if (isApp) { window.BedrockEntityManager = class BedrockEntityManager { constructor(project) { this.project = project || Project; this.root_path = ''; } checkEntityFile(path) { try { var c = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8'); if (typeof c === 'string') { c = autoParseJSON(c, false); let main = c && (c['minecraft:client_entity'] || c['minecraft:attachable']); if (main && main.description && typeof main.description.geometry == 'object') { for (var key in main.description.geometry) { var geoname = main.description.geometry[key]; if (typeof geoname == 'string') { geoname = geoname.replace(/^geometry\./, ''); if (geoname == this.project.geometry_name) { main.type = c['minecraft:attachable'] ? 'attachable' : 'client_entity'; return main; } } } } } } catch (err) { console.log(err); return false; } } getEntityFile() { var path = this.project.export_path.split(osfs); var name = path.pop().replace(/\.json$/, '').replace(/\.geo$/, ''); var root_index = path.indexOf('models'); path.splice(root_index); this.root_path = path.slice().join(osfs); path.push('entity'); path = path.join(osfs); var entity_path = findExistingFile([ path+osfs+name+'.entity.json', path+osfs+name+'.json', ]) if (entity_path) { var content = this.checkEntityFile(entity_path); if (content) { return content; } } else { let searchFolder = (path) => { try { var files = fs.readdirSync(path); for (var name of files) { var new_path = path + osfs + name; if (name.match(/\.json$/)) { var result = this.checkEntityFile(new_path); if (result) return result; } else if (!name.includes('.')) { var result = searchFolder(new_path); if (result) return result; } } } catch (err) {} } if (Group.all.find(group => group.bedrock_binding)) { // Primarily an attachable return searchFolder(path.replace(/entity$/, 'attachables')) || searchFolder(path); } else { // Entity return searchFolder(path) || searchFolder(path.replace(/entity$/, 'attachables')); } } } initEntity() { this.client_entity = this.getEntityFile(); if (this.client_entity && this.client_entity.description) { let render_mode; let {materials} = this.client_entity.description; if (materials) { let [key] = Object.keys(materials); if (typeof materials[key] == 'string' && materials[key].includes('emissive')) { render_mode = 'emissive' } } // Textures var tex_list = this.client_entity.description.textures if (tex_list instanceof Object) { var valid_textures_list = []; for (var key in tex_list) { if (typeof tex_list[key] == 'string') { var path = this.root_path + osfs + tex_list[key].replace(/\//g, osfs); path = findExistingFile([ path+'.png', path+'.tga' ]) if (path) { valid_textures_list.safePush(path); } } } if (valid_textures_list.length == 1) { new Texture({keep_size: true, render_mode}).fromPath(valid_textures_list[0]).add() } else if (valid_textures_list.length > 1) { setTimeout(() => {this.project.whenNextOpen(() => { let selected_textures = []; var dialog = new Dialog({ title: tl('data.texture'), id: 'select_texture', width: 704, component: { data() {return { valid_textures_list, selected_textures, search_term: '' }}, methods: { getName(path) { return pathToName(path, true); }, getBackground(path) { return `url("${ path.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/#/g, '%23') }?1)` }, clickTexture(texture) { if (selected_textures.includes(texture)) { selected_textures.remove(texture) } else { selected_textures.push(texture) } }, dblclickTexture(texture) { selected_textures.replace([texture]) dialog.confirm() } }, computed: { textures() { if (!this.search_term) return this.valid_textures_list; let term = this.search_term.toLowerCase(); return this.valid_textures_list.filter(path => { return path.toLowerCase().includes(this.search_term); }); } }, template: `
` }, buttons: ['dialog.import', 'dialog.select_texture.import_all', 'dialog.cancel'], confirmIndex: 0, cancelIndex: 2, onButton(index) { dialog.hide(); if (index == 1) { valid_textures_list.forEach(path => { new Texture({keep_size: true, render_mode}).fromPath(path).add() }) } else if (index == 0) { selected_textures.forEach(path => { new Texture({keep_size: true, render_mode}).fromPath(path).add() }) } } }).show() })}, 2) } } } else { this.findEntityTexture(this.project.geometry_name) } } initAnimations() { let anim_list = this.client_entity && this.client_entity.description && this.client_entity.description.animations; if (anim_list instanceof Object) { let animation_names = []; for (var key in anim_list) { if (anim_list[key].match && anim_list[key].match(/^animation\./)) { animation_names.push(anim_list[key]); } } // get all paths in folder let anim_files = []; function searchFolder(path) { try { var files = fs.readdirSync(path); for (var name of files) { var new_path = path + osfs + name; if (name.match(/\.json$/)) { anim_files.push(new_path); } else if (!name.includes('.')) { searchFolder(new_path); } } } catch (err) {} } searchFolder(PathModule.join(this.root_path, 'animations')); anim_files.forEach(path => { try { let content = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); Animator.loadFile({path, content}, animation_names); } catch (err) {} }) } this.initialized_animations = true; } findEntityTexture(mob, return_path) { if (!mob) return; var textures = { 'llamaspit': 'llama/spit', 'llama': 'llama/llama_creamy', 'dragon': 'dragon/dragon', 'ghast': 'ghast/ghast', 'slime': 'slime/slime', 'slime.armor': 'slime/slime', 'lavaslime': 'slime/magmacube', 'shulker': 'shulker/shulker_undyed', 'rabbit': 'rabbit/brown', 'horse': 'horse/horse_brown', 'horse.v2': 'horse2/horse_brown', 'humanoid': 'steve', 'creeper': 'creeper/creeper', 'enderman': 'enderman/enderman', 'zombie': 'zombie/zombie', 'zombie.husk': 'zombie/husk', 'zombie.drowned': 'zombie/drowned', 'pigzombie': 'pig/pigzombie', 'pigzombie.baby': 'pig/pigzombie', 'skeleton': 'skeleton/skeleton', 'skeleton.wither': 'skeleton/wither_skeleton', 'skeleton.stray': 'skeleton/stray', 'spider': 'spider/spider', 'cow': 'cow/cow', 'mooshroom': 'cow/mooshroom', 'sheep.sheared': 'sheep/sheep', 'sheep': 'sheep/sheep', 'pig': 'pig/pig', 'irongolem': 'iron_golem', 'snowgolem': 'snow_golem', 'zombie.villager': 'zombie_villager/zombie_farmer', 'evoker': 'illager/evoker', 'vex': 'vex/vex', 'wolf': 'wolf/wolf', 'ocelot': 'cat/ocelot', 'cat': 'cat/siamese', 'turtle': 'sea_turtle', 'villager': 'villager/farmer', 'villager.witch': 'witch', 'witherBoss': 'wither_boss/wither', 'parrot': 'parrot/parrot_red_blue', 'bed': 'bed/white', 'player_head': 'steve', 'mob_head': 'skeleton/skeleton', 'dragon_head': 'dragon/dragon', 'boat': 'boat/boat_oak', 'cod': 'fish/fish', 'pufferfish.small': 'fish/pufferfish', 'pufferfish.mid': 'fish/pufferfish', 'pufferfish.large': 'fish/pufferfish', 'salmon': 'fish/salmon', 'tropicalfish_a': 'fish/tropical_a', 'tropicalfish_b': 'fish/tropical_b', 'panda': 'panda/panda', 'fishing_hook': 'fishhook', 'ravager': 'illager/ravager', 'bee': 'bee/bee', 'fox': 'fox/fox', 'shield': 'shield', 'shulker_bullet': 'shulker/spark', } mob = mob.split(':')[0].replace(/^geometry\./, '') var path = textures[mob] if (!path) { path = mob } if (path) { var texture_path = this.project.export_path.split(osfs) var index = texture_path.lastIndexOf('models') - texture_path.length texture_path.splice(index) texture_path = [...texture_path, 'textures', 'entity', ...path.split('/')].join(osfs) if (return_path === true) { return texture_path+'.png'; } else if (return_path === 'raw') { return ['entity', ...path.split('/')].join(osfs) } else { function tryItWith(extension) { if (fs.existsSync(texture_path+'.'+extension)) { var texture = new Texture({keep_size: true}).fromPath(texture_path+'.'+extension).add() return true; } } if (!tryItWith('png') && !tryItWith('tga')) { if (settings.default_path && settings.default_path.value) { texture_path = settings.default_path.value + osfs + 'entity' + osfs + path.split('/').join(osfs) tryItWith('png') || tryItWith('tga') } } } } } } window.BedrockBlockManager = class BedrockBlockManager { constructor(project) { this.project = project || Project; this.root_path = ''; } checkBlockFile(path) { try { var c = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8'); if (typeof c === 'string') { c = autoParseJSON(c, false); let main = c && c['minecraft:block']; if (main && main.components && typeof main.components['minecraft:geometry'] == 'string') { var geoname = main.components['minecraft:geometry']; geoname = geoname.replace(/^geometry\./, ''); if (geoname == this.project.geometry_name) { main.type = 'block'; return main; } } } } catch (err) { console.log(err); return false; } } getBlockFile() { var path = this.project.export_path.split(osfs); var name = path.pop().replace(/\.json$/, '').replace(/\.geo$/, ''); let rp_dir = path.find(dir => (dir == 'resource_packs' || dir == 'development_resource_packs')); var root_index = path.indexOf(rp_dir); let rp_manifest_path = [...path.slice(0, root_index+2), 'manifest.json'].join(osfs); let rp_manifest_content = autoParseJSON(fs.readFileSync(rp_manifest_path, 'utf-8'), false); let rp_uuid = rp_manifest_content.header.uuid; path.splice(root_index); path.push(rp_dir.match(/development/) ? 'development_behavior_packs' : 'behavior_packs'); let behavior_packs = fs.readdirSync(path.join(osfs), {withFileTypes: true}); let bp_name; for (let dirent of behavior_packs) { if (dirent.isDirectory()) { try { let bp_manifest_path = [...path, dirent.name, 'manifest.json'].join(osfs); let bp_manifest_content = autoParseJSON(fs.readFileSync(bp_manifest_path, 'utf-8'), false); if (bp_manifest_content && bp_manifest_content.dependencies && bp_manifest_content.dependencies[0] && bp_manifest_content.dependencies[0].uuid == rp_uuid) { bp_name = dirent.name; break; } } catch (err) {} } } if (!bp_name) return; path.push(bp_name, 'blocks') path = path.join(osfs); var block_path = findExistingFile([ path+osfs+name+'.block.json', path+osfs+name+'.json', ]) if (block_path) { var content = this.checkBlockFile(block_path); if (content) { return content; } } else { let searchFolder = (path) => { try { var files = fs.readdirSync(path); for (var name of files) { var new_path = path + osfs + name; if (name.match(/\.json$/)) { var result = this.checkBlockFile(new_path); if (result) return result; } else if (!name.includes('.')) { var result = searchFolder(new_path); if (result) return result; } } } catch (err) {} } return searchFolder(path); } } initBlock() { this.rp_root_path = this.project.export_path.replace(/[\\/]models[\\/]blocks[\\/].+/, ''); try { this.client_block = this.getBlockFile(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } if (this.client_block && this.client_block.components && this.client_block.components['minecraft:material_instances']) { let terrain_texture; try { let terrain_tex_path = this.rp_root_path + osfs + 'textures' + osfs + 'terrain_texture.json'; let terrain_tex_content = autoParseJSON(fs.readFileSync(terrain_tex_path, 'utf-8'), false); terrain_texture = terrain_tex_content.texture_data; } catch (err) { console.error(err) } let materials = this.client_block.components['minecraft:material_instances']; for (let target in materials) { let material = materials[target]; let texture_path = `textures/blocks/${material.texture || this.project.geometry_name}`; if (terrain_texture) { let texture_data = terrain_texture[material.texture]; texture_path = texture_data.textures } let full_texture_path = PathModule.join(this.rp_root_path + osfs + texture_path.replace(/\.png$/i, '')); full_texture_path = findExistingFile([ full_texture_path+'.png', full_texture_path+'.tga' ]) if (full_texture_path) { let texture = new Texture({keep_size: true}).fromPath(full_texture_path).add(); let target_regex = new RegExp('^' + target.replace(/\*/g, '.*') + '$'); Cube.all.forEach(cube => { for (let fkey in cube.faces) { let face = cube.faces[fkey]; if (face.texture === null) continue; if ( (target == '*') || (face.material_name && face.material_name.match(target_regex)) ) { face.texture = texture.uuid; } } }) } } Canvas.updateView({elements: Cube.all, element_aspects: {faces: true}}) UVEditor.loadData() } } } } function calculateVisibleBox() { var visible_box = new THREE.Box3() Canvas.withoutGizmos(() => { Cube.all.forEach(cube => { if (cube.export && cube.mesh) { visible_box.expandByObject(cube.mesh); } }) }) var offset = new THREE.Vector3(8,8,8); visible_box.max.add(offset); visible_box.min.add(offset); // Width var radius = Math.max( visible_box.max.x, visible_box.max.z, -visible_box.min.x, -visible_box.min.z ) if (Math.abs(radius) === Infinity) { radius = 0 } let width = Math.ceil((radius*2) / 16) width = Math.max(width, Project.visible_box[0]); Project.visible_box[0] = width; //Height let y_min = Math.floor(visible_box.min.y / 16); let y_max = Math.ceil(visible_box.max.y / 16); if (y_min === Infinity) y_min = 0; if (y_max === Infinity) y_max = 0; y_min = Math.min(y_min, Project.visible_box[2] - Project.visible_box[1]/2); y_max = Math.max(y_max, Project.visible_box[2] + Project.visible_box[1]/2); Project.visible_box.replace([width, y_max-y_min, (y_max+y_min) / 2]) return Project.visible_box; } (function() { // Parse function parseCube(s, group) { var base_cube = new Cube({ name: s.name || group.name, autouv: 0, color: group.color, rotation: s.rotation, origin: s.pivot }) base_cube.rotation.forEach(function(br, axis) { if (axis != 2) base_cube.rotation[axis] *= -1 }) base_cube.origin[0] *= -1; if (s.origin) { base_cube.from.V3_set(s.origin) base_cube.from[0] = -(base_cube.from[0] + s.size[0]) if (s.size) { base_cube.to[0] = s.size[0] + base_cube.from[0] base_cube.to[1] = s.size[1] + base_cube.from[1] base_cube.to[2] = s.size[2] + base_cube.from[2] } } if (s.uv instanceof Array) { base_cube.uv_offset[0] = s.uv[0] base_cube.uv_offset[1] = s.uv[1] Project.box_uv = true; } else if (s.uv) { Project.box_uv = false; for (var key in base_cube.faces) { var face = base_cube.faces[key] if (s.uv[key]) { face.extend({ material_name: s.uv[key].material_instance, uv: [ s.uv[key].uv[0], s.uv[key].uv[1] ] }) if (s.uv[key].uv_size) { face.uv_size = [ s.uv[key].uv_size[0], s.uv[key].uv_size[1] ] } else { base_cube.autouv = 1; base_cube.mapAutoUV(); } if (key == 'up' || key == 'down') { face.uv = [face.uv[2], face.uv[3], face.uv[0], face.uv[1]] } } else { face.texture = null; face.uv = [0, 0, 0, 0] } } } if (s.inflate && typeof s.inflate === 'number') { base_cube.inflate = s.inflate; } if (s.mirror === undefined) { base_cube.mirror_uv = group.mirror_uv; } else { base_cube.mirror_uv = s.mirror === true; } base_cube.addTo(group).init(); return base_cube; } function parseBone(b, bones, parent_list) { var group = new Group({ name: b.name, origin: b.pivot, rotation: b.rotation, material: b.material, bedrock_binding: b.binding, color: Group.all.length%markerColors.length }).init() group.createUniqueName(); bones[b.name] = group if (b.pivot) { group.origin[0] *= -1 } group.rotation.forEach(function(br, axis) { if (axis !== 2) group.rotation[axis] *= -1 }) group.mirror_uv = b.mirror === true group.reset = b.reset === true if (b.cubes) { b.cubes.forEach(function(s) { parseCube(s, group) }) } if (b.locators) { for (var key in b.locators) { var coords, rotation; if (b.locators[key] instanceof Array) { coords = b.locators[key]; } else { coords = b.locators[key].offset; rotation = b.locators[key].rotation; } coords[0] *= -1; if (rotation instanceof Array) { rotation[0] *= -1; rotation[1] *= -1; } if (key.substr(0, 6) == '_null_' && b.locators[key] instanceof Array) { new NullObject({from: coords, name: key.substr(6)}).addTo(group).init(); } else { new Locator({position: coords, name: key, rotation}).addTo(group).init(); } } } if (b.texture_meshes instanceof Array) { b.texture_meshes.forEach(tm => { let texture = Texture.all.find(tex => tex.name == tm.texture); let texture_mesh = new TextureMesh({ texture_name: tm.texture, texture: texture ? texture.uuid : null, origin: tm.position, rotation: tm.rotation, local_pivot: tm.local_pivot, scale: tm.scale, }) texture_mesh.local_pivot[2] *= -1; texture_mesh.origin[1] *= -1; if (b.pivot) texture_mesh.origin[1] += b.pivot[1]; texture_mesh.origin[0] *= -1; texture_mesh.rotation[0] *= -1; texture_mesh.rotation[1] *= -1; texture_mesh.addTo(group).init(); }) } if (b.children) { b.children.forEach(function(cg) { cg.addTo(group); }) } var parent_group = 'root'; if (b.parent) { if (bones[b.parent]) { parent_group = bones[b.parent] } else { parent_list.forEach(function(ib) { if (ib.name === b.parent) { ib.children && ib.children.length ? ib.children.push(group) : ib.children = [group] } }) } } group.addTo(parent_group) } function parseGeometry(data) { if (data === undefined) { pe_list_data.forEach(function(s) { if (s.selected === true) { data = s } }) if (data == undefined) { data = pe_list_data[0] } } let {description} = data.object; let geometry_name = (description.identifier && description.identifier.replace(/^geometry\./, '')) || ''; let existing_tab = isApp && ModelProject.all.find(project => ( Project !== project && project.export_path == Project.export_path && project.geometry_name == geometry_name )) if (existing_tab) { Project.close().then(() => { existing_tab.select(); }); pe_list_data.length = 0; hideDialog() return; } codec.dispatchEvent('parse', {model: data.object}); Project.geometry_name = geometry_name; Project.texture_width = 16; Project.texture_height = 16; if (typeof description.visible_bounds_width == 'number' && typeof description.visible_bounds_height == 'number') { Project.visible_box[0] = Math.max(Project.visible_box[0], description.visible_bounds_width || 0); Project.visible_box[1] = Math.max(Project.visible_box[1], description.visible_bounds_height || 0); if (description.visible_bounds_offset && typeof description.visible_bounds_offset[1] == 'number') { Project.visible_box[2] = description.visible_bounds_offset[1] || 0; } } if (description.texture_width !== undefined) { Project.texture_width = description.texture_width; } if (description.texture_height !== undefined) { Project.texture_height = description.texture_height; } var bones = {} if (data.object.bones) { var included_bones = [] data.object.bones.forEach(function(b) { included_bones.push(b.name) }) data.object.bones.forEach(function(b) { parseBone(b, bones, data.object.bones) }) } codec.dispatchEvent('parsed', {model: data.object}); pe_list_data.length = 0; hideDialog() loadTextureDraggable() Canvas.updateAllBones() setProjectTitle() if (isApp && Project.geometry_name) { if (Format.id == 'bedrock') Project.BedrockEntityManager.initEntity(); if (Format.id == 'bedrock_block') Project.BedrockBlockManager.initBlock(); } Validator.validate() updateSelection() } // Compile function compileCube(obj, bone) { var template = { origin: obj.from.slice(), size: obj.size(), inflate: obj.inflate||undefined, } if (Project.box_uv) { template = new oneLiner(template); } template.origin[0] = -(template.origin[0] + template.size[0]) if (!obj.rotation.allEqual(0)) { template.pivot = obj.origin.slice(); template.pivot[0] *= -1; template.rotation = obj.rotation.slice(); template.rotation.forEach(function(br, axis) { if (axis != 2) template.rotation[axis] *= -1 }) } if (Project.box_uv) { template.uv = obj.uv_offset; if (obj.mirror_uv === !bone.mirror) { template.mirror = obj.mirror_uv } } else { template.uv = {}; for (var key in obj.faces) { var face = obj.faces[key]; if (face.texture !== null) { template.uv[key] = new oneLiner({ uv: [ face.uv[0], face.uv[1], ], uv_size: [ face.uv_size[0], face.uv_size[1], ] }); if (face.material_name) { template.uv[key].material_instance = face.material_name; } if (key == 'up' || key == 'down') { template.uv[key].uv[0] += template.uv[key].uv_size[0]; template.uv[key].uv[1] += template.uv[key].uv_size[1]; template.uv[key].uv_size[0] *= -1; template.uv[key].uv_size[1] *= -1; } } } } return template; } function compileGroup(g) { if (g.type !== 'group') return; if (!settings.export_empty_groups.value && !g.children.find(child => child.export)) return; //Bone var bone = {} bone.name = g.name if (g.parent.type === 'group') { bone.parent = g.parent.name } bone.pivot = g.origin.slice() bone.pivot[0] *= -1 if (!g.rotation.allEqual(0)) { bone.rotation = g.rotation.slice() bone.rotation[0] *= -1; bone.rotation[1] *= -1; } if (g.bedrock_binding) { bone.binding = g.bedrock_binding } if (g.reset) { bone.reset = true } if (g.mirror_uv && Project.box_uv) { bone.mirror = true } if (g.material) { bone.material = g.material } // Elements var cubes = [] var locators = {}; var texture_meshes = []; for (var obj of g.children) { if (obj.export) { if (obj instanceof Cube) { let template = compileCube(obj, bone); cubes.push(template); } else if (obj instanceof Locator || obj instanceof NullObject) { let key = obj.name; if (obj instanceof NullObject) key = '_null_' + key; let offset = obj.position.slice(); offset[0] *= -1; if ((obj.rotatable && !obj.rotation.allEqual(0)) || obj.ignore_inherited_scale) { locators[key] = { offset }; if (obj.rotatable) { locators[key].rotation = [ -obj.rotation[0], -obj.rotation[1], obj.rotation[2] ] } if (obj.ignore_inherited_scale) { locators[key].ignore_inherited_scale = true; } } else { locators[key] = offset; } } else if (obj instanceof TextureMesh) { let texmesh = { texture: obj.texture_name, position: obj.origin.slice(), } texmesh.position[0] *= -1; texmesh.position[1] -= bone.pivot[1]; texmesh.position[1] *= -1; if (!obj.rotation.allEqual(0)) { texmesh.rotation = [ -obj.rotation[0], -obj.rotation[1], obj.rotation[2] ] } if (!obj.local_pivot.allEqual(0)) { texmesh.local_pivot = obj.local_pivot.slice(); texmesh.local_pivot[2] *= -1; } if (!obj.scale.allEqual(1)) { texmesh.scale = obj.scale.slice(); } texture_meshes.push(texmesh); } } } if (cubes.length) { bone.cubes = cubes } if (texture_meshes.length) { bone.texture_meshes = texture_meshes } if (Object.keys(locators).length) { bone.locators = locators } return bone; } var codec = new Codec('bedrock', { name: 'Bedrock Model', extension: 'json', remember: true, multiple_per_file: true, load_filter: { type: 'json', extensions: ['json'], condition(model) { return model.format_version && !compareVersions('1.12.0', model.format_version) } }, load(model, file, add) { let is_block = file.path && file.path.match(/[\\/]models[\\/]blocks[\\/]/); if (!add) { setupProject(is_block ? block_format : entity_format); } if (file.path && isApp && this.remember && !file.no_file ) { var name = pathToName(file.path, true); Project.name = pathToName(name, false); Project.export_path = file.path; addRecentProject({ name, path: file.path, icon: Format.icon }); setTimeout(() => { updateRecentProjectThumbnail(); }, 200) } this.parse(model, file.path) loadDataFromModelMemory(); }, compile(options) { if (options === undefined) options = {} var entitymodel = {} var main_tag = { format_version: Group.all.find(group => group.bedrock_binding) ? '1.16.0' : '1.12.0', 'minecraft:geometry': [entitymodel] } entitymodel.description = { identifier: 'geometry.' + (Project.geometry_name||'unknown'), texture_width: Project.texture_width || 16, texture_height: Project.texture_height || 16, } var bones = [] var groups = getAllGroups(); var loose_elements = []; Outliner.root.forEach(obj => { if (obj instanceof OutlinerElement) { loose_elements.push(obj) } }) if (loose_elements.length) { let group = new Group({ name: 'bb_main' }); group.children.push(...loose_elements); group.is_catch_bone = true; group.createUniqueName(); groups.splice(0, 0, group); } groups.forEach(function(g) { let bone = compileGroup(g); bones.push(bone) }) if (bones.length && options.visible_box !== false) { let visible_box = calculateVisibleBox(); entitymodel.description.visible_bounds_width = visible_box[0] || 0; entitymodel.description.visible_bounds_height = visible_box[1] || 0; entitymodel.description.visible_bounds_offset = [0, visible_box[2] || 0 , 0] } if (bones.length) { entitymodel.bones = bones } this.dispatchEvent('compile', {model: main_tag, options}); if (options.raw) { return main_tag } else { return autoStringify(main_tag) } }, overwrite(content, path, cb) { var data, index; var model_id = 'geometry.'+Project.geometry_name; try { data = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8'); data = autoParseJSON(data, false); if (data['minecraft:geometry'] instanceof Array == false) { throw 'Incompatible format'; } var i = 0; for (model of data['minecraft:geometry']) { if (model.description && model.description.identifier == model_id) { index = i; break; } i++; } } catch (err) { var answer = electron.dialog.showMessageBox(currentwindow, { type: 'warning', buttons: [ tl('message.bedrock_overwrite_error.overwrite'), tl('dialog.cancel') ], title: 'Blockbench', message: tl('message.bedrock_overwrite_error.message'), detail: err+'', noLink: false }) if (answer === 1) { return; } } if (data && index !== undefined) { if (Group.all.find(group => group.bedrock_binding)) { data.format_version = '1.16.0'; } data['minecraft:geometry'].forEach(geo => { if (geo.bones instanceof Array) { geo.bones.forEach(bone => { if (bone.cubes instanceof Array) { bone.cubes.forEach((cube, ci) => { if (cube.uv instanceof Array) { bone.cubes[ci] = new oneLiner(cube); } }) } }) } }) var model = this.compile({raw: true})['minecraft:geometry'][0] if (index != undefined) { data['minecraft:geometry'][index] = model } else { data['minecraft:geometry'].push(model) } content = autoStringify(data) } Blockbench.writeFile(path, {content}, cb); }, parse(data, path) { pe_list_data.length = 0 if (Format != Formats.bedrock && Format != Formats.bedrock_block) Formats.bedrock.select() var geometries = [] for (var geo of data['minecraft:geometry']) { geometries.push(geo); } if (geometries.length === 1) { parseGeometry({object: data['minecraft:geometry'][0]}) return; } $('#pe_search_bar').val('') if (pe_list && pe_list._data) { pe_list._data.search_text = '' } function create_thumbnail(model_entry, isize) { var included_bones = [] model_entry.object.bones.forEach(function(b) { included_bones.push(b.name) }) var thumbnail = new Jimp(48, 48, 0x00000000, function(err, image) { model_entry.object.bones.forEach(function(b) { var rotation = b.rotation if (!rotation || rotation[0] === undefined) { if (entityMode.hardcodes[model_entry.name] && entityMode.hardcodes[model_entry.name][b.name]) { rotation = entityMode.hardcodes[model_entry.name][b.name].rotation } } if (b.cubes) { b.cubes.forEach(function(c) { if (c.origin && c.size) { //Do cube var inflate = c.inflate||0 var coords = { x: (c.origin[2]-inflate)*isize+24, y: 40-(c.origin[1]+c.size[1]+inflate)*isize, w: (c.size[2]+2*inflate)*isize, h: (c.size[1]+2*inflate)*isize } var shade = (limitNumber(c.origin[0], -24, 24)+24)/48*255 var color = parseInt('0xffffff'+shade.toString(16)) coords.x = limitNumber(coords.x, 0, 47) coords.y = limitNumber(coords.y, 0, 47) coords.w = limitNumber(coords.w, 0, 47 - coords.x) coords.h = limitNumber(coords.h, 0, 47 - coords.y) if (coords.h > 0 && coords.w > 0) { if (rotation && rotation[0] !== 0 && b.pivot) { Painter.drawRotatedRectangle( image, 0xffffff88, coords, b.pivot[2]*isize+24, 40-b.pivot[1]*isize, -rotation[0] ) } else { Painter.drawRectangle(image, 0xffffff88, coords) } } } }) } }) //Send image.getBase64("image/png", function(a, dataUrl){ model_entry.icon = dataUrl }) }) } for (var geo of data['minecraft:geometry']) { var key = geo.description && geo.description.identifier; if (key && key.includes('geometry.')) { var base_model = { name: key, bonecount: 0, cubecount: 0, selected: false, object: geo, icon: false } var oversize = 2; var words = key.replace(/:.*/g, '').replace('geometry.', '').split(/[\._]/g) words.forEach(function(w, wi) { words[wi] = capitalizeFirstLetter(w) }) base_model.title = words.join(' ') if (geo.bones) { base_model.bonecount = geo.bones.length geo.bones.forEach(function(b) { if (b.cubes) { base_model.cubecount += b.cubes.length b.cubes.forEach(function(c) { if (c.origin && c.size && (c.origin[2] < -12 || c.origin[2] + c.size[2] > 12 || c.origin[1] + c.size[1] > 22) && oversize === 2) oversize = 1 if (c.origin && c.size && (c.origin[2] < -24 || c.origin[2] + c.size[2] > 24)) oversize = 0.5 }) } }) if (typeof base_model.cubecount !== 'number') { base_model.cubecount = '[E]' } else if (base_model.cubecount > 0) { create_thumbnail(base_model, oversize) } } pe_list_data.push(base_model) } } if (pe_list == undefined) { pe_list = new Vue({ el: '#pe_list', data: { search_text: '', list: pe_list_data }, methods: { selectE(item, event) { var index = pe_list_data.indexOf(item) pe_list_data.forEach(function(s) { s.selected = false; }) pe_list_data[index].selected = true }, open() { parseGeometry() }, tl }, computed: { searched() { return this.list.filter(item => { return item.name.toUpperCase().includes(this.search_text) }) } } }) } showDialog('entity_import') $('#pe_list').css('max-height', (window.innerHeight - 320) +'px') $('input#pe_search_bar').select() $('#entity_import .confirm_btn').off('click') $('#entity_import .confirm_btn').on('click', (e) => { parseGeometry() }) }, fileName() { var name = Project.name||'model'; if (!name.match(/\.geo$/)) { name += '.geo'; } return name; } }) codec.parseCube = parseCube; codec.parseBone = parseBone; codec.parseGeometry = parseGeometry; codec.compileCube = compileCube; codec.compileGroup = compileGroup; var entity_format = new ModelFormat({ id: 'bedrock', extension: 'json', icon: 'icon-format_bedrock', category: 'minecraft', target: 'Minecraft: Bedrock Edition', format_page: { content: [ {type: 'h3', text: tl('mode.start.format.informations')}, {text: `* ${tl('format.bedrock.info.textures')}`}, {type: 'h3', text: tl('mode.start.format.resources')}, {text: `* [Article on modeling and implementation](https://www.blockbench.net/wiki/guides/bedrock-modeling) * [Modeling Tutorial Series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9FLteWmFzg&list=PLvULVkjBtg2SezfUA8kHcPUGpxIS26uJR)`.replace(/\t+/g, '') } ] }, rotate_cubes: true, box_uv: true, optional_box_uv: true, single_texture: true, bone_rig: true, centered_grid: true, animated_textures: true, animation_files: true, animation_mode: true, bone_binding_expression: true, locators: true, texture_meshes: true, codec, onSetup(project) { if (isApp) { project.BedrockEntityManager = new BedrockEntityManager(project); } } }) var block_format = new ModelFormat({ id: 'bedrock_block', category: 'minecraft', extension: 'json', icon: 'icon-format_bedrock', show_on_start_screen: false, rotate_cubes: true, box_uv: false, optional_box_uv: true, single_texture: false, bone_rig: true, centered_grid: true, animated_textures: true, animation_files: false, animation_mode: false, texture_meshes: true, cube_size_limiter: { rotation_affected: true, getModelCenter(exclude_cubes = []) { if (block_format.cube_size_limiter.cached_center) { return block_format.cube_size_limiter.cached_center; } let center = [-7, 1, -7, 7, 15, 7]; Cube.all.forEach(cube => { if (exclude_cubes.includes(cube)) return; let vertices = block_format.cube_size_limiter.getCubeVertexCoordinates(cube, cube); vertices.forEach(array => { center[3] = Math.min(center[3], array[0] + 15); center[0] = Math.max(center[0], array[0] - 15); center[4] = Math.min(center[4], array[1] + 15); center[1] = Math.max(center[1], array[1] - 15); center[5] = Math.min(center[5], array[2] + 15); center[2] = Math.max(center[2], array[2] - 15); }) }) block_format.cube_size_limiter.cached_center = center; setTimeout(() => { delete block_format.cube_size_limiter.cached_center; }, 2) return center; }, getCubeVertexCoordinates(cube, values) { let {from, to, inflate} = values; let vertices = [ [from[0]-inflate, from[1]-inflate, from[2]-inflate], [from[0]-inflate, from[1]-inflate, to[2] + inflate], [from[0]-inflate, to[1] + inflate, from[2]-inflate], [from[0]-inflate, to[1] + inflate, to[2] + inflate], [to[0] + inflate, from[1]-inflate, from[2]-inflate], [to[0] + inflate, from[1]-inflate, to[2] + inflate], [to[0] + inflate, to[1] + inflate, from[2]-inflate], [to[0] + inflate, to[1] + inflate, to[2] + inflate] ]; vertices.forEach(array => { array.V3_subtract(cube.origin) let vector = Reusable.vec1.set(...array); cube.mesh.localToWorld(vector); array.replace(vector.toArray()); }); return vertices; }, test(cube, values = 0) { let from = values.from || cube.from; let to = values.to || cube.to; let inflate = values.inflate == undefined ? cube.inflate : values.inflate; let vertices = block_format.cube_size_limiter.getCubeVertexCoordinates(cube, {from, to, inflate}); let center = block_format.cube_size_limiter.getModelCenter([cube]); return undefined !== vertices.find((v, i) => { return (v[0] > center[3]+15 || v[0] < center[0]-15) || (v[1] > center[4]+15 || v[1] < center[1]-15) || (v[2] > center[5]+15 || v[2] < center[2]-15); }) }, move(cube, values = 0) { let from = values.from || cube.from; let to = values.to || cube.to; let inflate = values.inflate == undefined ? cube.inflate : values.inflate; let vertices = block_format.cube_size_limiter.getCubeVertexCoordinates(cube, {from, to, inflate}); let center = block_format.cube_size_limiter.getModelCenter([cube]); let offset = [0, 0, 0]; vertices.forEach(v => { v.forEach((val, i) => { if (val > center[i+3] + 15) offset[i] = Math.max(offset[i], val - (center[i+3] + 15)); if (val < center[i] - 15) offset[i] = Math.min(offset[i], val - (center[i] - 15)); }) }) let quat = cube.mesh.getWorldQuaternion(Reusable.quat1).invert(); let required_offset = Reusable.vec2.set(...offset).applyQuaternion(quat).toArray(); from.V3_subtract(required_offset); to.V3_subtract(required_offset); }, clamp(cube, values = 0, axis, direction) { let from = values.from || cube.from; let to = values.to || cube.to; let inflate = values.inflate == undefined ? cube.inflate : values.inflate; let vertices = block_format.cube_size_limiter.getCubeVertexCoordinates(cube, {from, to, inflate}); let center = block_format.cube_size_limiter.getModelCenter(); let offset_from = [0, 0, 0]; let offset_to = [0, 0, 0]; vertices.forEach((v, vi) => { v.forEach((val, i) => { if (axis !== undefined && axis !== i) return; if ((i == 0 && vi < 4) || (i == 1 && (vi % 4) < 2) || (i == 2 && (vi % 2) < 1)) { if (val > center[i+3] + 15) offset_from[i] = Math.max(offset_from[i], val - (center[i+3] + 15)); if (val < center[i] - 15) offset_from[i] = Math.min(offset_from[i], val - (center[i] - 15)); } else { if (val > center[i+3] + 15) offset_to[i] = Math.max(offset_to[i], val - (center[i+3] + 15)); if (val < center[i] - 15) offset_to[i] = Math.min(offset_to[i], val - (center[i] - 15)); } }) }) let quat = cube.mesh.getWorldQuaternion(Reusable.quat1).invert(); if (direction !== true) { let required_offset_to = Reusable.vec3.set(...offset_to).applyQuaternion(quat).toArray(); to.V3_subtract(required_offset_to); } if (direction !== false) { let required_offset_from = Reusable.vec2.set(...offset_from).applyQuaternion(quat).toArray(); from.V3_subtract(required_offset_from); } } }, codec, onSetup(project) { if (isApp) { project.BedrockBlockManager = new BedrockBlockManager(project); } } }) codec.format = entity_format; BARS.defineActions(function() { codec.export_action = new Action({ id: 'export_bedrock', icon: entity_format.icon, category: 'file', condition: () => Format == entity_format || Format == block_format, click: function () { codec.export() } }) }) })()