mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 16:12:06 +08:00
1827 lines
56 KiB
1827 lines
56 KiB
function origin2geometry() {
if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) {
Undo.initEdit({group: Group.selected})
if (!Group.selected || Group.selected.children.length === 0) return;
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
let amount = 0;
Group.selected.children.forEach(function(obj) {
if (obj.getWorldCenter) {
if (Group.selected.parent instanceof Group) {
position.x += Group.selected.parent.origin[0];
position.y += Group.selected.parent.origin[1];
position.z += Group.selected.parent.origin[2];
} else if (Outliner.selected[0]) {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Outliner.selected})
var center = getSelectionCenter();
var original_center = center.slice();
Outliner.selected.forEach(element => {
if (!element.transferOrigin) return;
if (Format.bone_rig && element.parent instanceof Group) {
var v = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(original_center);
v.x += element.parent.origin[0];
v.y += element.parent.origin[1];
v.z += element.parent.origin[2];
center = v.toArray();
} else {
elements: Outliner.selected,
element_aspects: {transform: true, geometry: true},
groups: Group.selected && [Group.selected],
selection: true
Undo.finishEdit('Center pivot')
function getSelectionCenter(all = false) {
if (Group.selected && selected.length == 0 && !all) {
let vec = THREE.fastWorldPosition(Group.selected.mesh, new THREE.Vector3());
return vec.toArray();
let max = [-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity];
let min = [ Infinity, Infinity, Infinity];
let elements = Outliner.selected.length ? Outliner.selected : Outliner.elements;
elements.forEach(element => {
if (element.getWorldCenter) {
var pos = element.getWorldCenter();
min[0] = Math.min(pos.x, min[0]); max[0] = Math.max(pos.x, max[0]);
min[1] = Math.min(pos.y, min[1]); max[1] = Math.max(pos.y, max[1]);
min[2] = Math.min(pos.z, min[2]); max[2] = Math.max(pos.z, max[2]);
let center = max.V3_add(min).V3_divide(2);
if (!Format.centered_grid) {
center.V3_add(8, 8, 8)
return center;
function limitToBox(val, inflate) {
if (typeof inflate != 'number') inflate = 0;
if (!(Format.canvas_limit && !settings.deactivate_size_limit.value)) {
return val;
} else if (val + inflate > 32) {
return 32 - inflate;
} else if (val - inflate < -16) {
return -16 + inflate;
} else {
return val;
function moveElementsRelative(difference, index, event) { //Multiple
if (!quad_previews.current || !Outliner.selected.length) {
var _has_groups = Format.bone_rig && Group.selected && Group.selected.matchesSelection() && Toolbox.selected.transformerMode == 'translate';
Undo.initEdit({elements: Outliner.selected, outliner: _has_groups})
var axes = []
// < >
// PageUpDown
// ^ v
var facing = quad_previews.current.getFacingDirection()
var height = quad_previews.current.getFacingHeight()
switch (facing) {
case 'north': axes = [0, 2, 1]; break;
case 'south': axes = [0, 2, 1]; break;
case 'west': axes = [2, 0, 1]; break;
case 'east': axes = [2, 0, 1]; break;
if (height !== 'middle') {
if (index === 1) {
index = 2
} else if (index === 2) {
index = 1
if (facing === 'south' && (index === 0 || index === 1)) difference *= -1
if (facing === 'west' && index === 0) difference *= -1
if (facing === 'east' && index === 1) difference *= -1
if (index === 2 && height !== 'down') difference *= -1
if (index === 1 && height === 'up') difference *= -1
if (event) {
difference *= canvasGridSize(event.shiftKey || Pressing.overrides.shift, event.ctrlOrCmd || Pressing.overrides.ctrl);
moveElementsInSpace(difference, axes[index]);
Undo.finishEdit('Move elements')
function rotateSelected(axis, steps) {
let affected = [...Cube.selected, ...Mesh.selected];
if (!affected.length) return;
Undo.initEdit({elements: affected});
if (!steps) steps = 1
var origin = [8, 8, 8]
if (Group.selected && Format.bone_rig) {
origin = Group.selected.origin.slice()
} else if (Format.centered_grid) {
origin = [0, 0, 0]
} else {
origin = affected[0].origin.slice()
affected.forEach(function(obj) {
obj.roll(axis, steps, origin)
Undo.finishEdit('Rotate elements')
function mirrorSelected(axis) {
if (Modes.animate && Timeline.selected.length) {
Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected})
for (var kf of Timeline.selected) {
Undo.finishEdit('Flipped keyframes');
} else if (Modes.edit && selected.length) {
Undo.initEdit({elements: selected, outliner: Format.bone_rig})
var center = Format.centered_grid ? 0 : 8;
if (Format.bone_rig) {
let flip_pairs = {
0: {
right: 'left',
Right: 'Left',
1: {
top: 'bottom',
Top: 'Bottom',
2: {
back: 'front',
rear: 'front',
Back: 'Front',
Rear: 'Front',
if (Group.selected && Group.selected.matchesSelection()) {
function flipGroup(group) {
if (group.type === 'group') {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (i === axis) {
group.origin[i] *= -1
} else {
group.rotation[i] *= -1
function matchAndReplace(a, b) {
if (group.name.includes(a)) {
let name = group.name.replace(a, b).replace(/2/, '');
if (!Group.all.find(g => g.name == name)) group.name = name;
return true;
let pairs = flip_pairs[axis];
for (let a in pairs) {
let b = pairs[a];
if (matchAndReplace(a, b)) break;
if (matchAndReplace(b, a)) break;
selected.forEach(function(obj) {
obj.flip(axis, center, false)
if (Project.box_uv && obj instanceof Cube && axis === 0) {
obj.shade = !obj.shade
Undo.finishEdit('Flip selection')
const Vertexsnap = {
step1: true,
vertex_gizmos: new THREE.Object3D(),
line: new THREE.Line(new THREE.BufferGeometry(), Canvas.outlineMaterial),
elements_with_vertex_gizmos: [],
hovering: false,
addVertices: function(element) {
if (Vertexsnap.elements_with_vertex_gizmos.includes(element)) return;
if (element.visibility === false) return;
let {mesh} = element;
$('#preview').get(0).removeEventListener("mousemove", Vertexsnap.hoverCanvas)
$('#preview').get(0).addEventListener("mousemove", Vertexsnap.hoverCanvas)
if (!mesh.vertex_points) {
let vectors = [];
let positions = mesh.geometry.attributes.position.array;
for (let i = 0; i < positions.length; i += 3) {
let vec = [positions[i], positions[i+1], positions[i+2]];
if (!vectors.find(vec2 => vec.equals(vec2))) {
vectors.push([0, 0, 0]);
let points = new THREE.Points(new THREE.BufferGeometry(), new THREE.PointsMaterial().copy(Canvas.meshVertexMaterial));
points.vertices = vectors;
let vector_positions = [];
vectors.forEach(vector => vector_positions.push(...vector));
let vector_colors = [];
vectors.forEach(vector => vector_colors.push(gizmo_colors.grid.r, gizmo_colors.grid.g, gizmo_colors.grid.b));
points.geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vector_positions), 3));
points.geometry.setAttribute('color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(vector_colors), 3));
points.material.transparent = true;
mesh.vertex_points = points;
mesh.vertex_points.visible = true;
mesh.vertex_points.renderOrder = 900;
clearVertexGizmos: function() {
Vertexsnap.elements_with_vertex_gizmos.forEach(element => {
if (element.mesh && element.mesh.vertex_points) {
element.mesh.vertex_points.visible = false;
if (element instanceof Mesh == false) {
delete element.mesh.vertex_points;
$('#preview').get(0).removeEventListener("mousemove", Vertexsnap.hoverCanvas)
hoverCanvas: function(event) {
let data = Canvas.raycast(event)
if (Vertexsnap.hovering) {
Vertexsnap.elements_with_vertex_gizmos.forEach(el => {
let points = el.mesh.vertex_points;
let colors = [];
for (let i = 0; i < points.geometry.attributes.position.count; i++) {
let color;
if (data && data.element == el && data.type == 'vertex' && data.vertex_index == i) {
color = gizmo_colors.outline;
} else {
color = gizmo_colors.grid;
colors.push(color.r, color.g, color.b);
points.material.depthTest = !(data.element == el);
points.geometry.setAttribute('color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(colors, 3));
if (!data || data.type !== 'vertex') {
Vertexsnap.hovering = true
if (Vertexsnap.step1 === false) {
let {line} = Vertexsnap;
let {geometry} = line;
let vertex_pos = Vertexsnap.getGlobalVertexPos(data.element, data.vertex);
geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array([...Vertexsnap.vertex_pos.toArray(), ...vertex_pos.toArray()]), 3));
line.renderOrder = 900
var diff = new THREE.Vector3().copy(Vertexsnap.vertex_pos);
Blockbench.setStatusBarText(tl('status_bar.vertex_distance', [trimFloatNumber(diff.length())] ));
select: function() {
Outliner.selected.forEach(function(element) {
if (Outliner.selected.length) {
$('#preview').css('cursor', (Vertexsnap.step1 ? 'copy' : 'alias'))
canvasClick: function(data) {
if (!data || data.type !== 'vertex') return;
if (Vertexsnap.step1) {
Vertexsnap.step1 = false
Vertexsnap.vertex_pos = Vertexsnap.getGlobalVertexPos(data.element, data.vertex);
Vertexsnap.vertex_index = data.vertex_index;
Vertexsnap.move_origin = typeof data.vertex !== 'string' && data.vertex.allEqual(0);
Vertexsnap.elements = Outliner.selected.slice();
Vertexsnap.selected_vertices = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Project.selected_vertices));
$('#preview').css('cursor', (Vertexsnap.step1 ? 'copy' : 'alias'))
} else {
$('#preview').css('cursor', (Vertexsnap.step1 ? 'copy' : 'alias'))
getGlobalVertexPos(element, vertex) {
let vector = new THREE.Vector3();
vector.fromArray(vertex instanceof Array ? vertex : element.vertices[vertex]);
return vector;
snap: function(data) {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Vertexsnap.elements})
let mode = BarItems.vertex_snap_mode.get()
if (Vertexsnap.move_origin) {
Vertexsnap.elements.forEach(function(element) {
let vec = Vertexsnap.getGlobalVertexPos(data.element, data.vertex);
if (Format.bone_rig && element.parent instanceof Group && element.mesh.parent) {
let vec_array = vec.toArray()
} else {
var global_delta = Vertexsnap.getGlobalVertexPos(data.element, data.vertex);
if (mode === 'scale' && !Format.integer_size && Vertexsnap.elements[0] instanceof Cube) {
var m;
switch (Vertexsnap.vertex_index) {
case 0: m=[ 1,1,1 ]; break;
case 1: m=[ 1,1,0 ]; break;
case 2: m=[ 1,0,1 ]; break;
case 3: m=[ 1,0,0 ]; break;
case 4: m=[ 0,1,0 ]; break;
case 5: m=[ 0,1,1 ]; break;
case 6: m=[ 0,0,0 ]; break;
case 7: m=[ 0,0,1 ]; break;
Vertexsnap.elements.forEach(function(obj) {
if (obj instanceof Cube == false) return;
var q = obj.mesh.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()).invert()
var cube_pos = new THREE.Vector3().copy(global_delta).applyQuaternion(q)
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
if (m[i] === 1) {
obj.to[i] = limitToBox(obj.to[i] + cube_pos.getComponent(i), obj.inflate)
} else {
obj.from[i] = limitToBox(obj.from[i] + cube_pos.getComponent(i), -obj.inflate)
if (Project.box_uv && obj.visibility) {
} else if (mode === 'move') {
Vertexsnap.elements.forEach(function(obj) {
var cube_pos = new THREE.Vector3().copy(global_delta)
if (obj instanceof Mesh && Vertexsnap.selected_vertices && Vertexsnap.selected_vertices[obj.uuid]) {
let vertices = Vertexsnap.selected_vertices[obj.uuid];
var q = obj.mesh.getWorldQuaternion(Reusable.quat1).invert();
let cube_pos_array = cube_pos.toArray();
vertices.forEach(vkey => {
if (obj.vertices[vkey]) obj.vertices[vkey].V3_add(cube_pos_array);
} else {
if (Format.bone_rig && obj.parent instanceof Group) {
var q = obj.mesh.parent.getWorldQuaternion(Reusable.quat1).invert();
if (obj instanceof Cube && Format.rotate_cubes) {
var in_box = obj.moveVector(cube_pos.toArray());
if (!in_box && Format.canvas_limit && !settings.deactivate_size_limit.value) {
Blockbench.showMessageBox({translateKey: 'canvas_limit_error'})
Undo.finishEdit('Use vertex snap')
Vertexsnap.step1 = true
function getScaleAllGroups() {
let groups = [];
if (!Format.bone_rig) return groups;
if (Group.selected) {
Group.selected.forEachChild((g) => {
}, Group)
} else if (Outliner.selected.length == Outliner.elements.length && Group.all.length) {
groups = Group.all;
return groups;
function scaleAll(save, size) {
if (save === true) {
if (size === undefined) {
size = $('#model_scale_label').val()
var origin = [
var overflow = [];
Outliner.selected.forEach(function(obj) {
obj.autouv = 0;
origin.forEach(function(ogn, i) {
if ($('#model_scale_'+getAxisLetter(i)+'_axis').is(':checked')) {
if (obj.from) {
obj.from[i] = (obj.before.from[i] - obj.inflate - ogn) * size;
if (obj.from[i] + ogn > 32 || obj.from[i] + ogn < -16) overflow.push(obj);
obj.from[i] = limitToBox(obj.from[i] + obj.inflate + ogn, -obj.inflate);
if (obj.to) {
obj.to[i] = (obj.before.to[i] + obj.inflate - ogn) * size;
if (obj.to[i] + ogn > 32 || obj.to[i] + ogn < -16) overflow.push(obj);
obj.to[i] = limitToBox(obj.to[i] - obj.inflate + ogn, obj.inflate);
if (Format.integer_size) {
obj.to[i] = obj.from[i] + Math.round(obj.to[i] - obj.from[i])
if (obj.origin) {
obj.origin[i] = (obj.before.origin[i] - ogn) * size;
obj.origin[i] = obj.origin[i] + ogn;
if (obj instanceof Mesh) {
for (let key in obj.vertices) {
obj.vertices[key][i] = (obj.before.vertices[key][i] - ogn) * size + ogn;
} else {
if (obj.from) obj.from[i] = obj.before.from[i];
if (obj.to) obj.to[i] = obj.before.to[i];
if (obj.origin) obj.origin[i] = obj.before.origin[i];
if (obj instanceof Mesh) {
for (let key in obj.vertices) {
obj.vertices[key][i] = obj.before.vertices[key][i];
if (save === true) {
delete obj.before
if (Project.box_uv) {
getScaleAllGroups().forEach((g) => {
g.origin[0] = g.old_origin[0] * size
g.origin[1] = g.old_origin[1] * size
g.origin[2] = g.old_origin[2] * size
if (save === true) {
delete g.old_origin
}, Group)
if (overflow.length && Format.canvas_limit && !settings.deactivate_size_limit.value) {
scaleAll.overflow = overflow;
$('#scaling_clipping_warning').text('Model clipping: Your model is too large for the canvas')
$('#scale_overflow_btn').css('display', 'inline-block')
} else {
elements: Outliner.selected,
element_aspects: {geometry: true, transform: true},
groups: getScaleAllGroups(),
group_aspects: {transform: true},
if (save === true) {
Undo.finishEdit('Scale model')
function modelScaleSync(label) {
if (label) {
var size = $('#model_scale_label').val()
} else {
var size = $('#model_scale_range').val()
scaleAll(false, size)
function cancelScaleAll() {
Outliner.selected.forEach(function(obj) {
if (obj === undefined) return;
if (obj.from) obj.from.V3_set(obj.before.from);
if (obj.to) obj.to.V3_set(obj.before.to);
if (obj.origin) obj.origin.V3_set(obj.before.origin);
if (obj instanceof Mesh) {
for (let key in obj.vertices) {
delete obj.before
if (Project.box_uv) {
getScaleAllGroups().forEach((g) => {
g.origin[0] = g.old_origin[0]
g.origin[1] = g.old_origin[1]
g.origin[2] = g.old_origin[2]
delete g.old_origin
}, Group)
elements: Outliner.selected,
element_aspects: {geometry: true, transform: true},
groups: getScaleAllGroups(),
group_aspects: {transform: true},
function setScaleAllPivot(mode) {
if (mode === 'selection') {
var center = getSelectionCenter()
} else {
var center = Cube.selected[0] && Cube.selected[0].origin;
if (center) {
function scaleAllSelectOverflow() {
scaleAll.overflow.forEach(obj => {
function centerElementsAll(axis) {
centerElements(0, false)
centerElements(1, false)
centerElements(2, false)
function centerElements(axis, update) {
if (!Outliner.selected.length) return;
let center = getSelectionCenter()[axis];
var difference = (Format.centered_grid ? 0 : 8) - center
Outliner.selected.forEach(function(obj) {
if (obj.movable) obj.origin[axis] += difference;
if (obj.to) obj.to[axis] = limitToBox(obj.to[axis] + difference, obj.inflate);
if (obj instanceof Cube) obj.from[axis] = limitToBox(obj.from[axis] + difference, obj.inflate);
Group.all.forEach(group => {
if (!group.selected) return;
group.origin[axis] += difference;
elements: Outliner.selected,
groups: Group.all.filter(g => g.selected),
element_aspects: {transform: true},
group_aspects: {transform: true},
selection: true
function moveElementsInSpace(difference, axis) {
let space = Transformer.getTransformSpace()
let group = Format.bone_rig && Group.selected && Group.selected.matchesSelection() && Group.selected;
var group_m;
let quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
let vector = new THREE.Vector3();
if (group) {
if (space === 0) {
group_m = vector.set(0, 0, 0);
group_m[getAxisLetter(axis)] = difference;
var rotation = new THREE.Quaternion();
group.forEachChild(g => {
g.origin.V3_add(group_m.x, group_m.y, group_m.z);
}, Group, true)
} else if (space === 2) {
group_m = new THREE.Vector3();
group_m[getAxisLetter(axis)] = difference;
group.forEachChild(g => {
g.origin.V3_add(group_m.x, group_m.y, group_m.z);
}, Group, true)
} else {
group.forEachChild(g => {
g.origin[axis] += difference
}, Group, true)
Outliner.selected.forEach(el => {
if (!group_m && el instanceof Mesh && (el.getSelectedVertices().length > 0 || space >= 2)) {
let selection_rotation = space == 3 && el.getSelectionRotation();
let selected_vertices = el.getSelectedVertices();
if (!selected_vertices.length) selected_vertices = Object.keys(el.vertices)
selected_vertices.forEach(key => {
if (space == 2) {
el.vertices[key][axis] += difference;
} else if (space == 3) {
let m = vector.set(0, 0, 0);
m[getAxisLetter(axis)] = difference;
el.vertices[key].V3_add(m.x, m.y, m.z);
} else {
let m = vector.set(0, 0, 0);
m[getAxisLetter(axis)] = difference;
el.vertices[key].V3_add(m.x, m.y, m.z);
} else {
if (space == 2 && !group_m) {
if (el instanceof Locator) {
let m = vector.set(0, 0, 0);
m[getAxisLetter(axis)] = difference;
el.from.V3_add(m.x, m.y, m.z);
} else if (el instanceof TextureMesh) {
el.local_pivot[axis] += difference;
} else {
if (el.movable) el.from[axis] += difference;
if (el.resizable && el.to) el.to[axis] += difference;
} else if (space instanceof Group) {
if (el.movable && el instanceof Mesh == false) el.from[axis] += difference;
if (el.resizable && el.to) el.to[axis] += difference;
if (el.rotatable && el instanceof Locator == false) el.origin[axis] += difference;
} else {
let move_origin = !!group;
if (group_m) {
var m = group_m
} else {
var m = vector.set(0, 0, 0);
m[getAxisLetter(axis)] = difference;
let parent = el.parent;
while (parent instanceof Group) {
if (!parent.rotation.allEqual(0)) break;
parent = parent.parent;
if (parent == 'root') {
// If none of the parent groups are rotated, move origin.
move_origin = true;
} else {
var rotation = new THREE.Quaternion();
if (el.mesh && el instanceof Locator == false && el instanceof Mesh == false) {
} else if (el.parent instanceof Group) {
if (el.movable && (el instanceof Mesh == false || !move_origin)) el.from.V3_add(m.x, m.y, m.z);
if (el.resizable && el.to) el.to.V3_add(m.x, m.y, m.z);
if (move_origin) {
if (el.rotatable && el instanceof Locator == false && el instanceof TextureMesh == false) el.origin.V3_add(m.x, m.y, m.z);
if (el instanceof Cube) {
elements: Outliner.selected,
element_aspects: {transform: true, geometry: true},
groups: Group.all.filter(g => g.selected),
group_aspects: {transform: true}
function getRotationInterval(event) {
if (Format.rotation_limit) {
return 22.5;
} else if ((event.shiftKey || Pressing.overrides.shift) && (event.ctrlOrCmd || Pressing.overrides.ctrl)) {
return 0.25;
} else if (event.shiftKey || Pressing.overrides.shift) {
return 22.5;
} else if (event.ctrlOrCmd || Pressing.overrides.ctrl) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2.5;
function getRotationObject() {
if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) return Group.selected;
let elements = Outliner.selected.filter(element => {
return element.rotatable && (element instanceof Cube == false || Format.rotate_cubes);
if (elements.length) return elements;
function rotateOnAxis(modify, axis, slider) {
var things = getRotationObject();
if (!things) return;
if (things instanceof Array == false) things = [things];
if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) {
if (!Group.selected) return;
let obj = Group.selected.mesh
if (typeof space == 'object') {
let normal = axis == 0 ? THREE.NormalX : (axis == 1 ? THREE.NormalY : THREE.NormalZ)
let rotWorldMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
rotWorldMatrix.makeRotationAxis(normal, Math.degToRad(modify(0)))
let e = obj.rotation;
Group.selected.rotation[0] = Math.radToDeg(e.x);
Group.selected.rotation[1] = Math.radToDeg(e.y);
Group.selected.rotation[2] = Math.radToDeg(e.z);
} else if (space == 0) {
let normal = axis == 0 ? THREE.NormalX : (axis == 1 ? THREE.NormalY : THREE.NormalZ)
let rotWorldMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
rotWorldMatrix.makeRotationAxis(normal, Math.degToRad(modify(0)))
let inverse = new THREE.Matrix4().copy(obj.parent.matrixWorld).invert()
let e = obj.rotation;
Group.selected.rotation[0] = Math.radToDeg(e.x);
Group.selected.rotation[1] = Math.radToDeg(e.y);
Group.selected.rotation[2] = Math.radToDeg(e.z);
} else {
var value = modify(Group.selected.rotation[axis]);
Group.selected.rotation[axis] = Math.trimDeg(value)
if (Format.rotation_limit && settings.dialog_rotation_limit.value) {
var i = 0;
while (i < Cube.selected.length) {
if (Cube.selected[i].rotation[(axis+1)%3] ||
) {
i = Infinity
title: tl('message.rotation_limit.title'),
icon: 'rotate_right',
message: tl('message.rotation_limit.message'),
buttons: [tl('dialog.ok'), tl('dialog.dontshowagain')]
}, function(r) {
if (r === 1) {
settings.dialog_rotation_limit.value = false
//Gotta stop the numslider here
var axis_letter = getAxisLetter(axis)
var origin = things[0].origin
things.forEach(function(obj, i) {
if (!obj.rotation.allEqual(0)) {
origin = obj.origin
let space = Transformer.getTransformSpace()
if (axis instanceof THREE.Vector3) space = 0;
things.forEach(obj => {
let mesh = obj.mesh;
if (obj instanceof Cube && !Format.bone_rig) {
if (obj.origin.allEqual(0)) {
if (!Group.selected && obj instanceof Mesh && Project.selected_vertices[obj.uuid] && Project.selected_vertices[obj.uuid].length > 0) {
let normal = axis == 0 ? THREE.NormalX : (axis == 1 ? THREE.NormalY : THREE.NormalZ)
let rotWorldMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
rotWorldMatrix.makeRotationAxis(normal, Math.degToRad(modify(0)))
if (space instanceof Group || space == 'root') {
} else if (space == 0) {
let q = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromRotationMatrix(rotWorldMatrix);
if (space instanceof Group || space == 'root') {
} else if (space == 0) {
let quat = mesh.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()).invert();
let vector = new THREE.Vector3();
let local_pivot = obj.mesh.worldToLocal(new THREE.Vector3().copy(Transformer.position))
Project.selected_vertices[obj.uuid].forEach(key => {
obj.vertices[key].V3_set(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z);
} else if (slider || (space == 2 && Format.rotation_limit)) {
var obj_val = modify(obj.rotation[axis]);
obj_val = Math.trimDeg(obj_val)
if (Format.rotation_limit) {
//Limit To 1 Axis
obj.rotation[(axis+1)%3] = 0
obj.rotation[(axis+2)%3] = 0
//Limit Angle
obj_val = Math.round(obj_val/22.5)*22.5
if (obj_val > 45 || obj_val < -45) {
let f = obj_val > 45
let can_roll = obj.roll(axis, f!=(axis==1) ? 1 : 3);
if (can_roll) {
obj_val = f ? -22.5 : 22.5;
} else {
obj_val = Math.clamp(obj_val, -45, 45);
obj.rotation[axis] = obj_val
if (obj instanceof Cube) {
obj.rotation_axis = axis_letter
} else if (space == 2) {
let old_order = mesh.rotation.order;
mesh.rotation.reorder(axis == 0 ? 'ZYX' : (axis == 1 ? 'ZXY' : 'XYZ'))
var obj_val = modify(Math.radToDeg(mesh.rotation[axis_letter]));
obj_val = Math.trimDeg(obj_val)
mesh.rotation[axis_letter] = Math.degToRad(obj_val);
obj.rotation[0] = Math.radToDeg(mesh.rotation.x);
obj.rotation[1] = Math.radToDeg(mesh.rotation.y);
obj.rotation[2] = Math.radToDeg(mesh.rotation.z);
} else if (space instanceof Group) {
let normal = axis == 0 ? THREE.NormalX : (axis == 1 ? THREE.NormalY : THREE.NormalZ)
let rotWorldMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
rotWorldMatrix.makeRotationAxis(normal, Math.degToRad(modify(0)))
let e = mesh.rotation;
obj.rotation[0] = Math.radToDeg(e.x);
obj.rotation[1] = Math.radToDeg(e.y);
obj.rotation[2] = Math.radToDeg(e.z);
} else if (space == 0) {
let normal = axis instanceof THREE.Vector3
? axis
: axis == 0 ? THREE.NormalX : (axis == 1 ? THREE.NormalY : THREE.NormalZ)
let rotWorldMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
rotWorldMatrix.makeRotationAxis(normal, Math.degToRad(modify(0)))
let inverse = new THREE.Matrix4().copy(mesh.parent.matrixWorld).invert()
let e = mesh.rotation;
obj.rotation[0] = Math.radToDeg(e.x);
obj.rotation[1] = Math.radToDeg(e.y);
obj.rotation[2] = Math.radToDeg(e.z);
if (obj instanceof Group) {
Canvas.updateView({groups: [obj]});
BARS.defineActions(function() {
new BarSelect('transform_space', {
condition: {
modes: ['edit', 'animate'],
tools: ['move_tool', 'pivot_tool', 'resize_tool'],
method: () => !(Toolbox && Toolbox.selected.id === 'resize_tool' && Mesh.all.length === 0)
category: 'transform',
value: 'local',
options: {
global: true,
bone: {condition: () => Format.bone_rig, name: true},
local: true,
normal: {condition: () => Mesh.selected.length, name: true}
onChange() {
new BarSelect('rotation_space', {
condition: {modes: ['edit', 'animate', 'pose'], tools: ['rotate_tool']},
category: 'transform',
value: 'local',
options: {
global: 'action.transform_space.global',
bone: {condition: () => Format.bone_rig, name: true, name: 'action.transform_space.bone'},
local: 'action.transform_space.local'
onChange() {
let grid_locked_interval = function(event) {
event = event||0;
return canvasGridSize(event.shiftKey || Pressing.overrides.shift, event.ctrlOrCmd || Pressing.overrides.ctrl);
function moveOnAxis(modify, axis) {
selected.forEach(function(obj, i) {
if (obj instanceof Mesh && obj.getSelectedVertices().length) {
let vertices = obj.getSelectedVertices();
vertices.forEach(vkey => {
obj.vertices[vkey][axis] = modify(obj.vertices[vkey][axis]);
} else if (obj.movable) {
var val = modify(obj.from[axis]);
if (Format.canvas_limit && !settings.deactivate_size_limit.value) {
var size = obj.to ? obj.size(axis) : 0;
val = limitToBox(limitToBox(val, -obj.inflate) + size, obj.inflate) - size
var before = obj.from[axis];
obj.from[axis] = val;
if (obj.to) {
obj.to[axis] += (val - before);
if (obj instanceof Cube) {
if (obj.preview_controller.updateGeometry) obj.preview_controller.updateGeometry(obj);
TickUpdates.selection = true;
function getPos(axis) {
let element = Outliner.selected[0];
if (element instanceof Mesh && element.getSelectedVertices().length) {
let vertices = element.getSelectedVertices();
let sum = 0;
vertices.forEach(vkey => sum += element.vertices[vkey][axis]);
return sum / vertices.length;
} else if (element instanceof Cube) {
return element.from[axis];
} else {
return element.origin[axis]
new NumSlider('slider_pos_x', {
name: tl('action.slider_pos', ['X']),
description: tl('action.slider_pos.desc', ['X']),
color: 'x',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => (selected.length && Modes.edit),
getInterval: grid_locked_interval,
get: function() {
return getPos(0);
change: function(modify) {
moveOnAxis(modify, 0)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit('Change element position')
new NumSlider('slider_pos_y', {
name: tl('action.slider_pos', ['Y']),
description: tl('action.slider_pos.desc', ['Y']),
color: 'y',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => (selected.length && Modes.edit),
getInterval: grid_locked_interval,
get: function() {
return getPos(1);
change: function(modify) {
moveOnAxis(modify, 1)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit('Change element position')
new NumSlider('slider_pos_z', {
name: tl('action.slider_pos', ['Z']),
description: tl('action.slider_pos.desc', ['Z']),
color: 'z',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => (selected.length && Modes.edit),
getInterval: grid_locked_interval,
get: function() {
return getPos(2);
change: function(modify) {
moveOnAxis(modify, 2)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit('Change element position')
function resizeOnAxis(modify, axis) {
selected.forEach(function(obj, i) {
if (obj.resizable) {
obj.resize(modify, axis, false, true)
} else if (obj.scalable) {
obj.scale[axis] = modify(obj.scale[axis]);
if (obj.preview_controller.updateGeometry) obj.preview_controller.updateGeometry(obj);
new NumSlider('slider_size_x', {
name: tl('action.slider_size', ['X']),
description: tl('action.slider_size.desc', ['X']),
color: 'x',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => (Outliner.selected[0] && (Outliner.selected[0].resizable || Outliner.selected[0].scalable) && Outliner.selected[0] instanceof Mesh == false && Modes.edit),
getInterval: grid_locked_interval,
get: function() {
if (Outliner.selected[0].scalable) {
return Outliner.selected[0].scale[0]
} else if (Outliner.selected[0].resizable) {
return Outliner.selected[0].to[0] - Outliner.selected[0].from[0]
change: function(modify) {
resizeOnAxis(modify, 0)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Cube.selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit('Change element size')
new NumSlider('slider_size_y', {
name: tl('action.slider_size', ['Y']),
description: tl('action.slider_size.desc', ['Y']),
color: 'y',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => (Outliner.selected[0] && (Outliner.selected[0].resizable || Outliner.selected[0].scalable) && Outliner.selected[0] instanceof Mesh == false && Modes.edit),
getInterval: grid_locked_interval,
get: function() {
if (Outliner.selected[0].scalable) {
return Outliner.selected[0].scale[1]
} else if (Outliner.selected[0].resizable) {
return Outliner.selected[0].to[1] - Outliner.selected[0].from[1]
change: function(modify) {
resizeOnAxis(modify, 1)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Cube.selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit('Change element size')
new NumSlider('slider_size_z', {
name: tl('action.slider_size', ['Z']),
description: tl('action.slider_size.desc', ['Z']),
color: 'z',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => (Outliner.selected[0] && (Outliner.selected[0].resizable || Outliner.selected[0].scalable)&& Outliner.selected[0] instanceof Mesh == false && Modes.edit),
getInterval: grid_locked_interval,
get: function() {
if (Outliner.selected[0].scalable) {
return Outliner.selected[0].scale[2]
} else if (Outliner.selected[0].resizable) {
return Outliner.selected[0].to[2] - Outliner.selected[0].from[2]
change: function(modify) {
resizeOnAxis(modify, 2)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Cube.selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit('Change element size')
new NumSlider('slider_inflate', {
category: 'transform',
condition: function() {return Cube.selected.length && Modes.edit},
getInterval: grid_locked_interval,
get: function() {
return Cube.selected[0].inflate
change: function(modify) {
Cube.selected.forEach(function(obj, i) {
var v = modify(obj.inflate)
if (Format.canvas_limit && !settings.deactivate_size_limit.value) {
v = obj.from[0] - Math.clamp(obj.from[0]-v, -16, 32);
v = obj.from[1] - Math.clamp(obj.from[1]-v, -16, 32);
v = obj.from[2] - Math.clamp(obj.from[2]-v, -16, 32);
v = Math.clamp(obj.to[0]+v, -16, 32) - obj.to[0];
v = Math.clamp(obj.to[1]+v, -16, 32) - obj.to[1];
v = Math.clamp(obj.to[2]+v, -16, 32) - obj.to[2];
obj.inflate = v
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Cube.selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit('Inflate elements')
new NumSlider('slider_rotation_x', {
name: tl('action.slider_rotation', ['X']),
description: tl('action.slider_rotation.desc', ['X']),
color: 'x',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => ((Modes.edit || Modes.pose) && getRotationObject()),
get: function() {
if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) {
return Group.selected.rotation[0];
let ref = Outliner.selected.find(el => {
return el.rotatable && (Format.rotate_cubes || el instanceof Cube == false)
if (ref) return ref.rotation[0];
change: function(modify) {
rotateOnAxis(modify, 0, true)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Cube.selected, group: Group.selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit(getRotationObject() instanceof Group ? 'Rotate group' : 'Rotate elements');
getInterval: getRotationInterval
new NumSlider('slider_rotation_y', {
name: tl('action.slider_rotation', ['Y']),
description: tl('action.slider_rotation.desc', ['Y']),
color: 'y',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => ((Modes.edit || Modes.pose) && getRotationObject()),
get: function() {
if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) {
return Group.selected.rotation[1];
let ref = Outliner.selected.find(el => {
return el.rotatable && (Format.rotate_cubes || el instanceof Cube == false)
if (ref) return ref.rotation[1];
change: function(modify) {
rotateOnAxis(modify, 1, true)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: selected, group: Group.selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit(getRotationObject() instanceof Group ? 'Rotate group' : 'Rotate elements');
getInterval: getRotationInterval
new NumSlider('slider_rotation_z', {
name: tl('action.slider_rotation', ['Z']),
description: tl('action.slider_rotation.desc', ['Z']),
color: 'z',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => ((Modes.edit || Modes.pose) && getRotationObject()),
get: function() {
if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) {
return Group.selected.rotation[2];
let ref = Outliner.selected.find(el => {
return el.rotatable && (Format.rotate_cubes || el instanceof Cube == false)
if (ref) return ref.rotation[2];
change: function(modify) {
rotateOnAxis(modify, 2, true)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: selected, group: Group.selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit(getRotationObject() instanceof Group ? 'Rotate group' : 'Rotate elements');
getInterval: getRotationInterval
function rotateCondition() {
return (Modes.edit && (
(Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) ||
(Format.rotate_cubes && Cube.selected.length)
function moveOriginOnAxis(modify, axis) {
var rotation_object = getRotationObject()
if (rotation_object instanceof Group) {
var val = modify(rotation_object.origin[axis]);
rotation_object.origin[axis] = val;
let elements_to_update = [];
rotation_object.forEachChild(element => elements_to_update.push(element), OutlinerElement);
groups: [rotation_object],
group_aspects: {transform: true},
elements: elements_to_update,
element_aspects: {transform: true},
selection: true
if (Format.bone_rig) {
} else {
rotation_object.forEach(function(obj, i) {
var val = modify(obj.origin[axis]);
obj.origin[axis] = val;
Canvas.updateView({elements: rotation_object, element_aspects: {transform: true, geometry: true}, selection: true})
if (Modes.animate) {
new NumSlider('slider_origin_x', {
name: tl('action.slider_origin', ['X']),
description: tl('action.slider_origin.desc', ['X']),
color: 'x',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => (Modes.edit || Modes.animate) && getRotationObject() && (Group.selected || Outliner.selected.length > Locator.selected.length),
getInterval: grid_locked_interval,
get: function() {
if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) {
return Group.selected.origin[0];
let ref = Outliner.selected.find(el => {
return el.rotatable && el.origin && (Format.rotate_cubes || el instanceof Cube == false)
if (ref) return ref.origin[0];
change: function(modify) {
moveOriginOnAxis(modify, 0)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: selected, group: Group.selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit('Change pivot point')
new NumSlider('slider_origin_y', {
name: tl('action.slider_origin', ['Y']),
description: tl('action.slider_origin.desc', ['Y']),
color: 'y',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => (Modes.edit || Modes.animate) && getRotationObject() && (Group.selected || Outliner.selected.length > Locator.selected.length),
getInterval: grid_locked_interval,
get: function() {
if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) {
return Group.selected.origin[1];
let ref = Outliner.selected.find(el => {
return el.rotatable && el.origin && (Format.rotate_cubes || el instanceof Cube == false)
if (ref) return ref.origin[1];
change: function(modify) {
moveOriginOnAxis(modify, 1)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: selected, group: Group.selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit('Change pivot point')
new NumSlider('slider_origin_z', {
name: tl('action.slider_origin', ['Z']),
description: tl('action.slider_origin.desc', ['Z']),
color: 'z',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => (Modes.edit || Modes.animate) && getRotationObject() && (Group.selected || Outliner.selected.length > Locator.selected.length),
getInterval: grid_locked_interval,
get: function() {
if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) {
return Group.selected.origin[2];
let ref = Outliner.selected.find(el => {
return el.rotatable && el.origin && (Format.rotate_cubes || el instanceof Cube == false)
if (ref) return ref.origin[2];
change: function(modify) {
moveOriginOnAxis(modify, 2)
onBefore: function() {
Undo.initEdit({elements: selected, group: Group.selected})
onAfter: function() {
Undo.finishEdit('Change pivot point')
new Action('scale', {
icon: 'settings_overscan',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => (Modes.edit && selected.length),
click: function () {
$('#model_scale_range, #model_scale_label').val(1)
Undo.initEdit({elements: Outliner.selected, outliner: Format.bone_rig})
Outliner.selected.forEach(function(obj) {
obj.before = {
from: obj.from ? obj.from.slice() : undefined,
to: obj.to ? obj.to.slice() : undefined,
origin: obj.origin ? obj.origin.slice() : undefined
if (obj instanceof Mesh) {
obj.before.vertices = {};
for (let key in obj.vertices) {
obj.before.vertices[key] = obj.vertices[key].slice();
getScaleAllGroups().forEach((g) => {
g.old_origin = g.origin.slice();
}, Group, true)
var v = Format.centered_grid ? 0 : 8;
var origin = Group.selected ? Group.selected.origin : [v, 0, v];
scaleAll(false, 1)
new Action('rotate_x_cw', {
name: tl('action.rotate_cw', 'X'),
icon: 'rotate_right',
color: 'x',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
rotateSelected(0, 1);
new Action('rotate_x_ccw', {
name: tl('action.rotate_ccw', 'X'),
icon: 'rotate_left',
color: 'x',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
rotateSelected(0, 3);
new Action('rotate_y_cw', {
name: tl('action.rotate_cw', 'Y'),
icon: 'rotate_right',
color: 'y',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
rotateSelected(1, 1);
new Action('rotate_y_ccw', {
name: tl('action.rotate_ccw', 'Y'),
icon: 'rotate_left',
color: 'y',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
rotateSelected(1, 3);
new Action('rotate_z_cw', {
name: tl('action.rotate_cw', 'Z'),
icon: 'rotate_right',
color: 'z',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
rotateSelected(2, 1);
new Action('rotate_z_ccw', {
name: tl('action.rotate_ccw', 'Z'),
icon: 'rotate_left',
color: 'z',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
rotateSelected(2, 3);
new Action('flip_x', {
name: tl('action.flip', 'X'),
icon: 'icon-mirror_x',
color: 'x',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
new Action('flip_y', {
name: tl('action.flip', 'Y'),
icon: 'icon-mirror_y',
color: 'y',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
new Action('flip_z', {
name: tl('action.flip', 'Z'),
icon: 'icon-mirror_z',
color: 'z',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
new Action('center_x', {
name: tl('action.center', 'X'),
icon: 'vertical_align_center',
color: 'x',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Outliner.selected, outliner: true});
Undo.finishEdit('Center selection on X axis')
new Action('center_y', {
name: tl('action.center', 'Y'),
icon: 'vertical_align_center',
color: 'y',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Outliner.selected, outliner: true});
Undo.finishEdit('Center selection on Y axis')
new Action('center_z', {
name: tl('action.center', 'Z'),
icon: 'vertical_align_center',
color: 'z',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Outliner.selected, outliner: true});
Undo.finishEdit('Center selection on Z axis')
new Action('center_all', {
icon: 'filter_center_focus',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Outliner.selected, outliner: true});
Undo.finishEdit('Center selection')
//Move Cube Keys
new Action('move_up', {
icon: 'arrow_upward',
category: 'transform',
condition: {modes: ['edit'], method: () => (!open_menu && selected.length)},
keybind: new Keybind({key: 38, ctrl: null, shift: null}),
click: function (e) {
if (Prop.active_panel === 'uv') {
UVEditor.moveSelection([0, -1], e)
} else {
moveElementsRelative(-1, 2, e)
new Action('move_down', {
icon: 'arrow_downward',
category: 'transform',
condition: {modes: ['edit'], method: () => (!open_menu && selected.length)},
keybind: new Keybind({key: 40, ctrl: null, shift: null}),
click: function (e) {
if (Prop.active_panel === 'uv') {
UVEditor.moveSelection([0, 1], e)
} else {
moveElementsRelative(1, 2, e)
new Action('move_left', {
icon: 'arrow_back',
category: 'transform',
condition: {modes: ['edit'], method: () => (!open_menu && selected.length)},
keybind: new Keybind({key: 37, ctrl: null, shift: null}),
click: function (e) {
if (Prop.active_panel === 'uv') {
UVEditor.moveSelection([-1, 0], e)
} else {
moveElementsRelative(-1, 0, e)
new Action('move_right', {
icon: 'arrow_forward',
category: 'transform',
condition: {modes: ['edit'], method: () => (!open_menu && selected.length)},
keybind: new Keybind({key: 39, ctrl: null, shift: null}),
click: function (e) {
if (Prop.active_panel === 'uv') {
UVEditor.moveSelection([1, 0], e)
} else {
moveElementsRelative(1, 0, e)
new Action('move_forth', {
icon: 'keyboard_arrow_up',
category: 'transform',
condition: {modes: ['edit'], method: () => (!open_menu && selected.length)},
keybind: new Keybind({key: 33, ctrl: null, shift: null}),
click: function (e) {moveElementsRelative(-1, 1, e)}
new Action('move_back', {
icon: 'keyboard_arrow_down',
category: 'transform',
condition: {modes: ['edit'], method: () => (!open_menu && selected.length)},
keybind: new Keybind({key: 34, ctrl: null, shift: null}),
click: function (e) {moveElementsRelative(1, 1, e)}
new Action('toggle_visibility', {
icon: 'visibility',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {toggleCubeProperty('visibility')}
new Action('toggle_locked', {
icon: 'fas.fa-lock',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {toggleCubeProperty('locked')}
new Action('toggle_export', {
icon: 'save',
category: 'transform',
click: function () {toggleCubeProperty('export')}
new Action('toggle_autouv', {
icon: 'fullscreen_exit',
category: 'transform',
condition: {modes: ['edit']},
click: function () {toggleCubeProperty('autouv')}
new Action('toggle_shade', {
icon: 'wb_sunny',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => !Project.box_uv && Modes.edit,
click: function () {toggleCubeProperty('shade')}
new Action('toggle_mirror_uv', {
icon: 'icon-mirror_x',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => Project.box_uv && (Modes.edit || Modes.paint),
click: function () {toggleCubeProperty('shade')}
new Action('update_autouv', {
icon: 'brightness_auto',
category: 'transform',
condition: () => !Project.box_uv && Modes.edit,
click: function () {
if (Cube.selected.length) {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Cube.selected[0].forSelected(), selection: true})
Cube.selected[0].forSelected(function(cube) {
Undo.finishEdit('Update auto UV')
new Action('origin_to_geometry', {
icon: 'filter_center_focus',
category: 'transform',
condition: {modes: ['edit', 'animate']},
click: function () {origin2geometry()}
new Action('rescale_toggle', {
icon: 'check_box_outline_blank',
category: 'transform',
condition: function() {return Format.rotation_limit && Cube.selected.length;},
click: function () {
Undo.initEdit({elements: Cube.selected})
var value = !Cube.selected[0].rescale
Cube.selected.forEach(function(cube) {
cube.rescale = value
Undo.finishEdit('Toggle cube rescale')
new Action('bone_reset_toggle', {
icon: 'check_box_outline_blank',
category: 'transform',
condition: function() {return Format.bone_rig && Group.selected;},
click: function () {
Undo.initEdit({group: Group.selected})
Group.selected.reset = !Group.selected.reset
Undo.finishEdit('Toggle bone reset')
new Action('remove_blank_faces', {
icon: 'cancel_presentation',
condition: () => !Format.box_uv,
click: function () {
let elements = Outliner.selected.filter(el => el.faces);
var arr = elements.slice()
var empty_elements = [];
var cleared_total = 0;
arr.forEach(element => {
var clear_count = 0;
var original_face_count = Object.keys(element.faces).length
for (var face in element.faces) {
var face_tag = element.faces[face];
if (face_tag.texture == false) {
if (element instanceof Cube) {
face_tag.texture = null;
} else {
delete element.faces[face];
if (clear_count == original_face_count) {
Blockbench.showQuickMessage(tl('message.removed_faces', [cleared_total]))
if (empty_elements.length) {
title: tl('message.cleared_blank_faces.title'),
icon: 'rotate_right',
message: tl('message.cleared_blank_faces.message', [empty_elements.length]),
buttons: ['generic.remove', 'dialog.cancel'],
confirm: 0,
cancel: 1,
}, function(r) {
empty_elements.forEach(element => {
if (r == 0) {
} else {
for (var face in element.faces) {
element.faces[face].texture = false;
Canvas.updateView({elements, element_aspects: {geometry: true, faces: true, uv: true}})
Undo.finishEdit('Remove blank faces');
} else {
Canvas.updateView({elements, element_aspects: {geometry: true, faces: true, uv: true}})
Undo.finishEdit('Remove blank faces');