 正常 | eBay Online Auctions (2012) | http://www.modelingonlineauctions.com/datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
446 | canada_science_and_technology_museums_corporation_s_open_data | 博物馆 | 加拿大科技博物馆公司的开放数据 | 正常 | Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation s Open Data | http://techno-science.ca/en/data.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
447 | cooper_hewitt_s_collection_database | 博物馆 | Cooper-Hewitt 的收藏数据库 | 正常 | Cooper-Hewitt s Collection Database | https://github.com/cooperhewitt/collection | github | 开源 | ||||||
448 | metropolitan_museum_of_art_collection_api | 博物馆 | 大都会艺术博物馆收藏 API | 正常 | Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection API | https://metmuseum.github.io/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
449 | minneapolis_institute_of_arts_metadata | 博物馆 | 明尼阿波利斯艺术学院元数据 | 正常 | Minneapolis Institute of Arts metadata | https://github.com/artsmia/collection | github | 开源 | ||||||
450 | natural_history_museum_london_data_portal | 博物馆 | 自然历史博物馆(伦敦)数据门户 | 正常 | Natural History Museum (London) Data Portal | http://data.nhm.ac.uk/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
451 | rijksmuseum_historical_art_collection | 博物馆 | 国立博物馆历史艺术收藏 | 正常 | Rijksmuseum Historical Art Collection | https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/api | github | 开源 | ||||||
452 | tate_collection_metadata | 博物馆 | 泰特美术馆元数据 | 正常 | Tate Collection metadata | https://github.com/tategallery/collection | github | 开源 | ||||||
453 | the_getty_vocabularies | 博物馆 | 盖蒂词汇 | 正常 | The Getty vocabularies | http://vocab.getty.edu | github | 开源 | ||||||
454 | automatic_keyphrase_extraction | 自然语言 | 自动关键词提取 | 正常 | Automatic Keyphrase Extraction | https://github.com/snkim/AutomaticKeyphraseExtraction/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
455 | the_big_bad_nlp_database | 自然语言 | 大坏 NLP 数据库 | 损坏 | The Big Bad NLP Database | https://datasets.quantumstat.com | github | 开源 | ||||||
456 | blizzard_challenge_speech_the_speech_text_data_comes_from | 自然语言 | Blizzard Challenge Speech - 语音+文本数据来自 | 正常 | Blizzard Challenge Speech - The speech + text data comes from | https://www.synsig.org/index.php/Blizzard_Challenge_2018 | github | 开源 | ||||||
457 | blogger_corpus | 自然语言 | 博主语料库 | 正常 | Blogger Corpus | http://u.cs.biu.ac.il/~koppel/BlogCorpus.htm | github | 开源 | ||||||
458 | clips_stylometry_investigation_corpus | 自然语言 | CLiPS Stylometry 调查语料库 | 损坏 | CLiPS Stylometry Investigation Corpus | http://www.clips.uantwerpen.be/datasets/csi-corpus | github | 开源 | ||||||
459 | clueweb09_facc | 自然语言 | ClueWeb09 FACC | 正常 | ClueWeb09 FACC | http://lemurproject.org/clueweb09/FACC1/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
460 | clueweb12_facc | 自然语言 | ClueWeb12 FACC | 正常 | ClueWeb12 FACC | http://lemurproject.org/clueweb12/FACC1/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
461 | dbpedia_structured_data_from_wikipedia | 自然语言 | DBpedia - 来自维基百科的结构化数据 | 正常 | DBpedia - Structured data from Wikipedia | https://databus.dbpedia.org/dbpedia/collections/latest-core | github | 开源 | ||||||
462 | dirty_words_with_millions_of_images_in_our_library_and_billions_of | 自然语言 | Dirty Words - 我们的图书馆中有数百万张图片和数十亿 | 正常 | Dirty Words - With millions of images in our library and billions of | https://github.com/LDNOOBW/List-of-Dirty-Naughty-Obscene-and-Otherwise-Bad-Words | github | 开源 | ||||||
463 | flickr_personal_taxonomies | 自然语言 | Flickr 个人分类法 | 损坏 | Flickr Personal Taxonomies | http://www.isi.edu/~lerman/downloads/flickr/flickr_taxonomies.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
464 | freebase_of_people_places_and_things | 自然语言 | 人、地方和事物的免费基础 | 损坏 | Freebase of people places and things | http://www.freebase.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
465 | german_political_speeches_corpus_collection_of_political_speeches_from | 自然语言 | 德国政治演讲语料库 - 收集来自 的政治演讲 | 正常 | German Political Speeches Corpus - Collection of political speeches from | http://adrien.barbaresi.eu/corpora/speeches/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
466 | google_books_ngrams_2_2tb | 自然语言 | 谷歌图书 Ngrams (2.2TB) | 正常 | Google Books Ngrams (2.2TB) | https://aws.amazon.com/datasets/google-books-ngrams/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
467 | google_mc_afp_generated_based_on_the_public_available_gigaword_dataset | 自然语言 | Google MC-AFP - 基于公开可用的 Gigaword 数据集生成 | 正常 | Google MC-AFP - Generated based on the public available Gigaword dataset | https://github.com/google/mcafp | github | 开源 | ||||||
468 | google_web_5gram_1tb_2006 | 自然语言 | 谷歌网络 5 克(1TB 2006 年) | 正常 | Google Web 5gram (1TB 2006) | https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2006T13 | github | 开源 | ||||||
469 | gutenberg_ebooks_list | 自然语言 | 古腾堡电子书列表 | 损坏 | Gutenberg eBooks List | http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Gutenberg:Offline_Catalogs | github | 开源 | ||||||
470 | hansards_text_chunks_of_canadian_parliament | 自然语言 | 加拿大议会的议事录文本块 | 损坏 | Hansards text chunks of Canadian Parliament | http://www.isi.edu/natural-language/download/hansard/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
471 | lj_speech_speech_dataset_consisting_of_13100_short_audio_clips_of_a | 自然语言 | LJ Speech - 由 13 100 个短音频片段组成的语音数据集 | 正常 | LJ Speech - Speech dataset consisting of 13 100 short audio clips of a | https://keithito.com/LJ-Speech-Dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
472 | m_ailabs_speech_the_m_ailabs_speech_dataset_is_the_first_large_dataset | 自然语言 | M-AILabs Speech - M-AILABS Speech Dataset 是第一个大型数据集 | 损坏 | M-AILabs Speech - The M-AILABS Speech Dataset is the first large dataset | http://www.m-ailabs.bayern/en/the-mailabs-speech-dataset/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
473 | microsoft_machine_reading_comprehension_dataset_or_ms_marco | 自然语言 | 微软机器阅读理解数据集(或 MS MARCO) | 正常 | Microsoft MAchine Reading COmprehension Dataset (or MS MARCO) | http://www.msmarco.org/dataset.aspx | github | 开源 | ||||||
474 | machine_comprehension_test_mctest_of_text_from_microsoft_research | 自然语言 | 来自 Microsoft Research 的文本机器理解测试 (MCTest) | 正常 | Machine Comprehension Test (MCTest) of text from Microsoft Research | http://mattr1.github.io/mctest/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
475 | machine_translation_of_european_languages | 自然语言 | 欧洲语言的机器翻译 | 正常 | Machine Translation of European languages | http://statmt.org/wmt11/translation-task.html#download | github | 开源 | ||||||
476 | making_sense_of_microposts_2013_concept_extraction | 自然语言 | 理解 Microposts 2013 - 概念提取 | 损坏 | Making Sense of Microposts 2013 - Concept Extraction | http://oak.dcs.shef.ac.uk/msm2013/challenge.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
477 | making_sense_of_microposts_2016_named_entity_recognition_and_linking | 自然语言 | Make Sense of Microposts 2016 - 命名实体重新识别和链接 | 正常 | Making Sense of Microposts 2016 - Named Entity rEcognition and Linking | http://microposts2016.seas.upenn.edu/challenge.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
478 | multi_domain_sentiment_dataset_version_2_0 | 自然语言 | 多域情感数据集(2.0 版) | 正常 | Multi-Domain Sentiment Dataset (version 2.0) | http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~mdredze/datasets/sentiment/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
479 | noisy_speech_database_for_training_speech_enhancement_algorithms_and_tts | 自然语言 | 用于训练语音增强算法和 TTS 的嘈杂语音数据库 | 损坏 | Noisy speech database for training speech enhancement algorithms and TTS | https://datashare.is.ed.ac.uk/handle/10283/2791 | github | 开源 | ||||||
480 | open_multilingual_wordnet | 自然语言 | 打开多语言 Wordnet | 正常 | Open Multilingual Wordnet | http://compling.hss.ntu.edu.sg/omw/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
481 | pos_ner_chunk_annotated_data | 自然语言 | POS/NER/Chunk 标注数据 | 正常 | POS/NER/Chunk annotated data | https://github.com/aritter/twitter_nlp/tree/master/data/annotated | github | 开源 | ||||||
482 | personae_corpus | 自然语言 | 人物语料库 | 损坏 | Personae Corpus | http://www.clips.uantwerpen.be/datasets/personae-corpus | github | 开源 | ||||||
483 | sms_spam_collection_in_english | 自然语言 | 英文垃圾短信收集 | 正常 | SMS Spam Collection in English | http://www.dt.fee.unicamp.br/~tiago/smsspamcollection/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
484 | saudinewsnet_collection_of_saudi_newspaper_articles_arabic_30k_articles | 自然语言 | 沙特新闻网收集的沙特报纸文章(阿拉伯语 30K 篇文章) | 正常 | SaudiNewsNet Collection of Saudi Newspaper Articles (Arabic 30K articles) | https://github.com/ParallelMazen/SaudiNewsNet | github | 开源 | ||||||
485 | stanford_question_answering_dataset_squad | 自然语言 | 斯坦福问答数据集 (SQuAD) | 正常 | Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) | https://rajpurkar.github.io/SQuAD-explorer/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
486 | usenet_postings_corpus_of_2005_2011 | 自然语言 | USENET 2005~2011年发帖语料库 | 正常 | USENET postings corpus of 2005~2011 | http://www.psych.ualberta.ca/~westburylab/downloads/usenetcorpus.download.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
487 | universal_dependencies | 自然语言 | 通用依赖 | 正常 | Universal Dependencies | http://universaldependencies.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
488 | webhose_news_blogs_in_multiple_languages | 自然语言 | Webhose - 多种语言的新闻/博客 | 正常 | Webhose - News/Blogs in multiple languages | https://webhose.io/datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
489 | wikidata_wikipedia_databases | 自然语言 | 维基数据 - 维基百科数据库 | 正常 | Wikidata - Wikipedia databases | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Database_download | github | 开源 | ||||||
490 | wikipedia_links_data_40_million_entities_in_context | 自然语言 | 维基百科链接数据 - 上下文中的 4000 万个实体 | 正常 | Wikipedia Links data - 40 Million Entities in Context | https://code.google.com/p/wiki-links/downloads/list | github | 开源 | ||||||
491 | wordnet_databases_and_tools | 自然语言 | WordNet 数据库和工具 | 正常 | WordNet databases and tools | http://wordnet.princeton.edu/download/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
492 | worldtree_corpus_of_explanation_graphs_for_elementary_science_questions | 自然语言 | WorldTree 基础科学问题解释图语料库 - | 正常 | WorldTree Corpus of Explanation Graphs for Elementary Science Questions - | http://www.cognitiveai.org/explanationbank | github | 开源 | ||||||
493 | allen_institute_datasets | 神经科学 | 艾伦研究所数据集 | 正常 | Allen Institute Datasets | http://www.brain-map.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
494 | brain_catalogue | 神经科学 | 大脑目录 | 正常 | Brain Catalogue | http://braincatalogue.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
495 | brainomics | 神经科学 | 脑组学 | 损坏 | Brainomics | http://brainomics.cea.fr/localizer | github | 开源 | ||||||
496 | codeneuro_datasets | 神经科学 | CodeNeuro 数据集 | 损坏 | CodeNeuro Datasets | http://datasets.codeneuro.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
497 | collaborative_research_in_computational_neuroscience_crcns | 神经科学 | 计算神经科学合作研究 (CRCNS) | 正常 | Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) | http://crcns.org/data-sets | github | 开源 | ||||||
498 | fcp_indi | 神经科学 | FCP-INDI | 正常 | FCP-INDI | http://fcon_1000.projects.nitrc.org/index.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
499 | human_connectome_project | 神经科学 | 人类连接组计划 | 正常 | Human Connectome Project | http://www.humanconnectome.org/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
500 | ndar | 神经科学 | NDAR | 正常 | NDAR | https://ndar.nih.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
501 | nimh_data_archive | 神经科学 | NIMH 数据档案 | 正常 | NIMH Data Archive | http://data-archive.nimh.nih.gov/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
502 | neurodata | 神经科学 | 神经数据 | 正常 | NeuroData | http://neurodata.io | github | 开源 | ||||||
503 | neuromorpho_neuromorpho_org_is_a_centrally_curated_inventory_of | 神经科学 | NeuroMorpho - NeuroMorpho.Org 是 | 正常 | NeuroMorpho - NeuroMorpho.Org is a centrally curated inventory of | http://neuromorpho.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
504 | neuroelectro | 神经科学 | 神经电 | 正常 | Neuroelectro | http://neuroelectro.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
505 | oasis | 神经科学 | 绿洲 | 正常 | OASIS | http://www.oasis-brains.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
506 | openneuro | 神经科学 | OpenNEURO | 正常 | OpenNEURO | https://openneuro.org/public/datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
507 | openfmri | 神经科学 | 开放式功能磁共振成像 | 正常 | OpenfMRI | https://openfmri.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
508 | study_forrest | 神经科学 | 研究福雷斯特 | 正常 | Study Forrest | http://studyforrest.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
509 | cern_open_data_portal | 物理 | CERN 开放数据门户 | 正常 | CERN Open Data Portal | http://opendata.cern.ch/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
510 | crystallography_open_database | 物理 | 晶体学开放数据库 | 正常 | Crystallography Open Database | http://www.crystallography.net/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
511 | icecube_south_pole_neutrino_observatory | 物理 | IceCube - 南极中微子天文台 | 正常 | IceCube - South Pole Neutrino Observatory | http://icecube.wisc.edu/science/data | github | 开源 | ||||||
512 | ligo_open_science_center_losc_gravitational_wave_data_from_the_ligo | 物理 | Ligo 开放科学中心 (LOSC) - 来自 LIGO 的引力波数据 | 正常 | Ligo Open Science Center (LOSC) - Gravitational wave data from the LIGO | https://losc.ligo.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
513 | nasa_exoplanet_archive | 物理 | 美国宇航局系外行星档案 | 正常 | NASA Exoplanet Archive | http://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
514 | nssdc_nasa_data_of_550_space_spacecraft | 物理 | NSSDC(NASA)550架航天器数据 | 正常 | NSSDC (NASA) data of 550 space spacecraft | http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nssdc/obtaining_data.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
515 | sloan_digital_sky_survey_sdss_mapping_the_universe | 物理 | 斯隆数字巡天 (SDSS) - 绘制宇宙图 | 正常 | Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) - Mapping the Universe | http://www.sdss.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
516 | eopc_de_early_onset_prostate_cancer_germany_early_onset_prostate_cancer | 前列腺癌 | EOPC-DE-早发性前列腺癌-德国 - 早发性前列腺癌 | 正常 | EOPC-DE-Early-Onset-Prostate-Cancer-Germany - Early Onset Prostate Cancer | https://dcc.icgc.org/projects/EOPC-DE | github | 开源 | ||||||
517 | genie_data_from_the_genomics_evidence_neoplasia_information_exchange | 前列腺癌 | GENIE - 来自基因组学证据肿瘤信息交换的数据 | 正常 | GENIE - Data from the Genomics Evidence Neoplasia Information Exchange | https://www.synapse.org/genie | github | 开源 | ||||||
518 | genomic_hallmarks_prostate_adenocarcinoma_cpc_gene_comprehensive | 前列腺癌 | 基因组-标志-前列腺-腺癌-CPC-GENE - 综合 | 损坏 | Genomic-Hallmarks-Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-CPC-GENE - Comprehensive | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_cpcg_2017 | github | 开源 | ||||||
519 | msk_impact_clinical_sequencing_cohort_mskcc_prostate_cancer_targeted | 前列腺癌 | MSK-IMPACT-Clinical-Sequencing-Cohort-MSKCC-Prostate-Cancer - 靶向 | 损坏 | MSK-IMPACT-Clinical-Sequencing-Cohort-MSKCC-Prostate-Cancer - Targeted | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_mskcc_2017 | github | 开源 | ||||||
520 | metastatic_prostate_adenocarcinoma_mctp_comprehensive_profiling_of_61 | 前列腺癌 | 转移性-前列腺-腺癌-MCTP - 61 的综合分析 | 损坏 | Metastatic-Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-MCTP - Comprehensive profiling of 61 | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_mich | github | 开源 | ||||||
521 | metastatic_prostate_cancer_su2cpcf_dream_team_comprehensive_analysis_of | 前列腺癌 | 转移性前列腺癌-SU2CPCF-Dream-Team - 的综合分析 | 损坏 | Metastatic-Prostate-Cancer-SU2CPCF-Dream-Team - Comprehensive analysis of | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_su2c_2015 | github | 开源 | ||||||
522 | npcr_2001_2015_database_from_cdc_s_national_program_of_cancer | 前列腺癌 | NPCR-2001-2015 - 来自 CDC 国家癌症计划的数据库 | 正常 | NPCR-2001-2015 - Database from CDC s National Program of Cancer | https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/uscs/public-use | github | 开源 | ||||||
523 | npcr_2005_2015_database_from_cdc_s_national_program_of_cancer | 前列腺癌 | NPCR-2005-2015 - 来自 CDC 国家癌症计划的数据库 | 正常 | NPCR-2005-2015 - Database from CDC s National Program of Cancer | https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/uscs/public-use | github | 开源 | ||||||
524 | naf_prostate_naf_prostate_is_a_collection_of_f_18_naf_positron_emission | 前列腺癌 | NaF-前列腺 - NaF 前列腺是 F-18 NaF 正电子发射的集合 | 正常 | NaF-Prostate - NaF Prostate is a collection of F-18 NaF positron emission | https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/NaF+Prostate | github | 开源 | ||||||
525 | neuroendocrine_prostate_cancer_whole_exome_and_rna_seq_data_of | 前列腺癌 | 神经内分泌-前列腺癌 - 的整个外显子组和 RNA Seq 数据 | 损坏 | Neuroendocrine-Prostate-Cancer - Whole exome and RNA Seq data of | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=nepc_wcm_2016 | github | 开源 | ||||||
526 | plco_prostate_diagnostic_procedures_the_prostate_diagnostic_procedures | 前列腺癌 | PLCO-前列腺诊断程序 - 前列腺诊断程序 | 正常 | PLCO-Prostate-Diagnostic-Procedures - The Prostate Diagnostic Procedures | https://biometry.nci.nih.gov/cdas/plco/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
527 | plco_prostate_medical_complications_the_prostate_medical_complications | 前列腺癌 | PLCO-前列腺医疗并发症 - 前列腺医疗并发症 | 正常 | PLCO-Prostate-Medical-Complications - The Prostate Medical Complications | https://biometry.nci.nih.gov/cdas/plco/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
528 | plco_prostate_screening_abnormalities_the_prostate_screening | 前列腺癌 | PLCO-前列腺筛查异常 - 前列腺筛查 | 正常 | PLCO-Prostate-Screening-Abnormalities - The Prostate Screening | https://biometry.nci.nih.gov/cdas/plco/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
529 | plco_prostate_screening_the_prostate_screening_dataset_177315 | 前列腺癌 | PLCO-前列腺筛查 - 前列腺筛查数据集 (177 315 | 正常 | PLCO-Prostate-Screening - The Prostate Screening dataset (177 315 | https://biometry.nci.nih.gov/cdas/plco/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
530 | plco_prostate_treatments_the_prostate_treatments_dataset_13409 | 前列腺癌 | PLCO-Prostate-Treatments - 前列腺治疗数据集 (13 409 | 正常 | PLCO-Prostate-Treatments - The Prostate Treatments dataset (13 409 | https://biometry.nci.nih.gov/cdas/plco/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
531 | plco_prostate_the_prostate_dataset_is_a_comprehensive_dataset_that | 前列腺癌 | PLCO-前列腺 - 前列腺数据集是一个综合数据集 | 正常 | PLCO-Prostate - The Prostate dataset is a comprehensive dataset that | https://biometry.nci.nih.gov/cdas/plco/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
532 | prad_ca_prostate_adenocarcinoma_canada_prostate_adenocarcinoma | 前列腺癌 | PRAD-CA-前列腺腺癌-加拿大 - 前列腺腺癌 - | 正常 | PRAD-CA-Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-Canada - Prostate Adenocarcinoma - | https://dcc.icgc.org/projects/PRAD-CA | github | 开源 | ||||||
533 | prad_fr_prostate_adenocarcinoma_france_prostate_adenocarcinoma | 前列腺癌 | PRAD-FR-前列腺腺癌-法国 - 前列腺腺癌 - | 正常 | PRAD-FR-Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-France - Prostate Adenocarcinoma - | https://dcc.icgc.org/projects/PRAD-FR | github | 开源 | ||||||
534 | prad_uk_prostate_adenocarcinoma_united_kingdom_prostate_adenocarcinoma | 前列腺癌 | PRAD-UK-Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-United-Kingdom - 前列腺腺癌 | 正常 | PRAD-UK-Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-United-Kingdom - Prostate Adenocarcinoma | https://dcc.icgc.org/projects/PRAD-UK | github | 开源 | ||||||
535 | prostatex_challenge_retrospective_set_of_prostate_mr_studies_all | 前列腺癌 | PROSTATEx-Challenge - 一组回顾性前列腺 MR 研究。 | 正常 | PROSTATEx-Challenge - Retrospective set of prostate MR studies. All | https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/SPIE-AAPM-NCI+PROSTATEx+Challenges | github | 开源 | ||||||
536 | prostate_3t_the_prostate_3t_project_provided_imaging_data_to_tcia_as | 前列腺癌 | Prostate-3T - Prostate-3T 项目向 TCIA 提供成像数据 | 正常 | Prostate-3T - The Prostate-3T project provided imaging data to TCIA as | https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/PROSTATE-3T | github | 开源 | ||||||
537 | prostate_adenocarcinoma_broad_cornell_2012_comprehensive_profiling_of | 前列腺癌 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-Broad-Cornell-2012 - 的综合分析 | 损坏 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-Broad-Cornell-2012 - Comprehensive profiling of | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_broad | github | 开源 | ||||||
538 | prostate_adenocarcinoma_broad_cornell_2013_comprehensive_profiling_of | 前列腺癌 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-Broad-Cornell-2013 - 的综合分析 | 损坏 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-Broad-Cornell-2013 - Comprehensive profiling of | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_broad_2013 | github | 开源 | ||||||
539 | prostate_adenocarcinoma_cna_study_mskcc_copy_number_profiling_of_103 | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺-腺癌-CNA-study-MSKCC - 103 的拷贝数分析 | 损坏 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-CNA-study-MSKCC - Copy-number profiling of 103 | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_mskcc_2014 | github | 开源 | ||||||
540 | prostate_adenocarcinoma_fred_hutchinson_crc_comprehensive_profiling_of | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺-腺癌-Fred-Hutchinson-CRC - 的综合分析 | 损坏 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-Fred-Hutchinson-CRC - Comprehensive profiling of | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_fhcrc | github | 开源 | ||||||
541 | prostate_adenocarcinoma_mskcc_dfci_whole_exome_sequencing_of_1013 | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺腺癌 (MSKCC/DFCI) - 1013 的全外显子组测序 | 损坏 | Prostate Adenocarcinoma (MSKCC/DFCI) - Whole Exome Sequencing of 1013 | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_p1000 | github | 开源 | ||||||
542 | prostate_adenocarcinoma_mskcc_mskcc_prostate_oncogenome_project_181 | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺-腺癌-MSKCC - MSKCC 前列腺癌基因组计划。 | 损坏 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-MSKCC - MSKCC Prostate Oncogenome Project. 181 | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_mskcc | github | 开源 | ||||||
543 | prostate_adenocarcinoma_organoids_mskcc_exome_profiling_of_prostate | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺-腺癌-类器官-MSKCC - 前列腺外显子组分析 | 损坏 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-Organoids-MSKCC - Exome profiling of prostate | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_mskcc_cheny1_organoids_2014 | github | 开源 | ||||||
544 | prostate_adenocarcinoma_sun_lab_whole_genome_and_transcriptome | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺-腺癌-Sun-Lab - 全基因组和转录组 | 损坏 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-Sun-Lab - Whole-genome and Transcriptome | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_eururol_2017 | github | 开源 | ||||||
545 | prostate_adenocarcinoma_tcga_pancancer_atlas_comprehensive_tcga | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺-腺癌-TCGA-PanCancer-Atlas - 综合 TCGA | 损坏 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-TCGA-PanCancer-Atlas - Comprehensive TCGA | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_tcga_pan_can_atlas_2018 | github | 开源 | ||||||
546 | prostate_adenocarcinoma_tcga_integrated_profiling_of_333_primary | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺-腺癌-TCGA - 333 原发 的综合分析 | 损坏 | Prostate-Adenocarcinoma-TCGA - Integrated profiling of 333 primary | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_tcga_pub | github | 开源 | ||||||
547 | prostate_diagnosis_pca_t1_and_t2_weighted_magnetic_resonance_images | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺诊断 - PCa T1 和 T2 加权磁共振图像 | 正常 | Prostate-Diagnosis - PCa T1- and T2-weighted magnetic resonance images | https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/PROSTATE-DIAGNOSIS | github | 开源 | ||||||
548 | prostate_fused_mri_pathology_the_prostate_fused_mri_pathology | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺融合 MRI 病理学 - 前列腺融合 MRI 病理学 | 正常 | Prostate-Fused-MRI-Pathology - The Prostate Fused-MRI-Pathology | https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/Prostate+Fused-MRI-Pathology | github | 开源 | ||||||
549 | prostate_mri_the_prostate_mri_collection_of_prostate_magnetic_resonance | 前列腺癌 | 前列腺 MRI - 前列腺磁共振的前列腺 MRI 集合 | 正常 | Prostate-MRI - The Prostate-MRI collection of prostate Magnetic Resonance | https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/Prostate-MRI | github | 开源 | ||||||
550 | prostate_r_the_r_package_elemstatlearn_contains_a_prostate_cancer | 前列腺癌 | Prostate-R - R 包“ElemStatLearn”包含前列腺癌 | 正常 | Prostate-R - The R package ElemStatLearn contains a prostate cancer | https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/ElemStatLearn/datasets/prostate.data | github | 开源 | ||||||
551 | qin_prostate_repeatability_the_qin_prostate_repeatability_dataset_is_a | 前列腺癌 | QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability - QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability 数据集是一个 | 正常 | QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability - The QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability dataset is a | https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability | github | 开源 | ||||||
552 | qin_prostate_the_qin_prostate_collection_of_the_quantitative_imaging | 前列腺癌 | QIN-PROSTATE - QIN PROSTATE 系列的定量成像 | 正常 | QIN-PROSTATE - The QIN PROSTATE collection of the Quantitative Imaging | https://wiki.cancerimagingarchive.net/display/Public/QIN+PROSTATE | github | 开源 | ||||||
553 | seer_yr1973_2015_seer9_the_seer_november_2017_research_data_files_from | 前列腺癌 | SEER-YR1973_2015.SEER9 - SEER 2017 年 11 月研究数据文件来自 | 正常 | SEER-YR1973_2015.SEER9 - The SEER November 2017 Research Data files from | https://seer.cancer.gov/data/seerstat/nov2017/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
554 | seer_yr1992_2015_sj_la_rg_ak_the_seer_november_2017_research_data_files | 前列腺癌 | SEER-YR1992_2015.SJ_LA_RG_AK - SEER 2017 年 11 月研究数据文件 | 正常 | SEER-YR1992_2015.SJ_LA_RG_AK - The SEER November 2017 Research Data files | https://seer.cancer.gov/data/seerstat/nov2017/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
555 | seer_yr2000_2015_ca_ky_lo_nj_ga_the_seer_november_2017_research_data | 前列腺癌 | SEER-YR2000_2015.CA_KY_LO_NJ_GA - SEER 2017 年 11 月研究数据 | 正常 | SEER-YR2000_2015.CA_KY_LO_NJ_GA - The SEER November 2017 Research Data | https://seer.cancer.gov/data/seerstat/nov2017/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
556 | seer_yr2000_2015_ca_ky_lo_nj_ga_the_july_december_2005_diagnoses_for | 前列腺癌 | SEER-YR2000_2015.CA_KY_LO_NJ_GA - 2005 年 7 月 - 2005 年 12 月诊断 | 正常 | SEER-YR2000_2015.CA_KY_LO_NJ_GA - The July - December 2005 diagnoses for | https://seer.cancer.gov/data/seerstat/nov2017/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
557 | tcga_prad_us_tcga_prostate_adenocarcinoma_499_samples | 前列腺癌 | TCGA-PRAD-US - TCGA 前列腺腺癌(499 个样本)。 | 损坏 | TCGA-PRAD-US - TCGA Prostate Adenocarcinoma (499 samples). | http://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=prad_tcga | github | 开源 | ||||||
558 | osu_cognitive_modeling_repository_datasets | 心理学+认知 | OSU 认知建模存储库数据集 | 损坏 | OSU Cognitive Modeling Repository Datasets | http://www.cmr.osu.edu/browse/datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
559 | ably_open_realtime_data | 公共领域 | 能够打开实时数据 | 正常 | Ably Open Realtime Data | https://www.ably.io/hub/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
560 | amazon | 公共领域 | 亚马逊 | 正常 | Amazon | http://aws.amazon.com/datasets/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
561 | archive_org_datasets | 公共领域 | Archive.org 数据集 | 正常 | Archive.org Datasets | https://archive.org/details/datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
562 | archive_it_from_internet_archive | 公共领域 | 从 Internet 存档存档-it | 正常 | Archive-it from Internet Archive | https://www.archive-it.org/explore?show=Collections | github | 开源 | ||||||
563 | cmu_jasa_data_archive | 公共领域 | CMU JASA 数据存档 | 正常 | CMU JASA data archive | http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/jasadata/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
564 | cmu_statlab_collections | 公共领域 | CMU StatLab 集合 | 正常 | CMU StatLab collections | http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
565 | data_world | 公共领域 | 数据世界 | 正常 | Data.World | https://data.world | github | 开源 | ||||||
566 | data360 | 公共领域 | Data360 | 损坏 | Data360 | http://www.data360.org/index.aspx | github | 开源 | ||||||
567 | enigma_public | 公共领域 | 谜公众 | 正常 | Enigma Public | https://public.enigma.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
568 | 公共领域 | 谷歌 | 正常 | http://www.google.com/publicdata/directory | github | 开源 | ||||||||
569 | grand_comics_database_the_grand_comics_database_gcd_is_a_nonprofit | 公共领域 | Grand Comics 数据库 - Grand Comics 数据库 (GCD) 是一个非营利组织 | 正常 | Grand Comics Database - The Grand Comics Database (GCD) is a nonprofit | https://www.comics.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
570 | infochimps | 公共领域 | Infochimps | 损坏 | Infochimps | http://www.infochimps.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
571 | kdnuggets_data_collections | 公共领域 | KDNuggets 数据收集 | 正常 | KDNuggets Data Collections | http://www.kdnuggets.com/datasets/index.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
572 | microsoft_azure_data_market_free_datasets | 公共领域 | Microsoft Azure 数据市场免费数据集 | 损坏 | Microsoft Azure Data Market Free DataSets | https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps?source=datamarket&filters=pricing-free&page=1 | github | 开源 | ||||||
573 | microsoft_data_science_for_research | 公共领域 | 微软研究数据科学 | 正常 | Microsoft Data Science for Research | http://aka.ms/Data-Science | github | 开源 | ||||||
574 | microsoft_research_open_data | 公共领域 | 微软研究院开放数据 | 正常 | Microsoft Research Open Data | https://msropendata.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
575 | open_library_data_dumps | 公共领域 | 打开图书馆数据转储 | 正常 | Open Library Data Dumps | https://openlibrary.org/developers/dumps | github | 开源 | ||||||
576 | reddit_datasets | 公共领域 | Reddit 数据集 | 损坏 | Reddit Datasets | https://www.reddit.com/r/datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
577 | revolutionanalytics_collection | 公共领域 | RevolutionAnalytics 集合 | 损坏 | RevolutionAnalytics Collection | https://packages.revolutionanalytics.com/datasets/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
578 | sample_r_data_sets | 公共领域 | 样本 R 数据集 | 正常 | Sample R data sets | http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-patched/library/datasets/html/00Index.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
579 | statsci_org | 公共领域 | StatSci.org | 正常 | StatSci.org | http://www.statsci.org/datasets.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
580 | stats4stem_r_data_sets_archived | 公共领域 | Stats4Stem R 数据集(存档) | 正常 | Stats4Stem R data sets (archived) | https://web.archive.org/web/20151024082129/http://www.stats4stem.org:80/data-sets.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
581 | the_washington_post_list | 公共领域 | 华盛顿邮报名单 | 正常 | The Washington Post List | http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/metro/data/datapost.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
582 | ucla_socr_data_collection | 公共领域 | 加州大学洛杉矶分校 SOCR 数据收集 | 正常 | UCLA SOCR data collection | http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/index.php/SOCR_Data | github | 开源 | ||||||
583 | ufo_reports | 公共领域 | 不明飞行物报告 | 正常 | UFO Reports | http://www.nuforc.org/webreports.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
584 | wikileaks_911_pager_intercepts | 公共领域 | 维基解密 911 寻呼机拦截 | 正常 | Wikileaks 911 pager intercepts | https://911.wikileaks.org/files/index.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
585 | yahoo_webscope | 公共领域 | 雅虎网络范围 | 正常 | Yahoo Webscope | http://webscope.sandbox.yahoo.com/catalog.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
586 | academic_torrents_of_data_sharing_from_umb | 搜索引擎 | 来自 UMB 的数据共享学术洪流 | 正常 | Academic Torrents of data sharing from UMB | http://academictorrents.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
587 | base_dos_dados_data_basis_open_data_repository_for_brazil | 搜索引擎 | Base dos Dados - 数据基础:巴西的开放数据存储库 | 正常 | Base dos Dados - Data Basis: Open Data Repository for Brazil | https://basedosdados.org/en | github | 开源 | ||||||
588 | datahub_io | 搜索引擎 | 数据中心 | 正常 | Datahub.io | https://datahub.io/dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
589 | domains_project_sorted_list_of_internet_domains | 搜索引擎 | Domains Project - Internet 域的排序列表 | 正常 | Domains Project - Sorted list of Internet domains | https://github.com/tb0hdan/domains | github | 开源 | ||||||
590 | harvard_dataverse_network_of_scientific_data | 搜索引擎 | 哈佛 Dataverse 科学数据网络 | 正常 | Harvard Dataverse Network of scientific data | https://dataverse.harvard.edu/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
591 | icpsr_umich | 搜索引擎 | ICPSR (UMICH) | 正常 | ICPSR (UMICH) | https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/pages/ICPSR/index.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
592 | institute_of_education_sciences | 搜索引擎 | 教育科学研究所 | 正常 | Institute of Education Sciences | http://eric.ed.gov | github | 开源 | ||||||
593 | national_technical_reports_library | 搜索引擎 | 国家技术报告图书馆 | 正常 | National Technical Reports Library | https://ntrl.ntis.gov/NTRL/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
594 | open_data_certificates_beta | 搜索引擎 | 开放数据证书(测试版) | 正常 | Open Data Certificates (beta) | https://certificates.theodi.org/en/datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
595 | opendatanetwork_a_search_engine_of_all_socrata_powered_data_portals | 搜索引擎 | OpenDataNetwork - 所有 Socrata 支持的数据门户的搜索引擎 | 正常 | OpenDataNetwork - A search engine of all Socrata powered data portals | http://www.opendatanetwork.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
596 | statista_com_statistics_and_studies | 搜索引擎 | Statista.com - 统计和研究 | 正常 | Statista.com - statistics and Studies | http://www.statista.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
597 | zenodo_an_open_dependable_home_for_the_long_tail_of_science | 搜索引擎 | Zenodo - 科学长尾的开放可靠之家 | 正常 | Zenodo - An open dependable home for the long-tail of science | https://zenodo.org/collection/datasets | github | 开源 | ||||||
598 | 2021_portuguese_elections_twitter_dataset_57m_tweets_1m_users_this | 社交网络 | 2021 年葡萄牙选举 Twitter 数据集 - 5700 万多条推文 100 万多用户 - 这 | 正常 | 2021 Portuguese Elections Twitter Dataset - 57M+ tweets 1M+ users - This | https://github.com/msramalho/election-watch/blob/master/datasets/01_portuguese_presidential_elections_2021_01_24.md | github | 开源 | ||||||
599 | 72_hours_gamergate_twitter_scrape | 社交网络 | 72 小时 #gamergate Twitter Scrape | 正常 | 72 hours #gamergate Twitter Scrape | http://waxy.org/random/misc/gamergate_tweets.csv | github | 开源 | ||||||
600 | cmu_enron_email_of_150_users | 社交网络 | 150 个用户的 CMU 安然电子邮件 | 正常 | CMU Enron Email of 150 users | http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~enron/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
601 | cheng_caverlee_lee_september_2009_january_2010_twitter_scrape | 社交网络 | Cheng-Caverlee-Lee 2009 年 9 月 - 2010 年 1 月 Twitter Scrape | 正常 | Cheng-Caverlee-Lee September 2009 - January 2010 Twitter Scrape | https://archive.org/details/twitter_cikm_2010 | github | 开源 | ||||||
602 | china_biographical_database_the_china_biographical_database_is_a_freely | 社交网络 | 中国传记数据库 - 中国传记数据库是一个免费 | 正常 | China Biographical Database - The China Biographical Database is a freely | https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/cbdb | github | 开源 | ||||||
603 | a_twitter_dataset_of_40_million_tweets_related_to_covid_19_due_to_the | 社交网络 | 包含 40 多万条与 COVID-19 相关的推文的 Twitter 数据集 - 由于 | 正常 | A Twitter Dataset of 40+ million tweets related to COVID-19 - Due to the | https://zenodo.org/record/3723940 | github | 开源 | ||||||
604 | 43k_donald_trump_twitter_screenshots_this_archive_contains_screenshots | 社交网络 | 43k+ Donald Trump Twitter 截图 - 这个档案包含截图 | 正常 | 43k+ Donald Trump Twitter Screenshots - This archive contains screenshots | https://pikaso.me/blog/trump-twitter-archive | github | 开源 | ||||||
605 | edrm_enron_email_of_151_users_hosted_on_s3 | 社交网络 | 151 个用户的 EDRM 安然电子邮件 托管在 S3 上 | 正常 | EDRM Enron EMail of 151 users hosted on S3 | https://aws.amazon.com/datasets/enron-email-data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
606 | facebook_data_scrape_2005 | 社交网络 | Facebook 数据抓取 (2005) | 正常 | Facebook Data Scrape (2005) | https://archive.org/details/oxford-2005-facebook-matrix | github | 开源 | ||||||
607 | facebook_social_connectedness_index_we_use_an_anonymized_snapshot_of | 社交网络 | Facebook 社交联系指数 - 我们使用 的匿名快照 | 正常 | Facebook Social Connectedness Index - We use an anonymized snapshot of | https://data.humdata.org/dataset/social-connectedness-index | github | 开源 | ||||||
608 | facebook_social_networks_from_law_since_2007 | 社交网络 | LAW 的 Facebook 社交网络(自 2007 年起) | 正常 | Facebook Social Networks from LAW (since 2007) | http://law.di.unimi.it/datasets.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
609 | foursquare_from_umn_sarwat_2013 | 社交网络 | 来自 UMN/Sarwat 的 Foursquare (2013) | 正常 | Foursquare from UMN/Sarwat (2013) | https://archive.org/details/201309_foursquare_dataset_umn | github | 开源 | ||||||
610 | github_collaboration_archive | 社交网络 | GitHub 协作存档 | 正常 | GitHub Collaboration Archive | https://www.gharchive.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
611 | google_scholar_citation_relations | 社交网络 | 谷歌学术引用关系 | 正常 | Google Scholar citation relations | https://web.archive.org/web/20190522043016/http://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~leman/data/gscholar.db | github | 开源 | ||||||
612 | high_resolution_contact_networks_from_wearable_sensors | 社交网络 | 可穿戴传感器的高分辨率接触网络 | 正常 | High-Resolution Contact Networks from Wearable Sensors | http://www.sociopatterns.org/datasets/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
613 | indie_map_social_graph_and_crawl_of_top_indieweb_sites | 社交网络 | 独立地图:顶级独立网站的社交图和爬网 | 正常 | Indie Map: social graph and crawl of top IndieWeb sites | http://www.indiemap.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
614 | mobile_social_networks_from_umass | 社交网络 | UMASS 的移动社交网络 | 正常 | Mobile Social Networks from UMASS | https://kdl.cs.umass.edu/display/public/Mobile+Social+Networks | github | 开源 | ||||||
615 | network_twitter_data | 社交网络 | 网络推特数据 | 正常 | Network Twitter Data | http://snap.stanford.edu/data/higgs-twitter.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
616 | reddit_comments | 社交网络 | Reddit 评论 | 正常 | Reddit Comments | http://files.pushshift.io/reddit/comments/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
617 | skytrax_air_travel_reviews_dataset | 社交网络 | Skytrax 的航空旅行评论数据集 | 正常 | Skytrax Air Travel Reviews Dataset | https://github.com/quankiquanki/skytrax-reviews-dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
618 | social_twitter_data | 社交网络 | 社交推特数据 | 正常 | Social Twitter Data | http://snap.stanford.edu/data/egonets-Twitter.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
619 | sourceforge_net_research_data | 社交网络 | SourceForge.net 研究数据 | 正常 | SourceForge.net Research Data | http://www3.nd.edu/~oss/Data/data.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
620 | twitch_top_streamer_s_data | 社交网络 | Twitch Top Streamer 的数据 | 正常 | Twitch Top Streamer s Data | https://www.kaggle.com/aayushmishra1512/twitchdata | github | 开源 | ||||||
621 | twitter_data_for_online_reputation_management | 社交网络 | 用于在线声誉管理的 Twitter 数据 | 正常 | Twitter Data for Online Reputation Management | http://nlp.uned.es/replab2013/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
622 | twitter_data_for_sentiment_analysis | 社交网络 | 用于情绪分析的 Twitter 数据 | 正常 | Twitter Data for Sentiment Analysis | http://help.sentiment140.com/for-students/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
623 | twitter_graph_of_entire_twitter_site | 社交网络 | 整个 Twitter 网站的 Twitter 图表 | 损坏 | Twitter Graph of entire Twitter site | http://an.kaist.ac.kr/traces/WWW2010.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
624 | twitter_scrape_calufa_may_2011 | 社交网络 | Twitter Scrape Calufa 2011 年 5 月 | 损坏 | Twitter Scrape Calufa May 2011 | http://archive.org/details/2011-05-calufa-twitter-sql | github | 开源 | ||||||
625 | unimi_law_social_network_datasets | 社交网络 | UNIMI/LAW 社交网络数据集 | 正常 | UNIMI/LAW Social Network Datasets | http://law.di.unimi.it/datasets.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
626 | united_states_congress_twitter_data_daily_datasets_with_tweets_of_1100 | 社交网络 | 美国国会 Twitter 数据 - 包含 1100 多条推文的每日数据集 | 正常 | United States Congress Twitter Data - Daily datasets with tweets of 1100+ | https://github.com/alexlitel/congresstweets | github | 开源 | ||||||
627 | yahoo_graph_and_social_data | 社交网络 | 雅虎! | 正常 | Yahoo! Graph and Social Data | http://webscope.sandbox.yahoo.com/catalog.php?datatype=g | github | 开源 | ||||||
628 | youtube_video_social_graph_in_20072008 | 社交网络 | 2007、2008年Youtube视频社交图 | 正常 | Youtube Video Social Graph in 2007 2008 | http://netsg.cs.sfu.ca/youtubedata/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
629 | acled_armed_conflict_location_event_data_project | 社会科学 | ACLED(武装冲突地点和事件数据项目) | 正常 | ACLED (Armed Conflict Location Event Data Project) | http://www.acleddata.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
630 | authoritarian_ruling_elites_database_the_authoritarian_ruling_elites | 社会科学 | 威权统治精英数据库 - 威权统治精英 | 正常 | Authoritarian Ruling Elites Database - The Authoritarian Ruling Elites | https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/QZ9BSA | github | 开源 | ||||||
631 | canadian_legal_information_institute | 社会科学 | 加拿大法律信息研究所 | 正常 | Canadian Legal Information Institute | https://www.canlii.org/en/index.php | github | 开源 | ||||||
632 | center_for_systemic_peace_datasets_conflict_trends_polities_state_fragility_etc | 社会科学 | 系统性和平数据集中心 - 冲突趋势、政体、国家脆弱性等 | 损坏 | Center for Systemic Peace Datasets - Conflict Trends Polities State Fragility etc | http://www.systemicpeace.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
633 | correlates_of_war_project | 社会科学 | 战争项目的相关性 | 正常 | Correlates of War Project | http://www.correlatesofwar.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
634 | cryptome_conspiracy_theory_items | 社会科学 | Cryptome 阴谋论项目 | 正常 | Cryptome Conspiracy Theory Items | http://cryptome.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
635 | datacards | 社会科学 | 数据卡 | 损坏 | Datacards | https://www.datacards.org/login/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
636 | european_social_survey | 社会科学 | 欧洲社会调查 | 正常 | European Social Survey | http://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
637 | fbi_hate_crime_2013_aggregated_data | 社会科学 | FBI 仇恨犯罪 2013 - 汇总数据 | 正常 | FBI Hate Crime 2013 - aggregated data | https://github.com/emorisse/FBI-Hate-Crime-Statistics/tree/master/2013 | github | 开源 | ||||||
638 | fragile_states_index | 社会科学 | 脆弱国家指数 | 损坏 | Fragile States Index | http://fundforpeace.org/fsi/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
639 | gdelt_global_events_database | 社会科学 | GDELT 全球事件数据库 | 正常 | GDELT Global Events Database | http://gdeltproject.org/data.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
640 | general_social_survey_gss_since_1972 | 社会科学 | 自 1972 年以来的一般社会调查 (GSS) | 正常 | General Social Survey (GSS) since 1972 | http://gss.norc.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
641 | german_social_survey | 社会科学 | 德国社会调查 | 正常 | German Social Survey | http://www.gesis.org/en/home/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
642 | global_religious_futures_project | 社会科学 | 全球宗教期货项目 | 正常 | Global Religious Futures Project | http://www.globalreligiousfutures.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
643 | gun_violence_data_a_comprehensive_accessible_database_that_contains | 社会科学 | 枪支暴力数据 - 一个全面的、可访问的数据库 其中包含 | 正常 | Gun Violence Data - A comprehensive accessible database that contains | https://github.com/jamesqo/gun-violence-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
644 | humanitarian_data_exchange | 社会科学 | 人道主义数据交换 | 正常 | Humanitarian Data Exchange | https://data.humdata.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
645 | inform_index_for_risk_management | 社会科学 | INFORM 风险管理指数 | 正常 | INFORM Index for Risk Management | http://www.inform-index.org/Results/Global | github | 开源 | ||||||
646 | institute_for_demographic_studies | 社会科学 | 人口研究所 | 正常 | Institute for Demographic Studies | http://www.ined.fr/en/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
647 | international_networks_archive | 社会科学 | 国际网络档案馆 | 正常 | International Networks Archive | http://www.princeton.edu/~ina/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
648 | international_social_survey_program_issp | 社会科学 | 国际社会调查计划 ISSP | 正常 | International Social Survey Program ISSP | http://www.issp.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
649 | international_studies_compendium_project | 社会科学 | 国际研究纲要项目 | 正常 | International Studies Compendium Project | http://www.isacompendium.com/public/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
650 | james_mcguire_cross_national_data | 社会科学 | 詹姆斯麦奎尔跨国家数据 | 正常 | James McGuire Cross National Data | http://jmcguire.faculty.wesleyan.edu/welcome/cross-national-data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
651 | mit_reality_mining_dataset | 社会科学 | 麻省理工学院现实挖掘数据集 | 正常 | MIT Reality Mining Dataset | http://realitycommons.media.mit.edu/realitymining.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
652 | macrodata_guide_by_norsk_samfunnsvitenskapelig_datatjeneste | 社会科学 | Norsk samfunnsvitenskapelig datatjeneste 的 MacroData 指南 | 正常 | MacroData Guide by Norsk samfunnsvitenskapelig datatjeneste | http://nsd.uib.no | github | 开源 | ||||||
653 | mass_mobilization_data_project_the_mass_mobilization_mm_data_are_an | 社会科学 | 大规模动员数据项目 - 大规模动员 (MM) 数据是一个 | 正常 | Mass Mobilization Data Project - The Mass Mobilization (MM) data are an | https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/MMdata | github | 开源 | ||||||
654 | microsoft_academic_knowledge_graph_the_microsoft_academic_knowledge | 社会科学 | Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph - Microsoft Academic Knowledge | 正常 | Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph - The Microsoft Academic Knowledge | http://ma-graph.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
655 | minnesota_population_center | 社会科学 | 明尼苏达人口中心 | 正常 | Minnesota Population Center | https://www.ipums.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
656 | notre_dame_global_adaptation_index_nd_gain | 社会科学 | 圣母大学全球适应指数 (ND-GAIN) | 正常 | Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index (ND-GAIN) | https://gain.nd.edu/our-work/country-index/download-data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
657 | open_crime_and_policing_data_in_england_wales_and_northern_ireland | 社会科学 | 英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的开放犯罪和警务数据 | 正常 | Open Crime and Policing Data in England Wales and Northern Ireland | https://data.police.uk/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
658 | opensanctions_a_global_database_of_persons_and_companies_of_political | 社会科学 | OpenSanctions - 全球政治人物和公司数据库 | 正常 | OpenSanctions - A global database of persons and companies of political | http://www.opensanctions.org/#downloads | github | 开源 | ||||||
659 | paul_hensel_general_international_data_page | 社会科学 | Paul Hensel 通用国际数据页 | 正常 | Paul Hensel General International Data Page | http://www.paulhensel.org/dataintl.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
660 | pewresearch_internet_survey_project | 社会科学 | PewResearch 互联网调查项目 | 正常 | PewResearch Internet Survey Project | http://www.pewinternet.org/?post_type=dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
661 | pewresearch_society_data_collection | 社会科学 | 皮尤研究会数据收集 | 正常 | PewResearch Society Data Collection | http://www.pewresearch.org/data/download-datasets/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
662 | political_polarity_data | 社会科学 | 政治极性数据 | 损坏 | Political Polarity Data | http://www3.cs.stonybrook.edu/~leman/data/14-icwsm-political-polarity-data.zip | github | 开源 | ||||||
663 | stackexchange_data_explorer | 社会科学 | StackExchange 数据资源管理器 | 正常 | StackExchange Data Explorer | http://data.stackexchange.com/help | github | 开源 | ||||||
664 | terrorism_research_and_analysis_consortium | 社会科学 | 恐怖主义研究与分析联盟 | 正常 | Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium | http://www.trackingterrorism.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
665 | texas_inmates_executed_since_1984 | 社会科学 | 德克萨斯州囚犯自 1984 年以来被处决 | 正常 | Texas Inmates Executed Since 1984 | http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/death_row/dr_executed_offenders.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
666 | titanic_survival_data_set | 社会科学 | 泰坦尼克号生存数据集 | 正常 | Titanic Survival Data Set | https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic/data | github | 开源 | ||||||
667 | ucb_s_archive_of_social_science_data_d_lab | 社会科学 | UCB 的社会科学数据档案 (D-Lab) | 正常 | UCB s Archive of Social Science Data (D-Lab) | http://ucdata.berkeley.edu/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
668 | ucla_social_sciences_data_archive | 社会科学 | 加州大学洛杉矶分校社会科学数据档案 | 正常 | UCLA Social Sciences Data Archive | https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/ssda_ucla | github | 开源 | ||||||
669 | un_civil_society_database | 社会科学 | 联合国民间社会数据库 | 正常 | UN Civil Society Database | http://esango.un.org/civilsociety/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
670 | upjohn_for_labor_employment_research | 社会科学 | UPJOHN 劳动就业研究 | 正常 | UPJOHN for Labor Employment Research | http://www.upjohn.org/services/resources/employment-research-data-center | github | 开源 | ||||||
671 | universities_worldwide | 社会科学 | 全球大学 | 正常 | Universities Worldwide | http://univ.cc/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
672 | uppsala_conflict_data_program | 社会科学 | 乌普萨拉冲突数据计划 | 正常 | Uppsala Conflict Data Program | http://ucdp.uu.se/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
673 | world_bank_open_data | 社会科学 | 世界银行开放数据 | 正常 | World Bank Open Data | http://data.worldbank.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
674 | world_inequality_database_the_world_inequality_database_wid_world | 社会科学 | 世界不平等数据库 - 世界不平等数据库 (WID.world) | 正常 | World Inequality Database - The World Inequality Database (WID.world) | https://wid.world | github | 开源 | ||||||
675 | worldpop_project_worldwide_human_population_distributions | 社会科学 | WorldPop 项目 - 全球人口分布 | 损坏 | WorldPop project - Worldwide human population distributions | http://www.worldpop.org.uk/data/get_data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
676 | flossmole_data_about_free_libre_and_open_source_software_development | 软件 | 关于免费、自由和开源软件开发的 FLOSSmole 数据 | 正常 | FLOSSmole data about free libre and open source software development | http://flossdata.syr.edu/data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
677 | ghtorrent_scalable_queryable_offline_mirror_of_data_offered_through | 软件 | GHTorrent - 通过 | 正常 | GHTorrent - Scalable queryable offline mirror of data offered through | https://ghtorrent.org | github | 开源 | ||||||
678 | libraries_io_open_source_repository_and_dependency_metadata | 软件 | Libraries.io 开源存储库和依赖元数据 | 正常 | Libraries.io Open Source Repository and Dependency Metadata | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1068916 | github | 开源 | ||||||
679 | public_git_archive_a_big_code_dataset_for_all_dataset_of_182014_top | 软件 | 公共 Git 存档 - 所有人的大代码数据集 - 182 014 个顶部的数据集 - | 正常 | Public Git Archive - a Big Code dataset for all – dataset of 182 014 top- | https://github.com/src-d/datasets/tree/master/PublicGitArchive | github | 开源 | ||||||
680 | code_duplicates_2k_java_file_and_600_java_function_pairs_labeled_as | 软件 | 代码重复 - 2k Java 文件和 600 个 Java 函数对标记为 | 正常 | Code duplicates - 2k Java file and 600 Java function pairs labeled as | https://github.com/src-d/datasets/tree/master/Duplicates | github | 开源 | ||||||
681 | commit_messages_1_3_billion_github_commit_messages_till_march_2019 | 软件 | 提交消息——截至 2019 年 3 月 有 13 亿条 GitHub 提交消息 | 正常 | Commit messages - 1.3 billion GitHub commit messages till March 2019 | https://github.com/src-d/datasets/blob/master/CommitMessages | github | 开源 | ||||||
682 | pull_request_review_comments_25_3_million_github_pr_review_comments | 软件 | 拉取请求评论评论 - 2530 万条 GitHub PR 评论评论 | 正常 | Pull Request review comments - 25.3 million GitHub PR review comments | https://github.com/src-d/datasets/blob/master/ReviewComments | github | 开源 | ||||||
683 | source_code_identifiers_41_7_million_distinct_splittable_identifiers | 软件 | 源代码标识符 - 4170 万个不同的可拆分标识符 | 正常 | Source Code Identifiers - 41.7 million distinct splittable identifiers | https://github.com/src-d/datasets/tree/master/Identifiers | github | 开源 | ||||||
684 | american_ninja_warrior_obstacles_contains_every_obstacle_in_the_history | 运动 | 美国忍者战士障碍 - 包含历史上的每一个障碍 | 正常 | American Ninja Warrior Obstacles - Contains every obstacle in the history | https://data.world/ninja/anw-obstacle-history | github | 开源 | ||||||
685 | betfair_historical_exchange_data | 运动 | 必发历史交易数据 | 正常 | Betfair Historical Exchange Data | http://data.betfair.com/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
686 | cricsheet_matches_cricket | 运动 | 板球比赛(板球) | 正常 | Cricsheet Matches (cricket) | http://cricsheet.org/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
687 | equity_in_athletics_the_equity_in_athletics_data_analysis_cutting_tool | 运动 | 田径公平 - 田径数据分析切割工具中的公平 | 正常 | Equity in Athletics - The Equity in Athletics Data Analysis Cutting Tool | https://ope.ed.gov/athletics | github | 开源 | ||||||
688 | ergast_formula_1_from_1950_up_to_date_api | 运动 | Ergast Formula 1 从 1950 年至今 (API) | 正常 | Ergast Formula 1 from 1950 up to date (API) | http://ergast.com/mrd/db | github | 开源 | ||||||
689 | football_soccer_resources_data_and_apis | 运动 | 足球/足球资源(数据和 API) | 正常 | Football/Soccer resources (data and APIs) | http://www.jokecamp.com/blog/guide-to-football-and-soccer-data-and-apis/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
690 | lahman_s_baseball_database | 运动 | 拉赫曼的棒球数据库 | 正常 | Lahman s Baseball Database | http://www.seanlahman.com/baseball-archive/statistics/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
691 | nfl_play_by_play_data_nfl_play_by_play_data_sourced_from | 运动 | NFL 逐场比赛数据 - NFL 逐场比赛数据来源于: | 正常 | NFL play-by-play data - NFL play-by-play data sourced from: | https://www.dolthub.com/repositories/Liquidata/nfl-play-by-play | github | 开源 | ||||||
692 | pinhooker_thoroughbred_bloodstock_sale_data | 运动 | Pinhooker:纯种纯种马销售数据 | 正常 | Pinhooker: Thoroughbred Bloodstock Sale Data | https://github.com/phillc73/pinhooker | github | 开源 | ||||||
693 | pro_kabadi_season_1_to_7_pro_kabadi_league_is_a_professional_level | 运动 | Pro Kabadi 第 1 至 7 季 - Pro Kabadi League 是专业级别的 | 正常 | Pro Kabadi season 1 to 7 - Pro Kabadi League is a professional-level | https://github.com/ranganadhkodali/Pro-Kabadi-season-1-7-Stats | github | 开源 | ||||||
694 | retrosheet_baseball_statistics | 运动 | Retrosheet棒球统计 | 正常 | Retrosheet Baseball Statistics | http://www.retrosheet.org/game.htm | github | 开源 | ||||||
695 | tennis_database_of_rankings_results_and_stats_for_atp | 运动 | ATP 排名、结果和统计数据的网球数据库 | 正常 | Tennis database of rankings results and stats for ATP | https://github.com/JeffSackmann/tennis_atp | github | 开源 | ||||||
696 | tennis_database_of_rankings_results_and_stats_for_wta | 运动 | WTA 排名、结果和统计数据的网球数据库 | 正常 | Tennis database of rankings results and stats for WTA | https://github.com/JeffSackmann/tennis_wta | github | 开源 | ||||||
697 | usa_soccer_teams_and_locations_usa_soccer_teams_and_locations_mls | 运动 | 美国足球队和地点 - 美国足球队和地点。 | 正常 | USA Soccer Teams and Locations - USA soccer teams and locations. MLS | https://github.com/gavinr/usa-soccer | github | 开源 | ||||||
698 | 3w_dataset_to_the_best_of_its_authors_knowledge_this_is_the_first | 时间序列 | 3W 数据集 - 据作者所知 这是第一个 | 正常 | 3W dataset - To the best of its authors knowledge this is the first | https://github.com/ricardovvargas/3w_dataset | github | 开源 | ||||||
699 | databanks_international_cross_national_time_series_data_archive | 时间序列 | 数据库国际跨国家时间序列数据档案 | 正常 | Databanks International Cross National Time Series Data Archive | http://www.cntsdata.com | github | 开源 | ||||||
700 | hard_drive_failure_rates | 时间序列 | 硬盘故障率 | 正常 | Hard Drive Failure Rates | https://www.backblaze.com/hard-drive-test-data.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
701 | heart_rate_time_series_from_mit | 时间序列 | 麻省理工学院的心率时间序列 | 正常 | Heart Rate Time Series from MIT | http://ecg.mit.edu/time-series/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
702 | time_series_data_library_tsdl_from_mu | 时间序列 | 来自 MU 的时间序列数据库 (TSDL) | 正常 | Time Series Data Library (TSDL) from MU | https://pkg.yangzhuoranyang.com/tsdl/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
703 | turing_change_point_dataset_contains_42_annotated_time_series_collected | 时间序列 | 图灵变化点数据集 - 包含收集的 42 个带注释的时间序列 | 正常 | Turing Change Point Dataset - Contains 42 annotated time series collected | https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/TCPD | github | 开源 | ||||||
704 | uc_riverside_time_series_dataset | 时间序列 | UC Riverside 时间序列数据集 | 正常 | UC Riverside Time Series Dataset | http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/time_series_data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
705 | airlines_od_data_1987_2008 | 交通 | 航空公司 OD 数据 1987-2008 | 正常 | Airlines OD Data 1987-2008 | http://stat-computing.org/dataexpo/2009/the-data.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
706 | ford_gobike_data_formerly_bay_area_bike_share_data | 交通 | 福特 GoBike 数据(原湾区自行车共享数据) | 损坏 | Ford GoBike Data (formerly Bay Area Bike Share Data) | https://www.fordgobike.com/system-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
707 | bike_share_systems_bss_collection | 交通 | 自行车共享系统 (BSS) 系列 | 正常 | Bike Share Systems (BSS) collection | https://github.com/BetaNYC/Bike-Share-Data-Best-Practices/wiki/Bike-Share-Data-Systems | github | 开源 | ||||||
708 | dutch_traffic_information | 交通 | 荷兰交通信息 | 损坏 | Dutch Traffic Information | https://www.ndw.nu/en/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
709 | geolife_gps_trajectory_from_microsoft_research | 交通 | 微软研究院的 GeoLife GPS 轨迹 | 正常 | GeoLife GPS Trajectory from Microsoft Research | http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/b16d359d-d164-469e-9fd4-daa38f2b2e13/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
710 | german_train_system_by_deutsche_bahn | 交通 | 德国铁路公司的德国火车系统 | 损坏 | German train system by Deutsche Bahn | http://data.deutschebahn.com/datasets/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
711 | hubway_million_rides_in_ma | 交通 | 马萨诸塞州的 Hubway 百万骑行 | 损坏 | Hubway Million Rides in MA | http://hubwaydatachallenge.org/trip-history-data/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
712 | montreal_bixi_bike_share | 交通 | 蒙特利尔BIXI自行车共享 | 正常 | Montreal BIXI Bike Share | https://montreal.bixi.com/en/open-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
713 | nyc_taxi_trip_data_2009 | 交通 | 纽约市出租车行程数据 2009- | 正常 | NYC Taxi Trip Data 2009- | https://www1.nyc.gov/site/tlc/about/tlc-trip-record-data.page | github | 开源 | ||||||
714 | nyc_taxi_trip_data_2013_foia_foiled | 交通 | 2013 年纽约市出租车行程数据(FOIA/FOILed) | 正常 | NYC Taxi Trip Data 2013 (FOIA/FOILed) | https://archive.org/details/nycTaxiTripData2013 | github | 开源 | ||||||
715 | nyc_uber_trip_data_april_2014_to_september_2014 | 交通 | 纽约市优步出行数据 2014 年 4 月至 2014 年 9 月 | 正常 | NYC Uber trip data April 2014 to September 2014 | https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/uber-tlc-foil-response | github | 开源 | ||||||
716 | open_traffic_collection | 交通 | 打开流量收集 | 正常 | Open Traffic collection | https://github.com/graphhopper/open-traffic-collection | github | 开源 | ||||||
717 | openflights_airport_airline_and_route_data | 交通 | OpenFlights - 机场、航空公司和路线数据 | 正常 | OpenFlights - airport airline and route data | http://openflights.org/data.html | github | 开源 | ||||||
718 | philadelphia_bike_share_stations_json | 交通 | 费城自行车共享站 (JSON) | 正常 | Philadelphia Bike Share Stations (JSON) | https://www.rideindego.com/stations/json/ | github | 开源 | ||||||
719 | plane_crash_database_since_1920 | 交通 | 飞机失事数据库 自 1920 年以来 | 正常 | Plane Crash Database since 1920 | http://www.planecrashinfo.com/database.htm | github | 开源 | ||||||
720 | rita_airline_on_time_performance_data | 交通 | RITA 航空公司准时性能数据 | 损坏 | RITA Airline On-Time Performance data | http://www.transtats.bts.gov/Tables.asp?DB_ID=120 | github | 开源 | ||||||
721 | rita_bts_transport_data_collection_transtat | 交通 | RITA/BTS 传输数据收集 (TranStat) | 损坏 | RITA/BTS transport data collection (TranStat) | http://www.transtats.bts.gov/DataIndex.asp | github | 开源 | ||||||
722 | renfe_spanish_national_railway_network_dataset | 交通 | Renfe(西班牙国家铁路网)数据集 | 正常 | Renfe (Spanish National Railway Network) dataset | https://data.renfe.com | github | 开源 | ||||||
723 | toronto_bike_share_stations_json_and_gbfs_files | 交通 | 多伦多自行车共享站(JSON 和 GBFS 文件) | 正常 | Toronto Bike Share Stations (JSON and GBFS files) | https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/data-research-maps/open-data/open-data-catalogue/#84045f23-7465-0892-8889-7b6f91049b29 | github | 开源 | ||||||
724 | transport_for_london_tfl | 交通 | 伦敦交通局 (TFL) | 正常 | Transport for London (TFL) | https://tfl.gov.uk/info-for/open-data-users/our-open-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
725 | travel_tracker_survey_tts_for_chicago | 交通 | 芝加哥旅行追踪调查 (TTS) | 损坏 | Travel Tracker Survey (TTS) for Chicago | http://www.cmap.illinois.gov/data/transportation/travel-tracker-survey | github | 开源 | ||||||
726 | u_s_bureau_of_transportation_statistics_bts | 交通 | 美国交通统计局 (BTS) | 正常 | U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) | https://www.bts.gov/browse-statistical-products-and-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
727 | u_s_domestic_flights_1990_to_2009 | 交通 | 美国国内航班 1990 年至 2009 年 | 正常 | U.S. Domestic Flights 1990 to 2009 | http://academictorrents.com/details/a2ccf94bbb4af222bf8e69dad60a68a29f310d9a | github | 开源 | ||||||
728 | u_s_freight_analysis_framework_since_2007 | 交通 | 自 2007 年以来的美国货运分析框架 | 正常 | U.S. Freight Analysis Framework since 2007 | http://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/freight/freight_analysis/faf/index.htm | github | 开源 | ||||||
729 | cs_go_competitive_matchmaking_data_in_this_data_set_we_have_data_about | 电子竞技 | CS:GO 竞争匹配数据 - 在这个数据集中 我们有关于 | 正常 | CS:GO Competitive Matchmaking Data - In this data set we have data about | https://www.kaggle.com/skihikingkevin/csgo-matchmaking-damage | github | 开源 | ||||||
730 | fifa_2021_complete_player_dataset | 电子竞技 | FIFA-2021 完整的球员数据集 | 正常 | FIFA-2021 Complete Player Dataset | https://www.kaggle.com/aayushmishra1512/fifa-2021-complete-player-data | github | 开源 | ||||||
731 | opendota_data_dump | 电子竞技 | OpenDota 数据转储 | 正常 | OpenDota data dump | https://blog.opendota.com/2017/03/24/datadump2/ | github | 开源 |