const electron = require('@electron/remote'); const {clipboard, shell, nativeImage, ipcRenderer, dialog} = require('electron'); const app =; const fs = require('fs'); const NodeBuffer = require('buffer'); const zlib = require('zlib'); const exec = require('child_process').exec; const originalFs = require('original-fs'); const https = require('https'); const PathModule = require('path'); const currentwindow = electron.getCurrentWindow(); var dialog_win = null, latest_version = false; const recent_projects = (function() { let array = []; var raw = localStorage.getItem('recent_projects') if (raw) { try { array = JSON.parse(raw).slice().reverse() } catch (err) {} array = array.filter(project => { return fs.existsSync(project.path); }) } return array })(); app.setAppUserModelId('blockbench') function initializeDesktopApp() { //Setup $(document.body).on('click auxclick', 'a[href]', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); shell.openExternal(event.currentTarget.href); return true; }); if (Blockbench.startup_count <= 1 && electron.nativeTheme.inForcedColorsMode) { let theme = CustomTheme.themes.find(t => == 'contrast'); CustomTheme.loadTheme(theme); } function makeUtilFolder(name) { let path = PathModule.join(app.getPath('userData'), name) if (!fs.existsSync(path)) fs.mkdirSync(path) } ['backups', 'thumbnails'].forEach(makeUtilFolder) createBackup(true) $('.web_only').remove() if (__dirname.includes('C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\blockbench')) { Blockbench.addFlag('dev') } settings.interface_scale.onChange(); if (Blockbench.platform == 'darwin') { //Placeholder $('#mac_window_menu').show() currentwindow.on('enter-full-screen', () => { $('#mac_window_menu').hide() }) currentwindow.on('leave-full-screen', () => { $('#mac_window_menu').show() }) } else { $('#windows_window_menu').show() } } //Load Model function loadOpenWithBlockbenchFile() { function load(path) { var extension = pathToExtension(path); if (extension == 'png') {[path], {readtype: 'image'}, (files) => { loadImages(files); }) } else if (Codec.getAllExtensions().includes(extension)) {[path], {}, (files) => { loadModelFile(files[0]) }) } } ipcRenderer.on('open-model', (event, path) => { load(path); }) ipcRenderer.on('load-tab', (event, model) => { let fake_file = { path: model.editor_state?.save_path || '' }; Codecs.project.load(model, fake_file); if (model.detached_uuid) { ipcRenderer.send('close-detached-project', model.detached_window_id, model.detached_uuid); } }) ipcRenderer.on('accept-detached-tab', (event, value) => { Interface.page_wrapper.classList.toggle('accept_detached_tab', value); }) ipcRenderer.on('close-detached-project', (event, uuid) => { let tab = ModelProject.all.find(project => project.uuid == uuid && project.detached); if (tab) tab.close(true); }) if (electron.process.argv.length >= 2) { let path = electron.process.argv.last(); load(path); } } (function() { console.log('Electron '+process.versions.electron+', Node '+process.versions.node) })() window.confirm = function(message, title) { let index = electron.dialog.showMessageBoxSync(currentwindow, { title: title ||, detail: message, type: 'none', noLink: true, buttons: [tl('dialog.ok'), tl('dialog.cancel')] }); return index == 0; } window.alert = function(message, title) { electron.dialog.showMessageBoxSync(electron.getCurrentWindow(), { title: title ||, detail: message }); } //Recent Projects function updateRecentProjects() { recent_projects.splice(Math.clamp(settings.recent_projects.value, 0, 512)); let fav_count = 0; recent_projects.forEach((project, i) => { if (project.favorite) { recent_projects.splice(i, 1); recent_projects.splice(fav_count, 0, project); fav_count++; } }) //Set Local Storage localStorage.setItem('recent_projects', JSON.stringify(recent_projects.slice().reverse())); } function addRecentProject(data) { var i = recent_projects.length-1; let former_entry; while (i >= 0) { var p = recent_projects[i] if (p.path === data.path) { recent_projects.splice(i, 1); former_entry = p; } i--; } if ( > 48) =, 20) + '...' +; let project = { name:, path: data.path, icon: data.icon, favorite: former_entry ? former_entry.favorite : false, day: new Date().dayOfYear(), } recent_projects.splice(0, 0, project) ipcRenderer.send('add-recent-project', data.path); StartScreen.vue.updateThumbnails([data.path]); updateRecentProjects() } function updateRecentProjectData() { let project = Project.getProjectMemory(); if (!project) return; =; project.textures = Texture.all.filter(t => t.path).map(t => t.path); if (Format.animation_files) { project.animation_files = []; Animation.all.forEach(anim => { if (anim.path) project.animation_files.safePush(anim.path); }) } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('update_recent_project_data', {data: project}); updateRecentProjects() } async function updateRecentProjectThumbnail() { let project = Project.getProjectMemory(); if (!project) return; let thumbnail; if (Format.image_editor && Texture.all.length) { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let tex = Texture.getDefault(); let frame = new CanvasFrame(180, 100); frame.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; let {width, height} = tex; if (width > 180) {height /= width / 180; width = 180;} if (height > 100) {width /= height / 100; height = 100;} if (width < 180 && height < 100) { let factor = Math.min(180 / width, 100 / height); factor *= 0.92; height *= factor; width *= factor; } frame.ctx.drawImage(tex.img, (180 - width)/2, (100 - height)/2, width, height) let url = frame.canvas.toDataURL(); let hash = project.path.hashCode().toString().replace(/^-/, '0'); let path = PathModule.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'thumbnails', `${hash}.png`) thumbnail = url; Blockbench.writeFile(path, { savetype: 'image', content: url }, resolve) }) } else { if (Outliner.elements.length == 0) return; MediaPreview.resize(180, 100) MediaPreview.loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[0]) MediaPreview.setFOV(30); let center = getSelectionCenter(true);;; let box = Canvas.getModelSize(); let size = Math.max(box[0], box[1]*2) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { MediaPreview.screenshot({crop: false}, url => { let hash = project.path.hashCode().toString().replace(/^-/, '0'); let path = PathModule.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'thumbnails', `${hash}.png`) thumbnail = url; Blockbench.writeFile(path, { savetype: 'image', content: url }, resolve) let store_path = project.path; project.path = ''; project.path = store_path; }) }) } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('update_recent_project_thumbnail', {data: project, thumbnail}); StartScreen.vue.updateThumbnails([project.path]); // Clean old files if (Math.random() < 0.2) { let folder_path = PathModule.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'thumbnails') let existing_names = []; recent_projects.forEach(project => { let hash = project.path.hashCode().toString().replace(/^-/, '0'); existing_names.safePush(hash) }) fs.readdir(folder_path, (err, files) => { if (!err) { files.forEach((name, i) => { if (existing_names.includes(name.replace(/\..+$/, '')) == false) { try { fs.unlinkSync(folder_path +osfs+ name) } catch (err) {} } }) } }) } } function loadDataFromModelMemory() { let project = Project.getProjectMemory(); if (!project) return; if (project.textures) {, {}, files => { files.forEach(f => { if (!Texture.all.find(t => t.path == f.path)) { new Texture({name:}).fromFile(f).add(false).fillParticle(); } }) }) } if (project.animation_files && Format.animation_files) { let files = project.animation_files.filter(path => !Animation.all.find(a => a.path == path));, {}, files => { files.forEach(file => { Animator.importFile(file); }) }) } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('load_from_recent_project_data', {data: project}); } //Window Controls function updateWindowState(e, type) { $('#header_free_bar').toggleClass('resize_space', !currentwindow.isMaximized()); } currentwindow.on('maximize', e => updateWindowState(e, 'maximize')); currentwindow.on('unmaximize', e => updateWindowState(e, 'unmaximize')); currentwindow.on('enter-full-screen', e => updateWindowState(e, 'screen')); currentwindow.on('leave-full-screen', e => updateWindowState(e, 'screen')); currentwindow.on('ready-to-show', e => updateWindowState(e, 'load')); //Image Editor function changeImageEditor(texture, from_settings) { var dialog = new Dialog({ title: tl('message.image_editor.title'), id: 'image_editor', lines: ['
'], draggable: true, onConfirm() { var id = $('.dialog#image_editor option:selected').attr('id') var path; if (Blockbench.platform == 'darwin') { switch (id) { case 'ps': path = '/Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2021/Adobe Photoshop'; break; case 'gimp':path = '/Applications/'; break; } } else { switch (id) { case 'ps': path = 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Photoshop 2021\\Photoshop.exe'; break; case 'gimp':path = 'C:\\Program Files\\GIMP 2\\bin\\gimp-2.10.exe'; break; case 'pdn': path = 'C:\\Program Files\\\\PaintDotNet.exe'; break; } } if (id === 'other') { selectImageEditorFile(texture) } else if (path) { settings.image_editor.value = path if (texture) { texture.openEditor() } } dialog.hide() if (from_settings) { } }, onCancel() { dialog.hide() if (from_settings) { } } }).show() } function selectImageEditorFile(texture) { let filePaths = electron.dialog.showOpenDialogSync(currentwindow, { title: tl('message.image_editor.exe'), filters: [{name: 'Executable Program', extensions: ['exe', 'app', 'desktop']}] }) if (filePaths) { settings.image_editor.value = filePaths[0] if (texture) { texture.openEditor(); } } } //Default Pack function openDefaultTexturePath() { let detail = tl('message.default_textures.detail'); if (settings.default_path.value) { detail += '\n\n' + tl('message.default_textures.current') + ': ' + settings.default_path.value; } let buttons = ( settings.default_path.value ? [tl('dialog.continue'), tl('generic.remove'), tl('dialog.cancel')] : [tl('dialog.continue'), tl('dialog.cancel')] ) var answer = electron.dialog.showMessageBoxSync(currentwindow, { type: 'info', buttons, noLink: true, title: tl('message.default_textures.title'), message: tl('message.default_textures.message'), detail }) if (answer === buttons.length-1) { return; } else if (answer === 0) { let path = Blockbench.pickDirectory({ title: tl(''), resource_id: 'texture', }); if (path) { settings.default_path.value = path; Settings.saveLocalStorages(); } } else { settings.default_path.value = false; Settings.saveLocalStorages(); } } function findExistingFile(paths) { for (var path of paths) { if (fs.existsSync(path)) { return path; } } } //Backup function createBackup(init) { setTimeout(createBackup, limitNumber(parseFloat(settings.backup_interval.value), 1, 10e8)*60000) let duration = parseInt(settings.backup_retain.value)+1 let folder_path = app.getPath('userData')+osfs+'backups' let d = new Date() let days = d.getDate() + (d.getMonth()+1)*30.44 + (d.getYear()-100)*365.25 if (init) { //Clear old backups fs.readdir(folder_path, (err, files) => { if (!err) { files.forEach((name, i) => { let date = name.split('_')[1] if (date) { let nums = date.split('.') nums.forEach((n, ni) => { nums[ni] = parseInt(n) }) let b_days = nums[0] + nums[1]*30.44 + nums[2]*365.25 if (!isNaN(b_days) && days - b_days > duration) { try { fs.unlinkSync(folder_path +osfs+ name) } catch (err) {console.log(err)} } } }) } }) } if (init || elements.length === 0) return; let model = Codecs.project.compile({compressed: true, backup: true}); let short_name =[.]/g, '_').replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]/g, '').substring(0, 16); if (short_name) short_name = '_' + short_name; let file_name = 'backup_'+d.getDate()+'.'+(d.getMonth()+1)+'.'+(d.getYear()-100)+'_'+d.getHours()+'.'+d.getMinutes() + short_name; let file_path = folder_path+osfs+file_name+'.bbmodel'; fs.writeFile(file_path, model, function (err) { if (err) { console.log('Error creating backup: '+err) } }) } //Close window.onbeforeunload = function (event) { try { updateRecentProjectData() } catch(err) {} if (Blockbench.hasFlag('allow_closing')) { try { if (!Blockbench.hasFlag('allow_reload')) { currentwindow.webContents.closeDevTools() } } catch (err) {} } else { setTimeout(async function() { let projects = ModelProject.all.slice(); if (projects[0]) await projects[0].select(); for (let project of projects) { let closed = await project.close(); if (!closed) return false; } if (ModelProject.all.length === 0) { closeBlockbenchWindow() return true; } else { return false; } }, 2) event.returnValue = true; return true; } } function closeBlockbenchWindow() { window.onbeforeunload = null; Blockbench.addFlag('allow_closing'); Blockbench.dispatchEvent('before_closing') if (Project.EditSession) Project.EditSession.quit() return currentwindow.close(); }; ipcRenderer.on('update-available', (event, arg) => { console.log('Found new update:', arg.version) if (settings.automatic_updates.value) { ipcRenderer.send('allow-auto-update'); let icon_node = Blockbench.getIconNode('donut_large'); icon_node.classList.add('spinning'); let click_action; let action = new Action('update_status', { name: tl('', [0]), icon: icon_node, click() { if (click_action) click_action() } }) action.toElement('#update_menu');'_');; ipcRenderer.on('update-progress', (event, status) => { action.setName(tl('', [Math.round(status.percent)])); }) ipcRenderer.on('update-error', (event, err) => { action.setName(tl('')); icon_node.textContent = 'warning'; icon_node.classList.remove('spinning') click_action = function() { currentwindow.openDevTools() } console.error(err); }) ipcRenderer.on('update-downloaded', (event) => { action.setName(tl('message.update_after_restart'));; icon_node.textContent = 'done'; icon_node.classList.remove('spinning'); = '#5ef570'; click_action = function() { Blockbench.showQuickMessage('message.update_after_restart') } }) } else { addStartScreenSection({ color: 'var(--color-back)', graphic: {type: 'icon', icon: 'update'}, text: [ {type: 'h2', text: tl('message.update_notification.title')}, {text: tl('message.update_notification.message')}, {type: 'button', text: tl('generic.enable'), click: (e) => { settings.automatic_updates.set(true); }} ] }) } })