mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 16:20:13 +08:00
560 lines
24 KiB
560 lines
24 KiB
var keybinds, settings, display_presets;
var Project = new Object()
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
holding_shift = e.shiftKey;
$(document).keyup(function(e) {
holding_shift = false;
function keybindSetup(get) {
var obj = {
headline1: {is_title: true, title: "Misc"},
canvas_rotate: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 1, name: 'Rotate View', char: 'Left-Click', update: true},
canvas_drag:{shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 3, name: 'Drag View', char: 'Right-Click', update: true},
confirm: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 13, name: 'Confirm', char: 'ENTER'},
cancel: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 27, name: 'Cancel', char: 'ESCAPE'},
screenshot_clean:{shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 80, name: 'Screenshot', char: 'Ctrl + P'},
headline2: {is_title: true, title: "File"},
open_file: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 79, name: 'Open File', char: 'Ctrl + O'},
save: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 83, name: 'Save', char: 'Ctrl + S'},
save_as: {shift: true, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 83, name: 'Save As', char: 'Ctrl + Shift + S'},
open_texture: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 84, name: 'Import Texture', char: 'Ctrl + T'},
toggle_mode:{shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 9, name: 'Toggle Mode', char: 'Ctrl + TAB'},
settings: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 69, name: 'Settings', char: 'Ctrl + E'},
headline3: {is_title: true, title: "Edit"},
undo: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 90, name: 'Undo', char: 'Ctrl + Z'},
redo: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 89, name: 'Redo', char: 'Ctrl + Y'},
create_selection:{shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 70, name: 'Create Selection', char: 'Ctrl + F'},
select_all: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 65, name: 'Select All', char: 'Ctrl + A'},
invert_select:{shift:false,ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 65, name: 'Select All', char: 'Ctrl + A'},
add_cube: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 78, name: 'Add Cube', char: 'Ctrl + N'},
new_group: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 71, name: 'Add Group', char: 'Ctrl + G'},
duplicate: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 68, name: 'Duplicate Cube', char: 'Ctrl + D'},
delete: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false,code: 46, name: 'Delete Selected', char: 'DELETE'},
rename: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false,code: 113,name: 'Rename', char: 'F2'},
headline4: {is_title: true, title: "Textures"},
uv_copy: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 67, name: 'Copy UV', char: 'Ctrl + C'},
uv_copy_all:{shift: true, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 67, name: 'Copy UV All', char: 'Ctrl + Shift + C'},
uv_paste: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 86, name: 'Paste UV', char: 'Ctrl + V'},
uv_paste_all:{shift: true, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 86, name: 'Paste UV All', char: 'Ctrl + Shift + V'},
headline5: {is_title: true, title: "Display Mode"},
copy_disp: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 67, name: 'Copy Display Settings', char: 'Ctrl + C'},
paste_disp: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 86, name: 'Paste Display Settings', char: 'Ctrl + V'},
reload_tex: {shift: false, ctrl: true, alt: false, code: 82, name: 'Reload Textures', char: 'Ctrl + R'},
headline6: {is_title: true, title: "Tool"},
tool_translate:{shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 86, name: 'Move Tool', char: 'V'},
tool_scale: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 83, name: 'Scale Tool', char: 'S'},
tool_brush: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 66, name: 'Brush', char: 'B'},
tool_swap: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 32, name: 'Swap Move and Scale', char: 'SPACE'},
headline7: {is_title: true, title: "Movement"},
move_north: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 38, name: 'Move South', char: 'ARROWUP'},
move_south: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 40, name: 'Move North', char: 'ARROWDOWN'},
move_west: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 37, name: 'Move West', char: 'ARROWLEFT'},
move_east: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 39, name: 'Move East', char: 'ARROWRIGHT'},
move_up: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 33, name: 'Move Up', char: 'PAGEUP'},
move_down: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 34, name: 'Move Down', char: 'PAGEDOWN'},
headline8: {is_title: true, title: "View"},
wireframe: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 90, name: 'Toggle Wireframe', char: 'Z'},
reset_view: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 96, name: 'Reset View', char: 'NUMPAD 0'},
view_normal: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 101, name: 'Normal View', char: 'NUMPAD 5'},
view_0: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 104, name: 'Top View', char: 'NUMPAD 8'},
view_1: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 98, name: 'Bottom View', char: 'NUMPAD 2'},
view_2: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 100, name: 'South View', char: 'NUMPAD 4'},
view_3: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 102, name: 'North View', char: 'NUMPAD 6'},
view_4: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 103, name: 'East View', char: 'NUMPAD 7'},
view_5: {shift: false, ctrl: false, alt: false, code: 105, name: 'West View', char: 'NUMPAD 9'}
if (get !== true) {
keybinds = obj
if (localStorage.getItem('keybinds') != null) {
var stored_keys = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('keybinds'))
for (var key in stored_keys) {
if (stored_keys.hasOwnProperty(key) && !stored_keys[key].is_title && keybinds.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
keybinds[key].shift = stored_keys[key].shift
keybinds[key].ctrl = stored_keys[key].ctrl
keybinds[key].alt = stored_keys[key].alt
keybinds[key].code = stored_keys[key].code
keybinds[key].char = stored_keys[key].char
} else {
return obj;
function settingSetup() {
settings = {
headline2: {is_title: true, title: "Preview"},
origin: {value: true, name: 'Rotation Origin', desc: 'Show object origin'},
control_size: {value: 10, is_number: true, name: 'Axis Control Size', desc: 'Size of the 3 axis control tool'},
shading: {value: true, name: 'Shading', desc: 'Enable shading'},
transparency: {value: true, name: 'Transparency', desc: 'Render transparent textures transparent'},
texture_fps: {value: 2, is_number: true, name: 'Animated Texture FPS', desc: 'Frames per second for animated textures'},
status_bar: {value: true, name: 'Status Bar', desc: 'Show the status bar that displays fps etc.'},
swap_sidebar: {value: false, name: 'Swap Sidebars', desc: 'Swaps the right and the left sidebar'},
headline1: {is_title: true, title: "Grid"},
base_grid: {value: true, name: 'Small Grid', desc: 'Show small grid and axes'},
large_grid: {value: false, name: 'Large Grid', desc: 'Show 3x3 block grid'},
full_grid: {value: false, name: 'Full Large Grid', desc: 'Show 3x3 precise grid'},
large_box: {value: false, name: 'Large Box', desc: 'Show 3x3 block boundaries'},
display_grid: {value: true, name: 'Display Mode', desc: 'Show grid in display mode'},
headline3: {is_title: true, title: "Edit"},
entity_mode: {value: false, name: 'Entity Model Mode', desc: 'Unrestricted editing mode for Bedrock and Optifine models'},
undo_limit: {value: 20, is_number: true, name: 'Undo Limit', desc: 'Number of steps you can undo'},
move_origin: {value: false, name: 'Move on Relative Axes', desc: 'Move rotated elements on their own axes if possible'},
snapnslide: {value: false, name: 'Snap Slider', desc: 'Snaps combo-sliders to their valid positions'},
autouv: {value: true, name: 'Auto UV', desc: 'Enable AutoUV by default'},
create_rename:{value: false, name: 'Rename new Cube', desc: 'Focus name field when creating new element or group'},
canvas_unselect:{value: false, name: 'Canvas Click Unselect', desc: 'Unselects all elements when clicking on the canvas background'},
edit_size: {value: 16, is_number: true, name: 'Grid Resolution', desc: 'Resolution of the grid that cubes snap to'},
show_actions: {value: false, name: 'Tell Actions', desc: 'Display every action in the status bar'},
headline4: {is_title: true, title: "Export"},
minifiedout: {value: false,name: 'Minified Export', desc: 'Write JSON file in one line'},
max_json_length:{value: 56, is_number: true, name: 'Maximum Line Length', desc: 'Break JSON lines after this number'},
round_digits: {value: 4, is_number: true, name: 'Round numbers', desc: 'Round numbers'},
export_groups:{value: true, name: 'Export Groups', desc: 'Save groups in blockmodel files'},
obj_textures: {value: true, name: 'Export Textures', desc: 'Export textures when exporting OBJ file'},
comment: {value: true, name: 'File Comment', desc: 'Add a credit comment to file'},
comment_text: {value: 'Made with Blockbench, a free, modern block model editor by JannisX11', is_string: true},
default_path: {value: false, hidden: true}
if (localStorage.getItem('settings') != null) {
var stored_settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('settings'))
for (var key in stored_settings) {
if (stored_settings.hasOwnProperty(key) && !stored_settings[key].is_title && settings.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
settings[key].value = stored_settings[key].value
if (settings.edit_size.value < 3) {
settings.edit_size.value = 16
function projectTagSetup() {
Project.name = "";
Project.parent = "";
Project.description = "";
Project.texture_width = 64;
Project.texture_height = 32;
Project.ambientocclusion = true;
function displayPresetsSetup() {
display_presets = [
{name: 'Vanilla Item', fixed: true, areas: {
ground: {
rotation: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 2, 0],
scale:[ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ]
head: {
rotation: [ 0, 180, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 13, 7],
scale:[ 1, 1, 1]
thirdperson_righthand: {
rotation: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 3, 1 ],
scale: [ 0.55, 0.55, 0.55 ]
thirdperson_lefthand: {
rotation: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 3, 1 ],
scale: [ 0.55, 0.55, 0.55 ]
firstperson_righthand: {
rotation: [ 0, -90, 25 ],
translation: [ 1.13, 3.2, 1.13],
scale: [ 0.68, 0.68, 0.68 ]
firstperson_lefthand: {
rotation: [ 0, -90, 25 ],
translation: [ 1.13, 3.2, 1.13],
scale: [ 0.68, 0.68, 0.68 ]
fixed: {
rotation: [ 0, 180, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
scale: [ 1, 1, 1 ],
{name: 'Vanilla Block', fixed: true, areas: {
gui: {
rotation: [ 30, 225, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 0, 0],
scale:[ 0.625, 0.625, 0.625 ]
ground: {
rotation: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 3, 0],
scale:[ 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ]
fixed: {
rotation: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 0, 0],
scale:[ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ]
thirdperson_righthand: {
rotation: [ 75, 45, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 2.5, 0],
scale: [ 0.375, 0.375, 0.375 ]
thirdperson_lefthand: {
rotation: [ 75, 45, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 2.5, 0],
scale: [ 0.375, 0.375, 0.375 ]
firstperson_righthand: {
rotation: [ 0, 45, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
scale: [ 0.40, 0.40, 0.40 ]
firstperson_lefthand: {
rotation: [ 0, 225, 0 ],
translation: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
scale: [ 0.40, 0.40, 0.40 ]
{name: 'Vanilla Handheld', fixed: true, areas: {
thirdperson_righthand: {
rotation: [ 0, -90, 55 ],
translation: [ 0, 4.0, 0.5 ],
scale: [ 0.85, 0.85, 0.85 ]
thirdperson_lefthand: {
rotation: [ 0, 90, -55 ],
translation: [ 0, 4.0, 0.5 ],
scale: [ 0.85, 0.85, 0.85 ]
firstperson_righthand: {
rotation: [ 0, -90, 25 ],
translation: [ 1.13, 3.2, 1.13 ],
scale: [ 0.68, 0.68, 0.68 ]
firstperson_lefthand: {
rotation: [ 0, 90, -25 ],
translation: [ 1.13, 3.2, 1.13 ],
scale: [ 0.68, 0.68, 0.68 ]
{name: 'Vanilla Handheld Rod', fixed: true, areas: {
thirdperson_righthand: {
rotation: [ 0, 90, 55 ],
translation: [ 0, 4.0, 2.5 ],
scale: [ 0.85, 0.85, 0.85 ]
thirdperson_lefthand: {
rotation: [ 0, -90, -55 ],
translation: [ 0, 4.0, 2.5 ],
scale: [ 0.85, 0.85, 0.85 ]
firstperson_righthand: {
rotation: [ 0, 90, 25 ],
translation: [ 0, 1.6, 0.8 ],
scale: [ 0.68, 0.68, 0.68 ]
firstperson_lefthand: {
rotation: [ 0, -90, -25 ],
translation: [ 0, 1.6, 0.8 ],
scale: [ 0.68, 0.68, 0.68 ]
if (localStorage.getItem('display_presets') != null) {
var stored_display_presets = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('display_presets'))
$.extend(display_presets, stored_display_presets)
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which === 16) {
if (e.ctrlKey === true && e.which == 73 && isApp) {
if (open_dialog !== false) {
if (open_dialog === 'uv_dialog') {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.uv_copy)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.uv_paste)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.confirm)) {
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.cancel) === true) {
if (currently_renaming === true) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.confirm)) {
if ($('input[type="text"]:focus, input[type="number"]:focus, div[contenteditable="true"]:focus').length > 0) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.confirm)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.screenshot_clean)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.open_file)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.save)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.save_as)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.open_texture)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.toggle_mode)) {
display_mode ? exitDisplaySettings() : enterDisplaySettings()
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.settings)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.wireframe)) {
if (display_mode === false) {
//Edit Mode
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.undo)) {
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.redo)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.add_cube)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.new_group)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.duplicate)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.rename)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.select_all)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.delete)) {
if ($(':focus, .editing').length == 0) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.reload_tex) === true && isApp) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.create_selection)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.tool_translate)) {
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.tool_scale)) {
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.tool_brush)) {
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.tool_swap)) {
if (selected.length > 0) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.uv_copy)) {
main_uv.copy({shiftKey: false})
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.uv_copy_all)) {
main_uv.copy({shiftKey: true})
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.uv_paste)) {
main_uv.paste({shiftKey: false})
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.uv_paste_all)) {
main_uv.paste({shiftKey: true})
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.move_north)) {
moveCubesRelative(-1, 2)
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.move_south)) {
moveCubesRelative(1, 2)
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.move_west)) {
moveCubesRelative(-1, 0)
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.move_east)) {
moveCubesRelative(1, 0)
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.move_up)) {
moveCubesRelative(-1, 1)
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.move_down)) {
moveCubesRelative(1, 1)
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.view_normal)) {
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.reset_view)) {
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.view_0)) {
setCameraType('ortho', 0)
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.view_1)) {
setCameraType('ortho', 1)
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.view_2)) {
setCameraType('ortho', 2)
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.view_3)) {
setCameraType('ortho', 3)
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.view_4)) {
setCameraType('ortho', 4)
} else if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.view_5)) {
setCameraType('ortho', 5)
} else if (display_mode === true) { //Display Mode
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.copy_disp)) {
if (compareKeys(e, keybinds.paste_disp)) {
function saveLocalStorages() {
localStorage.setItem('canvas_scenes', JSON.stringify(canvas_scenes))
localStorage.setItem('settings', JSON.stringify(omitKeys(settings, ['name', 'desc'], true)) )
function saveSettings() {
for (var mat in Canvas.materials) {
if (Canvas.materials.hasOwnProperty(mat))
Canvas.materials[mat].transparent = settings.transparency.value
if (settings.snapnslide.value === true) {
$('.nslide').draggable( "option", "grid", [ 50, 100 ] );
} else {
$('.nslide').draggable( "option", "grid", false );
if (settings.swap_sidebar.value === true) {
} else {
if (settings.status_bar.value) {
$('body').css('grid-template-rows', '32px calc(100% - 58px) 26px')
} else {
$('body').css('grid-template-rows', '32px calc(100% - 32px) 0px')
if (entityMode.state !== settings.entity_mode.value) {
entityMode.state = settings.entity_mode.value
settings.entity_mode.value ? entityMode.join() : entityMode.leave()
Blockbench.dispatchEvent( 'update_settings')
function toggleSetting(setting) {
if (settings[setting].value === true) {
settings[setting].value = false
} else {
settings[setting].value = true
function toggleWireframe() {
Prop.wireframe = !Prop.wireframe
var entityMode = {
state: false,
join: function() {
settings.entity_mode.value = true
$('label[for="project_parent"]').text('Mob Geometry Name')
$('#cube_rescale_tool div').text('Reset Bone')
$('input#cube_rotate').attr('min', '-180').attr('max', '180').attr('step', '5.625').addClass('entity_mode')
leave: function() {
settings.entity_mode.value = false
$('label[for="project_parent"]').text('Parent Model')
$('#cube_rescale_tool div').text('Rescale')
$('input#cube_rotate').attr('min', '-67.5').attr('max', '67.5').attr('step', '22.5').removeClass('entity_mode')
elements.forEach(function(s, i) {
//Push elements into 3x3 block box
[0, 1, 2].forEach(function(ax) {
var overlap = s.from[ax] + s.to[ax] - 32
if (overlap > 0) {
//If positive site overlaps
s.from[ax] -= overlap
s.to[ax] -= overlap
overlap = 16 + s.from[ax]
if (overlap < 0) {
s.from[ax] = -16
} else {
overlap = s.from[ax] + 16
if (overlap < 0) {
s.from[ax] -= overlap
s.to[ax] -= overlap
if (s.from[ax] + s.to[ax] > 32) {
s.to[ax] = 32
} |