const StartScreen = {}; function addStartScreenSection(id, data) { if (typeof id == 'object') { data = id; id = ''; } var obj = $(Interface.createElement('section', {id})) if (typeof data.graphic === 'object') { var left = $('
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  • ${marked(tl(string))}
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    • {{ }}

      {{ format.description }}


  • view_module
  • list
  • {{ '['+tl('generic.redacted')+']' }}
    • {{ redact_names ? redacted : }} {{ getDate(project) }}
    • {{ tl('mode.start.no_recents') }}
    • {{ redact_names ? redacted : }}
    ` }) }); (function() { /*$.getJSON('./content/news.json').then(data => { addStartScreenSection('new_version', data.new_version) })*/ var news_call = $.ajax({ cache: false, url: '', dataType: 'json' }); documentReady.then(() => { Blockbench.startup_count = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('startups')||0) //Backup Model if (localStorage.getItem('backup_model') && (!isApp || !currentwindow.webContents.second_instance)) { var backup_model = localStorage.getItem('backup_model') localStorage.removeItem('backup_model') addStartScreenSection({ color: 'var(--color-back)', graphic: {type: 'icon', icon: 'fa-archive'}, text: [ {type: 'h2', text: tl('message.recover_backup.title')}, {text: tl('message.recover_backup.message')}, {type: 'button', text: tl('dialog.ok'), click: (e) => { loadModelFile({content: backup_model, path: 'backup.bbmodel', no_file: true}) }} ] }) } if (settings.streamer_mode.value) { updateStreamerModeNotification() } addStartScreenSection('splash_screen', { "text_color": '#000000', "graphic": { "type": "image", "source": "./assets/splash_art.png?42", "width": 1000, "aspect_ratio": "21/9", "description": "Splash Art by [Shroomy]( and [RedstoneMvv](", "text_color": '#cfcfcf' } }) if (!Blockbench.hasFlag('after_update')) { document.getElementById('start_screen').scrollTop = 100; } //Twitter let twitter_ad; if (Blockbench.startup_count < 20 && Blockbench.startup_count % 5 === 4) { twitter_ad = true; addStartScreenSection({ color: '#1da1f2', text_color: '#ffffff', graphic: {type: 'icon', icon: 'fab.fa-twitter'}, text: [ {type: 'h2', text: 'Blockbench on Twitter'}, {text: 'Follow Blockbench on Twitter for the latest news as well as cool models from the community! []('} ], last: true }) } //Discord if (Blockbench.startup_count < 6 && !twitter_ad) { addStartScreenSection({ color: '#5865F2', text_color: '#ffffff', graphic: {type: 'icon', icon: 'fab.fa-discord'}, text: [ {type: 'h2', text: 'Discord Server'}, {text: 'You need help with modeling or you want to chat about Blockbench? Join the official [Blockbench Discord](!'} ], last: true }) } // Quick Setup if (Blockbench.startup_count <= 1) { let section = Interface.createElement('section', {id: 'quick_setup'}); $('#start_screen content').prepend(section); new Vue({ data() {return { language: Language.code, language_original: Language.code, languages: Language.options, keymap: 'default', keymap_changed: false, theme: 'dark', }}, methods: { tl, close() { obj.remove(); }, reload() { Blockbench.reload(); }, loadTheme(theme_id) { this.theme = theme_id; let theme = CustomTheme.themes.find(t => == theme_id); if (theme) CustomTheme.loadTheme(theme); }, getThemeThumbnailStyle(theme_id) { let theme = CustomTheme.themes.find(t => == theme_id); let style = {}; if (!theme) return style; for (let key in theme.colors) { style[`--color-${key}`] = theme.colors[key]; } return style; }, openThemes() {; } }, watch: { language(v) { settings.language.set(v);; }, keymap(keymap, old_keymap) { this.keymap_changed = true; let success = Keybinds.loadKeymap(keymap, true); if (!success) this.keymap = old_keymap; } }, template: `


    {{ tl('action.load_keymap.' + keymap + '.desc') }}


    {{ tl('message.restart_to_update') }}

    {{ tl('mode.start.quick_setup.more_themes') }}
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