function getRescalingFactor(angle) { switch (Math.abs(angle)) { case 0: return 1.4142 break; case 22.5: return 1.127 break; case 67.5: return 1.127 break; case 45: return 1.4142 break; default: return 1; break; } } function getUVArray(side, frame, stretch) { //Used by display preview models if (stretch === undefined) { stretch = -1 } else { stretch = stretch*(-1) } var arr = [ new THREE.Vector2(side.uv[0]/16, (side.uv[1]/16)/stretch+1), //0,1 new THREE.Vector2(side.uv[0]/16, (side.uv[3]/16)/stretch+1), //0,0 new THREE.Vector2(side.uv[2]/16, (side.uv[3]/16)/stretch+1), //1,0 new THREE.Vector2(side.uv[2]/16, (side.uv[1]/16)/stretch+1) //1,1 ] if (frame > 0 && stretch !== -1) { //Animate var offset = (1/stretch) * frame arr[0].y += offset arr[1].y += offset arr[2].y += offset arr[3].y += offset } var rot = (side.rotation+0) while (rot > 0) { arr.push(arr.shift()) rot = rot-90; } return arr; } const Canvas = { materials: {}, meshes: {}, bones: {}, outlineMaterial: new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ linewidth: 2, transparent: true, color: gizmo_colors.outline }), wireframeMaterial: new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: gizmo_colors.wire, wireframe: true }), solidMaterial: (function() { var vertShader = ` uniform bool SHADE; varying float light; varying float lift; float AMBIENT = 0.1; float XFAC = -0.25; float ZFAC = 0.2; void main() { if (SHADE) { vec3 N = vec3( modelViewMatrix * vec4(normal, 0.0) ); float yLight = (1.0+N.z) * 0.5; light = yLight * (1.0-AMBIENT) + N.x*N.x * XFAC + N.y*N.y * ZFAC + AMBIENT; } else { light = 1.0; } if (color.b == 1.25) { lift = 0.1; } else { lift = 0.0; } vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition; }` var fragShader = ` #ifdef GL_ES precision highp float; #endif uniform bool SHADE; uniform float BRIGHTNESS; uniform vec3 base; varying float light; varying float lift; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = vec4(lift + base * light * BRIGHTNESS, 1.0); }` return new THREE.ShaderMaterial({ uniforms: { SHADE: {type: 'bool', value: settings.shading.value}, BRIGHTNESS: {type: 'bool', value: settings.brightness.value / 50}, base: {value: gizmo_colors.solid} }, vertexShader: vertShader, fragmentShader: fragShader, vertexColors: THREE.FaceColors, }); })(), transparentMaterial: new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({visible: false, name: 'invisible'}), gridMaterial: new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: gizmo_colors.grid}), face_order: ['east', 'west', 'up', 'down', 'south', 'north'], //Misc raycast(event) { var preview = Canvas.getHoveredPreview() if (preview) { return preview.raycast(event) } else { return false } }, getHoveredPreview() { var canvas = $('.preview canvas:hover').get(0); return canvas ? canvas.preview : Preview.selected; }, withoutGizmos(cb) { function editVis(edit) { edit(three_grid) edit(Canvas.side_grids.x) edit(Canvas.side_grids.z) edit(Transformer) edit(outlines) edit(rot_origin) edit(Vertexsnap.vertexes) edit(Animator.motion_trail) Cube.selected.forEach(function(obj) { var m = obj.mesh; if (!m) return; if (m.outline) edit(m.outline); }) Cube.all.forEach(function(obj) { var m = obj.mesh; if (!m) return; if (m.grid_box) edit(m.grid_box); }) } editVis(obj => { obj.was_visible = obj.visible obj.visible = false }) var ground_anim_before = ground_animation if (display_mode && ground_animation) { ground_animation = false } updateCubeHighlights(null, true); try { cb() } catch(err) { console.error(err) } editVis(obj => { obj.visible = obj.was_visible delete obj.was_visible }) if (display_mode && ground_anim_before) { ground_animation = ground_anim_before } if (settings.highlight_cubes.value) updateCubeHighlights(); }, /** * * @param {object} options * @param {array} options.elements Elements to update * @param {object} options.element_aspects * @param {boolean} options.element_aspects.geometry Update the element transformation and geometry * @param {boolean} options.element_aspects.faces Update the element faces and texture * @param {boolean} options.element_aspects.uv Update the element UV mapping * @param {boolean} options.element_aspects.visibility Update the element visibility * @param {boolean} options.element_aspects.painting_grid Update the painting grid * @param {array} options.groups Groups to update * @param {object} options.group_aspects Which parts of the group to update * @param {boolean} options.group_aspects.geometry Update the group transformation and geometry */ updateView(options) { /** * Bones: list * Bone aspects: ? * Elements: list * Element aspects: object * Face * UV * Geo * Visibility * Painting Grid * Textures: List * Texture Aspects: * Render sides */ if (options.elements) { let aspects = options.element_aspects || {}; options.elements.forEach(element => { if (element instanceof Cube) { let update_all = !options.element_aspects || (aspects.visibility && element.visibility && !element.mesh.visible); let {mesh} = element; if (aspects.geometry || update_all) { Canvas.adaptObjectPosition(element, mesh); } if (aspects.faces || update_all) { Canvas.adaptObjectFaces(element, mesh); } if ((aspects.uv || update_all) && Prop.view_mode === 'textured') { Canvas.updateUV(element); } if ((aspects.painting_grid || update_all) && Modes.paint && settings.painting_grid.value) { Canvas.buildGridBox(element); } if (aspects.visibility || update_all) { element.mesh.visible = element.visibility; } } }) } if (options.groups) { Canvas.updateAllBones(options.groups) } if (options.selection) { updateSelection(); } }, //Main updaters clear() { var objects = [] scene.traverse(function(s) { if (s.isElement === true || s.isGroup === true) { objects.push(s) } }) for (var uuid in Canvas.meshes) { var mesh = Canvas.meshes[uuid]; objects.safePush(mesh); } objects.forEach(function(s) { if (s.parent) { s.parent.remove(s) } if (s.geometry) s.geometry.dispose() if (s.outline && s.outline.geometry) s.outline.geometry.dispose() delete Canvas.meshes[] }) }, updateAll() { updateNslideValues() Canvas.clear() Canvas.updateAllBones() Cube.all.forEach(function(s) { Canvas.addCube(s) }) updateSelection() }, updateAllPositions(leave_selection) { updateNslideValues() Cube.all.forEach(Canvas.adaptObjectPosition) if (leave_selection !== true) { updateSelection() } }, updateVisibility() { Cube.all.forEach(function(cube) { if (cube.visibility && !cube.mesh.visible) { cube.mesh.visible = true; Canvas.adaptObjectFaces(cube, cube.mesh) if (Prop.view_mode === 'textured') { Canvas.updateUV(cube); } if (Modes.paint && settings.painting_grid.value) { Canvas.buildGridBox(cube); } } else if (!cube.visibility) { cube.mesh.visible = false; } }) TickUpdates.selection = true; }, updateAllFaces(texture) { Cube.all.forEach(function(obj) { if (obj.visibility == true) { var used = true; if (texture) { used = false; for (var face in obj.faces) { if (obj.faces[face].getTexture() == texture) { used = true; } } } if (used === true) { Canvas.adaptObjectFaces(obj) if (Prop.view_mode === 'textured') { Canvas.updateUV(obj) } } } }) }, updateAllUVs() { if (Prop.view_mode !== 'textured') return; Cube.all.forEach(function(obj) { if (obj.visibility == true) { Canvas.updateUV(obj) } }) }, getRenderSide() { if (settings.render_sides.value == 'auto') { var side = === 'java_block' ? THREE.FrontSide : THREE.DoubleSide; if (display_mode) { if (['thirdperson_righthand', 'thirdperson_lefthand', 'head'].includes(display_slot)) { side = THREE.DoubleSide; } } return side; } else if (settings.render_sides.value == 'front') { return THREE.FrontSide; } else { return THREE.DoubleSide; } }, updateRenderSides() { var side = Canvas.getRenderSide(); textures.forEach(function(t) { var mat = Canvas.materials[t.uuid] if (mat) { mat.side = side } }) if (Canvas.layered_material) { Canvas.layered_material.side = side; } emptyMaterials.forEach(function(mat) { mat.side = side }) }, //Selection updaters updateSelected(arr) { if (!arr) { arr = Cube.selected } arr.forEach(function(obj) { var mesh = obj.mesh if (mesh && mesh.parent) { mesh.parent.remove(mesh) } Canvas.addCube(obj) }) updateSelection() }, updatePositions(leave_selection) { updateNslideValues() var arr = Cube.selected.slice() if (Format.bone_rig && Group.selected) { Group.selected.forEachChild(obj => { if (obj.type === 'cube') { arr.safePush(obj) } }) if (arr.length === Cube.selected.length) { Canvas.updateAllBones() } } arr.forEach(function(obj) { Canvas.adaptObjectPosition(obj) }) if (leave_selection !== true) { TickUpdates.selection = true; } }, updateSelectedFaces() { Cube.selected.forEach(function(obj) { if (obj.visibility == true) { Canvas.adaptObjectFaces(obj) if (Prop.view_mode === 'textured') { Canvas.updateUV(obj) } } }) }, updateUVs() { if (Prop.view_mode !== 'textured') return; Cube.selected.forEach(function(obj) { if (obj.visibility == true) { Canvas.updateUV(obj) } }) }, outlineObjects(arr) { arr.forEach(function(obj) { if (!obj.visibility) return; var mesh = obj.mesh if (mesh === undefined) return; var line = Canvas.getOutlineMesh(mesh) THREE.fastWorldPosition(mesh, line.position) line.position.sub(scene.position) line.rotation.setFromQuaternion(mesh.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion())) mesh.getWorldScale(line.scale) = obj.uuid+'_ghost_outline' outlines.add(line) }) }, updateAllBones(bones = Group.all) { bones.forEach((obj) => { let bone = obj.mesh if (bone) { bone.rotation.reorder('ZYX'); bone.rotation.setFromDegreeArray(obj.rotation); bone.position.fromArray(obj.origin); bone.scale.x = bone.scale.y = bone.scale.z = 1; if (obj.parent.type === 'group') { bone.position.x -= obj.parent.origin[0]; bone.position.y -= obj.parent.origin[1]; bone.position.z -= obj.parent.origin[2]; var parent_bone = obj.parent.mesh; parent_bone.add(bone); } else { scene.add(bone); } bone.fix_position = bone.position.clone(); bone.fix_rotation = bone.rotation.clone(); } }) if (bones == Group.all) { scene.updateMatrixWorld(); } else { bones.forEach(bone => { bone.mesh.updateMatrixWorld(); }) } }, updateOrigin() { if (rot_origin.parent) { rot_origin.parent.remove(rot_origin) } if (settings.origin_size.value > 0) { if (Group.selected && Format.bone_rig) { if (Group.selected.visibility) { Group.selected.mesh.add(rot_origin) } } else if (Cube.selected.length && Format.rotate_cubes) { if (Cube.selected.length === 1 && Cube.selected.length == 1) { let mesh = Cube.selected[0].mesh if (mesh) { mesh.add(rot_origin) } } else { var origin = null; var first_visible = null; var i = 0; while (i < Cube.selected.length) { if (Cube.selected[i].visibility) { if (first_visible === null) { first_visible = Cube.selected[i] } if (origin === null) { origin = Cube.selected[i].origin } else if (!origin.equals(Cube.selected[i].origin)) { origin = false; i = Infinity; } } i++; } if (first_visible && typeof origin === 'object') { let mesh = first_visible.mesh if (mesh) { mesh.add(rot_origin) } } } } } return !!rot_origin.parent; }, //Object handlers addCube(obj) { //This does NOT remove old cubes var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1)) Canvas.meshes[obj.uuid] = mesh; = obj.uuid; mesh.type = 'cube'; mesh.isElement = true; Canvas.adaptObjectFaces(obj, mesh) Canvas.adaptObjectPosition(obj, mesh) //scene.add(mesh) if (Prop.view_mode === 'textured') { Canvas.updateUV(obj); } mesh.visible = obj.visibility; Canvas.buildOutline(obj); }, adaptObjectPosition(cube, mesh) { if (!mesh || mesh > 0) mesh = cube.mesh var from = cube.from.slice() from.forEach((v, i) => { from[i] -= cube.inflate; from[i] -= cube.origin[i]; }) var to = to.forEach((v, i) => { to[i] += cube.inflate to[i] -= cube.origin[i]; if (from[i] === to[i]) { to[i] += 0.001 } }) mesh.geometry.from(from) mesh.scale.set(1, 1, 1) mesh.position.set(cube.origin[0], cube.origin[1], cube.origin[2]) //mesh.geometry.translate(-cube.origin[0], -cube.origin[1], -cube.origin[2]) mesh.rotation.set(0, 0, 0) mesh.geometry.computeBoundingBox() mesh.geometry.computeBoundingSphere() if (Format.rotate_cubes) { if (cube.rotation !== undefined) { mesh.rotation.reorder('ZYX') mesh.rotation.x = Math.PI / (180 /cube.rotation[0]) mesh.rotation.y = Math.PI / (180 /cube.rotation[1]) mesh.rotation.z = Math.PI / (180 /cube.rotation[2]) if (cube.rescale === true) { var axis = cube.rotationAxis()||'y' var rescale = getRescalingFactor(cube.rotation[getAxisNumber(axis)]); mesh.scale.set(rescale, rescale, rescale) mesh.scale[axis] = 1 } } } if (Format.bone_rig) { //mesh.rotation.reorder('YZX') if (cube.parent.type === 'group') { cube.parent.mesh.add(mesh) mesh.position.x -= cube.parent.origin[0] mesh.position.y -= cube.parent.origin[1] mesh.position.z -= cube.parent.origin[2] } else { scene.add(mesh) } } else if (mesh.parent !== scene) { scene.add(mesh) } if (Modes.paint) { Canvas.buildGridBox(cube) } Canvas.buildOutline(cube) mesh.updateMatrixWorld() }, adaptObjectFaceGeo(cube) { let {mesh} = cube; let {geometry} = mesh; if (!geometry.all_faces) geometry.all_faces = geometry.faces.slice(); geometry.faces.empty() geometry.all_faces.forEach(face => { let bb_face = cube.faces[Canvas.face_order[face.materialIndex]]; if (bb_face && bb_face.texture === null && geometry.faces.includes(face)) { geometry.faces.remove(face); } else if (bb_face && bb_face.texture !== null && !geometry.faces.includes(face)) { geometry.faces.push(face); } }) if (geometry.faces.length == 0) { // Keek down face if no faces enabled geometry.faces.push(geometry.all_faces[6], geometry.all_faces[7]); } geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = true; }, getLayeredMaterial(layers) { if (Canvas.layered_material && !layers) return Canvas.layered_material; // var vertShader = ` uniform bool SHADE; varying vec2 vUv; varying float light; varying float lift; float AMBIENT = 0.5; float XFAC = -0.15; float ZFAC = 0.05; void main() { if (SHADE) { vec3 N = vec3( modelMatrix * vec4(normal, 0.0) ); float yLight = (1.0+N.y) * 0.5; light = yLight * (1.0-AMBIENT) + N.x*N.x * XFAC + N.z*N.z * ZFAC + AMBIENT; } else { light = 1.0; } if (color.b == 1.25) { lift = 0.1; } else { lift = 0.0; } vUv = uv; vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition; }` var fragShader = ` #ifdef GL_ES precision highp float; #endif uniform sampler2D t0; uniform sampler2D t1; uniform sampler2D t2; uniform bool SHADE; varying vec2 vUv; varying float light; varying float lift; void main(void) { vec4 Ca = texture2D(t0, vUv); vec4 Cb = texture2D(t1, vUv); vec4 Cc = texture2D(t2, vUv); vec3 ctemp = Ca.rgb * Ca.a + Cb.rgb * Cb.a * (1.0 - Ca.a); vec4 ctemp4 = vec4(ctemp, Ca.a + (1.0 - Ca.a) * Cb.a); vec3 c = ctemp4.rgb + Cc.rgb * Cc.a * (1.0 - ctemp4.a); gl_FragColor= vec4(lift + c * light, ctemp4.a + (1.0 - ctemp4.a) * Cc.a); if (gl_FragColor.a < 0.05) discard; }` var uniforms = { SHADE: {type: 'bool', value: settings.shading.value}, t0: {type: 't', value: null}, t1: {type: 't', value: null}, t2: {type: 't', value: null} }; let i = 0; if (layers instanceof Array == false) layers = Texture.all; layers.forEachReverse(texture => { if (texture.visible && i < 3) { uniforms[`t${i}`].value = texture.getMaterial().map; i++; } }) var material_shh = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({ uniforms: uniforms, vertexShader: vertShader, fragmentShader: fragShader, side: Canvas.getRenderSide(), vertexColors: THREE.FaceColors, transparent: true }); Canvas.layered_material = material_shh; return material_shh; }, updateLayeredTextures() { delete Canvas.layered_material; if (Format.single_texture && Texture.all.length >= 2) { Canvas.updateAllFaces(); } }, adaptObjectFaces(cube, mesh) { if (!mesh) mesh = cube.mesh if (!mesh) return; Canvas.adaptObjectFaceGeo(cube); if (Prop.view_mode === 'solid') { mesh.material = Canvas.solidMaterial } else if (Prop.view_mode === 'wireframe') { mesh.material = Canvas.wireframeMaterial } else if (Format.single_texture && Texture.all.length >= 2 && Texture.all.find(t => t.render_mode == 'layered')) { mesh.material = Canvas.getLayeredMaterial(); } else if (Format.single_texture) { let tex = Texture.getDefault(); mesh.material = tex ? tex.getMaterial() : emptyMaterials[cube.color]; } else { var materials = [] Canvas.face_order.forEach(function(face) { if (cube.faces[face].texture === null) { materials.push(Canvas.transparentMaterial) } else { var tex = cube.faces[face].getTexture() if (tex && tex.uuid) { materials.push(Canvas.materials[tex.uuid]) } else { materials.push(emptyMaterials[cube.color]) } } }) if (materials.allEqual(materials[0])) materials = materials[0]; mesh.material = materials } }, updateUV(cube, animation = true) { if (Prop.view_mode !== 'textured') return; var mesh = cube.mesh if (mesh === undefined) return; mesh.geometry.faceVertexUvs[0] = []; if (Project.box_uv) { var size = cube.size(undefined, true) var face_list = [ {face: 'east', from: [0, size[2]], size: [size[2], size[1]]}, {face: 'west', from: [size[2] + size[0], size[2]], size: [size[2], size[1]]}, {face: 'up', from: [size[2]+size[0], size[2]], size: [-size[0], -size[2]]}, {face: 'down', from: [size[2]+size[0]*2, 0], size: [-size[0], size[2]]}, {face: 'south', from: [size[2]*2 + size[0], size[2]], size: [size[0], size[1]]}, {face: 'north', from: [size[2], size[2]], size: [size[0], size[1]]}, ] if (cube.mirror_uv) { face_list.forEach(function(f) { f.from[0] += f.size[0] f.size[0] *= -1 }) //East+West var p = {} p.from = face_list[0].from.slice() p.size = face_list[0].size.slice() face_list[0].from = face_list[1].from.slice() face_list[0].size = face_list[1].size.slice() face_list[1].from = p.from.slice() face_list[1].size = p.size.slice() } let fIndex = 0; face_list.forEach(function(f) { if (cube.faces[f.face].texture == null) return; var uv= [ f.from[0] + cube.uv_offset[0], f.from[1] + cube.uv_offset[1], f.from[0] + f.size[0] + cube.uv_offset[0], f.from[1] + f.size[1] + cube.uv_offset[1] ] uv.forEach(function(s, si) { uv[si] *= 1 }) cube.faces[f.face].uv[0] = uv[0] cube.faces[f.face].uv[1] = uv[1] cube.faces[f.face].uv[2] = uv[2] cube.faces[f.face].uv[3] = uv[3] //Fight Bleeding for (var si = 0; si < 2; si++) { let margin = 1/64; if (uv[si] > uv[si+2]) { margin = -margin } uv[si] += margin uv[si+2] -= margin } stretch = 1; frame = 0; if (cube.faces[f.face].texture && cube.faces[f.face].texture !== null) { var tex = cube.faces[f.face].getTexture() if (tex instanceof Texture && tex.frameCount !== 1) { stretch = tex.frameCount if (animation === true && tex.currentFrame) { frame = tex.currentFrame } } } Canvas.updateUVFace(mesh.geometry.faceVertexUvs[0], fIndex, {uv: uv}, frame, stretch) fIndex += 2; }) } else { var stretch = 1 var frame = 0 let fIndex = 0 Canvas.face_order.forEach(face => { if (cube.faces[face].texture == null) return; stretch = 1; frame = 0; let tex = cube.faces[face].getTexture(); if (tex instanceof Texture && tex.frameCount !== 1) { stretch = tex.frameCount if (animation === true && tex.currentFrame) { frame = tex.currentFrame } } Canvas.updateUVFace(mesh.geometry.faceVertexUvs[0], fIndex, cube.faces[face], frame, stretch) fIndex += 2; }) } mesh.geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = true; return mesh.geometry }, updateUVFace(vertex_uvs, index, face, frame = 0, stretch = 1) { stretch *= -1 if (!vertex_uvs[index]) vertex_uvs[index] = []; if (!vertex_uvs[index+1]) vertex_uvs[index+1] = []; var arr = [ vertex_uvs[index][0], vertex_uvs[index][1], vertex_uvs[index+1][1], vertex_uvs[index+1][2], ] for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (arr[i] === undefined) { arr[i] = new THREE.Vector2() } } var pw = Project.texture_width; var ph = Project.texture_height; arr[0].set(face.uv[0]/pw, (face.uv[1]/ph)/stretch+1), //0,1 arr[1].set(face.uv[0]/pw, (face.uv[3]/ph)/stretch+1), //0,0 arr[2].set(face.uv[2]/pw, (face.uv[3]/ph)/stretch+1), //1,0 arr[3].set(face.uv[2]/pw, (face.uv[1]/ph)/stretch+1) //1,1 if (frame > 0 && stretch !== -1) { //Animate var offset = (1/stretch) * frame arr[0].y += offset arr[1].y += offset arr[2].y += offset arr[3].y += offset } var rot = (face.rotation+0) while (rot > 0) { arr.push(arr.shift()) rot = rot-90; } vertex_uvs[index] = [ arr[0], arr[1], arr[3] ]; vertex_uvs[index+1] = [ arr[1], arr[2], arr[3] ]; }, //Outline getOutlineMesh(mesh) { var vs = mesh.geometry.vertices var geometry = new THREE.Geometry() geometry.vertices = [ vs[2], vs[3], vs[6], vs[7], vs[2], vs[0], vs[1], vs[4], vs[5], vs[0], vs[5], vs[7], vs[6], vs[4], vs[1], vs[3] ] var line = new THREE.Line(geometry, Canvas.outlineMaterial); line.no_export = true; return line; }, buildOutline(obj) { if (obj.visibility == false) return; var mesh = obj.mesh; if (mesh === undefined) return; if (mesh.outline) { mesh.outline.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; return; } mesh.remove(mesh.outline); var line = Canvas.getOutlineMesh(mesh) = obj.uuid+'_outline'; line.visible = obj.selected; line.renderOrder = 2; line.frustumCulled = false; mesh.outline = line; mesh.add(line); }, buildGridBox(cube) { var mesh = cube.mesh; if (mesh === undefined) return; mesh.remove(mesh.grid_box); if (cube.visibility == false) return; if (!Modes.paint || !settings.painting_grid.value) return; var box = Canvas.getPaintingGrid(cube); = cube.uuid+'_grid_box'; box.renderOrder = 2; box.frustumCulled = false; mesh.grid_box = box; mesh.add(box); }, getPaintingGrid(cube) { var from = cube.from.slice(); var to =; if (cube.inflate) { from[0] -= cube.inflate; from[1] -= cube.inflate; from[2] -= cube.inflate; to[0] += cube.inflate; to[1] += cube.inflate; to[2] += cube.inflate; } var vertices = []; var epsilon = 0.0001 function getVector2(arr, axis) { switch (axis) { case 0: return [arr[1], arr[2]]; break; case 1: return [arr[0], arr[2]]; break; case 2: return [arr[0], arr[1]]; break; } } function addVector(u, v, axis, w) { switch (axis) { case 0: vertices.push(w, u, v); break; case 1: vertices.push(u, w, v); break; case 2: vertices.push(u, v, w); break; } } function addFace(name, uv_offset, axis, side) { var start = getVector2(from, axis) var end = getVector2(to, axis) var face = cube.faces[name]; var texture = face.getTexture(); if (texture == null) return; var uv_size = [ Math.abs(face.uv_size[0]), Math.abs(face.uv_size[1]) ] uv_offset = [ uv_offset[0] == true ? (face.uv_size[0] > 0 ? (1-face.uv[2]%1) : ( face.uv[2]%1)) : (face.uv_size[0] > 0 ? ( face.uv[0]%1) : (1-face.uv[0]%1)), uv_offset[1] == true ? (face.uv_size[1] > 0 ? (1-face.uv[3]%1) : ( face.uv[3]%1)) : (face.uv_size[1] > 0 ? ( face.uv[1]%1) : (1-face.uv[1]%1)) ] if ((face.rotation % 180 == 90) != (axis == 0)) { uv_size.reverse(); uv_offset.reverse(); } var w = side == 0 ? from[axis] : to[axis] //Columns var width = end[0]-start[0]; var step = Math.abs( width / uv_size[0] ); uv_offset[0] *= step; if (texture) step *= Project.texture_width / texture.width; if (step < epsilon) step = epsilon; for (var col = start[0] - uv_offset[0]; col <= end[0]; col += step) { if (col >= start[0]) { addVector(col, start[1], axis, w); addVector(col, end[1], axis, w); } } //lines var height = end[1]-start[1]; var step = Math.abs( height / uv_size[1] ); uv_offset[1] *= step; let tex_height = texture.frameCount ? (texture.height / texture.frameCount) : texture.height; if (texture) step *= Project.texture_height / tex_height; if (step < epsilon) step = epsilon; for (var line = start[1] - uv_offset[1]; line <= end[1]; line += step) { if (line >= start[1]) { addVector(start[0], line, axis, w); addVector(end[0], line, axis, w); } } } addFace('north', [true, true], 2, 0); addFace('south', [false, true], 2, 1); addFace('west', [false, true], 0, 0); addFace('east', [true, true], 0, 1); addFace('down', [false, true], 1, 0); addFace('up', [false, false], 1, 1); var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) ); var lines = new THREE.LineSegments(geometry, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: gizmo_colors.grid})); lines.geometry.translate(-cube.origin[0], -cube.origin[1], -cube.origin[2]); lines.no_export = true; return lines; }, updatePaintingGrid() { Cube.all.forEach(cube => { Canvas.buildGridBox(cube) }) }, getModelSize() { var visible_box = new THREE.Box3() Canvas.withoutGizmos(() => { Cube.all.forEach(cube => { if (cube.export && cube.mesh) { visible_box.expandByObject(cube.mesh); } }) }) var offset = new THREE.Vector3(8,8,8); visible_box.max.add(offset); visible_box.min.add(offset); // Width var radius = Math.max( visible_box.max.x, visible_box.max.z, -visible_box.min.x, -visible_box.min.z ) if (Math.abs(radius) === Infinity) { radius = 0 } let width = radius*2 let height = Math.abs(visible_box.max.y - visible_box.min.y) if (height === Infinity) height = 0; return [width, height] } }