(function() { function F(num) { var s = trimFloatNumber(num) + ''; if (!s.includes('.')) { s += '.0'; } return s+'F'; } function I(num) { return Math.floor(num) } const Templates = { '1.12': { name: 'Forge 1.12', flip_y: true, integer_size: true, file: `// Made with Blockbench %(bb_version) // Exported for Minecraft version 1.12 // Paste this class into your mod and generate all required imports public class %(identifier) extends ModelBase { %(fields) public %(identifier)() { textureWidth = %(texture_width); textureHeight = %(texture_height); %(content) } @Override public void render(Entity entity, float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5) { %(renderers) } public void setRotationAngle(ModelRenderer modelRenderer, float x, float y, float z) { modelRenderer.rotateAngleX = x; modelRenderer.rotateAngleY = y; modelRenderer.rotateAngleZ = z; } }`, field: `private final ModelRenderer %(bone);`, bone: `%(bone) = new ModelRenderer(this); %(bone).setRotationPoint(%(x), %(y), %(z)); ?(has_parent)%(parent).addChild(%(bone)); ?(has_rotation)setRotationAngle(%(bone), %(rx), %(ry), %(rz)); %(cubes)`, renderer: `%(bone).render(f5);`, cube: `%(bone).cubeList.add(new ModelBox(%(bone), %(uv_x), %(uv_y), %(x), %(y), %(z), %(dx), %(dy), %(dz), %(inflate), %(mirror)));`, }, '1.14': { name: 'Forge 1.14', flip_y: true, integer_size: true, file: `// Made with Blockbench %(bb_version) // Exported for Minecraft version 1.14 // Paste this class into your mod and generate all required imports public class %(identifier) extends EntityModel { %(fields) public %(identifier)() { textureWidth = %(texture_width); textureHeight = %(texture_height); %(content) } @Override public void render(Entity entity, float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5) { %(renderers) } public void setRotationAngle(RendererModel modelRenderer, float x, float y, float z) { modelRenderer.rotateAngleX = x; modelRenderer.rotateAngleY = y; modelRenderer.rotateAngleZ = z; } }`, field: `private final RendererModel %(bone);`, bone: `%(bone) = new RendererModel(this); %(bone).setRotationPoint(%(x), %(y), %(z)); ?(has_parent)%(parent).addChild(%(bone)); ?(has_rotation)setRotationAngle(%(bone), %(rx), %(ry), %(rz)); %(cubes)`, renderer: `%(bone).render(f5);`, cube: `%(bone).cubeList.add(new ModelBox(%(bone), %(uv_x), %(uv_y), %(x), %(y), %(z), %(dx), %(dy), %(dz), %(inflate), %(mirror)));`, }, '1.15': { name: 'Forge 1.15', flip_y: true, integer_size: false, file: `// Made with Blockbench %(bb_version) // Exported for Minecraft version 1.15 // Paste this class into your mod and generate all required imports public class %(identifier) extends EntityModel { %(fields) public %(identifier)() { textureWidth = %(texture_width); textureHeight = %(texture_height); %(content) } @Override public void setRotationAngles(Entity entity, float limbSwing, float limbSwingAmount, float ageInTicks, float netHeadYaw, float headPitch){ //previously the render function, render code was moved to a method below } @Override public void render(MatrixStack matrixStack, IVertexBuilder buffer, int packedLight, int packedOverlay, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha){ %(renderers) } public void setRotationAngle(ModelRenderer modelRenderer, float x, float y, float z) { modelRenderer.rotateAngleX = x; modelRenderer.rotateAngleY = y; modelRenderer.rotateAngleZ = z; } }`, field: `private final ModelRenderer %(bone);`, bone: `%(bone) = new ModelRenderer(this); %(bone).setRotationPoint(%(x), %(y), %(z)); ?(has_parent)%(parent).addChild(%(bone)); ?(has_rotation)setRotationAngle(%(bone), %(rx), %(ry), %(rz)); %(cubes)`, renderer: `%(bone).render(matrixStack, buffer, packedLight, packedOverlay);`, cube: `%(bone).setTextureOffset(%(uv_x), %(uv_y)).addBox(%(x), %(y), %(z), %(dx), %(dy), %(dz), %(inflate), %(mirror));`, }, get(key, version = Project.modded_entity_version) { let temp = Templates[version][key]; if (typeof temp === 'string') temp = temp.replace(/\t\t\t/g, ''); return temp; }, keepLine(line) { return line.replace(/\?\(\w+\)/, ''); }, getVariableRegex(name) { return new RegExp(`%\\(${name}\\)`, 'g'); } } function getIdentifier() { return (Project.geometry_name && Project.geometry_name.replace(/[\s-]+/g, '_')) || 'custom_model'; } var codec = new Codec('modded_entity', { name: 'Java Class', extension: 'java', remember: true, load_filter: { type: 'text', extensions: ['java'] }, compile(options) { let R = Templates.getVariableRegex; let identifier = getIdentifier(); let all_groups = getAllGroups(); let loose_cubes = []; Cube.all.forEach(cube => { if (cube.parent == 'root') loose_cubes.push(cube) }) if (loose_cubes.length) { let group = new Group({ name: 'bb_main' }); group.is_catch_bone = true; group.createUniqueName() all_groups.push(group) group.children.replace(loose_cubes) } all_groups.slice().forEach(group => { let subgroups = []; let group_i = all_groups.indexOf(group); group.children.forEachReverse(cube => { if (cube instanceof Cube == false) return; if (!cube.rotation.allEqual(0)) { let sub = subgroups.find(s => { if (!s.rotation.equals(cube.rotation)) return false; if (s.rotation.filter(n => n).length > 1) { return s.origin.equals(cube.origin) } else { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (s.rotation[i] == 0 && s.origin[i] != cube.origin[i]) return false; } return true; } }) if (!sub) { sub = new Group({ rotation: cube.rotation, origin: cube.origin, name: `${cube.name}_r1` }) sub.parent = group; sub.is_rotation_subgroup = true; sub.createUniqueName(all_groups) subgroups.push(sub) group_i++; all_groups.splice(group_i, 0, sub); } sub.children.push(cube); } }) }) let model = Templates.get('file'); model = model.replace(R('bb_version'), Blockbench.version); model = model.replace(R('identifier'), identifier); model = model.replace(R('texture_width'), Project.texture_width); model = model.replace(R('texture_height'), Project.texture_height); model = model.replace(R('fields'), () => { let group_snippets = []; for (var group of all_groups) { if ((group instanceof Group === false && !group.is_catch_bone) || !group.export) continue; let snippet = Templates.get('field') .replace(R('bone'), group.name) group_snippets.push(snippet); } return group_snippets.join('\n\t') }); model = model.replace(R('content'), () => { let group_snippets = []; for (var group of all_groups) { if ((group instanceof Group === false && !group.is_catch_bone) || !group.export) continue; let snippet = Templates.get('bone') .replace(R('bone'), group.name) .replace(/\n\?\(has_rotation\).+/, group.rotation.allEqual(0) ? '' : Templates.keepLine) snippet = snippet .replace(R('rx'), F(Math.degToRad(-group.rotation[0]))) .replace(R('ry'), F(Math.degToRad(-group.rotation[1]))) .replace(R('rz'), F(Math.degToRad(group.rotation[2]))) var origin = group.origin.slice(); if (group.parent instanceof Group) { origin.V3_subtract(group.parent.origin) } origin[0] *= -1; if (Templates.get('flip_y')) { origin[1] *= -1; if (group.parent instanceof Group === false) { origin[1] += 24 } } snippet = snippet .replace(R('x'), F(origin[0])) .replace(R('y'), F(origin[1])) .replace(R('z'), F(origin[2])) .replace(/\n\?\(has_parent\).+/, group.parent instanceof Group ? Templates.keepLine : '') .replace(R('parent'), group.parent.name) .replace(R('cubes'), () => { let cube_snippets = []; for (var cube of group.children) { if (cube instanceof Cube === false || !cube.export || (!cube.rotation.allEqual(0) && !group.is_rotation_subgroup)) continue; let c_snippet = Templates.get('cube') .replace(R('bone'), group.name) .replace(R('uv_x'), I(cube.uv_offset[0])) .replace(R('uv_y'), I(cube.uv_offset[1])) .replace(R('inflate'), F(cube.inflate)) .replace(R('mirror'), cube.mirror_uv) if (Templates.get('flip_y')) { c_snippet = c_snippet .replace(R('x'), F(group.origin[0] - cube.to[0]) ) .replace(R('y'), F(-cube.from[1] - cube.size(1) + group.origin[1]) ) .replace(R('z'), F(cube.from[2] - group.origin[2]) ) } else { c_snippet = c_snippet .replace(R('x'), F(group.origin[0] - cube.to[0]) ) .replace(R('y'), F(cube.from[1] - group.origin[1]) ) .replace(R('z'), F(cube.from[2] - group.origin[2]) ) } if (Templates.get('integer_size')) { c_snippet = c_snippet .replace(R('dx'), I(cube.size(0, true)) ) .replace(R('dy'), I(cube.size(1, true)) ) .replace(R('dz'), I(cube.size(2, true)) ) } else { c_snippet = c_snippet .replace(R('dx'), F(cube.size(0, true)) ) .replace(R('dy'), F(cube.size(1, true)) ) .replace(R('dz'), F(cube.size(2, true)) ) } cube_snippets.push(c_snippet); } return cube_snippets.join('\n'); }) .replace(/\n/g, '\n\t\t') group_snippets.push(snippet); } return group_snippets.join('\n\n\t\t') }); model = model.replace(R('renderers'), () => { let group_snippets = []; for (var group of all_groups) { if ((group instanceof Group === false && !group.is_catch_bone) || !group.export) continue; if (!Templates.get('render_subgroups') && group.parent instanceof Group) continue; let snippet = Templates.get('renderer') .replace(R('bone'), group.name) group_snippets.push(snippet); } return group_snippets.join('\n\t\t') }); let event = {model, options}; this.dispatchEvent('compile', event); return event.model; }, parse(model, path, add) { this.dispatchEvent('parse', {model}); var lines = []; model.split('\n').forEach(l => { l = l.replace(/\/\*[^(\*\/)]*\*\/|\/\/.*/g, '').trim().replace(/;$/, ''); if (l) { lines.push(l) } }) function parseScheme(scheme, input) { scheme = scheme.replace(/\(/g, '\\(').replace(/\)/g, '\\)').replace(/\./g, '\\.'); var parts = scheme.split('$'); var results = []; var location = 0; var i = 0; for (var part of parts) { if (i == 0) { var partmatch = new RegExp('^'+part).exec(input); if (partmatch == null) return; location = partmatch[0].length; } else { var key = part.substr(0, 1); part = part.substr(1); var key_regex = ''; switch (key) { case 'v': key_regex = '^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+'; break; case 'i': key_regex = '^-?\\d+'; break; case 'f': key_regex = '^-?\\d+\\.?\\d*[Ff]'; break; case 'd': key_regex = '^-?\\d+\\.?\\d*'; break; case 'b': key_regex = '^true|false'; break; } var partmatch = new RegExp(key_regex+part).exec(input.substr(location)); if (partmatch == null) return; var variable = new RegExp(key_regex).exec(input.substr(location))[0]; switch (key) { case 'v': results.push(variable); break; case 'i': results.push(parseInt(variable)); break; case 'f': results.push(parseFloat(variable.replace(/F$/, ''))); break; case 'd': results.push(parseFloat(variable.replace(/F$/, ''))); break; case 'b': results.push(variable == 'true'); break; } location += partmatch[0].length; } i++; } match = results; return true; } var scope = 0, bones = {}, geo_name, match, last_uv; lines.forEach(line => { if (scope == 0) { if (/^public class/.test(line)) { scope = 1; geo_name = line.split(/[\s<>()\.]+/g)[2]; } } else if (scope == 1) { line = line.replace(/public |static |final |private |void /g, '').trim(); if (line.substr(0, 13) == 'ModelRenderer' || line.substr(0, 13) == 'RendererModel') { let name = line.split(' ')[1]; bones[name] = new Group({ name, origin: [0, 24, 0] }).init(); } else if (line.substr(0, geo_name.length) == geo_name) { scope = 2; } } else if (scope == 2) { line = line.replace(/^this\./, ''); match = undefined; if (line == '}') { scope--; } else if (parseScheme('textureWidth = $i', line)) { Project.texture_width = match[0]; } else if (parseScheme('textureHeight = $i', line)) { Project.texture_height = match[0]; } else if (parseScheme('super($v, $i, $i)', line)) { Project.texture_width = match[1]; Project.texture_height = match[2]; } else if ( parseScheme('ModelRenderer $v = new ModelRenderer(this, $i, $i)', line) || parseScheme('RendererModel $v = new RendererModel(this, $i, $i)', line) || parseScheme('$v = new ModelRenderer(this, $i, $i)', line) || parseScheme('$v = new RendererModel(this, $i, $i)', line) ) { if (!bones[match[0]]) { bones[match[0]] = new Group({ name: match[0], origin: [0, 24, 0] }).init(); } last_uv = [match[1], match[2]]; } else if ( parseScheme('$v = new ModelRenderer(this)', line) ) { // Blockbench for 1.15 if (!bones[match[0]]) { bones[match[0]] = new Group({ name: match[0], origin: [0, 0, 0] }).init(); } } else if (parseScheme('$v.setRotationPoint($f, $f, $f)', line)) { var bone = bones[match[0]] if (bone) { bone.extend({origin: [-match[1], 24-match[2], match[3]]}); bone.children.forEach(cube => { if (cube instanceof Cube) { cube.from[0] += bone.origin[0]; cube.to[0] += bone.origin[0]; cube.from[1] += bone.origin[1]-24; cube.to[1] += bone.origin[1]-24; cube.from[2] += bone.origin[2]; cube.to[2] += bone.origin[2]; } }) } } else if (parseScheme('$v.addChild($v)', line.replace(/\(this\./g, '('))) { var child = bones[match[1]], parent = bones[match[0]]; child.addTo(parent); child.origin.V3_add(parent.origin) child.origin[1] -= 24; child.children.forEach(cube => { if (cube instanceof Cube) { cube.from[0] += parent.origin[0]; cube.to[0] += parent.origin[0]; cube.from[1] += parent.origin[1]-24; cube.to[1] += parent.origin[1]-24; cube.from[2] += parent.origin[2]; cube.to[2] += parent.origin[2]; } }) } else //Cubes if (parseScheme('$v.cubeList.add(new ModelBox($v, $i, $i, $f, $f, $f, $i, $i, $i, $f, $b))', line)) { var group = bones[match[0]]; var cube = new Cube({ name: match[0], uv_offset: [match[2], match[3]], from: [ group.origin[0] - match[4] - match[7], group.origin[1] - match[5] - match[8], group.origin[2] + match[6] ], inflate: match[10], mirror_uv: match[11], }) cube.extend({ to: [ cube.from[0] + Math.floor(match[7]), cube.from[1] + Math.floor(match[8]), cube.from[2] + Math.floor(match[9]), ] }); cube.addTo(bones[match[0]]).init(); } else if (parseScheme('$v.addBox($f, $f, $f, $i, $i, $i)', line) || parseScheme('$v.addBox($f, $f, $f, $i, $i, $i, $v)', line) || parseScheme('$v.addBox($f, $f, $f, $i, $i, $i, $f)', line) || parseScheme('$v.addBox($f, $f, $f, $f, $f, $f, $f, $f, $f)', line) ) { var group = bones[match[0]]; var cube = new Cube({ name: match[0], uv_offset: last_uv, from: [ group.origin[0] - match[1] - match[4], group.origin[1] - match[2] - match[5], group.origin[2] + match[3] ], inflate: (typeof match[7] == 'number' ? match[7] : 0), mirror_uv: group.mirror_uv }) cube.extend({ to: [ cube.from[0] + Math.floor(match[4]), cube.from[1] + Math.floor(match[5]), cube.from[2] + Math.floor(match[6]), ] }); cube.addTo(bones[match[0]]).init(); } else if (parseScheme('$v.setTextureOffset($i, $i).addBox($f, $f, $f, $f, $f, $f, $f, $b)', line) ) { var group = bones[match[0]]; var cube = new Cube({ name: match[0], uv_offset: [match[1], match[2]], from: [ group.origin[0] - match[3] - match[6], group.origin[1] - match[4] - match[7], group.origin[2] + match[5] ], inflate: match[9], mirror_uv: match[10] }) cube.extend({ to: [ cube.from[0] + Math.floor(match[6]), cube.from[1] + Math.floor(match[7]), cube.from[2] + Math.floor(match[8]), ] }); cube.addTo(bones[match[0]]).init(); } else //Rotation if (parseScheme('setRotationAngle($v, $f, $f, $f)', line)) { //blockbench var group = bones[match[0]]; if (group) { group.extend({ rotation: [ -Math.radToDeg(match[1]), -Math.radToDeg(match[2]), Math.radToDeg(match[3]), ] }) } } else if (parseScheme('setRotation($v, $f, $f, $f)', line)) { //cubik var group = bones[match[0]]; if (group) { group.extend({ rotation: [ -Math.radToDeg(match[1]), -Math.radToDeg(match[2]), Math.radToDeg(match[3]), ] }) } } else if (parseScheme('setRotateAngle($v, $f, $f, $f)', line)) { //tabula var group = bones[match[0]]; if (group) { group.extend({ rotation: [ -Math.radToDeg(match[1]), -Math.radToDeg(match[2]), Math.radToDeg(match[3]), ] }) } } else if (parseScheme('$v.rotateAngleX = $f', line)) { //default var group = bones[match[0]]; if (group) { group.rotation[0] = -Math.radToDeg(match[1]); } } else if (parseScheme('$v.rotateAngleY = $f', line)) { //default var group = bones[match[0]]; if (group) { group.rotation[1] = -Math.radToDeg(match[1]); } } else if (parseScheme('$v.rotateAngleZ = $f', line)) { //default var group = bones[match[0]]; if (group) { group.rotation[2] = Math.radToDeg(match[1]); } } else if (parseScheme('$v.mirror = $b', line)) { var group = bones[match[0]]; group.mirror_uv = match[1]; group.children.forEach(cube => { cube.mirror_uv = match[1]; }); } } }) Project.geometry_name = geo_name; this.dispatchEvent('parsed', {model}); Canvas.updateAll(); }, fileName() { return getIdentifier(); } }) codec.templates = Templates; var format = new ModelFormat({ id: 'modded_entity', icon: 'icon-format_java', codec, box_uv: true, single_texture: true, bone_rig: true, centered_grid: true, rotate_cubes: true, integer_size: true }) //Object.defineProperty(format, 'integer_size', {get: _ => Templates.get('integer_size')}) codec.format = format; BARS.defineActions(function() { new Action({ id: 'export_class_entity', icon: 'free_breakfast', category: 'file', condition: () => Format == format, click: function () { codec.export() } }) }) })()