mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 16:20:13 +08:00
Fix #881 Skin explode does not return to correct position after saving model in exploded state Resizing folded top or bottom panel will now unfold panel
827 lines
25 KiB
827 lines
25 KiB
class ResizeLine {
constructor(id, data) {
var scope = this;
if (typeof id == 'object') {
data = id;
id = data.id;
this.id = id
this.horizontal = data.horizontal === true
this.position = data.position
this.condition = data.condition
this.width = 0;
this.get = data.get;
this.set = data.set;
this.node = document.createElement('div');
this.node.className = 'resizer '+(data.horizontal ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical');
this.node.id = 'resizer_'+this.id;
axis: this.horizontal ? 'y' : 'x',
containment: '#work_screen',
revert: true,
revertDuration: 0,
start(e, u) {
scope.before = data.get()
drag(e, u) {
if (scope.horizontal) {
data.set(scope.before, u.position.top - u.originalPosition.top)
} else {
data.set(scope.before, (u.position.left - u.originalPosition.left))
stop(e, u) {
update() {
if (BARS.condition(this.condition)) {
if (this.position) {
this.position.call(this, this)
} else {
setPosition(data) {
var jq = $(this.node)
jq.css('top', data.top !== undefined ? data.top+ 'px' : '')
jq.css('bottom',data.bottom !== undefined ? data.bottom+'px' : '')
jq.css('left', data.left !== undefined ? data.left+ 'px' : '')
jq.css('right', data.right !== undefined ? data.right+ 'px' : '')
if (data.top !== undefined) {
jq.css('top', data.top+'px')
if (data.bottom !== undefined && (!this.horizontal || data.top === undefined)) {
jq.css('bottom', data.bottom+'px')
if (data.left !== undefined) {
jq.css('left', data.left+'px')
if (data.right !== undefined && (this.horizontal || data.left === undefined)) {
jq.css('right', data.right+'px')
const Interface = {
default_data: {
left_bar_width: 366,
right_bar_width: 314,
quad_view_x: 50,
quad_view_y: 50,
timeline_head: Blockbench.isMobile ? 140 : 196,
left_bar: ['uv', 'color', 'textures', 'display', 'animations', 'keyframe', 'variable_placeholders'],
right_bar: ['element', 'bone', 'color', 'skin_pose', 'outliner', 'chat'],
panels: {
paint: {
slot: 'left_bar',
float_position: [300, 0],
float_size: [500, 600],
height: window.innerHeight/2-50
color_2d: {
slot: 'left_bar',
float_position: [50, 0],
float_size: [300, 400],
height: 400
get left_bar_width() {
return Prop.show_left_bar && Interface.getLeftPanels().length ? Interface.data.left_bar_width : 0;
get right_bar_width() {
return Prop.show_right_bar && Interface.getRightPanels().length ? Interface.data.right_bar_width : 0;
get top_panel_height() {
return 1;
get bottom_panel_height() {
return 1;
getTopPanel() {
for (let key in Panels) {
let panel = Panels[key];
if (panel.slot == 'top' && Condition(panel.condition)) {
return panel;
getBottomPanel() {
for (let key in Panels) {
let panel = Panels[key];
if (panel.slot == 'bottom' && Condition(panel.condition)) {
return panel;
getLeftPanels() {
let list = [];
for (let key in Panels) {
let panel = Panels[key];
if (panel.slot == 'left_bar' && Condition(panel.condition)) {
return list;
getRightPanels() {
let list = [];
for (let key in Panels) {
let panel = Panels[key];
if (panel.slot == 'right_bar' && Condition(panel.condition)) {
return list;
Resizers: {
left: new ResizeLine('left', {
condition() {
if (Blockbench.isMobile) return false;
if (!Prop.show_left_bar) return false;
for (let p of Interface.data.left_bar) {
if (Panels[p] && BARS.condition(Panels[p].condition) && Panels[p].slot == 'left_bar') {
return true;
get() {return Interface.data.left_bar_width},
set(o, diff) {
let min = 128;
let calculated = limitNumber(o + diff, min, window.innerWidth- 120 - Interface.data.right_bar_width)
Interface.data.left_bar_width = Math.snapToValues(calculated, [Interface.default_data.left_bar_width], 16);
if (calculated == min) {
Prop.show_left_bar = false;
Interface.data.left_bar_width = Interface.default_data.left_bar_width;
} else {
Prop.show_left_bar = true;
position() {
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: Interface.data.left_bar_width+2
right: new ResizeLine('right', {
condition() {
if (Blockbench.isMobile) return false;
if (!Prop.show_right_bar) return false;
for (let p of Interface.data.right_bar) {
if (Panels[p] && BARS.condition(Panels[p].condition) && Panels[p].slot == 'right_bar') {
return true;
get() {return Interface.data.right_bar_width},
set(o, diff) {
let min = 128;
let calculated = limitNumber(o - diff, min, window.innerWidth- 120 - Interface.data.left_bar_width);
Interface.data.right_bar_width = Math.snapToValues(calculated, [Interface.default_data.right_bar_width], 12);
if (calculated == min) {
Prop.show_right_bar = false;
Interface.data.right_bar_width = Interface.default_data.right_bar_width;
} else {
Prop.show_right_bar = true;
position() {
top: 30,
bottom: 0,
right: Interface.data.right_bar_width-2
quad_view_x: new ResizeLine('quad_view_x', {
condition() {return quad_previews.enabled},
get() {return Interface.data.quad_view_x},
set(o, diff) {Interface.data.quad_view_x = limitNumber(o + diff/$('#preview').width()*100, 5, 95)},
position() {
var p = document.getElementById('preview')
top: 32,
bottom: p ? window.innerHeight - (p.clientHeight + $(p).offset().top) : 0,
left: Interface.left_bar_width + document.getElementById('preview').clientWidth*Interface.data.quad_view_x/100
quad_view_y: new ResizeLine('quad_view_y', {
horizontal: true,
condition() {return quad_previews.enabled},
get() {return Interface.data.quad_view_y},
set(o, diff) {
Interface.data.quad_view_y = limitNumber(o + diff/document.getElementById('preview').clientHeight*100, 5, 95)
position() {this.setPosition({
left: Interface.left_bar_width+2,
right: Interface.right_bar_width+2,
top: Interface.preview.offsetTop + 30 + Interface.preview.clientHeight*Interface.data.quad_view_y/100
top: new ResizeLine('top', {
horizontal: true,
condition() {return !Blockbench.isMobile && Interface.getTopPanel()},
get() {
let panel = Interface.getTopPanel();
return panel.folded ? panel.handle.clientHeight : panel.height;
set(o, diff) {
let panel = Interface.getTopPanel();
panel.position_data.height = limitNumber(o + diff, 150);
if (panel.folded) panel.fold(false);
if (Interface.getBottomPanel()) Interface.getBottomPanel().update();
position() {this.setPosition({
left: Interface.left_bar_width+2,
right: Interface.right_bar_width+2,
top: this.get() + Interface.work_screen.offsetTop - document.getElementById('page_wrapper').offsetTop
bottom: new ResizeLine('bottom', {
horizontal: true,
condition() {return !Blockbench.isMobile && Interface.getBottomPanel()},
get() {
let panel = Interface.getBottomPanel();
return panel.folded ? panel.handle.clientHeight : panel.height;
set(o, diff) {
let panel = Interface.getBottomPanel();
panel.position_data.height = limitNumber(o - diff, 150);
if (panel.folded) panel.fold(false);
if (Interface.getTopPanel()) Interface.getTopPanel().update();
position() {this.setPosition({
left: Interface.left_bar_width+2,
right: Interface.right_bar_width+2,
top: Interface.work_screen.clientHeight - document.getElementById('status_bar').clientHeight - this.get()
timeline_head: new ResizeLine('timeline_head', {
horizontal: false,
condition() {return Modes.animate},
get() {return Interface.data.timeline_head},
set(o, diff) {
let value = limitNumber(o + diff, 90, Panels.timeline.node.clientWidth - 40);
value = Math.snapToValues(value, [Interface.default_data.timeline_head], 12);
Interface.data.timeline_head = Timeline.vue._data.head_width = value;
position() {
let offset = $(Panels.timeline.vue.$el).offset();
left: offset.left + 2 + Interface.data.timeline_head,
top: offset.top - Interface.work_screen.offsetTop + 30,
bottom: Interface.work_screen.clientHeight - offset.top + Interface.work_screen.offsetTop - Panels.timeline.vue.$el.clientHeight + 10
CustomElements: {},
status_bar: {},
Panels: {},
toggleSidebar(side, status) {
if (status == undefined) status = !Prop[`show_${side}_bar`];
Prop[`show_${side}_bar`] = !!status;
const Panels = Interface.Panels;
Interface.panel_definers = []
Interface.definePanels = function(callback) {
(function() {
Interface.data = $.extend(true, {}, Interface.default_data)
var interface_data = localStorage.getItem('interface_data')
if (!interface_data) return;
try {
interface_data = JSON.parse(interface_data)
let original_left_bar, original_right_bar;
if (interface_data.left_bar) {
original_left_bar = Interface.data.left_bar;
Interface.data.left_bar = interface_data.left_bar;
if (interface_data.right_bar) {
original_right_bar = Interface.data.right_bar;
Interface.data.right_bar = interface_data.right_bar;
if (original_left_bar) {
original_left_bar.forEach((panel, i) => {
if (Interface.data.left_bar.includes(panel)) return;
if (Interface.data.right_bar.includes(panel)) return;
Interface.data.left_bar.splice(i, 0, panel);
if (original_right_bar) {
original_right_bar.forEach((panel, i) => {
if (Interface.data.right_bar.includes(panel)) return;
if (Interface.data.left_bar.includes(panel)) return;
Interface.data.right_bar.splice(i, 0, panel);
$.extend(true, Interface.data, interface_data)
} catch (err) {
function unselectInterface(event) {
if (open_menu && $('.contextMenu').find(event.target).length === 0 && $('.menu_bar_point.opened:hover').length === 0) {
Menu.closed_in_this_click = open_menu.id;
function mouseUp(e) {
delete Menu.closed_in_this_click;
document.removeEventListener('click', mouseUp);
document.addEventListener('click', mouseUp);
if (ActionControl.open && $('#action_selector').find(event.target).length === 0 && (!open_menu || open_menu instanceof BarMenu)) {
if ($(event.target).is('input.cube_name:not([disabled])') === false && Blockbench.hasFlag('renaming')) {
function setupInterface() {
if (Blockbench.isMobile) document.body.classList.add('is_mobile');
if (Blockbench.isLandscape) document.body.classList.add('is_landscape');
if (Blockbench.isTouch) document.body.classList.add('is_touch');
document.getElementById('title_bar_home_button').title = tl('projects.start_screen');
document.getElementById('center').classList.toggle('checkerboard', settings.preview_checkerboard.value);
document.body.classList.toggle('mobile_sidebar_left', settings.mobile_panel_side.value == 'left');
Interface.status_bar.menu = new Menu([
if (Blockbench.isMobile) {
Prop.show_right_bar = false;
Prop.show_left_bar = false;
for (var key in Interface.Resizers) {
var resizer = Interface.Resizers[key]
if (Blockbench.isMobile) {
//Tooltip Fix
$(document).on('mouseenter', '.tool', function() {
var tooltip = $(this).find('div.tooltip')
if (!tooltip || typeof tooltip.offset() !== 'object') return;
if (tooltip.css('left') === '-4px') {
tooltip.css('left', 'auto')
if (-tooltip.offset().left > 4) {
tooltip.css('left', '-4px')
if (tooltip.css('right') === '-4px') {
tooltip.css('right', 'auto')
if ((tooltip.offset().left + tooltip.width()) - window.innerWidth > 4) {
tooltip.css('right', '-4px')
} else if ($(this).parent().css('position') == 'relative') {
tooltip.css('right', '0')
$('#preview').click(function() { setActivePanel('preview' )})
$(Panels.timeline.node).mousedown((event) => {
$(document).on('mousedown touchstart', unselectInterface)
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeWindow);
window.addEventListener('orientationchange', () => {
setTimeout(resizeWindow, 100)
Interface.text_edit_menu = new Menu([
id: 'copy',
name: 'action.copy',
icon: 'fa-copy',
click() {
id: 'paste',
name: 'action.paste',
icon: 'fa-paste',
click() {
document.oncontextmenu = function (event) {
if (!$(event.target).hasClass('allow_default_menu') && event instanceof TouchEvent == false) {
if (event.target.nodeName === 'INPUT' && $(event.target).is(':focus')) {
Interface.text_edit_menu.open(event, event.target)
return false;
$('input[type="range"]').on('mousewheel', function () {
var obj = $(event.target)
var factor = event.deltaY > 0 ? -1 : 1
var val = parseFloat(obj.val()) + parseFloat(obj.attr('step')) * factor
val = limitNumber(val, obj.attr('min'), obj.attr('max'))
if (obj.attr('trigger_type')) {
DisplayMode.scrollSlider(obj.attr('trigger_type'), val, obj)
$(document).mousemove(function(event) {
mouse_pos.x = event.clientX
mouse_pos.y = event.clientY
function updateInterface() {
localStorage.setItem('interface_data', JSON.stringify(Interface.data))
function resizeWindow(event) {
if (!Preview.all || (event && event.target && event.target !== window)) {
Blockbench.isLandscape = window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight;
document.body.classList.toggle('is_landscape', Blockbench.isLandscape);
if (Interface.data) {
Preview.all.forEach(function(prev) {
if (prev.canvas.isConnected) {
Outliner.elements.forEach(element => {
if (element.preview_controller.updateWindowSize) {
if (Format.image_editor) {
var dialog = $('dialog#'+open_dialog)
if (dialog.length) {
if (dialog.outerWidth() + dialog.offset().left > window.innerWidth) {
dialog.css('left', limitNumber(window.innerWidth-dialog.outerWidth(), 0, 4e3) + 'px')
if (dialog.outerHeight() + dialog.offset().top > window.innerHeight) {
dialog.css('top', limitNumber(window.innerHeight-dialog.outerHeight(), 0, 4e3) + 'px')
Blockbench.dispatchEvent('resize_window', event);
function setProjectTitle(title) {
let window_title = 'Blockbench';
if (title == undefined && Project.name) {
title = Project.name
if (title) {
Prop.file_name = Prop.file_name_alt = title
if (!Project.name) {
Project.name = title
if (Format.bone_rig) {
title = title.replace(/^geometry\./,'').replace(/:[a-z0-9.]+/, '')
window_title = title+' - Blockbench';
} else {
Prop.file_name = Prop.file_name_alt = ''
if (Project && !Project.saved) window_title = '● ' + window_title;
function setZoomLevel(mode) {
if (Prop.active_panel === 'uv') {
var zoom = UVEditor.zoom
switch (mode) {
case 'in': zoom *= 1.5; break;
case 'out': zoom *= 0.66; break;
case 'reset': zoom = 1; break;
} else if (Prop.active_panel == 'timeline') {
let body = document.getElementById('timeline_body');
let offsetX = Timeline.vue.scroll_left + (body.clientWidth - Timeline.vue.head_width) / 2;
if (mode == 'reset') {
let original_size = Timeline.vue._data.size
Timeline.vue._data.size = 200;
body.scrollLeft += (Timeline.vue._data.size - original_size) * (offsetX / original_size)
} else {
let zoom = mode == 'in' ? 1.2 : 0.8;
let original_size = Timeline.vue._data.size
let updated_size = limitNumber(Timeline.vue._data.size * zoom, 10, 1000)
Timeline.vue._data.size = updated_size;
body.scrollLeft += (updated_size - original_size) * (offsetX / original_size)
} else {
switch (mode) {
case 'in': Preview.selected.controls.dollyIn(1.16); break;
case 'out': Preview.selected.controls.dollyOut(1.16); break;
//UI Edit
function setProgressBar(id, val, time) {
if (!id || id === 'main') {
Prop.progress = val
} else {
$('#'+id+' > .progress_bar_inner').animate({width: val*488}, time-1)
if (isApp) {
function showShiftTooltip() {
$(':hover').find('.tooltip_shift').css('display', 'inline')
$(document).keyup(function(event) {
if (event.which === 16) {
* @param {string} tag Tag name
* @param {object} [attributes] Attributes
* @param {string|HTMLElement|string[]|HTMLElement[]} [content] Content
* @returns {HTMLElement} Element
Interface.createElement = (tag, attributes = {}, content) => {
let el = document.createElement(tag);
for (let key in attributes) {
if (attributes[key] !== undefined) {
el.setAttribute(key, attributes[key]);
if (typeof content == 'string') el.textContent = content;
if (content instanceof Array) {
content.forEach(node => el.append(node));
if (content instanceof HTMLElement) el.append(content);
return el;
// Custom Elements
Interface.CustomElements.ResizeLine = ResizeLine;
Interface.CustomElements.SelectInput = function(id, data) {
function getNameFor(key) {
let val = data.options[key];
if (val) {
return tl(val.name || val);
} else {
return '';
let value = data.value || data.default || Object.keys(data.options)[0];
let select = Interface.createElement('bb-select', {id, class: 'half', value: value}, getNameFor(value));
function setKey(key) {
value = key;
select.setAttribute('value', key);
select.textContent = getNameFor(key);
if (typeof data.onChange == 'function') {
select.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if (Menu.closed_in_this_click == id) return this;
let items = [];
for (let key in data.options) {
let val = data.options[key];
if (val) {
name: getNameFor(key),
icon: val.icon || ((value == key) ? 'far.fa-dot-circle' : 'far.fa-circle'),
condition: val.condition,
click: (e) => {
let menu = new Menu(id, items, {searchable: items.length > 16});
menu.node.style['min-width'] = select.clientWidth+'px';
this.node = select;
this.set = setKey;
onVueSetup(function() {
Interface.status_bar.vue = new Vue({
el: '#status_bar',
data: {
isMobile: Blockbench.isMobile,
streamer_mode: settings.streamer_mode.value,
selection_info: '',
Format: null,
show_modifier_keys: settings.status_bar_modifier_keys.value,
warnings: Validator.warnings,
errors: Validator.errors,
modifier_keys: {
ctrl: [],
shift: [],
alt: []
methods: {
showContextMenu(event) {
toggleStreamerMode() {
ActionControl.select(`setting: ${tl('settings.streamer_mode')}`);
updateSelectionInfo() {
let selection_mode = BarItems.selection_mode.value;
if (Modes.edit && Mesh.selected.length && selection_mode !== 'object') {
if (selection_mode == 'face') {
let total = 0, selected = 0;
Mesh.selected.forEach(mesh => total += Object.keys(mesh.faces).length);
Mesh.selected.forEach(mesh => mesh.forAllFaces(face => selected += (face.isSelected() ? 1 : 0)));
this.selection_info = tl('status_bar.selection.faces', `${selected} / ${total}`);
if (selection_mode == 'edge') {
let total = 0, selected = 0;
Mesh.selected.forEach(mesh => {
let selected_vertices = mesh.getSelectedVertices();
let processed_lines = [];
mesh.forAllFaces(face => {
let vertices = face.getSortedVertices();
vertices.forEach((vkey, i) => {
let vkey2 = vertices[i+1] || vertices[0];
if (!processed_lines.find(processed => processed.includes(vkey) && processed.includes(vkey2))) {
processed_lines.push([vkey, vkey2]);
total += 1;
if (selected_vertices.includes(vkey) && selected_vertices.includes(vkey2)) {
selected += 1;
this.selection_info = tl('status_bar.selection.edges', `${selected} / ${total}`);
if (selection_mode == 'vertex') {
let total = 0, selected = 0;
Mesh.selected.forEach(mesh => total += Object.keys(mesh.vertices).length);
Mesh.selected.forEach(mesh => selected += mesh.getSelectedVertices().length);
this.selection_info = tl('status_bar.selection.vertices', `${selected} / ${total}`);
} else {
this.selection_info = '';
clickModifiers() {
ActionControl.select(`setting: ${tl('settings.status_bar_modifier_keys')}`);
openValidator() {
toggleSidebar: Interface.toggleSidebar,
getIconNode: Blockbench.getIconNode,
template: `
<div id="status_bar" @contextmenu="showContextMenu($event)">
<div class="sidebar_toggle_button" v-if="!isMobile" @click="toggleSidebar('left')" title="${tl('status_bar.toggle_sidebar')}">
<i class="material-icons">{{Prop.show_left_bar ? 'chevron_left' : 'chevron_right'}}</i>
<div class="f_left" v-if="streamer_mode"
style="background-color: var(--color-stream); color: var(--color-light);"
<i class="material-icons">live_tv</i>
<div v-if="Format" v-html="getIconNode(Format.icon).outerHTML" v-bind:title="Format.name"></div>
<div v-if="Prop.recording" v-html="getIconNode('fiber_manual_record').outerHTML" style="color: var(--color-close)" title="${tl('status_bar.recording')}"></div>
<div id="status_name">
{{ Prop.file_name }}
<div id="status_message" class="hidden"></div>
<template v-if="show_modifier_keys && !isMobile">
<div class="status_bar_modifier_key" v-if="modifier_keys.ctrl.length" @click="clickModifiers()">
<kbd>${tl(Blockbench.platform == 'darwin' ? 'keys.meta' : 'keys.ctrl')}</kbd>
<span>{{ tl(modifier_keys.ctrl.last()) }}</span>
<div class="status_bar_modifier_key" v-if="modifier_keys.shift.length" @click="clickModifiers()">
<span>{{ tl(modifier_keys.shift.last()) }}</span>
<div class="status_bar_modifier_key" v-if="modifier_keys.alt.length" @click="clickModifiers()">
<span>{{ tl(modifier_keys.alt.last()) }}</span>
<div class="status_selection_info">{{ selection_info }}</div>
<div class="f_right" id="validator_status" v-if="warnings.length || errors.length" @click="openValidator()">
<span v-if="warnings.length" style="color: var(--color-warning)">{{ warnings.length }}<i class="material-icons">warning</i></span>
<span v-if="errors.length" style="color: var(--color-error)">{{ errors.length }}<i class="material-icons">error</i></span>
<div class="f_right">
{{ Prop.fps }} FPS
<div class="sidebar_toggle_button" v-if="!isMobile" @click="toggleSidebar('right')" title="${tl('status_bar.toggle_sidebar')}">
<i class="material-icons">{{Prop.show_right_bar ? 'chevron_right' : 'chevron_left'}}</i>
<div id="status_progress" v-if="Prop.progress" v-bind:style="{width: Prop.progress*100+'%'}"></div>
Interface.addSuggestedModifierKey = (key, text) => {
Interface.removeSuggestedModifierKey = (key, text) => {