class Keybind { constructor(keys) { this.key = -1; this.ctrl = false; this.shift = false; this.alt = false; this.meta = false; this.label = ''; this.conflict = false; if (keys) { if (isApp && Blockbench.platform == 'darwin' && keys.ctrl && !keys.meta) { keys.meta = true; keys.ctrl = undefined; } this.set(keys) } } set(keys, dflt) { if (!keys || typeof keys !== 'object') return this; this.key = keys.key if (this.ctrl !== null) this.ctrl = (keys.ctrl === null) ? null : (keys.ctrl == true); if (this.shift !== null) this.shift= (keys.shift=== null) ? null : (keys.shift == true); if (this.alt !== null) this.alt = (keys.alt === null) ? null : (keys.alt == true); if (this.meta !== null) this.meta = (keys.meta === null) ? null : (keys.meta == true); if (dflt) { if (dflt.ctrl == null) this.ctrl = null; if (dflt.shift == null) this.shift = null; if (dflt.alt == null) this.alt = null; if (dflt.meta == null) this.meta = null; } this.label = this.getText() TickUpdates.keybind_conflicts = true; return this; } clear() { this.set({ key: -1, ctrl: false, shift: false, alt: false, meta: false }) return this; } save(save) { if (this.action) { var obj = { key: this.key } if (this.ctrl) obj.ctrl = true if (this.shift) obj.shift = true if (this.alt) obj.alt = true if (this.meta) obj.meta = true Keybinds.stored[this.action] = obj if (save !== false) {; TickUpdates.keybind_conflicts = true; } if (BarItems[this.action] instanceof Action) { BarItems[this.action].updateHoverTitle() } } return this; } setAction(id) { var action = BarItems[id] if (!action) { action = Keybinds.extra[id] } if (!action) { return; } this.action = id if (!Keybinds.structure[action.category]) { Keybinds.structure[action.category] = { actions: [], id: action.category, name: tl('category.'+action.category), open: false, conflict: false, } } Keybinds.structure[action.category].actions.push(action) return this; } getText() { var modifiers = [] if (this.ctrl) modifiers.push(tl('keys.ctrl')) if (this.ctrl == null) modifiers.push(`[${tl('keys.ctrl')}]`) if (this.shift) modifiers.push(tl('keys.shift')) if (this.shift == null) modifiers.push(`[${tl('keys.shift')}]`) if (this.alt) modifiers.push(tl('keys.alt')) if (this.alt == null) modifiers.push(`[${tl('keys.alt')}]`) if (this.meta) modifiers.push(tl('keys.meta')) if (this.meta == null) modifiers.push(`[${tl('keys.meta')}]`) var char = this.getCode() var char_tl = tl('keys.'+char) if (char_tl === ('keys.'+char)) { modifiers.push(capitalizeFirstLetter(char)) } else { modifiers.push(char_tl) } return modifiers.join(' + ') } getCode(key) { if (!key) key = this.key; if (key < 0) { return '' } else if (key >= 112 && key <= 123) { return tl('keys.function', [key-111]) } else if (key >= 96 && key <= 105) { return tl('keys.numpad', [key-96]) } else if (key >= 4 && key <= 7) { return tl('keys.mouse', [key]) } switch (key) { case 1: return 'leftclick'; break; case 2: return 'middleclick'; break; case 3: return 'rightclick'; break; case 9: return 'tab'; break; case 8: return 'backspace'; break; case 13: return 'enter'; break; case 27: return 'escape'; break; case 46: return 'delete'; break; case 46: return 'caps'; break; case 16: return 'shift'; break; case 17: return 'control'; break; case 18: return 'alt'; break; case 32: return 'space'; break; case 93: return 'menu'; break; case 187: return 'plus'; break; case 188: return 'comma'; break; case 190: return 'point'; break; case 189: return 'minus'; break; case 191: return 'cross'; break; case 37: return 'left'; break; case 38: return 'up'; break; case 39: return 'right'; break; case 40: return 'down'; break; case 33: return 'pageup'; break; case 34: return 'pagedown'; break; case 35: return 'end'; break; case 36: return 'pos1'; break; case 44: return 'printscreen'; break; case 19: return 'pause'; break; default : return String.fromCharCode(key).toLowerCase(); break; } } hasKey() { return this.key >= 0; } setConflict() { if (!this.conflict) { this.conflict = true; var action = BarItems[this.action]; if (!action) { action = Keybinds.extra[this.action]; } if (action && Keybinds.structure[action.category]) { Keybinds.structure[action.category].conflict = true; } } return this; } isTriggered(event) { return ( this.key === event.which && (this.ctrl === event.ctrlKey || this.ctrl == null ) && (this.shift === event.shiftKey || this.shift == null ) && (this.alt === event.altKey || this.alt == null ) && (this.meta === event.metaKey || this.meta == null ) ) } record() { var scope = this; Keybinds.recording = this; var overlay = $('#overlay_message_box').show() var input = overlay.find('#keybind_input_box') var top = limitNumber($(window).height()/2 - 200, 30, 800) overlay.find('> div').css('margin-top', top+'px') function onActivate(event) { if ( && === 'BUTTON') return; scope.key = event.which if (scope.ctrl !== null) scope.ctrl = event.ctrlKey if (scope.shift !== null) scope.shift = event.shiftKey if (scope.alt !== null) scope.alt = event.altKey if (scope.meta !== null) scope.meta = event.metaKey scope.label = scope.getText() Blockbench.showQuickMessage(scope.label) scope.stopRecording() } input.focus().on('keyup', onActivate) .on('keydown', event => { if (event.metaKey && event.which != 91) { onActivate(event) } }) overlay.on('mousedown', onActivate) overlay.on('keydown keypress keyup click click dblclick mouseup', function(event) { event.preventDefault() }) return this; } stopRecording() { var scope = this; Keybinds.recording = false $('#overlay_message_box').hide().off('mousedown') $('#keybind_input_box').off('keyup keydown') return this; } } Keybinds.no_overlap = function(k1, k2) { if (typeof k1.condition !== 'object' || typeof k1.condition !== 'object') return false; if (k1.condition && k2.condition.modes && k1.condition.modes.overlap(k2.condition.modes) == 0) return true; if (k1.condition && && == 0) return true; if (k1.condition && k2.condition.formats && k1.condition.formats.overlap(k2.condition.formats) == 0) return true; return false; } function updateKeybindConflicts() { for (var key in Keybinds.structure) { Keybinds.structure[key].conflict = false; } Keybinds.actions.forEach((action, i) => { action.keybind.conflict = false; }) Keybinds.actions.forEach((action, i) => { var keybind = action.keybind; if (keybind.hasKey()) { while (i < Keybinds.actions.length-1) { i++; var keybind2 = Keybinds.actions[i].keybind; if (keybind2.hasKey() && keybind.key === keybind2.key && keybind.ctrl === keybind2.ctrl && keybind.shift === keybind2.shift && keybind.alt === keybind2.alt && keybind.meta === keybind2.meta && !Keybinds.no_overlap(action, Keybinds.actions[i]) ) { keybind.setConflict(); keybind2.setConflict(); } } } }) } onVueSetup(function() { Keybinds.vue = new Vue({ el: 'ul#keybindlist', data: {structure: Keybinds.structure}, methods: { }, methods: { record(item) { if (!item.keybind) { item.keybind = new Keybind() } item.keybind.record() }, reset(item) { if (item.keybind) { if (item.default_keybind) { item.keybind.set(item.default_keybind); } else { item.keybind.clear(); }; } }, clear(item) { if (item.keybind) { item.keybind.clear().save(true) } }, toggleCategory(category) { if (! { for (var ct in Keybinds.structure) { Keybinds.structure[ct].open = false } } = ! } } }) Keybinds.updateSearch = function() { var term = Keybinds.vue._data.search_term = $('input#keybind_search_bar').val().toLowerCase(); var structure = Keybinds.structure; if (term) { var keywords = term.replace(/_/g, ' ').split(' '); var actions = []; for (var action of Keybinds.actions) { if (true) {; var missmatch = false; for (var word of keywords) { if ( ! && ! && !action.keybind.label.toLowerCase().includes(word) ) { missmatch = true; } } if (!missmatch) { actions.push(action) } } } structure.search_results.actions = actions structure.search_results.hidden = false; for (var key in structure) { structure[key].open = false } = true; } else { structure.search_results.hidden = true; } } }) setInterval(() => { var focus = document.hasFocus(); if (Pressing.shift && !focus) Pressing.shift = false; if (Pressing.alt && !focus) { if (Toolbox.original && Toolbox.original.alt_tool) { delete Toolbox.original; } Pressing.alt = false; } }, 100) $(document).on('keydown mousedown', function(e) { if (Keybinds.recording || e.which < 4) return; //Shift Pressing.shift = e.shiftKey; Pressing.alt = e.altKey; Pressing.ctrl = e.ctrlKey; if (e.which === 16) { showShiftTooltip() } var used = false; var input_focus = $('input[type="text"]:focus, input[type="number"]:focus, *[contenteditable="true"]:focus, textarea:focus').get(0) if (input_focus) { //User Editing Anything if (e.which == 9 && !open_dialog) { var all_inputs = $('.tab_target:visible') var index = all_inputs.index(input_focus)+1; if (index >= all_inputs.length) index = 0; var next = $(all_inputs.get(index)) if (next.length) { if (next.hasClass('cube_name')) { var target = Outliner.root.findRecursive('uuid', next.parent().parent().attr('id')) if (target) { stopRenameOutliner(); setTimeout(() => {, true).rename(); }, 50) } } else if (next.hasClass('nslide')) { setTimeout(() => {; }, 50) } else {; } return; } } if (Blockbench.hasFlag('renaming')) { if (Keybinds.extra.confirm.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { stopRenameOutliner() } else if (Keybinds.extra.cancel.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { stopRenameOutliner(false) } return; } if ($('input#chat_input:focus').length && { if (Keybinds.extra.confirm.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { Chat.send(); return; } } if ($('pre.prism-editor__code:focus').length) return; if (Keybinds.extra.confirm.keybind.isTriggered(e) || Keybinds.extra.cancel.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { $(document).click() } } //Hardcoded Keys if (e.ctrlKey === true && e.shiftKey === true && e.which == 73 && isApp) { electron.getCurrentWindow().toggleDevTools() used = true } else if (e.which === 18 && Toolbox.selected.alt_tool && !Toolbox.original && !open_interface) { //Alt Tool var orig = Toolbox.selected; var alt = BarItems[Toolbox.selected.alt_tool] if (alt && Condition(alt)) { Toolbox.original = orig } } else if (Keybinds.extra.cancel.keybind.isTriggered(e) && (Transformer.dragging/* || ...*/)) { Undo.cancelEdit() } //Keybinds if (!input_focus) { Keybinds.actions.forEach(function(action) { if ( action.keybind && (!open_dialog || action.work_in_dialog) && typeof action.trigger === 'function' && action.keybind.isTriggered(e) ) { if (action.trigger(e)) { used = true } } }) } //Dialog if (open_dialog) { if ($('textarea:focus').length === 0) { if (Keybinds.extra.confirm.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { $('.dialog#'+open_dialog).find('.confirm_btn:not([disabled])').click() used = true } else if (Keybinds.extra.cancel.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { $('.dialog#'+open_dialog).find('.cancel_btn:not([disabled])').click() used = true } } //Menu } else if (open_menu) { used = open_menu.keyNavigate(e)||used } else if (open_interface && typeof open_interface == 'object' && open_interface.hide) { if (Keybinds.extra.confirm.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { open_interface.confirm(e) used = true } else if (Keybinds.extra.cancel.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { open_interface.hide(e) used = true } } if ( { used = ActionControl.handleKeys(e) || used } if (used) { e.preventDefault() } }) $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (Pressing.alt && { ActionControl.vue.$forceUpdate() } if (e.which === 18 && Toolbox.original && Toolbox.original.alt_tool) { delete Toolbox.original; } Pressing.shift = false; Pressing.alt = false; Pressing.ctrl = false; })