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2022-08-13 17:00:41 +08:00
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from models.BiLSTM import BiLSTM
from config import TrainingConfig, BiLSTMConfig
class BiLSTM_CRF(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, vocab_size, tagset_size, config, tag2id, dropout=0.1, batch_first=True):
super(BiLSTM_CRF, self).__init__()
self.embedding_dim = config.input_size
self.hidden_dim = config.hidden_size
self.vocab_size = vocab_size
self.tagset_size = tagset_size
# self.vocabulary = word2id
self.tag2id = tag2id
self.bilstm = BiLSTM(
self.transition = nn.Parameter(
# torch.randn(self.tagset_size, self.tagset_size)
# torch.ones(self.tagset_size, self.tagset_size)
torch.ones(self.tagset_size, self.tagset_size) * 1 / self.tagset_size
def forward(self, sentence):
# B, L, out_size(tagset_size)
bilstm_score = self.bilstm._get_lstm_features(sentence)
# calculate CRF scores 这个scores的大小为[B, L, out_size, out_size]
# every Chinese Character map to a matrix of [tagset_size, tagset_size]
# 该矩阵中的第i行 第j列的元素含义为上一时刻tag为i这一时刻tag为j的分数
crf_scores = bilstm_score.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, self.tagset_size, -1) + self.transition.unsqueeze(0)
return crf_scores
def neg_log_likelihood_iteration(self, scores, targets):
"""迭代计算crf loss
crf loss 负对数似然损失
loss = exp(gold_path) / sum(exp(all_path))
log(loss) = log(exp(gold_path)) - log(sum(exp(all_path)))
= gold_path_score - all_path_score
-log(loss) = all_path_score = gold_path)score"""
assert len(scores) == len(targets)
losses = 0.
for score, target in zip(scores, targets):
# 一个batch由多个sentence的score组成
assert len(score) == len(target)
PAD_ID = self.tag2id['<pad>']
START_ID = self.tag2id['<start>']
END_ID = self.tag2id['<end>']
device = target.device
mask = (target != PAD_ID)
current_target = target.masked_select(mask)
former_target =[START_ID]).to(device), current_target[0:-1]))
seq_len = len(current_target)
gold_path_score = 0.
for step in range(seq_len):
# gold_path_score
gold_path_score += score[step, former_target[step], current_target[step]]
# all_path_score
if step == 0:
previous = score[step, START_ID, :]
# print(previous.shape)
previous = torch.logsumexp(
score[step, :, :] + previous.unsqueeze(1).expand(self.tagset_size, self.tagset_size),
# 加上序列左右字符转移到<END>的概率
gold_path_score += self.transition[current_target[-1], END_ID]
all_path_score = torch.logsumexp(previous + self.transition[:, END_ID], dim=0)
losses += all_path_score - gold_path_score
batch_size = scores.shape[0]
loss = losses / batch_size
return loss
def neg_log_likelihood(self, crf_scores, targets):
"""crf loss
此方法并行计算batch中每个样本的loss 并最终求和
crf loss 负对数似然损失
loss = exp(gold_path) / sum(exp(all_path))
log(loss) = log(exp(gold_path)) - log(sum(exp(all_path)))
= gold_path_score - all_path_score
-log(loss) = all_path_score = gold_path)score"""
assert len(crf_scores) == len(targets)
PAD_ID = self.tag2id['<pad>']
START_ID = self.tag2id['<start>']
END_ID = self.tag2id['<end>']
device = targets.device
mask = (targets != PAD_ID)
batch_size, max_len = targets.shape
lengths = mask.sum(dim=1) # 每一个序列的实际长度
# gold_path_score 正确标签得分的和
# crf_scores矩阵形为[batch_size, max_len, tagset_size, tagset_size]
# crf_scores的第一个维度以句子为单位 crf_scores的第二个维度以单个字为单位
# 每个字由一个[i=tagset_size, j=tagset_size]矩阵表示,该矩阵的具体含义为
# 在前一个字的标签为i的前提下当前字的标签为j的概率
# 即 golden_socres 的值为每一个字矩阵中正确[i, j]下标的概率值之和
# target tagset_size*target_size的矩阵 保存该字正确的tag索引
# former_target tagset_size*target_size的矩阵 保存该字前一个字正确的tag索引
former_targets = torch.zeros_like(targets)
former_targets[:, 0] = START_ID
former_targets[:, 1:max_len] = targets[:, 0:max_len-1]
# 根据当前字正确的tag索引抽取 即 j
crf_scores_j = crf_scores.gather(
index=targets.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, self.tagset_size, -1)
# 根据前一个字正确的tag索引抽取 即 i
crf_score_i_j = crf_scores_j.gather(
# 抽取每个样本最后一个字符的tag索引
last_tag_index = targets.gather(dim=1, index=(lengths.unsqueeze(-1)-1)).squeeze(1)
# 计算每个样本最后一个字符转换到<end>标签的概率
end_score = self.transition[:, END_ID].gather(dim=0, index=last_tag_index)
# 所有样本目标路径去除 pad 求和 + 所有样本最后一个字符由正确tag转移到<end>标签的概率 求和
gold_score = crf_score_i_j.masked_select(mask.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1)).sum() + end_score.sum()
# all_path_score 计算所有可能的值的和
current_scores = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.tagset_size).to(device)
for step in range(max_len):
# 当前时刻 有效的batch_size因为有些序列比较短)
batch_size_step = (lengths > step).sum().item()
if step == 0:
current_scores[:batch_size_step] = crf_scores[:batch_size_step, step, START_ID, :]
# We add scores at current timestep to scores accumulated up to previous
# timestep, and log-sum-exp Remember, the cur_tag of the previous
# timestep is the prev_tag of this timestep
# So, broadcast prev. timestep's cur_tag scores
# along cur. timestep's cur_tag dimension
current_scores[:batch_size_step] = torch.logsumexp(
current_scores[:batch_size_step].unsqueeze(2) + crf_scores[:batch_size_step, step, :, :],
# 所有样本到达最后一个字符的所有可能路径继续转移到<end>标签的路径
all_scores = torch.logsumexp(current_scores + self.transition[:, END_ID], dim=1).sum()
loss = (all_scores - gold_score) / batch_size
return loss
def vibiter_decoding(self, crf_score, tag2id):
"""viterbi decoding"""
start_id = tag2id['<start>']
end_id = tag2id['<end>']
pad = tag2id['<pad>']
device = crf_score.device
seq_len = crf_score.shape[0]
viterbi = torch.zeros(seq_len, self.tagset_size).to(device)
backpointer = (torch.ones(size=(seq_len, self.tagset_size), dtype=torch.long) * end_id).to(device)
for step in range(seq_len):
if step == 0: # 第一个字
viterbi[step, :] = crf_score[step, start_id, :]
backpointer[step, :] = start_id
max_scores, prev_tags_id = torch.max(
viterbi[step-1, :].unsqueeze(1) + crf_score[step, :, :],
dim = 0
viterbi[step, :] = max_scores
backpointer[step, :] = prev_tags_id
# 最后一个字符所属的所有标签中继续转移到<end>标签得分最高的tag便是最后一个字符的tag
best_end_idx = torch.argmax(max_scores + self.transition[:,end_id]).item()
best_path = [best_end_idx]
for step in range(seq_len-1, 0, -1):
best_path.append(backpointer[step, best_path[-1]].item())
return best_path