var onUninstall, onInstall; const Plugins = { apipath: '', Vue: [], //Vue Object installed: [], //Simple List of Names json: undefined, //Json from website all: [], //Vue Object Data registered: {}, updateSearch() { Plugins.Vue._data.showAll = !Plugins.Vue._data.showAll Plugins.Vue._data.showAll = !Plugins.Vue._data.showAll }, devReload() { var reloads = 0; for (var i = Plugins.all.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Plugins.all[i].source == 'file') { Plugins.all[i].reload() reloads++; } } Blockbench.showQuickMessage(tl('message.plugin_reload', [reloads])) console.log('Reloaded '+reloads+ ' plugin'+pluralS(reloads)) }, sort() { Plugins.all.sort(function(a,b) { return, b.title) }); } } StateMemory.init('installed_plugins', 'array') Plugins.installed = StateMemory.installed_plugins; class Plugin { constructor(id, data) { = id||'unknown'; this.installed = false; this.expanded = false; this.title = ''; = ''; this.description = ''; this.about = ''; this.icon = ''; this.variant = ''; this.min_version = ''; this.max_version = ''; this.source = 'store' this.extend(data) Plugins.all.safePush(this); } extend(data) { if (!(data instanceof Object)) return this; Merge.boolean(this, data, 'installed') Merge.boolean(this, data, 'expanded') Merge.string(this, data, 'title') Merge.string(this, data, 'author') Merge.string(this, data, 'description') Merge.string(this, data, 'about') Merge.string(this, data, 'icon') Merge.string(this, data, 'variant') Merge.string(this, data, 'min_version') Merge.string(this, data, 'max_version') Merge.function(this, data, 'onload') Merge.function(this, data, 'onunload') Merge.function(this, data, 'oninstall') Merge.function(this, data, 'onuninstall') return this; } async install(first, cb) { var scope = this; Plugins.registered[] = this; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.getScript(Plugins.path + + '.js', function() { if (cb) cb.bind(scope)() scope.bindGlobalData(first) if (first && scope.oninstall) { scope.oninstall() } resolve() }).fail(function() { if (isApp) { console.log('Could not find file of plugin "''". Uninstalling it instead.') scope.uninstall() reject() } }) this.remember() scope.installed = true; }) } bindGlobalData() { var scope = this; if (onUninstall) { scope.onuninstall = onUninstall } if (onUninstall) { scope.onuninstall = onUninstall } window.onInstall = window.onUninstall = window.plugin_data = undefined return this; } async download(first) { var scope = this; if (!isApp) { return await scope.install() } return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var file = originalFs.createWriteStream('.js') var request = https.get('''.js', function(response) { response.pipe(file); response.on('end', function() { setTimeout(async function() { await scope.install(first); resolve() }, 50) }) }); }); return this; } async loadFromFile(file, first) { var scope = this; if (!isApp && !first) return this; if (first) { if (isApp) { if (!confirm(tl('message.load_plugin_app'))) return; } else { if (!confirm(tl('message.load_plugin_web'))) return; } } = pathToName(file.path) Plugins.registered[] = this; localStorage.setItem('plugin_dev_path', file.path) Plugins.all.safePush(this) scope.source = 'file' return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (isApp) { $.getScript(file.path, () => { if (window.plugin_data) { = (plugin_data &&||pathToName(file.path) scope.extend(plugin_data) scope.bindGlobalData() } scope.installed = true scope.path = file.path this.remember() Plugins.sort() resolve() }).fail(reject) } else { try { eval(file.content); } catch (err) { reject(err) } if (!Plugins.registered && window.plugin_data) { = (plugin_data &&|| scope.extend(plugin_data) scope.bindGlobalData() } scope.installed = true this.remember() Plugins.sort() resolve() } }) } loadFromURL(url, first) { if (first) { if (isApp) { if (!confirm(tl('message.load_plugin_app'))) return; } else { if (!confirm(tl('message.load_plugin_web'))) return; } } = pathToName(url) Plugins.registered[] = this; localStorage.setItem('plugin_dev_path', url) Plugins.all.safePush(this) this.source = 'url'; $.getScript(url, () => { if (window.plugin_data) { = (plugin_data &&||pathToName(url) this.extend(plugin_data) this.bindGlobalData() } this.installed = true this.path = url this.remember() Plugins.sort() }) return this; } remember(id =, path = this.path) { if (Plugins.installed.find(plugin => == { return this; } Plugins.installed.push({ id: id, path: path, source: this.source })'installed_plugins') return this; } uninstall() { try { this.unload(); if (this.onuninstall) { this.onuninstall(); } } catch (err) { console.log('Error in unload or uninstall method: ', err); } delete Plugins.registered[]; let in_installed = Plugins.installed.find(plugin => ==; Plugins.installed.remove(in_installed);'installed_plugins') this.installed = false; if (isApp && this.source !== 'store') { Plugins.all.remove(this) } else if (isApp) { var filepath = Plugins.path + + '.js' if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) { fs.unlink(filepath, (err) => { if (err) { console.log(err); } }); } }'installed_plugins') return this; } unload() { if (this.onunload) { this.onunload() } return this; } reload() { if (!isApp && this.source == 'file') return this; this.unload() Plugins.all.remove(this) if (this.source == 'file') { this.loadFromFile({path: this.path}, false) } else if (this.source == 'url') { this.loadFromURL(this.path, false) } return this; } isReloadable() { return (this.source == 'file' && isApp) || (this.source == 'url') } isInstallable() { var scope = this; var result = scope.variant === 'both' || ( isApp === (scope.variant === 'desktop') && isApp !== (scope.variant === 'web') ); if (result && scope.min_version) { result = Blockbench.isOlderThan(scope.min_version) ? 'outdated_client' : true; } if (result && scope.max_version) { result = Blockbench.isNewerThan(scope.max_version) ? 'outdated_plugin' : true } if (result === false) { result = (scope.variant === 'web') ? 'web_only' : 'app_only' } return (result === true) ? true : tl('dialog.plugins.'+result); } toggleInfo(force) { var scope = this; Plugins.all.forEach(function(p) { if (p !== scope && p.expanded) p.expanded = false; }) if (force !== undefined) { this.expanded = force === true } else { this.expanded = this.expanded !== true } } get expandicon() { return this.expanded ? 'expand_less' : 'expand_more' } } Plugin.register = function(id, data) { if (typeof id !== 'string' || typeof data !== 'object') { console.warn('Plugin.register: not enough arguments, string and object required.') return; } var plugin = Plugins.registered[id]; if (!plugin) { plugin = Plugins.registered.unknown; if (plugin) { delete Plugins.registered.unknown; = id; Plugins.registered[id] = plugin; } } if (!plugin) return; plugin.extend(data) if (data.icon) plugin.icon = Blockbench.getIconNode(data.icon) if (plugin.isInstallable() == true) { if (plugin.onload instanceof Function) { plugin.onload() } } return plugin; } if (isApp) { Plugins.path = app.getPath('userData')+osfs+'plugins'+osfs fs.readdir(Plugins.path, function(err) { if (err) { fs.mkdir(Plugins.path, function(a) {}) } }) } else { Plugins.path = ''; } Plugins.loading_promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $.getJSON(Plugins.apipath, function(data) { Plugins.json = data resolve(); Plugins.loading_promise.resolved = true; }).fail(function() { console.log('Could not connect to plugin server') $('#plugin_available_empty').text('Could not connect to plugin server') resolve(); Plugins.loading_promise.resolved = true; }) }) async function loadInstalledPlugins() { if (!Plugins.loading_promise.resolved) { await Plugins.loading_promise; } const install_promises = []; if (localStorage.getItem('installed_plugins')) { var legacy_plugins = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('installed_plugins')) if (legacy_plugins instanceof Array) { legacy_plugins.forEach((string, i) => { if (typeof string == 'string') { if (string.match(/\.js$/)) { Plugins.installed[i] = { id: string.split(/[\\/]/).last().replace(/\.js$/, ''), path: string, source: 'file' } } else { Plugins.installed[i] = { id: string, source: 'store' } } } }) }'installed_plugins') localStorage.removeItem('installed_plugins') } Plugins.installed.replace(Plugins.installed.filter(p => p !== null)) if (Plugins.json instanceof Object) { //From Store for (var id in Plugins.json) { var plugin = new Plugin(id, Plugins.json[id]) if (Plugins.installed.find(p => { return p && == id && p.source == 'store' })) { install_promises.push( } } Plugins.sort(); } else if (Plugins.installed.length > 0 && isApp) { //Offline Plugins.installed.forEach(function(plugin) { if (plugin.source == 'store') { var promise = new Plugin(, function() { this.extend(window.plugin_data) Plugins.sort() }) install_promises.push(promise); } }) } if (Plugins.installed.length > 0) { var loaded = [] Plugins.installed.forEachReverse(function(plugin) { if (plugin.source == 'file') { //Dev Plugins if (isApp && fs.existsSync(plugin.path)) { var instance = new Plugin(; install_promises.push(instance.loadFromFile({path: plugin.path}, false)); loaded.push('Local: '+ || plugin.path) } else { Plugins.installed.remove(plugin) } } else if (plugin.source == 'url') { var instance = new Plugin(; install_promises.push(instance.loadFromFile({path: plugin.path}, false)); loaded.push('URL: '+ || plugin.path) } else { loaded.push('Store: '+ } }) console.log(`Loaded ${loaded.length} plugin${pluralS(loaded.length)}`, loaded) }'installed_plugins') Plugins.Vue = new Vue({ el: '#plugin_list', data: { showAll: false, items: Plugins.all }, computed: { plugin_search() { var name = $('#plugin_search_bar').val().toUpperCase() return this.items.filter(item => { if (this.showAll !== item.installed) { if (name.length > 0) { return ( || item.title.toUpperCase().includes(name) || item.description.toUpperCase().includes(name) || ) } return true; } return false; }) } } }) install_promises.forEach(promise => { promise.catch(console.error); }) return await Promise.allSettled(install_promises); } function switchPluginTabs(installed) { $('#plugins .tab_bar > .open').removeClass('open') if (installed) { $('#installed_plugins').addClass('open') Plugins.Vue._data.showAll = false } else { $('#all_plugins').addClass('open') Plugins.Vue._data.showAll = true } } BARS.defineActions(function() { new Action('plugins_window', { icon: 'extension', category: 'blockbench', click: function () { showDialog('plugins') $('#plugin_list').css('max-height', limitNumber($(window).height()-300, 80, 600)+'px') } }) new Action('reload_plugins', { icon: 'sync', category: 'blockbench', keybind: new Keybind({ctrl: true, key: 74}), click: function () { Plugins.devReload() } }) new Action('load_plugin', { icon: 'fa-file-code', category: 'blockbench', click: function () { Blockbench.import({ resource_id: 'dev_plugin', extensions: ['js'], type: 'Blockbench Plugin', }, function(files) { new Plugin().loadFromFile(files[0], true) }) } }) new Action('load_plugin_from_url', { icon: 'cloud_download', category: 'blockbench', click: function () { Blockbench.textPrompt('URL', '', url => { new Plugin().loadFromURL(url, true) }) } }) })