class KeyframeDataPoint { constructor(keyframe) { this.keyframe = keyframe; for (var key in {[key].reset(this); } } extend(data) { if (data.values) { Object.assign(data, data.values) } for (var key in {[key].merge(this, data) } } getUndoCopy() { var copy = {} for (var key in {[key].copy(this, copy) } return copy; } } new Property(KeyframeDataPoint, 'molang', 'x', { label: 'X', condition: point => point.keyframe.transform, default: point => (point && == 'scale' ? '1' : '0') }); new Property(KeyframeDataPoint, 'molang', 'y', { label: 'Y', condition: point => point.keyframe.transform, default: point => (point && == 'scale' ? '1' : '0') }); new Property(KeyframeDataPoint, 'molang', 'z', { label: 'Z', condition: point => point.keyframe.transform, default: point => (point && == 'scale' ? '1' : '0') }); new Property(KeyframeDataPoint, 'string', 'effect', {label: tl('data.effect'), condition: point => ['particle', 'sound'].includes(}); new Property(KeyframeDataPoint, 'string', 'locator',{label: tl('data.locator'), condition: point => 'particle' ==}); new Property(KeyframeDataPoint, 'molang', 'script', {label: tl('timeline.pre_effect_script'), condition: point => ['particle', 'timeline'].includes(, default: ''}); new Property(KeyframeDataPoint, 'string', 'file', {exposed: false, condition: point => ['particle', 'sound'].includes(}); class Keyframe { constructor(data, uuid) { this.type = 'keyframe' this.uuid = (uuid && isUUID(uuid)) ? uuid : guid(); == 'rotation' this.selected = 0; this.data_points = [] for (var key in {[key].reset(this); } if (typeof data === 'object') { Merge.string(this, data, 'channel') this.transform = === 'rotation' || === 'position' || === 'scale'; this.data_points.push(new KeyframeDataPoint(this)); this.extend(data) } } extend(data) { for (var key in {[key].merge(this, data) } if (data.data_points && data.data_points.length) { this.data_points.splice(data.data_points.length); data.data_points.forEach((point, i) => { if (!this.data_points[i]) { this.data_points.push(new KeyframeDataPoint(this)); } let this_point = this.data_points[i]; this_point.extend(point) }) } return this; } get(axis, data_point = 0) { if (data_point) data_point = Math.clamp(data_point, 0, this.data_points.length-1); data_point = this.data_points[data_point]; if (!data_point || !data_point[axis]) { return this.transform ? 0 : ''; } else if (!isNaN(data_point[axis])) { let num = parseFloat(data_point[axis]); return isNaN(num) ? 0 : num; } else { return data_point[axis] } } calc(axis, data_point = 0) { if (data_point) data_point = Math.clamp(data_point, 0, this.data_points.length-1); data_point = this.data_points[data_point]; return Animator.MolangParser.parse(data_point && data_point[axis]) } set(axis, value, data_point = 0) { if (data_point) data_point = Math.clamp(data_point, 0, this.data_points.length-1); if (this.data_points[data_point]) { this.data_points[data_point][axis] = value; } return this; } offset(axis, amount, data_point = 0) { if (data_point) data_point = Math.clamp(data_point, 0, this.data_points.length-1); var value = this.get(axis) if (!value || value === '0') { this.set(axis, amount, data_point) return amount; } if (typeof value === 'number') { this.set(axis, value+amount, data_point) return value+amount } var start = value.match(/^-?\s*\d+(\.\d+)?\s*(\+|-)/) if (start) { var number = parseFloat( start[0].substr(0, start[0].length-1) ) + amount value = trimFloatNumber(number) + value.substr(start[0].length-1) } else { var end = value.match(/(\+|-)\s*\d*(\.\d+)?\s*$/) if (end) { var number = (parseFloat( end[0] ) + amount) value = value.substr(0, end.index) + ((number.toString()).substr(0,1)=='-'?'':'+') + trimFloatNumber(number) } else { value = trimFloatNumber(amount) +(value.substr(0,1)=='-'?'':'+')+ value } } this.set(axis, value, data_point) return value; } flip(axis) { if (!this.transform || == 'scale') return this; function negate(value) { if (!value || value === '0') { return value; } if (typeof value === 'number') { return -value; } var start = value.match(/^-?\s*\d*(\.\d+)?\s*(\+|-)/) if (start) { var number = parseFloat( start[0].substr(0, start[0].length-1) ); return trimFloatNumber(-number) + value.substr(start[0].length-1); } else { return `-(${value})`; } } this.data_points.forEach((data_point, data_point_i) => { if ( == 'rotation') { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i != axis) { let l = getAxisLetter(i) this.set(l, negate(this.get(l, data_point_i)), data_point_i) } } } else if ( == 'position') { let l = getAxisLetter(axis) this.set(l, negate(this.get(l, data_point_i)), data_point_i) } }) return this; } getLerp(other, axis, amount, allow_expression) { let this_data_point = (this.data_points.length > 1 && this.time < other.time) ? 1 : 0; let other_data_point = (other.data_points.length > 1 && this.time > other.time) ? 1 : 0; if (allow_expression && this.get(axis, this_data_point) === other.get(axis, other_data_point)) { return this.get(axis) } else { let calc = this.calc(axis, this_data_point); return calc + (other.calc(axis, other_data_point) - calc) * amount; } } getCatmullromLerp(before_plus, before, after, after_plus, axis, alpha) { var vectors = []; if (before_plus && before.data_points.length == 1) vectors.push(new THREE.Vector2(before_plus.time, before_plus.calc(axis, 1))) if (before) vectors.push(new THREE.Vector2(before.time, before.calc(axis, 1))) if (after) vectors.push(new THREE.Vector2(after.time, after.calc(axis, 0))) if (after_plus && after.data_points.length == 1) vectors.push(new THREE.Vector2(after_plus.time, after_plus.calc(axis, 0))) var curve = new THREE.SplineCurve(vectors); let time = (alpha + (before_plus ? 1 : 0)) / (vectors.length-1); return curve.getPoint(time).y; } getArray(data_point = 0) { var arr = [ this.get('x', data_point), this.get('y', data_point), this.get('z', data_point), ] arr.forEach((n, i) => { if (n.replace) arr[i] = n.replace(/\n/g, ''); }) return arr; } getFixed(data_point = 0) { if ( === 'rotation') { let fix =; return new THREE.Quaternion().setFromEuler(new THREE.Euler( fix.x - Math.degToRad(this.calc('x', data_point)), fix.y - Math.degToRad(this.calc('y', data_point)), fix.z + Math.degToRad(this.calc('z', data_point)), 'ZYX' )); } else if ( === 'position') { let fix =; return new THREE.Vector3( fix.x - this.calc('x', data_point), fix.y + this.calc('y', data_point), fix.z + this.calc('z', data_point) ) } else if ( === 'scale') { return new THREE.Vector3( this.calc('x', data_point), this.calc('y', data_point), this.calc('z', data_point) ) } } getTimecodeString() { let timecode = trimFloatNumber(Timeline.snapTime(this.time, this.animator.animation)).toString(); if (!timecode.includes('.')) { timecode += '.0'; } return timecode; } compileBedrockKeyframe() { if (this.transform) { if (this.data_points.length == 1) { if (this.interpolation == 'linear') { return this.getArray(); } else { return { post: this.getArray(), lerp_mode: this.interpolation, } } } else { return { pre: this.getArray(0), post: this.getArray(1), lerp_mode: this.interpolation != 'linear' ? this.interpolation : undefined, } } } else if ( == 'timeline') { let scripts = []; this.data_points.forEach(data_point => { if (data_point.script) { scripts.push(...data_point.script.split('\n')); } }) return scripts.length <= 1 ? scripts[0] : scripts; } else { let points = []; this.data_points.forEach(data_point => { if (data_point.effect) { let script = this.script || undefined; if (script && !script.match(/;$/)) script += ';'; points.push({ effect: data_point.effect, locator: data_point.locator || undefined, pre_effect_script: script, }) } }) return points.length <= 1 ? points[0] : points; } } replaceOthers(save) { var scope = this; var arr = this.animator[]; arr.forEach(kf => { if (kf != scope && Math.abs(kf.time - scope.time) < 0.0001) { save.push(kf); kf.remove(); } }) } select(event) { var scope = this; if (Timeline.dragging_keyframes) { Timeline.dragging_keyframes = false return this; } if (!event || (!event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlOrCmd)) { Timeline.selected.forEach(function(kf) { kf.selected = false }) Timeline.selected.empty() } if (event && event.shiftKey && Timeline.selected.length) { var last = Timeline.selected[Timeline.selected.length-1] if (last && === && last.animator == scope.animator) { Timeline.keyframes.forEach((kf) => { if ( === && kf.animator === scope.animator && Math.isBetween(kf.time, last.time, scope.time) && !kf.selected ) { kf.selected = true Timeline.selected.push(kf) } }) } } Timeline.selected.safePush(this); if (Timeline.selected.length == 1 && Timeline.selected[0].animator.selected == false) { Timeline.selected[0] } var select_tool = true; Timeline.selected.forEach(kf => { if ( != select_tool = false; }) this.selected = true TickUpdates.keyframe_selection = true; if (select_tool) { switch ( { case 'rotation':; break; case 'position':; break; case 'scale':; break; } } return this; } callPlayhead() { Timeline.setTime(this.time) Animator.preview() return this; } showContextMenu(event) { if (!this.selected) {; updateKeyframeSelection(); }, this); return this; } remove() { if (this.animator) { this.animator[].remove(this) } Timeline.selected.remove(this) } forSelected(fc, undo_tag) { if (Timeline.selected.length <= 1 || !Timeline.selected.includes(this)) { var edited = [this] } else { var edited = Timeline.selected } if (undo_tag) { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: edited}) } for (var i = 0; i < edited.length; i++) { fc(edited[i]) } if (undo_tag) { Undo.finishEdit(undo_tag) } return edited; } getUndoCopy(save) { var copy = { animator: save ? undefined : this.animator && this.animator.uuid, channel:, data_points: [] } if (save) copy.uuid = this.uuid; for (var key in {[key].copy(this, copy) } this.data_points.forEach(data_point => { copy.data_points.push(data_point.getUndoCopy()) }) return copy; } } = new Menu([ //Quaternions have been removed in Bedrock 1.10.0 /* {name: 'menu.keyframe.quaternion', icon: (keyframe) => (keyframe.isQuaternion ? 'check_box' : 'check_box_outline_blank'), condition: (keyframe) => === 'rotation', click: function(keyframe) { var state = !keyframe.isQuaternion Timeline.keyframes.forEach((kf) => { kf.isQuaternion = state }) updateKeyframeSelection() } },*/ 'change_keyframe_file', '_', // todo: integrate 'keyframe_interpolation', {name: 'menu.cube.color', icon: 'color_lens', children: [ {icon: 'bubble_chart', name: 'generic.unset', click: function(kf) {kf.forSelected(kf2 => {kf2.color = -1}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[0].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[0].name, click: function(kf) {kf.forSelected(function(kf2){kf2.color = 0}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[1].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[1].name, click: function(kf) {kf.forSelected(function(kf2){kf2.color = 1}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[2].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[2].name, click: function(kf) {kf.forSelected(function(kf2){kf2.color = 2}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[3].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[3].name, click: function(kf) {kf.forSelected(function(kf2){kf2.color = 3}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[4].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[4].name, click: function(kf) {kf.forSelected(function(kf2){kf2.color = 4}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[5].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[5].name, click: function(kf) {kf.forSelected(function(kf2){kf2.color = 5}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[6].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[6].name, click: function(kf) {kf.forSelected(function(kf2){kf2.color = 6}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[7].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[7].name, click: function(kf) {kf.forSelected(function(kf2){kf2.color = 7}, 'change color')}} ]}, 'copy', 'delete', ]) new Property(Keyframe, 'number', 'time') new Property(Keyframe, 'number', 'color', {default: -1}) new Property(Keyframe, 'string', 'interpolation', {default: 'linear'}) Keyframe.selected = []; Keyframe.interpolation = { linear: 'linear', catmullrom: 'catmullrom', } // Misc Functions function updateKeyframeValue(axis, value, data_point) { Timeline.selected.forEach(function(kf) { kf.set(axis, value, data_point); }) if (!['effect', 'locator', 'script'].includes(axis)) { Animator.preview(); } } function updateKeyframeSelection() { Timeline.keyframes.forEach(kf => { if (kf.selected && !Timeline.selected.includes(kf)) { kf.selected = false; } }) if (Timeline.selected.length) { BarItems.slider_keyframe_time.update() BarItems.keyframe_interpolation.set(Timeline.selected[0].interpolation) } if (settings.motion_trails.value && Modes.animate && Animation.selected && Group.selected) { Animator.showMotionTrail(); } else if (Animator.motion_trail.parent) { Animator.motion_trail.children.forEachReverse(child => { Animator.motion_trail.remove(child); }) } BARS.updateConditions() Blockbench.dispatchEvent('update_keyframe_selection'); } function selectAllKeyframes() { if (!Animation.selected) return; var state = Timeline.selected.length !== Timeline.keyframes.length Timeline.keyframes.forEach((kf) => { if (state && !kf.selected) { Timeline.selected.push(kf) } else if (!state && kf.selected) { Timeline.selected.remove(kf) } kf.selected = state }) updateKeyframeSelection() } function removeSelectedKeyframes() { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) var i = Timeline.keyframes.length; while (i > 0) { i--; let kf = Timeline.keyframes[i] if (Timeline.selected.includes(kf)) { kf.remove() } } updateKeyframeSelection() Animator.preview() Undo.finishEdit('remove keyframes') } BARS.defineActions(function() { new Action('add_keyframe', { icon: 'add_circle', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, keybind: new Keybind({key: 81, shift: null}), click: function (event) { var animator = Timeline.selected_animator; if (!animator) return; var channel = animator.channels[0]; if ( == 'rotate_tool' && animator.channels.includes('rotation')) channel = 'rotation'; if ( == 'move_tool' && animator.channels.includes('position')) channel = 'position'; if ( == 'resize_tool' && animator.channels.includes('scale')) channel = 'scale'; animator.createKeyframe((event && event.shiftKey) ? {} : null, Timeline.time, channel, true); if (event && event.shiftKey) { Animator.preview(); } } }) new Action('move_keyframe_back', { icon: 'arrow_back', category: 'transform', condition: {modes: ['animate'], method: () => (!open_menu && Timeline.selected.length)}, keybind: new Keybind({key: 37}), click: function (e) { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) Timeline.selected.forEach((kf) => { kf.time = Timeline.snapTime(limitNumber(kf.time - Timeline.getStep(), 0, 1e4)) }) Animator.preview() Undo.finishEdit('move keyframes') } }) new Action('move_keyframe_forth', { icon: 'arrow_forward', category: 'transform', condition: {modes: ['animate'], method: () => (!open_menu && Timeline.selected.length)}, keybind: new Keybind({key: 39}), click: function (e) { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) Timeline.selected.forEach((kf) => { kf.time = Timeline.snapTime(limitNumber(kf.time + Timeline.getStep(), 0, 1e4)) }) Animator.preview() Undo.finishEdit('move keyframes') } }) new Action('previous_keyframe', { icon: 'fa-arrow-circle-left', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, click: function () { var time = Timeline.time; function getDelta(kf, abs) { return kf.time - time } let animator = Timeline.selected_animator || (Timeline.selected[0] && Timeline.selected[0].animator) || Timeline.animators[0]; let channel = Timeline.selected[0] ? Timeline.selected[0].channel : (animator && animator.channels[0]); var matches = [] for (var kf of Timeline.keyframes) { if ((!animator || animator == kf.animator) && (!channel || channel == { let delta = getDelta(kf) if (delta < 0) { matches.push(kf) } } } matches.sort((a, b) => { return Math.abs(getDelta(a)) - Math.abs(getDelta(b)) }) var kf = matches[0] if (kf) { } else { if (Timeline.selected.length) { selectAllKeyframes() selectAllKeyframes() } Timeline.setTime(0) Animator.preview() } } }) new Action('next_keyframe', { icon: 'fa-arrow-circle-right', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, click: function () { var time = Timeline.time; function getDelta(kf, abs) { return kf.time - time } let animator = Timeline.selected_animator || (Timeline.selected[0] && Timeline.selected[0].animator) || Timeline.animators[0]; let channel = Timeline.selected[0] ? Timeline.selected[0].channel : (animator && animator.channels[0]); var matches = [] for (var kf of Timeline.keyframes) { if ((!animator || animator == kf.animator) && (!channel || channel == { let delta = getDelta(kf) if (delta > 0) { matches.push(kf) } } } matches.sort((a, b) => { return Math.abs(getDelta(a)) - Math.abs(getDelta(b)) }) var kf = matches[0] if (kf) { } } }) new NumSlider('slider_keyframe_time', { category: 'animation', condition: () => && Timeline.selected.length, getInterval(event) { if (event && event.shiftKey) return 1; return Timeline.getStep() }, get: function() { return Timeline.selected[0] ? Timeline.selected[0].time : 0 }, change: function(modify) { Timeline.selected.forEach((kf) => { kf.time = Timeline.snapTime(limitNumber(modify(kf.time), 0, 1e4)) }) Animator.preview() }, onBefore: function() { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) }, onAfter: function() { Undo.finishEdit('move keyframes') } }) new BarSelect('keyframe_interpolation', { category: 'animation', condition: () => && Timeline.selected.length && Timeline.selected.find(kf => kf.transform), options: { linear: true, catmullrom: true, }, onChange: function(sel, event) { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) Timeline.selected.forEach((kf) => { if (kf.transform) kf.interpolation = sel.value; }) Undo.finishEdit('change keyframes interpolation') updateKeyframeSelection(); } }) new Action('reset_keyframe', { icon: 'replay', category: 'animation', condition: () => && Timeline.selected.length, click: function () { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) Timeline.selected.forEach((kf) => { kf.data_points.replace([new KeyframeDataPoint(kf)]); }) Undo.finishEdit('reset keyframes') updateKeyframeSelection() Animator.preview() } }) new Action('resolve_keyframe_expressions', { icon: 'functions', category: 'animation', condition: () => && Timeline.selected.length, click: function () { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) let time_before = Timeline.time; Timeline.selected.forEach((kf) => { if (kf.animator.fillValues) { Timeline.time = kf.time; kf.animator.fillValues(kf, null, false); } }) Timeline.time = time_before; Undo.finishEdit('reset keyframes') updateKeyframeSelection() } }) new Action('change_keyframe_file', { icon: 'fa-file', category: 'animation', condition: () => (isApp && && Timeline.selected.length && ['sound', 'particle'].includes(Timeline.selected[0].channel)), click: function () { if (Timeline.selected[0].channel == 'particle') { Blockbench.import({ resource_id: 'animation_particle', extensions: ['json'], type: 'Bedrock Particle', startpath: Timeline.selected[0].data_points[0]?.file }, function(files) { let {path} = files[0]; Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) Timeline.selected.forEach((kf) => { if ( == 'particle') { kf.data_points.forEach(data_point => { data_point.file = path; }) } }) Animator.loadParticleEmitter(path, files[0].content); Undo.finishEdit('changed keyframe audio file') }) } else { Blockbench.import({ resource_id: 'animation_audio', extensions: ['ogg'], type: 'Audio File', startpath: Timeline.selected[0].data_points[0]?.file }, function(files) { // Todo: move to panel let {path} = files[0]; Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) Timeline.selected.forEach((kf) => { if ( == 'sound') { kf.data_points.forEach(data_point => { data_point.file = path; }) } }) Timeline.visualizeAudioFile(path); Undo.finishEdit('changed keyframe audio file') }) } } }) new Action('reverse_keyframes', { icon: 'swap_horizontal_circle', category: 'animation', condition: () => && Timeline.selected.length, click: function () { var start = 1e9; var end = 0; Timeline.selected.forEach((kf) => { start = Math.min(start, kf.time); end = Math.max(end, kf.time); }) Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) Timeline.selected.forEach((kf) => { kf.time = end + start - kf.time; }) Undo.finishEdit('reverse keyframes') updateKeyframeSelection() Animator.preview() } }) }) Interface.definePanels(function() { let locator_suggestion_list = $(''); $(document.body).append(locator_suggestion_list); Interface.Panels.keyframe = new Panel({ id: 'keyframe', icon: 'timeline', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, toolbars: { head: Toolbars.keyframe }, component: { name: 'panel-keyframe', components: {VuePrismEditor}, data() { return { keyframes: Timeline.selected, channel_colors: { x: 'color_x', y: 'color_y', z: 'color_z', } }}, methods: { updateInput(axis, value, data_point) { updateKeyframeValue(axis, value, data_point) }, getKeyframeInfos() { let list = [tl('timeline.']; if (this.keyframes.length > 1) list.push(this.keyframes.length); /*if (this.keyframes[0].color >= 0) { list.push(tl(`cube.color.${markerColors[this.keyframes[0].color].name}`)) }*/ return list.join(', ') }, addDataPoint() { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) Timeline.selected.forEach(kf => { if ((kf.transform && kf.data_points.length <= 1) || == 'particle' || == 'sound') { kf.data_points.push(new KeyframeDataPoint(kf)) kf.data_points.last().extend(kf.data_points[0]) } }) Animator.preview() Undo.finishEdit('add keyframe data point') }, removeDataPoint(data_point) { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) Timeline.selected.forEach(kf => { if (kf.data_points.length >= 2) { kf.data_points.splice(data_point, 1); } }) Animator.preview() Undo.finishEdit('remove keyframe data point') }, updateLocatorSuggestionList() { locator_suggestion_list.empty(); Locator.all.forEach(locator => { locator_suggestion_list.append(`