mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 16:20:13 +08:00
625 lines
17 KiB
625 lines
17 KiB
(function() {
let item_parents = [
'item/generated', 'minecraft:item/generated',
'item/handheld', 'minecraft:item/handheld',
var codec = new Codec('java_block', {
name: 'Java Block/Item Model',
remember: true,
extension: 'json',
load_filter: {
type: 'json',
extensions: ['json'],
condition(model) {
return model.parent || model.elements || model.textures;
compile(options) {
if (options === undefined) options = {}
var clear_elements = []
var textures_used = []
var element_index_lut = []
var overflow_cubes = [];
function computeCube(s) {
if (s.export == false) return;
//Create Element
var element = {}
element_index_lut[Cube.all.indexOf(s)] = clear_elements.length
if ((options.cube_name !== false && !settings.minifiedout.value) || options.cube_name === true) {
if (s.name !== 'cube') {
element.name = s.name
element.from = s.from.slice();
element.to = s.to.slice();
if (s.inflate) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
element.from[i] -= s.inflate;
element.to[i] += s.inflate;
if (s.shade === false) {
element.shade = false
if (!s.rotation.allEqual(0) || !s.origin.allEqual(0)) {
var axis = s.rotationAxis()||'y';
element.rotation = new oneLiner({
angle: s.rotation[getAxisNumber(axis)],
origin: s.origin
if (s.rescale) {
if (element.rotation) {
element.rotation.rescale = true
} else {
element.rotation = new oneLiner({
angle: 0,
axis: s.rotation_axis||'y',
origin: s.origin,
rescale: true
if (s.rotation.positiveItems() >= 2) {
element.rotated = s.rotation
var element_has_texture
var e_faces = {}
for (var face in s.faces) {
if (s.faces.hasOwnProperty(face)) {
if (s.faces[face].texture !== null) {
var tag = new oneLiner()
if (s.faces[face].enabled !== false) {
tag.uv = s.faces[face].uv.slice();
tag.uv.forEach((n, i) => {
tag.uv[i] = n * 16 / UVEditor.getResolution(i%2);
if (s.faces[face].rotation) {
tag.rotation = s.faces[face].rotation
if (s.faces[face].texture) {
var tex = s.faces[face].getTexture()
if (tex) {
tag.texture = '#' + tex.id
element_has_texture = true
if (!tag.texture) {
tag.texture = '#missing'
if (s.faces[face].cullface) {
tag.cullface = s.faces[face].cullface
if (s.faces[face].tint >= 0) {
tag.tintindex = s.faces[face].tint
e_faces[face] = tag
//Gather Textures
if (!element_has_texture) {
element.color = s.color
element.faces = e_faces
if (Format.cube_size_limiter) {
function inVd(n) {
return n < -16 || n > 32;
if (inVd(element.from[0]) ||
inVd(element.from[1]) ||
inVd(element.from[2]) ||
inVd(element.to[0]) ||
inVd(element.to[1]) ||
) {
if (Object.keys(element.faces).length) {
function iterate(arr) {
var i = 0;
if (!arr || !arr.length) {
for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].type === 'cube') {
} else if (arr[i].type === 'group') {
function checkExport(key, condition) {
key = options[key]
if (key === undefined) {
return condition;
} else {
return key
var isTexturesOnlyModel = clear_elements.length === 0 && checkExport('parent', Project.parent != '')
var texturesObj = {}
Texture.all.forEach(function(t, i){
var link = t.javaTextureLink()
if (t.particle) {
texturesObj.particle = link
if (!textures_used.includes(t) && !isTexturesOnlyModel) return;
if (t.id !== link.replace(/^#/, '')) {
texturesObj[t.id] = link
if (options.prevent_dialog !== true && overflow_cubes.length > 0 && settings.dialog_larger_cubes.value) {
translateKey: 'model_clipping',
icon: 'settings_overscan',
message: tl('message.model_clipping.message', [overflow_cubes.length]),
buttons: ['dialog.scale.select_overflow', 'dialog.ok'],
confirm: 1,
cancel: 1,
}, (result) => {
if (result == 0) {
selected.splice(0, Infinity, ...overflow_cubes)
if (options.prevent_dialog !== true && clear_elements.length && item_parents.includes(Project.parent)) {
translateKey: 'invalid_builtin_parent',
icon: 'info',
message: tl('message.invalid_builtin_parent.message', [Project.parent])
Project.parent = '';
var blockmodel = {}
if (checkExport('comment', Project.credit || settings.credit.value)) {
blockmodel.credit = Project.credit || settings.credit.value
if (checkExport('parent', Project.parent != '')) {
blockmodel.parent = Project.parent
if (checkExport('ambientocclusion', Project.ambientocclusion === false)) {
blockmodel.ambientocclusion = false
if (Project.texture_width !== 16 || Project.texture_height !== 16) {
blockmodel.texture_size = [Project.texture_width, Project.texture_height]
if (checkExport('textures', Object.keys(texturesObj).length >= 1)) {
blockmodel.textures = texturesObj
if (checkExport('elements', clear_elements.length >= 1)) {
blockmodel.elements = clear_elements
if (checkExport('front_gui_light', Project.front_gui_light)) {
blockmodel.gui_light = 'front';
if (checkExport('overrides', Project.overrides instanceof Array && Project.overrides.length)) {
Project.overrides.forEach(override => delete override._uuid)
blockmodel.overrides = Project.overrides.map(override => new oneLiner(override));
if (checkExport('display', Object.keys(Project.display_settings).length >= 1)) {
var new_display = {}
var entries = 0;
for (var i in DisplayMode.slots) {
var key = DisplayMode.slots[i]
if (DisplayMode.slots.hasOwnProperty(i) && Project.display_settings[key] && Project.display_settings[key].export) {
new_display[key] = Project.display_settings[key].export()
if (entries) {
blockmodel.display = new_display
if (checkExport('groups', (settings.export_groups.value && Group.all.length))) {
groups = compileGroups(false, element_index_lut)
var i = 0;
while (i < groups.length) {
if (typeof groups[i] === 'object') {
i = Infinity
if (i === Infinity) {
blockmodel.groups = groups
this.dispatchEvent('compile', {model: blockmodel, options});
if (options.raw) {
return blockmodel
} else {
return autoStringify(blockmodel)
parse(model, path, add) {
if (!model.elements && !model.parent && !model.display && !model.textures) {
translateKey: 'invalid_model',
icon: 'error',
this.dispatchEvent('parse', {model});
var previous_texture_length = add ? Texture.all.length : 0
var new_cubes = [];
var new_textures = [];
if (add) {
Undo.initEdit({elements: new_cubes, outliner: true, textures: new_textures})
var import_group = new Group(pathToName(path, false)).init()
if (typeof (model.credit || model.__comment) == 'string') Project.credit = (model.credit || model.__comment);
if (model.texture_size instanceof Array && !add) {
Project.texture_width = Math.clamp(parseInt(model.texture_size[0]), 1, Infinity)
Project.texture_height = Math.clamp(parseInt(model.texture_size[1]), 1, Infinity)
if (model.display !== undefined) {
if (model.overrides instanceof Array) {
Project.overrides = model.overrides.slice();
var texture_ids = {}
var texture_paths = {}
if (model.textures) {
//Create Path Array to fetch textures
var path_arr = path.split(osfs)
if (!path_arr.includes('cit')) {
var index = path_arr.length - path_arr.indexOf('models')
var texture_arr = model.textures
for (var key in texture_arr) {
if (typeof texture_arr[key] === 'string' && key != 'particle') {
let link = texture_arr[key];
if (link.startsWith('#') && texture_arr[link.substring(1)]) {
link = texture_arr[link.substring(1)];
let texture = new Texture({id: key}).fromJavaLink(texture_arr[key], path_arr.slice()).add();
texture_paths[texture_arr[key].replace(/^minecraft:/, '')] = texture_ids[key] = texture;
if (texture_arr.particle) {
let link = texture_arr.particle;
if (link.startsWith('#') && texture_arr[link.substring(1)]) {
link = texture_arr[link.substring(1)];
if (texture_paths[link.replace(/^minecraft:/, '')]) {
texture_paths[link.replace(/^minecraft:/, '')].enableParticle()
} else {
let texture = new Texture({id: 'particle'}).fromJavaLink(link, path_arr.slice()).enableParticle().add();
texture_paths[link.replace(/^minecraft:/, '')] = texture_ids.particle = texture;
//Get Rid Of ID overlapping
for (var i = previous_texture_length; i < Texture.all.length; i++) {
var t = Texture.all[i]
if (getTexturesById(t.id).length > 1) {
t.id = Project.added_models + '_' + t.id
//Select Last Texture
if (Texture.all.length > 0) {
var oid = elements.length
if (model.elements) {
model.elements.forEach(function(obj) {
base_cube = new Cube(obj)
if (obj.__comment) base_cube.name = obj.__comment
var faces_without_uv = false;
for (var key in base_cube.faces) {
if (obj.faces[key] && !obj.faces[key].uv) {
faces_without_uv = true;
if (faces_without_uv) {
base_cube.autouv = 2
} else {
base_cube.autouv = 0;
for (var key in base_cube.faces) {
var read_face = obj.faces[key];
var new_face = base_cube.faces[key];
if (read_face === undefined) {
new_face.texture = null
new_face.uv = [0,0,0,0]
} else {
if (typeof read_face.uv === 'object') {
new_face.uv.forEach((n, i) => {
new_face.uv[i] = read_face.uv[i] * UVEditor.getResolution(i%2) / 16;
if (read_face.texture === '#missing') {
new_face.texture = false;
} else if (read_face.texture) {
var id = read_face.texture.replace(/^#/, '')
var t = texture_ids[id]
if (t instanceof Texture === false) {
if (texture_paths[read_face.texture]) {
var t = texture_paths[read_face.texture]
if (t.id === 'particle') {
t.extend({id: id, name: '#'+id}).loadEmpty(3)
} else {
var t = new Texture({id: id, name: '#'+id}).add(false).loadEmpty(3)
texture_ids[id] = t
new_face.texture = t.uuid;
if (typeof read_face.tintindex == 'number') {
new_face.tint = read_face.tintindex;
if (!add) {
base_cube.parent = 'root'
} else if (import_group) {
base_cube.parent = import_group
if (model.groups && model.groups.length > 0) {
if (!add) {
} else if (import_group) {
parseGroups(model.groups, import_group, oid)
if (import_group) {
if (
!model.elements &&
item_parents.includes(model.parent) &&
model.textures &&
typeof model.textures.layer0 === 'string'
) {
let texture_mesh = new TextureMesh({
name: model.textures.layer0,
rotation: [90, 180, 0],
local_pivot: [0, -7.5, -16],
locked: true,
export: false
texture_mesh.locked = true;
} else if (!model.elements && model.parent) {
let can_open = isApp && !model.parent.replace(/\w+:/, '').startsWith('builtin');
translateKey: 'child_model_only',
icon: 'info',
message: tl('message.child_model_only.message', [model.parent]),
commands: can_open && {
open: 'message.child_model_only.open',
open_with_textures: {text: 'message.child_model_only.open_with_textures', condition: Texture.all.length > 0}
}, (result) => {
if (result) {
let textures;
if (result == 'open_with_textures') {
textures = {};
Texture.all.forEach(tex => {
textures[tex.id] = tex;
let parent = model.parent.replace(/\w+:/, '');
let path_arr = path.split(osfs);
let index = path_arr.length - path_arr.indexOf('models');
path_arr.push('models', ...parent.split('/'));
let parent_path = path_arr.join(osfs) + '.json';
Blockbench.read([parent_path], {}, (files) => {
if (result == 'open_with_textures') {
Texture.all.forEach(tex => {
if (tex.error == 3 && tex.name.startsWith('#')) {
let loaded_tex = textures[tex.name.replace(/#/, '')];
if (loaded_tex) {
tex.namespace = loaded_tex.namespace;
//Set Parent
if (model.parent !== undefined) {
Project.parent = model.parent;
//Set Ambient Occlusion
if (model.ambientocclusion === false) {
Project.ambientocclusion = false;
if (model.gui_light === 'front') {
Project.front_gui_light = true;
this.dispatchEvent('parsed', {model});
if (add) {
Undo.finishEdit('Add block model')
var format = new ModelFormat({
id: 'java_block',
extension: 'json',
icon: 'icon-format_block',
category: 'minecraft',
target: 'Minecraft: Java Edition',
format_page: {
content: [
{type: 'h3', text: tl('mode.start.format.informations')},
{text: `* ${tl('format.java_block.info.rotation')}
* ${tl('format.java_block.info.size')}
* ${tl('format.java_block.info.animation')}`.replace(/\t+/g, '')
render_sides() {
if (Modes.display && ['thirdperson_righthand', 'thirdperson_lefthand', 'head'].includes(display_slot)) {
return 'double';
} else {
return 'front';
model_identifier: false,
parent_model_id: true,
vertex_color_ambient_occlusion: true,
rotate_cubes: true,
rotation_limit: true,
rotation_snap: true,
optional_box_uv: true,
uv_rotation: true,
java_face_properties: true,
animated_textures: true,
select_texture_for_particles: true,
texture_mcmeta: true,
display_mode: true,
texture_folder: true,
cube_size_limiter: {
coordinate_limits: [-16, 32],
test(cube, values = 0) {
let from = values.from || cube.from;
let to = values.to || cube.to;
let inflate = values.inflate == undefined ? cube.inflate : values.inflate;
return undefined !== from.find((v, i) => {
return (
to[i] + inflate > 32 ||
to[i] + inflate < -16 ||
from[i] - inflate > 32 ||
from[i] - inflate < -16
move(cube, values = 0) {
let from = values.from || cube.from;
let to = values.to || cube.to;
let inflate = values.inflate == undefined ? cube.inflate : values.inflate;
[0, 1, 2].forEach((ax) => {
var overlap = to[ax] + inflate - 32
if (overlap > 0) {
//If positive site overlaps
from[ax] -= overlap
to[ax] -= overlap
if (16 + from[ax] - inflate < 0) {
from[ax] = -16 + inflate
} else {
overlap = from[ax] - inflate + 16
if (overlap < 0) {
from[ax] -= overlap
to[ax] -= overlap
if (to[ax] + inflate > 32) {
to[ax] = 32 - inflate
clamp(cube, values = 0) {
let from = values.from || cube.from;
let to = values.to || cube.to;
let inflate = values.inflate == undefined ? cube.inflate : values.inflate;
[0, 1, 2].forEach((ax) => {
from[ax] = Math.clamp(from[ax] - inflate, -16, 32) + inflate;
to[ax] = Math.clamp(to[ax] + inflate, -16, 32) - inflate;
codec.format = format;
BARS.defineActions(function() {
codec.export_action = new Action({
id: 'export_blockmodel',
icon: 'icon-format_block',
category: 'file',
condition: () => Format == format,
click: function () {
new Action('import_java_block_model', {
icon: 'assessment',
category: 'file',
condition: () => Format == format,
click: function () {
resource_id: 'model',
extensions: ['json'],
type: codec.name,
multiple: true,
}, function(files) {
files.forEach(file => {
var model = autoParseJSON(file.content)
codec.parse(model, file.path, true)
})() |