2022-09-15 13:35:47 +02:00

1652 lines
99 KiB

"dialog.ok": "OK",
"dialog.cancel": "Annuleren",
"dialog.confirm": "Bevestig",
"dialog.close": "Sluit",
"dialog.import": "Importeer",
"": "Opslaan",
"dialog.discard": "Weggooien",
"dialog.dontshowagain": "Niet Opnieuw Laten Zien",
"data.cube": "Kubus",
"": "Groep",
"data.texture": "Textuur",
"data.plugin": "Plugin",
"data.preview": "Voorvertoning",
"data.toolbar": "Gereedschapsbalk",
"data.image": "Afbeelding",
"keys.ctrl": "Control",
"keys.shift": "Shift",
"keys.alt": "Alt",
"keys.meta": "Cmd",
"keys.delete": "Verwijderen",
"": "Space",
"keys.leftclick": "Linker muisknop",
"keys.middleclick": "Midden muisknop",
"keys.rightclick": "Rechter muisknop",
"": "Tab",
"keys.backspace": "Backspace",
"keys.enter": "Enter",
"keys.escape": "Escape",
"keys.function": "F%0",
"keys.numpad": "Numpad %0",
"keys.caps": "Capslock",
"": "Textmenu",
"keys.left": "Links",
"keys.up": "Omhoog",
"keys.right": "Rechts",
"keys.down": "Omlaag",
"keys.pageup": "Page Up",
"keys.pagedown": "Page Down",
"": "Plus",
"keys.comma": "Komma",
"keys.point": "Punt",
"keys.minus": "Min",
"keys.cross": "Plus",
"keys.end": "Einde",
"keys.pos1": "Pos 1",
"keys.printscreen": "Schermafbeelding",
"keys.pause": "Pauzeer",
"message.rotation_limit.title": "Rotatie Limiet",
"message.rotation_limit.message": "Rotaties zijn door Minecraft over één as tegelijkertijd en stappen van 22,5 graad gelimiteerd. Roteren op een andere as zal de rotaties op overige assen verwijderen. Je kan je model converteren naar een \"vrije model\" als je voor een andere reden aan het moddelen bent en vrije rotatie nodig hebt.",
"message.file_not_found.title": "Bestand Niet Gevonden",
"message.file_not_found.message": "Blockbench kon het gekozen bestand niet vinden. Zorg ervoor dat het lokaal opgeslagen is en niet in de cloud.",
"message.screenshot.title": "Schermafbeelding",
"message.screenshot.clipboard": "Klembord",
"message.screenshot.right_click": "Schermafbeelding - Rechtermuisklik om te kopiëren",
"message.invalid_file.title": "Ongeldig Bestand",
"message.invalid_file.message": "Kon model bestand %0 niet openen",
"message.invalid_model.title": "Onjuist Model Bestand",
"message.invalid_model.message": "Dit bestand bevat geen juiste data voor een model",
"message.child_model_only.title": "Leeg Kind Element",
"message.child_model_only.message": "Dit bestand is een kind van %0 en bevat geen model",
"message.unsaved_textures.title": "Niet-opgeslagen Texturen",
"message.unsaved_textures.message": "Je model heeft niet-opgeslagen texturen. Zorg ervoor dat ze opgeslagen zijn en plaats ze in de juiste map in je resource pack.",
"message.model_clipping.title": "Model Te Groot",
"message.model_clipping.message": "Je model bevat %0 kubussen die groter zijn dan het toegestane 3x3x3 limiet in Minecraft. Dit model zal niet werken in Minecraft.",
"message.loose_texture.title": "Textuur Import",
"message.loose_texture.message": "De geïnporteerde textuur zit niet in een resource pack. Minecraft kan alleen texturen laden uit de textuur map van een geladen resource pack.",
"message.loose_texture.change": "Bestandsroute Veranderen",
"message.update_res.title": "Textuur Resolutie",
"message.update_res.message": "Wil je de resolutie van het project veranderen naar de resolutie van deze textuur? Klik 'Terug' als je afbeelding een grotere resolutie heeft dan normaal.",
"message.update_res.update": "Update",
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.message": "Blockbench kan dit model niet combineren met het oude bestand",
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.backup_overwrite": "Maak een Backup en overschrijf",
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.overwrite": "Overschrijven",
"message.close_warning.message": "Wil je je model opslaan?",
"message.close_warning.web": "Je huidige werk zal verloren gaan. Weet je zeker dat je wilt afsluiten?",
"message.default_textures.title": "Standaard Texturen",
"message.default_textures.message": "Selecteer de \"textures\"-map van het standaard resource pack",
"message.default_textures.detail": "Pak de standaard resource pack van de Minecraft jar uit of google en download het. Zoek de \"textures\"-map en open hem. Blockbench zal de locatie onthouden en daar afbeeldingen uit halen als ze niet in de huidige resource pack te vinden zijn.",
"": "Selecteer de standaard \"textures\"-map",
"message.image_editor.title": "Selecteer een afbeelding-bewerker",
"message.image_editor.file": "Selecteer Bestand...",
"message.image_editor.exe": "Selecteer een foto-bewerker uitvoerbaar bestand",
"message.display_skin.title": "Toon Skin",
"message.display_skin.message": "Selecteer een skin bestand van je computer of vul een spelernaam in",
"message.display_skin.upload": "Upload Skin",
"": "Gebruikersnaam",
"message.display_skin.reset": "Herstel",
"message.invalid_plugin": "Onjuist Plugin Bestand, Zie Console",
"message.load_plugin_app": "Wil je toestaan dat deze plugin verandering aanbrengt aan je PC? Laad alleen plugins van mensen die je vertrouwt.",
"message.load_plugin_web": "Wil je deze plugin laden? Laad alleen plugins van mensen die je vertrouwt.",
"message.preset_no_info": "Preset bevat geen informatie voor dit slot",
"message.restart_to_update": "Herstart Blockbench om wijzigingen aan te brengen",
"message.save_file": "Opgeslagen als %0",
"message.save_obj": "Opgeslagen als .obj model",
"dialog.project.title": "Project",
"": "Bestandsnaam",
"dialog.project.parent": "Ouder model",
"dialog.project.geoname": "Mob Geometrie Naam",
"dialog.project.openparent": "Open Ouder",
"": "Ambient Occlusion",
"dialog.texture.title": "Textuur",
"dialog.texture.variable": "Variabele",
"dialog.texture.namespace": "Naamruimte",
"dialog.texture.folder": "Map",
"dialog.extrude.title": "Beeld Extruderen",
"dialog.extrude.mode": "Scanmodus",
"dialog.extrude.mode.areas": "Gebieden",
"dialog.extrude.mode.lines": "Lijnen",
"dialog.extrude.mode.columns": "Kolommen",
"dialog.extrude.mode.pixels": "Pixels",
"dialog.extrude.opacity": "Minimum Ondoorzichtigheid",
"dialog.extrude.scan": "Scan en Importeer",
"dialog.display_preset.title": "Creëer Preset",
"dialog.display_preset.message": "Selecteer de slots die je wilt opslaan",
"dialog.display_preset.create": "Creëer",
"": "Selecteer",
"": "Nieuwe Selectie",
"": "In Geselecteerde Groep",
"": "Naam Bevat",
"": "Willekeurig",
"": "Selecteer",
"dialog.scale.title": "Schaal Model",
"dialog.scale.axis": "As",
"dialog.scale.scale": "Schaal",
"dialog.scale.clipping": "Model clipping: Je model is te groot voor het canvas",
"dialog.scale.confirm": "Herschaal",
"dialog.plugins.title": "Plugins",
"dialog.plugins.installed": "Geïnstalleerd",
"dialog.plugins.available": "Beschikbaar",
"dialog.plugins.install": "Installeer",
"dialog.plugins.uninstall": "de-installeren",
"dialog.plugins.reload": "Herlaad",
"dialog.plugins.none_installed": "Geen plugins geïnstalleerd",
"dialog.plugins.none_available": "Geen plugins beschikbaar",
"dialog.plugins.web_only": "Alleen voor de web app",
"dialog.plugins.app_only": "Alleen voor de desktop app",
"": "door %0",
"dialog.plugins.show_less": "Laat Minder Zien",
"dialog.entitylist.title": "Open Entity Model",
"dialog.entitylist.text": "Selecteer het model dat je wilt importeren",
"dialog.entitylist.bones": "Botten",
"dialog.entitylist.cubes": "Kubussen",
"dialog.create_texture.folder": "Map",
"dialog.create_texture.resolution": "Resolutie",
"dialog.input.title": "Invoer",
"dialog.settings.settings": "Instellingen",
"dialog.settings.keybinds": "Sneltoetsen",
"dialog.settings.about": "Over",
"layout.color.back": "Terug",
"layout.color.back.desc": "Achtergronden en invoervelden",
"layout.color.dark": "Donker",
"layout.color.dark.desc": "Canvas achtergrond",
"layout.color.ui": "UI",
"layout.color.ui.desc": "Hoofdinterface kleur",
"layout.color.bright_ui": "Helder UI",
"layout.color.bright_ui.desc": "Context menu's en tooltips",
"layout.color.button": "Knop",
"layout.color.button.desc": "Knoppen en Schakelaars",
"layout.color.selected": "Geselecteerd",
"layout.color.selected.desc": "Geselecteerde tabladen en objecten",
"layout.color.border": "Rand",
"layout.color.border.desc": "Rand van knoppen en invoer",
"layout.color.accent": "Accent",
"layout.color.accent.desc": "Schuifknop en andere details",
"layout.color.grid": "Rooster",
"layout.color.grid.desc": "3D voorvertooning rooster",
"layout.color.text": "Tekst",
"layout.color.text.desc": "Normale tekst",
"layout.color.light": "Licht",
"layout.color.light.desc": "Geselecteerde tekst",
"layout.color.accent_text": "Accent Tekst",
"layout.color.accent_text.desc": "Tekst op accent elementen",
"layout.font.main": "Hoofd lettertype",
"layout.font.headline": "Opschriftlettertype",
"about.version": "Versie:",
"about.creator": "Maker:",
"": "Website:",
"about.vertex_snap": "Vertex Snapping is gebaseerd op een plug-in door SirBenet",
"about.icons": "Icon Pakketten:",
"about.libraries": "Bibliotheken:",
"settings.category.general": "Algemeen:",
"settings.category.preview": "Voorvertooning",
"settings.category.grid": "Rooster",
"settings.category.edit": "Wijzigen",
"settings.category.snapping": "Snapping",
"settings.category.defaults": "Standaard",
"settings.category.dialogs": "Dialogen",
"settings.category.export": "Exporteren",
"settings.language": "Taal",
"settings.language.desc": "Interface taal. Herstart Blockbench om wijzigingen aan te brengen",
"settings.backup_interval": "Backup Frequentie",
"settings.backup_interval.desc": "Frequentie van de automatische backups in minuten",
"settings.origin_size": "Draaipunt Markeerder",
"settings.origin_size.desc": "Grootte van rotatie draaipunt markeerder",
"settings.control_size": "As Controle Grootte",
"settings.control_size.desc": "Grootte van de 3 assen controle gereedschap",
"settings.display_skin": "Toon Skin",
"settings.display_skin.desc": "Skin gebruikt voor het referentie speler model",
"settings.shading": "Shading",
"settings.shading.desc": "Gebruik shading",
"settings.texture_fps": "Geanimeerde beelden FPS",
"settings.texture_fps.desc": "Frames per seconde voor geanimeerde afbeeldingen",
"settings.base_grid": "Klein Rooster",
"settings.base_grid.desc": "Toon klein grid en assen",
"settings.large_grid": "Groot Rooster",
"settings.large_grid.desc": "Toon 3x3 blok rooster",
"settings.full_grid": "Volledig Groot Rooster",
"settings.full_grid.desc": "Toon precies 3x3 rooster",
"settings.large_box": "Groote Omranding",
"settings.large_box.desc": "Toon 3x3 blok omranding",
"settings.display_grid": "Weergavemodus",
"settings.display_grid.desc": "Toon rooster in weergavemodus",
"settings.undo_limit": "Ongedaan maken Limiet",
"settings.undo_limit.desc": "Aantal stappen dat je ongedaan kan maken",
"settings.local_move": "Beweeg op Relatieve Assen",
"settings.local_move.desc": "Beweeg gedraaide elementen op hun eigen assen indien mogelijk",
"settings.canvas_unselect": "Canvas Klik Deselecteer",
"settings.canvas_unselect.desc": "Deselecteerd alle elementen wanneer er op de canvas achtergrond wordt geklikt",
"settings.paint_side_restrict": "Beperk Penseel tot Oppervlak",
"settings.paint_side_restrict.desc": "Beperk Penseel om enkel op het huidige oppervlak te tekenen",
"settings.autouv": "Auto UV",
"settings.autouv.desc": "Pas Auto UV standaard toe",
"settings.create_rename": "Geef Nieuwe Kubus Een Naam",
"settings.create_rename.desc": "Focus naam veld bij het creëren van een nieuw element of groep",
"settings.edit_size": "Rooster Resolutie",
"settings.edit_size.desc": "Resolutie van het rooster waar kubussen naartoe snappen",
"settings.shift_size": "Shift Resolutie",
"settings.shift_size.desc": "Resolutie van het rooster waneer je shift inhoudt",
"settings.ctrl_size": "Control Resolutie",
"settings.ctrl_size.desc": "Resolutie van het rooster waneer je control inhoudt",
"settings.negative_size": "Negatieve Grootte",
"settings.negative_size.desc": "Toestaan om negatieve grootte te gebruiken",
"settings.minifiedout": "Geminimaliseerde Export",
"settings.minifiedout.desc": "Schrijf JSON bestand op een lijn",
"settings.export_groups": "Exporteer Groepen",
"settings.export_groups.desc": "Sla groepen op in blokmodel bestanden",
"": "Credit Opmerking",
"": "Voeg een credit opmerking toe aan geëxporteerde bestanden",
"settings.default_path": "Default Minecraft Textures Path",
"settings.default_path.desc": "Map waarvan Blockbench de standaard texturen laadt",
"settings.image_editor": "Afbeelding Bewerker",
"settings.image_editor.desc": "Standaard afbeelding verwerker om textures mee te bewerken",
"category.navigate": "Navigatie",
"": "Gereedschap",
"category.file": "Bestand",
"category.blockbench": "Blockbench",
"category.edit": "Bewerk",
"category.transform": "Transformeren",
"category.view": "Bekijken",
"category.display": "Tentoonstel instellingen",
"category.textures": "Texturen",
"category.misc": "Overig",
"keybind.preview_select": "Selecteer",
"keybind.preview_rotate": "Beeld draaien",
"keybind.preview_drag": "Zicht verplaatsen",
"keybind.confirm": "Bevestig",
"keybind.cancel": "Annuleer",
"action.slider_inflate": "Opblazen",
"action.slider_inflate.desc": "Kubussen alle kanten op opblazen zonder de UV te veranderen",
"action.slider_brush_size": "Grootte",
"action.slider_brush_size.desc": "Formaat van de kwast",
"action.slider_brush_opacity": "Doorzichtigheid",
"action.slider_brush_opacity.desc": "Doorzichtigheid van de kwast in %",
"action.slider_brush_softness": "Zachtheid",
"action.slider_brush_softness.desc": "Zacheid van de kwast in %",
"action.uv_slider_pos_x": "Beweeg Horizontaal",
"action.uv_slider_pos_x.desc": "Beweeg de UV selectie van alle kubussen horizontaal",
"action.uv_slider_pos_y": "Beweeg Verticaal",
"action.uv_slider_pos_y.desc": "De UV selectie van alle geselecteerde kubussen verticaal verplaatsen",
"action.uv_slider_size_x": "Herschaal Horizontaal",
"action.uv_slider_size_x.desc": "Herschaal de UV selectie van alle geselecteerde kubussen horizontaal",
"action.uv_slider_size_y": "Herschaal Verticaal",
"action.uv_slider_size_y.desc": "Herschaal de UV selectie van alle geselecteerde kubussen verticaal",
"action.vertex_snap_mode": "Mode",
"action.vertex_snap_mode.desc": "Selecteer of Vertex Snap elementen verplaatst of herschaalt naar de geselecteerde positie",
"action.move_tool": "Verplaatsen",
"action.move_tool.desc": "Gereedschap om elementen te selecteren en te verplaatsen",
"action.resize_tool": "Formaat veranderen",
"action.resize_tool.desc": "Gereedschap om elementen te selecteren en te vergrootten",
"action.brush_tool": "Verfkwast",
"action.brush_tool.desc": "Gereedschap om te tekenen op bitmap texturen op oppervlakken of in de UV bewerker.",
"action.vertex_snap_tool": "Hoeken Snap",
"action.vertex_snap_tool.desc": "Beweeg een kubus naar een ander kubus door twee hoeken te verbinden",
"action.swap_tools": "Verwissel Gereedschap",
"action.swap_tools.desc": "Verwissel verplaats en vergroot gereedschap",
"action.project_window": "Project...",
"action.project_window.desc": "Opend het project scherm, waar de metadata van je model kan wijzigen",
"action.open_model": "Open Model",
"action.open_model.desc": "Open een model bestand op je computer",
"action.extrude_texture": "Geëxtrudeerde textuur",
"action.extrude_texture.desc": "Genereer een model door een textuur uit te rekken",
"action.export_blockmodel": "Exporteer Blockmodel",
"action.export_blockmodel.desc": "Exporteer Minecraft blok of item model",
"action.export_optifine_part": "Exporteer OptiFine JPM",
"action.export_optifine_part.desc": "Exporteer een entity deel model voor OptiFine",
"action.export_optifine_full": "Exporteer OptiFine JEM",
"action.export_optifine_full.desc": "Exporteer een volledig OptiFine entity model",
"action.export_obj": "Exporteer OBJ Model",
"action.export_obj.desc": "Exporteer een Wavefront OBJ model om in andere programma's te gebuiken",
"action.settings_window": "Instellingen...",
"action.settings_window.desc": "Open het Blockbench instellingen venster",
"action.plugins_window": "Plugins...",
"action.plugins_window.desc": "Open het plugin venster",
"action.reset_layout": "Herstel Lay-out",
"action.reset_layout.desc": "Herstel de lay-out naar Blockbench's standaard",
"action.load_plugin": "Laad Plugin uit Bestand",
"action.load_plugin.desc": "Laad een plugin door het bronbestand te importeren",
"action.reload_plugins": "Herlaad Plugins",
"action.reload_plugins.desc": "Herlaadt alle development plugins.",
"action.undo": "Ongedaan Maken",
"action.undo.desc": "Maakt de laatste verandering ongedaan",
"action.redo": "Herhalen",
"action.redo.desc": "Herhaalt de laatste ongedaanmaking",
"action.copy": "Kopiëren",
"action.copy.desc": "Kopieer de geselecteerde selectie, oppervlak of weergave-instelling",
"action.paste": "Plakken",
"action.paste.desc": "Plak de geselecteerde selectie, oppervlak of weergave-instelling",
"action.cut": "Knippen",
"action.cut.desc": "Knip de geselecteerde selectie, oppervlak of weergave-instelling",
"action.add_cube": "Voeg Kubus Toe",
"action.add_cube.desc": "Voegt een nieuwe kubus toe",
"action.add_group": "Nieuwe Groep",
"action.add_group.desc": "Voegt een nieuwe groep of been toe",
"action.outliner_toggle": "Meer Opties",
"action.outliner_toggle.desc": "Zet knoppen voor meer opties in de omlijner aan/uit",
"action.duplicate": "Dupliceren",
"action.duplicate.desc": "Dupliceert de geselecteerde kubus of groep",
"action.delete": "Verwijderen",
"action.delete.desc": "Verwijdert de geselecteerde kubus of groep",
"action.sort_outliner": "Omlijning Sorteren",
"action.sort_outliner.desc": "Sorteert de omlijning alfabetisch",
"action.select_window": "Selecteer...",
"action.select_window.desc": "Zoek en selecteer kubussen op basis van hun eigenschappen",
"action.invert_selection": "Selectie Omkeren",
"action.invert_selection.desc": "Keer de selectie van kubussen om",
"action.select_all": "Alles Selecteren",
"action.select_all.desc": "Selecteert alle kubussen",
"action.collapse_groups": "Groepen Samenvouwen",
"action.collapse_groups.desc": "Vouwt alle groepen samen",
"action.scale": "Schalen...",
"action.scale.desc": "Schaal de geselecteerde kubussen",
"action.center_all": "Centreer",
"action.center_all.desc": "Centreer de geselecteerde kubussen",
"action.toggle_visibility": "Zet Zichtbaarheid Aan/Uit",
"action.toggle_visibility.desc": "Zet de zichtbaarheid van de geselecteerde kubussen aan/uit",
"action.toggle_export": "Zet Export Aan/Uit",
"action.toggle_export.desc": "Zet de expoteer instellingen van de geselecteerde kubusen aan/uit.",
"action.toggle_autouv": "Zet Auto UV Aan/Uit",
"action.toggle_autouv.desc": "Zet de auto UV setting van de geselecteerde kubusen aan/uit.",
"action.toggle_shade": "Zet Shading Aan/Uit",
"action.toggle_shade.desc": "Zet de shading van de geselecteerde kubussen aan/uit.",
"action.rename": "Een Andere Naam Geven",
"action.rename.desc": "Wijzig de naam van de geselecteerde kubussen",
"action.add_display_preset": "Nieuwe Preset",
"action.add_display_preset.desc": "Voeg een nieuwe weergave preset toe",
"action.fullscreen": "Volledig Scherm",
"action.fullscreen.desc": "Zet volledig scherm modus aan/uit.",
"action.zoom_in": "Zoom In",
"action.zoom_in.desc": "Zoom in om de interface te vergrootten",
"action.zoom_out": "Zoom Uit",
"action.zoom_out.desc": "Zoom uit om de interface the verkleinen",
"action.zoom_reset": "Herstel Zoom",
"action.zoom_reset.desc": "Herstel zoom tot de standaard 100%",
"action.reset_interface": "Herstel Interface",
"action.reset_interface.desc": "Herstel grootte en positie van de GUI",
"action.screenshot_model": "Screenshot Model",
"action.screenshot_model.desc": "Neem een screenshot van het model vanuit het huidige standpunt",
"action.screenshot_app": "Screenshot App",
"action.screenshot_app.desc": "Neem een screenshot van de hele applicatie",
"action.toggle_quad_view": "Zet Vierdelige Weergave Aan/Uit",
"action.toggle_quad_view.desc": "Zet de 4 beelden modus aan/uit",
"action.import_texture": "Textuur Importeren",
"action.import_texture.desc": "Importeer een of meerdere texturen van je bestandssysteem",
"action.create_texture": "Maak Textuur Aan",
"action.create_texture.desc": "Maak een nieuwe textuur of sjabloon aan",
"action.save_textures": "Texturen Opslaan",
"action.save_textures.desc": "Sla alle niet-opgeslagen texturen op",
"action.animated_textures": "Start Geanimeerde Texturen",
"action.animated_textures.desc": "Start en pauzeer de weergave van geanimeerde texturen",
"action.origin_to_geometry": "Centreer Draaipunt",
"action.origin_to_geometry.desc": "Zet het draaipunt naar het midden van de geometrie",
"action.rescale_toggle": "Zet Herschaal Aan/Uit",
"action.rescale_toggle.desc": "Herschaal kubussen gebaseerd op hun huidige rotatie",
"action.bone_reset_toggle": "Herstel bot",
"action.bone_reset_toggle.desc": "Stop het bot van de kubussen van de ouder te laten zien ",
"action.reload": "Herlaad Blockbench",
"action.reload.desc": "Herstart Blockbench. Alle niet-opgeslagen veranderingen zullen verloren gaan.",
"menu.file": "Bestand",
"menu.edit": "Bewerken",
"menu.transform": "Transformeren",
"menu.display": "Weergave",
"menu.view": "Beeld",
"": "Nieuw",
"menu.file.recent": "Recente",
"menu.file.import": "Importeren",
"menu.file.export": "Exporteren",
"menu.transform.rotate": "Draaien",
"menu.transform.flip": "Omdraaien",
"": "Centreren",
"": "Eigenschappen",
"menu.display.preset": "Pas Preset Toe",
"menu.display.preset_all": "Pas Preset Overal Toe",
"menu.display.remove_preset": "Verwijder Preset",
"menu.view.zoom": "Zoom",
"menu.view.background": "Achtergrond",
"menu.view.screenshot": "Schermafbeelding",
"menu.cube.color": "Markeerkleur",
"menu.cube.texture": "Afbeelding",
"menu.cube.texture.transparent": "Transparant",
"menu.cube.texture.blank": "Leeg",
"": "Sorteren",
"menu.texture.face": "Pas Toe op Oppervlak",
"menu.texture.file": "Bestand",
"menu.texture.refresh": "Ververs",
"menu.texture.change": "Wijzig Bestand",
"menu.texture.folder": "Open in Map",
"menu.texture.edit": "Edit Externally",
"menu.texture.export": "Opslaan Als",
"": "Opslaan",
"": "Eigenschappen",
"menu.preview.background": "Achtergrond",
"menu.preview.background.load": "Laden",
"menu.preview.background.position": "Positie",
"menu.preview.background.lock": "Vastzetten Op De Camera",
"menu.preview.screenshot": "Schermafbeelding",
"menu.preview.perspective": "Perspectief",
"menu.preview.perspective.normal": "Normaal",
"menu.preview.quadview": "Vierdelige Weergave",
"menu.preview.stop_drag": "Stop Achtergrong Positionering",
"menu.uv.mapping": "UV Mapping",
"menu.uv.mapping.export": "Exporteren",
"menu.uv.mapping.rotation": "Rotatie",
"menu.uv.mapping.mirror_x": "Spiegel X",
"menu.uv.mapping.mirror_y": "Spiegel Y",
"menu.uv.texture": "Afbeelding",
"cube.color.light_blue": "Lichtblauw",
"cube.color.yellow": "Geel",
"": "Oranje",
"": "Rood",
"cube.color.purple": "Paars",
"": "Blauw",
"": "Groen",
"cube.color.lime": "Lichtgroen",
"switches.visibility": "Zichtbaarheid",
"switches.export": "Exporteer",
"switches.autouv": "Auto UV",
"panel.uv": "UV",
"panel.display": "Toning",
"panel.textures": "Afbeeldingen",
"panel.outliner": "Omlijning",
"uv_editor.title": "UV Bewerker",
"uv_editor.all_faces": "Alle",
"uv_editor.no_faces": "Geen",
"face.north": "Noord",
"face.south": "Zuid",
"face.west": "West",
"face.east": "Oost",
"face.up": "Boven",
"face.down": "Onder",
"direction.north": "Noord",
"direction.south": "Zuid",
"direction.west": "West",
"direction.east": "Oost",
"": "Bovenkant",
"direction.bottom": "Onderkant",
"display.slot.third_right": "Derde Persoon Rechts",
"display.slot.third_left": "Derde Persoon Links",
"display.slot.first_right": "Eerste Persoon Rechts",
"display.slot.first_left": "Eerste Persoon Links",
"display.slot.head": "Hoofd",
"display.slot.ground": "Grond",
"display.slot.frame": "Voorwerplijst",
"display.slot.gui": "GUI",
"display.rotation": "Rotatie",
"display.translation": "Translatie",
"display.scale": "Schaal",
"display.slot": "Slot",
"display.reference": "Verwijs Naar Model",
"display.reference.player": "Speler",
"display.reference.zombie": "Zombie",
"display.reference.armor_stand": "Armor Stand",
"display.reference.baby_zombie": "Baby Zombie",
"display.reference.armor_stand_small": "Small Armor Stand",
"display.reference.monitor": "Normaal",
"display.reference.bow": "Boog",
"display.reference.block": "Blok",
"display.reference.frame": "Item Frame",
"display.reference.inventory_nine": "3x3",
"display.reference.inventory_full": "Inventaris",
"display.reference.hud": "HUD",
"display.preset.blank_name": "Vul een naam in a.u.b.",
"display.preset.item": "Standaard Item",
"display.preset.block": "Standaard Blok",
"display.preset.handheld": "Standaard Wapen",
"display.preset.rod": "Standaard Rod",
"dialog.continue": "Doorgaan",
"message.square_textures": "Texturen moeten vierkant zijn",
"message.unsaved_texture.title": "Niet Opgeslagen Textuur",
"message.unsaved_texture.message": "Alle niet opgeslagen veranderingen van deze textuur zullen verloren gaan. Wil je doorgaan?",
"action.vertex_snap_mode.move": "Beweeg",
"action.vertex_snap_mode.scale": "Schaal",
"action.open_model_folder": "Open Model Map",
"action.open_model_folder.desc": "Opend de map waar het model in zit",
"action.change_textures_folder": "Verander Textuur Locatie",
"action.change_textures_folder.desc": "Verander de map waar alle texturen zijn opgeslagen",
"menu.texture.particle": "Gebruik voor Deeltjes",
"message.update_notification.title": "Er is een update van Blockbench beschikbaar.",
"message.update_notification.message": "Blockbench versie %0 is uit. Wil je deze nu installeren?",
"message.untextured": "Dit oppervlak heeft geen texture.",
"dialog.toolbar_edit.title": "Aangepast Gereedschap",
"keybindings.reset": "Reset",
"keybindings.clear": "Leeg",
"action.cube_counter": "Blok teller",
"action.uv_rotation": "UV Rotatie",
"action.uv_rotation.desc": "Rotatie van het UV oppervlak",
"action.uv_grid": "UV Rooster",
"action.uv_grid.desc": "De resolutie van het rooster waarnaar de UV selector snapt",
"": "Automatisch",
"action.uv_maximize": "Maximaliseer UV",
"action.uv_maximize.desc": "Stelt de UV voor dit oppervlak in op de hele textuur",
"action.uv_auto": "Auto UV",
"action.uv_auto.desc": "Stelt de UV grootte voor dit oppervlak in op de werkelijke grootte van het oppervlak",
"action.uv_rel_auto": "Rel. Auto UV",
"action.uv_rel_auto.desc": "Veranderd de positie van de UV van dit oppervlak naar de positie en grootte van de zijkant.",
"action.uv_mirror_x": "UV Spiegelen X",
"action.uv_mirror_x.desc": "Spiegelt de UV van deze kant op de X as",
"action.uv_mirror_y": "UV spiegel Y",
"action.uv_mirror_y.desc": "Spiegelt de UV van deze kant op de Y as",
"action.uv_transparent": "Doorzichtige kant",
"action.uv_transparent.desc": "Maakt het huidige aanzicht doorzichtig",
"action.uv_reset": "Kant resetten",
"action.uv_reset.desc": "Huidige kant resetten",
"action.cullface": "Cullface",
"action.cullface.desc": "Verbergt dit oppervlak wanneer de geselecteerde zijkant van dit model is bedekt",
"action.auto_cullface": "Auto Cullface",
"action.auto_cullface.desc": "Verandert de cullface voor dit oppervlak naar zichzelf",
"action.face_tint": "Tint",
"action.face_tint.desc": "Zet de tint optie voor het huidige oppervlak aan",
"menu.toolbar.edit": "Aanpassen",
"menu.toolbar.reset": "Resetten",
"uv_editor.rotated": "Geroteerd",
"uv_editor.auto_cull": "Cullface Naar Zichzelf",
"uv_editor.copied": "Oppervlak Gekopieerd",
"uv_editor.pasted": "Oppervlak Geplakt",
"uv_editor.copied_x": "%0 Oppervlakken Gecopieerd",
"uv_editor.reset": "Herstel Oppervlak",
"uv_editor.maximized": "Gemaximaliseerd",
"uv_editor.autouv": "Auto Grootte",
"uv_editor.mirrored": "Gespiegeld",
"uv_editor.to_all": "Toegepast Op Alle Oppervlakken",
"uv_editor.transparent": "Doorzichtig Gemaakt",
"uv_editor.cullface_on": "Cullface Aan",
"uv_editor.cullface_off": "Cullface Uit",
"uv_editor.tint_on": "Tint Aan",
"uv_editor.tint_off": "Tint Uit",
"action.uv_apply_all": "Pas Toe Op Alle Oppervlakken",
"action.uv_apply_all.desc": "Past de huidige instelling toe op alle oppervlakken",
"message.image_editor_missing.title": "Standaard Afbeelding Editor",
"message.image_editor_missing.message": "Selecteer het executeerbare bestand van je afbeeldingsbewerker.",
"message.image_editor_missing.detail": "Blockbench kon geen afbeelding editor vinden op jouw computer. Selecteer het executeerbare bestand van jouw gewenste afbeeldingsbewerker.",
"action.update_autouv": "Update Auto UV",
"action.update_autouv.desc": "Update de auto UV van de geselecteerde",
"category.uv": "UV",
"status_bar.saved": "Model is opgeslagen",
"status_bar.unsaved": "Er zijn onopgeslagen veranderingen",
"action.move_up": "Beweeg omhoog",
"action.move_up.desc": "Beweeg de geselecteerde kubussen omhoog in opzicht van de huidige camerahoek",
"action.move_down": "Beweeg naar beneden",
"action.move_down.desc": "Beweeg de geselecteerde kubussen naar beneden ten opzichte van de huidige camerahoek",
"action.move_left": "Beweeg Naar Links",
"action.move_left.desc": "Beweeg de geselecteerde kubussen naar links ten opzichte van de huidige camera hoek",
"action.move_right": "Beweeg Naar Rechts",
"action.move_right.desc": "Beweeg de geselecteerde kubussen naar rechts ten opzichte van de huidige camera hoek",
"action.move_forth": "Beweeg naar voren",
"action.move_forth.desc": "Beweeg de geselecteerde kubussen naar voren ten opzichte van de huidige camera hoek",
"action.move_back": "Beweeg naar achteren",
"action.move_back.desc": "Beweeg de geselecteerde kubussen naar achteren ten opzichte van de huidige camera hoek",
"layout.color.wireframe": "Wireframe",
"layout.color.wireframe.desc": "Wireframe bekijk lijnen",
"action.add_animation": "Voeg Animatie Toe",
"action.add_animation.desc": "Creëer een blanco animatie ",
"action.load_animation_file": "Import Animatie",
"action.load_animation_file.desc": "Import een animatie bestand",
"action.play_animation": "Speel Animaties",
"action.play_animation.desc": "Voorvertoning de geselecteerde animatie",
"action.slider_keyframe_time": "Tijdcode",
"action.slider_keyframe_time.desc": "Verander de tijdcode van de geselecteerde keyframes",
"timeline.rotation": "Rotatie",
"timeline.position": "Positie",
"timeline.scale": "Schaal",
"menu.keyframe.quaternion": "Quaternion",
"panel.animations": "Animaties",
"panel.keyframe": "Keyframe",
"panel.keyframe.type": "Keyframe (%0)",
"generic.delete": "Verwijder",
"generic.rename": "Hernoem",
"message.no_animation_selected": "Je moet een animatie selecteren om dit te doen",
"message.no_bone_selected": "Je moet een bot selecteren om dit te doen",
"message.duplicate_groups.title": "Bot Naam Dupliceren",
"message.duplicate_groups.message": "De naam van dit bot bestaat op meerdere botten. Dit kan voor problemen zorgen.",
"action.delete_keyframes": "Verwijder Keyframes",
"action.delete_keyframes.desc": "Verwijder alle geselecteerde keyframes",
"menu.animation": "Animatie",
"menu.animation.loop": "Herhaal",
"menu.animation.override": "Overschrijf",
"menu.animation.anim_time_update": "Update Nummer",
"message.display_skin_model.title": "Skin Model",
"message.display_skin_model.message": "Kies je type skin",
"message.display_skin_model.classic": "Klassiek (steve)",
"message.display_skin_model.slim": "Slim (alex)",
"message.bone_material": "Verander materiaal",
"action.slider_animation_length": "Animatie Lengte",
"action.slider_animation_length.desc": "Verander de lengte van de geselecteerde animatie",
"panel.variable_placeholders": "Variabele Plaatshouder",
"": "Maak een lijst van de variabele s die je vooraf wil zien via naam=waarde",
"status_bar.vertex_distance": "Afstand:%0",
"dialog.create_gif.title": "Neem GIF Op",
"dialog.create_gif.length": "Tijdsduur",
"dialog.create_gif.fps": "FPS",
"dialog.create_gif.compression": "Compressie Gehalte",
"": "Start Animatie",
"category.animation": "Animatie",
"action.record_model_gif": "Neem GIF Op",
"action.record_model_gif.desc": "Neem een geanimeerde GIF op van het model van de huidige hoek",
"display.mirror": "Spiegel",
"data.separator": "Scheidingsteken",
"menu.preview.background.set_position": "Stel Positie In",
"dialog.toolbar_edit.hidden": "Verborgen",
"action.export_class_entity": "Exporteer Java Editie Entiteit",
"action.export_class_entity.desc": "Exporteer het entity model als een Java klasse",
"settings.seethrough_outline": "X-Ray Buitenlijnen",
"settings.seethrough_outline.desc": "Laat buitenlijnen door voorwerpen heen zien",
"mode.edit": "Bewerk",
"mode.paint": "Verf",
"mode.display": "Positie",
"mode.animate": "Animeer",
"status_bar.recording_gif": "Opnemen GIF",
"status_bar.processing_gif": "Verwerken GIF",
"settings.backup_retain": "Backup Ophalen Duratie",
"settings.backup_retain.desc": "Stel in hoe lang Blockbench oude updates ophaalt in dagen",
"action.rotate_tool": "Roteer",
"action.rotate_tool.desc": "Gereedschap om elementen te selecteren en te draaien",
"action.fill_tool": "Verf Emmer",
"action.fill_tool.desc": "Verf emmer om hele oppervlakten met een kleur te bedekken.",
"action.eraser": "Gum",
"action.eraser.desc": "Gum gereedschap om kleuren op texturen met transparantie te vervangen",
"action.color_picker": "Kleur Pipet",
"action.color_picker.desc": "Gereedschap om de kleur van de pixels op je textuur te selecteren",
"action.open_backup_folder": "Open ",
"action.open_backup_folder.desc": "Opent de Blockbench backup map",
"switches.mirror": "Spiegel UV",
"language_name": "Nederlands",
"message.plugin_reload": "%0 lokale plugins herlaadden",
"settings.brightness": "Helderheid",
"settings.brightness.desc": "Helderheid van de voorvertoning. Standaard is 50",
"menu.preview.perspective.reset": "Herstel Camera",
"action.fill_mode": "Vul Modus",
"action.fill_mode.face": "Oppervlak",
"action.fill_mode.color": "Kleur",
"action.toggle_mirror_uv": "Spiegel UV",
"action.toggle_mirror_uv.desc": "Zet de UV spiegeling op de X as van de geselecteerde kubus aan/uit",
"menu.texture.blank": "Breng aan op Ongetextuurde oppervlaken",
"dialog.scale.select_overflow": "Selecteer Overflow",
"dialog.create_texture.compress": "Druk Template Samen",
"action.action_control": "Actie Controle",
"action.action_control.desc": "Zoek en voer elke beschikbare actie uit",
"keybindings.recording": "Neem Toetsbinding Op",
"": "Druk op een knop of een combinatie van knoppen of klik ergens op het scherm om toetsbinding op te nemen",
"action.pivot_tool": "Draai Gereedschap",
"action.pivot_tool.desc": "Gereedschap om het Draaipunt van de kubussen en botten te veranderen",
"action.slider_animation_speed": "Terugspeelsnelheid",
"action.slider_animation_speed.desc": "Terugspeelsnelheid van de tijdlijn in percent",
"action.previous_keyframe": "Vorige Keyframe",
"action.previous_keyframe.desc": "Spring naar de vorige keyframe",
"action.next_keyframe": "Volgende Keyframe",
"action.next_keyframe.desc": "Spring naar de volgende Keyframe",
"message.outdated_client.title": "Verouderde client",
"message.outdated_client.message": "Alstublieft update naar de laatste versie van Blockbench om dit te doen",
"action.export_asset_archive": "Download Archief",
"action.export_asset_archive.desc": "Download een archief met model en alle texturen erin",
"action.upload_sketchfab": "Sketchfab Upload",
"message.sketchfab.name_or_token": "Alstublieft vul uw Sketchfab token en een naam in",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.title": "Upload Sketchfab Model",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.token": "API Token",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.about_token": "De token is gebruikt om Blockbench met u Sketchfab account te verbinden. U can het vinden op %0",
"": "Model Naam",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.description": "Beschrijving",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.tags": "Tags",
"settings.sketchfab_token": "Sketchfab Token",
"settings.sketchfab_token.desc": "Token om blockbench te autoriseren om te uploaden naar u Sketchfab account",
"panel.color": "Kleur",
"data.origin": "Draaipunt",
"message.sketchfab.success": "Model succesvol geüpload",
"message.sketchfab.error": "Gefaald om model up te loaden naar Sketchfab",
"settings.outliner_colors": "Omlijning Kleuren",
"settings.outliner_colors.desc": "Laat kubus kleuren in de omlijning zien",
"action.upload_sketchfab.desc": "Upload je model naar Sketchfab",
"action.element_colors": "Kubus Kleuren",
"action.element_colors.desc": "Toon kubus kleuren in de omlijning",
"texture.error.file": "Bestand niet gevonden",
"texture.error.invalid": "Ongeldig bestand",
"texture.error.ratio": "Ongeldige aspect ratio",
"texture.error.parent": "Textuur bestand geleverd door ouder model",
"message.recover_backup.title": "Haal Model Terug",
"message.recover_backup.message": "Blockbench was gesloten zonder opslaan. Wil je het model terughalen?",
"message.invalid_session.title": "Ongeldige Sessie Token",
"message.invalid_session.message": "De sessie waar je aan probeert toe te treden is verlopen of de token gegeven is ongeldig.",
"dialog.create_texture.power": "Macht-van-2 Grootte",
"dialog.create_gif.turn": "Draaitafel Snelheid",
"action.edit_session": "Bewerk Sessie...",
"action.edit_session.desc": "Verbind met een bewerk sessie om samen te werken met andere gebruikers",
"action.reset_keyframe": "Herstel Keyframe",
"action.reset_keyframe.desc": "Herstel alle waarden van de geselecteerde keyframes",
"dialog.edit_session.title": "Bewerk Sessie",
"edit_session.username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"edit_session.token": "Token",
"edit_session.about": "Bewerk Sessies kan gebruikt worden om samen te weken met modellen over het internet. Maak een sessie en copiëer de token en verstuur het naar vrienden, die het dan kan gebruiken om toe te treden.",
"edit_session.join": "Treed Toe Tot Sessie",
"edit_session.create": "Maak Sessie",
"edit_session.quit": "Ga Uit Sessie",
"edit_session.joined": "%0 is toegetreden tot de sessie",
"edit_session.left": "%0 is uit de sessie gegaan",
"edit_session.quit_session": "Uit de huidige sessie gegaan",
"edit_session.status": "Status",
"": "Hosten",
"edit_session.connected": "Verbonden met een sessie",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.private": "Privé (Pro)",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.password": "Password (Pro)",
"action.uv_select_all": "Selecteer Alles",
"action.uv_select_all.desc": "Selecteer alle oppervlakken in het UV dialoog",
"": "Chat",
"edit_session.welcome": "Welkom bij deze sessie door %0",
"dialog.yes": "Ja",
"": "Nee",
"generic.remove": "Verwijder",
"": "Download",
"": "Zoek",
"": "Vandaag",
"dates.yesterday": "Gisteren",
"dates.this_week": "Deze week",
"dates.weeks_ago": "%0 weken geleden",
"": "Nieuw",
"mode.start.recent": "Recent",
"": "Vrij Model",
"": "Model zonder beperkingen voor Unity etc.",
"format.java_block": "Java Blok/Item",
"format.java_block.desc": "Blok model voor Java Editie. Grootte en rotatie zijn gelimiteerd",
"format.bedrock": "Bedrock Model",
"format.bedrock.desc": "Model voor Bedrock Editie",
"format.bedrock_old": "Bedrock Legacy Model",
"format.bedrock_old.desc": "Voor-1.12 Bedrock Editie entity model",
"format.modded_entity": "Modded Entity",
"format.modded_entity.desc": "Entity model voor mods. Kan geëxporteerd worden als .java class bestanden",
"format.optifine_entity": "OptiFine Entity",
"format.optifine_entity.desc": "Custom entity model voor OptiFine",
"keys.mouse": "Muis Knop %0",
"message.cleared_blank_faces.title": "Blanke Oppervlakken",
"message.cleared_blank_faces.message": "Blockbench heeft %0 kubussen zonder textuur gevonden. Wil je deze elementen verwijderen",
"message.wireframe.enabled": "Wireframe beeld ingeschakeld",
"message.wireframe.disabled": "Wireframe beeld uitgeschakeld",
"dialog.convert_project.title": "Coverteer Project",
"dialog.convert_project.text": "Weet je zeker dat je dit project wil converteren? Je kan deze stap niet ongedaan maken.",
"dialog.create_texture.double_use": "Houd Meer Textuur Gebruik",
"dialog.model_stats.title": "Model Stats",
"dialog.model_stats.cubes": "Kubussen",
"dialog.model_stats.locators": "Locators",
"dialog.model_stats.groups": "Groepen",
"dialog.model_stats.vertices": "Vertices",
"dialog.model_stats.faces": "Oppervlakken",
"settings.username": "Gebruikersnaam",
"settings.username.desc": "Gebruikersnaam voor bewerk sessie",
"settings.painting_grid": "Verf Grid",
"settings.painting_grid.desc": "Toon grid op getextuurde kubussen in verf modus",
"action.convert_project": "Converteer Project",
"action.convert_project.desc": "Converteerd het huidige project in een project van een ander format",
"action.close_project": "Sluit Project",
"action.close_project.desc": "Sluit het huidige open project",
"action.export_bedrock": "Exporteer Bedrock Geometrie",
"action.export_bedrock.desc": "Exporteer het model als een Bedrock editie geometrie bestand.",
"action.save_project": "Sla Project Op",
"action.save_project.desc": "Slaat het huidige model op als een project bestand",
"action.save_project_as": "Sla Project Op Als",
"action.save_project_as.desc": "Slaat het huidige model op als een project bestand op een nieuwe locatie",
"action.export_over": "Overschrijf Model",
"action.export_over.desc": "Slaat het model, texturen en animaties op door de bestanden te overschrijven",
"action.add_locator": "Voeg Locator toe",
"action.add_locator.desc": "Voegt een nieuwe locator toe om posities van deeltjes, leashes etc. the controleren",
"action.uv_turn_mapping": "Draai Mapping",
"action.uv_turn_mapping.desc": "Draai de UV mapping rond met 90 graden",
"action.remove_blank_faces": "Verwijder Lege Oppervlakken",
"action.remove_blank_faces.desc": "Verwijderd alle ongetextuurde oppervlakken van de selectie",
"web.download_app": "Download App",
"uv_editor.turned": "Gedraaide Mapping",
"display.reference.crossbow": "Kruisboog",
"dialog.settings.search_results": "Zoek Resultaten",
"settings.animation_snap": "Animatie Snap",
"settings.animation_snap.desc": "Snap interval voor keyframes in de animatie tijdlijn in stappen per seconde",
"action.import_optifine_part": "Importeer OptiFine Onderdeel",
"action.import_optifine_part.desc": "Importeer een entity deel model voor OptiFine",
"data.locator": "Locator",
"mode.start.no_recents": "Geen recent geopende modellen",
"panel.element": "Element",
"panel.element.position": "Positie",
"panel.element.size": "Grootte",
"panel.element.origin": "Draaipunt",
"panel.element.rotation": "Rotatie",
"message.canvas_limit_error.title": "Canvas limiet Error",
"message.canvas_limit_error.message": "De actie kon niet correct worden uitgevoerd omdat het format het canvas limiteert tot 48 eenheden. Verschuif het draaipunt om dit te voorkomen.",
"data.effect": "Effect",
"": "Naam",
"settings.recent_projects": "Recent Model Limiet",
"settings.recent_projects.desc": "Maximale aantal recente modellen om te onthouden",
"settings.volume": "Volume",
"settings.volume.desc": "Volume controle voor geluidseffecten in animaties",
"action.change_keyframe_file": "Selecteer Bestand",
"action.change_keyframe_file.desc": "Selecteer een geluid bestand om een sound effect vooraf te spelen.",
"action.clear_timeline": "Verwijder alles op tijdlijn",
"action.clear_timeline.desc": "Verwijder alle ongeselecteerde botten van de tijdlijn.",
"action.select_effect_animator": "Animeer Effecten",
"action.select_effect_animator.desc": "Opent de tijdlijn om geluid en deeltjes effecten toe te voegen",
"action.timeline_focus": "Kanaal",
"action.timeline_focus.desc": "Selecteer de animatie kanalen om op de tijdlijn te laten zien",
"timeline.particle": "Deeltje",
"timeline.sound": "Geluid",
"timeline.effects": "Effecten",
"data.format": "Formaat",
"format.optifine_part": "OptiFine Deel",
"format.optifine_part.desc": "JPM deel voor OptiFine entity modellen",
"action.reverse_keyframes": "Draai Keyframes Om",
"action.reverse_keyframes.desc": "Draai de volgorde van de geselecteerde keyframes om",
"": "Help",
"message.removed_faces": "%0 oppervlakken verwijderd",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.draft": "Draft",
"action.slider_pos": "Beweeg %0",
"action.slider_pos.desc": "Beweeg kubussen op de %0 as",
"action.slider_size": "Grootte %0",
"action.slider_size.desc": "Herschaal kubussen op de %0 as",
"action.slider_rotation": "Roteer %0",
"action.slider_rotation.desc": "Roteer kubussen op de %0 as",
"action.slider_origin": "Draaipunt %0",
"action.slider_origin.desc": "Verplaats draaipunt op de %0 as",
"action.rotate_cw": "Roteer %0 +90",
"action.rotate_cw.desc": "Roteer de geselecteerde kubussen 90° om de %0 as",
"action.rotate_ccw": "Roteer %0 -90",
"action.rotate_ccw.desc": "Roteer de geselecteerde kubussen -90° op de %0 as",
"action.flip": "Flip %0",
"action.flip.desc": "Flip de geselecteerde kubussen op de %0 as",
"": "Centreer %0",
"": "Centreer de geselecteerde kubussen om de %0 as",
"action.bring_up_all_animations": "Toon Alle Animaties",
"panel.bone": "Bot",
"data.color": "Kleur",
"generic.export": "Exporteren",
"generic.none": "Geen",
"status_bar.recording": "Timelapse Aan Het Opnemen",
"message.add_to_palette": "Toegevoegd aan palet",
"message.size_modifiers": "Houd Ctrl of Shift vast om met ",
"message.timelapse_start": "Timelapse gestart ",
"message.timelapse_stop": "Timelapse gestopt",
"message.import_palette.replace_palette": "Vervang oud palet",
"message.import_palette.threshold": "Voeg Drempel Samen",
"dialog.timelapse.interval": "Interval (Seconden)",
"dialog.timelapse.source": "Bron",
"dialog.timelapse.source.interface": "Deactiveer het grootte limiet voor specifieke model formaten. WARNING: Dit kan ongeldige modellen veroorzaken.",
"dialog.timelapse.source.locked": "Vastgezette Hoek",
"dialog.timelapse.destination": "Bestemmingsmap",
"layout.color.checkerboard": "Dambord",
"layout.color.checkerboard.desc": "Achtergrond van canvas en UV editor",
"layout.font.code": "Code Font",
"layout.css": "Custom CSS",
"settings.category.paint": "Verf",
"settings.deactivate_size_limit": "De",
"settings.deactivate_size_limit.desc": "Deactiveer het grootte limiet voor specifieke model formaten. WAARSCHUWING:Dit kan zorgen voor ongeldige modellen.",
"settings.brush_opacity_modifier": "Kwast Ondoorzichtigheid Bewerker",
"settings.brush_opacity_modifier.desc": "Bewerk de kwast ondoorzichtigheid waneer een stylus wordt gebruikt",
"settings.brush_size_modifier": "Kwast Grootte Bewerker",
"settings.brush_size_modifier.desc": "Bewerk de kwast grootte wanneer een pen wordt gebruikt",
"settings.brush_modifier.pressure": "Druk",
"settings.brush_modifier.tilt": "Tilt",
"category.color": "Kleur",
"action.import_theme": "Importeer Thema",
"action.export_theme": "Exporteer Thema",
"action.export_theme.desc": "Creëer een thema bestand gebaseerd op huidige instellingen",
"action.slider_color_h": "Tint",
"action.slider_color_s": "Verzadiging",
"action.slider_color_v": "Waarde",
"action.add_to_palette": "Voeg toe aan palet",
"action.add_to_palette.desc": "Voeg de geselecteerde kleur toe aan het kleurenpalet",
"action.import_palette": "Importeer palet",
"action.import_palette.desc": "Een paletbestand importeren",
"action.export_palette": "Exporteer Palet",
"action.export_palette.desc": "Exporteer palet als een .GPL bestand",
"action.generate_palette": "Genereer Palet",
"action.generate_palette.desc": "Genereer palette van een textuur",
"action.sort_palette": "Sorteer Palet",
"action.sort_palette.desc": "Sorteer alle kleuren op het palet op basis van kleur en helderheid",
"action.timelapse": "Timelapse...",
"action.timelapse.desc": "Neem een timelapse van u modeleer proces op",
"action.add_keyframe": "Voeg Keyframe toe",
"action.add_keyframe.desc": "Voeg Automatisch een keyframe toe. Druk op shift om standaard waarden te forceren",
"action.bring_up_all_animations.desc": "Brengt alle gemodificeerde animatoren in de tijdlijn",
"timeline.timeline": "Instructies",
"menu.palette.load.default": "Standaard",
"panel.color.picker": "Pipet",
"panel.color.palette": "Palet",
"generic.import": "Importeer",
"settings.brush_modifier.none": "Geen",
"action.export_entity": "Exporteer Bedrock Entity",
"action.export_entity.desc": "Voeg het huidige model als een enitity toe aan een mobs.json bestand",
"settings.highlight_cubes": "Markeer Kubussen",
"settings.highlight_cubes.desc": "Markeer kubussen waneer je over ze heen beweegt of ze selecteert",
"action.add_marker": "Stel Markeerder In",
"action.add_marker.desc": "Stel een tijdlijn markeerder in",
"timeline.pre_effect_script": "Script",
"": "Skin",
"": "Wijzig speler en entiteit skins",
"message.sketchfab.setup_guide": "Wil je leren hoe je modellen moet instellen op Sketchfab? Lees %0",
"": "Creëer Skin",
"": "Skin",
"": "Textuur (Optioneel)",
"action.toggle_skin_layer": "Zet Skin Laag Aan/Uit",
"action.toggle_skin_layer.desc": "Zet de hoed- en klerenlaag van het skin model",
"action.gui_light": "GUI Licht",
"action.gui_light.desc": "Selecteer de manier waarop het item is belicht in de inventaris",
"action.gui_light.side": "Zijkant Licht",
"action.gui_light.front": "Voorkant Licht",
"action.move_keyframe_back": "Beweeg Keyframes Naar Achteren",
"action.move_keyframe_forth": "Beweeg Keyframes Naar Voren",
"": "Help",
"": "Discord Server",
"": "Rapporteer een probleem",
"": "Plugin API Documentatie",
"": "Zoek en Voer Actie uit",
"": "Doneer",
"": "Over...",
"menu.preview.background.clipboard": "Laad van Klembord",
"dialog.ignore": "Negeer",
"generic.unset": "Ongezet",
"message.invalid_builtin_parent.title": "Ongeldige Ingebouwde Ouder",
"message.invalid_builtin_parent.message": "De link naar het ongeldige ouder model '%0' was verwijderd om een geldig model te exporteren",
"dialog.resize_texture.fill": "Vul met",
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.transparent": "Transparant",
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.color": "Kleur",
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.repeat": "Herhaal",
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.stretch": "Stretch",
"dialog.scale.element_pivot": "Element Draaipunt",
"dialog.scale.selection_center": "Selectie Midden",
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode": "Lengte Modus",
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.seconds": "Seconden",
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.frames": "Beelden",
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.animation": "Animatie Lengte",
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.turntable": "Draaitafel Rotatie",
"dialog.save_angle.projection": "Projectie",
"dialog.save_angle.projection.perspective": "Perspectief",
"dialog.save_angle.projection.orthographic": "Orthografisch",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.animations": "Animaties",
"dialog.settings.theme": "Thema",
"settings.category.interface": "Interface",
"settings.preview_checkerboard": "Preview Dambord",
"settings.preview_checkerboard.desc": "Zet de dambord achtergrond achter de voorvertoning",
"settings.uv_checkerboard": "UV Bewerker Dambord",
"settings.uv_checkerboard.desc": "Zet de dambord achtergrond achter de UV bewerker",
"category.paint": "Verf",
"action.fill_mode.color_connected": "Verbonden Kleuren",
"action.draw_shape_type": "Vorm Type",
"action.draw_shape_type.rectangle": "Rechthoek",
"action.draw_shape_type.rectangle_h": "Rechthoek (Hol)",
"action.draw_shape_type.ellipse": "Elipse",
"action.draw_shape_type.ellipse_h": "Elipse (Hol)",
"action.draw_shape_type.line": "Lijn",
"action.mirror_painting": "Spiegel Schilderij",
"action.mirror_painting.description": "Spiegel je verfstreken naar de andere kant van het model",
"action.lock_alpha": "Zet Alpha Kanaal Vast",
"action.lock_alpha.description": "Zet de doorzichtigheid van alle pixels vast",
"action.draw_shape_tool": "Teken Vorm",
"action.draw_shape_tool.desc": "Gereedschap om simpele vormen op texturen tekenen",
"action.copy_paste_tool": "Kopieer Plak Gereedschap",
"action.copy_paste_tool.desc": "Gereedschap om selecties van texturen te kopiëren en te plakken",
"action.export_gltf": "Exporteer Als glTF",
"action.export_gltf.desc": "Exporteer model en animaties als glTF bestand om te gebruiken in andere 3D applicaties",
"action.transform_space": "Transformeer Ruimte",
"action.transform_space.desc": "Standaard transformeer ruimte voor elementen en botten",
"": "Globaal",
"action.transform_space.bone": "Bot",
"action.transform_space.local": "Lokaal",
"action.toggle_camera_projection": "Toggle Camera Projection",
"action.toggle_camera_projection.desc": "Schakel de cameraprojectie tussen perspectief en orthografisch ",
"action.load_camera_angle": "Camerahoek: %0",
"action.load_camera_angle.desc": "Laad de camerahoek '%0'.",
"action.slider_face_tint": "Tint Index",
"action.slider_face_tint.desc": "Set the tint index of the current face. -1 means unset.",
"": "Quickstart Wizard",
"": "Ontwikkelaar",
"": "Open Dev Gereedschap",
"": "Fabrieksherstel",
"": "Weet je zeker dat je Blockbench wilt resetten naar de fabrieksinstellingen? Dan worden alle aangepaste instellingen, toetsbindingen en geïnstalleerde plugins verwijderd.",
"": "Cache Reload",
"menu.preview.orthographic": "Orthographic",
"menu.preview.save_angle": "Bewaar hoek",
"menu.preview.angle": "Hoeken",
"menu.preview.angle.initial": "Oorsprongkelijke hoek",
"menu.preview.maximize": "Maximaliseer",
"panel.color.both": "Beide",
"uv_editor.copy_selection": "Kopieer Selectie",
"uv_editor.paste_selection": "Plak selectie",
"": "Plaats",
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.cut": "Cut",
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.mirror_x": "Spiegel X",
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.mirror_y": "Spiegel Y",
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.rotate": "Draai 90 graden",
"dialog.project.modded_entity_version": "Exporteer versie",
"dialog.save_angle.position": "Camera positie",
"": "Focal Point",
"": "Poseren",
"layout.color.frame": "Window Frame",
"layout.color.frame.desc": "Border and title bar of the window",
"settings.large_grid_size": "Blok rastergrootte",
"settings.large_grid_size.desc": "Size of the block grid",
"action.load_plugin_from_url": "Laad een plugin via een URL",
"action.load_plugin_from_url.desc": "Laad een plugin van een server door de URL op te geven",
"action.cube_counter.desc": "Displays the current number of elements and other statistics",
"action.unlock_everything": "Ontgrendel alles",
"action.unlock_everything.desc": "Unlock all groups and elements in the outliner.",
"action.load_palette": "Palet laden",
"action.load_palette.desc": "Laad een van de ingebouwde paletvoorinstellingen",
"action.toggle_locked": "Toggle Lock",
"action.toggle_locked.desc": "Toggle whether the selected elements are locked",
"action.apply_display_preset": "Apply Preset",
"action.apply_display_preset.desc": "Apply a default or custom display setting preset",
"": "Apply To This Slot",
"action.apply_display_preset.everywhere": "Apply To All Slots",
"action.resolve_keyframe_expressions": "Resolve Keyframe",
"action.resolve_keyframe_expressions.desc": "Resolves the math expressions of the selected keyframes",
"action.fold_all_animations": "Fold All Animators",
"menu.palette.load.empty": "Leeg",
"switches.lock": "Sluit",
"settings.render_sides": "Render Sides",
"settings.render_sides.desc": "Selecteer welke kant van het object wordt weergegeven",
"": "Automatisch",
"settings.render_sides.front": "Buiten",
"settings.render_sides.double": "Binnen en Buiten",
"generic.enable": "Schakel in",
"generic.disable": "Schakel uit",
"generic.redacted": "Redacted",
"dialog.select_texture.import_all": "Importeer alles",
"": "Layer Texture",
"about.version.up_to_date": "Up to date",
"about.version.update_available": "Version %0 is available",
"settings.category.application": "Application",
"settings.streamer_mode": "Streamer Mode",
"settings.streamer_mode.desc": "Hides sensitive information like recent models",
"settings.automatic_updates": "Automatic Updates",
"settings.automatic_updates.desc": "Download de nieuwste versies van BlockBench automatisch om up-to-date te blijven",
"action.rotation_space": "Rotatie Ruimte",
"action.focus_on_selection": "Centreer Zicht op Selectie",
"action.focus_on_selection.desc": "Align the camera to face the center of the current selection",
"action.jump_to_timeline_start": "Spring naar Start Animatie",
"action.jump_to_timeline_end": "Spring naar Einde Animatie",
"": "Updaten (%0%)",
"": "Updaten Gefaald",
"menu.animation.loop.once": "Speel één keer af",
"menu.animation.loop.hold": "Hou Vast Op Laatste Frame",
"menu.animation.loop.loop": "Herhalen",
"interface.streamer_mode_on": "Steamer Modus Ingeschakeld",
"generic.reset": "Reset",
"generic.restore": "Herstel",
"keys.mousewheel": "Mousewheel",
"message.delete_animation.title": "Verwijder Animatie",
"message.delete_animation.message": "De animatie is verwijderd uit Blockbench. Wil je de animatie ook verwijderden uit het bestand waarin het is opgeslagen?",
"message.no_animation_to_import": "Geen animaties om te importeren",
"dialog.material_instances.title": "Material Instances",
"dialog.animation_import.title": "Selecteer animaties om te importeren",
"dialog.create_texture.padding": "Padding",
"settings.fov": "FOV",
"settings.fov.desc": "Camera gezichtsveld. Standaard is 45",
"settings.sync_color": "Synchroniseer Kleur",
"settings.sync_color.desc": "Synchronize the color between different Blockbench instances",
"settings.minify_bbmodel": "Minified Project Files",
"settings.minify_bbmodel.desc": "Write .bbmodel files minified into one line",
"action.edit_material_instances": "Edit Material Instances",
"action.edit_material_instances.desc": "Edit material instance names for bedrock block geometries",
"action.save_all_animations": "Bewaar Alle Animaties",
"action.save_all_animations.desc": "Bewaar alle momenteel geladen animaties",
"action.keyframe_interpolation": "Interpolation",
"action.keyframe_interpolation.desc": "Select the keyframe interpolation mode",
"action.keyframe_interpolation.linear": "Lineair",
"action.keyframe_interpolation.catmullrom": "Smooth",
"action.timeline_focus.hide_empty": "Verberg lege kanalen",
"menu.file.preferences": "Voorkeuren",
"menu.animation.blend_weight": "Blend Weight",
"": "Bewaar",
"": "Properties...",
"menu.animation.file": "Bestand",
"menu.animation.snapping": "Snapping",
"menu.animation.open_location": "Open Bestand Locatie",
"panel.keyframe.add_data_point": "Add Keyframe Data Point",
"panel.keyframe.remove_data_point": "Remove Data Point",
"panel.keyframe.pre": "Pre",
"": "Post",
"generic.all": "All",
"message.small_face_dimensions.title": "Incompatible Face Dimensions",
"message.small_face_dimensions.message": "The selection contains faces that are smaller than 1 unit in one direction. The Box UV mapping system considers any faces below that threshold as 0 pixels wide. The texture on those faces therefore may not work correctly.",
"message.small_face_dimensions.face_uv": "The current format supports per-face UV maps which can handle small face dimensions. Go to \"File\" > \"Project...\" and change \"UV Mode\" to \"Per-face UV\".",
"dialog.plugins.outdated_client": "Requires a newer version of Blockbench",
"dialog.plugins.outdated_plugin": "Plugin is outdated and does not work with this version of Blockbench",
"settings.motion_trails": "Motion Trails",
"settings.motion_trails.desc": "Show motion trails in the animation editor",
"settings.antialiasing": "Anti-aliasing",
"settings.antialiasing.desc": "Toggle anti-aliasing in the preview. Restart Blockbench to apply changes",
"action.timeline_frame_back": "Jump 1 Frame Back",
"action.timeline_frame_forth": "Jump 1 Frame Forth",
"panel.bone.ik": "Inverse Kinematics (Experimental)",
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Lock Motion Trail",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File",
"data.null_object": "Null Object",
"status_bar.toggle_sidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
"message.load_plugin_failed.title": "Failed to load plugin",
"message.load_plugin_failed.message": "Ensure that the base file name of the plugin matches the plugin ID `%0`, as specified in Plugin.register().",
"dialog.project.uv_mode": "UV Mode",
"dialog.project.uv_mode.box_uv": "Box UV",
"dialog.project.uv_mode.face_uv": "Per-face UV",
"dialog.project.texture_size": "Texture Size",
"dialog.animation_export.title": "Select Animations to Export",
"dialog.create_texture.rearrange_uv": "Rearrange UV",
"layout.color.subtle_text": "Subtle Text",
"layout.color.subtle_text.desc": "Secondary text color with less contrast",
"settings.interface_scale": "Interface Scale",
"settings.interface_scale.desc": "Scale of the entire Blockbench interface",
"settings.background_rendering": "Background Rendering",
"settings.background_rendering.desc": "Update the preview while the window is not focused",
"settings.ctrl_shift_size": "Control + Shift Resolution",
"settings.ctrl_shift_size.desc": "Resolution of the grid while holding control and shift",
"settings.hardware_acceleration": "Hardware Acceleration",
"settings.hardware_acceleration.desc": "Outsource rendering tasks to the graphics card. Restart Blockbench to apply changes",
"action.explode_skin_model": "Explode Skin Model",
"action.explode_skin_model.desc": "Toggles an explosion view that allows you to edit covered faces",
"action.export_minecraft_skin": "Export Minecraft Skin",
"action.export_minecraft_skin.desc": "Export the Minecraft skin as a PNG texture",
"action.add_null_object": "Add Null Object",
"action.add_null_object.desc": "Adds a new null object",
"action.animated_texture_frame": "Animated Texture Frame",
"action.animated_texture_frame.desc": "Set the current frame of the animated texture",
"action.export_animation_file": "Export Animations...",
"action.export_animation_file.desc": "Export a selection of animations into a new file",
"action.timeline_graph_editor": "Toggle Graph Editor",
"action.timeline_graph_editor.desc": "Toggle the timeline between graph editor view and keyframe view",
"menu.file.recent.clear": "Clear Recent Files",
"switches.shade": "Shade",
"generic.share": "Share",
"dates.minute": "%0 Minute",
"dates.minutes": "%0 Minutes",
"dates.hour": "%0 Hour",
"dates.hours": "%0 Hours",
"": "%0 Day",
"dates.days": "%0 Days",
"dates.week": "%0 Week",
"dates.weeks": "%0 Weeks",
"dates.year": "%0 Year",
"dates.years": "%0 Years",
"message.drag_background": "Drag the background to move its position. Hold shift and drag up and down to change its size. Click here to save the position.",
"message.installed_plugin": "Successfully installed the plugin %0",
"message.installed_plugin_fail": "Failed to installed the plugin %0",
"dialog.share_model.title": "Share Model",
"dialog.share_model.expire_time": "Expire Time",
"dialog.share_model.copied_to_clipboard": "Link copied to clipboard",
"dialog.share_model.failed": "Failed to upload model",
"action.import_java_block_model": "Add Java Block/Item Model",
"action.import_java_block_model.desc": "Add a Minecraft Java block/item model from a json file to the current model",
"action.share_model": "Share...",
"action.share_model.desc": "Generate a short link to share your model",
"action.import_project": "Import Project",
"action.import_project.desc": "Import another project from a .bbmodel file into the current project",
"dialog.toolbar_edit.hidden_tools": "Some tools might be hidden because they are not available in the current mode, format, or situation.",
"settings.camera_near_plane": "Camera Near Plane",
"settings.camera_near_plane.desc": "The minimum distance from the camera where objects render. Higher values decrease Z-fighting. Default is 1.",
"mode.start.keymap_preference.desc": "If you are new to Blockbench and you are coming from another 3D program, you can select a keymap to make your transition easier. You can change the keymap or individual keybindings later in the settings.",
"message.load_keymap": "Are you sure you want to load this keymap? This will overwrite your current keybindings.",
"message.keymap_loaded": "Keymap loaded",
"dialog.convert_project.current_format": "Current Format",
"dialog.create_texture.rearrange_uv.desc": "Create a new UV arrangement to give every face its own spot on the texture",
"dialog.create_texture.compress.desc": "Arrange the UV maps in a dense layout to minimize the texture size",
"dialog.create_texture.power.desc": "Lock the automatic texture size to a power-of-2, such as 64 or 128. This is required by some renderers",
"dialog.create_texture.double_use.desc": "If two elements already have the same UV space assigned, keep it that way in the new map",
"dialog.create_texture.padding.desc": "Add a small padding between the individual parts of the template",
"dialog.create_texture.resolution.desc": "The height and width of the texture",
"dialog.create_gif.color": "Background Color",
"dialog.save_angle.zoom": "Zoom",
"": "Variant",
"": "Opposite bones are identified by the keywords 'left' and 'right' within their name.",
"dialog.flip_animation.offset": "Offset by half the animation length",
"dialog.export_private_settings.title": "Private Settings",
"dialog.export_private_settings.message": "Your file contains the following private informations: **%0**. Leave these values out if you plan to share the file with someone else.",
"dialog.export_private_settings.keep": "Keep",
"settings.timecode_frame_number": "Display Timecodes as Frame Numbers",
"settings.timecode_frame_number.desc": "Display fraction timecodes in the timeline as frame number instead of centisecond",
"settings.animation_sample_rate": "Animation Sample Rate",
"settings.animation_sample_rate.desc": "Sample rate in samples per second for curves that the respective format does not support natively",
"keybind.preview_zoom": "Zoom View",
"action.gradient_tool": "Gradient Tool",
"action.gradient_tool.desc": "Create a color gradient on your texture",
"action.import_settings": "Import Settings",
"action.import_settings.desc": "Import a .bbsettings file",
"action.export_settings": "Export Settings",
"action.export_settings.desc": "Export the Blockbench settings as a .bbsettings file",
"action.load_keymap": "Load Keymap",
"action.load_keymap.default": "Default (Trackpad/Mouse)",
"action.load_keymap.mouse": "Default (Mouse)",
"action.load_keymap.default.desc": "Default Blockbench keybindings, with viewport navigation controls optimized for use on laptop trackpads",
"action.load_keymap.mouse.desc": "Default Blockbench keybindings, with viewport navigation bound to the middle mouse button",
"action.load_keymap.blender.desc": "Keymap for users who are familiar with the controls of Blender",
"action.load_keymap.cinema4d.desc": "Keymap for users who are familiar with the controls of Cinema 4D",
"action.load_keymap.maya.desc": "Keymap for users who are familiar with the controls of Autodesk Maya",
"action.import_keymap": "Import Keymap",
"action.import_keymap.desc": "Import keybindings a .bbkeymap file",
"action.export_keymap": "Export Keymap",
"action.export_keymap.desc": "Export the current keybindings as a .bbkeymap file",
"action.edit_history": "Edit History...",
"action.edit_history.desc": "View the editing history and undo or redo steps",
"action.group_elements": "Group Elements",
"action.group_elements.desc": "Wrap selected elements into a new group",
"action.unfold_groups": "Unfold Groups",
"action.unfold_groups.desc": "Unfold all groups in the outliner",
"action.edit_bedrock_binding": "Edit Binding...",
"action.edit_bedrock_binding.desc": "Change which bone the geometry is bound to",
"action.pick_screen_color": "Pick Screen Color",
"action.pick_screen_color.desc": "Pick a color from somewhere on your screen",
"action.view_mode": "Weergave Modus",
"action.view_mode.desc": "Verander het model naar Weergave Modus",
"action.view_mode.textured": "Textured",
"action.view_mode.solid": "Solid",
"action.view_mode.wireframe": "Wireframe",
"action.toggle_sidebars": "Toggle Sidebars",
"action.toggle_sidebars.desc": "Enable or disable the sidebars",
"action.set_animation_end": "Set Animation End",
"action.set_animation_end.desc": "Set the end of the selected animation to the current timeline time",
"action.flip_animation": "Animatie Omdraaien",
"action.flip_animation.desc": "Flips part of an animation by copying selected keyframes to the other side of the model",
"action.graph_editor_zero_line": "Include Zero Line",
"action.graph_editor_zero_line.desc": "Whether the graph editor always includes the zero line in the view",
"menu.texture.render_mode": "Render Mode",
"menu.texture.render_mode.emissive": "Emissive",
"menu.texture.render_mode.layered": "Gelaagd",
"menu.preview.angle.edit": "Bewerk Hoek",
"menu.animation.start_delay": "Start Vertraging",
"menu.animation.loop_delay": "Loop Delay",
"menu.animation.flip_keyframes": "Flip Keyframes",
"menu.mobile_keyboard.disable_all": "Disable All",
"panel.keyframe.toggle_uniform_scale": "Toggle Uniform Scale",
"camera_angle.common_isometric_right": "Isometrisch Rechts (2:1)",
"camera_angle.common_isometric_left": "Isometrisch Links (2:1)",
"camera_angle.true_isometric_right": "True Isometric Right (30°)",
"camera_angle.true_isometric_left": "True Isometric Left (30°)",
"": "Blockbench Wiki",
"about.repository": "Repository:",
"settings.update_to_prereleases": "Update to Pre-releases",
"settings.update_to_prereleases.desc": "Automatically update to Blockbench beta versions to test new features. Pre-release versions can be unstable, don't enable this option if you rely on Blockbench for work or other important projects.",
"data.separator.spacer": "Spacer",
"data.separator.linebreak": "Line Break",
"data.setting": "Setting",
"generic.select_all": "Select All",
"generic.select_none": "Select None",
"projects.new_tab": "New Tab",
"projects.close_tab": "Close Tab",
"message.invalid_format.title": "Invalid Format",
"message.invalid_format.message": "This model was made in the format '%0', which is not available in your Blockbench installation. You most likely need a specific plugin to open it correctly.",
"message.invalid_link": "Invalid or Expired Model Link",
"message.default_textures.current": "Current path",
"message.update_after_restart": "The update will be installed after the next restart",
"message.copy_paste_tool_viewport": "This tool can only be used in the UV panel",
"dialog.project.shadow_size": "Shadow Size",
"": "Target",
"": "Element Names",
"": "Group Names",
"": "Animation Names",
"": "Keyframe Values",
"dialog.find_replace.find": "Find",
"dialog.find_replace.replace": "Replace",
"dialog.find_replace.regex": "Regular Expression",
"dialog.add_primitive.shape": "Shape",
"": "Circle",
"": "Tube",
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.cone": "Cone",
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.cylinder": "Cylinder",
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.sphere": "Sphere",
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.torus": "Torus",
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.cube": "Cuboid",
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.pyramid": "Pyramid",
"dialog.add_primitive.diameter": "Diameter",
"dialog.add_primitive.height": "Height",
"dialog.add_primitive.sides": "Sides",
"dialog.add_primitive.minor_diameter": "Thickness",
"dialog.add_primitive.minor_sides": "Minor Sides",
"dialog.create_texture.combine_polys": "Combine Islands",
"dialog.create_texture.combine_polys.desc": "Combine faces into connected UV islands",
"dialog.model_stats.meshes": "Meshes",
"dialog.export_private_settings.omit": "Leave Out",
"": "Select",
"layout.options": "Options",
"layout.color": "Color Scheme",
"layout.documentation": "Documentation",
"layout.color.bright_ui_text": "Bright UI Text",
"layout.color.bright_ui_text.desc": "Text on bright backgrounds",
"": "Name",
"": "Author",
"settings.color_wheel": "Color Wheel",
"settings.color_wheel.desc": "Use the color wheel as the main color picker",
"settings.dialog.desc": "Show the \"%0\" dialog",
"settings.export_empty_groups": "Export Empty Groups",
"settings.export_empty_groups.desc": "Include groups without content in exported files",
"category.separators": "Separators",
"keybind.preview_area_select": "Area Select",
"action.color_erase_mode": "Erase Mode",
"action.color_erase_mode.desc": "With erase mode enabled, tools like Fill and Rectangle subtract colors rather than adding them",
"action.open_from_link": "Open Model from Link...",
"action.open_from_link.desc": "Open a model from a URL",
"action.import_obj": "Import OBJ Model",
"action.import_obj.desc": "Imports objects from an OBJ model as meshes",
"action.add_plugin": "Install Plugin",
"action.add_plugin.desc": "Install a plugin through Action Control",
"action.remove_plugin": "Uninstall Plugin",
"action.remove_plugin.desc": "Uninstall a plugin through Action Control",
"action.add_mesh": "Add Mesh",
"action.add_mesh.desc": "Adds a new mesh",
"action.add_texture_mesh": "Add Texture Mesh",
"action.add_texture_mesh.desc": "Adds a new Texture Mesh",
"action.find_replace": "Find/Replace...",
"action.find_replace.desc": "Find and replace parts of names",
"action.hide_everything_except_selection": "Hide Everything Except Selection",
"action.hide_everything_except_selection.desc": "Toggle visibility on all elements except the ones that are selected",
"action.transform_space.normal": "Normal",
"action.selection_mode": "Selection Mode",
"action.selection_mode.desc": "Change how elements can be selected in the viewport",
"action.selection_mode.object": "Object",
"action.selection_mode.face": "Face",
"action.selection_mode.vertex": "Vertex",
"action.create_face": "Create Face or Edge",
"action.create_face.desc": "Creates a new face or edge between the selected vertices",
"action.convert_to_mesh": "Convert to Mesh",
"action.convert_to_mesh.desc": "Convert the selected elements into meshes",
"action.invert_face": "Invert Face",
"action.invert_face.desc": "Invert the selected faces to make them face the opposite direction",
"action.extrude_mesh_selection": "Extrude Selection",
"action.extrude_mesh_selection.desc": "Extrude the selected parts of the mesh",
"action.loop_cut": "Loop Cut",
"action.loop_cut.desc": "Split the mesh in a loop across the selected edge",
"action.merge_meshes": "Merge Meshes",
"action.merge_meshes.desc": "Merge multiple meshes into one",
"action.keyframe_uniform": "Uniform Scaling",
"action.keyframe_uniform.desc": "Enable uniform scaling on the selected keyframes",
"menu.locator.ignore_inherited_scale": "Ignore Inherited Scale",
"menu.texture_mesh.texture_name": "Texture Name...",
"menu.texture.elements": "Apply to Elements",
"panel.color.picker_type": "Toggle Picker Type",
"uv_editor.transparent_face": "Transparent Face",
"display.pose_angle": "Pose Angle (For Preview Only)",
"data.mesh": "Mesh",
"dialog.create_texture.type": "Type",
"dialog.create_texture.type.blank": "Blank",
"dialog.create_texture.type.template": "Texture Template",
"dialog.create_texture.type.color_map": "Solid Color Template",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.suggested_tags": "Suggested Tags",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.category": "Category",
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.category2": "Category 2",
"layout.restore_backup": "Your customized theme \"%0\" was overwritten. Click here to restore it.",
"layout.borders": "Borders",
"action.fill_mode.element": "Element",
"action.inset_mesh_selection": "Inset Selection",
"action.inset_mesh_selection.desc": "Inset the selected parts of the mesh",
"action.dissolve_edges": "Dissolve Edges",
"action.dissolve_edges.desc": "Dissolve selected edges in a mesh and merge the faces they divide",
"action.split_mesh": "Split Mesh",
"action.split_mesh.desc": "Split the selected faces of the mesh into a new mesh",
"action.merge_vertices": "Merge Vertices",
"action.merge_vertices.desc": "Merge the selected vertices into the position of the first selected verted",
"action.view_mode.normal": "Face Normal",
"action.snap_uv_to_pixels": "Snap UV to Pixels",
"action.snap_uv_to_pixels.desc": "Snaps the selected UV vertices to the pixel grid",
"menu.file.import.import_open_project": "Import Open Project",
"": "Unlock All Projects",
"status_bar.selection.faces": "%0 Faces",
"status_bar.selection.vertices": "%0 Vertices",
"message.merged_vertices": "Found and merged %0 vertices in %1 locations",
"settings.vertex_merge_distance": "Vertex Merge Distance",
"settings.vertex_merge_distance.desc": "Distance within which vertices are merged using merging by distance",
"settings.show_only_selected_uv": "Show Only Selected UV",
"settings.show_only_selected_uv.desc": "Only display the selected UV faces in the UV editor by default",
"action.merge_vertices.merge_all": "Merge All",
"action.merge_vertices.merge_all_in_center": "Merge All in Center",
"action.merge_vertices.merge_by_distance": "Merge by Distance",
"action.merge_vertices.merge_by_distance_in_center": "Merge by Distance in Center",
"action.uv_rotate_left": "Rotate UV Left",
"action.uv_rotate_left.desc": "Rotate the selected UV faces counter-clockwise",
"action.uv_rotate_right": "Rotate UV Right",
"action.uv_rotate_right.desc": "Rotate the selected UV faces clockwise",
"menu.uv.display_uv": "Display UV",
"menu.uv.display_uv.selected_faces": "Selected Faces",
"menu.uv.display_uv.selected_elements": "All Faces",
"menu.uv.display_uv.all_elements": "All Faces on All Elements",
"menu.paste.face": "UV Face",
"menu.paste.mesh_selection": "Mesh Selection",
"menu.paste.outliner": "Elements",
"uv_editor.show_all_faces": "Show All Faces",
"uv_editor.show_selected_faces": "Show Selected Faces",
"status_bar.selection.edges": "%0 Edges",
"action.selection_mode.edge": "Edge",
"message.cannot_re_import.title": "Model cannot be re-imported",
"message.cannot_re_import.message": "The exported model format cannot be imported into Blockbench again. Please make sure to save your model as a project file.",
"generic.default": "Default",
"units.pixels_per_meter": "%0 Pixels per Meter",
"mode.pose": "Pose",
"modifier_actions.resize_both_sides": "Resize in both directions",
"modifier_actions.resize_one_side": "Resize in one direction",
"modifier_actions.draw_line": "Draw line",
"modifier_actions.drag_without_snapping": "Drag without snapping",
"modifier_actions.stretch_keyframes": "Stretch keyframes",
"modifier_actions.resize_background": "Resize background",
"modifier_actions.select_multiple": "Select multiple",
"modifier_actions.select_range": "Select range",
"modifier_actions.drag_to_duplicate": "Drag to duplicate",
"modifier_actions.uniform_scaling": "Uniform Scaling",
"modifier_actions.snap_direction": "Snap Direction",
"message.no_valid_elements": "No valid elements selected...",
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.plane": "Plane",
"dialog.save_angle.rotation_mode": "Rotation Mode",
"dialog.save_angle.rotation": "Rotation",
"dialog.save_angle.fov": "FOV",
"settings.hide_tab_bar": "Auto-hide Tab Bar",
"settings.hide_tab_bar.desc": "Hide the tab bar when only one tab is open",
"settings.status_bar_modifier_keys": "Suggest Modifier Keys in Status Bar",
"settings.status_bar_modifier_keys.desc": "Display context aware suggested modifier keys in the status bar",
"settings.ground_plane": "Ground Plane",
"settings.ground_plane.desc": "Show a floor plane below the model",
"settings.preview_paste_behavior": "Default Preview Paste Behavior",
"settings.preview_paste_behavior.desc": "Select the behavior when pasting something into the preview in Edit mode and multiple options are available",
"settings.preview_paste_behavior.always_ask": "Always Ask",
"action.new_window": "New Window",
"action.new_window.desc": "Opens a new Blockbench window",
"action.export_collada": "Export Collada Model (dae)",
"action.export_collada.desc": "Export model and animations as dae file to use it in other 3D applications",
"action.paint_mode_uv_overlay": "UV Overlay",
"action.paint_mode_uv_overlay.desc": "Display the UV map as an overlay in paint mode",
"action.bake_animation_into_model": "Bake Animation into Model",
"action.bake_animation_into_model.desc": "Bake the currently displayed animation frame into the model. Only applies rotation and position, scale is ignored.",
"action.keyframe_interpolation.step": "Step",
"action.set_ik_target": "Set IK Target",
"action.set_ik_target.desc": "Select the target bone that should be moved by this null object via Inverse Kinematics",
"": "Tab",
"menu.action_control.type.angle": "Camera Angle",
"menu.action_control.recent_in_streamer_mode": "Sure? Streamer Mode is enabled",
"menu.action_control.recent_in_streamer_mode.desc": "Are you sure you want to display recent models?",
"": "Tools",
"menu.file.recent.more": "View More...",
"menu.null_object.lock_ik_target_rotation": "Lock IK Target Rotation",
"menu.animation_file.import_remaining": "Import Remaining Animations",
"edit.loop_cut.offset": "Offset",
"edit.extrude_mesh_selection.extend": "Extend",
"": "Pink",
"cube.color.silver": "Silver",
"dialog.plugins.offline": "No internet connection",
"dialog.create_texture.pixel_density": "Pixel Density",
"dialog.create_texture.pixel_density.desc": "The pixel density of the texture, in pixels per meter. The size of the texture map may differ depending on the amount and size of elements.",
"panel.skin_pose": "Pose",
"panel.skin_pose.none": "None",
"panel.skin_pose.natural": "Natural",
"panel.skin_pose.walking": "Walking",
"panel.skin_pose.crouching": "Crouching",
"panel.skin_pose.sitting": "Sitting",
"panel.skin_pose.jumping": "Jumping",
"panel.skin_pose.aiming": "Aiming",
"edit.loop_cut.direction": "Direction",
"message.meshes_and_box_uv": "Meshes are not compatible with Box UV. Go to File > Project... and switch to Per-face UV.",
"data.texture_mesh": "Texture Mesh",
"generic.left": "Left",
"generic.right": "Right",
"mode.start.quick_setup": "Quick Setup",
"mode.start.keymap": "Keymap",
"mode.start.quick_setup.more_themes": "More...",
"dialog.resize_texture.animation_frames": "Animation Frames",
"dialog.export_emission_map.title": "Export Emission Map",
"dialog.export_emission_map.format": "Format",
"dialog.export_emission_map.format.luminance": "Luminance",
"dialog.export_emission_map.format.luminance_inverted": "Luminance Inverted",
"dialog.export_emission_map.format.colors": "Colors",
"dialog.export_emission_map.threshold": "Transparency Threshold",
"dialog.export_emission_map.round_up": "Round Up to %0 x %1",
"dialog.export_emission_map.flip_y": "Flip Y Axis",
"": "Element Type",
"dialog.create_texture.max_edge_angle": "Edge Angle Threshold",
"dialog.create_texture.max_edge_angle.desc": "The maximum angle between two faces at which they will still be combined",
"dialog.create_texture.max_island_angle": "Island Angle Threshold",
"dialog.create_texture.max_island_angle.desc": "The maximum angle that can be combined into the same UV island",
"settings.mobile_panel_side": "Mobile Panel Side",
"settings.mobile_panel_side.desc": "Select which side of the screen panels are displayed on when using Blockbench on in landscape orientation",
"settings.obj_face_export_mode": "OBJ Face Export Mode",
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.desc": "Choose to let the OBJ exporter convert all faces into tris or quads",
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.both": "Default",
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.tris": "Convert to Tris",
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.quads": "Convert to Quads",
"action.seam_tool": "Seam Tool",
"action.seam_tool.desc": "Tool to define UV seams on mesh edges",
"action.resolve_group": "Resolve Group",
"action.resolve_group.desc": "Resolve the group while retaining its children in the same place",
"action.move_to_group": "Move to Group",
"action.move_to_group.desc": "Move the selected elements to a different outliner group",
"action.select_seam": "Select UV Seam",
"action.select_seam.desc": "Select the UV seam mode for the selected edges",
"": "Auto",
"action.select_seam.join": "Join",
"action.select_seam.divide": "Divide",
"action.adjust_brightness_contrast": "Adjust Brightness & Contrast...",
"action.adjust_brightness_contrast.desc": "Adjust the brightness and contrast of the selected texture",
"action.adjust_saturation_hue": "Adjust Saturation & Hue...",
"action.adjust_saturation_hue.desc": "Adjust the saturation and hue of the selected texture",
"action.invert_colors": "Invert Colors",
"action.invert_colors.desc": "Invert all colors of the selected texture",
"action.adjust_curves": "Adjust Curves...",
"action.adjust_curves.desc": "Adjust the brightness curves of the selected texture",
"action.flip_texture_x": "Flip Texture Horizontally",
"action.flip_texture_y": "Flip Texture Vertically",
"action.resize_texture": "Resize Texture...",
"action.view_mode.uv": "UV Preview",
"action.append_to_template": "Append Elements to Template...",
"action.append_to_template.desc": "Add the currently selected elements to the texture template",
"action.move_texture_with_uv": "Move Texture with UV",
"action.move_texture_with_uv.desc": "Move the texture of the face along when dragging UV faces",
"action.timeline_setups": "Timeline Setups",
"action.save_timeline_setup": "Save Timeline Setup...",
"action.save_timeline_setup.desc": "Save a preset for the currently selected animators and channels",
"menu.texture": "Texture",
"menu.texture.render_mode.default": "Default",
"menu.texture.merge_onto_texture": "Merge Onto Texture Above",
"menu.animation.unload": "Unload",
"panel.timeline": "Timeline",
"action.pan_tool": "Pan Tool",
"action.pan_tool.desc": "Tool to navigate in the viewport and the texture editor",
"message.set_background_position.title": "Set Background Position",
"message.set_background_position.position": "Position",
"message.set_background_position.size": "Size",
"mode.start.recent.favorite": "Mark as Favorite",
"": "Info",
"": "Target",
"mode.start.start": "Start",
"mode.start.create_new": "Create New Model",
"mode.start.format.informations": "Good to know:",
"mode.start.format.resources": "Resources:",
"": "In this format, you can create low poly models using cubes and custom shaped meshes.",
"": "Models cannot be loaded into games that need specialized formats, such as Minecraft.",
"": "This format is designed to create Minecraft skins and entity textures.",
"": "The model cannot be changed. In order to make changes to the model, first convert to a different format via **File** > **Convert Project**.",
"": "Rotations are limited to 22.5 degree steps and one axis per element",
"": "The model is limited to a size of 3 by 3 by 3 blocks. Display settings can make item models larger though",
"": "This format does not support animations in vanilla Minecraft. If you are creating a mod, you can use GeckoLib to animate models. If not, the only way to animate is to switch out the model using commands or animated textures.",
"": "Each model can only have one texture",
"format.bedrock_block": "Bedrock Block",
"format.bedrock_block.desc": "Block model for Minecraft Bedrock Edition",
"": "The size of individual cubes is limited to integers.",
"": "Models are written in Java code instead of dedicated data structures like all other Blockbench export formats.",
"": "Users without OptiFine installed won't see the model.",
"": "Bone pivots are locked, so it is a good idea to leave them untouched.",
"format_category.low_poly": "Low-Poly",
"format_category.minecraft": "Minecraft",
"format_category.other": "Other",
"format_category.loaders": "Loaders",
"message.recover_backup.recover": "Recover",
"message.invalid_characters.title": "Invalid Path",
"message.invalid_characters.message": "The path of the imported file contains invalid characters, uppercase letters, or white spaces. The supported characters are: %0",
"dialog.share_model.thumbnail": "Thumbnail",
"": "Please note that skins with the selected resolution will not work as regular Minecraft skins. Select a lower resolution.",
"settings.allow_display_slot_mirror": "Allow Display Slot Mirroring",
"settings.allow_display_slot_mirror.desc": "Allow Display slots for Java item models to be mirrored. WARNING: This only works in Minecraft 1.14 or earlier or in special cases.",
"action.switch_tabs": "Switch Tabs",
"action.switch_tabs.desc": "Cycle between opened tabs. Hold shift to cycle in the opposite direction.",
"action.unselect_all": "Unselect All",
"action.unselect_all.desc": "Unselect all elements, faces, vertices, or keyframes",
"action.save_palette": "Save Palette...",
"action.save_palette.desc": "Save the current color palette inside Blockbench for later use",
"action.keyframe_column_create": "Create Keyframe Column",
"action.keyframe_column_create.desc": "Key all channels in the timeline at the current timecode, if they already have keyframes",
"action.keyframe_column_select": "Select Keyframe Column",
"action.keyframe_column_select.desc": "Select all keyframes in the timeline along a column below the playhead",
"menu.uv": "UV",
"menu.keyframe": "Keyframe",
"menu.palette.load.update": "Update Palette",
"menu.palette.load.update.desc": "Updates this palette with the colors of the current Blockbench palette",
"menu.timeline_marker.set_time": "Set Time...",
"uv_editor.scale_uv": "Scale UV",
"action.preview_scene": "Preview Scene",
"action.preview_scene.desc": "Change the model preview scene",
"preview_scene.minecraft_overworld": "Minecraft Overworld",
"preview_scene.minecraft_nether": "Minecraft Nether",
"preview_scene.minecraft_end": "Minecraft End",
"dialog.project.modded_entity_flip_y": "Flip Y Axis",
"": "Studio",
"format.image": "Image",
"modifier_actions.set_copy_source": "Set Copy Source",
"message.load_images.title": "Load Images",
"message.load_images.edit_image": "Edit Image",
"dialog.add_primitive.align_edges": "Align Edges",
"dialog.flip_animation.show_in_timeline": "Show modified bones in timeline",
"settings.default_cube_size": "Cube Size",
"settings.default_cube_size.desc": "Set the default cube size when creating a new cube",
"settings.uniform_keyframe": "Uniform Scale Keyframes",
"settings.uniform_keyframe.desc": "Set scale keyframes to uniform scaling by default",
"settings.nearest_rectangle_select": "Rectangle Seletion: Nearest Edge",
"settings.nearest_rectangle_select.desc": "Snap rectangle selections to the nearest pixel edge, like in GIMP, instead of entire pixels.",
"settings.pick_color_opacity": "Pick Color Opacity",
"settings.pick_color_opacity.desc": "Pick the color opacity with the Color Picker and set it as brush opacity",
"settings.paint_with_stylus_only": "Paint with Stylus Only",
"settings.paint_with_stylus_only.desc": "Only use the stylus for painting, reserve mouse or touch input for navigation.",
"action.copy_brush_mode": "Copy Brush Mode",
"action.copy_brush_mode.copy": "Copy",
"action.copy_brush_mode.pattern": "Pattern",
"action.copy_brush_mode.sample": "Sample",
"action.brush_shape": "Brush Shape",
"action.brush_shape.square": "Square",
"": "Circle",
"action.blend_mode": "Blend Mode",
"action.blend_mode.default": "Default",
"action.blend_mode.set_opacity": "Set Opacity",
"action.blend_mode.color": "Color",
"action.blend_mode.behind": "Behind",
"action.blend_mode.multiply": "Multiply",
"action.blend_mode.divide": "Divide",
"action.blend_mode.add": "Add",
"action.blend_mode.subtract": "Subtract",
"action.blend_mode.screen": "Screen",
"action.blend_mode.overlay": "Overlay",
"action.blend_mode.hard_light": "Hard Light",
"action.blend_mode.difference": "Difference",
"action.copy_brush": "Copy Brush",
"action.copy_brush.desc": "Brush to clone parts of your texture or draw patterns",
"action.validator_window": "View Model Issues...",
"action.validator_window.desc": "Opens the validator, which lists issues with the current model.",
"action.cancel_gif": "Cancel GIF",
"menu.text_edit.copy_vector": "Copy Vector",
"menu.brush_presets.dialog": "Brush Presets...",
"menu.brush_presets.pixel_brush": "Pixel Brush",
"menu.brush_presets.smooth_brush": "Smooth Brush",
"menu.texture.edit_in_blockbench": "Edit in Blockbench",
"menu.mirror_painting.axis": "Axis",
"menu.mirror_painting.axis.desc": "Select on which axis paint strokes will get mirrored",
"": "Global Symmetry",
"": "Enabled mirror painting on the model in global space",
"menu.mirror_painting.local": "Local Symmetry",
"menu.mirror_painting.local.desc": "Enable mirror painting in local space for each element",
"menu.mirror_painting.texture_frames": "Animated Texture Frames",
"menu.mirror_painting.texture_frames.desc": "Mirror paint strokes to every frame of animated textures"