mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 16:20:13 +08:00
900 lines
41 KiB
900 lines
41 KiB
"dialog.ok": "OK",
"dialog.cancel": "Cancel",
"dialog.confirm": "Confirm",
"dialog.close": "Close",
"dialog.import": "Import",
"dialog.save": "Save",
"dialog.discard": "Discard",
"dialog.continue": "Continue",
"dialog.dontshowagain": "Don't Show Again",
"data.cube": "Cube",
"data.cubes": "Cubes",
"data.group": "Group",
"data.texture": "Texture",
"data.plugin": "Plugin",
"data.preview": "Preview",
"data.toolbar": "Toolbar",
"data.separator": "Separator",
"data.image": "Image",
"generic.delete": "Delete",
"generic.rename": "Rename",
"keys.ctrl": "Control",
"keys.shift": "Shift",
"keys.alt": "Alt",
"keys.meta": "Cmd",
"keys.delete": "Delete",
"keys.space": "Space",
"keys.leftclick": "Left Click",
"keys.middleclick": "Middle Click",
"keys.rightclick": "Right Click",
"keys.tab": "Tab",
"keys.backspace": "Backspace",
"keys.enter": "Enter",
"keys.escape": "Escape",
"keys.function": "F%0",
"keys.numpad": "Numpad %0",
"keys.caps": "Capslock",
"keys.menu": "Contextmenu",
"keys.left": "Left",
"keys.up": "Up",
"keys.right": "Right",
"keys.down": "Down",
"keys.pageup": "Page Up",
"keys.pagedown": "Page Down",
"keys.plus": "Plus",
"keys.comma": "Comma",
"keys.point": "Point",
"keys.minus": "Minus",
"keys.cross": "Cross",
"keys.end": "End",
"keys.pos1": "Pos 1",
"keys.printscreen": "Print Screen",
"keys.pause": "Pause",
"status_bar.saved":"Model is saved",
"status_bar.unsaved":"There are unsaved changes",
"status_bar.vertex_distance":"Distance: %0",
"message.rotation_limit.title": "Rotation Limits",
"message.rotation_limit.message": "Rotations are limited by Minecraft to one axis and 22.5 degree increments. Rotating on a different axis will clear all rotations on the other axes. Disable the option \"Restricted Rotation\" if you are modeling for other purposes and need free rotations.",
"message.file_not_found.title": "File Not Found",
"message.file_not_found.message": "Blockbench could not find the requested file. Make sure it is saved locally and not in a cloud.",
"message.screenshot.title": "Screenshot",
"message.screenshot.message": "Screenshot captured.",
"message.screenshot.clipboard": "Clipboard",
"message.screenshot.right_click": "Screenshot - Right Click to copy",
"message.invalid_file.title": "Invalid File",
"message.invalid_file.message": "Could not open json file: %0",
"message.invalid_model.title": "Invalid Model File",
"message.invalid_model.message": "This file does not contain valid model data.",
"message.child_model_only.title": "Empty Child Model",
"message.child_model_only.message": "This file is a child of %0 and does not contain a model.",
"message.drag_background.title": "Position Background",
"message.drag_background.message": "Drag the background to move its position. Hold shift and drag up and down to change its size.",
"message.set_background_position.title": "Background Position",
"message.convert_mode.title": "Convert Model",
"message.convert_mode.message": "Are you sure you want to convert this model to %0? You cannot undo this step.",
"message.convert_mode.block": "an entity model",
"message.convert_mode.entity": "a block model",
"message.convert_mode.convert": "Convert",
"message.unsaved_textures.title": "Unsaved Textures",
"message.unsaved_textures.message": "Your model has unsaved textures. Make sure to save them and paste them into your resource pack in the correct folder.",
"message.model_clipping.title": "Model Too Large",
"message.model_clipping.message": "Your model contains %0 cubes that are larger than the 3x3x3 limit allowed by Minecraft. This model will not work in Minecraft. Enable the option 'Restricted Canvas' to prevent this.",
"message.loose_texture.title": "Texture Import",
"message.loose_texture.message": "The imported texture is not contained in a resource pack. Minecraft can only load textures inside the textures folder of a loaded resource pack.",
"message.loose_texture.change": "Change Path",
"message.update_res.title": "Texture Resolution",
"message.update_res.message": "Would you like to update the project resolution to the resolution of this texture? Click 'Cancel' if your texture has a higher resolution than normal.",
"message.update_res.update": "Update",
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.message": "Blockbench cannot combine this model with the old file",
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.backup_overwrite": "Create Backup and Overwrite",
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.overwrite": "Overwrite",
"message.close_warning.message": "Do you want to save your model?",
"message.close_warning.web": "Your current work will be lost. Are you sure you want to quit?",
"message.default_textures.title": "Default Textures",
"message.default_textures.message": "Select the \"textures\"-folder of the default resource pack",
"message.default_textures.detail": "Extract the default resource pack from the Minecraft jar or google and download it. Then locate the \"textures\" folder and open it. Blockbench will remember that location and try to fetch textures from there if it can't find them in the current resource pack.",
"message.default_textures.select": "Select default \"textures\"-folder",
"message.default_textures.continue": "Continue",
"message.default_textures.remove": "Remove",
"message.square_textures": "Textures have to be square",
"message.unsaved_texture.title": "Unsaved Texture",
"message.unsaved_texture.message": "All unsaved changes to this texture will be lost. Do you want to proceed?",
"message.update_notification.title": "An Update Is Available",
"message.update_notification.message": "The new Blockbench version \"%0\" is available. Do you want to install it now?",
"message.update_notification.install": "Install",
"message.update_notification.later": "Later",
"message.image_editor.title": "Select an image editor",
"message.image_editor.file": "Select File...",
"message.image_editor.exe": "Select image editor executable",
"message.image_editor_missing.title": "Default Image Editor",
"message.image_editor_missing.message": "Select the executable file of your image editor.",
"message.image_editor_missing.detail": "Blockbench couldn't find an image editor on your computer. Select the executable file of your preferred image editor.",
"message.display_skin.title": "Display Skin",
"message.display_skin.message": "Select a skin file from your computer or enter a player name",
"message.display_skin.upload": "Upload Skin",
"message.display_skin.name": "Username",
"message.display_skin.reset": "Reset",
"message.display_skin_model.title": "Skin Model",
"message.display_skin_model.message": "Chose the model type of your skin",
"message.display_skin_model.classic": "Classic",
"message.display_skin_model.slim": "Slim",
"message.invalid_plugin": "Invalid Plugin File, See Console",
"message.load_plugin_app": "Do you want to allow this plugin to make changes to your PC? Only load plugins from people you trust.",
"message.load_plugin_web": "Do you want to load this plugin? Only load plugins from people you trust.",
"message.preset_no_info": "Preset does not contain information for this slot",
"message.restart_to_update": "Restart Blockbench to apply changes",
"message.save_file": "Saved as %0",
"message.save_obj": "Saved as .obj model",
"message.save_entity": "Saved as bedrock entity model",
"message.rename_cubes": "Rename Cubes",
"message.rename_animation": "Rename Animation",
"message.animation_update_var": "Animation Update Variable",
"message.untextured": "This surface does not have a texture",
"message.no_animation_selected": "You have to select an animation to do this",
"message.bone_material": "Change bone material",
"message.no_bone_selected": "You have to select a bone to do this",
"message.duplicate_groups.title": "Bone Name Duplicate",
"message.duplicate_groups.message": "The name of this bone exists on multiple bones. This can cause problems.",
"dialog.project.title": "Project",
"dialog.project.name": "File Name",
"dialog.project.parent": "Parent Model",
"dialog.project.geoname": "Mob Geometry Name",
"dialog.project.openparent": "Open Parent",
"dialog.project.ao": "Ambient Occlusion",
"dialog.project.texture_size": "Texture Size",
"dialog.project.width": "Width",
"dialog.project.height": "Height",
"dialog.project.to_blockmodel": "To Block Model",
"dialog.project.to_entitymodel": "To Entity Model",
"dialog.texture.title": "Texture",
"dialog.texture.name": "Name",
"dialog.texture.variable": "Variable",
"dialog.texture.namespace": "Namespace",
"dialog.texture.folder": "Folder",
"dialog.extrude.title": "Extrude Image",
"dialog.extrude.mode": "Scan Mode",
"dialog.extrude.mode.areas": "Areas",
"dialog.extrude.mode.lines": "Lines",
"dialog.extrude.mode.columns": "Columns",
"dialog.extrude.mode.pixels": "Pixels",
"dialog.extrude.opacity": "Minimum Opacity",
"dialog.extrude.scan": "Scan and Import",
"dialog.display_preset.title": "Create Preset",
"dialog.display_preset.message": "Select the slots you want to save",
"dialog.display_preset.create": "Create",
"dialog.select.title": "Select",
"dialog.select.new": "New Selection",
"dialog.select.group": "In Selected Group",
"dialog.select.name": "Name Contains",
"dialog.select.random": "Random",
"dialog.select.select": "Select",
"dialog.scale.title": "Scale Model",
"dialog.scale.axis": "Axis",
"dialog.scale.scale": "Scale",
"dialog.scale.clipping": "Model clipping: Your model is too large for the canvas",
"dialog.scale.confirm": "Scale",
"dialog.plugins.title": "Plugins",
"dialog.plugins.installed": "Installed",
"dialog.plugins.available": "Available",
"dialog.plugins.install": "Install",
"dialog.plugins.uninstall": "Uninstall",
"dialog.plugins.reload": "Reload",
"dialog.plugins.none_installed": "No plugins installed",
"dialog.plugins.none_available": "No plugins available",
"dialog.plugins.outdated": "Requires a newer version of Blockbench",
"dialog.plugins.web_only": "Only for the web app",
"dialog.plugins.app_only": "Only for the desktop app",
"dialog.plugins.author": "by %0",
"dialog.plugins.show_less": "Show Less",
"dialog.toolbar_edit.title": "Customize Toolbar",
"dialog.toolbar_edit.hidden": "Hidden",
"dialog.entitylist.title": "Open Entity Model",
"dialog.entitylist.text": "Select the model you want to import",
"dialog.entitylist.bones": "Bones",
"dialog.entitylist.cubes": "Cubes",
"dialog.create_texture.title": "Create Texture",
"dialog.create_texture.name": "Name",
"dialog.create_texture.folder": "Folder",
"dialog.create_texture.template": "Template",
"dialog.create_texture.resolution": "Resolution",
"dialog.create_gif.title": "Record GIF",
"dialog.create_gif.length": "Length (Seconds)",
"dialog.create_gif.fps": "FPS",
"dialog.create_gif.compression": "Compression Amount",
"dialog.create_gif.play": "Start Animation",
"dialog.shift_uv.title": "Shift UV",
"dialog.shift_uv.message": "Enter the number you want to multiply the UV offset coordinates by. Mathematical expressions are allowed. Prepend a \"+\" if you want to add that number.",
"dialog.shift_uv.horizontal": "Horizontal",
"dialog.shift_uv.vertical": "Vertical",
"dialog.input.title": "Input",
"dialog.update.title": "Updates",
"dialog.update.refresh": "Refresh",
"dialog.update.up_to_date": "Blockbench is up to date!",
"dialog.update.connecting": "Connecting to server",
"dialog.update.refresh": "Retry",
"dialog.update.no_connection": "No internet connection",
"dialog.update.latest": "Latest Version",
"dialog.update.installed": "Installed Version",
"dialog.update.update": "Update",
"dialog.settings.settings": "Settings",
"dialog.settings.keybinds": "Keybindings",
"dialog.settings.layout": "Layout",
"dialog.settings.about": "About",
"keybindings.reset": "Reset",
"keybindings.clear": "Empty",
"layout.color.back": "Back",
"layout.color.back.desc": "Backgrounds and input fields",
"layout.color.dark": "Dark",
"layout.color.dark.desc": "Canvas background",
"layout.color.ui": "UI",
"layout.color.ui.desc": "Main interface color",
"layout.color.bright_ui": "Bright UI",
"layout.color.bright_ui.desc": "Context menues and tooltips",
"layout.color.button": "Button",
"layout.color.button.desc": "Buttons and switches",
"layout.color.selected": "Selected",
"layout.color.selected.desc": "Selected tabs and objects",
"layout.color.border": "Border",
"layout.color.border.desc": "Border of buttons and inputs",
"layout.color.accent": "Accent",
"layout.color.accent.desc": "Slider thumb and other details",
"layout.color.grid": "Grid",
"layout.color.grid.desc": "3D preview grid",
"layout.color.wireframe": "Wireframe",
"layout.color.wireframe.desc": "Wireframe view lines",
"layout.color.text": "Text",
"layout.color.text.desc": "Normal text",
"layout.color.light": "Light",
"layout.color.light.desc": "Highlighted text",
"layout.color.accent_text": "Accent Text",
"layout.color.accent_text.desc": "Text on bright or accent elements",
"layout.font.main": "Main Font",
"layout.font.headline": "Headline Font",
"about.version": "Version:",
"about.creator": "Creator:",
"about.website": "Website:",
"about.bugtracker": "Bug Tracker:",
"about.electron": "This app is built with Electron, a framework for creating native applications with web technologies like Javascript, HTML, and CSS.",
"about.vertex_snap": "Vertex Snapping is based on a plugin by SirBenet",
"about.icons": "Icon Packs:",
"about.libraries": "Libraries:",
"settings.category.general": "General",
"settings.category.preview": "Preview",
"settings.category.grid": "Grid",
"settings.category.edit": "Edit",
"settings.category.snapping": "Snapping",
"settings.category.defaults": "Defaults",
"settings.category.dialogs": "Dialogs",
"settings.category.export": "Export",
"settings.language": "Language",
"settings.language.desc": "Interface language. Restart Blockbench to apply changes.",
"settings.show_actions": "Display Actions",
"settings.show_actions.desc": "Display every action in the status bar",
"settings.backup_interval": "Backup Interval",
"settings.backup_interval.desc": "Interval of the automatic backups in minutes",
"settings.origin_size": "Rotation Origin",
"settings.origin_size.desc": "Size of the rotation origin",
"settings.control_size": "Axis Control Size",
"settings.control_size.desc": "Size of the 3 axis control tool",
"settings.display_skin": "Display Skin",
"settings.display_skin.desc": "Skin used for the display reference player model",
"settings.seethrough_outline": "X-Ray Outlines",
"settings.seethrough_outline.desc": "Show outlines through objects",
"settings.shading": "Shading",
"settings.shading.desc": "Enable shading",
"settings.transparency": "Transparency",
"settings.transparency.desc": "Render transparent textures transparent",
"settings.texture_fps": "Animated Texture FPS",
"settings.texture_fps.desc": "Frames per second for animated textures",
"settings.base_grid": "Small Grid",
"settings.base_grid.desc": "Show small grid and axes",
"settings.large_grid": "Large Grid",
"settings.large_grid.desc": "Show 3x3 block grid",
"settings.full_grid": "Full Large Grid",
"settings.full_grid.desc": "Show 3x3 precise grid",
"settings.large_box": "Large Box",
"settings.large_box.desc": "Show 3x3 block boundaries",
"settings.display_grid": "Display Mode",
"settings.display_grid.desc": "Show grid in display mode",
"settings.undo_limit": "Undo Limit",
"settings.undo_limit.desc": "Number of steps you can undo",
"settings.restricted_canvas": "Restricted Canvas",
"settings.restricted_canvas.desc": "Restrict Canvas to 3x3 block area to prevent invalid models",
"settings.limited_rotation": "Restricted Rotation",
"settings.limited_rotation.desc": "Restrict rotation to the valid values for Minecraft models",
"settings.local_move": "Move on Relative Axes",
"settings.local_move.desc": "Move rotated elements on their own axes if possible",
"settings.canvas_unselect": "Canvas Click Unselect",
"settings.canvas_unselect.desc": "Unselects all elements when clicking on the canvas background",
"settings.paint_side_restrict": "Restrict Brush to Side",
"settings.paint_side_restrict.desc": "Restrict brushes to only paint on the current side",
"settings.autouv": "Auto UV",
"settings.autouv.desc": "Enable AutoUV by default",
"settings.create_rename": "Rename New Cube",
"settings.create_rename.desc": "Focus name field when creating new element or group",
"settings.edit_size": "Grid Resolution",
"settings.edit_size.desc": "Resolution of the grid that cubes snap to",
"settings.shift_size": "Shift Resolution",
"settings.shift_size.desc": "Resolution of the grid while holding shift",
"settings.ctrl_size": "Control Resolution",
"settings.ctrl_size.desc": "Resolution of the grid while holding control",
"settings.negative_size": "Negative Size",
"settings.negative_size.desc": "Allow the resize tool to use negative sizes",
"settings.dialog_unsaved_textures": "Unsaved Textures",
"settings.dialog_unsaved_textures.desc": "Show \"Unsaved Textures\" dialog",
"settings.dialog_larger_cubes": "Model Too Large",
"settings.dialog_larger_cubes.desc": "Show \"Model Too Large\" dialog",
"settings.dialog_rotation_limit": "Rotation Limits",
"settings.dialog_rotation_limit.desc": "Show \"Rotation Limits\" dialog",
"settings.minifiedout": "Minified Export",
"settings.minifiedout.desc": "Write JSON file in one line",
"settings.export_groups": "Export Groups",
"settings.export_groups.desc": "Save groups in blockmodel files",
"settings.obj_textures": "Export Textures",
"settings.obj_textures.desc": "Export textures when exporting OBJ file",
"settings.credit": "Credit Comment",
"settings.credit.desc": "Add a credit comment to exported files",
"settings.default_path": "Default Path",
"settings.default_path.desc": "Folder from where Blockbench loads default textures",
"settings.image_editor": "Image Editor",
"settings.image_editor.desc": "Default image editor to edit textures with",
"category.navigate": "Navigation",
"category.tools": "Tools",
"category.file": "File",
"category.blockbench": "Blockbench",
"category.edit": "Edit",
"category.transform": "Transform",
"category.filter": "Filter",
"category.view": "View",
"category.display": "Display Settings",
"category.animation": "Animation",
"category.textures": "Textures",
"category.uv": "UV",
"category.misc": "Miscellaneous",
"keybind.preview_select": "Select",
"keybind.preview_rotate": "Rotate View",
"keybind.preview_drag": "Drag View",
"keybind.confirm": "Confirm",
"keybind.cancel": "Cancel",
"action.slider_pos_x": "Move X",
"action.slider_pos_x.desc": "Move cubes on the X axis",
"action.slider_pos_y": "Move Y",
"action.slider_pos_y.desc": "Move cubes on the Y axis",
"action.slider_pos_z": "Move Z",
"action.slider_pos_z.desc": "Move cubes on the Z axis",
"action.slider_size_x": "Size X",
"action.slider_size_x.desc": "Resize cubes on the X axis",
"action.slider_size_y": "Size Y",
"action.slider_size_y.desc": "Resize cubes on the Y axis",
"action.slider_size_z": "Size Z",
"action.slider_size_z.desc": "Resize cubes on the Z axis",
"action.slider_inflate": "Inflate",
"action.slider_inflate.desc": "Inflate cubes in all directions without changing the UV.",
"action.slider_rotation_x": "Rotate X",
"action.slider_rotation_x.desc": "Rotate cubes on the X axis",
"action.slider_rotation_y": "Rotate Y",
"action.slider_rotation_y.desc": "Rotate cubes on the Y axis",
"action.slider_rotation_z": "Rotate Z",
"action.slider_rotation_z.desc": "Rotate cubes on the Z axis",
"action.slider_origin_x": "Origin X",
"action.slider_origin_x.desc": "Move origin on the X axis",
"action.slider_origin_y": "Origin Y",
"action.slider_origin_y.desc": "Move origin on the Y axis",
"action.slider_origin_z": "Origin Z",
"action.slider_origin_z.desc": "Move origin on the Z axis",
"action.brush_mode": "Brush Mode",
"action.brush_mode.desc": "Mode of the brush",
"action.brush_mode.brush": "Brush",
"action.brush_mode.noise": "Noise",
"action.brush_mode.eraser": "Eraser",
"action.brush_mode.fill": "Fill",
"action.brush_color": "Color",
"action.brush_color.desc": "Color of the brush",
"action.slider_brush_size": "Size",
"action.slider_brush_size.desc": "Radius of the brush in pixels",
"action.slider_brush_opacity": "Opacity",
"action.slider_brush_opacity.desc": "Opacity of the brush in percent",
"action.slider_brush_softness": "Softness",
"action.slider_brush_softness.desc": "Softness of the brush in percent",
"action.background_color": "Background Color",
"action.background_color.desc": "Background color of the created texture",
"action.uv_slider_pos_x": "Move Horizontal",
"action.uv_slider_pos_x.desc": "Move the UV selection of all selected cubes horizontally",
"action.uv_slider_pos_y": "Move Vertical",
"action.uv_slider_pos_y.desc": "Move the UV selection of all selected cubes vertically",
"action.uv_slider_size_x": "Scale Horizontal",
"action.uv_slider_size_x.desc": "Scale the UV selection of all selected cubes horizontally",
"action.uv_slider_size_y": "Scale Vertical",
"action.uv_slider_size_y.desc": "Scale the UV selection of all selected cubes vertically",
"action.vertex_snap_mode": "Snap Mode",
"action.vertex_snap_mode.desc": "Select if Vertex Snap moves elements to the selected position or resizes them",
"action.vertex_snap_mode.move": "Move",
"action.vertex_snap_mode.scale": "Scale",
"action.move_tool": "Move",
"action.move_tool.desc": "Tool to select and move elements",
"action.resize_tool": "Resize",
"action.resize_tool.desc": "Tool to select and resize elements",
"action.brush_tool": "Paint Brush",
"action.brush_tool.desc": "Tool to paint on bitmap textures on surfaces or the UV editor.",
"action.vertex_snap_tool": "Vertex Snap",
"action.vertex_snap_tool.desc": "Move one cube to another cube by connecting two vertices.",
"action.display_mode_tool": "Display",
"action.display_mode_tool.desc": "Change how the model will look when held by players",
"action.animation_mode_tool": "Animation",
"action.animation_mode_tool.desc": "Define custom animations for the model",
"action.swap_tools": "Swap Tools",
"action.swap_tools.desc": "Switch between the move and resize tool",
"action.project_window": "Project...",
"action.project_window.desc": "Opens the project window, where you can edit metadata of your model",
"action.open_model_folder": "Open Model Folder",
"action.open_model_folder.desc": "Opens the folder that the model is contained in",
"action.new_block_model": "New Model",
"action.new_block_model.desc": "Creates a new block/item model",
"action.new_entity_model": "New Entity Model",
"action.new_entity_model.desc": "Creates a new bedrock entity model",
"action.open_model": "Open Model",
"action.open_model.desc": "Open a model file from your computer.",
"action.add_model": "Add Model",
"action.add_model.desc": "Add a model from a file to the current model",
"action.extrude_texture": "Extruded Texture",
"action.extrude_texture.desc": "Generate a model by stretching out a texture",
"action.export_blockmodel": "Export Blockmodel",
"action.export_blockmodel.desc": "Export a Minecraft block or item model",
"action.export_entity": "Export Bedrock Entity",
"action.export_entity.desc": "Add the current model as an entity to a mobs.json file",
"action.export_class_entity": "Export Java Entity",
"action.export_class_entity.desc": "Export the entity model as a Java class",
"action.export_optifine_part": "Export Optifine JPM",
"action.export_optifine_part.desc": "Export an entity part model for Optifine",
"action.export_optifine_full": "Export Optifine JEM",
"action.export_optifine_full.desc": "Export a full Optifine entity model",
"action.export_obj": "Export OBJ Model",
"action.export_obj.desc": "Export a Wavefront OBJ model for use in other programs or to upload to Sketchfab",
"action.save": "Save",
"action.save.desc": "Save the current model and textures",
"action.settings_window": "Settings...",
"action.settings_window.desc": "Open the Blockbench settings dialog.",
"action.plugins_window": "Plugins...",
"action.plugins_window.desc": "Open the plugin store window",
"action.update_window": "Updates...",
"action.update_window.desc": "Search for Blockbench updates.",
"action.donate": "Donate",
"action.donate.desc": "Donate to Blockbench",
"action.reset_keybindings": "Reset Keybindings",
"action.reset_keybindings.desc": "Reset all keybindings to Blockbench's defaults",
"action.import_layout": "Import Layout",
"action.import_layout.desc": "Import a layout file",
"action.export_layout": "Export Layout",
"action.export_layout.desc": "Create a layout file based off the current settings",
"action.reset_layout": "Reset Layout",
"action.reset_layout.desc": "Reset the layout to Blockbench's default",
"action.load_plugin": "Load Plugin from File",
"action.load_plugin.desc": "Load a plugin by importing the source file.",
"action.reload_plugins": "Reload Plugins",
"action.reload_plugins.desc": "Reload all development plugins.",
"action.uv_dialog": "UV Window",
"action.uv_dialog.desc": "Open the UV dialog to see all faces next to each other",
"action.uv_dialog_full": "Full View",
"action.uv_dialog_full.desc": "Open the UV dialog to edit one face in fullscreen",
"action.undo": "Undo",
"action.undo.desc": "Undoes the last change",
"action.redo": "Redo",
"action.redo.desc": "Reverts the last undo",
"action.copy": "Copy",
"action.copy.desc": "Copy the selected selection, face or display settings",
"action.paste": "Paste",
"action.paste.desc": "Paste the selected selection, face or display settings",
"action.cut": "Cut",
"action.cut.desc": "Cut the selected selection, face or display settings",
"action.add_cube": "Add Cube",
"action.add_cube.desc": "Adds a new cube",
"action.add_group": "Add Group",
"action.add_group.desc": "Adds a new group or bone",
"action.outliner_toggle": "Toggle More Options",
"action.outliner_toggle.desc": "Toggles switches for more options in the outliner",
"action.cube_counter": "Cube Counter",
"action.duplicate": "Duplicate",
"action.duplicate.desc": "Duplicates the selected cubes or group",
"action.delete": "Delete",
"action.delete.desc": "Deletes the selected cubes or group",
"action.sort_outliner": "Sort Outliner",
"action.sort_outliner.desc": "Sort the outliner alphabetically",
"action.local_move": "Move Relative",
"action.local_move.desc": "Move rotated elements on their own axes if possible",
"action.select_window": "Select...",
"action.select_window.desc": "Search and select cubes based on their properties",
"action.invert_selection": "Invert Selection",
"action.invert_selection.desc": "Invert the current selection of cubes",
"action.select_all": "Select All",
"action.select_all.desc": "Select all cubes",
"action.collapse_groups": "Collapse Groups",
"action.collapse_groups.desc": "Collapse all groups",
"action.scale": "Scale...",
"action.scale.desc": "Scale the selected cubes",
"action.rotate_x_cw": "Rotate CW",
"action.rotate_x_cw.desc": "Rotate the selected cubes 90° on the X axis",
"action.rotate_x_ccw": "Rotate Counter-CW",
"action.rotate_x_ccw.desc": "Rotate the selected cubes -90° on the X axis",
"action.rotate_y_cw": "Rotate CW",
"action.rotate_y_cw.desc": "Rotate the selected cubes 90° on the Y axis",
"action.rotate_y_ccw": "Rotate Counter-CW",
"action.rotate_y_ccw.desc": "Rotate the selected cubes -90° on the Y axis",
"action.rotate_z_cw": "Rotate CW",
"action.rotate_z_cw.desc": "Rotate the selected cubes 90° on the Z axis",
"action.rotate_z_ccw": "Rotate Counter-CW",
"action.rotate_z_ccw.desc": "Rotate the selected cubes -90° on the Z axis",
"action.flip_x": "Flip X",
"action.flip_x.desc": "Flip the selected cubes on the X axis",
"action.flip_y": "Flip Y",
"action.flip_y.desc": "Flip the selected cubes on the Y axis",
"action.flip_z": "Flip Z",
"action.flip_z.desc": "Flip the selected cubes on the Z axis",
"action.center_x": "Center X",
"action.center_x.desc": "Center the selected cubes on the X axis",
"action.center_y": "Center Y",
"action.center_y.desc": "Center the selected cubes on the Y axis",
"action.center_z": "Center Z",
"action.center_z.desc": "Center the selected cubes on the Z axis",
"action.center_all": "Center All",
"action.center_all.desc": "Center the selected cubes.",
"action.toggle_visibility": "Toggle Visibility",
"action.toggle_visibility.desc": "Toggle the visibility of the selected cubes.",
"action.toggle_export": "Toggle Export",
"action.toggle_export.desc": "Toggle the export setting of the selected cubes.",
"action.toggle_autouv": "Toggle Auto UV",
"action.toggle_autouv.desc": "Toggle the auto UV setting of the selected cubes.",
"action.toggle_shade": "Toggle Shading",
"action.toggle_shade.desc": "Toggle the shading of the selected cubes.",
"action.rename": "Rename",
"action.rename.desc": "Change the name of the selected cubes.",
"action.update_autouv": "Update Auto UV",
"action.update_autouv.desc": "Update the auto UV mapping of the selected cubes",
"action.add_display_preset": "New Preset",
"action.add_display_preset.desc": "Add a new display setting preset.",
"action.move_up": "Move Up",
"action.move_up.desc": "Move the selected cubes up relative to the current camera angle",
"action.move_down": "Move Down",
"action.move_down.desc": "Move the selected cubes down relative to the current camera angle",
"action.move_left": "Move Left",
"action.move_left.desc": "Move the selected cubes left relative to the current camera angle",
"action.move_right": "Move Right",
"action.move_right.desc": "Move the selected cubes right relative to the current camera angle",
"action.move_forth": "Move Forth",
"action.move_forth.desc": "Move the selected cubes forth relative to the current camera angle",
"action.move_back": "Move Back",
"action.move_back.desc": "Move the selected cubes back relative to the current camera angle",
"action.fullscreen": "Fullscreen",
"action.fullscreen.desc": "Toggles fullscreen mode.",
"action.zoom_in": "Zoom In",
"action.zoom_in.desc": "Zoom in to scale up the interface.",
"action.zoom_out": "Zoom Out",
"action.zoom_out.desc": "Zoom out to scale down the interface.",
"action.zoom_reset": "Reset Zoom",
"action.zoom_reset.desc": "Reset zoom to the default 100%.",
"action.reset_interface": "Reset Interface",
"action.reset_interface.desc": "Reset size and positions of the GUI",
"action.toggle_wireframe": "Toggle Wireframe",
"action.toggle_wireframe.desc": "Toggle the wireframe display mode.",
"action.screenshot_model": "Screenshot Model",
"action.screenshot_model.desc": "Take a cropped screenshot of the model from the current angle",
"action.record_model_gif": "Record GIF",
"action.record_model_gif.desc": "Record an animated GIF of the model from the current angle",
"action.screenshot_app": "Screenshot App",
"action.screenshot_app.desc": "Take a screenshot of the whole application",
"action.toggle_quad_view": "Toggle Quad View",
"action.toggle_quad_view.desc": "Toggle the 4 viewport mode",
"action.camera_reset": "Reset Camera",
"action.camera_reset.desc": "Reset the current preview to the default camera angle",
"action.import_texture": "Import Texture",
"action.import_texture.desc": "Import one or more textures from your file system",
"action.create_texture": "Create Texture",
"action.create_texture.desc": "Create a blank texture or template texture",
"action.reload_textures": "Reload Textures",
"action.reload_textures.desc": "Reload all textures",
"action.save_textures": "Save Textures",
"action.save_textures.desc": "Save all unsaved textures",
"action.change_textures_folder": "Change Texture Location",
"action.change_textures_folder.desc": "Change the folder that all textures are saved in",
"action.animated_textures": "Play Animated Textures",
"action.animated_textures.desc": "Play and pause the preview of animated textures",
"action.origin_to_geometry": "Origin To Geometry",
"action.origin_to_geometry.desc": "Set the origin to the center of the geometry",
"action.rescale_toggle": "Toggle Rescale",
"action.rescale_toggle.desc": "Rescale cubes based on their current rotation",
"action.bone_reset_toggle": "Reset Bone",
"action.bone_reset_toggle.desc": "Stop the bone from displaying cubes from the parent model",
"action.reload": "Reload Blockbench",
"action.reload.desc": "Reload Blockbench. This will remove all unsaved progress",
"action.uv_rotation": "UV Rotation",
"action.uv_rotation.desc": "Rotation of the UV face",
"action.uv_grid": "UV Grid",
"action.uv_grid.desc": "The resolution of the grid that the UV selector snaps to",
"action.uv_grid.auto": "Auto",
"action.uv_grid.none": "None",
"action.uv_apply_all": "Apply To All Faces",
"action.uv_apply_all.desc": "Applies the settings of the current face to all faces",
"action.uv_maximize": "Maximize UV",
"action.uv_maximize.desc": "Sets the UV for this face to the full texture",
"action.uv_auto": "Auto UV",
"action.uv_auto.desc": "Sets the UV size of this face to the real size of the face",
"action.uv_rel_auto": "Rel. Auto UV",
"action.uv_rel_auto.desc": "Sets the UV of this face to the position and size of the actual face",
"action.uv_mirror_x": "UV Mirror X",
"action.uv_mirror_x.desc": "Mirrors the UV of this face on the X axis",
"action.uv_mirror_y": "UV Mirror Y",
"action.uv_mirror_y.desc": "Mirrors the UV of this face on the Y axis",
"action.uv_transparent": "Transparent Face",
"action.uv_transparent.desc": "Makes the current face transparent",
"action.uv_reset": "Reset Face",
"action.uv_reset.desc": "Resets the current face",
"action.cullface": "Cullface",
"action.cullface.desc": "Disables rendering for this face if the selected side of the model is covered",
"action.auto_cullface": "Auto Cullface",
"action.auto_cullface.desc": "Sets the cullface for this face to itself",
"action.face_tint": "Tint",
"action.face_tint.desc": "Enables the tint option for the current face",
"action.uv_shift": "Shift UV",
"action.uv_shift.desc": "Shift all UV regions by a fixed amount or mathematical expression",
"action.add_animation": "Add Animation",
"action.add_animation.desc": "Create a blank animation",
"action.load_animation_file": "Import Animations",
"action.load_animation_file.desc": "Import an animation file",
"action.play_animation": "Play Animations",
"action.play_animation.desc": "Preview the selected animation",
"action.export_animation_file": "Export Animations",
"action.export_animation_file.desc": "Export a json file with the current animations",
"action.slider_animation_length": "Animation Length",
"action.slider_animation_length.desc": "Change the length of the selected animation",
"action.slider_keyframe_time": "Timecode",
"action.slider_keyframe_time.desc": "Change the timecode of the selected keyframes",
"action.select_all_keyframes": "Select All Keyframes",
"action.select_all_keyframes.desc": "Select all keyframes of the current bone",
"action.delete_keyframes": "Delete Keyframes",
"action.delete_keyframes.desc": "Delete all selected keyframes",
"timeline.rotation": "Rotation",
"timeline.position": "Position",
"timeline.scale": "Scale",
"menu.file": "File",
"menu.edit": "Edit",
"menu.transform": "Transform",
"menu.filter": "Filter",
"menu.display": "Display",
"menu.animation": "Animation",
"menu.view": "View",
"menu.file.new": "New",
"menu.file.recent": "Recent",
"menu.file.import": "Import",
"menu.file.export": "Export",
"menu.transform.rotate": "Rotate",
"menu.transform.flip": "Flip",
"menu.transform.center": "Center",
"menu.transform.properties": "Properties",
"menu.display.preset": "Apply Preset",
"menu.display.preset_all": "Apply Preset Everywhere",
"menu.display.remove_preset": "Remove Preset",
"menu.view.zoom": "Zoom",
"menu.view.background": "Background",
"menu.view.screenshot": "Screenshot",
"menu.cube.duplicate": "Duplicate",
"menu.cube.color": "Marker Color",
"menu.cube.texture": "Texture",
"menu.cube.texture.transparent": "Transparent",
"menu.cube.texture.blank": "Blank",
"menu.group.material": "Set Material",
"menu.group.duplicate": "Duplicate",
"menu.group.sort": "Sort",
"menu.group.resolve": "Resolve",
"menu.texture.face": "Apply to Face",
"menu.texture.cube": "Apply to Cubes",
"menu.texture.file": "File",
"menu.texture.refresh": "Refresh",
"menu.texture.change": "Change File",
"menu.texture.folder": "Open in Folder",
"menu.texture.edit": "Edit",
"menu.texture.particle": "Use for Particles",
"menu.texture.export": "Save As",
"menu.texture.save": "Save",
"menu.texture.properties": "Properties...",
"menu.preview.background": "Background",
"menu.preview.background.load": "Load",
"menu.preview.background.position": "Position",
"menu.preview.background.set_position": "Set Position",
"menu.preview.background.lock": "Lock To Camera",
"menu.preview.background.remove": "Remove",
"menu.preview.screenshot": "Screenshot",
"menu.preview.perspective": "Perspective",
"menu.preview.perspective.normal": "Normal",
"menu.preview.quadview": "Quad View",
"menu.preview.fullview": "Full View",
"menu.preview.stop_drag": "Stop Background Positioning",
"menu.uv.copy": "Copy",
"menu.uv.paste": "Paste",
"menu.uv.mapping": "UV Mapping",
"menu.uv.mapping.export": "Export",
"menu.uv.mapping.maximize": "Maximize",
"menu.uv.mapping.auto": "Auto UV",
"menu.uv.mapping.rel_auto": "Rel. Auto UV",
"menu.uv.mapping.rotation": "Rotation",
"menu.uv.mapping.mirror_x": "Mirror X",
"menu.uv.mapping.mirror_y": "Mirror Y",
"menu.uv.tint": "Tint",
"menu.uv.texture": "Texture",
"menu.toolbar.edit": "Customize",
"menu.toolbar.reset": "Reset",
"menu.animation.loop": "Loop",
"menu.animation.override": "Override",
"menu.animation.anim_time_update": "Update Variable",
"menu.timeline.add": "Add Keyframe",
"menu.keyframe.quaternion": "Quaternion",
"cube.color.light_blue": "Light Blue",
"cube.color.yellow": "Yellow",
"cube.color.orange": "Orange",
"cube.color.red": "Red",
"cube.color.purple": "Purple",
"cube.color.blue": "Blue",
"cube.color.green": "Green",
"cube.color.lime": "Lime",
"switches.visibility": "Visibility",
"switches.export": "Export",
"switches.shading": "Shade",
"switches.autouv": "Auto UV",
"panel.uv": "UV",
"panel.display": "Display",
"panel.textures": "Textures",
"panel.outliner": "Outliner",
"panel.animations": "Animations",
"panel.keyframe": "Keyframe",
"panel.keyframe.type": "Keyframe (%0)",
"panel.variable_placeholders": "Variable Placeholders",
"panel.variable_placeholders.info": "List the variables you want to preview via name=value",
"panel.options": "Rotation",
"panel.options.angle": "Angle",
"panel.options.origin": "Origin",
"uv_editor.title": "UV Editor",
"uv_editor.all_faces": "All",
"uv_editor.no_faces": "None",
"uv_editor.rotated": "Rotated",
"uv_editor.auto_cull": "Cullface To Self",
"uv_editor.copied": "Copied Face",
"uv_editor.pasted": "Pasted Face",
"uv_editor.copied_x": "Copied %0 Faces",
"uv_editor.reset": "Reset Face",
"uv_editor.maximized": "Maximized",
"uv_editor.autouv": "Auto Size",
"uv_editor.mirrored": "Mirrored",
"uv_editor.to_all": "Applied To All Faces",
"uv_editor.transparent": "Made Transparent",
"uv_editor.cullface_on": "Cullface On",
"uv_editor.cullface_off": "Cullface Off",
"uv_editor.tint_on": "Tint On",
"uv_editor.tint_off": "Tint Off",
"face.north": "North",
"face.south": "South",
"face.west": "West",
"face.east": "East",
"face.up": "Up",
"face.down": "Down",
"direction.north": "North",
"direction.south": "South",
"direction.west": "West",
"direction.east": "East",
"direction.top": "Top",
"direction.bottom": "Bottom",
"display.slot.third_right": "Thirdperson Right",
"display.slot.third_left": "Thirdperson Left",
"display.slot.first_right": "Firstperson Right",
"display.slot.first_left": "Firstperson Left",
"display.slot.head": "Head",
"display.slot.ground": "Ground",
"display.slot.frame": "Frame",
"display.slot.gui": "GUI",
"display.rotation": "Rotation",
"display.translation": "Translation",
"display.scale": "Scale",
"display.mirror": "Mirror",
"display.slot": "Slot",
"display.reference": "Reference Model",
"display.presetname": "Name",
"display.reference.player": "Player",
"display.reference.zombie": "Zombie",
"display.reference.armor_stand": "Armor Stand",
"display.reference.baby_zombie": "Baby Zombie",
"display.reference.armor_stand_small": "Armor Stand Small",
"display.reference.monitor": "Normal",
"display.reference.bow": "Bow",
"display.reference.block": "Block",
"display.reference.frame": "Item Frame",
"display.reference.inventory_nine": "3x3",
"display.reference.inventory_full": "Inventory",
"display.reference.hud": "HUD",
"display.preset.blank_name": "Please enter a name",
"display.preset.item": "Default Item",
"display.preset.block": "Default Block",
"display.preset.handheld": "Default Weapon",
"display.preset.rod": "Default Rod"