2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
import math
from flask import Markup
from jinja2 import Environment, BaseLoader, DebugUndefined
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
from myapp import app, appbuilder, db
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
from flask import request
from .baseFormApi import (
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
import datetime, time, json
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
from ..utils.py.py_k8s import K8s
conf = app.config
logging = app.logger
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
pipeline_resource_used = {
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
"check_time": None,
"data": {}
node_resource_used = {
"check_time": None,
"data": {}
global_cluster_load = {}
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
# 机器学习首页资源弹窗
# @pysnooper.snoop()
def node_traffic():
if not node_resource_used['check_time'] or node_resource_used['check_time'] < (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)):
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
all_node_json = {}
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
clusters = conf.get('CLUSTERS', {})
for cluster_name in clusters:
cluster = clusters[cluster_name]
k8s_client = K8s(cluster.get('KUBECONFIG', ''))
all_node = k8s_client.get_node()
all_node_resource = k8s_client.get_all_node_allocated_resources()
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
all_node_json[cluster_name] = {}
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
for node in all_node:
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
all_node_json[cluster_name][node['hostip']] = node
node_allocated_resources = all_node_resource.get(node['name'], {
"used_cpu": 0,
"used_memory": 0,
"used_gpu": 0
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
except Exception as e:
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
node_resource_used['data'] = all_node_json
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
node_resource_used['check_time'] = datetime.datetime.now()
all_node_json = node_resource_used['data']
# 数据格式说明 dict:
# 'delay': Integer 延时隐藏 单位: 毫秒 0为不隐藏
# 'hit': Boolean 是否命中
# 'target': String 当前目标
# 'type': String 类型 目前仅支持html类型
# 'title': String 标题
# 'content': String 内容html内容
# /static/appbuilder/mnt/make_pipeline.mp4
message = ''
td_html = '<td style="border: 1px solid black;padding: 10px">%s</th>'
message += "<tr>%s %s %s %s %s %s %s<tr>" % (
td_html % "集群", td_html % "资源组", td_html % "机器", td_html % "机型", td_html % "cpu占用率", td_html % "内存占用率",
td_html % "gpu占用率")
global global_cluster_load
for cluster_name in all_node_json:
global_cluster_load[cluster_name] = {
"cpu_req": 0,
"cpu_all": 0,
"mem_req": 0,
"mem_all": 0,
"gpu_req": 0,
"gpu_all": 0
nodes = all_node_json[cluster_name]
# nodes = sorted(nodes.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]['labels'].get('org','public'))
# ips = [node[0] for node in nodes]
# values = [node[1] for node in nodes]
# nodes = dict(zip(ips,values))
# 按项目组和设备类型分组
stored_nodes = {}
for ip in nodes:
org = nodes[ip]['labels'].get('org', 'public')
device = 'cpu'
if 'gpu' in nodes[ip]['labels']:
device = 'gpu/' + nodes[ip]['labels'].get('gpu-type', '')
if 'vgpu' in nodes[ip]['labels']:
device = 'vgpu/' + nodes[ip]['labels'].get('gpu-type', '')
if org not in stored_nodes:
stored_nodes[org] = {}
if device not in stored_nodes[org]:
stored_nodes[org][device] = {}
stored_nodes[org][device][ip] = nodes[ip]
nodes = {}
for org in stored_nodes:
for device in stored_nodes[org]:
cluster_config = conf.get('CLUSTERS', {}).get(cluster_name, {})
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
grafana_url = "//" + cluster_config.get('HOST', request.host) + conf.get('GRAFANA_CLUSTER_PATH')
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
for ip in nodes:
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
node_dashboard_url = "//"+ cluster_config.get('HOST', request.host) + conf.get('K8S_DASHBOARD_CLUSTER') + '#/node/%s?namespace=default' % nodes[ip]['name']
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
org = nodes[ip]['labels'].get('org', 'public')
enable_train = nodes[ip]['labels'].get('train', 'true')
ip_html = '<a target="_blank" href="%s">%s</a>' % (node_dashboard_url, ip)
share = nodes[ip]['labels'].get('share', 'true')
clolr = "#FFFFFF" if share == 'true' else '#F0F0F0'
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
device = ''
if 'cpu' in nodes[ip]['labels'] and nodes[ip]['labels']['cpu'] == 'true':
device = 'cpu/'
if 'gpu' in nodes[ip]['labels'] and nodes[ip]['labels']['gpu']=='true':
device = device+'gpu/'
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
if 'vgpu' in nodes[ip]['labels']:
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
device = device+'vgpu/'
device = device + nodes[ip]['labels'].get('gpu-type', '')
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
message += '<tr bgcolor="%s">%s %s %s %s %s %s %s<tr>' % (
td_html % cluster_name,
td_html % org,
td_html % ip_html,
td_html % ('<a target="blank" href="%s">%s</a>' % (grafana_url, device)),
td_html % ("cpu:%s/%s" % (nodes[ip]['used_cpu'], nodes[ip]['cpu'])),
td_html % ("mem:%s/%s" % (nodes[ip]['used_memory'], nodes[ip]['memory'])),
td_html % ("gpu:%s/%s" % (round(nodes[ip]['used_gpu'],2) if 'vgpu' in device else int(float(nodes[ip]['used_gpu'])), nodes[ip]['gpu'])),
# td_html % (','.join(list(set(nodes[ip]['user']))[0:1]))
global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['cpu_req'] += int(nodes[ip]['used_cpu'])
global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['cpu_all'] += int(nodes[ip]['cpu'])
global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['mem_req'] += int(nodes[ip]['used_memory'])
global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['mem_all'] += int(nodes[ip]['memory'])
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['gpu_req'] += round(float(nodes[ip]['used_gpu']), 2)
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['gpu_all'] += int(float(nodes[ip]['gpu']))
message = Markup('<table style="margin:20px">%s</table>' % message)
data = {
'content': message,
'delay': 300000,
'hit': True,
'target': conf.get('MODEL_URLS', {}).get('total_resource', ''),
'title': '机器负载',
'style': {
'height': '600px'
'type': 'html',
# 返回模板
return data
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
# pipeline每个任务的资源占用情况
# @pysnooper.snoop()
def pod_resource():
if not pipeline_resource_used['check_time'] or pipeline_resource_used['check_time'] < (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)):
clusters = conf.get('CLUSTERS', {})
all_tasks_json = {}
for cluster_name in clusters:
cluster = clusters[cluster_name]
k8s_client = K8s(cluster.get('KUBECONFIG', ''))
# 获取pod的资源占用
all_tasks_json[cluster_name] = {}
# print(all_node_json)
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
for namespace in ['jupyter', 'pipeline', 'automl', 'service', 'aihub']:
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace] = {}
all_pods = k8s_client.get_pods(namespace=namespace)
for pod in all_pods:
org = pod['node_selector'].get("org", 'public')
if org not in all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace]:
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org] = {}
if pod['status'] == 'Running':
user = pod['labels'].get('user', pod['labels'].get('username', pod['labels'].get('run-rtx',pod['labels'].get('rtx-user',''))))
if user:
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']] = {}
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']]['username'] = user
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']]['host_ip'] = pod['host_ip']
# print(namespace,pod)
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']]['request_memory'] = pod['memory']
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']]['request_cpu'] = pod['cpu']
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']]['request_gpu'] = pod['gpu']
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']]['used_memory'] = '0'
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']]['used_cpu'] = '0'
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']]['used_gpu'] = '0'
# print(namespace,org,pod['name'])
# 获取pod的资源使用
all_pods_metrics = k8s_client.get_pod_metrics(namespace=namespace)
# print(all_pods_metrics)
for pod in all_pods_metrics:
for org in all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace]:
if pod['name'] in all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org]:
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']]['used_memory'] = pod['memory']
all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod['name']]['used_cpu'] = pod['cpu']
# print(namespace,org,pod['name'])
# print(all_tasks_json)
except Exception as e:
pipeline_resource_used['data'] = all_tasks_json
pipeline_resource_used['check_time'] = datetime.datetime.now()
all_tasks_json = pipeline_resource_used['data']
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
all_pod_resource = []
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
for cluster_name in all_tasks_json:
cluster_config = conf.get('CLUSTERS', {}).get(cluster_name, {})
for namespace in all_tasks_json[cluster_name]:
for org in all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace]:
for pod_name in all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org]:
pod = all_tasks_json[cluster_name][namespace][org][pod_name]
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
dashboard_url = f'/k8s/web/search/{cluster_name}/{namespace}/{pod_name}'
task_grafana_url = "//" + cluster_config.get('HOST', request.host) + conf.get('GRAFANA_TASK_PATH')
node_grafana_url = "//" + cluster_config.get('HOST', request.host) + conf.get('GRAFANA_NODE_PATH')
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
"namespace":Markup('<a target="blank" href="%s">%s</a>' % (dashboard_url, namespace)),
"pod":Markup('<a target="blank" href="%s">%s</a>' % (task_grafana_url + pod_name, pod_name)),
"node":Markup('<a target="blank" href="%s">%s</a>' % (node_grafana_url + pod["host_ip"], pod["host_ip"])),
"cpu":"%s/%s" % (math.ceil(int(pod.get('used_cpu', '0')) / 1000), int(pod.get('request_cpu', '0'))),
"memory":"%s/%s" % (int(pod.get('used_memory', '0')), int(pod.get('request_memory', '0'))),
"gpu":"%s" % str(round(float(pod.get('request_gpu', '0')),2)),
return all_pod_resource
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
# 添加api
class Total_Resource_ModelView_Api(MyappFormRestApi):
route_base = '/total_resource/api/'
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
order_columns = ["cpu", "memory"]
primary_key = 'pod'
cols_width = {
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
"cluster": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 100},
"project": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 100},
"namespace": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 100},
"node": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 150},
"pod": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 500},
"username": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 150},
"cpu": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 100},
"memory": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 100},
"gpu": {"type": "ellip2", "width": 100}
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
label_columns = {
"cluster": "集群",
"project": "项目组",
"namespace": "空间",
"pod": "容器",
"username": "用户",
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
"node": "节点",
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
"cpu": "cpu使用",
"memory": "内存使用",
"gpu": "gpu使用"
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
ops_link = [
"text": "gpu资源监控",
"url": conf.get('GRAFANA_GPU_PATH')
"text": "集群负载",
"url": conf.get('GRAFANA_CLUSTER_PATH')
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
label_title = '整体资源'
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
list_title = "运行中资源列表"
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
page_size = 1000
enable_echart = True
base_permissions = ['can_list']
list_columns = ['cluster', 'project', 'namespace', 'pod', 'username', 'node', 'cpu', 'memory', 'gpu']
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
alert_config = {
conf.get('MODEL_URLS', {}).get('total_resource', ''): node_traffic
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
def query_list(self, order_column, order_direction, page_index, page_size, filters=None, **kargs):
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
lst = pod_resource()
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
if order_column and lst:
lst = sorted(lst, key=lambda d:float(d[order_column].split('/')[0])/float(d[order_column].split('/')[1]) if '/0' not in d[order_column] else 0, reverse = False if order_direction=='asc' else True)
return total_count,lst
# @pysnooper.snoop()
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
def echart_option(self, filters=None):
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
global global_cluster_load
if not global_cluster_load:
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
node_resource_used['check_time'] = None
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
pod_resource_metric = pod_resource()
# print(pod_resource_metric)
# print(global_cluster_load)
if not pod_resource_metric or not global_cluster_load:
return {}
# 获取不同集群当前的占用率
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
data1 = []
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
for cluster_name in global_cluster_load:
traffic = 0
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
num = 0
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
if int(global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['cpu_all']):
traffic += int(global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['cpu_req'])/int(global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['cpu_all'])
if int(global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['mem_all']):
traffic += int(global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['mem_req'])/int(global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['mem_all'])
if int(global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['gpu_all']):
traffic += int(float(global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['gpu_req']))/int(float(global_cluster_load[cluster_name]['gpu_all']))
if num:
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
"name": cluster_name,
"value": traffic / num
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
# 获取不同人的资源占用总数
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
metric = {}
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
for pod in pod_resource_metric:
if pod['username'] not in metric:
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
metric[pod['username']] = 0
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
# 1G 22,,1 核 44, 1 T4 1400
metric[pod['username']] += int(pod['memory'].split("/")[1])
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
metric[pod['username']] += int(pod['cpu'].split("/")[1]) * 2
metric[pod['username']] += int(float(pod['gpu'])) * 60
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
data2 = []
for username in metric:
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
if int(metric[username]) > 0:
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
"name": username,
"value": int(metric[username])
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
# 获取不同人的资源利用率
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
metric = {}
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
for pod in pod_resource_metric:
if pod['username'] not in metric:
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
metric[pod['username']] = {
"cpu_req": 0,
"cpu_all": 0,
"mem_req": 0,
"mem_all": 0,
"gpu_req": 0,
"gpu_all": 0
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
metric[pod['username']]["mem_req"] += int(pod['memory'].split("/")[0])
metric[pod['username']]["mem_all"] += int(pod['memory'].split("/")[1])
metric[pod['username']]["cpu_req"] += int(pod['cpu'].split("/")[0])
metric[pod['username']]["cpu_all"] += int(pod['cpu'].split("/")[1])
metric[pod['username']]["gpu_req"] += int(float(pod['gpu'].split("/")[0]))
data3 = []
for username in metric:
if metric[username]['mem_all']>0 and metric[username]['cpu_all']>0:
value = metric[username]['mem_req']/metric[username]['mem_all'] / 2 + metric[username]['cpu_req']/metric[username]['cpu_all'] / 2
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
"name": username,
"value": value
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
# print(data1)
# print(data2)
# print(data3)
option = '''
"title": [
"subtext": '集群资源占用率',
"left": '16.67%',
"top": '75%',
"textAlign": 'center'
"subtext": '用户资源占用',
"left": '50%',
"top": '75%',
"textAlign": 'center'
"subtext": '用户利用率',
"left": '83.33%',
"top": '75%',
"textAlign": 'center'
"tooltip": {
"formatter": function (params) {
return "集群占用率:"+(params.value.toFixed(2)*100).toString()+"%"
return "用户占用总量(内存)(按价格折算):"+params.value.toString()
return "用户利用率:"+(params.value.toFixed(2)*100).toString()+"%"
"series": [
"type": 'pie',
"radius": '40%',
"center": ['50%', '50%'],
"data": {{data1}},
"label": {
"position": 'outer',
"alignTo": 'none',
"bleedMargin": 5
"left": 0,
"right": '66.6667%',
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0
"type": 'pie',
"radius": '40%',
"center": ['50%', '50%'],
"data": {{data2}},
"label": {
"position": 'outer',
"alignTo": 'labelLine',
"bleedMargin": 5
"left": '33.3333%',
"right": '33.3333%',
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0
"type": 'pie',
"radius": '40%',
"center": ['50%', '50%'],
"data": {{data3}},
"label": {
"position": 'outer',
"alignTo": 'edge',
"margin": 20
"left": '66.6667%',
"right": 0,
"top": 0,
"bottom": 0
rtemplate = Environment(loader=BaseLoader, undefined=DebugUndefined).from_string(option)
2023-09-03 21:15:58 +08:00
option = rtemplate.render(data1=data1, data2=data2, data3=data3)
2023-04-06 23:24:08 +08:00
return option