(function() { function buildAnimationTracks(do_quaternions = true) { let export_scale = Settings.get('model_export_scale'); let anims = []; Animator.animations.forEach(animation => { let ik_samples = animation.sampleIK(); let tracks = []; for (var uuid in animation.animators) { let animator = animation.animators[uuid]; if (animator.type == 'bone' && animator.getGroup()) { for (var channel in animator.channels) { if (channel == 'rotation' && ik_samples[uuid]) { let times = []; let values = []; let sample_rate = settings.animation_sample_rate.value; let interpolation = THREE.InterpolateLinear; ik_samples[uuid].forEach((sample, i) => { sample.euler.x += animator.group.mesh.fix_rotation.x; sample.euler.y += animator.group.mesh.fix_rotation.y; sample.euler.z += animator.group.mesh.fix_rotation.z; let quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromEuler(sample.euler); quaternion.toArray(values, values.length); times.push(i / sample_rate); }) let track = new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack(animator.group.mesh.uuid+'.quaternion', times, values, interpolation); track.group_uuid = animator.group.uuid; track.channel = 'quaternion'; tracks.push(track); } else if (animator[channel] && animator[channel].length) { let times = []; let values = []; let keyframes = animator[channel].slice(); // Sampling non-linear and math-based values let contains_script for (var kf of keyframes) { if (kf.interpolation == Keyframe.interpolation.catmullrom || kf.interpolation == Keyframe.interpolation.bezier) { contains_script = true; break; } for (var data_point of kf.data_points) { if (isNaN(data_point.x) || isNaN(data_point.y) || isNaN(data_point.z)) { contains_script = true; break; } } if (contains_script) break; } if (contains_script) { let interval = 1 / Math.clamp(settings.animation_sample_rate.value, 0.1, 500); let last_values; for (var time = 0; time < animation.length; time += interval) { Timeline.time = time; let values = animator.interpolate(channel, false) if (!values.equals(last_values) && !keyframes.find(kf => Math.epsilon(kf.time, time, interval))) { let new_keyframe = new Keyframe({ time, channel, data_points: [{ x: values[0], y: values[1], z: values[2], }] }, null, animator) new_keyframe.animator = animator; keyframes.push(new_keyframe) } last_values = values; } } keyframes.sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time) // Sampling rotation steps that exceed 180 degrees if (channel === 'rotation' && !contains_script && do_quaternions) { let original_keyframes = keyframes.slice(); original_keyframes.forEach((kf, i) => { let next = original_keyframes[i+1] if (!next) return; let k1 = kf.getArray(kf.data_points.length - 1); let k2 = next.getArray(); let max_diff = Math.max(Math.abs(k1[0] - k2[0]), Math.abs(k1[1] - k2[1]), Math.abs(k1[2] - k2[2])); let steps = Math.floor(max_diff / 180 + 1); for (var step = 1; step < steps; step++) { Timeline.time = kf.time + (next.time - kf.time) * (step/steps); let values = animator.interpolate(channel, false) let new_keyframe = new Keyframe({ time: Timeline.time, channel, data_points: [{ x: values[0], y: values[1], z: values[2], }] }, null, animator) new_keyframe.animator = animator; keyframes.splice(keyframes.indexOf(kf) + step, 0, new_keyframe); } }) } // Discontinuous keyframes keyframes.slice().forEach(kf => { if (kf.data_points.length > 1 && !kf.getArray(0).equals(kf.getArray(1))) { let new_keyframe = new Keyframe({ time: kf.time + 0.004, channel, data_points: [kf.data_points[1]] }, null, animator) new_keyframe.animator = animator; keyframes.splice(keyframes.indexOf(kf) + 1, 0, new_keyframe); } }) let interpolation = THREE.InterpolateLinear; keyframes.forEach(kf => { if (kf.interpolation == Keyframe.interpolation.catmullrom) { interpolation = THREE.InterpolateSmooth } if (kf.interpolation == Keyframe.interpolation.step) { interpolation = THREE.InterpolateDiscrete } times.push(kf.time); Timeline.time = kf.time; let result = kf.getFixed(0, do_quaternions) if (do_quaternions) { result.toArray(values, values.length); } else { values.push(result.x, result.y, result.z); } }) let trackType = THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack; if (channel === 'rotation' && do_quaternions) { trackType = THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack; channel = 'quaternion'; } else if (channel == 'position') { values.forEach((val, i) => { values[i] = val/export_scale; }) } let track = new trackType(animator.group.mesh.uuid+'.'+channel, times, values, interpolation); track.group_uuid = animator.group.uuid; track.channel = channel; tracks.push(track); } } } else if (animator instanceof BoneAnimator) { console.log(`Skip export of track ${uuid.substr(0, 7)}... - No connected bone`) } } if (tracks.length) { let clip = new THREE.AnimationClip(animation.name, animation.length, tracks) anims.push(clip); } else { console.log(`Skip export of animation ${animation.name} - No tracks generated`) } }) return anims; } var codec = new Codec('gltf', { name: 'GLTF Model', extension: 'gltf', async compile(options = 0) { let scope = this; let exporter = new THREE.GLTFExporter(); let animations = []; let gl_scene = new THREE.Scene(); gl_scene.name = 'blockbench_export' gl_scene.add(Project.model_3d); try { if (!Modes.edit) { Animator.showDefaultPose(); } if (BarItems.view_mode.value !== 'textured') { BarItems.view_mode.set('textured'); BarItems.view_mode.onChange(); } if (options.animations !== false) { animations = buildAnimationTracks(); } let json = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { exporter.parse(gl_scene, resolve, { animations, onlyVisible: false, trs: true, truncateDrawRange: false, forcePowerOfTwoTextures: true, scale_factor: 1/Settings.get('model_export_scale'), exportFaceColors: false, }); }) scene.add(Project.model_3d); scope.dispatchEvent('compile', {model: json, options}); return JSON.stringify(json); } catch (err) { scene.add(Project.model_3d); throw err; } }, export() { var scope = codec; scope.compile().then(content => { setTimeout(_ => { Blockbench.export({ resource_id: 'gltf', type: scope.name, extensions: [scope.extension], name: scope.fileName(), startpath: scope.startPath(), content, custom_writer: isApp ? (a, b) => scope.write(a, b) : null, }, path => scope.afterDownload(path)) }, 20) }) } }) codec.buildAnimationTracks = buildAnimationTracks; BARS.defineActions(function() { codec.export_action = new Action({ id: 'export_gltf', icon: 'icon-gltf', category: 'file', click: function () { codec.export() } }) }) })()