class ModelProject { constructor(options = {}) { for (var key in {[key].reset(this, true); } this.uuid = guid(); this.selected = false; this.locked = false; this.thumbnail = ''; this.box_uv = options.format ? options.format.box_uv : false; this._texture_width = 16; this._texture_height = 16; this._name = ''; this._saved = true; this.save_path = ''; this.export_path = ''; this.added_models = 0; this.undo = new UndoSystem(); this.format = options.format instanceof ModelFormat ? options.format :; this.mode = 'edit'; this.tool = ''; this.view_mode = 'textured'; this.display_uv = settings.show_only_selected_uv.value ? 'selected_faces' :'selected_elements'; this.exploded_view = false; this.previews = {}; this.uv_viewport = { zoom: 1, offset: [0, 0] }; this.EditSession = null; /*this.backgrounds = { normal: new ReferenceImage({name: 'menu.preview.perspective.normal', lock: null}), ortho_top: new ReferenceImage({name: '', lock: true}), ortho_bottom: new ReferenceImage({name: 'direction.bottom', lock: true}), ortho_south: new ReferenceImage({name: 'direction.south', lock: true}), ortho_north: new ReferenceImage({name: 'direction.north', lock: true}), ortho_east: new ReferenceImage({name: 'direction.east', lock: true}), ortho_west: new ReferenceImage({name: 'direction.west', lock: true}), }*/ this.reference_images = []; // Data this.elements = []; this.groups = []; this.selected_elements = []; this.selected_group = null; this.mesh_selection = {}; this.selected_faces = []; this.textures = []; this.selected_texture = null; this.outliner = []; this.animations = []; this.animation_controllers = []; this.timeline_animators = []; this.display_settings = {}; ModelProject.all.push(this); ProjectData[this.uuid] = { model_3d: new THREE.Object3D(), materials: {}, nodes_3d: {} } } extend() { for (var key in {[key].merge(this, object) } } get texture_width() {return this._texture_width} get texture_height() {return this._texture_height} set texture_width(n) { n = parseInt(n)||16 if (this.selected && n != this._texture_width) { Vue.nextTick(updateProjectResolution); } this._texture_width = n; } get optional_box_uv() { return Format.optional_box_uv; } set texture_height(n) { n = parseInt(n)||16 if (this.selected && n != this._texture_height) { Vue.nextTick(updateProjectResolution); } this._texture_height = n; } get name() { return this._name; } set name(name) { this._name = name; if (Project == this) { setProjectTitle(name); } } get saved() { return this._saved; } set saved(saved) { this._saved = saved; // Dispatch an event to allow other scripts to react to the change Blockbench.dispatchEvent('saved_state_changed', { project: this, saved: saved }); if (Project == this) { setProjectTitle(; } } get geometry_name() { return this.model_identifier; } set geometry_name(val) { this.model_identifier = val; } get model_3d() { return ProjectData[this.uuid].model_3d; } get materials() { return ProjectData[this.uuid].materials; } get nodes_3d() { return ProjectData[this.uuid].nodes_3d; } getDisplayName() { return || this.model_identifier ||; } getProjectMemory() { if (!isApp) return; let path = this.export_path || this.save_path; let data = recent_projects.find(p => p.path == path); return data; } openSettings() { if (this.selected); } whenNextOpen(callback) { if (Project == this) { callback(); } else { if (!this.on_next_upen) this.on_next_upen = []; this.on_next_upen.push(callback); } } saveEditorState() { UVEditor.saveViewportOffset(); Preview.all.forEach(preview => { this.previews[] = { position:, target:, orthographic: preview.isOrtho, zoom: preview.camOrtho.zoom, angle: preview.angle, } }) Blockbench.dispatchEvent('save_editor_state', {project: this}); return this; } loadEditorState() { Project = this; Undo = this.undo; this.selected = true;; BarItems.view_mode.set(this.view_mode); // Setup Data OutlinerNode.uuids = {}; this.elements.forEach(el => { OutlinerNode.uuids[el.uuid] = el; }) this.groups.forEach(group => { OutlinerNode.uuids[group.uuid] = group; }) Outliner.root = this.outliner; Interface.Panels.outliner.inside_vue.root = this.outliner; UVEditor.vue.elements = this.selected_elements; UVEditor.vue.all_elements = this.elements; UVEditor.vue.selected_vertices = {}; UVEditor.vue.selected_faces = this.selected_faces; UVEditor.vue.box_uv = this.box_uv; UVEditor.vue.display_uv = this.display_uv; for (let uuid in this.mesh_selection) { UVEditor.vue.selected_vertices[uuid] = this.mesh_selection[uuid].vertices; } Interface.Panels.textures.inside_vue.textures = Texture.all; scene.add(this.model_3d); Panels.animations.inside_vue.animations = this.animations; Panels.animations.inside_vue.animation_controllers = this.animation_controllers; Timeline.animators = Timeline.vue.animators = []; Animation.selected = null; AnimationController.selected = null; let selected_anim = this.animations.find(anim => anim.selected); if (selected_anim); Timeline.animators = Timeline.vue.animators = this.timeline_animators; Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.text = this.variable_placeholders.toString(); Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.buttons.replace(this.variable_placeholder_buttons); Interface.Panels.skin_pose.inside_vue.pose = this.skin_pose; UVEditor.loadViewportOffset(); Modes.options[this.mode].select(); if (BarItems[this.tool] && Condition(BarItems[this.tool].condition)) { BarItems[this.tool].select(); } BarItems.lock_motion_trail.value = !!Project.motion_trail_lock; BarItems.lock_motion_trail.updateEnabledState(); Preview.all.forEach(preview => { let data = this.previews[]; if (data) {;; preview.setProjectionMode(data.orthographic); if (data.zoom) preview.camOrtho.zoom = data.zoom; if (data.angle) preview.setLockedAngle(data.angle); } else if (preview.default_angle !== undefined) { preview.loadAnglePreset(preview.default_angle); } }) Blockbench.dispatchEvent('load_editor_state', {project: this}); return this; } select() { if (this === Project) return true; if (this.locked || Project.locked) return false; if (!ModelProject.all.includes(this)) return false; if (Project) { Project.unselect(); Blockbench.addFlag('switching_project'); } else { Interface.tab_bar.new_tab.visible = false; } this.loadEditorState(); if (this.EditSession) { = this.EditSession.chat_history; this.EditSession.catchUp(); } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('select_project', {project: this}); if (Preview.selected) Preview.selected.occupyTransformer(); setProjectTitle(; setStartScreen(!Project); updateInterface(); ReferenceImage.updateAll(); updateProjectResolution(); Validator.validate(); Vue.nextTick(() => { loadTextureDraggable(); if (this.on_next_upen instanceof Array) { this.on_next_upen.forEach(callback => callback()); delete this.on_next_upen; } }) Blockbench.removeFlag('switching_project'); return true; } updateThumbnail() { if (!Format.image_editor) { this.thumbnail = Preview.selected.canvas.toDataURL(); } else if (Texture.all.length) { this.thumbnail = Texture.getDefault()?.source; } } unselect(closing) { if (!closing) { this.updateThumbnail(); this.saveEditorState(); } Interface.tab_bar.last_opened_project = this.uuid; if (Format && typeof Format.onDeactivation == 'function') { Format.onDeactivation() } this.undo.closeAmendEditMenu(); this.reference_images.forEach(reference => reference.detach()); if ( ReferenceImageMode.deactivate(); if (TextureAnimator.isPlaying) TextureAnimator.stop(); this.selected = false; Painter.current = {}; scene.remove(this.model_3d); OutlinerNode.uuids = {}; Format = 0; Project = 0; Undo = 0; if (Modes.selected) Modes.selected.unselect(); Settings.updateSettingsInProfiles(); OutlinerNode.uuids = {}; Outliner.root = []; if (closing) { updateInterface(); } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('unselect_project', {project: this}); } async close(force) { if (this.locked) return false; let last_selected = Project; try { let result =; if (result === false) return false; } catch (err) { console.error(err); } async function saveWarning() { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 4)); if (Project.saved) { return true; } else { if (isApp) { var answer = electron.dialog.showMessageBoxSync(currentwindow, { type: 'question', buttons: [tl(''), tl('dialog.discard'), tl('dialog.cancel')], title: 'Blockbench', message: tl('message.close_warning.message'), noLink: true }) if (answer === 0) { BarItems.save_project.trigger(); } return answer !== 2; } else { var answer = confirm(tl('message.close_warning.web')) return answer; } } } if (force || await saveWarning()) { try { if (isApp) { updateRecentProjectData(); } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('close_project'); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } if (this.EditSession) { this.EditSession.quit(); } this.unselect(true); Texture.all.forEach(tex => tex.stopWatcher()); let index = ModelProject.all.indexOf(this); ModelProject.all.remove(this); delete ProjectData[this.uuid]; Project = 0; delete AutoBackupModels[this.uuid]; localStorage.setItem('backup_model', JSON.stringify(AutoBackupModels)); if (last_selected && last_selected !== this) {; } else if (last_selected == 0) { Interface.tab_bar.openNewTab(); } else if (ModelProject.all.length) { ModelProject.all[Math.clamp(index, 0, ModelProject.all.length-1)].select(); } else { Interface.tab_bar.new_tab.visible = true;; selectNoProject(); } return true; } else { return false; } } } new Property(ModelProject, 'string', 'name', { label: '' }); new Property(ModelProject, 'string', 'parent', { label: 'dialog.project.parent', condition: {features: ['parent_model_id']} }); new Property(ModelProject, 'string', 'model_identifier', { label: 'dialog.project.geoname', condition: () => Format.model_identifier }); new Property(ModelProject, 'string', 'modded_entity_version', { label: 'dialog.project.modded_entity_version', default: '1.17', condition: {formats: ['modded_entity']}, options() { let options = {} for (var key in Codecs.modded_entity.templates) { if (Codecs.modded_entity.templates[key] instanceof Function == false) { options[key] = Codecs.modded_entity.templates[key].name; } } return options; } }); new Property(ModelProject, 'string', 'credit', { label: '', condition: () => && !== }); new Property(ModelProject, 'boolean', 'modded_entity_flip_y', { label: 'dialog.project.modded_entity_flip_y', default: true, condition: {formats: ['modded_entity']} }); new Property(ModelProject, 'boolean', 'ambientocclusion', { label: '', default: true, condition: {features: ['vertex_color_ambient_occlusion']} }); new Property(ModelProject, 'boolean', 'front_gui_light', { exposed: false, condition: () => Format.display_mode }); new Property(ModelProject, 'vector', 'visible_box', { exposed: false, default: [1, 1, 0] }); new Property(ModelProject, 'string', 'variable_placeholders', { exposed: false, }); new Property(ModelProject, 'array', 'variable_placeholder_buttons', { exposed: false, }); new Property(ModelProject, 'number', 'shadow_size', { label: 'dialog.project.shadow_size', condition: {formats: ['optifine_entity']}, default: 1 }); new Property(ModelProject, 'string', 'skin_model', { exposed: false, condition: {formats: ['skin']}, default: 'steve' }); new Property(ModelProject, 'string', 'skin_pose', { exposed: false, condition: {formats: ['skin']}, default: 'none' }); new Property(ModelProject, 'array', 'timeline_setups', { exposed: false, condition: () => Format.animation_mode, }); new Property(ModelProject, 'object', 'unhandled_root_fields', { exposed: false, default: {} }); ModelProject.all = []; let Project = 0; let ProjectData = {}; // Setup ModelProject for loaded project function setupProject(format) { if (typeof format == 'string' && Formats[format]) format = Formats[format]; new ModelProject({format}).select(); if (format.edit_mode) {; } else if (format.paint_mode) {; } else if (format.animation_mode) {; } if (typeof Format.onSetup == 'function') { Format.onSetup(Project, false) } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('setup_project'); return true; } // Setup brand new project function newProject(format) { if (typeof format == 'string' && Formats[format]) format = Formats[format]; new ModelProject({format}).select(); if (format.edit_mode) {; } else if (format.paint_mode) {; } if (typeof Format.onSetup == 'function') { Format.onSetup(Project, true) } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('new_project'); return true; } function selectNoProject() { setStartScreen(true); Project = 0; Undo = null; // Setup Data OutlinerNode.uuids = {}; Outliner.root = []; Interface.Panels.outliner.inside_vue.root = []; UVEditor.vue.elements = []; UVEditor.vue.all_elements = []; UVEditor.vue.selected_vertices = {}; UVEditor.vue.selected_faces = []; for (let uuid in UVEditor.vue.selected_vertices) { delete UVEditor.vue.selected_vertices[uuid]; } Interface.Panels.textures.inside_vue.textures = []; Panels.animations.inside_vue.animations = []; Panels.animations.inside_vue.animation_controllers = []; Timeline.animators = Timeline.vue.animators = []; Animation.selected = null; AnimationController.selected = null; Timeline.animators = Timeline.vue.animators = []; Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.text = ''; Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.buttons.empty(); Interface.Panels.skin_pose.inside_vue.pose = ''; Blockbench.dispatchEvent('select_no_project', {}); } function updateTabBarVisibility() { let hidden = Settings.get('hide_tab_bar') && Interface.tab_bar.tabs.length < 2; document.getElementById('tab_bar').style.display = hidden ? 'none' : 'flex'; document.getElementById('title_bar_home_button').style.display = hidden ? 'block' : 'none'; } // Resolution function setProjectResolution(width, height, modify_uv) { if (Project.texture_width / width != Project.texture_width / height) { modify_uv = false; } Undo.initEdit({uv_mode: true, elements: Cube.all, uv_only: true}) let old_res = { x: Project.texture_width, y: Project.texture_height } Project.texture_width = width; Project.texture_height = height; if (modify_uv) { var multiplier = [ Project.texture_width/old_res.x, Project.texture_height/old_res.y ] function shiftElement(element, axis) { if (!element.faces) return; if (element instanceof Mesh) { for (let key in element.faces) { let face = element.faces[key]; face.vertices.forEach(vertex_key => { if (face.uv[vertex_key]) { face.uv[vertex_key][axis] *= multiplier[axis]; } }) } } else if (element.box_uv) { element.uv_offset[axis] = Math.floor(element.uv_offset[axis] * multiplier[axis]); } else { for (let face in element.faces) { let {uv} = element.faces[face]; uv[axis] *= multiplier[axis]; uv[axis+2] *= multiplier[axis]; } } } if (old_res.x != Project.texture_width && Math.areMultiples(old_res.x, Project.texture_width)) { Outliner.elements.forEach(element => shiftElement(element, 0)); } if (old_res.y != Project.texture_height && Math.areMultiples(old_res.x, Project.texture_width)) { Outliner.elements.forEach(element => shiftElement(element, 1)); } } Undo.finishEdit('Changed project resolution') Canvas.updateAllUVs() if (selected.length) { UVEditor.loadData() } } function updateProjectResolution() { if (Interface.Panels.uv) { UVEditor.vue.project_resolution.replace([Project.texture_width, Project.texture_height]); UVEditor.vue.updateSize() } Canvas.uvHelperMaterial.uniforms.DENSITY.value = Project.texture_width / 32; if (Texture.selected) { // Update animated textures Texture.selected.height++; Texture.selected.height--; } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('update_project_resolution', {project: Project}); } function setStartScreen(state) { document.getElementById('start_screen').style.display = state ? 'block' : 'none'; = state ? 'none' : 'grid'; } onVueSetup(() => { const new_tab = { name: tl('projects.new_tab'), saved: true, selected: true, uuid: guid(), visible: true, is_new_tab: true, getDisplayName() {return}, close: () => { if (ModelProject.all.length) { Interface.tab_bar.new_tab.visible = false; let project = ModelProject.all.find(project => project.uuid == Interface.tab_bar.last_opened_project) || ModelProject.all.last(); if (project); } else { window.close(); } }, select() { if (Project) { Project.unselect() } Project = 0; Interface.tab_bar.new_tab.selected = true; setProjectTitle(ModelProject.all.length ? tl('projects.new_tab') : null); updateInterface(); }, openSettings() {} } Interface.tab_bar = new Vue({ el: '#tab_bar', data: { projects: ModelProject.all, drag_target_index: null, drag_position_index: null, close_tab_label: tl('projects.close_tab'), search_tabs_label: tl('action.tab_overview'), last_opened_project: '', new_tab }, computed: { tabs() { let tabs = this.projects.slice(); if (this.new_tab.visible) { tabs.push(this.new_tab); } return tabs; } }, methods: { openNewTab() { if (Project.locked) return; this.last_opened_project = Project.uuid; this.new_tab.visible = true;; selectNoProject(); }, tabOverview() { BarItems.tab_overview.trigger(); }, mouseDown(tab, e1) { convertTouchEvent(e1); e1.preventDefault(); if (this.thumbnail) { this.thumbnail.remove(); delete this.thumbnail; } if (e1.button == 1) { function off(e2) { removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup', off); delete tab.middle_mouse_pressing; } tab.middle_mouse_pressing = true; addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup', off, {passive: false}); return; } let scope = this; let active = false; let timeout; let last_event = e1; let outside_tab_bar = false; let drag_out_window_helper; let tab_node =; if (!tab_node.classList.contains('project_tab') || ModelProject.all.indexOf(tab) < 0) return;; let activate = () => { this.drag_target_index = ModelProject.all.indexOf(tab); this.drag_position_index = 0; if (open_menu) open_menu.hide(); active = true; } function move(e2) { convertTouchEvent(e2); let offset = e2.clientX - e1.clientX; if (!active) { let distance = Math.abs(offset); if (Blockbench.isTouch) { if (distance > 14 && timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } else { document.getElementById('tab_bar').scrollLeft += last_event.clientX - e2.clientX; } } else if (distance > 5) { activate(); } } else { if (e2) e2.preventDefault(); = `${offset}px`; let index_offset = Math.trunc((e2.clientX - e1.clientX) / tab_node.clientWidth); scope.drag_position_index = scope.drag_target_index + index_offset; // Detach tab let outside_tab_bar_before = outside_tab_bar; outside_tab_bar = isApp && Math.abs(e2.clientY - 42) > 60 || e2.clientX < 2 || e2.clientX > window.innerWidth; if (outside_tab_bar !== outside_tab_bar_before) { //setStartScreen(outside_tab_bar); if (!drag_out_window_helper) { drag_out_window_helper = Interface.createElement('div', {id: 'drag_out_window_helper'}, Interface.createElement('div', {},; } if (outside_tab_bar) { document.body.append(drag_out_window_helper); } else { document.body.removeChild(drag_out_window_helper); } = outside_tab_bar ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; ipcRenderer.send('dragging-tab', outside_tab_bar); } if (outside_tab_bar) { = `${e2.clientX}px`; = `${e2.clientY}px`; } } last_event = e2; } function off(e2) { let {drag_target_index} = scope; removeEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', move); removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off); = null; scope.drag_target_index = null; scope.drag_position_index = null; if (Blockbench.isTouch) clearTimeout(timeout); if (isApp && outside_tab_bar && !tab.EditSession) { let project = Codecs.project.compile({editor_state: true, history: true, uuids: true, bitmaps: true, raw: true}) let pos = currentwindow.getPosition() project.detached_uuid = Project.uuid; project.detached_window_id =; ipcRenderer.send('dragging-tab', false); ipcRenderer.send('new-window', JSON.stringify(project), JSON.stringify({ offset: [ pos[0] + e2.clientX, pos[1] + e2.clientY, ] })); drag_out_window_helper.remove(); = null; tab.detached = true; } else if (active && !open_menu) { convertTouchEvent(e2); let index_offset = Math.trunc((e2.clientX - e1.clientX) / tab_node.clientWidth); if (index_offset) { ModelProject.all.splice(drag_target_index, 1); ModelProject.all.splice(drag_target_index + index_offset, 0, tab); } } } if (Blockbench.isTouch) { timeout = setTimeout(() => { active = true; move(e1); }, 320) } addEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', move, {passive: false}); addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off, {passive: false}); }, selectProject(project, event) { if (!'project_tab_close_button')) {; } }, mouseUp(tab, e1) { if (e1.button === 1 && tab.middle_mouse_pressing) { tab.close() } }, mouseEnter(project, event) { if (project.thumbnail && !project.selected) { if (this.thumbnail_timeout) { clearTimeout(this.thumbnail_timeout); delete this.thumbnail_timeout; } if (!this.thumbnail) { this.thumbnail = new Image(); document.body.append(this.thumbnail); } let img = this.thumbnail; img.src = project.thumbnail; img.attributes.width = '240px'; img.className = 'project_thumbnail'; if (project.format.image_editor) img.classList.add('pixelated'); let offset = $(; = (offset.left) + 'px'; = ( + + 'px'; } }, mouseLeave() { if (this.thumbnail) { this.thumbnail_timeout = setTimeout(() => { if (this.thumbnail) this.thumbnail.remove(); delete this.thumbnail; delete this.thumbnail_timeout; }, 80) } } }, watch: { tabs() { updateTabBarVisibility(); } } }) updateTabBarVisibility() }) BARS.defineActions(function() { new Action('project_window', { icon: 'featured_play_list', category: 'file', condition: () => Format, click: function () { let form = { format: {type: 'info', label: 'data.format', text:||'unknown', description: Format.description} } for (var key in { let property =[key]; if ( === false || !Condition(property.condition)) continue; let entry = form[] = { label: property.label, description: property.description, value: Project[], type: property.type } if (property.type == 'boolean') entry.type = 'checkbox'; if (property.type == 'string') entry.type = 'text'; if (property.options) { entry.options = typeof property.options == 'function' ? property.options() : property.options; entry.type = 'select'; } } form.uv_mode = { label: 'dialog.project.uv_mode', type: 'select', condition: Format.optional_box_uv, options: { face_uv: 'dialog.project.uv_mode.face_uv', box_uv: 'dialog.project.uv_mode.box_uv', }, value: Project.box_uv ? 'box_uv' : 'face_uv', }; form.texture_size = { label: 'dialog.project.texture_size', type: 'vector', dimensions: 2, value: [Project.texture_width, Project.texture_height], min: 1 }; var dialog = new Dialog({ id: 'project', title: 'dialog.project.title', width: 500, form, onConfirm: function(formResult) { var save; let box_uv = formResult.uv_mode == 'box_uv'; let texture_width = Math.clamp(formResult.texture_size[0], 1, Infinity); let texture_height = Math.clamp(formResult.texture_size[1], 1, Infinity); if (Project.box_uv != box_uv || Project.texture_width != texture_width || Project.texture_height != texture_height ) { // Adjust UV Mapping if resolution changed if (!Project.box_uv && !box_uv && (Project.texture_width != texture_width || Project.texture_height != texture_height) ) { save = Undo.initEdit({elements: [...Cube.all, ...Mesh.all], uv_only: true, uv_mode: true}) Cube.all.forEach(cube => { for (var key in cube.faces) { var uv = cube.faces[key].uv; uv[0] *= texture_width / Project.texture_width; uv[2] *= texture_width / Project.texture_width; uv[1] *= texture_height / Project.texture_height; uv[3] *= texture_height / Project.texture_height; } }) Mesh.all.forEach(mesh => { for (var key in mesh.faces) { var uv = mesh.faces[key].uv; for (let vkey in uv) { uv[vkey][0] *= texture_width / Project.texture_width; uv[vkey][1] *= texture_height / Project.texture_height; } } }) } // Convert UV mode per element if (Project.box_uv != box_uv && ((box_uv && !Cube.all.find(cube => cube.box_uv)) || (!box_uv && !Cube.all.find(cube => !cube.box_uv))) ) { if (!save) { save = Undo.initEdit({elements: Cube.all, uv_only: true, uv_mode: true}) } Cube.all.forEach(cube => { cube.setUVMode(box_uv); }) } if (!save) { save = Undo.initEdit({uv_mode: true}) } Project.texture_width = texture_width; Project.texture_height = texture_height; if (Format.optional_box_uv) Project.box_uv = box_uv; Canvas.updateAllUVs() updateSelection() } for (var key in {[key].merge(Project, formResult); } =; Project.model_identifier = Project.model_identifier.trim(); if (save) { Undo.finishEdit('Change project UV settings') } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('update_project_settings', formResult); BARS.updateConditions() if (Project.EditSession) { let metadata = { texture_width: Project.texture_width, texture_height: Project.texture_height, box_uv: Project.box_uv }; for (let key in {[key].copy(Project, metadata); } Project.EditSession.sendAll('change_project_meta', JSON.stringify(metadata)); } dialog.hide() } }) } }) new Action('close_project', { icon: 'cancel_presentation', category: 'file', keybind: new Keybind({key: 'w', ctrl: true}), condition: () => Project, click: function () { Project.close(); } }) new Action('convert_project', { icon: 'fas.fa-file-import', category: 'file', condition: () => Project && (!Project.EditSession ||, click: function () { var options = {}; for (var key in Formats) { let format = Formats[key] if (key !== && format.can_convert_to) { options[key] =; } } var dialog = new Dialog({ id: 'convert_project', title: 'dialog.convert_project.title', width: 540, form: { text: {type: 'info', text: 'dialog.convert_project.text'}, current: {type: 'info', label: 'dialog.convert_project.current_format', text: || '-'}, format: { label: 'data.format', type: 'select', options, }, create_copy: {type: 'checkbox', label: 'dialog.convert_project.create_copy', value: true} }, onConfirm: function(formResult) { var format = Formats[formResult.format] if (!format || format == Format) return; if (formResult.create_copy) { let model = Codecs.project.compile({raw: true}); setupProject(Format) Codecs.project.parse(model); if ( += ' - Converted' } format.convertTo() } }) } }) new Action('switch_tabs', { icon: 'swap_horiz', category: 'file', keybind: new Keybind({key: 9, ctrl: true, shift: null}), condition: () => ModelProject.all.length > 1, click(event) { let index = ModelProject.all.indexOf(Project); let target; if (event && event.shiftKey) { target = ModelProject.all[index-1] || ModelProject.all.last(); } else { target = ModelProject.all[index+1] || ModelProject.all[0]; } if (target); } }) new Action('tab_overview', { icon: 'view_module', category: 'file', condition: () => ModelProject.all.length, click(event) { if (Project) Project.updateThumbnail(); let dialog = new ShapelessDialog('tab_overview', { component: { data() {return { search_term: '', projects: ModelProject.all }}, methods: { select(project) {;; } }, computed: { filtered_projects() { if (!this.search_term) return this.projects; let term = this.search_term.toLowerCase(); return this.projects.filter(project => { return || project.model_identifier?.toLowerCase().includes(term); }) } }, template: `
` }, onConfirm() { let projects = this.content_vue.filtered_projects; if (this.content_vue.search_term) { projects[0].select(); } } }).show(); Vue.nextTick(() => { document.querySelector('#tab_overview_search input')?.focus() }) } }) })