class TimelineMarker { constructor(data) { this.time = 0; this.color = 0; if (data) { this.extend(data); } } extend(data) { Merge.number(this, data, 'color'); Merge.number(this, data, 'time'); } getUndoCopy() { return { color: this.color, time: this.time, } } callPlayhead() { Timeline.setTime(this.time) Animator.preview() return this; } showContextMenu(event) {, this); return this; } } = new Menu([ {icon: 'flag', color: markerColors[0].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[0].name, click: function(marker) {marker.color = 0;}}, {icon: 'flag', color: markerColors[1].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[1].name, click: function(marker) {marker.color = 1;}}, {icon: 'flag', color: markerColors[2].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[2].name, click: function(marker) {marker.color = 2;}}, {icon: 'flag', color: markerColors[3].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[3].name, click: function(marker) {marker.color = 3;}}, {icon: 'flag', color: markerColors[4].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[4].name, click: function(marker) {marker.color = 4;}}, {icon: 'flag', color: markerColors[5].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[5].name, click: function(marker) {marker.color = 5;}}, {icon: 'flag', color: markerColors[6].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[6].name, click: function(marker) {marker.color = 6;}}, {icon: 'flag', color: markerColors[7].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[7].name, click: function(marker) {marker.color = 7;}}, {icon: 'delete', name: 'generic.delete', click: function(marker) { if (Animation.selected) Animation.selected.markers.remove(marker); }} ]) const Timeline = { animators: [], selected: Keyframe.selected,//frames playing_sounds: [], playback_speed: 100, time: 0, get second() {return Timeline.time}, get animation_length() {return Animation.selected ? Animation.selected.length : 0;}, playing: false, selector: { start: [0, 0], selecting: false, selected_before: [], down(e) { if (e.which !== 1 || ( !'keyframe_section') && !'animator_head_bar') && !== 'timeline_body_inner' )) { return }; Timeline.selector.interval = setInterval(Timeline.selector.move, 1000/60); document.addEventListener('mouseup', Timeline.selector.end, false); var offset = $('#timeline_body_inner').offset(); var R = Timeline.selector; R.panel_offset = [ offset.left,, ] R.start = [ e.clientX - R.panel_offset[0], e.clientY - R.panel_offset[1], ] if (e.shiftKey) { Timeline.selector.selected_before = Timeline.selected.slice(); } R.selecting = true; $('#timeline_selector').show() Timeline.selector.move(e) }, move(e) { var R = Timeline.selector; if (!R.selecting) return; //CSS var offset = $('#timeline_body_inner').offset(); R.panel_offset = [ offset.left,, ] var rect = getRectangle(R.start[0], R.start[1], mouse_pos.x - R.panel_offset[0], mouse_pos.y - R.panel_offset[1]) $('#timeline_selector') .css('width', rect.x + 'px') .css('height', rect.y + 'px') .css('left', + 'px') .css('top', rect.ay + 'px'); //Keyframes var epsilon = 6; let {channels} = Timeline.vue._data; -= epsilon; rect.ay -= epsilon; rect.bx += epsilon; += epsilon; var min_time = (; var max_time = (rect.bx-Timeline.vue._data.head_width-8)/Timeline.vue._data.size; Timeline.selected.empty() for (var animator of Timeline.animators) { var node = $('#timeline_body_inner .animator[uuid=' + animator.uuid + ']').get(0) var offset = node && node.offsetTop; for (var kf of animator.keyframes) { if (Timeline.selector.selected_before.includes(kf)) { Timeline.selected.push(kf); continue; } kf.selected = false; if (kf.time > min_time && kf.time < max_time && channels[] != false && (!channels.hide_empty || animator[].length) ) { var channel_index = 0 //animator.channels.indexOf(; for (var channel of animator.channels) { if ( == channel) break; if (channels[channel] != false && (!channels.hide_empty || animator[channel].length)) { channel_index++; } } height = offset + channel_index*24 + 36; if (height > rect.ay && height < { kf.selected = true; Timeline.selected.push(kf); } } } } //Scroll body var body = $('#timeline_body').get(0) var body_inner = $('#timeline_body_inner').get(0) var top = mouse_pos.y - R.panel_offset[1] - body.scrollTop; var bot = body.scrollTop + body.clientHeight - (mouse_pos.y - R.panel_offset[1]); var lef = mouse_pos.x - R.panel_offset[0] - body.scrollLeft - Timeline.vue._data.head_width; var rig = body.clientWidth - (mouse_pos.x - R.panel_offset[0] - body.scrollLeft); let speed = 15; if (top < 0) body.scrollTop = body.scrollTop - speed; if (bot < 0) body.scrollTop = Math.clamp(body.scrollTop + speed, 0, body_inner.clientHeight - body.clientHeight + 3); if (lef < 0) body.scrollLeft = body.scrollLeft - speed; if (rig < 0) body.scrollLeft = Math.clamp(body.scrollLeft + speed, 0, body_inner.clientWidth - body.clientWidth); updateKeyframeSelection() }, end(e) { if (!Timeline.selector.selecting) return false; e.stopPropagation(); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', Timeline.selector.move); clearInterval(Timeline.selector.interval); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', Timeline.selector.end); updateKeyframeSelection() Timeline.selector.selected_before.empty(); Timeline.selector.selecting = false; $('#timeline_selector') .css('width', 0) .css('height', 0) .hide() }, }, setTime(seconds, editing) { seconds = limitNumber(seconds, 0, 1000) Timeline.vue._data.playhead = seconds Timeline.time = seconds if (!editing) { Timeline.setTimecode(seconds) } if (Timeline.getMaxLength() !== Timeline.vue._data.length) { Timeline.updateSize() } Timeline.revealTime(seconds) }, revealTime(time) { var scroll = $('#timeline_body').scrollLeft(); var playhead = time * Timeline.vue._data.size + 8; if (playhead < scroll || playhead > scroll + $('#timeline_body').width() - Timeline.vue._data.head_width) { $('#timeline_body').scrollLeft(playhead-16); } else if (time == 0) { $('#timeline_body').scrollLeft(0); } }, setTimecode(time) { let m = Math.floor(time/60) let s = Math.floor(time%60) let f = Math.floor((time%1) * 100) if ((s+'').length === 1) {s = '0'+s} if ((f+'').length === 1) {f = '0'+f} $('#timeline_corner').text(m + ':' + s + ':' + f) }, snapTime(time, animation) { //return time; if (time == undefined || isNaN(time)) { time = Timeline.time; } if (!animation) animation = Animation.selected; var fps = Math.clamp(animation ? animation.snapping : settings.animation_snap.value, 1, 120); return Math.clamp(Math.round(time*fps)/fps, 0); }, getStep() { return 1/Math.clamp(Animation.selected ? Animation.selected.snapping : settings.animation_snap.value, 1, 120); }, setup() { $('#timeline_body').mousedown(Timeline.selector.down) $('#timeline_time').on('mousedown touchstart', e => { if (e.which !== 1 && !event.changedTouches) return; if ('timeline_marker')) return; if ( == 'timeline_endbracket') { if (Animation.selected) { Timeline.dragging_endbracket = true; Undo.initEdit({animations: [Animation.selected]}); } else { Blockbench.showQuickMessage('message.no_animation_selected'); } } else { convertTouchEvent(e); Timeline.dragging_playhead = true; let offset = e.clientX - $('#timeline_time').offset().left; let time = Timeline.snapTime(offset / Timeline.vue._data.size); Timeline.setTime(time); Animator.preview(); } }) $(document).on('mousemove touchmove', e => { if (Timeline.dragging_playhead) { convertTouchEvent(e); let offset = e.clientX - $('#timeline_time').offset().left; let time = Timeline.snapTime(offset / Timeline.vue._data.size) if (Timeline.time != time) { Timeline.setTime(time) Animator.preview() } } else if (Timeline.dragging_endbracket) { convertTouchEvent(e); let offset = e.clientX - $('#timeline_time').offset().left; let time = Timeline.snapTime(offset / Timeline.vue._data.size) Animation.selected.setLength(time) Timeline.revealTime(time) } }) .on('mouseup touchend', e => { if (Timeline.dragging_playhead) { delete Timeline.dragging_playhead Timeline.pause(); } else if (Timeline.dragging_endbracket) { Undo.finishEdit('Change Animation Length') delete Timeline.dragging_endbracket } }) //Keyframe inputs document.addEventListener('focus', event => { if ( && &&'keyframe_input')) { Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected.slice()}) } }, true) document.addEventListener('focusout', event => { if ( && &&'keyframe_input')) { Undo.finishEdit('edit keyframe') } }) //Enter Time $('#timeline_corner').click(e => { if ($('#timeline_corner').attr('contenteditable') == 'true') return; $('#timeline_corner').attr('contenteditable', true).focus().select() var times = $('#timeline_corner').text().split(':') while (times.length < 3) { times.push('00') } var node = $('#timeline_corner').get(0).childNodes[0] var selection = window.getSelection(); var range = document.createRange(); var sel = [0, node.length] if (e.offsetX < 24) { sel = [0, times[0].length] } else if (e.offsetX < 54) { sel = [times[0].length+1, times[1].length] } else if (e.offsetX < 80) { sel = [times[0].length+times[1].length+2, times[2].length] } sel[1] = limitNumber(sel[0]+sel[1], sel[0], node.length) range.setStart(node, sel[0]) range.setEnd(node, sel[1]) selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); }) .on('focusout keydown', e => { if (e.type === 'focusout' || Keybinds.extra.confirm.keybind.isTriggered(e) || Keybinds.extra.cancel.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { $('#timeline_corner').attr('contenteditable', false) Timeline.setTimecode(Timeline.time) } }) .on('keyup', e => { var times = $('#timeline_corner').text().split(':') times.forEach((t, i) => { times[i] = parseInt(t) if (isNaN(times[i])) { times[i] = 0 } }) while (times.length < 3) { times.push(0) } var seconds = times[0]*60 + limitNumber(times[1], 0, 59) + limitNumber(times[2]/100, 0, 99) if (Math.abs(seconds-Timeline.time) > 1e-3 ) { Timeline.setTime(seconds, true) Animator.preview() } }) $('#timeline_vue').on('mousewheel scroll', function(e) { e.preventDefault() let event = e.originalEvent; let body = $('#timeline_body').get(0) if (event.shiftKey) { body.scrollLeft += event.deltaY/4 } else if (event.ctrlOrCmd) { let offset = $('#timeline_body_inner').offset() let offsetX = event.clientX - offset.left - Timeline.vue._data.head_width; var zoom = 1 - event.deltaY/600 let original_size = Timeline.vue._data.size let updated_size = limitNumber(Timeline.vue._data.size * zoom, 10, 1000) Timeline.vue._data.size = updated_size; body.scrollLeft += (updated_size - original_size) * (offsetX / original_size) } else { body.scrollTop += event.deltaY/6.25 } Timeline.updateSize() event.preventDefault(); }); $('#timeline_body').on('scroll', e => { Timeline.vue._data.scroll_left = $('#timeline_body').scrollLeft()||0; }) BarItems.slider_animation_speed.update() Timeline.is_setup = true Timeline.setTime(0) }, update() { //Draggable $('#timeline_body .keyframe:not(.ui-draggable)').draggable({ axis: 'x', distance: 4, helper: () => $('
'), start: function(event, ui) { var id = $('id'); var clicked = Timeline.keyframes.findInArray('uuid', id) if (!$('selected') && !event.shiftKey && Timeline.selected.length != 0) { } else if (clicked && !clicked.selected) {{shiftKey: true}) } Undo.initEdit({keyframes: Timeline.selected}) Timeline.dragging_keyframes = true; Timeline.dragging_range = [Infinity, 0]; for (var kf of Timeline.selected) { kf.time_before = kf.time; Timeline.dragging_range[0] = Math.min(Timeline.dragging_range[0], kf.time); Timeline.dragging_range[1] = Math.max(Timeline.dragging_range[1], kf.time); } }, drag: function(event, ui) { var difference = Math.clamp((ui.position.left - ui.originalPosition.left - 8) / Timeline.vue._data.size, -256, 256); let [min, max] = Timeline.dragging_range; let id = &&; let target = Timeline.selected.find(kf => kf.uuid == id); if (event.ctrlKey) { var time_factor = (target && target.time_before < (min + max) / 2) ? ((max-min-difference) / (max-min)) : ((max-min+difference) / (max-min)); time_factor = Math.roundTo(time_factor, 2); } for (var kf of Timeline.selected) { if (event.ctrlKey) { if (target && target.time_before < (min + max) / 2) { var t = max - (kf.time_before - max) * -time_factor; } else { var t = min + (kf.time_before - min) * time_factor; } } else { var t = kf.time_before + difference; } kf.time = Timeline.snapTime(t); } if (event.ctrlKey) { Blockbench.setStatusBarText(Math.round(time_factor * 100) + '%'); } else { Blockbench.setStatusBarText(trimFloatNumber(Timeline.snapTime(difference))); } BarItems.slider_keyframe_time.update() Animator.preview() }, stop: function(event, ui) { var deleted = [] for (var kf of Timeline.selected) { delete kf.time_before; kf.replaceOthers(deleted); } delete Timeline.dragging_range; Blockbench.setStatusBarText(); Undo.addKeyframeCasualties(deleted); Undo.finishEdit('drag keyframes') setTimeout(() => { Timeline.dragging_keyframes = false; }, 20) } }) }, getMaxLength() { var max_length = ($('#timeline_body').width()-8) / Timeline.vue._data.size; if (Animation.selected) max_length = Math.max(max_length, Animation.selected.length) Timeline.keyframes.forEach((kf) => { max_length = Math.max(max_length, kf.time) }) max_length = Math.max(max_length, Timeline.time) + 50/Timeline.vue._data.size return max_length; }, updateSize() { let size = Timeline.vue._data.size Timeline.vue._data.length = Timeline.getMaxLength() Timeline.vue._data.timecodes.empty() var step = 1 if (size < 1) {step = 1} else if (size < 20) {step = 4} else if (size < 40) {step = 2} else if (size < 100) {step = 1} else if (size < 256) {step = 0.5} else if (size < 520) {step = 0.25} else if (size < 660) {step = 0.2} else if (size < 860) {step = 0.1} else {step = 0.05} if (step < 1) { var FPS = Timeline.getStep(); step = Math.round(step/FPS) * FPS //step = 1/Math.round(1/step) } let substeps = step / Timeline.getStep() while (substeps > 8) { substeps /= 2; } var i = 0; while (i < Timeline.vue._data.length) { Timeline.vue._data.timecodes.push({ time: i, width: step, substeps, text: Math.round(i*100)/100 }) i += step; } }, updateScroll(e) { $('.channel_head').css('left', scroll_amount+'px') $('#timeline_time').css('left', -scroll_amount+'px') }, unselect(e) { if (!Animation.selected) return; Timeline.keyframes.forEach((kf) => { if (kf.selected) { Timeline.selected.remove(kf) } kf.selected = false }) TickUpdates.keyframe_selection = true; }, start() { if (!Animation.selected) return; Animation.selected.getMaxLength() Timeline.pause() Timeline.playing = true BarItems.play_animation.setIcon('pause') Timeline.last_frame_timecode =; Timeline.interval = setInterval(Timeline.loop, 100/6) if (Animation.selected.loop == 'hold' && Timeline.time >= (Animation.selected.length||1e3)) { Timeline.setTime(0) } if (Timeline.time > 0) { Animator.animations.forEach(animation => { if (animation.playing && animation.animators.effects) { animation.animators.effects.startPreviousSounds(); } }) } Timeline.loop() }, loop() { Animator.preview() if (Animation.selected && Timeline.time < (Animation.selected.length||1e3)) { var new_time; if (Animation.selected && Animation.selected.anim_time_update) { var new_time = Animator.MolangParser.parse(Animation.selected.anim_time_update); } if (new_time == undefined || new_time <= Timeline.time) { var new_time = Animator.MolangParser.parse('query.anim_time + query.delta_time') } Timeline.setTime(Timeline.time + (new_time - Timeline.time) * (Timeline.playback_speed/100)); Timeline.last_frame_timecode =; } else { if (Animation.selected.loop == 'once') { Timeline.setTime(0) Animator.preview() Timeline.pause() } else if (Animation.selected.loop == 'hold') { Timeline.pause() } else { Timeline.setTime(0) Timeline.start() } } }, pause() { Animator.preview(); Timeline.playing = false; BarItems.play_animation.setIcon('play_arrow') if (Timeline.interval) { clearInterval(Timeline.interval) Timeline.interval = false } Timeline.playing_sounds.forEach(media => { if (!media.paused) { media.pause(); } }) Timeline.playing_sounds.empty(); }, waveforms: {}, waveform_sample_rate: 60, async visualizeAudioFile(path) { if (!Timeline.waveforms[path]) { Timeline.waveforms[path] = { samples: [], duration: 0 }; } let {samples} = Timeline.waveforms[path]; let audioContext = new AudioContext() let response = await fetch(path); let arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); let audioBuffer = await audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer); let data_array = audioBuffer.getChannelData(0); Timeline.waveforms[path].duration = audioBuffer.duration; // Sample let sample_count = Math.ceil(audioBuffer.duration * Timeline.waveform_sample_rate); samples.splice(0, samples.length); for (var i = 0; i < sample_count; i++) { samples.push(0); } for (var i = 0; i < data_array.length; i++) { let sample_index = Math.floor((i / data_array.length) * sample_count); samples[sample_index] += Math.abs(data_array[i]); } // Normalize let max = Math.max(...samples); samples.forEach((v, i) => samples[i] = v / max); Timeline.vue.$forceUpdate(); return samples; }, get keyframes() { var keyframes = []; Timeline.animators.forEach(animator => { keyframes = [...keyframes, ...animator.keyframes] }) return keyframes; }, showMenu(event) { if ( == 'KEYFRAME' || == 'KEYFRAME') return;, event); }, menu: new Menu([ 'paste', '_', 'select_all', 'bring_up_all_animations', 'fold_all_animations', 'clear_timeline', ]) } onVueSetup(function() { Timeline.vue = new Vue({ el: '#timeline_vue', data: { size: 150, length: 10, animation_length: 0, scroll_left: 0, head_width: 180, timecodes: [], animators: Timeline.animators, markers: [], waveforms: Timeline.waveforms, focus_channel: null, playhead: Timeline.time, channels: { rotation: true, position: true, scale: true, hide_empty: false, } }, methods: { toggleAnimator(animator) { animator.expanded = !animator.expanded; }, removeAnimator(animator) { Timeline.animators.remove(animator); }, getColor(index) { if (index == -1 || index == undefined) return; return markerColors[index].standard; }, getWaveformPoints(samples, size) { let height = 23; let points = [`0,${height}`]; samples.forEach((sample, i) => { points.push(`${(i + 0.5) / Timeline.waveform_sample_rate * size},${(1 - sample) * height}`); }) points.push(`${(samples.length) / Timeline.waveform_sample_rate * size},${height}`) return points.join(' '); } } }) }) BARS.defineActions(function() { new Action('play_animation', { icon: 'play_arrow', category: 'animation', keybind: new Keybind({key: 32}), condition: {modes: ['animate']}, click: function () { if (!Animation.selected) { Blockbench.showQuickMessage('message.no_animation_selected') return; } if (Timeline.playing) { Timeline.pause() } else { Timeline.start() } } }) new NumSlider('slider_animation_speed', { category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, get: function() { return Timeline.playback_speed; }, change: function(modify) { Timeline.playback_speed = limitNumber(modify(Timeline.playback_speed), 0, 10000) }, getInterval: (e) => { var val = BarItems.slider_animation_speed.get() if (e.shiftKey) { if (val < 50) { return 10; } else { return 50; } } if (e.ctrlOrCmd) { if (val < 500) { return 1; } else { return 10; } } if (val < 10) { return 1; } else if (val < 50) { return 5; } else if (val < 160) { return 10; } else if (val < 300) { return 20; } else if (val < 1000) { return 50; } else { return 500; } } }) new Action('jump_to_timeline_start', { icon: 'skip_previous', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, keybind: new Keybind({key: 36}), click: function () { Timeline.setTime(0) Animator.preview() } }) new Action('jump_to_timeline_end', { icon: 'skip_next', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, keybind: new Keybind({key: 35}), click: function () { Timeline.setTime(Animation.selected ? Animation.selected.length : 0) Animator.preview() } }) new Action('timeline_frame_back', { icon: 'arrow_back', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, keybind: new Keybind({key: 188}), click: function (e) { let time = Timeline.snapTime(limitNumber(Timeline.time - Timeline.getStep(), 0, 1e4)); Timeline.setTime(time); Animator.preview() } }) new Action('timeline_frame_forth', { icon: 'arrow_forward', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, keybind: new Keybind({key: 190}), click: function (e) { let time = Timeline.snapTime(limitNumber(Timeline.time + Timeline.getStep(), 0, 1e4)); Timeline.setTime(time); Animator.preview() } }) new Action('bring_up_all_animations', { icon: 'fa-sort-amount-up', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, click: function () { if (!Animation.selected) return; for (var uuid in Animation.selected.animators) { var ba = Animation.selected.animators[uuid] if (ba && ba.keyframes.length) { ba.addToTimeline(); } } } }) new Action('fold_all_animations', { icon: 'format_indent_decrease', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, click: function () { for (var animator of Timeline.animators) { animator.expanded = false; } } }) new Action('clear_timeline', { icon: 'clear_all', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, click: function () { Timeline.vue._data.animators.purge(); unselectAll(); } }) new Action('select_effect_animator', { icon: 'fa-magic', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, click: function () { if (!Animation.selected) return; if (!Animation.selected.animators.effects) { var ea = Animation.selected.animators.effects = new EffectAnimator(Animation.selected); } } }) new Action('timeline_focus', { icon: 'fas.fa-filter', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, click: function (e) { new Menu(this.children()).open( }, children: function() { let on = 'fas.fa-check-square'; let off = 'far.fa-square'; let {channels} = Timeline.vue._data; return [ {name: 'timeline.rotation', icon: channels.rotation ? on : off, click() {channels.rotation = !channels.rotation}}, {name: 'timeline.position', icon: channels.position ? on : off, click() {channels.position = !channels.position}}, {name: 'timeline.scale', icon: channels.scale ? on : off, click() {channels.scale = !channels.scale}}, '_', {name: 'action.timeline_focus.hide_empty', icon: channels.hide_empty ? on : off, click() {channels.hide_empty = !channels.hide_empty}}, ] } }) new Action('add_marker', { icon: 'flag', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, keybind: new Keybind({ctrl: true, key: 77}), click: function (event) { if (!Animation.selected) { Blockbench.showQuickMessage('message.no_animation_selected') return; } var time = Timeline.snapTime(); var original_marker; for (var m of Animation.selected.markers) { if (Math.abs(m.time - time) < 0.01) { original_marker = m; break; } } if (original_marker) { Animation.selected.markers.remove(original_marker); } else { let marker = new TimelineMarker({time}); Animation.selected.markers.push(marker); } } }) })