(function() { function buildForm(dialog) { let dialog_content = $(dialog.object).find('.dialog_content') for (let form_id in dialog.form) { let data = dialog.form[form_id] form_id = form_id.replace(/"/g, ''); if (data === '_') { dialog_content.append('
') } else { let bar = $(`
`) let label; if (typeof data.label == 'string') { label = Interface.createElement('label', {class: 'name_space_left', for: form_id}, tl(data.label)+((data.nocolon || !data.label)?'':':')) bar.append(label); if (!data.full_width && data.condition !== false) { dialog.max_label_width = Math.max(getStringWidth(label.textContent), dialog.max_label_width) } } if (data.full_width) { bar.addClass('full_width_dialog_bar'); dialog.uses_wide_inputs = true; } if (data.description) { bar.attr('title', tl(data.description)) } let input_element; if (['checkbox', 'buttons', 'color', 'info'].includes(data.type) == false) { dialog.uses_wide_inputs = true; } switch (data.type) { default: input_element = Object.assign(document.createElement('input'), { type: 'text', className: 'dark_bordered half focusable_input', id: form_id, value: data.value||'', placeholder: data.placeholder||'', oninput() { dialog.updateFormValues() } }); bar.append(input_element) if (data.list) { let list_id = `${dialog.id}_${form_id}_list`; input_element.setAttribute('list', list_id); let list = $(``); for (let value of data.list) { let node = document.createElement('option'); node.value = value; list.append(node); } bar.append(list); } if (data.type == 'password') { bar.append(`
`) input_element.type = 'password'; let hidden = true; let this_bar = bar; let this_input_element = input_element; this_bar.find('.password_toggle').on('click', e => { hidden = !hidden; this_input_element.attributes.type.value = hidden ? 'password' : 'text'; this_bar.find('.password_toggle i')[0].className = hidden ? 'fas fa-eye-slash' : 'fas fa-eye'; }) } if (data.share_text && data.value) { let text = data.value.toString(); let is_url = text.startsWith('https://'); let copy_button = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'form_input_tool tool', title: tl('dialog.copy_to_clipboard')}, Blockbench.getIconNode('content_paste')); copy_button.addEventListener('click', e => { if (isApp || navigator.clipboard) { Clipbench.setText(text); Blockbench.showQuickMessage('dialog.copied_to_clipboard'); input_element.focus(); document.execCommand('selectAll'); } else if (is_url) { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ title: 'dialog.share_model.title', message: `[${text}](${text})`, }) } }); bar.append(copy_button); if (is_url) { let open_button = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'form_input_tool tool', title: tl('dialog.open_url')}, Blockbench.getIconNode('open_in_browser')); open_button.addEventListener('click', e => { Blockbench.openLink(text); }); bar.append(open_button); } if (navigator.share) { let share_button = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'form_input_tool tool', title: tl('generic.share')}, Blockbench.getIconNode('share')); share_button.addEventListener('click', e => { navigator.share({ label: data.label ? tl(data.label) : 'Share', [is_url ? 'url' : 'text']: text }); }); bar.append(share_button); } } break; case 'textarea': input_element = Object.assign(document.createElement('textarea'), { className: 'focusable_input', id: form_id, value: data.value||'', placeholder: data.placeholder||'', oninput() { dialog.updateFormValues() } }); input_element.style.height = (data.height || 150) + 'px'; bar.append(input_element) break; case 'select': let select_input = new Interface.CustomElements.SelectInput(form_id, { options: data.options, value: data.value || data.default, onInput() { dialog.updateFormValues(); } }); data.select_input = select_input; bar.append(select_input.node) break; case 'inline_select': let options = []; let val = data.value || data.default; let i = 0; let wrapper; for (let key in data.options) { let is_selected = val ? key == val : i == 0; let text = data.options[key].name || data.options[key]; let node = Interface.createElement('li', {class: is_selected ? 'selected' : '', key: key}, tl(text)); node.onclick = event => { options.forEach(li => { li.classList.toggle('selected', li == node); }) dialog.updateFormValues(); } options.push(node); i++; } wrapper = Interface.createElement('ul', {class: 'form_inline_select'}, options); bar.append(wrapper) break; case 'radio': let el = $(`
`) for (let key in data.options) { let name = tl(data.options[key]) el.append(`
`) input_element = el.find(`input#${key}`); input_element.on('change', () => { dialog.updateFormValues() }) } bar.append(el) break; case 'info': data.text = pureMarked(tl(data.text)) bar.append(`


`) bar.addClass('small_text') break; case 'buttons': let list = document.createElement('div'); list.className = 'dialog_form_buttons'; data.buttons.forEach((button_text, index) => { let button = document.createElement('a'); button.innerText = tl(button_text); button.addEventListener('click', e => { data.click(index, e); }) list.append(button); }) bar.append(list); break; case 'number': let numeric_input = new Interface.CustomElements.NumericInput(form_id, { value: data.value, min: data.min, max: data.max, step: data.step, onChange() { dialog.updateFormValues() } }); bar.append(numeric_input.node) break; case 'range': input_element = $(``) bar.append(input_element) if (!data.editable_range_label) { let display = Interface.createElement('span', {class: 'range_input_label'}, (data.value||0).toString()) bar.append(display); input_element.on('input', () => { let result = dialog.getFormResult(); display.textContent = trimFloatNumber(result[form_id]); }) } else { bar.addClass('slider_input_combo'); let numeric_input = new Interface.CustomElements.NumericInput(form_id + '_number', { value: data.value ?? 0, min: data.min, max: data.max, step: data.step, onChange() { input_element.val(numeric_input.value); dialog.updateFormValues(); } }); bar.append(numeric_input.node); input_element.on('input', () => { let result = parseFloat(input_element.val()); numeric_input.value = result; }) } input_element.on('input', () => { dialog.updateFormValues(); }) break; case 'vector': let group = $(`
`) bar.append(group) for (let i = 0; i < (data.dimensions || 3); i++) { let numeric_input = new Interface.CustomElements.NumericInput(form_id + '_' + i, { value: data.value ? data.value[i] : 0, min: data.min, max: data.max, step: data.step, onChange() { dialog.updateFormValues() } }); group.append(numeric_input.node) } break; case 'color': if (!data.colorpicker) { data.colorpicker = new ColorPicker({ id: 'cp_'+form_id, name: tl(data.label), label: false, private: true, value: data.value }) } data.colorpicker.onChange = function() { dialog.updateFormValues() }; bar.append(data.colorpicker.getNode()) break; case 'checkbox': input_element = $(``) bar.append(input_element) input_element.on('change', () => { dialog.updateFormValues() }) break; case 'file': case 'folder': case 'save': if (data.type == 'folder' && !isApp) break; let input = $(``); input[0].value = settings.streamer_mode.value ? `[${tl('generic.redacted')}]` : data.value || ''; let input_wrapper = $('
'); input_wrapper.append(input); bar.append(input_wrapper); bar.addClass('form_bar_file'); switch (data.type) { case 'file': input_wrapper.append('insert_drive_file'); break; case 'folder': input_wrapper.append('folder'); break; case 'save': input_wrapper.append('save'); break; } let remove_button = $('
'); bar.append(remove_button); remove_button.on('click', e => { e.stopPropagation(); data.value = ''; delete data.content; delete data.file; input.val(''); }) input_wrapper.on('click', e => { function fileCB(files) { data.value = files[0].path; data.content = files[0].content; data.file = files[0]; input.val(settings.streamer_mode.value ? `[${tl('generic.redacted')}]` : data.value); dialog.updateFormValues() } switch (data.type) { case 'file': Blockbench.import({ resource_id: data.resource_id, extensions: data.extensions, type: data.filetype, startpath: data.value, readtype: data.readtype }, fileCB); break; case 'folder': let path = Blockbench.pickDirectory({ startpath: data.value, }) if (path) fileCB([{path}]); break; case 'save': Blockbench.export({ resource_id: data.resource_id, extensions: data.extensions, type: data.filetype, startpath: data.value, custom_writer: () => {}, }, path => { data.value = path; input.val(settings.streamer_mode.value ? `[${tl('generic.redacted')}]` : data.value); dialog.updateFormValues() }); break; } }) } if (data.readonly) { bar.find('input').attr('readonly', 'readonly').removeClass('focusable_input') } if (data.description) { let icon = document.createElement('i'); icon.className = 'fa fa-question dialog_form_description'; icon.onclick = function() { Blockbench.showQuickMessage(data.description, 3600); } bar.append(icon); } if (data.toggle_enabled) { let toggle = Interface.createElement('input', { type: 'checkbox', class: 'focusable_input form_input_toggle', id: form_id + '_toggle', }) toggle.checked = data.toggle_default != false; bar.append(toggle); bar.toggleClass('form_toggle_disabled', !toggle.checked); toggle.addEventListener('input', () => { dialog.updateFormValues(); bar.toggleClass('form_toggle_disabled', !toggle.checked); }); data.input_toggle = toggle; } dialog_content.append(bar) data.bar = bar; } } dialog.updateFormValues(true) } function buildLines(dialog) { let dialog_content = $(dialog.object).find('.dialog_content') dialog.lines.forEach(l => { if (typeof l === 'object' && (l.label || l.widget)) { let bar = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'dialog_bar'}); if (l.label) { label = Interface.createElement('label', {class: 'name_space_left'}, tl(l.label)+(l.nocolon?'':':')) bar.append(label); dialog.max_label_width = Math.max(getStringWidth(label.textContent), dialog.max_label_width) } if (l.node) { bar.append(l.node) } else if (l.widget) { let widget = l.widget if (typeof l.widget === 'string') { widget = BarItems[l.widget] } else if (typeof l.widget === 'function') { widget = l.widget() } bar.append(widget.getNode()) dialog.max_label_width = Math.max(getStringWidth(widget.name), dialog.max_label_width) } dialog.uses_wide_inputs = true; dialog_content.append(bar); } else { dialog_content.append(l); } }) } function buildComponent(dialog) { let dialog_content = $(dialog.object).find('.dialog_content').get(0); let mount; // mount_directly, if enabled, skips one layer of wrapper. Class "dialog_content" must be added the the root element of the vue component. if (dialog.component.mount_directly) { mount = dialog_content; } else { mount = Interface.createElement('div'); dialog_content.append(mount); } dialog.component.name = 'dialog-content' dialog.content_vue = new Vue(dialog.component).$mount(mount); } function getStringWidth(string, size) { let node = Interface.createElement('label', {style: 'position: absolute; visibility: hidden;'}, string); if (size && size !== 16) { node.style.fontSize = size + 'pt'; } document.body.append(node); let width = node.clientWidth; node.remove(); return width + 1; }; const toggle_sidebar = window.innerWidth < 640; class DialogSidebar { constructor(options, dialog) { this.open = !toggle_sidebar; this.pages = options.pages || {}; this.page = options.page || Object.keys(this.pages)[0]; this.actions = options.actions || {}; this.dialog = dialog; this.onPageSwitch = options.onPageSwitch || null; } build() { this.node = document.createElement('div'); this.node.className = 'dialog_sidebar'; let page_list = document.createElement('ul'); page_list.className = 'dialog_sidebar_pages'; this.node.append(page_list); this.page_menu = {}; for (let key in this.pages) { let li = document.createElement('li'); let page = this.pages[key]; if (typeof page == 'object' && page.icon) { li.append(Blockbench.getIconNode(page.icon, page.color)); } li.append(typeof page == 'string' ? tl(page) : tl(page.label)); li.setAttribute('page', key); if (this.page == key) li.classList.add('selected'); this.page_menu[key] = li; li.addEventListener('click', event => { this.setPage(key); if (toggle_sidebar) this.toggle(); }) page_list.append(li); } if (this.actions.length) { let action_list = document.createElement('ul'); action_list.className = 'dialog_sidebar_actions'; this.node.append(action_list); this.actions.forEach(action => { if (typeof action == 'string') { action = BarItems[action]; } let copy; if (action instanceof Action) { copy = action.menu_node.cloneNode(true); copy.addEventListener('click', event => { action.trigger(event); }) } else { copy = document.createElement('li'); copy.title = action.description ? tl(action.description) : ''; let icon = Blockbench.getIconNode(action.icon, action.color); let span = document.createElement('span'); span.textContent = tl(action.name); copy.append(icon); copy.append(span); copy.addEventListener('click', event => { action.click(event); }) } action_list.append(copy); }) } this.toggle(this.open); this.dialog.object.querySelector('div.dialog_wrapper').append(this.node); return this.node; } toggle(state = !this.open) { this.open = state; if (this.node.parentElement) { this.node.parentElement.classList.toggle('has_sidebar', this.open); } } setPage(page) { let allow; if (this.onPageSwitch) allow = this.onPageSwitch(page); if (allow === false) return; this.page = page; for (let key in this.page_menu) { let li = this.page_menu[key]; li.classList.toggle('selected', key == this.page); } } } window.Dialog = class Dialog { constructor(id, options) { if (typeof id == 'object') { options = id; id = options.id; } this.id = id; this.title = options.title || options.name; this.lines = options.lines this.form = options.form this.component = options.component this.part_order = options.part_order || (options.form_first ? ['form', 'lines', 'component'] : ['lines', 'form', 'component']) this.sidebar = options.sidebar ? new DialogSidebar(options.sidebar, this) : null; this.title_menu = options.title_menu || null; if (options.progress_bar) { this.progress_bar = { setProgress: (progress) => { this.progress_bar.progress = progress; if (this.progress_bar.node) { this.progress_bar.node.style.setProperty('--progress', progress); } }, progress: options.progress_bar.progress ?? 0, node: null } } this.width = options.width this.draggable = options.draggable this.resizable = options.resizable === true ? 'xy' : options.resizable; this.darken = options.darken !== false this.cancel_on_click_outside = options.cancel_on_click_outside !== false this.singleButton = options.singleButton this.buttons = options.buttons instanceof Array ? options.buttons : (options.singleButton ? ['dialog.close'] : ['dialog.confirm', 'dialog.cancel']) this.form_first = options.form_first; this.confirmIndex = options.confirmIndex||0; this.cancelIndex = options.cancelIndex !== undefined ? options.cancelIndex : this.buttons.length-1; this.keyboard_actions = options.keyboard_actions || {}; this.onConfirm = options.onConfirm; this.onCancel = options.onCancel; this.onButton = options.onButton || options.onClose; this.onFormChange = options.onFormChange; this.onOpen = options.onOpen; this.onBuild = options.onBuild; this.object; } confirm(event) { this.close(this.confirmIndex, event); } cancel(event) { this.close(this.cancelIndex, event); } updateFormValues(initial) { let form_result = this.getFormResult(); for (let form_id in this.form) { let data = this.form[form_id]; if (typeof data == 'object' && data.bar) { let show = Condition(data.condition, form_result); data.bar.toggle(show); } } if (!initial && typeof this.onFormChange == 'function') { this.onFormChange(form_result) } return form_result; } setFormValues(values, update = true) { for (let form_id in this.form) { let data = this.form[form_id]; if (values[form_id] != undefined && typeof data == 'object' && data.bar) { let value = values[form_id]; switch (data.type) { default: data.bar.find('input').val(value); break; case 'info': break; case 'textarea': data.bar.find('textarea').val(value); break; case 'select': data.select_input.set(value); break; case 'inline_select': data.bar.find('li').each((i, el) => { el.classList.toggle('selected', el.getAttribute('key') == value); }) break; case 'radio': data.bar.find('.form_part_radio input#'+value).prop('checked', value); break; case 'number': case 'range': data.bar.find('input').val(value); break; case 'vector': for (let i = 0; i < (data.dimensions || 3); i++) { data.bar.find(`input#${form_id}_${i}`).val(value[i]) } break; case 'color': data.colorpicker.set(value); break; case 'checkbox': data.bar.find('input').prop('checked', value); break; case 'file': delete data.file; if (data.return_as == 'file' && typeof value == 'object') { data.file = value; data.value = data.file.name; } else if (isApp) { data.value = value; } else { data.content = value; } data.bar.find('input').val(settings.streamer_mode.value ? `[${tl('generic.redacted')}]` : data.value); break; } } } if (update) this.updateFormValues(); } setFormToggles(values, update = true) { for (let form_id in this.form) { let data = this.form[form_id]; if (values[form_id] != undefined && typeof data == 'object' && data.input_toggle && data.bar) { data.input_toggle.checked = values[form_id]; data.bar.toggleClass('form_toggle_disabled', !data.input_toggle.checked); } } if (update) this.updateFormValues(); } getFormResult() { let result = {} if (this.form) { for (let form_id in this.form) { let data = this.form[form_id]; if (data && data.input_toggle && data.input_toggle.checked == false) continue; if (typeof data === 'object') { switch (data.type) { default: result[form_id] = data.bar.find('input#'+form_id).val() break; case 'info': break; case 'textarea': result[form_id] = data.bar.find('textarea#'+form_id).val() break; case 'select': result[form_id] = data.bar.find('bb-select#'+form_id).attr('value'); break; case 'inline_select': result[form_id] = data.bar.find('li.selected')[0]?.getAttribute('key') || ''; break; case 'radio': result[form_id] = data.bar.find('.form_part_radio#'+form_id+' input:checked').attr('id') break; case 'number': result[form_id] = Math.clamp(parseFloat(data.bar.find('input#'+form_id).val())||0, data.min, data.max) if (data.force_step && data.step) { result[form_id] = Math.round(result[form_id] / data.step) * data.step; } break; case 'range': if (data.editable_range_label) { result[form_id] = Math.clamp(parseFloat(data.bar.find('input#'+form_id+'_number').val())||0, data.min, data.max); } else { result[form_id] = Math.clamp(parseFloat(data.bar.find('input#'+form_id).val())||0, data.min, data.max); } if (data.force_step && data.step) { result[form_id] = Math.round(result[form_id] / data.step) * data.step; } break; case 'vector': result[form_id] = []; for (let i = 0; i < (data.dimensions || 3); i++) { let num = Math.clamp(parseFloat(data.bar.find(`input#${form_id}_${i}`).val())||0, data.min, data.max) if (data.force_step && data.step) { num = Math.round(num / data.step) * data.step; } result[form_id].push(num) } break; case 'color': result[form_id] = data.colorpicker.get(); break; case 'checkbox': result[form_id] = data.bar.find('input#'+form_id).is(':checked') break; case 'file': if (data.return_as == 'file') { result[form_id] = data.file; } else { result[form_id] = isApp ? data.value : data.content; } break; } } } } return result; } close(button, event) { if (button == this.confirmIndex && typeof this.onConfirm == 'function') { let formResult = this.getFormResult(); let result = this.onConfirm(formResult, event); if (result === false) return; } if (button == this.cancelIndex && typeof this.onCancel == 'function') { let result = this.onCancel(event); if (result === false) return; } if (typeof this.onButton == 'function') { let result = this.onButton(button, event); if (result === false) return; } this.hide(); } build() { if (this.object) this.object.remove(); this.object = document.createElement('dialog'); this.object.className = 'dialog'; this.object.id = this.id; let handle = document.createElement('div'); handle.className = 'dialog_handle'; this.object.append(handle); if (this.title_menu) { let menu_button = document.createElement('div'); menu_button.className = 'dialog_menu_button'; menu_button.append(Blockbench.getIconNode('expand_more')); menu_button.addEventListener('click', event => { this.title_menu.show(menu_button); }) handle.append(menu_button); } let title = document.createElement('div'); title.className = 'dialog_title'; title.textContent = tl(this.title); handle.append(title); let jq_dialog = $(this.object); this.max_label_width = 140; this.uses_wide_inputs = false; let wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.className = 'dialog_wrapper'; let content = document.createElement('content'); content.className = 'dialog_content'; this.object.append(wrapper); if (this.sidebar) { if (window.innerWidth < 920) { let menu_button = document.createElement('div'); menu_button.className = 'dialog_sidebar_menu_button'; menu_button.append(Blockbench.getIconNode('menu')); menu_button.addEventListener('click', event => { this.sidebar.toggle(); }) handle.prepend(menu_button); } this.sidebar.build(); wrapper.classList.toggle('has_sidebar', this.sidebar.open); } wrapper.append(content); this.part_order.forEach(part => { if (part == 'form' && this.form) buildForm(this); if (part == 'lines' && this.lines) buildLines(this); if (part == 'component' && this.component) buildComponent(this); }) if (this.max_label_width) { let width = (this.width||540) let max_width = this.uses_wide_inputs ? Math.clamp(this.max_label_width+9, 0, width/2) : Math.clamp(this.max_label_width+16, 0, width - 100); this.object.style.setProperty('--max_label_width', max_width + 'px'); } if (this.progress_bar) { this.progress_bar.node = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'progress_bar'}, Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'progress_bar_inner'}) ) this.progress_bar.setProgress(this.progress_bar.progress); this.object.querySelector('content.dialog_content').append(this.progress_bar.node); } if (this.buttons.length) { let buttons = [] this.buttons.forEach((b, i) => { let btn = Interface.createElement('button', {type: 'button'}, tl(b)); buttons.push(btn); btn.addEventListener('click', (event) => { this.close(i, event); }) }) buttons[this.confirmIndex] && buttons[this.confirmIndex].classList.add('confirm_btn') buttons[this.cancelIndex] && buttons[this.cancelIndex].classList.add('cancel_btn') let button_bar = $('
'); buttons.forEach((button, i) => { button_bar.append(button) }) wrapper.append(button_bar[0]); } let close_button = document.createElement('div'); close_button.classList.add('dialog_close_button'); close_button.innerHTML = 'clear'; jq_dialog.append(close_button); close_button.addEventListener('click', (e) => { this.cancel(); }) //Draggable if (this.draggable !== false) { jq_dialog.addClass('draggable') jq_dialog.draggable({ handle: ".dialog_handle", containment: '#page_wrapper' }) jq_dialog.css('position', 'absolute') } if (this.resizable) { this.object.classList.add('resizable') let resize_handle = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'dialog_resize_handle'}); jq_dialog.append(resize_handle); if (this.resizable == 'x') { resize_handle.style.cursor = 'e-resize'; } else if (this.resizable == 'y') { resize_handle.style.cursor = 's-resize'; } addEventListeners(resize_handle, 'mousedown touchstart', e1 => { convertTouchEvent(e1); resize_handle.classList.add('dragging'); let start_position = [e1.clientX, e1.clientY]; if (!this.width) this.width = this.object.clientWidth; let original_width = this.width; let original_left = parseFloat(this.object.style.left); let original_height = parseFloat(this.object.style.height) || this.object.clientHeight; let move = e2 => { convertTouchEvent(e2); if (this.resizable.includes('x')) { let x_offset = (e2.clientX - start_position[0]); this.width = original_width + x_offset * 2; this.object.style.width = this.width+'px'; if (this.draggable !== false) { this.object.style.left = Math.clamp(original_left - (this.object.clientWidth - original_width) / 2, 0, window.innerWidth) + 'px'; } } if (this.resizable.includes('y')) { let y_offset = (e2.clientY - start_position[1]); let height = Math.clamp(original_height + y_offset, 80, window.innerHeight); this.object.style.height = height+'px'; } } let stop = e2 => { removeEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', move); removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', stop); resize_handle.classList.remove('dragging'); } addEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', move); addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', stop); }) } let sanitizePosition = () => { if (this.object.clientHeight + this.object.offsetTop - 26 > Interface.page_wrapper.clientHeight) { this.object.style.top = Math.max(Interface.page_wrapper.clientHeight - this.object.clientHeight + 26, 26) + 'px'; } } sanitizePosition(); this.resize_observer = new ResizeObserver(sanitizePosition).observe(this.object); if (typeof this.onBuild == 'function') { this.onBuild(this.object); } return this; } show() { // Hide previous if (window.open_interface && open_interface instanceof Dialog == false && typeof open_interface.hide == 'function') { open_interface.hide(); } if (!this.object) { this.build(); } let jq_dialog = $(this.object); document.getElementById('dialog_wrapper').append(this.object); if (this instanceof ShapelessDialog === false) { this.object.style.display = 'flex'; this.object.style.top = limitNumber(window.innerHeight/2-this.object.clientHeight/2, 0, 100)+'px'; if (this.width) { this.object.style.width = this.width+'px'; } if (this.draggable !== false) { let x = Math.clamp((window.innerWidth-this.object.clientWidth)/2, 0, 2000) this.object.style.left = x+'px'; } } if (!Blockbench.isTouch) { let first_focus = jq_dialog.find('.focusable_input').first(); if (first_focus) first_focus.trigger('focus'); } if (typeof this.onOpen == 'function') { this.onOpen(); } this.focus(); setTimeout(() => { this.object.style.setProperty('--dialog-height', this.object.clientHeight + 'px'); this.object.style.setProperty('--dialog-width', this.object.clientWidth + 'px'); }, 1); return this; } focus() { Dialog.stack.remove(this); let blackout = document.getElementById('blackout'); blackout.style.display = 'block'; blackout.classList.toggle('darken', this.darken); blackout.style.zIndex = 20 + Dialog.stack.length * 2; this.object.style.zIndex = 21 + Dialog.stack.length * 2; Prop._previous_active_panel = Prop.active_panel; Prop.active_panel = 'dialog'; open_dialog = this.id; open_interface = this; Dialog.open = this; Dialog.stack.push(this); } hide() { $('#blackout').hide().toggleClass('darken', true); $(this.object).hide(); open_dialog = false; open_interface = false; Dialog.open = null; Dialog.stack.remove(this); Prop.active_panel = Prop._previous_active_panel; $(this.object).detach(); if (Dialog.stack.length) { Dialog.stack.last().focus(); } return this; } delete() { $(this.object).remove() if (this.content_vue) { this.content_vue.$destroy(); delete this.content_vue; } } getFormBar(form_id) { var bar = $(this.object).find(`.form_bar_${form_id}`) if (bar.length) return bar; } } window.Dialog.stack = []; window.ShapelessDialog = class ShapelessDialog extends Dialog { constructor(id, options) { super(id, options); if (options.build) this.build = options.build; if (options.onClose) this.onClose = options.onClose; } close(button, event) { if (button == this.confirmIndex && typeof this.onConfirm == 'function') { let result = this.onConfirm(event); if (result === false) return; 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