class Panel extends EventSystem { constructor(id, data) { super(); if (!data) data = id; let scope = this; this.type = 'panel'; = typeof id == 'string' ? id : || 'new_panel'; = tl( ? : `panel.${}`); this.icon = data.icon; =; this.condition = data.condition; this.display_condition = data.display_condition; this.previous_slot = 'left_bar'; this.growable = data.growable; this.onResize = data.onResize; this.onFold = data.onFold; = {}; this.toolbars = []; if (![])[] = {}; this.position_data =[]; let defaultp = this.default_position = data.default_position || 0; if (defaultp && defaultp.slot) this.previous_slot = defaultp.slot; if (!this.position_data.slot) this.position_data.slot = defaultp.slot || (data.default_side ? (data.default_side+'_bar') : 'left_bar'); if (!this.position_data.float_position) this.position_data.float_position = defaultp.float_position || [0, 0]; if (!this.position_data.float_size) this.position_data.float_size = defaultp.float_size || [300, 300]; if (!this.position_data.height) this.position_data.height = defaultp.height || 300; if (this.position_data.folded == undefined) this.position_data.folded = defaultp.folded || false; this.handle = Interface.createElement('h3', {class: 'panel_handle'}, Interface.createElement('label', {}, Interface.createElement('span', {},; this.node = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'panel', id: `panel_${}`}, this.handle); if (this.growable) this.node.classList.add('grow'); // Toolbars let toolbars = data.toolbars instanceof Array ? data.toolbars : (data.toolbars ? Object.keys(data.toolbars) : []); for (let item of toolbars) { let toolbar = item instanceof Toolbar ? item : this.toolbars[item]; if (toolbar instanceof Toolbar == false) continue; if (toolbar.label) { let label = Interface.createElement('p', {class: 'panel_toolbar_label'}, tl(; this.node.append(label); toolbar.label_node = label; } this.node.append(toolbar.node); this.toolbars.push(toolbar); } if (data.component) { let component_mount = Interface.createElement('div'); this.node.append(component_mount); let onmounted = data.component.mounted; data.component.mounted = function() { Vue.nextTick(() => { let toolbar_wrappers = this.$el.querySelectorAll('.toolbar_wrapper'); toolbar_wrappers.forEach(wrapper => { let id = wrapper.attributes.toolbar && wrapper.attributes.toolbar.value; let toolbar = scope.toolbars.find(toolbar => == id); if (toolbar) { wrapper.append(toolbar.node); } }) if (typeof onmounted == 'function') {; } //updateInterfacePanels() }) } this.vue = this.inside_vue = new Vue(data.component).$mount(component_mount); scope.vue.$el.classList.add('panel_vue_wrapper'); } if (!Blockbench.isMobile) { if (data.expand_button) { let expand_button = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'tool panel_control panel_expanding_button'}, Blockbench.getIconNode('fullscreen')) this.handle.append(expand_button); expand_button.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if (this.slot == 'float') { this.moveTo(this.previous_slot); } else { this.moveTo('float'); this.moveToFront(); } }) } let snap_button = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'tool panel_control'}, Blockbench.getIconNode('drag_handle')) this.handle.append(snap_button); snap_button.addEventListener('click', (e) => { new Menu([ { name: 'Left Sidebar', icon: 'align_horizontal_left', click: () => this.moveTo('left_bar') }, { name: 'Right Sidebar', icon: 'align_horizontal_right', click: () => this.moveTo('right_bar') }, { name: 'Top', icon: 'align_vertical_top', click: () => this.moveTo('top') }, { name: 'Bottom', icon: 'align_vertical_bottom', click: () => this.moveTo('bottom') }, { name: 'Float', icon: 'web_asset', click: () => this.moveTo('float') } ]).show(snap_button); }) let fold_button = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'tool panel_control panel_folding_button'}, Blockbench.getIconNode('expand_more')) this.handle.append(fold_button); fold_button.addEventListener('click', (e) => { this.fold(); }) this.handle.firstElementChild.addEventListener('dblclick', e => { this.fold(); }) addEventListeners(this.handle.firstElementChild, 'mousedown touchstart', e1 => { if (e1.which == 2 || e1.which == 3) return; convertTouchEvent(e1); let started = false; let position_before = this.slot == 'float' ? this.position_data.float_position.slice() : [e1.clientX - e1.offsetX, e1.clientY - e1.offsetY - 55]; let original_show_left_bar = Prop.show_left_bar; let original_show_right_bar = Prop.show_right_bar; let target_slot, target_panel, target_before; function updateTargetHighlight() { $(`.panel[order]`).attr('order', null); if (target_panel) target_panel.node.setAttribute('order', target_before ? -1 : 1); if (target_slot) { Interface.center_screen.setAttribute('snapside', target_slot); } else { Interface.center_screen.removeAttribute('snapside'); } if ((target_slot == 'right_bar' && Interface.right_bar_width) || (target_slot == 'left_bar' && Interface.left_bar_width)) { Interface.center_screen.removeAttribute('snapside'); } Interface.left_bar.classList.toggle('drop_target', target_slot == 'left_bar'); Interface.right_bar.classList.toggle('drop_target', target_slot == 'right_bar'); if (target_slot == 'left_bar' && !Prop.show_left_bar) Interface.toggleSidebar('left'); if (target_slot == 'right_bar' && !Prop.show_right_bar) Interface.toggleSidebar('right'); if (target_slot != 'left_bar' && Prop.show_left_bar && !original_show_left_bar) Interface.toggleSidebar('left'); if (target_slot != 'right_bar' && Prop.show_right_bar && !original_show_right_bar) Interface.toggleSidebar('right'); } let drag = e2 => { convertTouchEvent(e2); if (!started && (Math.pow(e2.clientX - e1.clientX, 2) + Math.pow(e2.clientY - e1.clientY, 2)) > 15) { started = true; if (this.slot !== 'float') { this.moveTo('float'); this.moveToFront(); } this.node.classList.add('dragging'); } if (!started) return; this.position_data.float_position[0] = position_before[0] + e2.clientX - e1.clientX; this.position_data.float_position[1] = position_before[1] + e2.clientY - e1.clientY; let threshold = 40; let threshold_y = 64; target_slot = null; target_panel = null; target_before = false; if (e2.ctrlOrCmd) { } else if (e2.clientX < Math.max(Interface.left_bar_width, threshold)) { let y = Interface.work_screen.offsetTop; target_slot = 'left_bar'; for (let child of Interface.left_bar.childNodes) { if (!child.clientHeight) continue; target_panel = Panels[^panel_/, '')]; if (e2.clientY < (y + child.clientHeight / 2)) { target_before = true; break; } y += child.clientHeight; } } else if (e2.clientX > document.body.clientWidth - Math.max(Interface.right_bar_width, threshold)) { let y = Interface.work_screen.offsetTop + 30; target_slot = 'right_bar'; for (let child of Interface.right_bar.childNodes) { if (!child.clientHeight) continue; target_panel = Panels[^panel_/, '')]; if (e2.clientY < (y + child.clientHeight / 2)) { target_before = true; break; } y += child.clientHeight; } } else if ( e2.clientY < (Interface.work_screen.offsetTop + 30 + threshold_y) && e2.clientX > Interface.left_bar_width && e2.clientX < (Interface.work_screen.clientWidth - Interface.right_bar_width) ) { target_slot = 'top' } else if ( e2.clientY > Interface.work_screen.offsetTop + Interface.work_screen.clientHeight - Interface.status_bar.vue.$el.clientHeight - threshold_y && e2.clientX > Interface.left_bar_width && e2.clientX < (Interface.work_screen.clientWidth - Interface.right_bar_width) ) { target_slot = 'bottom' } updateTargetHighlight(); this.update(true); this.dispatchEvent('drag', {event: e2, target_before, target_panel, target_slot}); } let stop = e2 => { convertTouchEvent(e2); this.node.classList.remove('dragging'); Interface.center_screen.removeAttribute('snapside'); $(`.panel[order]`).attr('order', null); Interface.left_bar.classList.remove('drop_target'); Interface.right_bar.classList.remove('drop_target'); if (target_slot) { this.moveTo(target_slot, target_panel, target_before) } if (this.slot != 'float') { this.position_data.float_position[0] = position_before[0]; this.position_data.float_position[1] = position_before[1]; } this.update(); updateInterface() removeEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', drag); removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', stop); } addEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', drag); addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', stop); }) } else { let close_button = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'tool panel_control'}, Blockbench.getIconNode('clear')) this.handle.append(close_button); close_button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {; }) addEventListeners(this.handle.firstElementChild, 'mousedown touchstart', e1 => { convertTouchEvent(e1); let started = false; let height_before = this.position_data.height; let max = Blockbench.isLandscape ? window.innerWidth - 50 : Interface.work_screen.clientHeight; let drag = e2 => { convertTouchEvent(e2); let diff = Blockbench.isLandscape ? e1.clientX - e2.clientX : e1.clientY - e2.clientY; if (!started && Math.abs(diff) > 4) { started = true; } if (!started) return; let sign = (Blockbench.isLandscape && settings.mobile_panel_side.value == 'left') ? -1 : 1; this.position_data.height = Math.clamp(height_before + diff * sign, 140, max); this.update(true); resizeWindow(); } let stop = e2 => { convertTouchEvent(e2); this.update(); removeEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', drag); removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', stop); } addEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', drag); addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', stop); }) } this.node.addEventListener('mousedown', event => { setActivePanel(; this.moveToFront(); }) // Add to slot if (Blockbench.isMobile) { this.moveTo('left_bar'); } else { let reference_panel = Panels[data.insert_before || data.insert_after]; this.moveTo(this.position_data.slot, reference_panel, reference_panel && !data.insert_after); } if (this.folded) this.fold(true); Panels[] = this; } isVisible() { return !this.folded && this.node.parentElement && !== 'none'; } isInSidebar() { return this.slot === 'left_bar' || this.slot === 'right_bar'; } get slot() { return this.position_data.slot; } get folded() { return this.position_data.folded; } set folded(state) { this.position_data.folded = !!state; } resetCustomLayout() { if (![])[] = {}; this.position_data =[]; let defaultp = this.default_position || 0; if (!this.position_data.slot) this.position_data.slot = defaultp.slot || 'left_bar'; if (!this.position_data.float_position) this.position_data.float_position = defaultp.float_position || [0, 0]; if (!this.position_data.float_size) this.position_data.float_size = defaultp.float_size || [300, 300]; if (!this.position_data.height) this.position_data.height = defaultp.height || 300; if (this.position_data.folded == undefined) this.position_data.folded = defaultp.folded || false; this.moveTo(this.slot); this.fold(this.folded); return this; } addToolbar(toolbar, position = this.toolbars.length) { let nodes = []; if (toolbar.label) { let label = Interface.createElement('p', {class: 'panel_toolbar_label'}, tl(; nodes.push(label); toolbar.label_node = label; } nodes.push(toolbar.node); if (position == 0) { this.handle.after(...nodes); } else if (typeof position == 'string') { let anchor = this.node.querySelector(`.toolbar[toolbar_id="${position}"]`); if (anchor) { anchor.after(...nodes); } } else { this.node.append(...nodes); } this.toolbars.splice(position, 0, toolbar); } fold(state = !this.folded) { this.folded = !!state; let new_icon = Blockbench.getIconNode(state ? 'expand_less' : 'expand_more'); $(this.handle).find('> .panel_folding_button > .icon').replaceWith(new_icon); this.node.classList.toggle('folded', state); if (this.onFold) { this.onFold(); } if (this.slot == 'top' || this.slot == 'bottom') { resizeWindow(); } this.update(); this.dispatchEvent('fold', {}); return this; } setupFloatHandles() { let sides = [ Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'panel_resize_side resize_top'}), Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'panel_resize_side resize_bottom'}), Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'panel_resize_side resize_left'}), Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'panel_resize_side resize_right'}), ]; let corners = [ Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'panel_resize_corner resize_top_left'}), Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'panel_resize_corner resize_top_right'}), Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'panel_resize_corner resize_bottom_left'}), Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'panel_resize_corner resize_bottom_right'}), ]; let resize = (e1, direction_x, direction_y) => { let position_before = this.position_data.float_position.slice(); let size_before = [this.width, this.height]; let started = false; let drag = e2 => { convertTouchEvent(e2); if (!started && (Math.pow(e2.clientX - e1.clientX, 2) + Math.pow(e2.clientY - e1.clientY, 2)) > 12) { started = true; } if (!started) return; this.position_data.float_size[0] = size_before[0] + (e2.clientX - e1.clientX) * direction_x; this.position_data.float_size[1] = size_before[1] + (e2.clientY - e1.clientY) * direction_y; if (direction_x == -1) this.position_data.float_position[0] = position_before[0] - this.position_data.float_size[0] + size_before[0]; if (direction_y == -1) this.position_data.float_position[1] = position_before[1] - this.position_data.float_size[1] + size_before[1]; this.update(); } let stop = e2 => { convertTouchEvent(e2); removeEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', drag); removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', stop); } addEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', drag); addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', stop); } addEventListeners(sides[0], 'mousedown touchstart', (event) => resize(event, 0, -1)); addEventListeners(sides[1], 'mousedown touchstart', (event) => resize(event, 0, 1)); addEventListeners(sides[2], 'mousedown touchstart', (event) => resize(event, -1, 0)); addEventListeners(sides[3], 'mousedown touchstart', (event) => resize(event, 1, 0)); addEventListeners(corners[0], 'mousedown touchstart', (event) => resize(event, -1, -1)); addEventListeners(corners[1], 'mousedown touchstart', (event) => resize(event, 1, -1)); addEventListeners(corners[2], 'mousedown touchstart', (event) => resize(event, -1, 1)); addEventListeners(corners[3], 'mousedown touchstart', (event) => resize(event, 1, 1)); let handles = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'panel_resize_handle_wrapper'}, [...sides, ...corners]); this.node.append(handles); this.resize_handles = handles; return this; } moveToFront() { if (this.slot == 'float' && Panel.floating_panel_z_order[0] !== { Panel.floating_panel_z_order.remove(; Panel.floating_panel_z_order.splice(0, 0,; let zindex = 18; Panel.floating_panel_z_order.forEach(id => { let panel = Panels[id]; = zindex; panel.dispatchEvent('change_zindex', {zindex}); zindex = Math.clamp(zindex-1, 14, 19); }) } return this; } moveTo(slot, ref_panel, before = false) { let position_data = this.position_data; if (slot == undefined) { slot = ref_panel.position_data.slot; } if (slot !== this.slot) { this.previous_slot = this.slot; } this.dispatchEvent('move_to', {slot, ref_panel, before, previous_slot: this.previous_slot}); this.node.classList.remove('floating'); if (slot == 'left_bar' || slot == 'right_bar') { let change_panel_order = !!ref_panel; if (!ref_panel &&[slot].includes( { let panels =[slot].filter(id => Panels[id] && Panels[id].slot == slot || id ==; let index = panels.indexOf(; if (index == 0) { ref_panel = Panels[panels[1]]; before = true; } else { ref_panel = Panels[panels[index-1]]; before = false; } } if (ref_panel instanceof Panel && ref_panel.slot == slot) { if (before) { $(ref_panel.node).before(this.node); } else { $(ref_panel.node).after(this.node); } if (change_panel_order) {[slot].remove(;[slot].splice([slot].indexOf( + (before ? 0 : 1), 0,; } } else { document.getElementById(slot).append(this.node);[slot].safePush(; } } else if (slot == 'top') { let top_panel = Interface.getTopPanel(); if (top_panel && top_panel !== this && !Condition.mutuallyExclusive(this.condition, top_panel.condition)) { top_panel.moveTo(top_panel.previous_slot); } document.getElementById('top_slot').append(this.node); } else if (slot == 'bottom') { let bottom_panel = Interface.getBottomPanel(); if (bottom_panel && bottom_panel !== this && !Condition.mutuallyExclusive(this.condition, bottom_panel.condition)) { bottom_panel.moveTo(bottom_panel.previous_slot); } document.getElementById('bottom_slot').append(this.node); } else if (slot == 'float' && !Blockbench.isMobile) { Interface.work_screen.append(this.node); this.node.classList.add('floating'); this.dispatchEvent('change_zindex', {zindex: 14}); if (!this.resize_handles) { this.setupFloatHandles(); } } if (slot !== 'float') { Panel.floating_panel_z_order.remove(; = ''; this.dispatchEvent('change_zindex', {zindex: null}); } position_data.slot = slot; this.update(); if (Panels[]) { TickUpdates.interface = true; this.dispatchEvent('moved_to', {slot, ref_panel, before, previous_slot: this.previous_slot}); } return this; } update(dragging) { let show = BARS.condition(this.condition); let work_screen = document.querySelector('div#work_screen'); let center_screen = document.querySelector('div#center'); if (show) { this.node.classList.remove('hidden'); if (this.slot == 'float') { if (!dragging && work_screen.clientWidth) { this.position_data.float_position[0] = Math.clamp(this.position_data.float_position[0], 0, work_screen.clientWidth - this.width); this.position_data.float_position[1] = Math.clamp(this.position_data.float_position[1], 0, work_screen.clientHeight - this.height); this.position_data.float_size[0] = Math.clamp(this.position_data.float_size[0], 200, work_screen.clientWidth - this.position_data.float_position[0]); this.position_data.float_size[1] = Math.clamp(this.position_data.float_size[1], 86, work_screen.clientHeight - this.position_data.float_position[1]); } = this.position_data.float_position[0] + 'px'; = this.position_data.float_position[1] + 'px'; this.width = this.position_data.float_size[0]; this.height = this.position_data.float_size[1]; if (this.folded) this.height = this.handle.clientHeight; = this.width + 'px'; = this.height + 'px'; } else { = = = = null; } if (Blockbench.isMobile) { this.width = this.node.clientWidth; } else if (this.slot == 'left_bar') { this.width = } else if (this.slot == 'right_bar') { this.width = } if (this.slot == 'top' || this.slot == 'bottom') { if (Blockbench.isMobile && Blockbench.isLandscape) { this.height = center_screen.clientHeight; this.width = Math.clamp(this.position_data.height, 30, center_screen.clientWidth); if (this.folded) this.width = 72; } else { let opposite_panel = this.slot == 'top' ? Interface.getBottomPanel() : Interface.getTopPanel(); this.height = Math.clamp(this.position_data.height, 30, center_screen.clientHeight - (opposite_panel ? opposite_panel.height : 0)); if (this.folded) this.height = this.handle.clientHeight; this.width = Interface.work_screen.clientWidth - Interface.left_bar_width - Interface.right_bar_width; } = this.width + 'px'; = this.height + 'px'; } if (Panels[] && this.onResize) this.onResize() } else { this.node.classList.add('hidden'); } this.dispatchEvent('update', {show}); localStorage.setItem('interface_data', JSON.stringify( return this; } //Delete delete() { delete Panels[]; this.node.remove() } } Panel.floating_panel_z_order = []; function setupPanels() { Interface.panel_definers.forEach((definer) => { if (typeof definer === 'function') { definer() } }) updateSidebarOrder(); } function updateInterfacePanels() { if (!Blockbench.isMobile) { = Prop.show_left_bar ? 'flex' : 'none'; = Prop.show_right_bar ? 'flex' : 'none'; } 'grid-template-columns','px auto '+ +'px' ) for (var key in Interface.Panels) { var panel = Panels[key] panel.update() } var left_width = Interface.left_bar.querySelector('.panel:not(.hidden)') ? Interface.left_bar_width : 0; var right_width = Interface.right_bar.querySelector('.panel:not(.hidden)') ? Interface.right_bar_width : 0; if (!left_width || !right_width) { 'grid-template-columns', left_width+'px auto '+ right_width +'px' ) } = Interface.preview.clientHeight > 80 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; let height = document.getElementById('center').clientHeight; height -= Interface.getBottomPanel()?.height || 0; height -= Interface.getTopPanel()?.height || 0; = height > 0 ? (height + 'px') : ''; if (Preview.split_screen.enabled) { Preview.split_screen.updateSize() } for (var key in Interface.Resizers) { var resizer = Interface.Resizers[key] resizer.update() } } function updateSidebarOrder() { ['left_bar', 'right_bar'].forEach(bar => { let bar_node = document.querySelector(`.sidebar#${bar}`); bar_node.childNodes.forEach(panel_node => panel_node.remove());[bar].forEach(panel_id => { let panel = Panels[panel_id]; if (panel && panel.slot == bar) { bar_node.append(panel.node); } }); }) } function updatePanelSelector() { if (!Blockbench.isMobile) return; Interface.PanelSelectorVue.$forceUpdate(); let bottom_panel = Interface.getBottomPanel(); if (bottom_panel && !Condition(bottom_panel.display_condition)) {; } } function setActivePanel(panel) { Prop.active_panel = panel } function setupMobilePanelSelector() { if (Blockbench.isMobile) { Interface.PanelSelectorVue = new Vue({ el: '#panel_selector_bar', data: { all_panels: Interface.Panels, selected: null, modifiers: Pressing.overrides }, computed: { }, methods: { panels() { let arr = []; for (var id in this.all_panels) { let panel = this.all_panels[id]; if (Condition(panel.condition) && Condition(panel.display_condition)) { arr.push(panel); } } return arr; }, select(panel) { this.selected = panel &&; for (let key in Panels) { let panel_b = Panels[key]; if (panel_b.slot == 'bottom') { $(panel_b.node).detach(); panel_b.slot = 'left_bar'; } } if (panel) { panel.moveTo('bottom'); } else { resizeWindow(); } }, openKeyboardMenu() { openTouchKeyboardModifierMenu(this.$refs.mobile_keyboard_menu); }, Condition, getIconNode: Blockbench.getIconNode }, template: `
` }) } }