class Animation { constructor(data) { = ''; this.uuid = guid() this.loop = 'once'; this.playing = false; this.override = false; this.selected = false; this.length = 0; this.snapping = Math.clamp(settings.animation_snap.value, 10, 500); this.animators = {}; this.markers = []; for (var key in {[key].reset(this); } if (typeof data === 'object') { this.extend(data); if (isApp && Format.animation_files && data.saved_name) { this.saved_name = data.saved_name; } } } extend(data) { for (var key in {[key].merge(this, data) } Merge.string(this, data, 'name') Merge.string(this, data, 'loop', val => ['once', 'loop', 'hold'].includes(val)) Merge.boolean(this, data, 'override') Merge.number(this, data, 'length') Merge.number(this, data, 'snapping') this.snapping = Math.clamp(this.snapping, 10, 500); if (typeof data.length == 'number') { this.setLength(this.length) } if (data.bones && !data.animators) { data.animators = data.bones; } if (data.animators instanceof Object) { for (var key in data.animators) { let animator_blueprint = data.animators[key]; // Update to 3.7 if (animator_blueprint instanceof Array) { animator_blueprint = { keyframes: animator_blueprint } } var kfs = animator_blueprint.keyframes; var animator; if (!this.animators[key]) { if (key == 'effects') { animator = this.animators[key] = new EffectAnimator(this); } else if (animator_blueprint.type && animator_blueprint.type !== 'bone') { let uuid = isUUID(key) && key; let element; if (!uuid) { let lowercase_name = key.toLowerCase(); element = Outliner.elements.find(element => element.constructor.animator && == lowercase_name) uuid = element ? element.uuid : guid(); } if (!element) element = Outliner.elements.find(element => element.constructor.animator && element.uuid == uuid); animator = this.animators[uuid] = new element.constructor.animator(uuid, this, } else { let uuid = isUUID(key) && key; if (!uuid) { let lowercase_bone_name = key.toLowerCase(); let group_match = Group.all.find(group => == lowercase_bone_name) uuid = group_match ? group_match.uuid : guid(); } animator = this.animators[uuid] = new BoneAnimator(uuid, this, } } else { animator = this.animators[key]; for (let channel in animator.channels) { animator[channel].empty() } } if (kfs && animator) { kfs.forEach(kf_data => { animator.addKeyframe(kf_data, kf_data.uuid); }) } } } if (data.markers instanceof Array) { data.markers.forEach(marker => { if (!this.markers.find(m2 => Math.epsilon(m2.time, marker.time, 0.001))) { this.markers.push(new TimelineMarker(marker)); } }) } return this; } getUndoCopy(options, save) { var copy = { uuid: this.uuid, name:, loop: this.loop, override: this.override, length: this.length, snapping: this.snapping, selected: this.selected, } for (var key in {[key].copy(this, copy) } if (this.markers.length) { copy.markers = => marker.getUndoCopy()); } if (Object.keys(this.animators).length) { copy.animators = {} for (var uuid in this.animators) { let ba = this.animators[uuid] var kfs = ba.keyframes if (kfs && kfs.length) { let ba_copy = copy.animators[uuid] = { name:, type: ba.type, keyframes: [] } kfs.forEach(kf => { ba_copy.keyframes.push(kf.getUndoCopy(true)); }) } } } return copy; } compileBedrockAnimation() { let ani_tag = {}; if (this.loop == 'hold') { ani_tag.loop = 'hold_on_last_frame'; } else if (this.loop == 'loop' || this.getMaxLength() == 0) { ani_tag.loop = true; } if (this.length) ani_tag.animation_length = this.length; if (this.override) ani_tag.override_previous_animation = true; if (this.anim_time_update) ani_tag.anim_time_update = this.anim_time_update.replace(/\n/g, ''); if (this.blend_weight) ani_tag.blend_weight = this.blend_weight.replace(/\n/g, ''); if (this.start_delay) ani_tag.start_delay = this.start_delay.replace(/\n/g, ''); if (this.loop_delay && ani_tag.loop) ani_tag.loop_delay = this.loop_delay.replace(/\n/g, ''); ani_tag.bones = {}; for (var uuid in this.animators) { var animator = this.animators[uuid]; if (!animator.keyframes.length) continue; if (animator instanceof EffectAnimator) { animator.sound.sort((kf1, kf2) => (kf1.time - kf2.time)).forEach(kf => { if (!ani_tag.sound_effects) ani_tag.sound_effects = {}; ani_tag.sound_effects[kf.getTimecodeString()] = kf.compileBedrockKeyframe(); }) animator.particle.sort((kf1, kf2) => (kf1.time - kf2.time)).forEach(kf => { if (!ani_tag.particle_effects) ani_tag.particle_effects = {}; ani_tag.particle_effects[kf.getTimecodeString()] = kf.compileBedrockKeyframe(); }) animator.timeline.sort((kf1, kf2) => (kf1.time - kf2.time)).forEach(kf => { if (!ani_tag.timeline) ani_tag.timeline = {}; ani_tag.timeline[kf.getTimecodeString()] = kf.compileBedrockKeyframe() }) } else if (animator.type == 'bone') { var group = animator.getGroup(); var bone_tag = ani_tag.bones[group ? :] = {}; var channels = {}; //Saving Keyframes animator.keyframes.forEach(function(kf) { if (!channels[]) { channels[] = {}; } let timecode = kf.getTimecodeString(); channels[][timecode] = kf.compileBedrockKeyframe() }) // Sorting + compressing keyframes for (var channel in Animator.possible_channels) { if (channels[channel]) { let timecodes = Object.keys(channels[channel]) if (timecodes.length === 1 && animator[channel][0].data_points.length == 1 && animator[channel][0].interpolation != 'catmullrom') { bone_tag[channel] = channels[channel][timecodes[0]] if (channel == 'scale' && channels[channel][timecodes[0]] instanceof Array && channels[channel][timecodes[0]].allEqual(channels[channel][timecodes[0]][0]) ) { bone_tag[channel] = channels[channel][timecodes[0]][0]; } } else { timecodes.sort((a, b) => parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(b)).forEach((timecode) => { if (!bone_tag[channel]) { bone_tag[channel] = {} } bone_tag[channel][timecode] = channels[channel][timecode]; }) } } } } } // Inverse Kinematics let ik_samples = this.sampleIK(); let sample_rate = settings.animation_sample_rate.value; for (let uuid in ik_samples) { let group = OutlinerNode.uuids[uuid]; var bone_tag = ani_tag.bones[group ? :] = {}; bone_tag.rotation = {}; ik_samples[uuid].forEach((rotation, i) => { let timecode = trimFloatNumber(Timeline.snapTime(i / sample_rate, this)).toString(); if (!timecode.includes('.')) { timecode += '.0'; } bone_tag.rotation[timecode] = rotation.array; }) } if (Object.keys(ani_tag.bones).length == 0) { delete ani_tag.bones; } return ani_tag; } sampleIK(sample_rate = settings.animation_sample_rate.value) { let interval = 1 / Math.clamp(sample_rate, 1, 144); let last_time = Timeline.time; let samples = {}; if (!NullObject.all.find(null_object => null_object.ik_target && this.getBoneAnimator(null_object).position.length)) return samples; Timeline.time = 0; while (Timeline.time <= this.length && Timeline.time <= 200) { // Bones Animator.showDefaultPose(true); Group.all.forEach(node => { Animator.resetLastValues(); Animator.animations.forEach(animation => { let multiplier = animation.blend_weight ? Math.clamp(Animator.MolangParser.parse(animation.blend_weight), 0, Infinity) : 1; if (animation.playing) { animation.getBoneAnimator(node).displayFrame(multiplier); } }) }) Outliner.elements.forEach(node => { if (!node.constructor.animator) return; Animator.resetLastValues(); let multiplier = this.blend_weight ? Math.clamp(Animator.MolangParser.parse(this.blend_weight), 0, Infinity) : 1; let animator = this.getBoneAnimator(node); animator.displayPosition(animator.interpolate('position'), multiplier); let bone_frame_rotation = animator.displayIK(true); for (let uuid in bone_frame_rotation) { if (!samples[uuid]) samples[uuid] = []; samples[uuid].push(bone_frame_rotation[uuid]); } }) Animator.resetLastValues(); Timeline.time += interval; } Timeline.time = last_time; if (Modes.animate && this.selected) { Animator.preview(); } else { Canvas.updateAllBones() } return samples; } save() { if (isApp && !this.path) { Blockbench.export({ resource_id: 'animation', type: 'JSON Animation', extensions: ['json'], name: (Project.geometry_name||'model')+'.animation', startpath: this.path, custom_writer: (content, path) => { if (!path) return this.path = path;; } }) return; } let content = { format_version: '1.8.0', animations: { []: this.compileBedrockAnimation() } } if (isApp && this.path) { if (fs.existsSync(this.path)) { //overwrite path let data; try { data = fs.readFileSync(this.path, 'utf-8'); data = autoParseJSON(data, false); if (typeof data.animations !== 'object') { throw 'Incompatible format' } } catch (err) { data = null; var answer = electron.dialog.showMessageBoxSync(currentwindow, { type: 'warning', buttons: [ tl('message.bedrock_overwrite_error.overwrite'), tl('dialog.cancel') ], title: 'Blockbench', message: tl('message.bedrock_overwrite_error.message'), detail: err+'', noLink: false }) if (answer === 1) { return; } } if (data) { let animation = content.animations[]; content = data; if (this.saved_name && this.saved_name !== delete content.animations[this.saved_name]; content.animations[] = animation; // Sort let file_keys = Object.keys(content.animations); let anim_keys = Animation.all.filter(anim => anim.path == this.path).map(anim =>; let changes = false; let index = 0; anim_keys.forEach(key => { let key_index = file_keys.indexOf(key); if (key_index == -1) { //Skip } else if (key_index < index) { file_keys.splice(key_index, 1); file_keys.splice(index, 0, key); changes = true; } else { index = key_index; } }) if (changes) { let sorted_animations = {}; file_keys.forEach(key => { sorted_animations[key] = content.animations[key]; }) content.animations = sorted_animations; } } } // Write Blockbench.writeFile(this.path, {content: compileJSON(content)}, (real_path) => { this.saved = true; this.saved_name =; this.path = real_path; }); } else { // Web Download Blockbench.export({ resource_id: 'animation', type: 'JSON Animation', extensions: ['json'], name: (Project.geometry_name||'model')+'.animation', startpath: this.path, content: compileJSON(content), }, (real_path) => { this.path == real_path; this.saved = true; }) } return this; } select() { var scope = this; Prop.active_panel = 'animations'; if (this == Animation.selected) return; var selected_bone = Group.selected; Animator.animations.forEach(function(a) { a.selected = a.playing = false; }) Timeline.clear(); Timeline.vue._data.markers = this.markers; Timeline.vue._data.animation_length = this.length; this.selected = true; this.playing = true; Animation.selected = this; unselectAll(); BarItems.slider_animation_length.update(); Group.all.forEach(group => { scope.getBoneAnimator(group); }) Outliner.elements.forEach(element => { if (!element.constructor.animator) return; scope.getBoneAnimator(element); }) if (selected_bone) {; } if (Modes.animate) { Animator.preview(); } return this; } setLength(len = this.length) { this.length = 0; this.length = limitNumber(len, this.getMaxLength(), 1e4); if (Animation.selected == this) { Timeline.vue._data.animation_length = this.length; BarItems.slider_animation_length.update() } } get time() { return (this.length && this.loop === 'loop') ? ((Timeline.time - 0.001) % this.length) + 0.001 : Timeline.time; } createUniqueName(arr) { var scope = this; var others = Animator.animations; if (arr && arr.length) { arr.forEach(g => { others.safePush(g) }) } var name =\d+$/, ''); function check(n) { for (var i = 0; i < others.length; i++) { if (others[i] !== scope && others[i].name == n) return false; } return true; } if (check( { return; } for (var num = 2; num < 8e3; num++) { if (check(name+num)) { = name+num; return; } } return false; } rename() { var scope = this; Blockbench.textPrompt('generic.rename',, function(name) { if (name && name !== { Undo.initEdit({animations: [scope]}); = name; scope.createUniqueName(); Undo.finishEdit('Rename animation'); } }) return this; } togglePlayingState(state) { if (!this.selected) { this.playing = state !== undefined ? state : !this.playing; Animator.preview(); } else { Timeline.start(); } return this.playing; } showContextMenu(event) {;, this); return this; } getBoneAnimator(group) { if (!group && Group.selected) { group = Group.selected; } else if (!group && (Outliner.selected[0] && Outliner.selected[0].constructor.animator)) { group = Outliner.selected[0]; } else if (!group) { return; } var uuid = group.uuid if (!this.animators[uuid]) { let match; for (let uuid2 in this.animators) { let animator = this.animators[uuid2]; if ( animator instanceof BoneAnimator && animator._name && animator._name.toLowerCase() === && ! ) { match = animator; match.uuid = group.uuid; delete this.animators[uuid2]; break; } } this.animators[uuid] = match || new group.constructor.animator(uuid, this); } return this.animators[uuid]; } add(undo) { if (undo) { Undo.initEdit({animations: []}) } if (!Animator.animations.includes(this)) { Animator.animations.push(this) } if (undo) { Undo.finishEdit('Add animation', {animations: [this]}) } return this; } remove(undo, remove_from_file = true) { if (undo) { Undo.initEdit({animations: [this]}) } Animator.animations.remove(this) if (undo) { Undo.finishEdit('Remove animation', {animations: []}) if (isApp && remove_from_file && this.path && fs.existsSync(this.path)) { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ translateKey: 'delete_animation', icon: 'movie', buttons: ['generic.delete', 'dialog.cancel'], confirm: 0, cancel: 1, }, (result) => { if (result == 0) { let content = fs.readFileSync(this.path, 'utf-8'); let json = autoParseJSON(content, false); if (json && json.animations && json.animations[]) { delete json.animations[]; Blockbench.writeFile(this.path, {content: compileJSON(json)}); Undo.history.last().before.animations[this.uuid].saved = false } } }) } } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('remove_animation', {animations: [this]}) if (Animation.selected === this) { Animation.selected = null; Timeline.clear(); Animator.preview(); } return this; } getMaxLength() { var len = this.length||0 for (var uuid in this.animators) { var bone = this.animators[uuid] var keyframes = bone.keyframes; if (keyframes.find(kf => kf.interpolation == 'catmullrom')) { keyframes = keyframes.slice().sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time); } keyframes.forEach((kf, i) => { if (kf.interpolation == 'catmullrom' && i == keyframes.length-1) return; len = Math.max(len, keyframes[i].time); }) } return len } setLoop(value, undo) { if ((value == 'once' || value == 'loop' || value == 'hold') && value !== this.loop) { if (undo) Undo.initEdit({animations: [this]}) this.loop = value; if (undo) Undo.finishEdit('Change animation loop mode') } } calculateSnappingFromKeyframes() { let timecodes = []; for (var key in this.animators) { let animator = this.animators[key]; animator.keyframes.forEach(kf => { timecodes.safePush(kf.time); }) } if (timecodes.length > 1) { for (var i = 10; i <= 100; i++) { let works = true; for (var timecode of timecodes) { let factor = (timecode * i) % 1; if (factor > 0.01 && factor < 0.99) { works = false; break; } } if (works) { this.snapping = i; return this.snapping; } } } } propertiesDialog() { let dialog = new Dialog({ id: 'animation_properties', title:, width: 660, part_order: ['form', 'component'], form: { name: {label: '', value:}, path: { label: 'menu.animation.file', value: this.path, type: 'file', extensions: ['json'], filetype: 'JSON Animation', condition: }, loop: { label: 'menu.animation.loop', type: 'select', value: this.loop, options: { once: 'menu.animation.loop.once', hold: 'menu.animation.loop.hold', loop: 'menu.animation.loop.loop', }, }, override: {label: 'menu.animation.override', type: 'checkbox', value: this.override}, snapping: {label: 'menu.animation.snapping', type: 'number', value: this.snapping, step: 1, min: 10, max: 500}, }, component: { components: {VuePrismEditor}, data: { anim_time_update: this.anim_time_update, blend_weight: this.blend_weight, start_delay: this.start_delay, loop_delay: this.loop_delay, loop_mode: this.loop }, template: `
` }, onFormChange(form) { = form.loop; }, onConfirm: form_data => { dialog.hide().delete(); if ( form_data.loop != this.loop || != || (isApp && form_data.path != this.path) || form_data.loop != this.loop || form_data.override != this.override || form_data.snapping != this.snapping || != this.anim_time_update || != this.blend_weight || != this.start_delay || != this.loop_delay ) { Undo.initEdit({animations: [this]}); this.extend({ loop: form_data.loop, name:, override: form_data.override, snapping: form_data.snapping, anim_time_update:\n/g, ''), blend_weight:\n/g, ''), start_delay:\n/g, ''), loop_delay:\n/g, ''), }) this.createUniqueName(); if (isApp) this.path = form_data.path; Blockbench.dispatchEvent('edit_animation_properties', {animation: this}) Undo.finishEdit('Edit animation properties'); } }, onCancel() { dialog.hide().delete(); } }); } } Object.defineProperty(Animation, 'all', { get() { return Project.animations || []; }, set(arr) { Project.animations.replace(arr); } }) Animation.selected = null; = new Menu([ 'copy', 'paste', 'duplicate', '_', {name: 'menu.animation.loop', icon: 'loop', children: [ {name: 'menu.animation.loop.once', icon: animation => (animation.loop == 'once' ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked'), click(animation) {animation.setLoop('once', true)}}, {name: 'menu.animation.loop.hold', icon: animation => (animation.loop == 'hold' ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked'), click(animation) {animation.setLoop('hold', true)}}, {name: 'menu.animation.loop.loop', icon: animation => (animation.loop == 'loop' ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked'), click(animation) {animation.setLoop('loop', true)}}, ]}, '_', { name: '', id: 'save', icon: 'save', condition: () => Format.animation_files, click(animation) {; } }, { name: 'menu.animation.open_location', id: 'open_location', icon: 'folder', condition(animation) {return isApp && Format.animation_files && animation.path && fs.existsSync(animation.path)}, click(animation) { shell.showItemInFolder(animation.path); } }, 'rename', { id: 'unload', name: 'menu.animation.unload', icon: 'remove', condition: () => Format.animation_files, click(animation) { Undo.initEdit({animations: [animation]}) animation.remove(false, false); Undo.finishEdit('Unload animation', {animations: []}) } }, 'delete', '_', {name: '', icon: 'list', click(animation) { animation.propertiesDialog(); }} ]) Animation.prototype.file_menu = new Menu([ {name: 'menu.animation_file.unload', icon: 'clear_all', click(id) { let animations_to_remove = []; Animation.all.forEach(animation => { if (animation.path == id && animation.saved) { animations_to_remove.push(animation); } }) if (!animations_to_remove.length) return; Undo.initEdit({animations: animations_to_remove}) animations_to_remove.forEach(animation => { animation.remove(false, false); }) Undo.finishEdit('Unload animation file', {animations: []}) }}, {name: 'menu.animation_file.import_remaining', icon: 'playlist_add', click(id) {[id], {}, files => { Animator.importFile(files[0]); }) }} ]) new Property(Animation, 'boolean', 'saved', {default: true, condition: () => Format.animation_files}) new Property(Animation, 'string', 'path', {condition: () => isApp && Format.animation_files}) new Property(Animation, 'molang', 'anim_time_update', {default: ''}); new Property(Animation, 'molang', 'blend_weight', {default: ''}); new Property(Animation, 'molang', 'start_delay', {default: ''}); new Property(Animation, 'molang', 'loop_delay', {default: ''}); Blockbench.on('finish_edit', event => { if (!Format.animation_files) return; if (event.aspects.animations && event.aspects.animations.length) { event.aspects.animations.forEach(animation => { if (Undo.current_save && Undo.current_save.aspects.animations instanceof Array && Undo.current_save.aspects.animations.includes(animation)) { animation.saved = false; } }) } if (event.aspects.keyframes && event.aspects.keyframes instanceof Array && Animation.selected) { Animation.selected.saved = false; } }) const WinterskyScene = new Wintersky.Scene({ fetchTexture: isApp && function(config) { if (config.preview_texture) { return config.preview_texture; } if (config.file_path && config.particle_texture_path) { let path_arr = config.file_path.split(PathModule.sep); let particle_index = path_arr.indexOf('particles') path_arr.splice(particle_index) let filePath = PathModule.join(path_arr.join(PathModule.sep), config.particle_texture_path.replace(/\.png$/, '')+'.png') if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) { config.preview_texture = filePath; return filePath; } } } }); WinterskyScene.global_options.scale = 16; WinterskyScene.global_options.loop_mode = 'auto'; WinterskyScene.global_options.parent_mode = 'entity'; Prism.languages.molang['function-name'] = /\b(?!\d)(math\.\w+|button)(?=[\t ]*\()/i; const Animator = { get possible_channels() { let obj = {}; Object.assign(obj, BoneAnimator.prototype.channels, EffectAnimator.prototype.channels); return obj; }, open: false, get animations() {return Animation.all}, get selected() {return Animation.selected}, MolangParser: new Molang(), motion_trail: new THREE.Object3D(), motion_trail_lock: false, _last_values: {}, resetLastValues() { for (let channel in BoneAnimator.prototype.channels) { if (BoneAnimator.prototype.channels[channel].transform) Animator._last_values[channel] = [0, 0, 0]; } }, join() { if (isApp && ( == 'bedrock' || == 'bedrock_old') && !Project.BedrockEntityManager.initialized_animations) { Project.BedrockEntityManager.initAnimations(); } = true; Canvas.updateAllBones() scene.add(; WinterskyScene.global_options.tick_rate = settings.particle_tick_rate.value; if (settings.motion_trails.value) scene.add(Animator.motion_trail); Animator.motion_trail.no_export = true; if (!Animator.timeline_node) { Animator.timeline_node = Panels.timeline.node; } updateInterface() if (Panels.element) { Toolbars.element_origin.toPlace('bone_origin') } if (!Timeline.is_setup) { Timeline.setup() } if (Canvas.outlines.children.length) { Canvas.outlines.children.empty() Canvas.updateAllPositions() } if (Animation.all.length && !Animation.all.includes(Animation.selected)) { Animation.all[0].select(); } else if (!Animation.all.length) { Timeline.selected.empty(); } if (Group.selected) {; } BarItems.slider_animation_length.update(); Animator.preview(); }, leave() { Timeline.pause() = false; scene.remove(; scene.remove(Animator.motion_trail); Animator.resetParticles(true); three_grid.position.z = three_grid.position.x; Canvas.ground_plane.position.z = Canvas.ground_plane.position.x; if (Panels.element) { let anchor = Panels.element.node.querySelector('#element_origin_toolbar_anchor'); if (anchor) anchor.before(Toolbars.element_origin.node); } if (Project) Project.model_3d.scale.set(1, 1, 1); Canvas.updateAllBones() }, showDefaultPose(no_matrix_update) { [...Group.all, ...Outliner.elements].forEach(node => { if (!node.constructor.animator) return; var mesh = node.mesh; if (mesh.fix_rotation) mesh.rotation.copy(mesh.fix_rotation); if (mesh.fix_position) mesh.position.copy(mesh.fix_position); mesh.scale.x = mesh.scale.y = mesh.scale.z = 1; }) if (!no_matrix_update) scene.updateMatrixWorld() }, resetParticles(optimized) { for (var path in Animator.particle_effects) { let {emitters} = Animator.particle_effects[path]; for (var uuid in emitters) { let emitter = emitters[uuid]; if (emitter.local_space.parent) emitter.local_space.parent.remove(emitter.local_space); if (emitter.global_space.parent) emitter.global_space.parent.remove(emitter.global_space); } } }, showMotionTrail(target) { if (!target) { target = Project.motion_trail_lock && OutlinerNode.uuids[Project.motion_trail_lock]; if (!target) { target = Group.selected || ((Outliner.selected[0] && Outliner.selected[0].constructor.animator) ? Outliner.selected[0] : null); } } if (!target) return; let animation = Animation.selected; let currentTime = Timeline.time; let step = Timeline.getStep(); let max_time = Math.max(Timeline.time, animation.getMaxLength()); if (!max_time) max_time = 1; let start_time = 0; if (max_time > 20) { start_time = Math.clamp(currentTime - 8, 0, Infinity); max_time = Math.min(max_time, currentTime + 8); } let geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); let bone_stack = []; let iterate = g => { bone_stack.push(g); if (g.parent instanceof Group) iterate(g.parent); } iterate(target) let keyframes = {}; let keyframe_source = Group.selected || ((Outliner.selected[0] && Outliner.selected[0].constructor.animator) ? Outliner.selected[0] : null); if (keyframe_source) { let ba = Animation.selected.getBoneAnimator(keyframe_source); let channel = target == Group.selected ? ba.position : (ba[Toolbox.selected.animation_channel] || ba.position) channel.forEach(kf => { keyframes[Math.round(kf.time / step)] = kf; }) } function displayTime(time) { Timeline.time = time; let multiplier = animation.blend_weight ? Math.clamp(Animator.MolangParser.parse(animation.blend_weight), 0, Infinity) : 1; bone_stack.forEach(node => { let mesh = node.mesh; let ba = animation.getBoneAnimator(node) if (mesh.fix_rotation) mesh.rotation.copy(mesh.fix_rotation) if (mesh.fix_position) mesh.position.copy(mesh.fix_position) if (node instanceof NullObject) { if (!ba.muted.position) ba.displayPosition(ba.interpolate('position'), multiplier); } else { mesh.scale.x = mesh.scale.y = mesh.scale.z = 1; ba.displayFrame(multiplier); } }) target.mesh.updateWorldMatrix(true, false) } let line_positions = []; let point_positions = []; let keyframe_positions = [] let keyframeUUIDs = [] let i = 0; for (var time = start_time; time <= max_time; time += step) { displayTime(time); let position = target instanceof Group ? THREE.fastWorldPosition(target.mesh, new THREE.Vector3()) : target.getWorldCenter(true); position = position.toArray(); line_positions.push(...position); let keyframe = keyframes[i]; if (keyframe) { keyframe_positions.push(...position); keyframeUUIDs.push(keyframe.uuid); } else { point_positions.push(...position); } i++; } geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(line_positions), 3)); Timeline.time = currentTime; Animator.preview(); var line = new THREE.Line(geometry, Canvas.outlineMaterial); line.no_export = true; Animator.motion_trail.children.forEachReverse(child => { Animator.motion_trail.remove(child); }) Animator.motion_trail.add(line); let point_material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({size: 4, sizeAttenuation: false, color: Canvas.outlineMaterial.color}) let point_geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); point_geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(point_positions), 3)); let points = new THREE.Points(point_geometry, point_material); Animator.motion_trail.add(points); let keyframe_material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({size: 10, sizeAttenuation: false, color: Canvas.outlineMaterial.color}) let keyframe_geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); keyframe_geometry.setAttribute('position', new THREE.BufferAttribute(new Float32Array(keyframe_positions), 3)); let keyframe_points = new THREE.Points(keyframe_geometry, keyframe_material); keyframe_points.isKeyframe = true; keyframe_points.keyframeUUIDs = keyframeUUIDs; Animator.motion_trail.add(keyframe_points); }, preview(in_loop) { // Bones Animator.showDefaultPose(true); [...Group.all, ...Outliner.elements].forEach(node => { if (!node.constructor.animator) return; Animator.resetLastValues(); Animator.animations.forEach(animation => { let multiplier = animation.blend_weight ? Math.clamp(Animator.MolangParser.parse(animation.blend_weight), 0, Infinity) : 1; if (animation.playing) { animation.getBoneAnimator(node).displayFrame(multiplier) } }) }) Animator.resetLastValues(); scene.updateMatrixWorld(); // Shift ground if (Canvas.ground_plane.visible && Animation.selected && Animation.selected.anim_time_update.includes('modified_distance_moved')) { let value = Animator.MolangParser.parse(Animation.selected.anim_time_update, {'query.modified_distance_moved': Timeline.time}); value = (Timeline.time / value) * Timeline.time * 3; value = (value % 64) || 0; Canvas.ground_plane.position.z = Canvas.ground_plane.position.x + value; three_grid.position.z = three_grid.position.x + value; } else { three_grid.position.z = three_grid.position.x; Canvas.ground_plane.position.z = Canvas.ground_plane.position.x; } // Effects Animator.resetParticles(true); Animator.animations.forEach(animation => { if (animation.playing) { if (animation.animators.effects) { animation.animators.effects.displayFrame(in_loop); } } }) if (Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.text.match(/^\s*preview\.texture\s*=/mi)) { let tex_index = Animator.MolangParser.variableHandler('preview.texture'); let texture = Texture.all[tex_index % Texture.all.length]; if (texture); } if (Project) Project.model_3d.scale.set(1, 1, 1); if (Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.text.match(/^\s*preview\.scale\s*=/mi)) { let scale = Animator.MolangParser.variableHandler('preview.scale'); Project.model_3d.scale.x = Project.model_3d.scale.y = Project.model_3d.scale.z = scale; } if (Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.text.match(/^\s*preview\.scalex\s*=/mi)) { let scale = Animator.MolangParser.variableHandler('preview.scalex'); Project.model_3d.scale.x = scale; } if (Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.text.match(/^\s*preview\.scaley\s*=/mi)) { let scale = Animator.MolangParser.variableHandler('preview.scaley'); Project.model_3d.scale.y = scale; } if (Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.text.match(/^\s*preview\.scalez\s*=/mi)) { let scale = Animator.MolangParser.variableHandler('preview.scalez'); Project.model_3d.scale.z = scale; } if (Group.selected || (Outliner.selected[0] && Outliner.selected[0].constructor.animator)) { Transformer.updateSelection() } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('display_animation_frame') }, particle_effects: {}, loadParticleEmitter(path, content) { let json_content = autoParseJSON(content); if (!json_content || !json_content.particle_effect) return; if (Animator.particle_effects[path]) { Animator.particle_effects[path].config .reset() .set('file_path', path) .setFromJSON(json_content, {path}); for (var uuid in Animator.particle_effects[path].emitters) { let emitter = Animator.particle_effects[path].emitters[uuid]; emitter.updateConfig(); } } else { Animator.particle_effects[path] = { config: new Wintersky.Config(WinterskyScene, json_content, {path}), emitters: {} }; if (isApp) { let timeout; this.watcher =, (eventType) => { if (eventType == 'change') { if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = setTimeout(() => {, {errorbox: false}, (files) => { Animator.loadParticleEmitter(path, files[0].content); }) }, 60) } }) } } return Animator.particle_effects[path]; }, loadFile(file, animation_filter) { var json = file.json || autoParseJSON(file.content); let path = file.path; let new_animations = []; function multilinify(string) { return typeof string == 'string' ? string.replace(/;(?!$)/, ';\n') : string } if (json && typeof json.animations === 'object') { for (var ani_name in json.animations) { if (animation_filter && !animation_filter.includes(ani_name)) continue; //Animation var a = json.animations[ani_name] var animation = new Animation({ name: ani_name, saved_name: ani_name, path, loop: a.loop && (a.loop == 'hold_on_last_frame' ? 'hold' : 'loop'), override: a.override_previous_animation, anim_time_update: multilinify(a.anim_time_update), blend_weight: multilinify(a.blend_weight), start_delay: multilinify(a.start_delay), loop_delay: multilinify(a.loop_delay), length: a.animation_length }).add() //Bones if (a.bones) { let existing_variables = [ 'query.anim_time', 'query.life_time', 'query.delta_time', 'query.camera_rotation', 'query.rotation_to_camera', 'query.distance_from_camera', 'query.lod_index', 'query.camera_distance_range_lerp', ]; function processPlaceholderVariables(text) { if (typeof text !== 'string') return; text = text.replace(/v\./, 'variable.').replace(/q\./, 'query.').replace(/t\./, 'temp.').replace(/c\./, 'context.').toLowerCase(); let matches = text.match(/(query|variable|context|temp)\.\w+/gi); if (!matches) return; matches.forEach(match => { let panel_vue = Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue; if (existing_variables.includes(match)) return; if (panel_vue.text.split('\n').find(line => line.substr(0, match.length) == match)) return; let [space, name] = match.split(/\./); if (panel_vue.text != '' && panel_vue.text.substr(-1) !== '\n') panel_vue.text += '\n'; if (name == 'modified_distance_moved') { panel_vue.text += `${match} = time * 8`; } else if (name.match(/is_|has_|can_|blocking/)) { panel_vue.text += `${match} = toggle('${name}')`; } else { panel_vue.text += `${match} = slider('${name}')`; } }) } function getKeyframeDataPoints(source) { if (source instanceof Array) { source.forEach(processPlaceholderVariables); return [{ x: source[0], y: source[1], z: source[2], }] } else if (['number', 'string'].includes(typeof source)) { processPlaceholderVariables(source); return [{ x: source, y: source, z: source }] } else if (typeof source == 'object') { let points = []; if (source.pre) { points.push(getKeyframeDataPoints(source.pre)[0]) } if ( && !(source.pre instanceof Array && instanceof Array && { points.push(getKeyframeDataPoints([0]) } return points; } } for (var bone_name in a.bones) { var b = a.bones[bone_name] let lowercase_bone_name = bone_name.toLowerCase(); var group = Group.all.find(group => == lowercase_bone_name) let uuid = group ? group.uuid : guid(); var ba = new BoneAnimator(uuid, animation, bone_name); animation.animators[uuid] = ba; //Channels for (var channel in b) { if (BoneAnimator.prototype.channels[channel]) { if (typeof b[channel] === 'string' || typeof b[channel] === 'number' || b[channel] instanceof Array) { ba.addKeyframe({ time: 0, channel, uniform: !(b[channel] instanceof Array), data_points: getKeyframeDataPoints(b[channel]), }) } else if (typeof b[channel] === 'object' && b[channel].post) { ba.addKeyframe({ time: 0, channel, interpolation: b[channel].lerp_mode, uniform: !(b[channel].post instanceof Array), data_points: getKeyframeDataPoints(b[channel]), }); } else if (typeof b[channel] === 'object') { for (var timestamp in b[channel]) { ba.addKeyframe({ time: parseFloat(timestamp), channel, interpolation: b[channel][timestamp].lerp_mode, uniform: !(b[channel][timestamp] instanceof Array), data_points: getKeyframeDataPoints(b[channel][timestamp]), }); } } } // Set step interpolation let sorted_keyframes = ba[channel].slice().sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time); let last_kf_was_step = false; sorted_keyframes.forEach((kf, i) => { let next = sorted_keyframes[i+1]; if (next && next.data_points.length == 2 && kf.getArray(1).equals(next.getArray(0))) { next.data_points.splice(0, 1); kf.interpolation = 'step'; last_kf_was_step = true; } else if (!next && last_kf_was_step) { kf.interpolation = 'step'; } }) } } } if (a.sound_effects) { if (!animation.animators.effects) { animation.animators.effects = new EffectAnimator(animation); } for (var timestamp in a.sound_effects) { var sounds = a.sound_effects[timestamp]; if (sounds instanceof Array === false) sounds = [sounds]; animation.animators.effects.addKeyframe({ channel: 'sound', time: parseFloat(timestamp), data_points: sounds }) } } if (a.particle_effects) { if (!animation.animators.effects) { animation.animators.effects = new EffectAnimator(animation); } for (var timestamp in a.particle_effects) { var particles = a.particle_effects[timestamp]; if (particles instanceof Array === false) particles = [particles]; particles.forEach(particle => { if (particle) particle.script = particle.pre_effect_script; }) animation.animators.effects.addKeyframe({ channel: 'particle', time: parseFloat(timestamp), data_points: particles }) } } if (a.timeline) { if (!animation.animators.effects) { animation.animators.effects = new EffectAnimator(animation); } for (var timestamp in a.timeline) { var entry = a.timeline[timestamp]; var script = entry instanceof Array ? entry.join('\n') : entry; if (typeof script == 'string') { let panel_vue = Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue; let tex_variables = script.match(/(v|variable)\.texture\w*\s*=/); if (tex_variables && !panel_vue.text.includes('preview.texture =')) { if (panel_vue.text != '' && panel_vue.text.substr(-1) !== '\n') panel_vue.text += '\n'; panel_vue.text += `preview.texture = ${tex_variables[0].replace(/\s*=$/, '')}` } } animation.animators.effects.addKeyframe({ channel: 'timeline', time: parseFloat(timestamp), data_points: [{script}] }) } } animation.calculateSnappingFromKeyframes(); if (!Animation.selected && { } new_animations.push(animation) } } return new_animations }, buildFile(path_filter, name_filter) { var animations = {} Animator.animations.forEach(function(a) { if ((typeof path_filter != 'string' || a.path == path_filter || (!a.path && !path_filter)) && (!name_filter || !name_filter.length || name_filter.includes( { let ani_tag = a.compileBedrockAnimation(); animations[] = ani_tag; } }) return { format_version: '1.8.0', animations: animations } }, importFile(file) { let form = {}; let json = autoParseJSON(file.content) let keys = []; for (var key in json.animations) { // Test if already loaded if (isApp && file.path) { let is_already_loaded = false for (var anim of Animation.all) { if (anim.path == file.path && == key) { is_already_loaded = true; break; } } if (is_already_loaded) {console.log(`${key} already exists`);continue;} } form[key.hashCode()] = {label: key, type: 'checkbox', value: true, nocolon: true}; keys.push(key); } file.json = json; if (keys.length == 0) { Blockbench.showQuickMessage('message.no_animation_to_import'); } else if (keys.length == 1) { Undo.initEdit({animations: []}) let new_animations = Animator.loadFile(file, keys); Undo.finishEdit('Import animations', {animations: new_animations}) } else { return new Promise(resolve => { let dialog = new Dialog({ id: 'animation_import', title: 'dialog.animation_import.title', form, onConfirm(form_result) { this.hide(); let names = []; for (var key of keys) { if (form_result[key.hashCode()]) { names.push(key); } } Undo.initEdit({animations: []}) let new_animations = Animator.loadFile(file, names); Undo.finishEdit('Import animations', {animations: new_animations}) resolve(); }, onCancel() { resolve(); } }); form.select_all_none = { type: 'buttons', buttons: ['generic.select_all', 'generic.select_none'], click(index) { let values = {}; keys.forEach(key => values[key.hashCode()] = (index == 0)); dialog.setFormValues(values); } }; }); } }, exportAnimationFile(path) { let filter_path = path || ''; if (isApp && !path) { path = Project.export_path var exp = new RegExp(osfs.replace('\\', '\\\\')+'models'+osfs.replace('\\', '\\\\')) var m_index = if (m_index > 3) { path = path.substr(0, m_index) + osfs + 'animations' + osfs + pathToName(Project.export_path, true) } path = path.replace(/(\.geo)?\.json$/, '.animation.json') } if (isApp && path && fs.existsSync(path)) { Animator.animations.forEach(function(a) { if (a.path == filter_path && !a.saved) {; } }) } else { let content = Animator.buildFile(filter_path, true); Blockbench.export({ resource_id: 'animation', type: 'JSON Animation', extensions: ['json'], name: (Project.geometry_name||'model')+'.animation', startpath: path, content: autoStringify(content), custom_writer: isApp && ((content, new_path, cb) => { if (new_path && fs.existsSync(new_path)) { Animator.animations.forEach(function(a) { if (a.path == filter_path && !a.saved) { a.path = new_path;; } }) } else { Blockbench.writeFile(new_path, {content}) cb(new_path); } }) }, new_path => { Animator.animations.forEach(function(a) { if (a.path == filter_path) { a.path = new_path; a.saved = true; } }) }) } } } Canvas.gizmos.push(Animator.motion_trail); Blockbench.on('reset_project', () => { for (let path in Animator.particle_effects) { let effect = Animator.particle_effects[path]; if (isApp && effect.watcher) { effect.watcher.close() } for (let uuid in effect.emitters) { effect.emitters[uuid].delete(); delete effect.emitters[uuid]; } delete Animator.particle_effects[path]; } }) Clipbench.setAnimation = function() { if (!Animation.selected) return; Clipbench.animation = Animation.selected.getUndoCopy(); if (isApp) { clipboard.writeHTML(JSON.stringify({type: 'animation', content: Clipbench.animation})); } } Clipbench.pasteAnimation = function() { if (isApp) { var raw = clipboard.readHTML() try { var data = JSON.parse(raw) if (data.type === 'animation' && data.content) { Clipbench.animation = data.content } } catch (err) {} } if (!Clipbench.animation) return; let animations = []; Undo.initEdit({animations}); let animation = new Animation(Clipbench.animation).add(false); animation.createUniqueName();; animations.push(animation); Undo.finishEdit('Paste animation') } Animator.MolangParser.global_variables = { 'true': 1, 'false': 0, get 'query.delta_time'() { let time = ( - Timeline.last_frame_timecode + 1) / 1000; if (time < 0) time += 1; return Math.clamp(time, 0, 0.1); }, get 'query.anim_time'() { return Animation.selected ? Animation.selected.time : Timeline.time; }, get 'query.life_time'() { return Timeline.time; }, 'query.camera_rotation'(axis) { let val = cameraTargetToRotation(,[axis ? 0 : 1]; if (axis == 0) val *= -1; return val; }, 'query.rotation_to_camera'(axis) { let val = cameraTargetToRotation([0, 0, 0],[axis ? 0 : 1] ; if (axis == 0) val *= -1; return val; }, get 'query.distance_from_camera'() { return / 16; }, 'query.lod_index'(indices) { indices.sort((a, b) => a - b); let distance = / 16; let index = indices.length; indices.forEachReverse((val, i) => { if (distance < val) index = i; }) return index; }, 'query.camera_distance_range_lerp'(a, b) { let distance = / 16; return Math.clamp(Math.getLerp(a, b, distance), 0, 1); }, get 'time'() { return Timeline.time; } } Animator.MolangParser.variableHandler = function (variable) { var inputs = Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.text.split('\n'); var i = 0; while (i < inputs.length) { let key, val; [key, val] = inputs[i].split(/=\s*(.+)/); key = key.replace(/[\s;]/g, ''); key = key.replace(/^v\./, 'variable.').replace(/^q\./, 'query.').replace(/^t\./, 'temp.').replace(/^c\./, 'context.'); if (key === variable && val !== undefined) { val = val.trim(); if (val.match(/^(slider|toggle)\(/)) { let [type, content] = val.substring(0, val.length - 1).split(/\(/); let [id] = content.split(/\(|, */); id = id.replace(/['"]/g, ''); let button = Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue.buttons.find(b => === id && b.type == type); return button ? parseFloat(button.value) : 0; } else { return val[0] == `'` ? val : Animator.MolangParser.parse(val); } } i++; } } Blockbench.addDragHandler('animation', { extensions: ['animation.json'], readtype: 'text', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, }, async function(files) { for (let file of files) { await Animator.importFile(file); } }) BARS.defineActions(function() { new NumSlider('slider_animation_length', { category: 'animation', condition: () => && Animation.selected, getInterval(event) { if ((event && event.shiftKey) || Pressing.overrides.shift) return 1; return Timeline.getStep() }, get: function() { return Animation.selected.length }, change: function(modify) { Animation.selected.setLength(limitNumber(modify(Animation.selected.length), 0, 1e4)) }, onBefore: function() { Undo.initEdit({animations: [Animation.selected]}); }, onAfter: function() { Undo.finishEdit('Change animation length') } }) new Action('set_animation_end', { icon: 'keyboard_tab', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate'], method: () => Animation.selected}, keybind: new Keybind({ctrl: true, key: 35}), click: function () { Undo.initEdit({animations: [Animation.selected]}); Animation.selected.setLength(Timeline.time); Undo.finishEdit('Set animation length'); } }) new Action('add_animation', { icon: 'fa-plus-circle', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, click: function () { new Animation({ name: 'animation.' + (Project.geometry_name||'model') + '.new' }).add(true).propertiesDialog() } }) new Action('load_animation_file', { icon: 'fa-file-video', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate'], method: () => Format.animation_files}, click: function () { var path = Project.export_path if (isApp) { var exp = new RegExp(osfs.replace('\\', '\\\\')+'models'+osfs.replace('\\', '\\\\')) var m_index = if (m_index > 3) { path = path.substr(0, m_index) + osfs + 'animations' + osfs + pathToName(Project.export_path).replace(/\.geo/, '.animation') } } Blockbench.import({ resource_id: 'animation', extensions: ['json'], type: 'JSON Animation', multiple: true, startpath: path }, async function(files) { for (let file of files) { await Animator.importFile(file); } }) } }) new Action('export_animation_file', { icon: 'movie', category: 'animation', click: function () { let form = {}; let keys = []; let animations = Animation.all.slice() if (Format.animation_files) animations.sort((a1, a2) => a1.path.hashCode() - a2.path.hashCode()) animations.forEach(animation => { let key =; keys.push(key) form[key.hashCode()] = {label: key, type: 'checkbox', value: true}; }) let dialog = new Dialog({ id: 'animation_export', title: 'dialog.animation_export.title', form, onConfirm(form_result) { dialog.hide(); keys = keys.filter(key => form_result[key.hashCode()]) let content = Animator.buildFile(null, keys) Blockbench.export({ resource_id: 'animation', type: 'JSON Animation', extensions: ['json'], name: (Project.geometry_name||'model')+'.animation', content: autoStringify(content), }) } }); } }) new Action('save_all_animations', { icon: 'save', category: 'animation', condition: () => Format.animation_files, click: function () { let paths = []; Animation.all.forEach(animation => { paths.safePush(animation.path); }) paths.forEach(path => { Animator.exportAnimationFile(path); }) } }) // Motion Trail new Toggle('lock_motion_trail', { icon: 'lock_open', category: 'animation', condition: () => && (Group.selected || (Outliner.selected[0] && Outliner.selected[0].constructor.animator)), onChange(value) { if (value && (Group.selected || (Outliner.selected[0] && Outliner.selected[0].constructor.animator))) { Project.motion_trail_lock = Group.selected ? Group.selected.uuid : Outliner.selected[0].uuid; } else { Project.motion_trail_lock = false; Animator.showMotionTrail(); } } }) new Action('bake_animation_into_model', { icon: 'directions_run', category: 'animation', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, click: function () { let elements = Outliner.elements; Undo.initEdit({elements, outliner: true}); let animatable_elements = Outliner.elements.filter(el => el.constructor.animator); [...Group.all, ...animatable_elements].forEach(node => { let offset_rotation = [0, 0, 0]; let offset_position = [0, 0, 0]; Animator.animations.forEach(animation => { if (animation.playing) { let animator = animation.getBoneAnimator(node); let multiplier = animation.blend_weight ? Math.clamp(Animator.MolangParser.parse(animation.blend_weight), 0, Infinity) : 1; if (node instanceof Group) { let rotation = animator.interpolate('rotation'); let position = animator.interpolate('position'); if (rotation instanceof Array) offset_rotation.V3_add( => v * multiplier)); if (position instanceof Array) offset_position.V3_add( => v * multiplier)); } } }) // Rotation if (node.rotatable) { node.rotation[0] -= offset_rotation[0]; node.rotation[1] -= offset_rotation[1]; node.rotation[2] += offset_rotation[2]; } // Position function offset(node) { if (node instanceof Group) { node.origin.V3_add(offset_position); node.children.forEach(offset); } else { if (node.from) node.from.V3_add(offset_position); if (; if (node.origin && node.origin !== node.from) node.origin.V3_add(offset_position); } } offset(node); }); Undo.finishEdit('Bake animation into model') } }) }) Interface.definePanels(function() { function eventTargetToAnim(target) { let target_node = target; let i = 0; while (target_node && target_node.classList && !target_node.classList.contains('animation')) { if (i < 3 && target_node) { target_node = target_node.parentNode; i++; } else { return []; } } return [Animation.all.find(anim => anim.uuid == target_node.attributes.anim_id.value), target_node]; } function getOrder(loc, obj) { if (!obj) { return; } else { if (loc < 16) return -1; return 1; } return 0; } new Panel('animations', { icon: 'movie', growable: true, condition: {modes: ['animate']}, default_position: { slot: 'left_bar', float_position: [0, 0], float_size: [300, 400], height: 400 }, toolbars: { head: Toolbars.animations }, component: { name: 'panel-animations', data() { return { animations: Animation.all, files_folded: {}, animation_files_enabled: true }}, methods: { openMenu(event) { }, toggle(key) { this.files_folded[key] = !this.files_folded[key]; this.$forceUpdate(); }, saveFile(path) { Animator.exportAnimationFile(path) }, addAnimation(path) { let other_animation = Animation.all.find(a => a.path == path) new Animation({ name: other_animation &&\w+$/, 'new'), path }).add(true).propertiesDialog() }, showFileContextMenu(event, id) {, id); }, dragAnimation(e1) { if (getFocusedTextInput()) return; if (e1.button == 1 || e1.button == 2) return; convertTouchEvent(e1); let [anim] = eventTargetToAnim(; if (!anim || anim.locked) { function off(e2) { removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off); } addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off); return; }; let active = false; let helper; let timeout; let drop_target, drop_target_node, order; let last_event = e1; function move(e2) { convertTouchEvent(e2); let offset = [ e2.clientX - e1.clientX, e2.clientY - e1.clientY, ] if (!active) { let distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(offset[0], 2) + Math.pow(offset[1], 2)) if (Blockbench.isTouch) { if (distance > 20 && timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } else { document.getElementById('animations_list').scrollTop += last_event.clientY - e2.clientY; } } else if (distance > 6) { active = true; } } else { if (e2) e2.preventDefault(); if (open_menu) open_menu.hide(); if (!helper) { helper = document.createElement('div'); = 'animation_drag_helper'; let icon = document.createElement('i'); icon.className = 'material-icons'; icon.innerText = 'movie'; helper.append(icon); let span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerText =; helper.append(span); document.body.append(helper); } = `${e2.clientX}px`; = `${e2.clientY}px`; // drag $('.drag_hover').removeClass('drag_hover'); $('.animation[order]').attr('order', null); let target = document.elementFromPoint(e2.clientX, e2.clientY); [drop_target, drop_target_node] = eventTargetToAnim(target); if (drop_target) { var location = e2.clientY - $(drop_target_node).offset().top; order = getOrder(location, drop_target) drop_target_node.setAttribute('order', order) drop_target_node.classList.add('drag_hover'); } } last_event = e2; } function off(e2) { if (helper) helper.remove(); removeEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', move); removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off); $('.drag_hover').removeClass('drag_hover'); $('.animation[order]').attr('order', null); if (Blockbench.isTouch) clearTimeout(timeout); if (active && !open_menu) { convertTouchEvent(e2); let target = document.elementFromPoint(e2.clientX, e2.clientY); [target_anim] = eventTargetToAnim(target); if (!target_anim || target_anim == anim ) return; let index = Animation.all.indexOf(target_anim); if (Animation.all.indexOf(anim) < index) index--; if (order == 1) index++; if (Animation.all[index] == anim && anim.path == target_anim.path) return; Undo.initEdit({animations: [anim]}); anim.path = target_anim.path; Animation.all.remove(anim); Animation.all.splice(index, 0, anim); Undo.finishEdit('Reorder animations'); } } if (Blockbench.isTouch) { timeout = setTimeout(() => { active = true; move(e1); }, 320) } addEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', move, {passive: false}); addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off, {passive: false}); } }, computed: { files() { if (!this.animation_files_enabled) { return { '': { animations: this.animations, name: '', hide_head: true } } } let files = {}; this.animations.forEach(animation => { let key = animation.path || ''; if (!files[key]) files[key] = { animations: [], name: animation.path ? pathToName(animation.path, true) : 'Unsaved', saved: true }; if (!animation.saved) files[key].saved = false; files[key].animations.push(animation); }) return files; }, common_namespace() { if (!this.animations.length) { return ''; } else if (this.animations.length == 1) { let match = this.animations[0].name.match(/^.*[.:]/); return match ? match[0] : ''; } else { let name = this.animations[0].name; if ([.:]/) == -1) return ''; for (var anim of this.animations) { if (anim == this.animations[0]) continue; let segments =[.:]/); let length = 0; for (var segment of segments) { if (segment == name.substr(length, segment.length)) { length += segment.length + 1; } else { break; } } name = name.substr(0, length); if (name.length < 8) return ''; } return name; } } }, template: ` ` }, menu: new Menu([ 'add_animation', 'load_animation_file', 'paste', 'save_all_animations', ]) }) new Panel('variable_placeholders', { icon: 'fas.fa-stream', condition: {modes: ['animate']}, growable: true, default_position: { slot: 'left_bar', float_position: [0, 0], float_size: [300, 400], height: 400 }, toolbars: { }, component: { name: 'panel-placeholders', components: {VuePrismEditor}, data() { return { text: '', buttons: [] }}, methods: { updateButtons() { let old_values = {}; this.buttons.forEach(b => old_values[] = b.value); this.buttons.empty(); let text = this.text.toLowerCase(); let matches = text.matchAll(/(slider|toggle)\(.+\)/g); for (let match of matches) { let [type, content] = match[0].substring(0, match[0].length - 1).split(/\(/); let [id, ...args] = content.split(/\(|, */); id = id.replace(/['"]/g, ''); if (this.buttons.find(b => == id)) return; let variable = text.substring(0, match.index).match(/[\w.-]+ *= *$/); variable = variable ? variable[0].replace(/[ =]+/g, '').replace(/^v\./, 'variable.').replace(/^q\./, 'query.').replace(/^t\./, 'temp.').replace(/^c\./, 'context.') : undefined; if (type == 'slider') { this.buttons.push({ type, id, value: old_values[id] || 0, variable, step: args[0], min: args[1], max: args[2] }) } else { this.buttons.push({ type, id, value: old_values[id] || 0, variable, }) } } }, changeButtonValue(button, event) { if (button.type == 'toggle') { button.value = ? 1 : 0; } if (button.variable) { delete Animator.MolangParser.variables[button.variable]; } Animator.preview(); }, slideButton(button, e1) { convertTouchEvent(e1); let last_event = e1; let started = false; let move_calls = 0; let last_val = 0; let total = 0; let clientX = e1.clientX; function start() { started = true; if (!e1.touches && last_event == e1 &&; } function move(e2) { convertTouchEvent(e2); if (!started && Math.abs(e2.clientX - e1.clientX) > 5) { start() } if (started) { if (e1.touches) { clientX = e2.clientX; } else { let limit = move_calls <= 2 ? 1 : 100; clientX += Math.clamp(e2.movementX, -limit, limit); } let val = Math.round((clientX - e1.clientX) / 45); let difference = (val - last_val); if (!difference) return; difference *= canvasGridSize(e2.shiftKey || Pressing.overrides.shift, e2.ctrlOrCmd || Pressing.overrides.ctrl); button.value = Math.roundTo((parseFloat(button.value) || 0) + difference, 4); last_val = val; last_event = e2; total += difference; move_calls++; Animator.preview() Blockbench.setStatusBarText(trimFloatNumber(total)); } } function off(e2) { if (document.exitPointerLock) document.exitPointerLock() removeEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', move); removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off); } addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off); addEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', move); } }, watch: { text(text) { if (Project && typeof text == 'string') { Project.variable_placeholders = text; this.updateButtons(); Project.variable_placeholder_buttons.replace(this.buttons); } } }, template: `


` } }) })