class Face { constructor(direction, data) { this.direction = direction || 'north'; this.reset() this.uv = [0, 0, canvasGridSize(), canvasGridSize()] if (data) { this.extend(data) } } get uv_size() { return [ this.uv[2] - this.uv[0], this.uv[3] - this.uv[1] ] } set uv_size(arr) { this.uv[2] = arr[0] + this.uv[0]; this.uv[3] = arr[1] + this.uv[1]; } extend(object) { if (object.texture === null) { this.texture = null; } else if (object.texture === false) { this.texture = false; } else if (textures.includes(object.texture)) { this.texture = object.texture.uuid; } else if (typeof object.texture === 'string') { Merge.string(this, object, 'texture') } Merge.string(this, object, 'cullface') Merge.number(this, object, 'rotation') Merge.number(this, object, 'tint') if (object.uv) { Merge.number(this.uv, object.uv, 0) Merge.number(this.uv, object.uv, 1) Merge.number(this.uv, object.uv, 2) Merge.number(this.uv, object.uv, 3) } return this; } reset() { this.uv = [0, 0, 0, 0]; this.rotation = 0; this.texture = false; this.cullface = ''; this.enabled = true; this.tint = -1; return this; } getTexture() { if (Format.single_texture && Project.box_uv && this.texture !== null) { return textures[0]; } if (typeof this.texture === 'string') { return textures.findInArray('uuid', this.texture) } else { return this.texture; } } getSaveCopy() { var copy = new oneLiner({ uv: this.uv, }) if (this.rotation) copy.rotation = this.rotation; var tex = this.getTexture() if (tex === null) { copy.texture = null; } else if (tex instanceof Texture) { copy.texture = textures.indexOf(tex) } if (this.tint !== -1) { copy.tint = this.tint; } if (this.cullface) { copy.cullface = this.cullface; } if (!this.enabled) { copy.enabled = false; } return copy; } } Face.opposite = { north: 'south', south: 'north', east: 'west', west: 'east', down: 'up', up: 'down' } class Cube extends NonGroup { constructor(data, uuid) { super(data, uuid) let size = canvasGridSize(); = 'cube'; this.from = [0, 0, 0]; = [size, size, size]; this.shade = true; this.mirror_uv = false; this.color = Math.floor(Math.random()*8) this.uv_offset = [0,0] this.inflate = 0; this.rotation = [0, 0, 0]; this.origin = [0, 0, 0]; if (!Format.centered_grid) { this.origin.V3_set(8, 8, 8); } this.visibility = true; this.autouv = 0 this.export = true; this.parent = 'root'; this.faces = { north: new Face('north'), east: new Face('east'), south: new Face('south'), west: new Face('west'), up: new Face('up'), down: new Face('down') } if (data && typeof data === 'object') { this.extend(data) } } extend(object) { Merge.string(this, object, 'name') this.sanitizeName(); Merge.boolean(this, object, 'shade') Merge.boolean(this, object, 'mirror_uv') Merge.number(this, object, 'inflate') Merge.number(this, object, 'autouv') Merge.number(this, object, 'color') Merge.boolean(this, object, 'export') Merge.boolean(this, object, 'visibility') if (object.from) { Merge.number(this.from, object.from, 0) Merge.number(this.from, object.from, 1) Merge.number(this.from, object.from, 2) } if ( { Merge.number(,, 0) Merge.number(,, 1) Merge.number(,, 2) } if (object.size) { if (typeof object.size[0] == 'number' && !isNaN(object.size[0]))[0] = this.from[0] + object.size[0] if (typeof object.size[1] == 'number' && !isNaN(object.size[1]))[1] = this.from[1] + object.size[1] if (typeof object.size[2] == 'number' && !isNaN(object.size[2]))[2] = this.from[2] + object.size[2] } if (object.uv_offset) { Merge.number(this.uv_offset, object.uv_offset, 0) Merge.number(this.uv_offset, object.uv_offset, 1) } if (typeof object.rotation === 'object' && === 'Object') { if (object.rotation.angle && object.rotation.axis) { var axis = getAxisNumber(object.rotation.axis) if (axis >= 0) { this.rotation.V3_set(0) this.rotation[axis] = object.rotation.angle } } if (object.rotation.origin) { Merge.number(this.origin, object.rotation.origin, 0) Merge.number(this.origin, object.rotation.origin, 1) Merge.number(this.origin, object.rotation.origin, 2) } Merge.boolean(this, object.rotation, 'rescale') if (typeof object.rotation.axis === 'string') { this.rotation_axis = object.rotation.axis } } else if (object.rotation) { Merge.number(this.rotation, object.rotation, 0) Merge.number(this.rotation, object.rotation, 1) Merge.number(this.rotation, object.rotation, 2) } if (object.rotated) { Merge.number(this.rotation, object.rotated, 0) Merge.number(this.rotation, object.rotated, 1) Merge.number(this.rotation, object.rotated, 2) } if (object.origin) { Merge.number(this.origin, object.origin, 0) Merge.number(this.origin, object.origin, 1) Merge.number(this.origin, object.origin, 2) } Merge.boolean(this, object, 'rescale') Merge.string(this, object, 'rotation_axis') if (object.faces) { for (var face in this.faces) { if (this.faces.hasOwnProperty(face) && object.faces.hasOwnProperty(face)) { this.faces[face].extend(object.faces[face]) } } } return this; } init() { super.init(); if (Format.single_texture && textures[0]) { for (var face in this.faces) { if (this.faces[face].texture !== null) { this.faces[face].texture = textures[0].uuid } } } if (!this.parent || (this.parent === 'root' && Outliner.root.indexOf(this) === -1)) { this.addTo('root') } if (!this.mesh || !this.mesh.parent) { Canvas.addCube(this) } TickUpdates.outliner = true; return this; } size(axis, floored) { var scope = this; function getA(axis) { if (floored === true) { var n = Math.floor(0.0000001 +[axis] - scope.from[axis]) return n; } else { return[axis] - scope.from[axis] } } if (axis !== undefined) { return getA(axis); } else { return [ getA(0), getA(1), getA(2) ] } } rotationAxis() { for (var axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { if (this.rotation[axis] !== 0) { this.rotation_axis = getAxisLetter(axis); return this.rotation_axis; } } return this.rotation_axis; } getMesh() { return this.mesh; } get mesh() { return Canvas.meshes[this.uuid]; } get index() { return elements.indexOf(this) } remove() { super.remove(); if (this.visibility) { var mesh = this.mesh if (mesh) { if (mesh.parent) { mesh.parent.remove(mesh) } delete Canvas.meshes[this.uuid] mesh.geometry.dispose() } } delete Canvas.meshes[this.uuid] if (Transformer.dragging) { outlines.remove(outlines.getObjectByName(this.uuid+'_ghost_outline')) } delete this; } getUndoCopy(aspects) { var copy = new Cube(this) if (aspects.uv_only) { copy = { uv_offset: copy.uv_offset, faces: copy.faces, mirror_uv: copy.mirror_uv, } } copy.uuid = this.uuid copy.type = this.type; delete copy.parent; return copy; } getSaveCopy(meta) { var el = { name:, from: this.from, to:, autouv: this.autouv, color: this.color } if (!this.visibility) el.visibility = false; if (!this.export) el.export = false; if (!this.shade) el.shade = false; if (this.inflate) el.inflate = this.inflate; if (!this.rotation.allEqual(0)) el.rotation = this.rotation; el.origin = this.origin; if (!this.uv_offset.allEqual(0)) el.uv_offset = this.uv_offset; el.faces = {} for (var face in this.faces) { el.faces[face] = this.faces[face].getSaveCopy() } el.uuid = this.uuid return el; } roll(axis, steps, origin) { if (!origin) {origin = this.origin} function rotateCoord(array) { if (origin === undefined) { origin = [8, 8, 8] } var a, b; array.forEach(function(s, i) { if (i == axis) { // } else { if (a == undefined) { a = s - origin[i] b = i } else { array[b] = s - origin[i] array[b] = origin[b] - array[b] array[i] = origin[i] + a; } } }) return array } function rotateUVFace(number, iterations) { if (!number) number = 0; number += iterations * 90; return number % 360; } while (steps > 0) { steps--; //Swap coordinate thingy switch(axis) { case 0: [this.from[2],[2]] = [[2], this.from[2]]; break; case 1: [this.from[2],[2]] = [[2], this.from[2]]; break; case 2: [this.from[1],[1]] = [[1], this.from[1]]; break; } this.from.V3_set(rotateCoord(this.from, 1, origin)), 1, origin)) if (origin != this.origin) { this.origin.V3_set(rotateCoord(this.origin, 1, origin)) } if (!Project.box_uv) { if (axis === 0) { this.faces.west.rotation = rotateUVFace(this.faces.west.rotation, 1) this.faces.east.rotation = rotateUVFace(this.faces.east.rotation, 3) this.faces.north.rotation= rotateUVFace(this.faces.north.rotation, 2) this.faces.down.rotation = rotateUVFace(this.faces.down.rotation, 2) var temp = new Face(true, this.faces.north) this.faces.north.extend(this.faces.down) this.faces.down.extend(this.faces.south) this.faces.south.extend(this.faces.up) this.faces.up.extend(temp) } else if (axis === 1) { this.faces.up.rotation= rotateUVFace(this.faces.up.rotation, 1) this.faces.down.rotation = rotateUVFace(this.faces.down.rotation, 3) var temp = new Face(true, this.faces.north) this.faces.north.extend(this.faces.west) this.faces.west.extend(this.faces.south) this.faces.south.extend(this.faces.east) this.faces.east.extend(temp) } else if (axis === 2) { this.faces.north.rotation = rotateUVFace(this.faces.north.rotation, 1) this.faces.south.rotation= rotateUVFace(this.faces.south.rotation, 3) this.faces.up.rotation= rotateUVFace(this.faces.up.rotation, 3) this.faces.east.rotation= rotateUVFace(this.faces.east.rotation, 3) this.faces.west.rotation = rotateUVFace(this.faces.west.rotation, 3) this.faces.down.rotation = rotateUVFace(this.faces.down.rotation, 3) var temp = new Face(true, this.faces.east) this.faces.east.extend(this.faces.down) this.faces.down.extend(this.faces.west) this.faces.west.extend(this.faces.up) this.faces.up.extend(temp) } //Fine Rotations var i = 0; var temp_rot = undefined; var temp_i = undefined; while (i < 3) { if (i !== axis) { if (temp_rot === undefined) { temp_rot = this.rotation[i] temp_i = i } else { this.rotation[temp_i] = -this.rotation[i] this.rotation[i] = temp_rot } } i++; } } } Canvas.adaptObjectPosition(this) Canvas.adaptObjectFaces(this) Canvas.updateUV(this) } flip(axis, center, skipUV) { var scope = this; this.rotation[(axis+1)%3] *= -1 this.rotation[(axis+2)%3] *= -1 var from = this.from[axis] this.from[axis] = center - ([axis] - center)[axis] = center - (from - center) this.origin[axis] = center - (this.origin[axis] - center) if (!skipUV) { function mirrorUVX(face, skip_rot) { var f = scope.faces[face] if (skip_rot) {} if (!skip_rot && (f.rotation == 90 || f.rotation == 270)) { return mirrorUVY(face, true) } return [f.uv[2], f.uv[1], f.uv[0], f.uv[3]] } function mirrorUVY(face, skip_rot) { var f = scope.faces[face] if (skip_rot) {} if (!skip_rot && (f.rotation == 90 || f.rotation == 270)) { return mirrorUVX(face, true) } return [f.uv[0], f.uv[3], f.uv[2], f.uv[1]] } //Faces var switchFaces; switch(axis) { case 0: switchFaces = ['west', 'east']; break; case 1: switchFaces = ['up', 'down']; break; case 2: switchFaces = ['south', 'north']; break; } var x = new Face(switchFaces[1], this.faces[switchFaces[0]]) this.faces[switchFaces[0]].extend(this.faces[switchFaces[1]]) this.faces[switchFaces[1]].extend(x) //UV if (axis === 1) { this.faces.north.uv = mirrorUVY('north') this.faces.south.uv = mirrorUVY('south') this.faces.east.uv = mirrorUVY('east') this.faces.west.uv = mirrorUVY('west') } else { this.faces.north.uv = mirrorUVX('north') this.faces.south.uv = mirrorUVX('south') this.faces.east.uv = mirrorUVX('east') this.faces.west.uv = mirrorUVX('west') } if (axis === 0) { this.faces.up.uv = mirrorUVX('up') this.faces.down.uv = mirrorUVX('down') } else { this.faces.up.uv = mirrorUVY('up') this.faces.down.uv = mirrorUVY('down') } } Canvas.adaptObjectPosition(this) Canvas.adaptObjectFaces(this) Canvas.updateUV(this) } transferOrigin(origin) { if (!this.mesh) return; var q = new THREE.Quaternion().copy(this.mesh.quaternion) var shift = new THREE.Vector3( this.origin[0] - origin[0], this.origin[1] - origin[1], this.origin[2] - origin[2], ) var dq = new THREE.Vector3().copy(shift) dq.applyQuaternion(q) shift.sub(dq) shift.applyQuaternion(q.inverse()) this.moveVector(shift) this.origin.V3_set(origin); Canvas.adaptObjectPosition(this) return this; } getWorldCenter() { var m = this.mesh; var pos = new THREE.Vector3( this.from[0] + this.size(0)/2, this.from[1] + this.size(1)/2, this.from[2] + this.size(2)/2 ) pos.x -= this.origin[0] pos.y -= this.origin[1] pos.z -= this.origin[2] if (m) { var r = m.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()) pos.applyQuaternion(r) pos.add(m.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())) } return pos; } setColor(index) { this.color = index; if (this.visibility) { Canvas.adaptObjectFaces(this) } } applyTexture(texture, faces) { var scope = this; if (faces === true || Project.box_uv) { var sides = ['north', 'east', 'south', 'west', 'up', 'down'] } else if (faces === undefined) { var sides = [main_uv.face] } else { var sides = faces } var value = null if (texture) { value = texture.uuid } else if (texture === false || texture === null) { value = texture; } sides.forEach(function(side) { scope.faces[side].texture = value }) if (selected.indexOf(this) === 0) { main_uv.loadData() } if (!Prop.wireframe && scope.visibility == true) { Canvas.adaptObjectFaces(scope) Canvas.updateUV(scope) } } mapAutoUV() { if (Blockbench.box_uv) return; var scope = this; var pw = Project.texture_width; var ph = Project.texture_height; if (scope.autouv === 2) { //Relative UV function gt(n) { return (n+16)%16 } var all_faces = ['north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'up', 'down'] all_faces.forEach(function(side) { var uv = scope.faces[side].uv.slice() var texture = scope.faces[side] switch (side) { case 'north': uv = [ pw -[0], ph -[1], pw - scope.from[0], ph - scope.from[1], ]; break; case 'south': uv = [ scope.from[0], ph -[1],[0], ph - scope.from[1], ]; break; case 'west': uv = [ scope.from[2], ph -[1],[2], ph - scope.from[1], ]; break; case 'east': uv = [ pw -[2], ph -[1], pw - scope.from[2], ph - scope.from[1], ]; break; case 'up': uv = [ scope.from[0], scope.from[2],[0],[2], ]; break; case 'down': uv = [ scope.from[0], ph -[2],[0], ph - scope.from[2], ]; break; } //var fr_u = 16 / Project.texture_width; //var fr_v = 16 / Project.texture_height; //uv.forEach(function(s, uvi) { // s *= (uvi%2 ? fr_v : fr_u); // uv[uvi] = limitNumber(s, 0, 16) //}) scope.faces[side].uv = uv }) Canvas.updateUV(scope) } else if (scope.autouv === 1) { function calcAutoUV(face, size) { var sx = scope.faces[face].uv[0] var sy = scope.faces[face].uv[1] var rot = scope.faces[face].rotation //Match To Rotation if (rot === 90 || rot === 270) { size.reverse() } //size[0] *= 16/Project.texture_width; //size[1] *= 16/Project.texture_height; //Limit Input to 16 size[0] = Math.clamp(size[0], -Project.texture_width, Project.texture_width) size[1] = Math.clamp(size[1], -Project.texture_height, Project.texture_height) //Calculate End Points var x = sx + size[0] var y = sy + size[1] //Prevent Over 16 if (x > Project.texture_width) { sx = Project.texture_width - (x - sx) x = Project.texture_width } if (y > Project.texture_height) { sy = Project.texture_height - (y - sy) y = Project.texture_height } //Prevent Negative if (sx < 0) sx = 0 if (sy < 0) sy = 0 //Prevent Mirroring if (x < sx) x = sx if (y < sy) y = sy //Return return [sx, sy, x, y] } scope.faces.north.uv = calcAutoUV('north', [scope.size(0), scope.size(1)]) scope.faces.east.uv = calcAutoUV('east', [scope.size(2), scope.size(1)]) scope.faces.south.uv = calcAutoUV('south', [scope.size(0), scope.size(1)]) scope.faces.west.uv = calcAutoUV('west', [scope.size(2), scope.size(1)]) scope.faces.up.uv = calcAutoUV('up', [scope.size(0), scope.size(2)]) scope.faces.down.uv = calcAutoUV('down', [scope.size(0), scope.size(2)]) Canvas.updateUV(scope) } } move(val, axis, move_origin) { var size = this.size(axis); val+= this.from[axis]; var in_box = val; val = limitToBox(limitToBox(val, -this.inflate) + size, this.inflate) - size; in_box = Math.abs(in_box - val) < 1e-4; val -= this.from[axis]; //Move if (Blockbench.globalMovement && Format.bone_rig && !move_origin) { var m = new THREE.Vector3(); m[getAxisLetter(axis)] = val; var rotation = new THREE.Quaternion(); this.mesh.getWorldQuaternion(rotation); m.applyQuaternion(rotation.inverse()); this.from.V3_add(m.x, m.y, m.z);, m.y, m.z); } else {[axis] += val; this.from[axis] += val; } //Origin if (Blockbench.globalMovement && move_origin) { this.origin[axis] += val; } this.mapAutoUV() Canvas.adaptObjectPosition(this); TickUpdates.selection = true; return in_box; } moveVector(arr, axis) { if (typeof arr == 'number') { var n = arr; arr = [0, 0, 0]; arr[axis||0] = n; } else if (arr instanceof THREE.Vector3) { arr = arr.toArray(); } var scope = this; var in_box = true; arr.forEach((val, i) => { var size = scope.size(i); val += scope.from[i]; var val_before = val; val = limitToBox(limitToBox(val, -scope.inflate) + size, scope.inflate) - size if (Math.abs(val_before - val) >= 1e-4) in_box = false; val -= scope.from[i] scope.from[i] += val;[i] += val; }) this.mapAutoUV() Canvas.adaptObjectPosition(this); TickUpdates.selection = true; return in_box; } resize(val, axis, negative, allow_negative) { var before = this.oldScale != undefined ? this.oldScale : this.size(axis); var modify = val instanceof Function ? val : n => (n+val) if (!negative) { var pos = limitToBox(this.from[axis] + modify(before), this.inflate); if (Format.integer_size && Project.box_uv) { pos = Math.round(pos); } if (pos >= this.from[axis] || settings.negative_size.value || allow_negative) {[axis] = pos; } else {[axis] = this.from[axis]; } } else { var pos = limitToBox([axis] + modify(-before), this.inflate); if (pos <=[axis] || settings.negative_size.value || allow_negative) { this.from[axis] = pos; } else { this.from[axis] =[axis]; } } this.mapAutoUV(); if (Project.box_uv) { Canvas.updateUV(this); } Canvas.adaptObjectPosition(this); TickUpdates.selection = true; return this; } } Cube.prototype.title = tl('data.cube'); Cube.prototype.type = 'cube'; Cube.prototype.icon = 'fa fa-cube'; Cube.prototype.movable = true; Cube.prototype.resizable = true; Cube.prototype.rotatable = true; Cube.prototype.needsUniqueName = false; = new Menu([ 'copy', 'duplicate', 'rename', 'update_autouv', {name: 'menu.cube.color', icon: 'color_lens', children: [ {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[0].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[0].name, click: function(cube) {cube.forSelected(function(obj){obj.setColor(0)}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[1].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[1].name, click: function(cube) {cube.forSelected(function(obj){obj.setColor(1)}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[2].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[2].name, click: function(cube) {cube.forSelected(function(obj){obj.setColor(2)}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[3].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[3].name, click: function(cube) {cube.forSelected(function(obj){obj.setColor(3)}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[4].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[4].name, click: function(cube) {cube.forSelected(function(obj){obj.setColor(4)}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[5].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[5].name, click: function(cube) {cube.forSelected(function(obj){obj.setColor(5)}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[6].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[6].name, click: function(cube) {cube.forSelected(function(obj){obj.setColor(6)}, 'change color')}}, {icon: 'bubble_chart', color: markerColors[7].standard, name: 'cube.color.'+markerColors[7].name, click: function(cube) {cube.forSelected(function(obj){obj.setColor(7)}, 'change color')}} ]}, {name: 'menu.cube.texture', icon: 'collections', condition: () => !Project.single_texture, children: function() { var arr = [ {icon: 'crop_square', name: 'menu.cube.texture.blank', click: function(cube) { cube.forSelected(function(obj) { obj.applyTexture(false, true) }, 'texture blank') }}, {icon: 'clear', name: 'menu.cube.texture.transparent', click: function(cube) { cube.forSelected(function(obj) { obj.applyTexture(null, true) }, 'texture transparent') }} ] textures.forEach(function(t) { arr.push({ name:, icon: (t.mode === 'link' ? t.img : t.source), click: function(cube) { cube.forSelected(function(obj) { obj.applyTexture(t, true) }, 'apply texture') } }) }) return arr; }}, 'toggle_visibility', 'delete' ]); Cube.prototype.buttons = [ Outliner.buttons.remove, Outliner.buttons.visibility, Outliner.buttons.export, Outliner.buttons.shading, Outliner.buttons.autouv ]; Cube.selected = []; Cube.all = []; BARS.defineActions(function() { new Action({ id: 'add_cube', icon: 'add_box', category: 'edit', keybind: new Keybind({key: 78, ctrl: true}), condition: () => Modes.edit, click: function () { Undo.initEdit({outliner: true, elements: [], selection: true}); var base_cube = new Cube({ autouv: (settings.autouv.value ? 1 : 0) }).init() var group = getCurrentGroup(); base_cube.addTo(group) if (textures.length && Format.single_texture) { for (var face in base_cube.faces) { base_cube.faces[face].texture = textures[0].uuid } main_uv.loadData() } if (Format.bone_rig) { if (group) { var pos1 = group.origin.slice() base_cube.extend({ from:[ pos1[0]-0, pos1[1]-0, pos1[2]-0 ], to:[ pos1[0]+1, pos1[1]+1, pos1[2]+1 ], origin: pos1.slice() }) } } if (Group.selected) Group.selected.unselect() Canvas.updateSelected() loadOutlinerDraggable() Undo.finishEdit('add_cube', {outliner: true, elements: selected, selection: true}); Blockbench.dispatchEvent( 'add_cube', {object: base_cube} ) Vue.nextTick(function() { updateSelection() if (settings.create_rename.value) { base_cube.rename() } }) return base_cube } }) })