from flask import render_template,redirect from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.interface import SQLAInterface from flask_babel import gettext as __ from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _ import uuid import re import urllib.parse from sqlalchemy.exc import InvalidRequestError from myapp.models.model_etl_pipeline import ETL_Pipeline,ETL_Task from myapp.views.view_team import Project_Join_Filter from flask_appbuilder.actions import action from flask import current_app, flash, jsonify, make_response, redirect, request, url_for from flask_appbuilder.forms import GeneralModelConverter from myapp.utils import core from myapp import app, appbuilder,db,event_logger from wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy.fields import QuerySelectField from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, Length, NumberRange, Optional,Regexp from sqlalchemy import and_, or_, select from myapp.exceptions import MyappException from wtforms import BooleanField, IntegerField,StringField, SelectField,FloatField,DateField,DateTimeField,SelectMultipleField,FormField,FieldList from myapp.project import push_message,push_admin from flask_appbuilder.fieldwidgets import BS3TextFieldWidget,BS3PasswordFieldWidget,DatePickerWidget,DateTimePickerWidget,Select2ManyWidget,Select2Widget,BS3TextAreaFieldWidget from myapp.forms import MyBS3TextAreaFieldWidget,MySelect2Widget,MyCodeArea,MyLineSeparatedListField,MyJSONField,MyBS3TextFieldWidget,MySelectMultipleField import re,copy from .baseApi import ( MyappModelRestApi ) from flask import ( current_app, abort, flash, g, Markup, make_response, redirect, render_template, request, send_from_directory, Response, url_for, ) from myapp import security_manager from myapp.views.view_team import filter_join_org_project from .base import ( api, BaseMyappView, check_ownership, data_payload_response, DeleteMixin, generate_download_headers, get_error_msg, get_user_roles, handle_api_exception, json_error_response, json_success, MyappFilter, MyappModelView, json_response ) from flask_appbuilder import CompactCRUDMixin, expose import pysnooper,datetime,time,json conf = app.config logging = app.logger APPGROUP_INFO=['资源组1','资源组2','资源组3'] class ETL_Task_ModelView_Base(): label_title="任务" datamodel = SQLAInterface(ETL_Task) check_redirect_list_url = conf.get('MODEL_URLS',{}).get('etl_pipeline') base_permissions = ['can_list','can_show','can_delete'] base_order = ("changed_on", "desc") # order_columns = ['id','changed_on'] order_columns = ['id'] search_columns = ['name','template','etl_task_id','created_by'] list_columns = ['template','name','describe','etl_task_id','creator'] cols_width = { "template":{"type": "ellip2", "width": 200}, "name": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 300}, "describe": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 300}, "etl_task_id": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 200}, } spec_lable_columns={ "template":"功能类型" } def pre_add_get(self): self.default_filter = { "created_by": } def post_list(self, items): flash('此部分仅提供任务流编排能力,管理员自行对接调度Azkaban/Oozie/Airflow/argo等调度平台能力','warning') return items show_columns = ['template','name','describe','etl_task_id','created_by','changed_by','created_on','changed_on','task_args'] class ETL_Task_ModelView(ETL_Task_ModelView_Base,MyappModelView): datamodel = SQLAInterface(ETL_Task) appbuilder.add_view_no_menu(ETL_Task_ModelView) # 添加api class ETL_Task_ModelView_Api(ETL_Task_ModelView_Base,MyappModelRestApi): datamodel = SQLAInterface(ETL_Task) route_base = '/etl_task_modelview/api' appbuilder.add_api(ETL_Task_ModelView_Api) class ETL_Pipeline_Filter(MyappFilter): # @pysnooper.snoop() def apply(self, query, func): user_roles = [ for role in list(self.get_user_roles())] if "admin" in user_roles: return query join_projects_id = security_manager.get_join_projects_id(db.session) # public_project_id = # return query.filter( or_( self.model.project_id.in_(join_projects_id), #['public']) ) ) class ETL_Pipeline_ModelView_Base(): label_title='任务流' datamodel = SQLAInterface(ETL_Pipeline) base_permissions = ['can_show','can_edit','can_list','can_delete','can_add'] base_order = ("changed_on", "desc") # order_columns = ['id','changed_on'] order_columns = ['id'] list_columns = ['project','etl_pipeline_url','creator','modified'] cols_width = { "project":{"type": "ellip2", "width": 200}, "etl_pipeline_url": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 400}, "creator": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 100}, "modified": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 100}, } add_columns = ['project','name','describe'] show_columns = ['project','name','describe','config_html','dag_json_html','created_by','changed_by','created_on','changed_on','expand_html'] edit_columns = add_columns base_filters = [["id", ETL_Pipeline_Filter, lambda: []]] conv = GeneralModelConverter(datamodel) # related_views = [ETL_Task_ModelView,] add_form_extra_fields = { "name": StringField( _(datamodel.obj.lab('name')), description="英文名(小写字母、数字、- 组成),最长50个字符", default='', widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), validators=[Regexp("^[a-z][a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9]$"),Length(1,54),DataRequired()] ), "project":QuerySelectField( _(datamodel.obj.lab('project')), query_factory=filter_join_org_project, allow_blank=True, widget=Select2Widget() ), "describe": StringField( _(datamodel.obj.lab('describe')), default='', widget=BS3TextFieldWidget(), description="任务流描述", ), "dag_json": StringField( _(datamodel.obj.lab('dag_json')), default='{}', widget=MyBS3TextAreaFieldWidget(rows=10), # 传给widget函数的是外层的field对象,以及widget函数的参数 ) } edit_form_extra_fields = add_form_extra_fields # 检测是否具有编辑权限,只有creator和admin可以编辑 def check_edit_permission(self, item): user_roles = [ for role in list(get_user_roles())] if "admin" in user_roles: return True if g.user and g.user.username and hasattr(item,'created_by'): if g.user.username==item.created_by.username: return True flash('just creator can edit/delete ', 'warning') return False # @pysnooper.snoop() def pre_add(self, item): if not item.dag_json: item.dag_json='{}' ='_', '-')[0:54].lower().strip('-') # @pysnooper.snoop() def pre_update(self, item): if item.expand: core.validate_json(item.expand) item.expand = json.dumps(json.loads(item.expand),indent=4,ensure_ascii=False) else: item.expand='{}' if item.dag_json: dag_json = json.loads(item.dag_json) for task_name in copy.deepcopy(dag_json): if 'templte_common_ui_config' in dag_json[task_name]: del dag_json[task_name]['templte_common_ui_config'] del dag_json[task_name]['templte_ui_config'] # if 'templte_common_ui_config' in dag_json[task_name]: for node_name in dag_json: if not dag_json[node_name].get('task_id',''): dag_json[node_name]['task_id']=uuid.uuid4().hex[:6] item.dag_json = json.dumps(dag_json,indent=4,ensure_ascii=False) ='_', '-')[0:54].lower() # 删除前先把下面的task删除了 # @pysnooper.snoop() def pre_delete(self, pipeline): flash('此处仅删除本地元数据,请及时删除远程任务','warning') # 删除本地 exist_tasks = db.session.query(ETL_Task).filter_by( for exist_task in exist_tasks: db.session.delete(exist_task) db.session.commit() # @pysnooper.snoop(watch_explode=('dag_json',)) def fix_pipeline_task(self,etl_pipeline): if not etl_pipeline: return dag_json = json.loads(etl_pipeline.dag_json) if etl_pipeline.dag_json else {} # print(dag_json) task_ids = [int(dag_json[task_name].get('task_id','')) for task_name in dag_json if dag_json[task_name].get('task_id','')] exist_tasks = db.session.query(ETL_Task).filter_by( # 删除已经删除的task for exist_task in exist_tasks: # print(,task_ids) if not in task_ids: db.session.delete(exist_task) db.session.commit() # 添加新的task和更新旧的 for task_name in dag_json: task_id = dag_json[task_name].get('task_id','') task_args = dag_json[task_name].get('task-config', {}) if task_id: exist_task = db.session.query(ETL_Task).filter_by( if exist_task: = task_name exist_task.describe=dag_json[task_name].get('label','') exist_task.template = dag_json[task_name].get('template', '') exist_task.task_args = json.dumps(task_args) exist_task.etl_task_id = dag_json[task_name].get('etl_task_id', '') db.session.commit() else: etl_task = ETL_Task( name=task_name, describe=dag_json[task_name].get('label', ''), template=dag_json[task_name].get('template', ''), task_args = json.dumps(task_args), etl_task_id=dag_json[task_name].get('etl_task_id', ''), ) db.session.add(etl_task) db.session.commit() dag_json[task_name]['task_id'] etl_pipeline.dag_json = json.dumps(dag_json,indent=4,ensure_ascii=False) db.session.commit() pass pass @expose("/config/",methods=("GET",'POST')) # @pysnooper.snoop() def pipeline_config(self,etl_pipeline_id): print(etl_pipeline_id) pipeline = db.session.query(ETL_Pipeline).filter_by(id=etl_pipeline_id).first() if not pipeline: return jsonify({ "status":1, "message":"任务流不存在", "result":{} }) if request.method.lower()=='post': if g.user.username != pipeline.created_by.username and not g.user.is_admin(): return jsonify({ "result": {}, "message": "只有创建者或管理员可修改", "status": -1 }) req_data = request.get_json() if 'config' in req_data: pipeline.config = json.dumps(req_data['config'], indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) if 'dag_json' in req_data and type(req_data['dag_json'])==dict: new_dag_json = json.loads(pipeline.dag_json) if pipeline.dag_json else {} # 把新节点加进去,因为有时候前端不保留部分字段,只保留在后端 for task_name in req_data['dag_json']: if task_name not in new_dag_json: new_dag_json[task_name]=req_data['dag_json'][task_name] # 把旧节点更新,因为有时候前端不保留部分字段,只保留在后端,但是注意前端可能会删除自己管理的节点,这部分参数要保留 for task_name in copy.deepcopy(new_dag_json): if task_name not in req_data['dag_json']: del new_dag_json[task_name] else: task_config= req_data['dag_json'][task_name].get('task-config',{}) if task_config and 'crontab' in task_config: new_dag_json[task_name].update(req_data['dag_json'][task_name]) # 校验一下,把不存在的上游节点更新掉 for task_name in new_dag_json: task = new_dag_json[task_name] upstreams_nodes_name = task.get('upstream', []) new_upstreams_nodes_name=[] for name in upstreams_nodes_name: if name in new_dag_json: new_upstreams_nodes_name.append(name) new_dag_json[task_name]['upstream']=new_upstreams_nodes_name pipeline.dag_json = json.dumps(new_dag_json, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) db.session.commit() self.fix_pipeline_task(pipeline) back_dag_json = json.loads(pipeline.dag_json) # 更新任务 操作 按钮 for task_name in back_dag_json: task = back_dag_json[task_name] back_dag_json[task_name]["task_jump_button"] = [] etl_task_id=task.get('etl_task_id','') if etl_task_id: back_dag_json[task_name]["task_jump_button"].append( { "name": "任务查看", "action_url": conf.get('MODEL_URLS', {}).get('etl_task') + '?taskId=' + etl_task_id, "icon_svg": '' } ) back_dag_json[task_name]["task_jump_button"].append( { "name": "任务实例", "action_url": conf.get('MODEL_URLS', {}).get('etl_task_instance') + "?taskId=" + etl_task_id, "icon_svg": '' } ) config = { "id", "name", "label":pipeline.describe, "project":pipeline.project.describe, "pipeline_ui_config":{ "alert":{ "alert_user":{ "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "报警用户", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "报警用户名,逗号分隔", "describe": "报警用户,逗号分隔", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } } }, "pipeline_jump_button": [ { "name": "调度实例", "action_url": conf.get('MODEL_URLS', {}).get('etl_task'), "icon_svg": '' }, { "name": "监控", "action_url": conf.get('MODEL_URLS', {}).get('etl_task'), "icon_svg": '' } ], "pipeline_run_button": [ { "name": "提交", "action_url": "/etl_pipeline_modelview/run_etl_pipeline/%s", "icon_svg": '' }, { "name": "任务查看", "action_url": conf.get('MODEL_URLS', {}).get('etl_task'), "icon_svg": '' } ], "dag_json":back_dag_json, "config": json.loads(pipeline.config), "message": "success", "status": 0 } return jsonify(config) all_template = { "message": "success", "task_metadata_ui_config": { "metadata": { "label": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "中文名称", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "任务中文别名", "editable": 1, "addable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } } }, "templte_common_ui_config": { "任务元数据": { "crontab": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "调度周期", "require": 0, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "1 1 * * *", "placeholder": "", "describe": "周期任务的时间设定 * * * * * 一次性任务可不填写
表示为 minute hour day month week", "editable": 1, "addable": 0, # 1 为仅在添加时可修改 "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "selfDepend": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "自依赖判断", "require": 1, "choice": ["自依赖", '单实例运行', '多实例运行'], "range": "", "default": "单实例运行", "placeholder": "", "describe": "一个任务的多次调度实例之间是否要进行前后依赖", "editable": 1, "addable": 0, # 1 为仅在添加时可修改 "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "hiveAppGroup": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "资源组", "require": 1, "choice": [item for item in APPGROUP_INFO], "range": "", "default": [item for item in APPGROUP_INFO][0], "placeholder": "", "describe": "资源组", "editable": 1, "addable": 0, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } }, "监控配置": { "alert_user": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "报警用户", "require": 0, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "admin,", "placeholder": "", "describe": "报警用户,逗号分隔", "editable": 1, "addable": 0, # 1 为仅在添加时可修改 "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "timeout": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "超时中断", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "0", "placeholder": "", "describe": "task运行时长限制,为0表示不限制(单位s)", "editable": 1, "addable": 0, # 1 为仅在添加时可修改 "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "retry": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "重试次数", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": '0', "placeholder": "", "describe": "重试次数", "editable": 1, "addable": 0, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } }, }, "template_group_order": ["绑定任务", "出库入库", "数据计算", "其他"], "templte_list": { "绑定任务": [ { "template_name": "已存在任务", "templte_ui_config": { "参数": { "etl_task_id": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "已存在任务的us task id", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "已存在任务的us task id", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } } }, "username": "admin", "changed_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "created_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "label": "绑定任务", "describe": "绑定已存在任务,类似于创建软链接", "help_url": conf.get('HELP_URL', {}).get('etl_pipeline', ''), "pass_through": { # 无论什么内容 通过task的字段透传回来 } }, { "template_name": "xx平台任务流", "templte_ui_config": { "参数": { "pipeline_id": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "xx平台任务流id", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "xx平台任务流id,可以在任务流详情处查看。", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } } }, "username": "admin", "changed_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "created_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "label": "xx平台任务流", "describe": "绑定xx平台任务流,类似于创建软链接。用于创建依赖。", "help_url": conf.get('HELP_URL', {}).get('etl_pipeline', ''), "pass_through": { # 无论什么内容 通过task的字段透传回来 } } ], "出库入库": [ { "template_name": "hdfs入库至hive", "templte_ui_config": { "参数": { "charSet": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "源文件字符集", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "UTF-8", "placeholder": "", "describe": "源文件字符集", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "databaseName": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "hive数据库名称", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "hive数据库名称", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "tableName": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "hive表名", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "hive表名", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "delimiter": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "源文件分隔符, 填ascii码", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "9", "placeholder": "", "describe": "默认TAB,ascii码:9", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "failedOnZeroWrited": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "入库为空时任务处理", "require": 1, "choice": ["1", "0"], "range": "", "default": "1", "placeholder": "", "describe": "无源文件或入库记录为0时,可以指定任务为成功(0)或失败(1),默认失败(1)", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "partitionType": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "分区格式", "require": 1, "choice": ["P_${YYYYMM}", "P_${YYYYMMDD}", "P_${YYYYMMDDHH}", "NULL"], "range": "", "default": "P_${YYYYMMDDHH}", "placeholder": "", "describe": "分区格式:P_${YYYYMM}、P_${YYYYMMDD}、P_${YYYYMMDDHH}、NULL", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "sourceFilePath": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "数据文件hdfs路径", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "支持三种日期变量:${YYYYMM}、${YYYYMMDD}、${YYYYMMDDHH}。系统用任务实例的数据时间替换日期变量。", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "sourceFileNames": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "源文件名", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "*", "placeholder": "", "describe": "源文件名(支持通配符*和${YYYYMMDD});入库不做检查", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "sourceColumnNames": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "源文件的栏位名称", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "源文件的栏位名称,以逗号分割(结尾不能是逗号),必须保证列数和文件内容一致(创建临时表所用表列名)。例如column1,column2,column3。注:不允许输入空格,源文件栏位名称只由大小写字符、数字和下划线组成", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "targetColumnNames": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "字段映射关系,即hive表的列名", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "字段映射关系,即hive表的列名。", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "loadMode": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "数据入库模式", "require": 1, "choice": ["TRUNCATE", "APPEND"], "range": "", "default": "TRUNCATE", "placeholder": "", "describe": "数据入库模式,TRUNCATE或APPEND;", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } } }, "username": "admin", "changed_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "created_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "label": "hdfs入库至hive任务", "describe": "hdfs入库至hive任务", "help_url": conf.get('HELP_URL', {}).get('etl_pipeline', ''), "pass_through": { # 无论什么内容 通过task的字段透传回来 } }, { "template_name": "hive出库至hdfs", "templte_ui_config": { "参数": { "databaseName": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "hive表所在的database", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "hive表所在的database", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "destCheckFileName": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "对账文件名", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "对账文件名", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "destCheckFilePath": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "对账文件路径", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "对账文件路径", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "destFileDelimiter": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "出库文件分隔符", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "9", "placeholder": "", "describe": "出库文件分隔符,填ascii字符对应的数字。默认TAB:9", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "destFilePath": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "出库文件路径", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "出库文件路径", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "filterSQL": { "type": "text", "item_type": "sql", "label": "源SQL", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": 'select t1,t2,t3 from your_table where imp_date=${YYYYMMDD}', "placeholder": "", "describe": "源SQL", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } } }, "username": "admin", "changed_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "created_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "label": "hive出库至hdfs任务", "describe": "hive出库至hdfs任务", "help_url": conf.get('HELP_URL', {}).get('etl_pipeline', ''), "pass_through": { # 无论什么内容 通过task的字段透传回来 } }, { "template_name": "hdfs导入cos", "templte_ui_config": { "参数": { "hdfsPath": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "hdfs文件路径", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "hdfs://xx/xxx", "placeholder": "", "describe": "源hdfs文件路径,包括文件名,支持通配符*,支持${YYYYMMDD}等的日期变量。如果没hdfs路径权限,联系平台管理员。", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "cosPath": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "目标cos文件路径", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "/xx/xx/${YYYYMMDD}.tar.gz", "placeholder": "", "describe": "目标cos文件路径,需包括文件名,支持${YYYYMMDD}等的日期变量,如果有多个文件上传,会在自动在cos文件名后面添加一个随机串。", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "ifNeedZip": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "是否需要压缩", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "1", "placeholder": "", "describe": "是否需要压缩 {0:不需要,1:需要}。压缩会压缩成单个文件。压缩方式为.tar.gz", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } } }, "username": "admin", "changed_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "created_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "label": "hdfs导入cos/oss/obs", "describe": "hdfs导入cos/oss/obs,基于us的调用shell脚本任务类型实现", "help_url": conf.get('HELP_URL', {}).get('etl_pipeline', ''), "pass_through": { # 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''', "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "dynamicAllocation": { "type": "choice", "item_type": "str", "label": "是否动态资源分配", "require": 1, "choice": ["1", "0"], "range": "", "default": "1", "placeholder": "", "describe": "是否动态资源分配,是:1;否:0", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "driver_memory": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "driver内存大小", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "2g", "placeholder": "", "describe": "driver内存大小", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "num_executors": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "executor数量", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "4", "placeholder": "", "describe": "executor数量", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "executor_memory": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "executor内存大小", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "2g", "placeholder": "", "describe": "executor内存大小", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "executor_cores": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "executor核心数", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "2", "placeholder": "", "describe": "executor核心数", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "task.main.timeout": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "超时时间,单位分钟", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "480", "placeholder": "", "describe": "超时时间,单位分钟:480 (代表8小时)", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "task.check.timeout": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "check超时时间,单位分钟", "require": 1, "choice": ["5", "10"], "range": "", "default": "5", "placeholder": "", "describe": "check超时时间,单位分钟", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } } }, "username": "admin", "changed_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "created_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "label": "SparkScala", "describe": "SparkScala计算", "help_url": conf.get('HELP_URL', {}).get('etl_pipeline', ''), "pass_through": { # 无论什么内容 通过task的字段透传回来 } }, { "template_name": "SQL", "templte_ui_config": { "参数": { "filterSQL": { "type": "text", "item_type": "sql", "label": "计算加工逻辑", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": ''' --库名,替换下面的demo_database use demo_database; --建表语句,替换下面的demo_table,修改字段。一定要加“if not exists”,这样使只在第一次运行时建表 CREATE TABLE if not exists demo_table( qimei36 STRING COMMENT '唯一设备ID', userid_id STRING COMMENT '用户id(各app的用户id)', device_id STRING COMMENT '设备id(各app的device_id)', platform INT COMMENT '平台(1.ANDROID、2.IOS、3.PC)', fav_target_id STRING COMMENT '目标歌单ID', songid BIGINT COMMENT '歌曲ID,中央曲库tmeid', fav_type INT COMMENT '收藏类型:1.收藏 2.取消收藏', ftime INT COMMENT '数据分区时间 格式:yyyymmdd' ) PARTITION BY LIST( ftime ) --定义分区字段,替换掉ftime。 ( PARTITION p_20220323 VALUES IN ( 20220323 ), --初始分区,分区名替换p_20220323,分区值替换20220323 PARTITION default ) STORED AS ORCFILE COMPRESS; -- 分区,根据时间参数新建分区。 alter table demo_table drop partition (p_${YYYYMMDD}); alter table demo_table add partition p_${YYYYMMDD} values in (${YYYYMMDD}); -- 写入,用你的sql逻辑替换。 insert table demo_table select * from other_db::other_table partition(p_${YYYYMMDD}) t; ''', "placeholder": "", "describe": "从hive导出数据的sql,比如 select a,b,c FROM table where imp_date='${YYYYMMDD}' ;sql末尾不要用分号结尾", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "special_para": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "hive特殊参数", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "set hive.exec.parallel = true;set hive.execute.engine=spark;set hive.multi.join.use.hive=false;set hive.spark.failed.retry=false;", "placeholder": "", "describe": "hive特殊参数", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } } }, "username": "admin", "changed_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "created_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "label": "sql执行", "describe": "sql执行", "help_url": conf.get('HELP_URL', {}).get('etl_pipeline', ''), "pass_through": { # 无论什么内容 通过task的字段透传回来 } }, { "template_name": "pyspark", "templte_ui_config": { "参数": { "py_script_path": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "pyspark脚本路径", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "填写pyspark脚本在notebook里的路径,示例/mnt/admin/", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "files": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "资源文件列表", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "暂未支持", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "pyFiles": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "执行脚本依赖文件列表(spark-submit中的--py-files)", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "暂未支持", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "programSpecificParams": { "type": "text", "item_type": "str", "label": "传递给程序的参数", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "传递给程序的参数,空格分隔,不要换行", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "options": { "type": "text", "item_type": "str", "label": "spark扩展参数", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": '', "placeholder": "", "describe": "选项(spark-submit的--conf参数)。例如。换行分隔!!", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "dynamicAllocation": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "是否动态资源分配", "require": 1, "choice": [1, 0], "range": "", "default": 1, "placeholder": "", "describe": "是否动态资源分配,是:1;否:0", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "driver_memory": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "driver内存大小", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "2g", "placeholder": "", "describe": "driver内存大小", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "num_executors": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "executor数量", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": 4, "placeholder": "", "describe": "executor数量", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "executor_memory": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "executor内存大小", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "2g", "placeholder": "", "describe": "executor内存大小", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "executor_cores": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "executor核心数", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": 2, "placeholder": "", "describe": "executor核心数", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "task.main.timeout": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "超时时间,单位分钟", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": 480, "placeholder": "", "describe": "超时时间,单位分钟:480 (代表8小时)", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "task.check.timeout": { "type": "int", "item_type": "int", "label": "check超时时间,单位分钟", "require": 1, "choice": ["5", "10"], "range": "", "default": "5", "placeholder": "", "describe": "check超时时间,单位分钟", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} } } }, "username": "admin", "changed_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "created_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "label": "pyspark", "describe": "pyspark脚本执行", "help_url": conf.get('HELP_URL', {}).get('etl_pipeline', ''), "pass_through": { # 无论什么内容 通过task的字段透传回来 } } ], "其他": [ { "template_name": "test", "templte_ui_config": { "参数": { "args1": { "type": "json", "item_type": "str", "label": "参数1", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "参数1", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "args2": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "参数2", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "参数2", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "args3": { "type": "int", "item_type": "str", "label": "参数3", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "参数3", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "args4": { "type": "choice", "item_type": "str", "label": "参数4", "require": 1, "choice": ["aa", "bb", "cc", "dd"], "range": "", "default": "aa", "placeholder": "", "describe": "参数4", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "args5": { "type": "str", "item_type": "str", "label": "参数5", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "这是个不可编辑参数", "placeholder": "", "describe": "这个参数不可编辑", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, "args6": { "type": "text", "item_type": "str", "label": "参数6", "require": 1, "choice": [], "range": "", "default": "", "placeholder": "", "describe": "参数6,多行的文本编辑器", "editable": 1, "condition": "", "sub_args": {} }, } }, "username": "admin", "changed_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "created_on":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), "label": "模板测试", "describe": "模板测试", "help_url": conf.get('HELP_URL', {}).get('etl_pipeline', ''), "pass_through": { # 无论什么内容 通过task的字段透传回来 } } ], }, "status": 0 } @expose("/template/list/") def template_list(self): index=1 for group in self.all_template['templte_list']: for template in self.all_template['templte_list'][group]: template['template_id']=index template['changed_on'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') template['created_on'] ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') template['username'] = 'admin' index+=1 # print(json.dumps(all_template,indent=4,ensure_ascii=False)) return jsonify(self.all_template) def check_pipeline_perms(user_fun): # @pysnooper.snoop() def wraps(*args, **kwargs): pipeline_id = int(kwargs.get('pipeline_id','0')) if not pipeline_id: response = make_response("pipeline_id not exist") response.status_code = 404 return response user_roles = [ for role in g.user.roles] if "admin" in user_roles: return user_fun(*args, **kwargs) join_projects_id = security_manager.get_join_projects_id(db.session) pipeline = db.session.query(ETL_Pipeline).filter_by(id=pipeline_id).first() if in join_projects_id: return user_fun(*args, **kwargs) response = make_response("no perms to run pipeline %s"%pipeline_id) response.status_code = 403 return response return wraps # # @event_logger.log_this @expose("/run_etl_pipeline/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) # @check_pipeline_perms def run_etl_pipeline(self,etl_pipeline_id): print(etl_pipeline_id) url = '/etl_pipeline_modelview/web/' + etl_pipeline_id try: pipeline = db.session.query(ETL_Pipeline).filter_by(id=etl_pipeline_id).first() # run_pipeline(pipeline) db.session.commit() url = conf.get('MODEL_URLS',{}).get('etl_task') except Exception as e: flash(str(e),category='warning') return self.response(400,**{"status":1,"message":str(e),"result":{}}) return redirect(url) @expose("/web/", methods=["GET"]) def web(self,etl_pipeline_id): etl_pipeline = db.session.query(ETL_Pipeline).filter_by(id=etl_pipeline_id).first() # pipeline.dag_json = pipeline.fix_dag_json() # pipeline.expand = json.dumps(pipeline.fix_expand(), indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) # db_tasks = pipeline.get_tasks(db.session) # if db_tasks: # try: # tasks={} # for task in db_tasks: # tasks[]=task.to_json() # expand = core.fix_task_position(pipeline.to_json(),tasks) # pipeline.expand=json.dumps(expand,indent=4,ensure_ascii=False) # db.session.commit() # except Exception as e: # print(e) # db.session.commit() print(etl_pipeline_id) url = '/static/appbuilder/visonPlus/index.html?pipeline_id=%s'%etl_pipeline_id # 前后端集成完毕,这里需要修改掉 data = { "url": url } return redirect('/frontend/showOutLink?url=%s' % urllib.parse.quote(url, safe="")) # 返回模板 # return self.render_template('link.html', data=data) # @pysnooper.snoop(watch_explode=()) def copy_db(self,pipeline): new_pipeline = pipeline.clone() ='_', '-') + "-" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:4] new_pipeline.created_on = new_pipeline.changed_on = # 删除其中的每个etl_task_id和task_id dag_json = json.loads(pipeline.dag_json) if pipeline.dag_json else {} dag_json_new ={} for task_name in dag_json: new_task_name = task_name new_task_name=new_task_name[:new_task_name.rindex('-')+1]+str(int(round(time.time() * 1000))) # 名称变化 dag_json_new[new_task_name]=copy.deepcopy(dag_json[task_name]) dag_json_new[new_task_name]['etl_task_id']='' # 去除 us 任务 id dag_json_new[new_task_name]['templte_common_ui_config']=self.all_template['templte_common_ui_config'] # if 'task_id' in dag_json_new[new_task_name]: # del dag_json_new[new_task_name]['task_id'] dag_json[task_name]['new_task_name'] = new_task_name # 记录一下之前的名称 # print(json.dumps(dag_json_new,indent=4,ensure_ascii=False)) # 修正上下游 for new_task_name in dag_json_new: upstreams = dag_json_new[new_task_name].get('upstream', []) new_upstreams=[] for upstream_task in upstreams: new_upstream_task = dag_json[upstream_task]['new_task_name'] if new_upstream_task in dag_json_new: new_upstreams.append(new_upstream_task) dag_json_new[new_task_name]['upstream']=new_upstreams # print(json.dumps(dag_json_new,indent=4,ensure_ascii=False)) new_pipeline.dag_json = json.dumps(dag_json_new,indent=4,ensure_ascii=False) db.session.add(new_pipeline) db.session.commit() return new_pipeline # @event_logger.log_this @action( "copy", __("复制任务流"), __("复制任务流"), "fa-copy", multiple=False, single=True ) # @pysnooper.snoop() def copy(self, pipelines): if not isinstance(pipelines, list): pipelines = [pipelines] try: for pipeline in pipelines: self.copy_db(pipeline) except InvalidRequestError: db.session.rollback() except Exception as e: logging.error(e) raise e return redirect(request.referrer) class ETL_Pipeline_ModelView(ETL_Pipeline_ModelView_Base,MyappModelView,DeleteMixin): datamodel = SQLAInterface(ETL_Pipeline) # base_order = ("changed_on", "desc") # order_columns = ['changed_on'] appbuilder.add_view_no_menu(ETL_Pipeline_ModelView) # 添加api class ETL_Pipeline_ModelView_Api(ETL_Pipeline_ModelView_Base,MyappModelRestApi): datamodel = SQLAInterface(ETL_Pipeline) route_base = '/etl_pipeline_modelview/api' search_columns=['project','name','describe','dag_json','created_by'] # related_views = [ETL_Task_ModelView_Api, ] spec_label_columns = { "dag_json":"全部配置" } add_form_query_rel_fields = { "project": [["name", Project_Join_Filter, 'org']] } edit_form_query_rel_fields=add_form_query_rel_fields def pre_add_get(self): self.default_filter = { "created_by": } def post_list(self, items): flash('此部分仅提供任务流编排能力,管理员自行对接调度Azkaban/Oozie/Airflow/argo等调度平台能力','warning') return items appbuilder.add_api(ETL_Pipeline_ModelView_Api)