class MeshFace extends Face { constructor(mesh, data) { super(data); this.mesh = mesh; this.uv = {}; this.texture = false; if (data) { this.extend(data); } } extend(data) { super.extend(data); this.vertices.forEach(key => { if (!this.uv[key]) this.uv[key] = [0, 0]; if (data.uv && data.uv[key] instanceof Array) { this.uv[key].replace(data.uv[key]); } }) for (let key in this.uv) { if (!this.vertices.includes(key)) { delete this.uv[key]; } } return this; } getNormal(normalize) { let vertices = this.getSortedVertices(); if (vertices.length < 3) return [0, 0, 0]; let a = [ this.mesh.vertices[vertices[1]][0] - this.mesh.vertices[vertices[0]][0], this.mesh.vertices[vertices[1]][1] - this.mesh.vertices[vertices[0]][1], this.mesh.vertices[vertices[1]][2] - this.mesh.vertices[vertices[0]][2], ] let b = [ this.mesh.vertices[vertices[2]][0] - this.mesh.vertices[vertices[0]][0], this.mesh.vertices[vertices[2]][1] - this.mesh.vertices[vertices[0]][1], this.mesh.vertices[vertices[2]][2] - this.mesh.vertices[vertices[0]][2], ] let direction = [ a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1], a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2], a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0], ] if (normalize) { let length = Math.sqrt(direction[0] * direction[0] + direction[1] * direction[1] + direction[2] * direction[2]); return => dir / length || 0); } else { return direction } } getBoundingRect() { let min_x = Project.texture_width, min_y = Project.texture_height, max_x = 0, max_y = 0; this.vertices.forEach(vkey => { min_x = Math.min(min_x, this.uv[vkey][0]); max_x = Math.max(max_x, this.uv[vkey][0]); min_y = Math.min(min_y, this.uv[vkey][1]); max_y = Math.max(max_y, this.uv[vkey][1]); }) return getRectangle(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y); } getOccupationMatrix(texture_space = false, start_offset = [0, 0], matrix = {}) { let face = this; let rect = this.getBoundingRect(); let texture = texture_space && this.getTexture(); let sorted_vertices = this.getSortedVertices(); let factor_x = texture ? (texture.width / Project.texture_width) : 1; let factor_y = texture ? (texture.display_height / Project.texture_height) : 1; if (texture_space && texture) { *= factor_x; rect.ay *= factor_y; rect.bx *= factor_x; *= factor_y; } function vSub(a, b) { return [a[0]-b[0], a[1]-b[1]]; } function getSide(a, b) { let cosine_sign = a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0]; if (cosine_sign > 0) return 1; if (cosine_sign < 0) return -1; } function pointInsidePolygon(x, y) { let previous_side; let i = 0; for (let vkey of sorted_vertices) { let a = face.uv[vkey]; let b = face.uv[sorted_vertices[i+1]] || face.uv[sorted_vertices[0]]; if (factor_x !== 1 || factor_y !== 1) { a = a ? [a[0] * factor_x, a[1] * factor_y] : [0, 0]; b = b ? [b[0] * factor_x, b[1] * factor_y] : [0, 0]; } let affine_segment = vSub(b, a); let affine_point = vSub([x, y], a); let side = getSide(affine_segment, affine_point); if (!side) return false; if (!previous_side) previous_side = side; if (side !== previous_side) return false; i++; } return true; } for (let x = Math.floor(; x < Math.ceil(rect.bx); x++) { for (let y = Math.floor(rect.ay); y < Math.ceil(; y++) { let matrix_x = x-start_offset[0]; let matrix_y = y-start_offset[1]; let inside = ( pointInsidePolygon(x+0.00001, y+0.00001) || pointInsidePolygon(x+0.99999, y+0.00001) || pointInsidePolygon(x+0.00001, y+0.99999) || pointInsidePolygon(x+0.99999, y+0.99999)); if (!inside) { let i = 0; let px_rect = [[x, y], [x+0.99999, y+0.99999]] for (let vkey of sorted_vertices) { let vkey_b = sorted_vertices[i+1] || sorted_vertices[0] if (pointInRectangle(face.uv[vkey], ...px_rect)) { inside = true; break; } if (lineIntersectsReactangle(face.uv[vkey], face.uv[vkey_b], ...px_rect)) { inside = true; break; } i++; } } if (inside) { if (!matrix[matrix_x]) matrix[matrix_x] = {}; matrix[matrix_x][matrix_y] = true; } } } return matrix; } getUVIsland() { let keys = [this.getFaceKey()]; function crawl(face) { for (let i = 0; i < face.vertices.length; i++) { let adjacent = face.getAdjacentFace(i); if (!adjacent) continue; if (keys.includes(adjacent.key)) continue; let epsilon = 0.2; let uv_a1 = adjacent.face.uv[adjacent.edge[0]]; let uv_a2 = face.uv[adjacent.edge[0]]; if (!Math.epsilon(uv_a1[0], uv_a2[0], epsilon) || !Math.epsilon(uv_a1[1], uv_a2[1], epsilon)) continue; let uv_b1 = adjacent.face.uv[adjacent.edge[1]]; let uv_b2 = face.uv[adjacent.edge[1]]; if (!Math.epsilon(uv_b1[0], uv_b2[0], epsilon) || !Math.epsilon(uv_b1[1], uv_b2[1], epsilon)) continue; keys.push(adjacent.key); crawl(adjacent.face); } } crawl(this); return keys; } getAngleTo(other) { let a = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(this.getNormal()); let b = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(other instanceof Array ? other : other.getNormal()); return Math.radToDeg(a.angleTo(b)); } invert() { if (this.vertices.length < 3) return this; [this.vertices[0], this.vertices[1]] = [this.vertices[1], this.vertices[0]]; } isSelected() { return !!Project.mesh_selection[this.mesh.uuid] && Project.mesh_selection[this.mesh.uuid].faces.includes(this.getFaceKey()); } getSortedVertices() { if (this.vertices.length < 4) return this.vertices; // Test if point "check" is on the other side of the line between "base1" and "base2", compared to "top" function test(base1, base2, top, check) { base1 = Canvas.temp_vectors[0].fromArray(base1); base2 = Canvas.temp_vectors[1].fromArray(base2); top = Canvas.temp_vectors[2].fromArray(top); check = Canvas.temp_vectors[3].fromArray(check); // Construct a plane with coplanar points "base1" and "base2" with a normal towards "top" let normal = Canvas.temp_vectors[4]; new THREE.Line3(base1, base2).closestPointToPoint(top, false, normal); normal.sub(top); let plane = new THREE.Plane().setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint(normal, base2); let distance = plane.distanceToPoint(check); return distance > 0; } let {mesh, vertices} = this; if (test(mesh.vertices[vertices[1]], mesh.vertices[vertices[2]], mesh.vertices[vertices[0]], mesh.vertices[vertices[3]])) { return [vertices[2], vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[3]]; } else if (test(mesh.vertices[vertices[0]], mesh.vertices[vertices[1]], mesh.vertices[vertices[2]], mesh.vertices[vertices[3]])) { return [vertices[0], vertices[2], vertices[1], vertices[3]]; } return vertices; } getEdges() { let vertices = this.getSortedVertices(); if (vertices.length == 2) { return vertices; } else if (vertices.length > 2) { return, i) => { let vkey2 = vertices[i+1] || vertices[0]; return [vkey1, vkey2]; }) } else { return []; } } getAdjacentFace(side_index = 0) { let vertices = this.getSortedVertices(); side_index = side_index % this.vertices.length; let side_vertices = [ vertices[side_index], vertices[side_index+1] || vertices[0] ] for (let fkey in this.mesh.faces) { let face = this.mesh.faces[fkey]; if (face === this) continue; if (face.vertices.includes(side_vertices[0]) && face.vertices.includes(side_vertices[1])) { let f_vertices = face.getSortedVertices(); let index_a = f_vertices.indexOf(side_vertices[0]); let index_b = f_vertices.indexOf(side_vertices[1]); if (index_b - index_a == -1 || (index_b - index_a == f_vertices.length-1)) { return { face, key: fkey, index: index_b, edge: side_vertices } } } } return null; } getFaceKey() { for (let fkey in this.mesh.faces) { if (this.mesh.faces[fkey] == this) return fkey; } } UVToLocal(uv, vertices = this.vertices) { let p0 = this.uv[vertices[0]]; let p1 = this.uv[vertices[1]]; let p2 = this.uv[vertices[2]]; let vertexa = this.mesh.vertices[vertices[0]]; let vertexb = this.mesh.vertices[vertices[1]]; let vertexc = this.mesh.vertices[vertices[2]]; let b0 = (p1[0] - p0[0]) * (p2[1] - p0[1]) - (p2[0] - p0[0]) * (p1[1] - p0[1]) let b1 = ((p1[0] - uv[0]) * (p2[1] - uv[1]) - (p2[0] - uv[0]) * (p1[1] - uv[1])) / b0 let b2 = ((p2[0] - uv[0]) * (p0[1] - uv[1]) - (p0[0] - uv[0]) * (p2[1] - uv[1])) / b0 let b3 = ((p0[0] - uv[0]) * (p1[1] - uv[1]) - (p1[0] - uv[0]) * (p0[1] - uv[1])) / b0 let local_space = new THREE.Vector3( vertexa[0] * b1 + vertexb[0] * b2 + vertexc[0] * b3, vertexa[1] * b1 + vertexb[1] * b2 + vertexc[1] * b3, vertexa[2] * b1 + vertexb[2] * b2 + vertexc[2] * b3, ) return local_space; } localToUV(vector, vertices = this.vertices) { let va = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(this.mesh.vertices[vertices[0]]); let vb = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(this.mesh.vertices[vertices[1]]); let vc = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(this.mesh.vertices[vertices[2]]); let uva = new THREE.Vector2().fromArray(this.uv[vertices[0]]); let uvb = new THREE.Vector2().fromArray(this.uv[vertices[1]]); let uvc = new THREE.Vector2().fromArray(this.uv[vertices[2]]); let uv = THREE.Triangle.getUV(vector, va, vb, vc, uva, uvb, uvc, new THREE.Vector2()); return uv.toArray(); } getCenter() { let center = [0, 0, 0]; this.vertices.forEach(vkey => { let vertex = this.mesh.vertices[vkey]; center.V3_add(vertex); }) center.V3_divide(this.vertices.length); return center; } } new Property(MeshFace, 'array', 'vertices', {default: 0}); class Mesh extends OutlinerElement { constructor(data, uuid) { super(data, uuid) this.vertices = {}; this.faces = {}; this.seams = {}; if (!data.vertices) { this.addVertices([2, 4, 2], [2, 4, -2], [2, 0, 2], [2, 0, -2], [-2, 4, 2], [-2, 4, -2], [-2, 0, 2], [-2, 0, -2]); let vertex_keys = Object.keys(this.vertices); this.addFaces(new MeshFace( this, {vertices: [vertex_keys[0], vertex_keys[2], vertex_keys[1], vertex_keys[3]]} )); // East this.addFaces(new MeshFace( this, {vertices: [vertex_keys[4], vertex_keys[5], vertex_keys[6], vertex_keys[7]]} )); // West this.addFaces(new MeshFace( this, {vertices: [vertex_keys[0], vertex_keys[1], vertex_keys[4], vertex_keys[5]]} )); // Up this.addFaces(new MeshFace( this, {vertices: [vertex_keys[2], vertex_keys[6], vertex_keys[3], vertex_keys[7]]} )); // Down this.addFaces(new MeshFace( this, {vertices: [vertex_keys[0], vertex_keys[4], vertex_keys[2], vertex_keys[6]]} )); // South this.addFaces(new MeshFace( this, {vertices: [vertex_keys[1], vertex_keys[3], vertex_keys[5], vertex_keys[7]]} )); // North for (let key in this.faces) { let face = this.faces[key]; face.uv[face.vertices[0]] = [0, 0]; face.uv[face.vertices[1]] = [0, 16]; face.uv[face.vertices[2]] = [16, 0]; face.uv[face.vertices[3]] = [16, 16]; } } for (var key in {[key].reset(this); } if (data && typeof data === 'object') { this.extend(data) } } get position() { return this.origin; } get vertice_list() { return Object.keys(this.vertices).map(key => this.vertices[key]); } setSeam(edge, value) { let key = edge.slice(0, 2).sort().join('_'); if (value) { this.seams[key] = value; } else { delete this.seams[key]; } } getSeam(edge) { let key = edge.slice(0, 2).sort().join('_'); return this.seams[key]; } getWorldCenter(ignore_mesh_selection) { let m = this.mesh; let pos = Reusable.vec1.set(0, 0, 0); let vertex_count = 0; for (let key in this.vertices) { if (ignore_mesh_selection || !Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid] || (Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid] && Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid].vertices.includes(key))) { let vector = this.vertices[key]; pos.x += vector[0]; pos.y += vector[1]; pos.z += vector[2]; vertex_count++; } } if (vertex_count) { pos.x /= vertex_count; pos.y /= vertex_count; pos.z /= vertex_count; } if (m) { let r = m.getWorldQuaternion(Reusable.quat1); pos.applyQuaternion(r); pos.add(THREE.fastWorldPosition(m, Reusable.vec2)); } return pos; } addVertices(...vectors) { return => { let key; while (!key || this.vertices[key]) { key = bbuid(4); } this.vertices[key] = [vector[0] || 0, vector[1] || 0, vector[2] || 0]; return key; }) } addFaces(...faces) { return => { let key; while (!key || this.faces[key]) { key = bbuid(8); } this.faces[key] = face; return key; }) } extend(object) { for (var key in {[key].merge(this, object) } if (typeof object.vertices == 'object') { for (let key in this.vertices) { if (!object.vertices[key]) { delete this.vertices[key]; } } if (object.vertices instanceof Array) { this.addVertices(...object.vertices); } else { for (let key in object.vertices) { if (!this.vertices[key]) this.vertices[key] = []; this.vertices[key].replace(object.vertices[key]); } } } if (typeof object.faces == 'object') { for (let key in this.faces) { if (!object.faces[key]) { delete this.faces[key]; } } for (let key in object.faces) { if (this.faces[key]) { this.faces[key].extend(object.faces[key]) } else { this.faces[key] = new MeshFace(this, object.faces[key]); } } } if (typeof object.seams == 'object') { this.seams = {}; for (let key in object.seams) { this.seams[key] = object.seams[key]; } } this.sanitizeName(); return this; } getUndoCopy(aspects = {}) { var copy = new Mesh(this) if (aspects.uv_only) { copy = { faces: copy.faces, } } copy.uuid = this.uuid; copy.type = this.type; delete copy.parent; for (let fkey in copy.faces) { delete copy.faces[fkey].mesh; } return copy; } getSaveCopy(project) { var el = {} for (var key in {[key].copy(this, el) } if (Object.keys(this.seams).length) { el.seams = {}; for (let key in this.seams) { el.seams[key] = this.seams[key]; } } el.vertices = {}; for (let key in this.vertices) { el.vertices[key] = this.vertices[key].slice(); } el.faces = {}; for (let key in this.faces) { el.faces[key] = this.faces[key].getSaveCopy(project); } el.type = 'mesh'; el.uuid = this.uuid return el; } getSelectedVertices(make) { if (make && !Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid]) Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid] = {vertices: [], edges: [], faces: []}; return Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid]?.vertices || []; } getSelectedEdges(make) { if (make && !Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid]) Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid] = {vertices: [], edges: [], faces: []}; return Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid]?.edges || []; } getSelectedFaces(make) { if (make && !Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid]) Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid] = {vertices: [], edges: [], faces: []}; return Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid]?.faces || []; } getSelectionRotation() { if (Transformer.dragging) { return Transformer.rotation_selection; } let faces = this.getSelectedFaces().map(fkey => this.faces[fkey]); if (!faces[0]) { let selected_vertices = this.getSelectedVertices(); this.forAllFaces((face) => { let weight = face.vertices.filter(vkey => selected_vertices.includes(vkey)).length; if (weight) { faces.push({face, weight}); } }) faces.sort((a, b) => b.weight-a.weight); faces = => f.face); } if (faces[0]) { let normal = faces[0].getNormal(true); let normal2 = faces[1] && faces[1].getNormal(true); if (normal2) { let object = new THREE.Object3D(); object.up.set(...normal); object.lookAt(...normal2); return object.rotation; } else { var y = Math.atan2(normal[0], normal[2]); var x = Math.atan2(normal[1], Math.sqrt(Math.pow(normal[0], 2) + Math.pow(normal[2], 2))); return new THREE.Euler(-x, y, 0, 'YXZ'); } } return new THREE.Euler(); } getCenter(global) { let center = [0, 0, 0]; let len = 0; for (let vkey in this.vertices) { center.V3_add(this.vertices[vkey]); len++; } center.V3_divide(len); if (global) { return this.mesh.localToWorld(Reusable.vec1.set(; } else { return center; } } forAllFaces(cb) { for (let fkey in this.faces) { cb(this.faces[fkey], fkey); } } transferOrigin(origin, update = true) { if (!this.mesh) return; var q = new THREE.Quaternion().copy(this.mesh.quaternion); var shift = new THREE.Vector3( this.origin[0] - origin[0], this.origin[1] - origin[1], this.origin[2] - origin[2], ) shift.applyQuaternion(q.invert()); shift = shift.toArray(); for (let vkey in this.vertices) { this.vertices[vkey].V3_add(shift); } this.origin.V3_set(origin); this.preview_controller.updateTransform(this); this.preview_controller.updateGeometry(this); return this; } setColor(index) { this.color = index; if (this.visibility) { this.preview_controller.updateFaces(this); } } roll(axis, steps, origin_arg) { function rotateCoord(array, rotation_origin) { var a, b; array.forEach(function(s, i) { if (i == axis) { // } else { if (a == undefined) { a = s - rotation_origin[i] b = i } else { array[b] = s - rotation_origin[i] array[b] = rotation_origin[b] - array[b] array[i] = rotation_origin[i] + a; } } }) return array } while (steps > 0) { steps--; for (let vkey in this.vertices) { rotateCoord(this.vertices[vkey], [0, 0, 0]); } if (origin_arg) { rotateCoord(this.origin, origin_arg) } } //Rotations var i = 0; var temp_rot = undefined; var temp_i = undefined; while (i < 3) { if (i !== axis) { if (temp_rot === undefined) { temp_rot = this.rotation[i] temp_i = i } else { this.rotation[temp_i] = -this.rotation[i] this.rotation[i] = temp_rot } } i++; } this.preview_controller.updateTransform(this); this.preview_controller.updateGeometry(this); return this; } flip(axis, center) { let object_mode = BarItems.selection_mode.value == 'object'; let selected_vertices = this.getSelectedVertices(); for (let vkey in this.vertices) { if (object_mode || selected_vertices.includes(vkey)) { this.vertices[vkey][axis] *= -1; } } for (let key in this.faces) { if (object_mode || this.faces[key].isSelected()) { this.faces[key].invert(); } } if (object_mode) { this.origin[axis] *= -1; this.rotation.forEach((n, i) => { if (i != axis) this.rotation[i] = -n; }) this.preview_controller.updateTransform(this); } this.preview_controller.updateGeometry(this); this.preview_controller.updateUV(this); return this; } moveVector(arr, axis, update = true) { if (typeof arr == 'number') { var n = arr; arr = [0, 0, 0]; arr[axis||0] = n; } else if (arr instanceof THREE.Vector3) { arr = arr.toArray(); } arr.forEach((val, i) => { this.origin[i] += val; }) if (update) { this.preview_controller.updateTransform(this); } TickUpdates.selection = true; } resize(val, axis, negative, allow_negative, bidirectional) { let selected_vertices = Project.mesh_selection[this.uuid]?.vertices || Object.keys(this.vertices); let range = [Infinity, -Infinity]; let {vec1, vec2} = Reusable; let rotation_inverted = new THREE.Euler().copy(Transformer.rotation_selection).invert(); selected_vertices.forEach(key => { vec1.fromArray(this.oldVertices[key]).applyEuler(rotation_inverted); range[0] = Math.min(range[0], vec1.getComponent(axis)); range[1] = Math.max(range[1], vec1.getComponent(axis)); }) let center = bidirectional ? (range[0] + range[1]) / 2 : (negative ? range[1] : range[0]); let size = Math.abs(range[1] - range[0]); let scale = (size + val * (negative ? -1 : 1) * (bidirectional ? 2 : 1)) / size; if (isNaN(scale) || Math.abs(scale) == Infinity) scale = 1; if (scale < 0 && !allow_negative) scale = 0; selected_vertices.forEach(key => { vec1.fromArray(this.oldVertices[key]).applyEuler(rotation_inverted); vec2.fromArray(this.vertices[key]).applyEuler(rotation_inverted); vec2.setComponent(axis, (vec1.getComponent(axis) - center) * scale + center); vec2.applyEuler(Transformer.rotation_selection); this.vertices[key].replace(vec2.toArray()) }) this.preview_controller.updateGeometry(this); } applyTexture(texture, faces) { var scope = this; if (faces === true) { var sides = Object.keys(this.faces); } else if (faces === undefined) { var sides = UVEditor.vue.selected_faces } else { var sides = faces } var value = false; if (texture) { value = texture.uuid } sides.forEach(function(side) { scope.faces[side].texture = value }) if (Project.selected_elements.indexOf(this) === 0) { UVEditor.loadData() } this.preview_controller.updateFaces(this); this.preview_controller.updateUV(this); } } Mesh.prototype.title = tl('data.mesh'); Mesh.prototype.type = 'mesh'; Mesh.prototype.icon = 'fa far fa-gem'; Mesh.prototype.movable = true; Mesh.prototype.resizable = true; Mesh.prototype.rotatable = true; Mesh.prototype.needsUniqueName = false; = new Menu([ 'extrude_mesh_selection', 'inset_mesh_selection', 'loop_cut', 'create_face', 'invert_face', 'merge_vertices', 'dissolve_edges', '_', 'split_mesh', 'merge_meshes', ...Outliner.control_menu_group, '_', 'rename', {name: 'menu.cube.color', icon: 'color_lens', children() { return, i) => {return { icon: 'bubble_chart', color: color.standard, name: || 'cube.color.', click(cube) { cube.forSelected(function(obj){ obj.setColor(i) }, 'change color') } }}) }}, {name: 'menu.cube.texture', icon: 'collections', condition: () => !Project.single_texture, children: function() { var arr = [ {icon: 'crop_square', name: 'menu.cube.texture.blank', click: function(cube) { cube.forSelected(function(obj) { obj.applyTexture(false, true) }, 'texture blank') }} ] Texture.all.forEach(function(t) { arr.push({ name:, icon: (t.mode === 'link' ? t.img : t.source), click: function(cube) { cube.forSelected(function(obj) { obj.applyTexture(t, true) }, 'apply texture') } }) }) return arr; }}, 'toggle_visibility', 'delete' ]); Mesh.prototype.buttons = [ Outliner.buttons.export, Outliner.buttons.locked, Outliner.buttons.visibility, ]; new Property(Mesh, 'string', 'name', {default: 'mesh'}) new Property(Mesh, 'number', 'color', {default: Math.floor(Math.random()*markerColors.length)}); new Property(Mesh, 'vector', 'origin'); new Property(Mesh, 'vector', 'rotation'); new Property(Mesh, 'boolean', 'visibility', {default: true}); new Property(Mesh, 'boolean', 'locked'); OutlinerElement.registerType(Mesh, 'mesh'); new NodePreviewController(Mesh, { setup(element) { var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BufferGeometry(1, 1, 1), Canvas.emptyMaterials[0]); Project.nodes_3d[element.uuid] = mesh; = element.uuid; mesh.type = element.type; mesh.isElement = true; mesh.geometry.setAttribute('highlight', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Uint8Array(24), 1)); // Outline let outline = new THREE.LineSegments(new THREE.BufferGeometry(), Canvas.meshOutlineMaterial); outline.geometry.setAttribute('color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(new Array(240).fill(1), 3)); outline.no_export = true; = element.uuid+'_outline'; outline.visible = element.selected; outline.renderOrder = 2; outline.frustumCulled = false; mesh.outline = outline; mesh.add(outline); outline.vertex_order = []; // Vertex Points let points = new THREE.Points(new THREE.BufferGeometry(), Canvas.meshVertexMaterial); points.element_uuid = element.uuid; points.geometry.setAttribute('color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(new Array(24).fill(1), 3)); mesh.vertex_points = points; outline.add(points); // Update this.updateTransform(element); this.updateGeometry(element); this.updateFaces(element); this.updateUV(element); mesh.visible = element.visibility; this.dispatchEvent('setup', {element}); }, updateGeometry(element) { let {mesh} = element; let point_position_array = []; let position_array = []; let normal_array = []; let indices = []; let outline_positions = []; mesh.outline.vertex_order.empty(); for (let key in element.vertices) { let vector = element.vertices[key]; point_position_array.push(...vector); } for (let key in element.faces) { let face = element.faces[key]; if (face.vertices.length == 2) { // Outline mesh.outline.vertex_order.push(face.vertices[0]); mesh.outline.vertex_order.push(face.vertices[1]); } else if (face.vertices.length == 3) { // Tri face.vertices.forEach((key, i) => { indices.push(position_array.length / 3); position_array.push(...element.vertices[key]) }) let normal = face.getNormal(); normal_array.push(...normal, ...normal, ...normal); // Outline face.vertices.forEach((key, i) => { mesh.outline.vertex_order.push(key); if (i) { mesh.outline.vertex_order.push(key); } }) mesh.outline.vertex_order.push(face.vertices[0]); } else if (face.vertices.length == 4) { let index_offset = position_array.length / 3; let face_indices = {}; face.vertices.forEach((key, i) => { position_array.push(...element.vertices[key]) face_indices[key] = index_offset + i; }) let normal = face.getNormal(true); normal_array.push(...normal, ...normal, ...normal, ...normal); let sorted_vertices = face.getSortedVertices(); indices.push(face_indices[sorted_vertices[0]]); indices.push(face_indices[sorted_vertices[1]]); indices.push(face_indices[sorted_vertices[2]]); indices.push(face_indices[sorted_vertices[0]]); indices.push(face_indices[sorted_vertices[2]]); indices.push(face_indices[sorted_vertices[3]]); // Outline sorted_vertices.forEach((key, i) => { mesh.outline.vertex_order.push(key); if (i != 0) mesh.outline.vertex_order.push(key); }) mesh.outline.vertex_order.push(sorted_vertices[0]); } } mesh.outline.vertex_order.forEach(key => { outline_positions.push(...element.vertices[key]); }) mesh.vertex_points.geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(point_position_array), 3)); mesh.geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(position_array), 3)); mesh.geometry.setAttribute('normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(normal_array), 3)); mesh.geometry.setIndex(indices); mesh.outline.geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(outline_positions), 3)); mesh.geometry.setAttribute('highlight', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Uint8Array(outline_positions.length/3).fill(mesh.geometry.attributes.highlight.array[0]), 1)); mesh.geometry.computeBoundingBox(); mesh.geometry.computeBoundingSphere(); mesh.vertex_points.geometry.computeBoundingSphere(); mesh.outline.geometry.computeBoundingSphere(); updateCubeHighlights() if (Modes.paint) { Mesh.preview_controller.updatePaintingGrid(element); } this.dispatchEvent('update_geometry', {element}); }, updateFaces(element) { let {mesh} = element; if (Project.view_mode === 'solid') { mesh.material = Canvas.solidMaterial } else if (Project.view_mode === 'wireframe') { mesh.material = Canvas.wireframeMaterial } else if (Project.view_mode === 'normal') { mesh.material = Canvas.normalHelperMaterial } else if (Project.view_mode === 'uv') { mesh.material = Canvas.uvHelperMaterial } else if (Format.single_texture && Texture.all.length >= 2 && Texture.all.find(t => t.render_mode == 'layered')) { mesh.material = Canvas.getLayeredMaterial(); } else if (Format.single_texture) { let tex = Texture.getDefault(); mesh.material = tex ? tex.getMaterial() : Canvas.emptyMaterials[element.color]; } else { var materials = [] for (let key in element.faces) { if (element.faces[key].vertices.length < 3) continue; var tex = element.faces[key].getTexture() if (tex && tex.uuid) { materials.push(Project.materials[tex.uuid]) } else { materials.push(Canvas.emptyMaterials[element.color]) } } if (materials.allEqual(materials[0])) materials = materials[0]; mesh.geometry.groups.empty(); // Generate material groups if (materials instanceof Array) { let current_mat; let i = 0; let index = 0; let switch_index = 0; let reduced_materials = []; for (let key in element.faces) { if (element.faces[key].vertices.length < 3) continue; let face = element.faces[key]; let material = materials[i]; if (current_mat != material) { if (index) { mesh.geometry.addGroup(switch_index, index - switch_index, reduced_materials.length); reduced_materials.push(current_mat); } current_mat = material; switch_index = index; } i++; if (face.vertices.length == 3) index += 3; if (face.vertices.length == 4) index += 6; } mesh.geometry.addGroup(switch_index, index - switch_index, reduced_materials.length); reduced_materials.push(current_mat); materials = reduced_materials; } mesh.material = materials; if (!mesh.material) mesh.material = Canvas.transparentMaterial; } this.dispatchEvent('update_faces', {element}); }, updateUV(element) { var {mesh} = element; if (mesh === undefined || !mesh.geometry) return; let uv_array = []; for (let key in element.faces) { let face = element.faces[key]; if (face.vertices.length <= 2) continue; let stretch = 1; let frame = 0; let tex = face.getTexture(); if (tex instanceof Texture && tex.frameCount > 1) { stretch = tex.frameCount frame = tex.currentFrame || 0; } face.vertices.forEach((key, i) => { let u = (face.uv[key] ? face.uv[key][0] : 0) / Project.texture_width; let v = (face.uv[key] ? face.uv[key][1] : 0) / Project.texture_height; if (stretch > 1) { v = (v + frame) / stretch; } uv_array.push(u, 1-v); }) } mesh.geometry.setAttribute('uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(uv_array), 2)), mesh.geometry.attributes.uv.needsUpdate = true; this.dispatchEvent('update_uv', {element}); return mesh.geometry; }, updateSelection(element) {, element); let mesh = element.mesh; let white = new THREE.Color(0xffffff); let join = new THREE.Color(0x16d606); let divide = new THREE.Color(0xff4400); let join_selected = new THREE.Color(0x6bffcb); let divide_selected = new THREE.Color(0xff8c69); let selected_vertices = element.getSelectedVertices(); let selected_edges = element.getSelectedEdges(); let selected_faces = element.getSelectedFaces(); if (BarItems.selection_mode.value == 'vertex') { let colors = []; for (let key in element.vertices) { let color; if (selected_vertices.includes(key)) { color = white; } else { color = gizmo_colors.grid; } colors.push(color.r, color.g, color.b); } mesh.vertex_points.geometry.setAttribute('color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(colors, 3)); mesh.outline.geometry.needsUpdate = true; } let face_outlines = {}; if (BarItems.selection_mode.value == 'face' || BarItems.selection_mode.value == 'cluster') { selected_faces.forEach(fkey => { let face = element.faces[fkey]; face.vertices.forEach(vkey => { if (!face_outlines[vkey]) face_outlines[vkey] = new Set(); face.vertices.forEach(vkey2 => { if (vkey2 != vkey) face_outlines[vkey].add(vkey2); }) }) }) } let line_colors = []; mesh.outline.vertex_order.forEach((key, i) => { let key_b = Modes.edit && mesh.outline.vertex_order[i + ((i%2) ? -1 : 1) ]; let color; let selected; if (!Modes.edit || BarItems.selection_mode.value == 'object') { color = gizmo_colors.outline; } else if (BarItems.selection_mode.value == 'edge' && selected_edges.find(edge => sameMeshEdge([key, key_b], edge))) { color = white; selected = true; } else if ((BarItems.selection_mode.value == 'face' || BarItems.selection_mode.value == 'cluster') && face_outlines[key] && face_outlines[key].has(key_b)) { color = white; selected = true; } else { color = gizmo_colors.grid; } if ( === 'seam_tool') { let seam = element.getSeam([key, key_b]); if (selected) { if (seam == 'join') color = join_selected; if (seam == 'divide') color = divide_selected; } else { if (seam == 'join') color = join; if (seam == 'divide') color = divide; } } line_colors.push(color.r, color.g, color.b); }) mesh.outline.geometry.setAttribute('color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(line_colors, 3)); mesh.outline.geometry.needsUpdate = true; mesh.vertex_points.visible = == 'edit' && BarItems.selection_mode.value == 'vertex'; this.dispatchEvent('update_selection', {element}); }, updateHighlight(element, hover_cube, force_off) { var mesh = element.mesh; let highlighted = ( Settings.get('highlight_cubes') && ((hover_cube == element && !Transformer.dragging) || element.selected) && Modes.edit && !force_off ) ? 1 : 0; let array = new Array(mesh.geometry.attributes.highlight.count).fill(highlighted); let selection_mode = BarItems.selection_mode.value; let selected_faces = element.getSelectedFaces(); if (!force_off && element.selected && Modes.edit) { let i = 0; for (let fkey in element.faces) { let face = element.faces[fkey]; if (face.vertices.length < 3) continue; if (selected_faces.indexOf(fkey) != -1 && (selection_mode == 'face' || selection_mode == 'cluster')) { for (let j = 0; j < face.vertices.length; j++) { array[i] = 2; i++; } } else { i += face.vertices.length; } } } mesh.geometry.attributes.highlight.array.set(array); mesh.geometry.attributes.highlight.needsUpdate = true; this.dispatchEvent('update_highlight', {element}); }, updatePaintingGrid(element) { var mesh = element.mesh; if (mesh === undefined) return; mesh.remove(mesh.grid_box); if (element.visibility == false) return; if (!Modes.paint || !settings.painting_grid.value) return; var positions = []; for (let fkey in element.faces) { let face = element.faces[fkey]; if (face.vertices.length <= 2) continue; let offset = face.getNormal(true).V3_multiply(0.01); let texture = face.getTexture(); var psize_x = texture ? Project.texture_width / texture.width : 1; var psize_y = texture ? Project.texture_height / texture.display_height : 1; let vertices = face.getSortedVertices(); let tris = vertices.length == 3 ? [vertices] : [vertices.slice(0, 3), [vertices[0], vertices[2], vertices[3]]]; tris.forEach(tri_vertices => { let x_memory = {}; let y_memory = {}; tri_vertices.forEach((vkey1, i) => { let vkey2 = tri_vertices[i+1] || tri_vertices[0]; let uv1 = face.uv[vkey1].slice(); let uv2 = face.uv[vkey2].slice(); let range_x = (uv1[0] > uv2[0]) ? [uv2[0], uv1[0]] : [uv1[0], uv2[0]]; let range_y = (uv1[1] > uv2[1]) ? [uv2[1], uv1[1]] : [uv1[1], uv2[1]]; for (let x = Math.ceil(range_x[0] / psize_x) * psize_x; x < range_x[1]; x += psize_x) { if (!x_memory[x]) x_memory[x] = []; let y = uv1[1] + (uv2[1] - uv1[1]) * Math.getLerp(uv1[0], uv2[0], x); x_memory[x].push(face.UVToLocal([x, y], tri_vertices).toArray().V3_add(offset)); } for (let y = Math.ceil(range_y[0] / psize_y) * psize_y; y < range_y[1]; y += psize_y) { if (!y_memory[y]) y_memory[y] = []; let x = uv1[0] + (uv2[0] - uv1[0]) * Math.getLerp(uv1[1], uv2[1], y); y_memory[y].push(face.UVToLocal([x, y], tri_vertices).toArray().V3_add(offset)); } }) for (let key in x_memory) { let points = x_memory[key]; if (points.length == 2) { positions.push(...points[0], ...points[1]); } } for (let key in y_memory) { let points = y_memory[key]; if (points.length == 2) { positions.push(...points[0], ...points[1]); } } }) } var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) ); let box = new THREE.LineSegments(geometry, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: gizmo_colors.grid})); box.no_export = true; = element.uuid+'_grid_box'; box.renderOrder = 2; box.frustumCulled = false; mesh.grid_box = box; mesh.add(box); this.dispatchEvent('update_painting_grid', {element}); } })