import json import os from collections import defaultdict from prettytable import PrettyTable from job.pkgs.constants import ComponentOutput, PipelineParam from job.pkgs.context import JobComponentRunner from job.pkgs.httpclients.model_repo_client import ModelRepoClient from import try_get_model_name from import TFModelRunner from job.pkgs.utils import make_abs_or_pack_path, make_abs_or_data_path class TFModelEvaluator(JobComponentRunner): def job_func(self, jc_entry): tf_config = json.loads(os.environ.get('TF_CONFIG') or '{}') print("tf_config={}".format(tf_config)) job = jc_entry.job.get('job_detail', {}) or jc_entry.job user_py_file = job.get('script_name') evaluation_args = job.get('eval_args') or job.get('evaluation_args') or {} test_data_args = job.get('test_data_args') or {} load_model_args = job.get('load_model_args', {}) if not user_py_file or not user_py_file.strip(): raise RuntimeError("'script_name' not set") user_py_file = make_abs_or_pack_path(user_py_file, jc_entry.export_path, jc_entry.pack_path) if not os.path.isfile(user_py_file): raise RuntimeError("user script '{}' not exist".format(user_py_file)) if not evaluation_args: raise RuntimeError("'evaluation_args' not set") upstream_models = [] if jc_entry.upstream_output_file: if not os.path.isfile(jc_entry.upstream_output_file): print("{}: upstream output file '{}' not exist, ignore it" .format(self.job_name, jc_entry.upstream_output_file)) else: with open(jc_entry.upstream_output_file) as f: i = 0 for line in f.readlines(): if not line or not line.strip(): continue line = line.strip() fields = line.split('|') up_model_path = fields[0].strip() if not up_model_path or not os.path.exists(up_model_path): print("{}: model path '{}' from upstream output file not set or exist" .format(self.job_name, up_model_path)) continue if len(fields) == 2: up_model_name = fields[1].strip() else: up_model_name = '' if not up_model_name: up_model_name = try_get_model_name(up_model_path) or 'upstream_model_%s' % i print("{}: model name not set in upstream output file '{}', set model name as '{}'" .format(self.job_name, jc_entry.upstream_output_file, up_model_name)) upstream_models.append({'path': up_model_path, 'name': up_model_name}) print("{}: add upstream model '{}' in '{}' from upstream output file '{}'" .format(self.job_name, up_model_name, up_model_path, jc_entry.upstream_output_file)) i += 1 upstream_models.extend(evaluation_args.get('models', [])) evaluation_args['models'] = upstream_models candi_models = evaluation_args.get('models', []) if isinstance(candi_models, (str, dict)): candi_models = [candi_models] elif not isinstance(candi_models, list): raise RuntimeError("'models' should be a list or dict or str, got '{}': {}" .format(type(candi_models), candi_models)) def __get_online_model_spec(): spec = ModelRepoClient(jc_entry.creator).get_online_model_info(jc_entry.pipeline_id, thr_exp=False) if not spec: print("{}: found no online model of pipeline_id '{}', ignore it" .format(self.job_name, jc_entry.pipeline_id)) else: print("{}: found online model of pipeline_id '{}': {}" .format(self.job_name, jc_entry.pipeline_id, spec)) return spec expanded_candi_models = [] for i, cm in enumerate(candi_models): expanded_cm = {} if isinstance(cm, str): cm = cm.strip() if not cm: print("{}: {}th model in models is empty, ignore it".format(self.job_name, i)) continue if cm == PipelineParam.ONLINE_MODEL: online_model_spec = __get_online_model_spec() if not online_model_spec: continue expanded_cm['name'] = online_model_spec['model_name'] expanded_cm['path'] = online_model_spec['model_path'] else: expanded_cm['path'] = cm elif isinstance(cm, dict): model_path = cm.get('path', '').strip() if not model_path: print("{}: 'path' of {}th model in models not set, ignore it: {}".format(self.job_name, i, cm)) continue if model_path == PipelineParam.ONLINE_MODEL: online_model_spec = __get_online_model_spec() if not online_model_spec: continue expanded_cm['path'] = online_model_spec['model_path'] if 'name' not in cm: expanded_cm['name'] = online_model_spec['model_name'] else: expanded_cm['path'] = model_path expanded_cm['name'] = cm.get('name', '') else: raise RuntimeError("{}th model in models should be a dict or str, got {}: {}".format(i, type(cm), cm)) if not os.path.exists(expanded_cm['path']): print("{}: {}th model path '{}' not exists, ignore it".format(self.job_name, i, expanded_cm['path'])) continue model_name = expanded_cm.get('name', '').strip() if not model_name: expanded_cm['name'] = try_get_model_name(expanded_cm['path']) or 'eval_model_{}'.format(i) expanded_candi_models.append(cm) evaluation_args['models'] = expanded_candi_models print("{}: expaneded candidate models: {}".format(self.job_name, expanded_candi_models)) runner = TFModelRunner(user_py_file, jc_entry.export_path, jc_entry.pack_path, evaluate_args=evaluation_args, test_data_args=test_data_args, load_model_args=load_model_args, tf_config=tf_config) eval_results = runner.run_evaluate() if eval_results and runner.is_chief(): table = PrettyTable() table.add_column('ModelName', [name for name, _, _ in eval_results]) index_keys = eval_results[0][2].keys() for k in index_keys: table.add_column(k, [eval_ret.get(k) for _, _, eval_ret in eval_results]) table.add_column('ModelPath', [path for _, path, _ in eval_results]) print("{}: model evaluation results:\n".format(self.job_name)) print(table) output = {'eval_results': eval_results} extra_output_file = evaluation_args.get('output_file', '').strip() if extra_output_file: extra_output_file = make_abs_or_data_path(extra_output_file, jc_entry.data_path, jc_entry.pack_path) with open(extra_output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(json.dumps(output)) print("{}: wrote outputs into extra output file '{}': {}" .format(self.job_name, extra_output_file, output)) if upstream_models: upstream_model_name = upstream_models[0]['name'] upstream_model_path = upstream_models[0]['path'] upstream_model_metric = {} for er in eval_results: if er[0] == upstream_model_name and er[1] == upstream_model_path: upstream_model_metric = er[2] break updates = {"metrics": json.dumps(upstream_model_metric)} ModelRepoClient(jc_entry.creator).update_model(jc_entry.pipeline_id, jc_entry.run_id, updates, thr_exp=False) print("{}: updated model metrics, pipeline_id='{}', run_id='{}', model_name='{}', model_path='{}'," " updates: {}".format(self.job_name, jc_entry.pipeline_id, jc_entry.run_id, upstream_model_name, upstream_model_path, updates)) return output else: print("{}: got no model evaluation result, is_chief={}".format(self.job_name, runner.is_chief())) if __name__ == '__main__': evaluator = TFModelEvaluator("TF model evaluator component", ComponentOutput.MODEL_EVALUATION_OUTPUT)