var StartScreen; var ColorPanel; //Panels class ResizeLine { constructor(data) { var scope = this; = this.horizontal = data.horizontal === true this.position = data.position this.condition = data.condition this.width = 0; var jq = $('
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'px' : '') jq.css('bottom',data.bottom !== undefined ? data.bottom+'px' : '') jq.css('left', data.left !== undefined ? data.left+ 'px' : '') jq.css('right', data.right !== undefined ? data.right+ 'px' : '') if ( !== undefined) { jq.css('top','px') } if (data.bottom !== undefined && (!data.horizontal || === undefined)) { jq.css('bottom', data.bottom+'px') } if (data.left !== undefined) { jq.css('left', data.left+'px') } if (data.right !== undefined && (data.horizontal || data.left === undefined)) { jq.css('right', data.right+'px') } } } const Interface = { default_data: { left_bar_width: 366, right_bar_width: 314, quad_view_x: 50, quad_view_y: 50, timeline_height: 260, left_bar: ['uv', 'textures', 'display', 'animations', 'keyframe', 'variable_placeholders'], right_bar: ['element', 'bone', 'color', 'outliner', 'chat'] }, get left_bar_width() { return Prop.show_left_bar ? : 0; }, get right_bar_width() { return Prop.show_right_bar ? : 0; }, Resizers: { left: new ResizeLine({ id: 'left', condition: function() { if (!Prop.show_left_bar) return false; for (let p of { if (Interface.Panels[p] && BARS.condition(Interface.Panels[p].condition)) { return true; } } }, get: function() {return}, set: function(o, diff) { let min = 128; let calculated = limitNumber(o + diff, min, window.innerWidth- 120 - = Math.snapToValues(calculated, [Interface.default_data.left_bar_width], 16); if (calculated == min) { Prop.show_left_bar = false; = Interface.default_data.left_bar_width; } else { Prop.show_left_bar = true; } }, position: function(line) { line.setPosition({ top: 26, bottom: 0, left: }) } }), right: new ResizeLine({ id: 'right', condition: function() { if (!Prop.show_right_bar) return false; for (let p of { if (Interface.Panels[p] && BARS.condition(Interface.Panels[p].condition)) { return true; } } }, get: function() {return}, set: function(o, diff) { let min = 128; let calculated = limitNumber(o - diff, min, window.innerWidth- 120 -; = Math.snapToValues(calculated, [Interface.default_data.right_bar_width], 12); if (calculated == min) { Prop.show_right_bar = false; = Interface.default_data.right_bar_width; } else { Prop.show_right_bar = true; } }, position: function(line) { line.setPosition({ top: 56, bottom: 0, right: }) } }), quad_view_x: new ResizeLine({ id: 'quad_view_x', condition: function() {return quad_previews.enabled}, get: function() {return}, set: function(o, diff) { = limitNumber(o + diff/$('#preview').width()*100, 5, 95)}, position: function(line) { var p = document.getElementById('preview') line.setPosition({ top: 32, bottom: p ? window.innerHeight - (p.clientHeight + p.offsetTop) : 0, left: Interface.left_bar_width + $('#preview').width()* } )} }), quad_view_y: new ResizeLine({ id: 'quad_view_y', horizontal: true, condition: function() {return quad_previews.enabled}, get: function() {return}, set: function(o, diff) { = limitNumber(o + diff/$('#preview').height()*100, 5, 95) }, position: function(line) {line.setPosition({ left: Interface.left_bar_width+2, right: Interface.right_bar_width+2, top: $('#preview').offset().top + $('#preview').height()* })} }), timeline: new ResizeLine({ id: 'timeline', horizontal: true, condition: function() {return Modes.animate}, get: function() {return}, set: function(o, diff) { = limitNumber(o - diff, 150, document.body.clientHeight-120) }, position: function(line) {line.setPosition({ left: Interface.left_bar_width+2, right: Interface.right_bar_width+2, top: $('#timeline').offset().top })} }) }, status_bar: {}, Panels: {}, toggleSidebar(side) { let status = !Prop[`show_${side}_bar`]; Prop[`show_${side}_bar`] = status; resizeWindow(); } } Interface.panel_definers = [] Interface.definePanels = function(callback) { Interface.panel_definers.push(callback); } //Misc function unselectInterface(event) { if (open_menu && $('.contextMenu').find( === 0 && $('.menu_bar_point.opened:hover').length === 0) { open_menu.hide(); } if ( && $('#action_selector').find( === 0) { ActionControl.hide(); } if ($('input.cube_name:not([disabled])') === false && Blockbench.hasFlag('renaming')) { stopRenameOutliner() } } function setupInterface() { = $.extend(true, {}, Interface.default_data) var interface_data = localStorage.getItem('interface_data') try { interface_data = JSON.parse(interface_data) var old_data = if (interface_data.left_bar) = interface_data.left_bar; if (interface_data.right_bar) = interface_data.right_bar; $.extend(true,, interface_data) } catch (err) {} translateUI() $('.edit_session_active').hide() $('#center').toggleClass('checkerboard', settings.preview_checkerboard.value); setupPanels() if (Blockbench.isMobile && window.setupMobilePanelSelector) { setupMobilePanelSelector() } for (var key in Interface.Resizers) { var resizer = Interface.Resizers[key] $('#page_wrapper').append(resizer.node) } //$(document).contextmenu() //Tooltip Fix $(document).on('mouseenter', '.tool', function() { var tooltip = $(this).find('div.tooltip') if (!tooltip || typeof tooltip.offset() !== 'object') return; //Left if (tooltip.css('left') === '-4px') { tooltip.css('left', 'auto') } if (-tooltip.offset().left > 4) { tooltip.css('left', '-4px') } //Right if (tooltip.css('right') === '-4px') { tooltip.css('right', 'auto') } if ((tooltip.offset().left + tooltip.width()) - window.innerWidth > 4) { tooltip.css('right', '-4px') } else if ($(this).parent().css('position') == 'relative') { tooltip.css('right', '0') } }) //Clickbinds $('header' ).click(function() { setActivePanel('header' )}) $('#preview').click(function() { setActivePanel('preview' )}) $('#texture_list').click(function(){ unselectTextures() }) $('#timeline').mousedown((event) => { setActivePanel('timeline'); }) $(document).on('mousedown touchstart', unselectInterface) window.addEventListener('resize', resizeWindow); window.addEventListener('orientationchange', () => { setTimeout(resizeWindow, 100) }); $('.context_handler').on('click', function() { $(this).addClass('ctx') }) Interface.text_edit_menu = new Menu([ { id: 'copy', name: 'Copy', icon: 'fa-copy', click() { document.execCommand('copy'); } }, { id: 'paste', name: 'Paste', icon: 'fa-paste', click() { document.execCommand('paste'); } } ]) $(document).on('contextmenu', function(event) { if (!$('allow_default_menu')) { if ( === 'INPUT' && $(':focus')) {, } return false; } }) //Scrolling $('input[type="range"]').on('mousewheel', function () { var obj = $( var factor = event.deltaY > 0 ? -1 : 1 var val = parseFloat(obj.val()) + parseFloat(obj.attr('step')) * factor val = limitNumber(val, obj.attr('min'), obj.attr('max')) if (obj.attr('trigger_type')) { DisplayMode.scrollSlider(obj.attr('trigger_type'), val, obj) return; } obj.val(val) eval(obj.attr('oninput')) eval(obj.attr('onmouseup')) }) //Mousemove $(document).mousemove(function(event) { mouse_pos.x = event.clientX mouse_pos.y = event.clientY }) updateInterface() } function updateInterface() { BARS.updateConditions() MenuBar.update() resizeWindow() localStorage.setItem('interface_data', JSON.stringify( } function updateInterfacePanels() { if (!Blockbench.isMobile) { $('.sidebar#left_bar').css('display', Prop.show_left_bar ? 'flex' : 'none'); $('.sidebar#right_bar').css('display', Prop.show_right_bar ? 'flex' : 'none'); } let page = document.getElementById('page_wrapper'); 'grid-template-columns','px auto '+ +'px' ) for (var key in Interface.Panels) { var panel = Interface.Panels[key] panel.update() } var left_width = $('.sidebar#left_bar > .panel:visible').length ? Interface.left_bar_width : 0; var right_width = $('.sidebar#right_bar > .panel:visible').length ? Interface.right_bar_width : 0; if (!left_width || !right_width) { 'grid-template-columns', left_width+'px auto '+ right_width +'px' ) } $('.quad_canvas_wrapper.qcw_x').css('width','%') $('.quad_canvas_wrapper.qcw_y').css('height','%') $('.quad_canvas_wrapper:not(.qcw_x)').css('width', ('%') $('.quad_canvas_wrapper:not(.qcw_y)').css('height', ('%') $('#timeline').css('height','px') for (var key in Interface.Resizers) { var resizer = Interface.Resizers[key] resizer.update() } } function resizeWindow(event) { if (!Preview.all || (event && && !== window)) { return; } if ( { Timeline.updateSize() } if ( { updateInterfacePanels() } Preview.all.forEach(function(prev) { if (prev.canvas.isConnected) { prev.resize() } }) var dialog = $('dialog#'+open_dialog) if (dialog.length) { if (dialog.outerWidth() + dialog.offset().left > window.innerWidth) { dialog.css('left', limitNumber(window.innerWidth-dialog.outerWidth(), 0, 4e3) + 'px') } if (dialog.outerHeight() + dialog.offset().top > window.innerHeight) { dialog.css('top', limitNumber(window.innerHeight-dialog.outerHeight(), 0, 4e3) + 'px') } } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('resize_window', event); } function setProjectTitle(title) { if (Format.bone_rig && Project.geometry_name) { title = Project.geometry_name } if (title) { Prop.file_name = Prop.file_name_alt = title if (! { = title } if (Format.bone_rig) { title = title.replace(/^geometry\./,'').replace(/:[a-z0-9.]+/, '') } $('title').text(title+' - Blockbench') } else { Prop.file_name = Prop.file_name_alt = '' $('title').text('Blockbench') } } //Zoom function setZoomLevel(mode) { if (Prop.active_panel === 'uv') { var zoom = main_uv.zoom switch (mode) { case 'in': zoom *= 1.5; break; case 'out': zoom *= 0.66; break; case 'reset': zoom = 1; break; } zoom = limitNumber(zoom, 1, 4) main_uv.setZoom(zoom) } else if (Prop.active_panel == 'timeline') { let body = document.getElementById('timeline_body'); let offsetX = Timeline.vue.scroll_left + (body.clientWidth - Timeline.vue.head_width) / 2; if (mode == 'reset') { let original_size = Timeline.vue._data.size Timeline.vue._data.size = 200; body.scrollLeft += (Timeline.vue._data.size - original_size) * (offsetX / original_size) } else { let zoom = mode == 'in' ? 1.2 : 0.8; let original_size = Timeline.vue._data.size let updated_size = limitNumber(Timeline.vue._data.size * zoom, 10, 1000) Timeline.vue._data.size = updated_size; body.scrollLeft += (updated_size - original_size) * (offsetX / original_size) } } else { switch (mode) { case 'in': Preview.selected.controls.dollyIn(1.16); break; case 'out': Preview.selected.controls.dollyOut(1.16); break; } } } //Dialogs function showDialog(dialog) { var obj = $('.dialog#'+dialog) $('.dialog').hide() if (open_menu) { open_menu.hide() } $('#blackout').show() open_dialog = dialog open_interface = dialog Prop.active_panel = 'dialog' //Draggable if (obj.hasClass('draggable')) { obj.draggable({ handle: ".dialog_handle", containment: '#page_wrapper' }) var x = (window.innerWidth-obj.outerWidth()) / 2; var top = (window.innerHeight - obj.outerHeight()) / 2; obj.css('left', x+'px') obj.css('top', 'px') obj.css('max-height', (window.innerHeight-128)+'px') } } function hideDialog() { $('#blackout').hide() $('.dialog').hide() open_dialog = false; open_interface = false; Prop.active_panel = undefined } function setSettingsTab(tab) { $('#settings').removeClass('open') $('#settings .tab#'+tab).addClass('open') $('#settings .tab_content').addClass('hidden') $('#settings .tab_content#'+tab).removeClass('hidden') if (tab === 'keybindings') { //Keybinds $('#keybindlist').css('max-height', (window.innerHeight - 420) +'px') $('#keybind_search_bar').focus() } else if (tab === 'setting') { //Settings $('#settingslist').css('max-height', (window.innerHeight - 420) +'px') $('#settings_search_bar').focus() } else if (tab === 'layout_settings') { //Layout $('#theme_editor').css('max-height', (window.innerHeight - 420) +'px') if (!CustomTheme.dialog_is_setup) CustomTheme.setupDialog() } else if (tab == 'credits') { // About $('#version_tag').text(appVersion) if (isApp) { jQuery.ajax({ url: '', cache: false, type: 'GET', success(release) { let v = release.tag_name.replace(/^v/, ''); if (compareVersions(v, appVersion)) { $('#version_tag').text(`${appVersion} (${tl('about.version.update_available', [v])})`) } else if (compareVersions(appVersion, v)) { $('#version_tag').text(`${appVersion} (Pre-release)`) } else { $('#version_tag').text(`${appVersion} (${tl('about.version.up_to_date')}😄)`) } }, error(err) { } }) } } } function getStringWidth(string, size) { var a = $('') if (size && size !== 16) { a.css('font-size', size+'pt') } $('body').append(a.css('visibility', 'hidden')) var width = a.width() a.detach() return width; }; //UI Edit function setProgressBar(id, val, time) { if (!id || id === 'main') { Prop.progress = val } else { $('#'+id+' > .progress_bar_inner').animate({width: val*488}, time-1) } if (isApp) { currentwindow.setProgressBar(val) } } //Tooltip function showShiftTooltip() { $(':hover').find('.tooltip_shift').css('display', 'inline') } $(document).keyup(function(event) { if (event.which === 16) { $('.tooltip_shift').hide() } }) //Start Screen function addStartScreenSection(id, data) { if (typeof id == 'object') { data = id; id = ''; } var obj = $(`
`) if (typeof data.graphic === 'object') { var left = $('') obj.append(left) if (data.graphic.type === 'icon') { var icon = Blockbench.getIconNode(data.graphic.icon) $(icon).addClass('graphic_icon') left.append(icon) } else { left.css('background-image', `url('${data.graphic.source}')`) } if (data.graphic.width) { left.css('width', data.graphic.width+'px').css('flex-shrink', '0'); } if (data.graphic.width && data.graphic.height && Blockbench.isMobile) { left.css('height', '0') .css('padding-top', '0') .css('padding-bottom', (data.graphic.height/data.graphic.width*100)+'%') } else { if (data.graphic.height) left.css('height', data.graphic.height+'px'); if (data.graphic.width && !data.graphic.height) left.css('height', data.graphic.width+'px'); } } if (data.text instanceof Array) { var right = $('') obj.append(right) data.text.forEach(line => { var content = line.text ? marked(tl(line.text)) : ''; switch (line.type) { case 'h1': var tag = 'h3'; break; case 'h2': var tag = 'h4'; break; case 'list': var tag = 'ul class="list_style"'; line.list.forEach(string => { content += `
  • ${marked(tl(string))}
  • `; }) break; case 'button': var tag = 'button'; break; default: var tag = 'p'; break; } var l = $(`<${tag}>${content}`); if (typeof == 'function') {; } right.append(l); }) } if (data.closable !== false) { obj.append(`clear`); obj.find('i.start_screen_close_button').click((e) => { obj.detach() }); } if (data.color) { obj.css('background-color', data.color); if (data.color == 'var(--color-bright_ui)') { obj.addClass('bright_ui') } } if (data.text_color) { obj.css('color', data.text_color); } if (data.last) { $('#start_screen content').append(obj); } else { $('#start_screen content').prepend(obj); } } (function() { var news_call = $.getJSON('') Promise.all([news_call, documentReady]).then((data) => { if (!data || !data[0]) return; data = data[0]; //Update Screen if (Blockbench.hasFlag('after_update') && data.new_version) { addStartScreenSection(data.new_version) } if (data.psa) { (function() { if (typeof data.psa.version == 'string') { if (data.psa.version.includes('-')) { limits = data.psa.version.split('-'); if (limits[0] && compareVersions(limits[0], Blockbench.version)) return; if (limits[1] && compareVersions(Blockbench.version, limits[1])) return; } else { if (data.psa.version != Blockbench.version) return; } } addStartScreenSection(data.psa) })() } }) documentReady.then(() => { Blockbench.startup_count = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('startups')||0) //Backup Model if (localStorage.getItem('backup_model') && (!isApp || !currentwindow.webContents.second_instance)) { var backup_model = localStorage.getItem('backup_model') localStorage.removeItem('backup_model') addStartScreenSection({ color: 'var(--color-back)', graphic: {type: 'icon', icon: 'fa-archive'}, text: [ {type: 'h1', text: tl('message.recover_backup.title')}, {text: tl('message.recover_backup.message')}, {type: 'button', text: tl('dialog.ok'), click: (e) => { loadModelFile({content: backup_model, path: 'backup.bbmodel', no_file: true}) }} ] }) } if (settings.streamer_mode.value) { updateStreamerModeNotification() } //Electron if (isApp && !compareVersions(process.versions.electron, '6.0.0')) { addStartScreenSection({ graphic: {type: 'icon', icon: 'fas.fa-atom'}, text: [ {type: 'h1', text: 'Electron Update Recommended'}, {text: 'Your Blockbench is using an old version of Electron. Install the latest version to get the best performance and newest features. Just run the latest Blockbench installer. This only takes a minute and will not affect your custom settings.'}, {text: '[Blockbench Downloads]('} ] }) } //Twitter let twitter_ad; if (Blockbench.startup_count < 20 && Blockbench.startup_count % 5 === 4) { twitter_ad = true; addStartScreenSection({ color: '#1da1f2', text_color: '#ffffff', graphic: {type: 'icon', icon: 'fab.fa-twitter'}, text: [ {type: 'h1', text: 'Blockbench on Twitter'}, {text: 'Follow Blockbench on Twitter for the latest news as well as cool models from the community! []('} ], last: true }) } //Discord if (Blockbench.startup_count < 6 && !twitter_ad) { addStartScreenSection({ color: '#7289da', text_color: '#ffffff', graphic: {type: 'icon', icon: 'fab.fa-discord'}, text: [ {type: 'h1', text: 'Discord Server'}, {text: 'You need help with modeling or you want to chat about Blockbench? Join the [Modeling Discord](!'} ], last: true }) } }) })() onVueSetup(function() { Interface.status_bar.vue = new Vue({ el: '#status_bar', data: { Prop, isMobile: Blockbench.isMobile }, methods: { toggleSidebar: Interface.toggleSidebar }, template: `
    check close
    {{ Prop.file_name }}
    {{ Prop.fps }} FPS
    {{ Prop.connections }} Clients
    ` }) })