mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 06:09:57 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
const translation = {
"节点标签": "node tag",
"请填写key": "please fill in key",
"请填写value": "please fill in value",
"请选择": "select ",
"收起": "collapse",
"展开": "expand",
"查询": "query",
"添加": "add ",
"批量操作": "batch action",
"操作": "action",
"更多": "more",
"详情": "detail",
"修改": "edit",
"删除": "delete",
"批量": "batch ",
"共": "total ",
"条": " rows",
"条/页": " rows/page",
"批量导入数据": "import data",
"批量导出": "export data",
"注意:csv逗号分隔": "Note: csv comma-separated",
"第一行为列的英文名": "the first line is the column’s English name",
"下载导入模板": "download template",
"暂无数据": "no data",
"新查询": "new query",
"运行": "run",
"复制": "copy",
"结果": "result",
"子任务": "subtask",
"重试": "retry",
"准备开始": "begin",
"解析": "analysis",
"执行": "run",
"输出结果": "output",
"开始时间": "begin time",
"运行时长": "runtime duration",
"状态": "status",
"下载": "download",
"任务详情": "task detail",
"子任务内容": "sub task sql",
"任务信息": "task info",
"关闭": "close",
"下载结果": "download",
"选择分隔符": "select delimiter",
"正常模式": "normal",
"智能模式": "AI",
"AI智能生成(企业版)": "AI Generation",
"帮助链接": "help",
"展开/关闭菜单": "collapse/expand",
"保存": "save",
"已保存": "saved",
"未保存": "unsaved",
"取消": "cancel",
"确定": "confirm",
"别名": "label",
"节点别名": "node label",
"描述": "describe",
"创建人": "creator",
"上次修改时间": "Last modified time",
"调度实例": "workflow",
"日志": "log",
"容器": "pod",
"定时记录": "cronjob",
"删除节点": "delete",
"监控": "monitor",
"任务模板": "template",
"模板描述": "describe",
"名称": "name",
"标签": "label",
"内存申请": "memory req",
"内存的资源使用限制,示例1G,10G, 最大100G,如需更多联系管理员": "Memory resource usage limit, example 1G, 10G, maximum 100G, contact administrator for more.",
"CPU申请": "CPU req",
"CPU的资源使用限制(单位核),示例 0.4,10,最大50核,如需更多联系管理员": "CPU resource usage limit (in units of cores), example 0.4, 10, maximum 50 cores, contact administrator for more.",
"GPU申请": "GPU req",
"gpu的资源使用限制(单位卡),示例:1,2,训练任务每个容器独占整卡。申请具体的卡型号,可以类似 1(V100),目前支持T4/V100/A100/VGPU": "GPU resource usage limit (in units of cards), example: 1, 2, training tasks occupy the entire card per container. To apply for specific card models, you can use something like 1(V100). Currently supports T4/V100/A100/VGPU.",
"RDMA申请": "RDMA req",
"RDMA的资源使用限制,示例 0,1,10,填写方式咨询管理员": "RDMA resource usage limit, example 0, 1, 10, consult administrator for filling method.",
"超时中断": "timeout",
"task运行时长限制,为0表示不限制(单位s)": "Task runtime limit, 0 means no limit (in seconds)",
"重试次数": "retry",
"task重试次数": "Task retry max count",
"是否跳过": "skip",
"是": "yes",
"否": "no",
"参数": "args ",
"用户中心": "user info",
"退出登录": "logout",
"安全设置": "security",
"用户列表": "user list",
"角色列表": "role list",
"用户统计": "user statistics",
"权限列表": "permissions list",
"视图列表": "view list",
"权限视图关系": "permissionsOnView",
"日志列表": "log list",
"数据查询": "sqllab",
"通用关系图": "pipeline",
"数据展示": "showdata",
"外链": "link",
"登录": "login",
"平台主要功能": "Main functions",
"新建流水线": "create pipeline",
"新手视频": "Beginner’s video",
"新人制作一个pipeline": "Create a pipeline for new users.",
"流水线": "pipeline",
"我的": "mine",
"协作": "collaboration",
"任务流": "pipeline",
"修改时间": "modified",
"项目组": "project",
"选择页数": "select page",
"上一页": "previous",
"下一页": "next",
"创建会话场景": "create chat",
"创建会话": "create chat",
"对话模型": "chat model",
"知识库": "knowledge",
"确认创建": "confirm",
"点击或者拖动文件到该区域上传数据集创建私有知识库": "click or drag the files to the area to upload the dataset to create a private knowledge base.",
"支持 txt/markdown/pdf/csv 格式文件,请不要上传敏感数据": "supporting txt/markdown/pdf/csv formats, please do not upload sensitive data.",
"清空当前会话场景": "clear the current conversation scene",
"设置当前场景,如模型,知识库等": "set the current scene, such as a model or knowledge base.",
"输入 / 调出提示(Shift + Enter = 换行)": "input / Prompt (Shift + Enter = New line)",
"发送": "send",
"登录超时,需要重新登录": "login timeout, need to log in again",
"请输入": "please enter",
"请按正确的规则输入": "please enter according to the correct rules",
"请输入正确的长度": "please enter the correct length",
"点击前往": "click to go",
"请勿外传": "do not spread",
"秒": "second",
"分钟": "minute",
"小时": "hour",
"收藏": "favorite",
"确定收藏?": "confirm favorite?",
"确认收藏": "confirm favorite",
"取消收藏": "cancel favorite",
"确定取消收藏?": "confirm cancel favorite?",
"确认取消收藏": "confirm cancel favorite",
"操作成功": "operation successful",
"操作失败": "operation failed",
"用户没有修改权限": "user does not have modification permission",
"确定删除": "confirm deletion",
"确认删除": "confirm deletion",
"确认": "confirm",
"删除成功": "delete successful",
"删除失败": "delete failed",
"字段切换错误": "field switching error",
"filter解析异常": "filter parsing exception",
"请先选择": "please select first",
"导入成功": "import successful",
"导入失败": "import failed",
"成功": "success",
"失败": "failure",
"更新": "update",
"返回": "return",
"确认导出数据": "confirm export data",
"导出成功": "export successful",
"等等": "etc.",
"终止任务": "terminate task",
"终止成功": "termination successful",
"终止失败": "termination failed",
"结果查看": "view results",
"输入关键字(表名)搜索": "enter keyword (table name) to search",
"已成功复制到粘贴板": "successfully copied to clipboard",
"修改生命周期": "modify lifecycle",
"聚合节点": "aggregation node",
"剩余": "remaining",
"个节点(双击展开) + ": "nodes (double-click to expand) +",
"查询结果失败,尝试重新运行": "query result failed, try to run again",
"标签数目达到限制": "tag limit reached",
"点击确定完成提交": "click OK to complete the submission",
"增加一项": "add an item",
"上一步": "previous step",
"下一步": "next step",
"删除该项": "delete this item",
"请选择时间范围": "please select a time range",
"请选择时间": "please select a time",
"刷新列表": "refresh list",
"选择需要导出的列:": "select the columns to export",
"全选": "select all",
"反选": "invert selection",
"获取列表失败": "failed to get list",
"获取流水线信息失败": "failed to get pipeline information",
"格式错误": "format error",
"流水线设置": "pipeline settings",
"英文名(字母、数字、- 组成),最长50个字符": "english name (letters, numbers, -), up to 50 characters",
"每个用户使用英文逗号分隔": "each user separated by an English comma",
"报警人": "alarm person",
"监控状态": "monitoring status",
"周期任务的时间设定 * * * * * 表示为 minute hour day month week": "crontab task * * * * * represents minute hour day month week",
"调度周期": "scheduling cycle",
"调度类型": "scheduling type",
"新建": "new",
"任务": "task",
"补录起点": "make up the starting point",
"过往依赖": "past dependencies",
"当前pipeline可同时运行的任务流实例数目": "the number of task flow instances that the current pipeline can run simultaneously",
"最大激活运行数": "maximum active run count",
"任务并行数": "task parallelism",
"pipeline中可同时运行的task数目": "number of tasks that can run simultaneously in the pipeline",
"流向图": "flow chart",
"全局环境变量": "global environment variables",
"为每个task都添加的公共参数": "common parameters added to each task",
"折叠": "collapse",
"暂无匹配": "No matches for now",
"搜索模板名称或描述": "search template name or description",
"配置文档": "configuration document",
"版本": "version",
"项目设置": "setting",
"智能推荐下游节点":"Intelligent recommendation of downstream nodes",
"请先选择推荐节点":"Please select the recommended node first.",
"导出数据": "Export data",
"选择需要导出的列": "Select the columns to be exported."
export default translation
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
const translation = {
"请选择key": "请选择key",
"请填写value": "请填写value",
"请选择": "请选择",
"收起": "收起",
"展开": "展开",
"查询": "查询",
"添加": "添加 ",
"批量操作": "批量操作",
"操作": "操作",
"更多": "更多",
"详情": "详情",
"修改": "修改",
"删除": "删除",
"批量": "批量 ",
"共": "共",
"条": " 条",
"条/页": " 条/页",
"批量导入数据": "批量导入数据",
"批量导出": "批量导出",
"注意:csv逗号分隔": "注意:csv逗号分隔",
"第一行为列的英文名": "第一行为列的英文名",
"下载导入模板": "下载导入模板",
"暂无数据": "暂无数据",
"新查询": "新查询",
"运行": "运行",
"复制": "复制",
"结果": "结果",
"子任务": "子任务",
"重试": "重试",
"准备开始": "准备开始",
"解析": "解析",
"执行": "执行",
"输出结果": "输出结果",
"开始时间": "开始时间",
"运行时长": "运行时长",
"状态": "状态",
"下载": "下载",
"任务详情": "任务详情",
"子任务内容": "子任务内容",
"任务信息": "任务信息",
"关闭": "关闭",
"下载结果": "下载结果",
"选择分隔符": "选择分隔符",
"正常模式": "正常模式",
"智能模式": "智能模式",
"AI智能生成(企业版)": "AI智能生成(企业版)",
"帮助链接": "帮助链接",
"展开/关闭菜单": "展开/关闭菜单",
"保存": "保存",
"已保存": "已保存",
"未保存": "未保存",
"取消": "取消",
"确定": "确定",
"别名": "别名",
"节点别名": "节点别名 label",
"描述": "描述",
"创建人": "创建人",
"上次修改时间": "上次修改时间 modified time",
"调度实例": "调度实例",
"日志": "日志",
"容器": "容器",
"定时记录": "定时记录",
"删除节点": "删除节点",
"监控": "监控",
"任务模板": "任务模板",
"模板描述": "模板描述",
"名称": "名称",
"标签": "标签",
"内存申请": "内存申请",
"内存的资源使用限制,示例1G,10G, 最大100G,如需更多联系管理员": "内存的资源使用限制,示例1G,10G, 最大100G,如需更多联系管理员",
"CPU申请": "CPU申请",
"CPU的资源使用限制(单位核),示例 0.4,10,最大50核,如需更多联系管理员": "CPU的资源使用限制(单位核),示例 0.4,10,最大50核,如需更多联系管理员",
"GPU申请": "GPU申请",
"gpu的资源使用限制(单位卡),示例:1,2,训练任务每个容器独占整卡。申请具体的卡型号,可以类似 1(V100),目前支持T4/V100/A100/VGPU": "gpu的资源使用限制(单位卡),示例:1,2,训练任务每个容器独占整卡。申请具体的卡型号,可以类似 1(V100),目前支持T4/V100/A100/VGPU",
"RDMA申请": "RDMA申请",
"RDMA的资源使用限制,示例 0,1,10,填写方式咨询管理员": "RDMA的资源使用限制,示例 0,1,10,填写方式咨询管理员",
"超时中断": "超时中断",
"task运行时长限制,为0表示不限制(单位s)": "task运行时长限制,为0表示不限制(单位s)",
"重试次数": "重试次数",
"task重试次数": "task重试次数",
"是否跳过": "是否跳过",
"是": "是",
"否": "否",
"参数": "参数 ",
"用户中心": "用户中心",
"退出登录": "退出登录",
"安全设置": "安全设置",
"用户列表": "用户列表",
"角色列表": "角色列表",
"用户统计": "用户统计",
"权限列表": "权限列表",
"视图列表": "视图列表",
"权限视图关系": "权限视图关系",
"日志列表": "日志列表",
"数据查询": "数据查询",
"通用关系图": "通用关系图",
"数据展示": "数据展示",
"外链": "外链",
"登录": "登录",
"平台主要功能": "平台主要功能",
"新建流水线": "新建流水线",
"新手视频": "新手视频",
"新人制作一个pipeline": "新人制作一个pipeline",
"流水线": "流水线",
"我的": "我的",
"协作": "协作",
"任务流": "任务流",
"修改时间": "修改时间",
"项目组": "项目组",
"选择页数": "选择页数",
"上一页": "上一页",
"下一页": "下一页",
"创建会话场景": "创建会话场景",
"创建会话": "创建会话",
"对话模型": "对话模型",
"知识库": "知识库",
"确认创建": "确认创建",
"点击或者拖动文件到该区域上传数据集创建私有知识库": "点击或者拖动文件到该区域上传数据集创建私有知识库",
"支持 txt/markdown/pdf/csv 格式文件,请不要上传敏感数据": "支持 txt/markdown/pdf/csv 格式文件,请不要上传敏感数据",
"清空当前会话场景": "清空当前会话场景",
"设置当前场景,如模型,知识库等": "设置当前场景,如模型,知识库等",
"输入 / 调出提示(Shift + Enter = 换行)": "输入 / 调出提示(Shift + Enter = 换行)",
"发送": "发送",
"登录超时,需要重新登录": "登录超时,需要重新登录",
"请输入": "请输入",
"请按正确的规则输入": "请按正确的规则输入",
"请输入正确的长度": "请输入正确的长度",
"点击前往": "点击前往",
"请勿外传": "请勿外传",
"秒": "秒",
"分钟": "分钟",
"小时": "小时",
"收藏": "收藏",
"确定收藏": "确定收藏",
"确认收藏": "确认收藏",
"取消收藏": "取消收藏",
"确定取消收藏": "确定取消收藏",
"确认取消收藏": "确认取消收藏",
"操作成功": "操作成功",
"操作失败": "操作失败",
"用户没有修改权限": "用户没有修改权限",
"确定删除": "确定删除",
"确认删除": "确认删除",
"确认": "确认",
"删除成功": "删除成功",
"删除失败": "删除失败",
"字段切换错误": "字段切换错误",
"filter解析异常": "filter解析异常",
"请先选择": "请先选择",
"导入成功": "导入成功",
"导入失败": "导入失败",
"成功": "成功",
"失败": "失败",
"更新": "更新",
"返回": "返回",
"确认导出数据": "确认导出数据",
"导出成功": "导出成功",
"等等": "等等.",
"终止任务": "终止任务",
"终止成功": "终止成功",
"终止失败": "终止失败",
"结果查看": "结果查看",
"输入关键字(表名)搜索": "输入关键字(表名)搜索",
"已成功复制到粘贴板": "已成功复制到粘贴板",
"修改生命周期": "修改生命周期",
"聚合节点": "聚合节点",
"剩余": "剩余",
"个节点(双击展开) + ": "个节点(双击展开) + ",
"查询结果失败,尝试重新运行": "查询结果失败,尝试重新运行",
"标签数目达到限制": "标签数目达到限制",
"点击确定完成提交": "点击确定完成提交",
"增加一项": "增加一项",
"上一步": "上一步",
"下一步": "下一步",
"删除该项": "删除该项",
"请选择时间范围": "请选择时间范围",
"请选择时间": "请选择时间",
"刷新列表": "刷新列表",
"选择需要导出的列:": "选择需要导出的列:",
"全选": "全选",
"反选": "反选",
"获取列表失败": "获取列表失败",
"获取流水线信息失败": "获取流水线信息失败",
"格式错误": "格式错误",
"流水线设置": "流水线设置",
"英文名(字母、数字、- 组成),最长50个字符": ",最长50个字符",
"每个用户使用英文逗号分隔": "每个用户使用英文逗号分隔",
"报警人": "报警人 person",
"监控状态": "监控状态 status",
"周期任务的时间设定 * * * * * 表示为 minute hour day month week": "crobtab task * * * * * represents minute hour day month week",
"调度周期": "调度周期",
"调度类型": "调度类型",
"新建": "新建",
"任务": "任务",
"补录起点": "补录起点",
"过往依赖": "过往依赖",
"当前pipeline可同时运行的任务流实例数目": "当前pipeline可同时运行的任务流实例数目",
"最大激活运行数": "最大激活运行数",
"任务并行数": "任务并行数",
"pipeline中可同时运行的task数目": "pipeline中可同时运行的task数目",
"流向图": "流向图",
"全局环境变量": "全局环境变量",
"为每个task都添加的公共参数": "为每个task都添加的公共参数",
"折叠": "折叠",
"暂无匹配": "暂无匹配",
"搜索模板名称或描述": "搜索模板名称或描述",
"配置文档": "配置文档",
export default translation
@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
const translation = {
"镜像": "images",
"版本": "version",
"节点标签": "node tag",
"请填写key": "please fill in key",
"请填写value": "please fill in value",
"请选择": "select ",
"收起": "collapse",
"展开": "expand",
"查询": "query",
"添加": "add ",
"批量操作": "batch action",
"操作": "action",
"更多": "more",
"详情": "detail",
"修改": "edit",
"删除": "delete",
"批量": "batch ",
"共": "total ",
"条": " rows",
"条/页": " rows/page",
"批量导入数据": "import data",
"批量导出": "export data",
"注意:csv逗号分隔": "Note: csv comma-separated",
"第一行为列的英文名": "the first line is the column’s English name",
"下载导入模板": "download template",
"暂无数据": "no data",
"新查询": "new query",
"运行": "run",
"复制": "copy",
"结果": "result",
"子任务": "subtask",
"重试": "retry",
"准备开始": "begin",
"解析": "analysis",
"执行": "run",
"输出结果": "output",
"开始时间": "begin time",
"运行时长": "runtime duration",
"状态": "status",
"下载": "download",
"任务详情": "task detail",
"子任务内容": "sub task sql",
"任务信息": "task info",
"关闭": "close",
"下载结果": "download",
"选择分隔符": "select delimiter",
"正常模式": "normal",
"智能模式": "AI",
"AI智能生成(企业版)": "AI Generation",
"帮助链接": "help",
"展开/关闭菜单": "collapse/expand",
"保存": "save",
"已保存": "saved",
"未保存": "unsaved",
"取消": "cancel",
"确定": "confirm",
"别名": "label",
"节点别名": "node label",
"描述": "describe",
"创建人": "creator",
"上次修改时间": "Last modified time",
"调度实例": "workflow",
"日志": "log",
"容器": "pod",
"定时记录": "cronjob",
"删除节点": "delete",
"监控": "monitor",
"任务模板": "template",
"模板描述": "describe",
"名称": "name",
"标签": "label",
"内存申请": "memory req",
"内存的资源使用限制,示例1G,10G, 最大100G,如需更多联系管理员": "Memory resource usage limit, example 1G, 10G, maximum 100G, contact administrator for more.",
"CPU申请": "CPU req",
"CPU的资源使用限制(单位核),示例 0.4,10,最大50核,如需更多联系管理员": "CPU resource usage limit (in units of cores), example 0.4, 10, maximum 50 cores, contact administrator for more.",
"GPU申请": "GPU req",
"gpu的资源使用限制(单位卡),示例:1,2,训练任务每个容器独占整卡。申请具体的卡型号,可以类似 1(V100),目前支持T4/V100/A100/VGPU": "GPU resource usage limit (in units of cards), example: 1, 2, training tasks occupy the entire card per container. To apply for specific card models, you can use something like 1(V100). Currently supports T4/V100/A100/VGPU.",
"RDMA申请": "RDMA req",
"RDMA的资源使用限制,示例 0,1,10,填写方式咨询管理员": "RDMA resource usage limit, example 0, 1, 10, consult administrator for filling method.",
"超时中断": "timeout",
"task运行时长限制,为0表示不限制(单位s)": "Task runtime limit, 0 means no limit (in seconds)",
"重试次数": "retry",
"task重试次数": "Task retry max count",
"是否跳过": "skip",
"是": "yes",
"否": "no",
"参数": "args ",
"用户中心": "user info",
"退出登录": "logout",
"安全设置": "security",
"用户列表": "user list",
"角色列表": "role list",
"用户统计": "user statistics",
"权限列表": "permissions list",
"视图列表": "view list",
"权限视图关系": "permissionsOnView",
"日志列表": "log list",
"数据查询": "sqllab",
"通用关系图": "pipeline",
"数据展示": "showdata",
"外链": "link",
"登录": "login",
"平台主要功能": "Main functions",
"新建流水线": "create pipeline",
"新手视频": "Beginner’s video",
"新人制作一个pipeline": "Create a pipeline for new users.",
"流水线": "pipeline",
"我的": "mine",
"协作": "collaboration",
"任务流": "pipeline",
"修改时间": "modified",
"项目组": "project",
"选择页数": "select page",
"上一页": "previous",
"下一页": "next",
"创建会话场景": "create chat",
"创建会话": "create chat",
"对话模型": "chat model",
"知识库": "knowledge",
"确认创建": "confirm",
"点击或者拖动文件到该区域上传数据集创建私有知识库": "click or drag the files to the area to upload the dataset to create a private knowledge base.",
"支持 txt/markdown/pdf/csv 格式文件,请不要上传敏感数据": "supporting txt/markdown/pdf/csv formats, please do not upload sensitive data.",
"清空当前会话场景": "clear the current conversation scene",
"设置当前场景,如模型,知识库等": "set the current scene, such as a model or knowledge base.",
"输入 / 调出提示(Shift + Enter = 换行)": "input / Prompt (Shift + Enter = New line)",
"发送": "send",
"登录超时,需要重新登录": "login timeout, need to log in again",
"请输入": "please enter",
"请按正确的规则输入": "please enter according to the correct rules",
"请输入正确的长度": "please enter the correct length",
"点击前往": "click to go",
"请勿外传": "do not spread",
"秒": "second",
"分钟": "minute",
"小时": "hour",
"收藏": "favorite",
"确定收藏?": "confirm favorite?",
"确认收藏": "confirm favorite",
"取消收藏": "cancel favorite",
"确定取消收藏?": "confirm cancel favorite?",
"确认取消收藏": "confirm cancel favorite",
"操作成功": "operation successful",
"操作失败": "operation failed",
"用户没有修改权限": "user does not have modification permission",
"确定删除?": "confirm deletion?",
"确认删除": "confirm deletion",
"删除成功": "delete successful",
"删除失败": "delete failed",
"字段切换错误": "field switching error",
"filter解析异常": "filter parsing exception",
"请先选择": "please select first",
"导入成功": "import successful",
"导入失败": "import failed",
"成功": "success",
"失败": "failure",
"更新": "update",
"返回": "return",
"确认导出数据": "confirm export data",
"导出成功": "export successful",
"等等": "etc.",
"终止任务": "terminate task",
"终止成功": "termination successful",
"终止失败": "termination failed",
"结果查看": "view results",
"输入关键字(表名)搜索": "enter keyword (table name) to search",
"已成功复制到粘贴板": "successfully copied to clipboard",
"修改生命周期": "modify lifecycle",
"聚合节点": "aggregation node",
"剩余": "remaining",
"个节点(双击展开) + ": "nodes (double-click to expand) +",
"查询结果失败,尝试重新运行": "query result failed, try to run again",
"标签数目达到限制": "tag limit reached",
"点击确定完成提交": "click OK to complete the submission",
"增加一项": "add an item",
"上一步": "previous step",
"下一步": "next step",
"删除该项": "delete this item",
"请选择时间范围": "please select a time range",
"请选择时间": "please select a time",
"刷新列表": "refresh list",
"选择需要导出的列:": "select the columns to export",
"全选": "select all",
"反选": "invert selection",
"获取列表失败": "failed to get list",
"获取流水线信息失败": "failed to get pipeline information",
"格式错误": "format error",
"流水线设置": "pipeline settings",
"英文名(字母、数字、- 组成),最长50个字符": "english name (letters, numbers, -), up to 50 characters",
"每个用户使用英文逗号分隔": "each user separated by an English comma",
"报警人": "alarm person",
"监控状态": "monitoring status",
"周期任务的时间设定 * * * * * 表示为 minute hour day month week": "crontab task * * * * * represents minute hour day month week",
"调度周期": "scheduling cycle",
"调度类型": "scheduling type",
"新建": "new",
"任务": "task",
"补录起点": "make up the starting point",
"过往依赖": "past dependencies",
"当前pipeline可同时运行的任务流实例数目": "the number of task flow instances that the current pipeline can run simultaneously",
"最大激活运行数": "maximum active run count",
"任务并行数": "task parallelism",
"pipeline中可同时运行的task数目": "number of tasks that can run simultaneously in the pipeline",
"流向图": "flow chart",
"全局环境变量": "global environment variables",
"为每个task都添加的公共参数": "common parameters added to each task",
"折叠": "collapse",
"暂无匹配": "No matches for now",
"搜索模板名称或描述": "search template name or description",
"配置文档": "configuration document",
"项目设置": "setting",
"智能推荐下游节点":"Intelligent recommendation of downstream nodes",
"请先选择推荐节点":"Please select the recommended node first."
export default translation
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
const translation = {
"镜像": "镜像",
"版本": "版本",
"节点标签": "节点标签",
"请选择key": "请选择key",
"请填写value": "请填写value",
"请选择": "请选择",
"收起": "收起",
"展开": "展开",
"查询": "查询",
"添加": "添加 ",
"批量操作": "批量操作",
"操作": "操作",
"更多": "更多",
"详情": "详情",
"修改": "修改",
"删除": "删除",
"批量": "批量 ",
"共": "共",
"条": " 条",
"条/页": " 条/页",
"批量导入数据": "批量导入数据",
"批量导出": "批量导出",
"注意:csv逗号分隔": "注意:csv逗号分隔",
"第一行为列的英文名": "第一行为列的英文名",
"下载导入模板": "下载导入模板",
"暂无数据": "暂无数据",
"新查询": "新查询",
"运行": "运行",
"复制": "复制",
"结果": "结果",
"子任务": "子任务",
"重试": "重试",
"准备开始": "准备开始",
"解析": "解析",
"执行": "执行",
"输出结果": "输出结果",
"开始时间": "开始时间",
"运行时长": "运行时长",
"状态": "状态",
"下载": "下载",
"任务详情": "任务详情",
"子任务内容": "子任务内容",
"任务信息": "任务信息",
"关闭": "关闭",
"下载结果": "下载结果",
"选择分隔符": "选择分隔符",
"正常模式": "正常模式",
"智能模式": "智能模式",
"AI智能生成(企业版)": "AI智能生成(企业版)",
"帮助链接": "帮助链接",
"展开/关闭菜单": "展开/关闭菜单",
"保存": "保存",
"已保存": "已保存",
"未保存": "未保存",
"取消": "取消",
"确定": "确定",
"别名": "别名",
"节点别名": "节点别名 label",
"描述": "描述",
"创建人": "创建人",
"上次修改时间": "上次修改时间 modified time",
"调度实例": "调度实例",
"日志": "日志",
"容器": "容器",
"定时记录": "定时记录",
"删除节点": "删除节点",
"监控": "监控",
"任务模板": "任务模板",
"模板描述": "模板描述",
"名称": "名称",
"标签": "标签",
"内存申请": "内存申请",
"内存的资源使用限制,示例1G,10G, 最大100G,如需更多联系管理员": "内存的资源使用限制,示例1G,10G, 最大100G,如需更多联系管理员",
"CPU申请": "CPU申请",
"CPU的资源使用限制(单位核),示例 0.4,10,最大50核,如需更多联系管理员": "CPU的资源使用限制(单位核),示例 0.4,10,最大50核,如需更多联系管理员",
"GPU申请": "GPU申请",
"gpu的资源使用限制(单位卡),示例:1,2,训练任务每个容器独占整卡。申请具体的卡型号,可以类似 1(V100),目前支持T4/V100/A100/VGPU": "gpu的资源使用限制(单位卡),示例:1,2,训练任务每个容器独占整卡。申请具体的卡型号,可以类似 1(V100),目前支持T4/V100/A100/VGPU",
"RDMA申请": "RDMA申请",
"RDMA的资源使用限制,示例 0,1,10,填写方式咨询管理员": "RDMA的资源使用限制,示例 0,1,10,填写方式咨询管理员",
"超时中断": "超时中断",
"task运行时长限制,为0表示不限制(单位s)": "task运行时长限制,为0表示不限制(单位s)",
"重试次数": "重试次数",
"task重试次数": "task重试次数",
"是否跳过": "是否跳过",
"是": "是",
"否": "否",
"参数": "参数 ",
"用户中心": "用户中心",
"退出登录": "退出登录",
"安全设置": "安全设置",
"用户列表": "用户列表",
"角色列表": "角色列表",
"用户统计": "用户统计",
"权限列表": "权限列表",
"视图列表": "视图列表",
"权限视图关系": "权限视图关系",
"日志列表": "日志列表",
"数据查询": "数据查询",
"通用关系图": "通用关系图",
"数据展示": "数据展示",
"外链": "外链",
"登录": "登录",
"平台主要功能": "平台主要功能",
"新建流水线": "新建流水线",
"新手视频": "新手视频",
"新人制作一个pipeline": "新人制作一个pipeline",
"流水线": "流水线",
"我的": "我的",
"协作": "协作",
"任务流": "任务流",
"修改时间": "修改时间",
"项目组": "项目组",
"选择页数": "选择页数",
"上一页": "上一页",
"下一页": "下一页",
"创建会话场景": "创建会话场景",
"创建会话": "创建会话",
"对话模型": "对话模型",
"知识库": "知识库",
"确认创建": "确认创建",
"点击或者拖动文件到该区域上传数据集创建私有知识库": "点击或者拖动文件到该区域上传数据集创建私有知识库",
"支持 txt/markdown/pdf/csv 格式文件,请不要上传敏感数据": "支持 txt/markdown/pdf/csv 格式文件,请不要上传敏感数据",
"清空当前会话场景": "清空当前会话场景",
"设置当前场景,如模型,知识库等": "设置当前场景,如模型,知识库等",
"输入 / 调出提示(Shift + Enter = 换行)": "输入 / 调出提示(Shift + Enter = 换行)",
"发送": "发送",
"登录超时,需要重新登录": "登录超时,需要重新登录",
"请输入": "请输入",
"请按正确的规则输入": "请按正确的规则输入",
"请输入正确的长度": "请输入正确的长度",
"点击前往": "点击前往",
"请勿外传": "请勿外传",
"秒": "秒",
"分钟": "分钟",
"小时": "小时",
"收藏": "收藏",
"确定收藏": "确定收藏",
"确认收藏": "确认收藏",
"取消收藏": "取消收藏",
"确定取消收藏": "确定取消收藏",
"确认取消收藏": "确认取消收藏",
"操作成功": "操作成功",
"操作失败": "操作失败",
"用户没有修改权限": "用户没有修改权限",
"确定删除": "确定删除",
"确认删除": "确认删除",
"删除成功": "删除成功",
"删除失败": "删除失败",
"字段切换错误": "字段切换错误",
"filter解析异常": "filter解析异常",
"请先选择": "请先选择",
"导入成功": "导入成功",
"导入失败": "导入失败",
"成功": "成功",
"失败": "失败",
"更新": "更新",
"返回": "返回",
"确认导出数据": "确认导出数据",
"导出成功": "导出成功",
"等等": "等等.",
"终止任务": "终止任务",
"终止成功": "终止成功",
"终止失败": "终止失败",
"结果查看": "结果查看",
"输入关键字(表名)搜索": "输入关键字(表名)搜索",
"已成功复制到粘贴板": "已成功复制到粘贴板",
"修改生命周期": "修改生命周期",
"聚合节点": "聚合节点",
"剩余": "剩余",
"个节点(双击展开) + ": "个节点(双击展开) + ",
"查询结果失败,尝试重新运行": "查询结果失败,尝试重新运行",
"标签数目达到限制": "标签数目达到限制",
"点击确定完成提交": "点击确定完成提交",
"增加一项": "增加一项",
"上一步": "上一步",
"下一步": "下一步",
"删除该项": "删除该项",
"请选择时间范围": "请选择时间范围",
"请选择时间": "请选择时间",
"刷新列表": "刷新列表",
"选择需要导出的列:": "选择需要导出的列:",
"全选": "全选",
"反选": "反选",
"获取列表失败": "获取列表失败",
"获取流水线信息失败": "获取流水线信息失败",
"格式错误": "格式错误",
"流水线设置": "流水线设置",
"英文名(字母、数字、- 组成),最长50个字符": ",最长50个字符",
"每个用户使用英文逗号分隔": "每个用户使用英文逗号分隔",
"报警人": "报警人 person",
"监控状态": "监控状态 status",
"周期任务的时间设定 * * * * * 表示为 minute hour day month week": "crontab task * * * * * represents minute hour day month week",
"调度周期": "调度周期",
"调度类型": "调度类型",
"新建": "新建",
"任务": "任务",
"补录起点": "补录起点",
"过往依赖": "过往依赖",
"当前pipeline可同时运行的任务流实例数目": "当前pipeline可同时运行的任务流实例数目",
"最大激活运行数": "最大激活运行数",
"任务并行数": "任务并行数",
"pipeline中可同时运行的task数目": "pipeline中可同时运行的task数目",
"流向图": "流向图",
"全局环境变量": "全局环境变量",
"为每个task都添加的公共参数": "为每个task都添加的公共参数",
"折叠": "折叠",
"暂无匹配": "暂无匹配",
"搜索模板名称或描述": "搜索模板名称或描述",
"配置文档": "配置文档",
export default translation
@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
const translation = {
"开发定制一个任务模板": "Develop a custom task template",
"新建项目": "new project",
"节点标签": "node tag",
"请填写key": "please fill in key",
"请填写value": "please fill in value",
"请选择": "select ",
"收起": "collapse",
"展开": "expand",
"查询": "query",
"添加": "add ",
"批量操作": "batch action",
"操作": "action",
"更多": "more",
"详情": "detail",
"修改": "edit",
"删除": "delete",
"批量": "batch ",
"共": "total ",
"条": " rows",
"条/页": " rows/page",
"批量导入数据": "import data",
"批量导出": "export data",
"注意:csv逗号分隔": "Note: csv comma-separated",
"第一行为列的英文名": "the first line is the column’s English name",
"下载导入模板": "download template",
"暂无数据": "no data",
"新查询": "new query",
"运行": "run",
"复制": "copy",
"结果": "result",
"子任务": "subtask",
"重试": "retry",
"准备开始": "begin",
"解析": "analysis",
"执行": "run",
"输出结果": "output",
"开始时间": "begin time",
"运行时长": "runtime duration",
"状态": "status",
"下载": "download",
"任务详情": "task detail",
"子任务内容": "sub task sql",
"任务信息": "task info",
"关闭": "close",
"下载结果": "download",
"选择分隔符": "select delimiter",
"正常模式": "normal",
"智能模式": "AI",
"AI智能生成(企业版)": "AI Generation",
"帮助链接": "help",
"展开/关闭菜单": "collapse/expand",
"保存": "save",
"已保存": "saved",
"未保存": "unsaved",
"取消": "cancel",
"确定": "confirm",
"别名": "label",
"节点别名": "node label",
"描述": "describe",
"创建人": "creator",
"上次修改时间": "Last modified time",
"调度实例": "workflow",
"日志": "log",
"容器": "pod",
"定时记录": "cronjob",
"删除节点": "delete",
"监控": "monitor",
"任务模板": "template",
"模板描述": "describe",
"名称": "name",
"标签": "label",
"内存申请": "memory req",
"内存的资源使用限制,示例1G,10G, 最大100G,如需更多联系管理员": "Memory resource usage limit, example 1G, 10G, maximum 100G, contact administrator for more.",
"CPU申请": "CPU req",
"CPU的资源使用限制(单位核),示例 0.4,10,最大50核,如需更多联系管理员": "CPU resource usage limit (in units of cores), example 0.4, 10, maximum 50 cores, contact administrator for more.",
"GPU申请": "GPU req",
"gpu的资源使用限制(单位卡),示例:1,2,训练任务每个容器独占整卡。申请具体的卡型号,可以类似 1(V100),目前支持T4/V100/A100/VGPU": "GPU resource usage limit (in units of cards), example: 1, 2, training tasks occupy the entire card per container. To apply for specific card models, you can use something like 1(V100). Currently supports T4/V100/A100/VGPU.",
"RDMA申请": "RDMA req",
"RDMA的资源使用限制,示例 0,1,10,填写方式咨询管理员": "RDMA resource usage limit, example 0, 1, 10, consult administrator for filling method.",
"超时中断": "timeout",
"task运行时长限制,为0表示不限制(单位s)": "Task runtime limit, 0 means no limit (in seconds)",
"重试次数": "retry",
"task重试次数": "Task retry max count",
"是否跳过": "skip",
"是": "yes",
"否": "no",
"参数": "args ",
"用户中心": "user info",
"退出登录": "logout",
"安全设置": "security",
"用户列表": "user list",
"角色列表": "role list",
"用户统计": "user statistics",
"权限列表": "permissions list",
"视图列表": "view list",
"权限视图关系": "permissionsOnView",
"日志列表": "log list",
"数据查询": "sqllab",
"通用关系图": "pipeline",
"数据展示": "showdata",
"外链": "link",
"登录": "login",
"平台主要功能": "Main functions",
"新建流水线": "create pipeline",
"新手视频": "Beginner’s video",
"新人制作一个pipeline": "Create a pipeline for new users.",
"流水线": "pipeline",
"我的": "mine",
"协作": "collaboration",
"任务流": "pipeline",
"修改时间": "modified",
"项目组": "project",
"选择页数": "select page",
"上一页": "previous",
"下一页": "next",
"创建会话场景": "create chat",
"创建会话": "create chat",
"对话模型": "chat model",
"知识库": "knowledge",
"确认创建": "confirm",
"点击或者拖动文件到该区域上传数据集创建私有知识库": "click or drag the files to the area to upload the dataset to create a private knowledge base.",
"支持 txt/markdown/pdf/csv 格式文件,请不要上传敏感数据": "supporting txt/markdown/pdf/csv formats, please do not upload sensitive data.",
"清空当前会话场景": "clear the current conversation scene",
"设置当前场景,如模型,知识库等": "set the current scene, such as a model or knowledge base.",
"输入 / 调出提示(Shift + Enter = 换行)": "input / Prompt (Shift + Enter = New line)",
"发送": "send",
"登录超时,需要重新登录": "login timeout, need to log in again",
"请输入": "please enter",
"请按正确的规则输入": "please enter according to the correct rules",
"请输入正确的长度": "please enter the correct length",
"点击前往": "click to go",
"请勿外传": "do not spread",
"秒": "second",
"分钟": "minute",
"小时": "hour",
"收藏": "favorite",
"确定收藏?": "confirm favorite?",
"确认收藏": "confirm favorite",
"取消收藏": "cancel favorite",
"确定取消收藏?": "confirm cancel favorite?",
"确认取消收藏": "confirm cancel favorite",
"操作成功": "operation successful",
"操作失败": "operation failed",
"用户没有修改权限": "user does not have modification permission",
"确定删除?": "confirm deletion?",
"确认删除": "confirm deletion",
"删除成功": "delete successful",
"删除失败": "delete failed",
"字段切换错误": "field switching error",
"filter解析异常": "filter parsing exception",
"请先选择": "please select first",
"导入成功": "import successful",
"导入失败": "import failed",
"成功": "success",
"失败": "failure",
"更新": "update",
"返回": "return",
"确认导出数据": "confirm export data",
"导出成功": "export successful",
"等等": "etc.",
"终止任务": "terminate task",
"终止成功": "termination successful",
"终止失败": "termination failed",
"结果查看": "view results",
"输入关键字(表名)搜索": "enter keyword (table name) to search",
"已成功复制到粘贴板": "successfully copied to clipboard",
"修改生命周期": "modify lifecycle",
"聚合节点": "aggregation node",
"剩余": "remaining",
"个节点(双击展开) + ": "nodes (double-click to expand) +",
"查询结果失败,尝试重新运行": "query result failed, try to run again",
"标签数目达到限制": "tag limit reached",
"点击确定完成提交": "click OK to complete the submission",
"增加一项": "add an item",
"上一步": "previous step",
"下一步": "next step",
"删除该项": "delete this item",
"请选择时间范围": "please select a time range",
"请选择时间": "please select a time",
"刷新列表": "refresh list",
"选择需要导出的列:": "select the columns to export",
"全选": "select all",
"反选": "invert selection",
"获取列表失败": "failed to get list",
"获取流水线信息失败": "failed to get pipeline information",
"格式错误": "format error",
"流水线设置": "pipeline settings",
"英文名(字母、数字、- 组成),最长50个字符": "english name (letters, numbers, -), up to 50 characters",
"每个用户使用英文逗号分隔": "each user separated by an English comma",
"报警人": "alarm person",
"监控状态": "monitoring status",
"周期任务的时间设定 * * * * * 表示为 minute hour day month week": "crontab task * * * * * represents minute hour day month week",
"调度周期": "scheduling cycle",
"调度类型": "scheduling type",
"新建": "new",
"任务": "task",
"补录起点": "make up the starting point",
"过往依赖": "past dependencies",
"当前pipeline可同时运行的任务流实例数目": "the number of task flow instances that the current pipeline can run simultaneously",
"最大激活运行数": "maximum active run count",
"任务并行数": "task parallelism",
"pipeline中可同时运行的task数目": "number of tasks that can run simultaneously in the pipeline",
"流向图": "flow chart",
"全局环境变量": "global environment variables",
"为每个task都添加的公共参数": "common parameters added to each task",
"折叠": "collapse",
"暂无匹配": "No matches for now",
"搜索模板名称或描述": "search template name or description",
"配置文档": "configuration document",
"版本": "version",
"项目设置": "setting",
"智能推荐下游节点":"Intelligent recommendation of downstream nodes",
"请先选择推荐节点":"Please select the recommended node first."
export default translation
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
const translation = {
"开发定制一个任务模板": "开发定制一个任务模板",
"新建项目": "新建项目",
"节点标签": "node tag",
"请选择key": "请选择key",
"请填写value": "请填写value",
"请选择": "请选择",
"收起": "收起",
"展开": "展开",
"查询": "查询",
"添加": "添加 ",
"批量操作": "批量操作",
"操作": "操作",
"更多": "更多",
"详情": "详情",
"修改": "修改",
"删除": "删除",
"批量": "批量 ",
"共": "共",
"条": " 条",
"条/页": " 条/页",
"批量导入数据": "批量导入数据",
"批量导出": "批量导出",
"注意:csv逗号分隔": "注意:csv逗号分隔",
"第一行为列的英文名": "第一行为列的英文名",
"下载导入模板": "下载导入模板",
"暂无数据": "暂无数据",
"新查询": "新查询",
"运行": "运行",
"复制": "复制",
"结果": "结果",
"子任务": "子任务",
"重试": "重试",
"准备开始": "准备开始",
"解析": "解析",
"执行": "执行",
"输出结果": "输出结果",
"开始时间": "开始时间",
"运行时长": "运行时长",
"状态": "状态",
"下载": "下载",
"任务详情": "任务详情",
"子任务内容": "子任务内容",
"任务信息": "任务信息",
"关闭": "关闭",
"下载结果": "下载结果",
"选择分隔符": "选择分隔符",
"正常模式": "正常模式",
"智能模式": "智能模式",
"AI智能生成(企业版)": "AI智能生成(企业版)",
"帮助链接": "帮助链接",
"展开/关闭菜单": "展开/关闭菜单",
"保存": "保存",
"已保存": "已保存",
"未保存": "未保存",
"取消": "取消",
"确定": "确定",
"别名": "别名",
"节点别名": "节点别名 label",
"描述": "描述",
"创建人": "创建人",
"上次修改时间": "上次修改时间 modified time",
"调度实例": "调度实例",
"日志": "日志",
"容器": "容器",
"定时记录": "定时记录",
"删除节点": "删除节点",
"监控": "监控",
"任务模板": "任务模板",
"模板描述": "模板描述",
"名称": "名称",
"标签": "标签",
"内存申请": "内存申请",
"内存的资源使用限制,示例1G,10G, 最大100G,如需更多联系管理员": "内存的资源使用限制,示例1G,10G, 最大100G,如需更多联系管理员",
"CPU申请": "CPU申请",
"CPU的资源使用限制(单位核),示例 0.4,10,最大50核,如需更多联系管理员": "CPU的资源使用限制(单位核),示例 0.4,10,最大50核,如需更多联系管理员",
"GPU申请": "GPU申请",
"gpu的资源使用限制(单位卡),示例:1,2,训练任务每个容器独占整卡。申请具体的卡型号,可以类似 1(V100),目前支持T4/V100/A100/VGPU": "gpu的资源使用限制(单位卡),示例:1,2,训练任务每个容器独占整卡。申请具体的卡型号,可以类似 1(V100),目前支持T4/V100/A100/VGPU",
"RDMA申请": "RDMA申请",
"RDMA的资源使用限制,示例 0,1,10,填写方式咨询管理员": "RDMA的资源使用限制,示例 0,1,10,填写方式咨询管理员",
"超时中断": "超时中断",
"task运行时长限制,为0表示不限制(单位s)": "task运行时长限制,为0表示不限制(单位s)",
"重试次数": "重试次数",
"task重试次数": "task重试次数",
"是否跳过": "是否跳过",
"是": "是",
"否": "否",
"参数": "参数 ",
"用户中心": "用户中心",
"退出登录": "退出登录",
"安全设置": "安全设置",
"用户列表": "用户列表",
"角色列表": "角色列表",
"用户统计": "用户统计",
"权限列表": "权限列表",
"视图列表": "视图列表",
"权限视图关系": "权限视图关系",
"日志列表": "日志列表",
"数据查询": "数据查询",
"通用关系图": "通用关系图",
"数据展示": "数据展示",
"外链": "外链",
"登录": "登录",
"平台主要功能": "平台主要功能",
"新建流水线": "新建流水线",
"新手视频": "新手视频",
"新人制作一个pipeline": "新人制作一个pipeline",
"流水线": "流水线",
"我的": "我的",
"协作": "协作",
"任务流": "任务流",
"修改时间": "修改时间",
"项目组": "项目组",
"选择页数": "选择页数",
"上一页": "上一页",
"下一页": "下一页",
"创建会话场景": "创建会话场景",
"创建会话": "创建会话",
"对话模型": "对话模型",
"知识库": "知识库",
"确认创建": "确认创建",
"点击或者拖动文件到该区域上传数据集创建私有知识库": "点击或者拖动文件到该区域上传数据集创建私有知识库",
"支持 txt/markdown/pdf/csv 格式文件,请不要上传敏感数据": "支持 txt/markdown/pdf/csv 格式文件,请不要上传敏感数据",
"清空当前会话场景": "清空当前会话场景",
"设置当前场景,如模型,知识库等": "设置当前场景,如模型,知识库等",
"输入 / 调出提示(Shift + Enter = 换行)": "输入 / 调出提示(Shift + Enter = 换行)",
"发送": "发送",
"登录超时,需要重新登录": "登录超时,需要重新登录",
"请输入": "请输入",
"请按正确的规则输入": "请按正确的规则输入",
"请输入正确的长度": "请输入正确的长度",
"点击前往": "点击前往",
"请勿外传": "请勿外传",
"秒": "秒",
"分钟": "分钟",
"小时": "小时",
"收藏": "收藏",
"确定收藏": "确定收藏",
"确认收藏": "确认收藏",
"取消收藏": "取消收藏",
"确定取消收藏": "确定取消收藏",
"确认取消收藏": "确认取消收藏",
"操作成功": "操作成功",
"操作失败": "操作失败",
"用户没有修改权限": "用户没有修改权限",
"确定删除": "确定删除",
"确认删除": "确认删除",
"删除成功": "删除成功",
"删除失败": "删除失败",
"字段切换错误": "字段切换错误",
"filter解析异常": "filter解析异常",
"请先选择": "请先选择",
"导入成功": "导入成功",
"导入失败": "导入失败",
"成功": "成功",
"失败": "失败",
"更新": "更新",
"返回": "返回",
"确认导出数据": "确认导出数据",
"导出成功": "导出成功",
"等等": "等等.",
"终止任务": "终止任务",
"终止成功": "终止成功",
"终止失败": "终止失败",
"结果查看": "结果查看",
"输入关键字(表名)搜索": "输入关键字(表名)搜索",
"已成功复制到粘贴板": "已成功复制到粘贴板",
"修改生命周期": "修改生命周期",
"聚合节点": "聚合节点",
"剩余": "剩余",
"个节点(双击展开) + ": "个节点(双击展开) + ",
"查询结果失败,尝试重新运行": "查询结果失败,尝试重新运行",
"标签数目达到限制": "标签数目达到限制",
"点击确定完成提交": "点击确定完成提交",
"增加一项": "增加一项",
"上一步": "上一步",
"下一步": "下一步",
"删除该项": "删除该项",
"请选择时间范围": "请选择时间范围",
"请选择时间": "请选择时间",
"刷新列表": "刷新列表",
"选择需要导出的列:": "选择需要导出的列:",
"全选": "全选",
"反选": "反选",
"获取列表失败": "获取列表失败",
"获取流水线信息失败": "获取流水线信息失败",
"格式错误": "格式错误",
"流水线设置": "流水线设置",
"英文名(字母、数字、- 组成),最长50个字符": ",最长50个字符",
"每个用户使用英文逗号分隔": "每个用户使用英文逗号分隔",
"报警人": "报警人 person",
"监控状态": "监控状态 status",
"周期任务的时间设定 * * * * * 表示为 minute hour day month week": "crontab task * * * * * represents minute hour day month week",
"调度周期": "调度周期",
"调度类型": "调度类型",
"新建": "新建",
"任务": "任务",
"补录起点": "补录起点",
"过往依赖": "过往依赖",
"当前pipeline可同时运行的任务流实例数目": "当前pipeline可同时运行的任务流实例数目",
"最大激活运行数": "最大激活运行数",
"任务并行数": "任务并行数",
"pipeline中可同时运行的task数目": "pipeline中可同时运行的task数目",
"流向图": "流向图",
"全局环境变量": "全局环境变量",
"为每个task都添加的公共参数": "为每个task都添加的公共参数",
"折叠": "折叠",
"暂无匹配": "暂无匹配",
"搜索模板名称或描述": "搜索模板名称或描述",
"配置文档": "配置文档",
export default translation
Reference in New Issue
Block a user