const TextureGenerator = { background_color: new ColorPicker({ id: 'background_color', name: 'data.color', private: true, }), face_data: { up: {c1: '#b4d4e1', c2: '#ecf8fd', place: t => {return {x: t.posx+t.z, y: t.posy, w: t.x, h: t.z}}}, down: {c1: '#536174', c2: '#6e788c', place: t => {return {x: t.posx+t.z+t.x, y: t.posy, w: t.x, h: t.z}}}, east: {c1: '#43e88d', c2: '#7BFFA3', place: t => {return {x: t.posx, y: t.posy+t.z, w: t.z, h: t.y}}}, north: {c1: '#5bbcf4', c2: '#7BD4FF', place: t => {return {x: t.posx+t.z, y: t.posy+t.z, w: t.x, h: t.y}}}, west: {c1: '#f48686', c2: '#FFA7A4', place: t => {return {x: t.posx+t.z+t.x, y: t.posy+t.z, w: t.z, h: t.y}}}, south: {c1: '#f8dd72', c2: '#FFF899', place: t => {return {x: t.posx+t.z+t.x+t.z,y: t.posy+t.z, w: t.x, h: t.y}}}, }, addBitmapDialog() { var dialog = new Dialog({ id: 'add_bitmap', title: tl('action.create_texture'), width: 412, form: { name: {label: '', value: 'texture'}, folder: {label: 'dialog.create_texture.folder', condition: == 'java_block'}, template: {label: 'dialog.create_texture.template', type: 'checkbox', condition: Cube.all.length} }, onConfirm: function(results) { results.particle = 'auto'; dialog.hide() if (results.template) { var dialog2 = new Dialog({ id: 'texture_template', title: tl('dialog.create_texture.template'), width: 412, form: { compress: {label: 'dialog.create_texture.compress', type: 'checkbox', value: true, condition: Project.box_uv}, power: {label: 'dialog.create_texture.power', type: 'checkbox', value: true}, double_use: {label: 'dialog.create_texture.double_use', type: 'checkbox', value: true, condition: Project.box_uv}, box_uv: {label: 'dialog.project.box_uv', type: 'checkbox', value: false, condition: !Project.box_uv}, padding: {label: 'dialog.create_texture.padding', type: 'checkbox', value: false}, color: {label: 'data.color', type: 'color', colorpicker: TextureGenerator.background_color}, resolution: {label: 'dialog.create_texture.resolution', type: 'select', value: 16, options: { 16: '16', 32: '32', 64: '64', 128: '128', 256: '256', 512: '512', }}, }, onConfirm: function(results2) { $.extend(results, results2) TextureGenerator.addBitmap(results) dialog2.hide() } }).show() if (TextureGenerator.background_color.get().toHex8() === 'ffffffff') { TextureGenerator.background_color.set('#00000000') } } else { var dialog2 = new Dialog({ id: 'texture_simple', title: tl('action.create_texture'), width: 400, form: { color: {label: 'data.color', type: 'color', colorpicker: TextureGenerator.background_color}, resolution: {label: 'dialog.create_texture.resolution', type: 'vector', dimensions: 2, value: [16, 16], min: 16, max: 2048}, }, onConfirm: function(results2) { $.extend(results, results2) TextureGenerator.addBitmap(results) dialog2.hide() } }).show() } } }).show() }, addBitmap(options, after) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { options = {} } if (!options.resolution || isNaN(options.resolution[0]) || isNaN(options.resolution[1])) { options.resolution = [16, 16] } if (options.color === undefined) { options.color = new tinycolor().toRgb() } if (Format.single_texture) { options.texture = Texture.getDefault() } var texture = new Texture({ mode: 'bitmap', keep_size: true, name: ? : 'texture', folder: options.folder ? options.folder : 'block' }) function makeTexture(dataUrl) { texture.fromDataURL(dataUrl).add(false).select() switch (options.particle) { case 'auto': texture.fillParticle(); break; case true: texture.enableParticle(); break; } if (typeof after === 'function') { after(texture) } if (!options.template) { Undo.finishEdit('create blank texture', {textures: [texture], selected_texture: true, bitmap: true}) } return texture; } if (options.template === true) { Undo.initEdit({ textures: [], elements: Format.single_texture ? Cube.all : Cube.selected, uv_only: true, selected_texture: true, uv_mode: true }) if (Project.box_uv || options.box_uv) { TextureGenerator.generateTemplate(options, makeTexture) } else { TextureGenerator.generateFaceTemplate(options, makeTexture) } } else { Undo.initEdit({textures: [], selected_texture: true}) TextureGenerator.generateBlank(options.resolution[1], options.resolution[0], options.color, makeTexture) } }, generateBlank(height, width, color, cb) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') ctx.fillStyle = new tinycolor(color).toRgbString() ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height) cb(canvas.toDataURL()) }, //constructor boxUVCubeTemplate: function(obj, min_size) { this.x = obj.size(0, true) || min_size; this.y = obj.size(1, 'template') || min_size; this.z = obj.size(2, true) || min_size; this.posx = obj.uv_offset[0]; this.posy = obj.uv_offset[1]; this.obj = obj; this.template_size = (obj.size(2, true) + obj.size(1, 'template'))+ (obj.size(2, true) + obj.size(0, true))*2; this.height = this.z + this.y; this.width = 2* (this.x + this.z); return this; }, //BoxUV Template generateTemplate(options, cb) { var res = options.resolution; var background_color = options.color; var texture = options.texture; var min_size = Project.box_uv ? 0 : 1; var res_multiple = res / 16 var templates = []; var doubles = {}; var extend_x = 0; var extend_y = 0; var avg_size = 0; var cubes = Format.single_texture ? Cube.all.slice() : Cube.selected.slice() var i = cubes.length-1 while (i >= 0) { let obj = cubes[i] if (obj.visibility === true) { var template = new TextureGenerator.boxUVCubeTemplate(obj, min_size); if (options.double_use && Project.box_uv && textures.length) { var double_key = [...obj.uv_offset, ...obj.size(undefined, true), ].join('_') if (doubles[double_key]) { // improve chances that original is not mirrored if (doubles[double_key][0].obj.mirror_uv && !obj.mirror_uv) { templates[templates.indexOf(doubles[double_key][0])] = template; doubles[double_key].splice(0, 0, template) } else { doubles[double_key].push(template) } doubles[double_key][0].duplicates = doubles[double_key]; i--; continue; } else { doubles[double_key] = [template] } } templates.push(template) avg_size += templates[templates.length-1].template_size } i--; } templates.sort(function(a,b) { return b.template_size - a.template_size; }) //Cancel if no cubes if (templates.length == 0) { Blockbench.showMessage('No valid cubes', 'center') return; } if (options.compress) { var fill_map = {} function occupy(x, y) { if (!fill_map[x]) fill_map[x] = {} fill_map[x][y] = true } function check(x, y) { return fill_map[x] && fill_map[x][y] } function forTemplatePixel(tpl, sx, sy, cb) { let w = tpl.width; let h = tpl.height; if (options.padding) { w++; h++; } for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < h; y++) { if (y >= tpl.z || (x >= tpl.z && x < (tpl.z + 2*tpl.x + (options.padding ? 1 : 0)))) { if (cb(sx+x, sy+y)) return; } } } } function place(tpl, x, y) { var works = true; forTemplatePixel(tpl, x, y, (tx, ty) => { if (check(tx, ty)) { works = false; return true; } }) if (works) { forTemplatePixel(tpl, x, y, occupy) tpl.posx = x; tpl.posy = y; extend_x = Math.max(extend_x, x + tpl.width); extend_y = Math.max(extend_y, y + tpl.height); return true; } } templates.forEach(tpl => { var vert = extend_x > extend_y; //Scan for empty spot for (var line = 0; line < 2e3; line++) { for (var x = 0; x <= line; x++) { if (place(tpl, x, line)) return; } for (var y = 0; y < line; y++) { if (place(tpl, line, y)) return; } } }) } else { //OLD ------------------------------------------- var lines = [[]] var line_length = Math.sqrt(cubes.length/2) avg_size /= templates.length var o = 0 var i = 0 var ox = 0 templates.forEach(function(tpl) { if (ox >= line_length) { o = ox = 0 i++ lines[i] = [] } lines[i][o] = tpl o++; ox += tpl.template_size/avg_size }) lines.forEach(function(temps) { var x_pos = 0 var y_pos = 0 //Y Position of current area relative to this bone var filled_x_pos = 0; var max_height = 0 //Find the maximum height of the line temps.forEach(function(t) { max_height = Math.max(max_height, t.height + (options.padding ? 1 : 0)) }) //Place temps.forEach(function(t) { let w = t.width; let h = t.height; if (options.padding) { w++; h++; } if (y_pos > 0 && (y_pos + h) <= max_height) { //same column t.posx = x_pos t.posy = y_pos + extend_y filled_x_pos = Math.max(filled_x_pos, x_pos + w) y_pos += h } else { //new column x_pos = filled_x_pos y_pos = h t.posx = x_pos t.posy = extend_y filled_x_pos = Math.max(filled_x_pos, x_pos + w) } //size of widest bone extend_x = Math.max(extend_x, filled_x_pos) }) extend_y += max_height }) } var max_size = Math.max(extend_x, extend_y) if (options.power) { max_size = Math.getNextPower(max_size, 16); } else { max_size = Math.ceil(max_size/16)*16; } if (background_color.getAlpha() != 0) { background_color = background_color.toRgbString() } var canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = canvas.height = max_size*res_multiple; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; //Drawing TextureGenerator.old_project_resolution = [Project.texture_width, Project.texture_height] TextureGenerator.changeProjectResolution(max_size, max_size); templates.forEach(function(t) { t.obj.uv_offset[0] = t.posx; t.obj.uv_offset[1] = t.posy; //if true, dupes must be flipped let reverse_flip = t.obj.mirror_uv; t.obj.mirror_uv = false; if (t.duplicates) { t.duplicates.forEach(dupl => { if (dupl.obj !== t.obj) { dupl.obj.mirror_uv = dupl.obj.mirror_uv !== reverse_flip; } }) } TextureGenerator.paintCubeBoxTemplate(t.obj, texture, canvas, t); }) var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL() var texture = cb(dataUrl) if (texture && !Project.single_texture) { cubes.forEach(function(cube) { cube.applyTexture(texture, true); cube.autouv = 0; }) } if (options.box_uv && !Project.box_uv) { Project.box_uv = true; } updateSelection() Undo.finishEdit('create template', { textures: [texture], bitmap: true, elements: cubes, selected_texture: true, uv_only: true, uv_mode: true }) }, boxUVdrawTemplateRectangle(border_color, color, face, coords, texture, canvas) { if (typeof background_color === 'string') { border_color = background_color color = undefined } var res_multiple = canvas.width/Project.texture_width; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = border_color; ctx.fillRect( coords.x*res_multiple, coords.y*res_multiple, coords.w*res_multiple, coords.h*res_multiple ) if (coords.w*res_multiple > 2 && coords.h*res_multiple > 2) { if (color == null) { ctx.clearRect( coords.x * res_multiple + 1, coords.y * res_multiple + 1, coords.w * res_multiple - 2, coords.h * res_multiple - 2 ) } else if (color) { ctx.fillStyle = color ctx.fillRect( coords.x * res_multiple + 1, coords.y * res_multiple + 1, coords.w * res_multiple - 2, coords.h * res_multiple - 2 ) } } }, boxUVdrawTexture(face, coords, texture, canvas) { if (!Format.single_texture) { if (face.texture === undefined || face.texture === null) return false; texture = face.getTexture() } if (!texture || !texture.img) return false; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var res_multiple = canvas.width/Project.texture_width; var uv = face.uv.slice(); if (face.direction === 'up') { uv = [uv[2], uv[3], uv[0], uv[1]] } else if (face.direction === 'down') { uv = [uv[2], uv[1], uv[0], uv[3]] } var src = getRectangle(uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3]) var flip = [ uv[0] > uv[2] ? -1 : 1, uv[1] > uv[3] ? -1 : 1 ] if (flip[0] + flip[1] < 1) { ctx.scale(flip[0], flip[1]) } if (face.rotation) { ctx.rotate(Math.degToRad(face.rotation)) let rot = face.rotation if (rot <= 180) flip[1] *= -1; if (rot >= 180) flip[0] *= -1; while (rot > 0) { [coords.x, coords.y] = [coords.y, coords.x]; [coords.w, coords.h] = [coords.h, coords.w]; rot -= 90; } } ctx.drawImage( texture.img,[0] * texture.img.naturalWidth, src.ay/TextureGenerator.old_project_resolution[1] * texture.img.naturalHeight, src.x /TextureGenerator.old_project_resolution[0] * texture.img.naturalWidth, src.y /TextureGenerator.old_project_resolution[1] * texture.img.naturalHeight, coords.x*res_multiple*flip[0], coords.y*res_multiple*flip[1], coords.w*res_multiple*flip[0], coords.h*res_multiple*flip[1] ) ctx.restore() return true; }, paintCubeBoxTemplate(cube, texture, canvas, template, transparent) { if (!template) { template = new TextureGenerator.boxUVCubeTemplate(cube, Project.box_uv ? 0 : 1); } for (var face in TextureGenerator.face_data) { let d = TextureGenerator.face_data[face] if (!cube.faces[face].getTexture() || !TextureGenerator.boxUVdrawTexture(cube.faces[face],, texture, canvas) ) { TextureGenerator.boxUVdrawTemplateRectangle(d.c1, transparent ? null : d.c2, cube.faces[face],, texture, canvas) } } if (template && template.duplicates) { template.duplicates.forEach(t_2 => { t_2.obj.uv_offset[0] = cube.uv_offset[0]; t_2.obj.uv_offset[1] = cube.uv_offset[1]; if (t_2.obj !== cube) { t_2.obj.mirror_uv = t_2.obj.mirror_uv != cube.mirror_uv; } }) } if (!Project.box_uv) { var size = cube.size(undefined, true); size.forEach((n, i) => { size[i] = n; }) var face_list = [ {face: 'north', fIndex: 10, from: [size[2], size[2]], size: [size[0], size[1]]}, {face: 'east', fIndex: 0, from: [0, size[2]], size: [size[2], size[1]]}, {face: 'south', fIndex: 8, from: [size[2]*2 + size[0], size[2]], size: [size[0], size[1]]}, {face: 'west', fIndex: 2, from: [size[2] + size[0], size[2]], size: [size[2], size[1]]}, {face: 'up', fIndex: 4, from: [size[2]+size[0], size[2]], size: [-size[0], -size[2]]}, {face: 'down', fIndex: 6, from: [size[2]+size[0]*2, 0], size: [-size[0], size[2]]} ] face_list.forEach(function(f) { cube.faces[f.face].uv[0] = (f.from[0] + Math.floor(cube.uv_offset[0]+0.0000001)) / canvas.width * Project.texture_width; cube.faces[f.face].uv[1] = (f.from[1] + Math.floor(cube.uv_offset[1]+0.0000001)) / canvas.height * Project.texture_height; cube.faces[f.face].uv[2] = (f.from[0]+f.size[0]+ Math.floor(cube.uv_offset[0]+0.0000001)) / canvas.width * Project.texture_width; cube.faces[f.face].uv[3] = (f.from[1]+f.size[1]+ Math.floor(cube.uv_offset[1]+0.0000001)) / canvas.height * Project.texture_height; cube.faces[f.face].rotation = 0; }) } }, //Face Template generateFaceTemplate(options, cb) { var res_multiple = options.resolution / 16; var background_color = options.color; var texture = options.texture; var face_list = []; function faceRect(cube, face_key, tex, x, y) { this.cube = cube; this.width = Math.abs(x); this.height = Math.abs(y); this.width = (this.width >= 0.01 && this.width < 1) ? 1 : Math.round(this.width ); this.height = (this.height >= 0.01 && this.height < 1) ? 1 : Math.round(this.height); this.size = this.width * this.height; this.face_key = face_key; this.texture = tex this.face = cube.faces[face_key]; face_list.push(this); } var cube_array = (Format.single_texture ? Cube.all : Cube.selected).filter(cube => cube.visibility); cube_array.forEach(cube => { var fi = 0; for (var face_key in cube.faces) { var face = cube.faces[face_key]; var tex = face.getTexture(); if (tex !== null) { var x = 0; var y = 0; switch (face_key) { case 'north': x = cube.size(0); y = cube.size(1); break; case 'east': x = cube.size(2); y = cube.size(1); break; case 'south': x = cube.size(0); y = cube.size(1); break; case 'west': x = cube.size(2); y = cube.size(1); break; case 'up': x = cube.size(0); y = cube.size(2); break; case 'down': x = cube.size(0); y = cube.size(2); break; } new faceRect(cube, face_key, tex, x, y) } } }) if (face_list.length == 0) { Blockbench.showMessage('No valid cubes', 'center') return; } var extend_x = 0; var extend_y = 0; if (true) { face_list.sort(function(a,b) { return b.size - a.size; }) var fill_map = {} function occupy(x, y) { if (!fill_map[x]) fill_map[x] = {} fill_map[x][y] = true } function check(x, y) { return fill_map[x] && fill_map[x][y] } function forTemplatePixel(tpl, sx, sy, cb) { let w = tpl.width; let h = tpl.height; if (options.padding) { w++; h++; } for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < h; y++) { if (cb(sx+x, sy+y)) return; } } } function place(tpl, x, y) { var works = true; forTemplatePixel(tpl, x, y, (tx, ty) => { if (check(tx, ty)) { works = false; return true; } }) if (works) { forTemplatePixel(tpl, x, y, occupy) tpl.posx = x; tpl.posy = y; extend_x = Math.max(extend_x, x + tpl.width); extend_y = Math.max(extend_y, y + tpl.height); return true; } } face_list.forEach(tpl => { var vert = extend_x > extend_y; //Scan for empty spot for (var line = 0; line < 2e3; line++) { for (var x = 0; x <= line; x++) { if (place(tpl, x, line)) return; } for (var y = 0; y < line; y++) { if (place(tpl, line, y)) return; } } }) } var max_size = Math.max(extend_x*res_multiple, extend_y*res_multiple) if (options.power) { max_size = Math.getNextPower(max_size, 16); } else { max_size = Math.ceil(max_size/16)*16; } if (background_color.getAlpha() != 0) { background_color = background_color.toRgbString() } var canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = canvas.height = max_size; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; function drawTemplateRectangle(border_color, color, face, coords) { if (typeof background_color === 'string') { border_color = background_color color = undefined } ctx.fillStyle = border_color ctx.fillRect( coords.x*res_multiple, coords.y*res_multiple, coords.w*res_multiple, coords.h*res_multiple ) if (coords.w*res_multiple > 2 && coords.h*res_multiple > 2 && color) { ctx.fillStyle = color ctx.fillRect( coords.x * res_multiple + 1, coords.y * res_multiple + 1, coords.w * res_multiple - 2, coords.h * res_multiple - 2 ) } } function drawTexture(face, coords) { if (!Format.single_texture) { if (face.texture === undefined || face.texture === null) return false; texture = face.getTexture() } else { texture = Texture.getDefault(); } if (!texture || !texture.img) return false; var uv = face.uv.slice(); if (face.direction === 'up') { uv = [uv[2], uv[3], uv[0], uv[1]] } else if (face.direction === 'down') { uv = [uv[2], uv[1], uv[0], uv[3]] } var src = getRectangle(uv[0], uv[1], uv[2], uv[3]) var flip = [ uv[0] > uv[2] ? -1 : 1, uv[1] > uv[3] ? -1 : 1 ] if (flip[0] + flip[1] < 1) { ctx.scale(flip[0], flip[1]) } if (face.rotation) { ctx.rotate(Math.degToRad(face.rotation)) let rot = face.rotation if (rot <= 180) flip[1] *= -1; if (rot >= 180) flip[0] *= -1; while (rot > 0) { [coords.x, coords.y] = [coords.y, coords.x]; [coords.w, coords.h] = [coords.h, coords.w]; rot -= 90; } } ctx.drawImage( texture.img, * texture.img.naturalWidth, src.ay/Project.texture_height * texture.img.naturalHeight, src.x /Project.texture_width * texture.img.naturalWidth, src.y /Project.texture_height * texture.img.naturalHeight, coords.x*res_multiple*flip[0], coords.y*res_multiple*flip[1], coords.w*res_multiple*flip[0], coords.h*res_multiple*flip[1] ) ctx.restore() return true; } //Drawing face_list.forEach(function(ftemp) { let cube = ftemp.cube var pos = { x: ftemp.posx, y: ftemp.posy, w: ftemp.width, h: ftemp.height } var d = TextureGenerator.face_data[ftemp.face_key]; var flip_rotation = false if (!ftemp.texture || !drawTexture(ftemp.face, pos) ) { drawTemplateRectangle(d.c1, d.c2, ftemp.face, pos) } else { flip_rotation = ftemp.face.rotation % 180 != 0; } ftemp.face.extend({ rotation: 0, uv: flip_rotation ? [pos.y, pos.x] : [pos.x, pos.y] }) ftemp.face.uv_size = flip_rotation ? [pos.h, pos.w] : [pos.w, pos.h]; if (ftemp.face_key == 'up') { [ftemp.face.uv[2], ftemp.face.uv[0]] = [ftemp.face.uv[0], ftemp.face.uv[2]]; [ftemp.face.uv[3], ftemp.face.uv[1]] = [ftemp.face.uv[1], ftemp.face.uv[3]]; } if (ftemp.face_key == 'down') { [ftemp.face.uv[2], ftemp.face.uv[0]] = [ftemp.face.uv[0], ftemp.face.uv[2]]; } }) var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL() var texture = cb(dataUrl) TextureGenerator.changeProjectResolution(max_size / res_multiple, max_size / res_multiple); if (texture && !Format.single_texture) { cube_array.forEach(function(cube) { for (var key in cube.faces) { if (cube.faces[key].texture !== null) { cube.faces[key].texture = texture.uuid; } } Canvas.adaptObjectFaces(cube) Canvas.updateUV(cube) cube.autouv = 0 }) } updateSelection() Undo.finishEdit('create template', { textures: [texture], bitmap: true, elements: cube_array, selected_texture: true, uv_only: true, uv_mode: true }) }, //Misc changeProjectResolution(width, height) { let factor_x = width / Project.texture_width; let factor_y = height / Project.texture_height; Project.texture_width = width; Project.texture_height = height; if (!Project.box_uv && !Format.single_texture) { Cube.all.forEach(cube => { if (cube.selected) return; for (var key in cube.faces) { let face = cube.faces[key]; if (face.texture) { face.uv[0] *= factor_x face.uv[1] *= factor_y; face.uv[2] *= factor_x; face.uv[3] *= factor_y; } } Canvas.updateUV(cube) }) } } }