{ "new_version": { "color": "var(--color-bright_ui)", "text_color": "var(--color-accent_text)", "graphic": { "type": "image", "source": "https://www.blockbench.net/api/news/splash_art.png?9", "width": 630, "height": 420 }, "text": [ {"type": "h1", "text": "Blockbench 3.8"}, {"text": "New in this update:"}, {"type": "list", "list": [ "Animation Graph Editor!", "Option to share models via short link", "Progressive-Web-App installation option, allowing offline use on tablets and phones", "Option to merge other projects into the current project", "Foldable panels and sidebars", "Added Null Objects", "Added Orbit Gizmo" ]}, {"text": "You can find many more new features and changes in the [full changelog](https://github.com/JannisX11/blockbench/releases/tag/v3.8.0)!"}, {"text": "Splash Art by [JannisX11](https://twitter.com/JannisX11)"} ] } }