//Textures class Texture { constructor(data, uuid) { var scope = this; //Info for (var key in Texture.properties) { Texture.properties[key].reset(this); } //meta this.source = '' this.selected = false this.show_icon = true this.error = 0; this.visible = true; this.display_canvas = false; //Data this.img = 0; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.currentFrame = 0; this.saved = true; this.mode = isApp ? 'link' : 'bitmap'; this.uuid = uuid || guid() if (typeof data === 'object') { this.extend(data) } if (!this.id) { var i = Texture.all.length; while (true) { var c = 0 var duplicates = false; while (c < Texture.all.length) { if (Texture.all[c].id == i) { duplicates = true; } c++; } if (duplicates === true) { i++; } else { this.id = i.toString(); break; } } } //Setup Img/Mat this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.canvas.width = this.canvas.height = 16; var img = this.img = new Image() img.src = 'assets/missing.png' var tex = new THREE.Texture(img) img.tex = tex; img.tex.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter img.tex.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter img.tex.name = this.name; var vertShader = ` attribute float highlight; uniform bool SHADE; uniform int LIGHTSIDE; varying vec2 vUv; varying float light; varying float lift; float AMBIENT = 0.5; float XFAC = -0.15; float ZFAC = 0.05; void main() { if (SHADE) { vec3 N = normalize( vec3( modelMatrix * vec4(normal, 0.0) ) ); if (LIGHTSIDE == 1) { float temp = N.y; N.y = N.z * -1.0; N.z = temp; } if (LIGHTSIDE == 2) { float temp = N.y; N.y = N.x; N.x = temp; } if (LIGHTSIDE == 3) { N.y = N.y * -1.0; } if (LIGHTSIDE == 4) { float temp = N.y; N.y = N.z; N.z = temp; } if (LIGHTSIDE == 5) { float temp = N.y; N.y = N.x * -1.0; N.x = temp; } float yLight = (1.0+N.y) * 0.5; light = yLight * (1.0-AMBIENT) + N.x*N.x * XFAC + N.z*N.z * ZFAC + AMBIENT; } else { light = 1.0; } if (highlight == 2.0) { lift = 0.22; } else if (highlight == 1.0) { lift = 0.1; } else { lift = 0.0; } vUv = uv; vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition; }` var fragShader = ` #ifdef GL_ES precision ${isApp ? 'highp' : 'mediump'} float; #endif uniform sampler2D map; uniform bool SHADE; uniform bool EMISSIVE; uniform vec3 LIGHTCOLOR; varying vec2 vUv; varying float light; varying float lift; void main(void) { vec4 color = texture2D(map, vUv); if (color.a < 0.01) discard; if (EMISSIVE == false) { gl_FragColor = vec4(lift + color.rgb * light, color.a); gl_FragColor.r = gl_FragColor.r * LIGHTCOLOR.r; gl_FragColor.g = gl_FragColor.g * LIGHTCOLOR.g; gl_FragColor.b = gl_FragColor.b * LIGHTCOLOR.b; } else { float light_r = (light * LIGHTCOLOR.r) + (1.0 - light * LIGHTCOLOR.r) * (1.0 - color.a); float light_g = (light * LIGHTCOLOR.g) + (1.0 - light * LIGHTCOLOR.g) * (1.0 - color.a); float light_b = (light * LIGHTCOLOR.b) + (1.0 - light * LIGHTCOLOR.b) * (1.0 - color.a); gl_FragColor = vec4(lift + color.r * light_r, lift + color.g * light_g, lift + color.b * light_b, 1.0); } if (lift > 0.2) { gl_FragColor.r = gl_FragColor.r * 0.6; gl_FragColor.g = gl_FragColor.g * 0.7; } }` var mat = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({ uniforms: { map: {type: 't', value: tex}, SHADE: {type: 'bool', value: settings.shading.value}, LIGHTCOLOR: {type: 'vec3', value: new THREE.Color().copy(Canvas.global_light_color).multiplyScalar(settings.brightness.value / 50)}, LIGHTSIDE: {type: 'int', value: Canvas.global_light_side}, EMISSIVE: {type: 'bool', value: this.render_mode == 'emissive'} }, vertexShader: vertShader, fragmentShader: fragShader, side: Canvas.getRenderSide(), transparent: true, }); mat.map = tex; mat.name = this.name; Project.materials[this.uuid] = mat; var size_control = {}; this.img.onload = function() { this.tex.needsUpdate = true; let dimensions_changed = scope.width !== img.naturalWidth || scope.height !== img.naturalHeight; scope.width = img.naturalWidth; scope.height = img.naturalHeight; if (scope.isDefault) { console.log('Successfully loaded '+scope.name+' from default pack') } let project = Texture.all.includes(scope) ? Project : ModelProject.all.find(project => project.textures.includes(scope)); if(!project) return; project.whenNextOpen(() => { if (Project.box_uv && Format.single_texture && !scope.error) { if (!scope.keep_size) { let pw = Project.texture_width; let ph = Project.texture_height; let nw = img.naturalWidth; let nh = img.naturalHeight; //texture is unlike project var unlike = (pw != nw || ph != nh); //Resolution of this texture has changed var changed = size_control.old_width && (size_control.old_width != nw || size_control.old_height != nh); //Resolution could be a multiple of project size var multi = ( (pw%nw == 0 || nw%pw == 0) && (ph%nh == 0 || nh%ph == 0) ) if (unlike && changed && !multi) { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ translateKey: 'update_res', icon: 'photo_size_select_small', buttons: [tl('message.update_res.update'), tl('dialog.cancel')], confirm: 0, cancel: 1 }, function(result) { if (result === 0) { setProjectResolution(img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight) if (selected.length) { UVEditor.loadData() } } }) } } delete scope.keep_size; size_control.old_width = img.naturalWidth size_control.old_height = img.naturalHeight } if (dimensions_changed) { TextureAnimator.updateButton() Canvas.updateAllFaces(scope) } if (typeof scope.load_callback === 'function') { scope.load_callback(scope); delete scope.load_callback; } }) } this.img.onerror = function(error) { if (isApp && !scope.isDefault && scope.mode !== 'bitmap' && scope.fromDefaultPack() ) { return true; } else { scope.loadEmpty() } } } get frameCount() { if (Format.animated_textures && this.ratio !== 1 && this.ratio !== (Project.texture_width / Project.texture_height) && 1/this.ratio % 1 === 0) { return (Project.texture_width / Project.texture_height) / this.ratio } } get display_height() { return this.height / (this.frameCount || 1); } get ratio() { return this.width / this.height; } getErrorMessage() { switch (this.error) { case 0: return ''; break; case 1: return tl('texture.error.file'); break; //case 1: return tl('texture.error.invalid'); break; //case 2: return tl('texture.error.ratio'); break; case 3: return tl('texture.error.parent'); break; } } getUndoCopy(bitmap) { var copy = {} if (this.display_canvas && bitmap) { this.updateSource(this.canvas.toDataURL()); } for (var key in Texture.properties) { Texture.properties[key].copy(this, copy) } copy.visible = this.visible; copy.selected = this.selected; copy.mode = this.mode; copy.saved = this.saved; copy.uuid = this.uuid; copy.old_width = this.old_width; copy.old_height = this.old_height; if (bitmap || this.mode === 'bitmap') { copy.source = this.source } return copy } extend(data) { for (var key in Texture.properties) { Texture.properties[key].merge(this, data) } Merge.boolean(this, data, 'visible') Merge.string(this, data, 'mode', mode => (mode === 'bitmap' || mode === 'link')) Merge.boolean(this, data, 'saved') Merge.boolean(this, data, 'keep_size') if (this.mode === 'bitmap') { Merge.string(this, data, 'source') } else if (data.path) { this.source = this.path.replace(/#/g, '%23') + '?' + tex_version; } return this; } //Loading load(cb) { this.error = 0; this.show_icon = true; this.img.src = this.source; this.load_callback = cb; return this; } fromJavaLink(link, path_array) { if (typeof link !== 'string' || (link.substr(0, 1) === '#' && !link.includes('/'))) { this.load(); return this; } if (link.substr(0, 22) === 'data:image/png;base64,') { this.fromDataURL(link) return this; } if (isApp && (link.substr(1, 2) === ':\\' || link.substr(1, 2) === ':/')) { var path = link.replace(/\\|\//g, osfs).replace(/\?\d+$/, '') this.fromPath(path) return this; } var can_load = !!path_array.length var spaces = link.split(':') if (spaces.length > 1) { this.namespace = spaces[0] link = spaces[1] path_array[path_array.length-1] = this.namespace } else { path_array[path_array.length-1] = 'minecraft' } if (path_array.includes('cit')) { path_array.pop(); path_array.push(link.replace(/^\.*\//, '').replace(/\//g, osfs)+'.png') } else { path_array.push('textures', link.replace(/\//g, osfs)+'.png'); } var path = path_array.join(osfs); if (path && can_load) { this.fromPath(path) } else { this.path = path this.folder = link.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/') this.folder = this.folder.splice(0, this.folder.length-1).join('/') this.name = pathToName(path, true) this.mode = 'link' this.saved = true this.load() } return this; } fromFile(file) { if (!file) return this; if (file.name) this.name = file.name if (typeof file.content === 'string' && file.content.substr(0, 4) === 'data') { this.fromDataURL(file.content) if (!file.path) { } else if (pathToExtension(file.path) === 'png') { this.path = file.path } else if (pathToExtension(file.path) === 'tga') { this.path = '' } } else if (isApp) { this.fromPath(file.path) } this.saved = true return this; } fromPath(path) { var scope = this; if (path && pathToExtension(path) === 'tga') { var targa_loader = new Targa() targa_loader.open(path, function() { scope.fromFile({ name: pathToName(path, true), path: path, content: targa_loader.getDataURL() }) }) return this; } this.path = path this.name = pathToName(path, true) this.mode = 'link' this.saved = true; if (path.includes('data:image')) { this.source = path } else { this.source = path.replace(/#/g, '%23') + '?' + tex_version } if (Format.texture_folder) { this.generateFolder(path); if ((this.folder + this.name).match(/[^a-z0-9._/\\-]/) && !Dialog.open && settings.dialog_invalid_characters.value) { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ translateKey: 'invalid_characters', message: tl('message.invalid_characters.message', ['a-z0-9._-']), icon: 'folder_open', buttons: [tl('dialog.ok'), tl('dialog.dontshowagain')], confirm: 0, cancel: 0 }, result => { if (result === 1) { settings.dialog_invalid_characters.set(false); } }) } } let duplicate = Texture.all.find(tex => (tex !== this && tex.path === this.path && tex.saved)); if (duplicate && isApp) { duplicate.remove(false); } this.startWatcher() Painter.current = {} if (Project.EditSession) { this.load(() => { var before = {textures: {}} before.textures[scope.uuid] = true; this.edit() var post = new Undo.save({textures: [this]}) Project.EditSession.sendEdit({ before: before, post: post, action: 'loaded_texture', save_history: false }) }) } else { this.load() } return this; } fromDataURL(data_url) { this.source = data_url this.mode = 'bitmap' this.saved = false; this.load() return this; } fromDefaultPack() { if (isApp && settings.default_path && settings.default_path.value) { if (Project.BedrockEntityManager) { var path = Project.BedrockEntityManager.findEntityTexture(Project.geometry_name, 'raw') if (path) { this.isDefault = true; path = settings.default_path.value + osfs + path if (fs.existsSync(path + '.png')) { this.fromPath(path + '.png') delete this.isDefault return true; } else if (fs.existsSync(path + '.tga')) { this.fromPath(path + '.tga') delete this.isDefault return true; } delete this.isDefault } } else if (this.name && this.name.includes('.')) { var folder = this.folder.replace(/\//g, osfs); var path = settings.default_path.value + osfs + (folder ? (folder+osfs) : '') + this.name if (fs.existsSync(path)) { this.isDefault = true; this.fromPath(path) return true; } } } } loadEmpty(error_id) { this.img.src = 'assets/missing.png' this.error = error_id||1; this.show_icon = false; return this; } updateSource(dataUrl) { // Update the source, only used when source is secure + base64 if (!dataUrl) dataUrl = this.source; this.source = dataUrl; this.img.src = dataUrl; this.display_canvas = false; this.updateMaterial(); if (open_dialog == 'UVEditor') { for (var key in UVEditor.editors) { var editor = UVEditor.editors[key]; if (this == editor.texture) { editor.img.src = dataUrl; } } } return this; } updateMaterial() { if (Format.id == 'image') return this; let mat = this.getMaterial(); mat.name = this.name; mat.map.image = this.img; mat.map.name = this.name; mat.map.image.src = this.source; mat.map.needsUpdate = true; return this; } reopen(force) { var scope = this; this.stopWatcher() function _replace() { Blockbench.import({ resource_id: 'texture', extensions: ['png', 'tga'], type: 'PNG Texture', readtype: 'image', startpath: scope.path }, function(files) { scope.fromFile(files[0]) }) Painter.current = {} UVEditor.loadData(); Blockbench.dispatchEvent( 'change_texture_path', {texture: scope} ) } if (scope.saved || force) { _replace() } else { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ translateKey: 'unsaved_texture', icon: 'warning', buttons: [tl('dialog.continue'), tl('dialog.cancel')], confirm: 0, cancel: 1 }, function(result) { if (result === 0) { _replace() } }) } } refresh(single) { if (this.mode === 'bitmap') { return false; } if (single) { tex_version++; } this.source = this.source.replace(/\?\d+$/, '?' + tex_version) this.load(); this.updateMaterial() TickUpdates.UVEditor = true; TickUpdates.texture_list = true; } reloadTexture() { this.refresh(true) } startWatcher() { if (this.mode !== 'link' || !isApp || !this.path.match(/\.[a-zA-Z]+$/) || !fs.existsSync(this.path)) { return; } var scope = this; this.stopWatcher(); let timeout; this.watcher = fs.watch(scope.path, (eventType) => { if (eventType == 'change') { if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = setTimeout(() => { if (Texture.all.includes(scope)) { scope.reloadTexture(); } else { let project = ModelProject.all.find(project => project.textures.includes(scope)); if (project) { project.whenNextOpen(() => { scope.reloadTexture(); }) } } }, 60) } }) } stopWatcher() { if (isApp && this.watcher) { this.watcher.close() } return this; } generateFolder(path) { if (path.includes(osfs+'optifine'+osfs+'cit'+osfs)) { if (Project.export_path) { let model_arr = Project.export_path.split(osfs).slice(0, -1); let tex_arr = path.split(osfs).slice(0, -1); let index = 0; tex_arr.find((dir, i) => { if (dir != model_arr[i]) return true; index++; }) this.folder = ['.', ...tex_arr.slice(index)].join('/'); } else { this.folder = '.'; } } else if (path.includes(osfs+'textures'+osfs)) { var arr = path.split(osfs+'textures'+osfs); var arr1 = arr[0].split(osfs); this.namespace = arr1[arr1.length-1]; var arr2 = arr[arr.length-1].split(osfs); arr2.pop(); this.folder = arr2.join('/'); if (Format.id == 'optifine_entity') { this.folder = 'textures/' + this.folder; } } else { let model_arr = Project.export_path.split(osfs).slice(0, -1); let tex_arr = path.split(osfs).slice(0, -1); let index = 0; tex_arr.find((dir, i) => { if (Project.export_path && dir != model_arr[i]) return true; if (!Project.export_path && tex_arr[i-2] == 'optifine' && tex_arr[i-1] == 'cem') return true; index++; }) this.folder = tex_arr.slice(index).join('/'); if (Format.texture_folder && isApp && settings.dialog_loose_texture.value) { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ translateKey: 'loose_texture', icon: 'folder_open', buttons: [tl('message.loose_texture.change'), tl('dialog.ok'), tl('dialog.dontshowagain')], confirm: 0, cancel: 1 }, result => { if (result === 0) { this.reopen() } if (result === 2) { settings.dialog_loose_texture.set(false); } }) } } return this; } getMaterial() { return Project.materials[this.uuid] } //Management select(event) { Texture.all.forEach(s => { if (s.selected) s.selected = false; }) if (event) { Prop.active_panel = 'textures' } this.selected = true Texture.selected = this; this.scrollTo(); if (Format.id == 'image') { Project.texture_width = this.width; Project.texture_height = this.height; } if (this.render_mode == 'layered') { Canvas.updatePaintingGrid() updateSelection() } else if (Format.single_texture && Texture.all.length > 1) { Canvas.updateAllFaces() TickUpdates.selection = true; } if ((Texture.all.length > 1 || !Format.edit_mode) && Modes.paint && !UVEditor.getReferenceFace()) { UVEditor.vue.updateTexture(); } return this; } add(undo) { var scope = this; if (isApp && this.path && Project.textures.length) { for (var tex of Project.textures) { if (tex.path === scope.path) return tex; } } if (Texture.all.find(t => t.render_mode == 'layered')) { this.render_mode = 'layered'; } if (undo) { Undo.initEdit({textures: []}) } if (!Project.textures.includes(this)) { Project.textures.push(this) } Blockbench.dispatchEvent( 'add_texture', {texture: this}) loadTextureDraggable() if (Format.single_texture && Cube.all.length) { Canvas.updateAllFaces() if (selected.length) { UVEditor.loadData() } } TickUpdates.selection = true; if (undo) { Undo.finishEdit('Add texture', {textures: [this]}) } return this; } remove(no_update) { if (!no_update) { Undo.initEdit({textures: [this]}) } this.stopWatcher() if (Texture.selected == this) { Texture.selected = undefined; } Project.textures.splice(Texture.all.indexOf(this), 1) delete Project.materials[this.uuid]; if (!no_update) { Canvas.updateAllFaces() TextureAnimator.updateButton() hideDialog() if (UVEditor.texture == this) { UVEditor.vue.updateTexture(); } BARS.updateConditions() Undo.finishEdit('Remove texture', {textures: []}) } } toggleVisibility() { if (this.render_mode !== 'layered') { this.visible = true; return this; } this.visible = !this.visible; let c = 0; Texture.all.forEach(tex => { if (tex.visible) { c++; if (c >= 3 && tex !== this) { tex.visible = false; } } }) Canvas.updateLayeredTextures(); } //Use enableParticle() { if (Format.select_texture_for_particles) { Texture.all.forEach(function(s) { s.particle = false; }) this.particle = true } return this; } fillParticle() { var particle_tex = false Texture.all.forEach(function(t) { if (t.particle) { particle_tex = t } }) if (!particle_tex) { this.enableParticle() } return this; } apply(all) { let affected = Outliner.selected.filter(el => el.faces); if (!affected.length) return; var scope = this; Undo.initEdit({elements: affected}) affected.forEach(function(obj) { for (var face in obj.faces) { if (all || Project.box_uv || UVEditor.vue.selected_faces.includes(face)) { var f = obj.faces[face] if (all !== 'blank' || (f.texture !== null && !f.getTexture())) { f.texture = scope.uuid } } } }) Canvas.updateView({elements: affected, element_aspects: {faces: true}}) UVEditor.loadData() Undo.finishEdit('Apply texture') return this; } //Interface openFolder() { if (!isApp || !this.path) return this; if (!fs.existsSync(this.path)) { Blockbench.showQuickMessage('texture.error.file') return this; } shell.showItemInFolder(this.path) return this; } openEditor() { var scope = this; if (!settings.image_editor.value) { changeImageEditor(scope) } else { if (fs.existsSync(settings.image_editor.value)) { if (Blockbench.platform == 'darwin') { require('child_process').exec(`open '${this.path}' -a '${settings.image_editor.value}'`) } else { require('child_process').spawn(settings.image_editor.value, [this.path]) } } else { electron.dialog.showMessageBoxSync(currentwindow, { type: 'info', noLink: true, title: tl('message.image_editor_missing.title'), message: tl('message.image_editor_missing.message'), detail: tl('message.image_editor_missing.detail') }) selectImageEditorFile(scope) } } return this; } showContextMenu(event) { var scope = this; scope.select() Prop.active_panel = 'textures' this.menu.open(event, scope) } openMenu() { var scope = this scope.select() let title = `${scope.name} (${scope.width} x ${scope.height})`; var path = ''; if (scope.path) { var arr = scope.path.split(osfs) arr.splice(-1) path = arr.join('/') + '/' + scope.name + '' } var dialog = new Dialog({ id: 'texture_edit', title, lines: [ `

${settings.streamer_mode.value ? `[${tl('generic.redacted')}]` : path}

` ], form: { name: {label: 'generic.name', value: scope.name}, variable: {label: 'dialog.texture.variable', value: scope.id, condition: {features: ['texture_folder']}}, folder: {label: 'dialog.texture.folder', value: scope.folder, condition: () => Format.texture_folder}, namespace: {label: 'dialog.texture.namespace', value: scope.namespace, condition: {features: ['texture_folder']}}, }, onConfirm: function(results) { dialog.hide(); if ( (scope.name === results.name) && (results.variable === undefined || scope.id === results.variable) && (results.folder === undefined || scope.folder === results.folder) && (results.namespace === undefined || scope.namespace === results.namespace) ) { return; } Undo.initEdit({textures: [scope], selected_texture: true}) scope.name = results.name; if (results.variable !== undefined) scope.id = results.variable; if (results.folder !== undefined) scope.folder = results.folder; if (results.namespace !== undefined) scope.namespace = results.namespace; Undo.finishEdit('Edit texture metadata') } }).show() } resizeDialog() { let scope = this; let updated_to_repeat = false; let dialog = new Dialog({ id: 'resize_texture', title: 'action.resize_texture', form: { size: { label: 'dialog.project.texture_size', type: 'vector', dimensions: 2, value: [this.width, this.height], min: 1 }, frames: { label: 'dialog.resize_texture.animation_frames', type: 'number', condition: () => Format.animated_textures, value: this.frameCount || 1, min: 1, max: 2048, step: 1, }, fill: {label: 'dialog.resize_texture.fill', type: 'select', default: 'transparent', options: { transparent: 'dialog.resize_texture.fill.transparent', color: 'dialog.resize_texture.fill.color', repeat: 'dialog.resize_texture.fill.repeat', stretch: 'dialog.resize_texture.fill.stretch' }} }, onFormChange(formResult) { if (formResult.frames > (scope.frameCount || 1) && !updated_to_repeat) { updated_to_repeat = true; this.setFormValues({fill: 'repeat'}); } }, onConfirm: function(formResult) { let old_width = scope.width; let old_height = scope.height; let elements_to_change = null; if (formResult.fill !== 'stretch' && Texture.length >= 2 && !Format.single_texture) { let elements = [...Cube.all, ...Mesh.all].filter(el => { for (let fkey in el.faces) { if (el.faces[fkey].texture == scope.uuid) return true; } }) if (elements.length) elements_to_change = elements; } if (Format.animated_textures && formResult.frames > 1) { formResult.size[1] *= formResult.frames / (scope.frameCount || 1); } Undo.initEdit({ textures: [scope], bitmap: true, elements: elements_to_change, uv_only: true }) scope.edit((canvas) => { let new_canvas = document.createElement('canvas') new_canvas.width = formResult.size[0]; new_canvas.height = formResult.size[1]; let new_ctx = new_canvas.getContext('2d'); new_ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; switch (formResult.fill) { case 'transparent': new_ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, scope.width, scope.height); break; case 'color': new_ctx.fillStyle = ColorPanel.get(); new_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, formResult.size[0], formResult.size[1]) new_ctx.clearRect(0, 0, scope.width, scope.height) new_ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, scope.width, scope.height); break; case 'repeat': for (var x = 0; x < formResult.size[0]; x += scope.width) { for (var y = 0; y < formResult.size[1]; y += scope.height) { new_ctx.drawImage(canvas, x, y, scope.width, scope.height); } } break; case 'stretch': new_ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, formResult.size[0], formResult.size[1]); break; } if (Painter.current && Painter.current.canvas) { delete Painter.current.canvas; } scope.keep_size = true; if (formResult.fill === 'repeat' && Format.animated_textures && formResult.size[0] < formResult.size[1]) { // Animated } else if (formResult.fill !== 'stretch' && (Format.single_texture || Texture.all.length == 1)) { Undo.current_save.uv_mode = { box_uv: Project.box_uv, width: Project.texture_width, height: Project.texture_height } Undo.current_save.aspects.uv_mode = true; Project.texture_width = Project.texture_width * (formResult.size[0] / old_width); Project.texture_height = Project.texture_height * (formResult.size[1] / old_height); Canvas.updateAllUVs() } else if (formResult.fill !== 'stretch' && Texture.length >= 2 && elements_to_change) { elements_to_change.forEach(element => { if (element instanceof Cube) { for (var key in element.faces) { if (element.faces[key].texture !== scope.uuid) continue; var uv = element.faces[key].uv; uv[0] /= formResult.size[0] / old_width; uv[2] /= formResult.size[0] / old_width; uv[1] /= formResult.size[1] / old_height; uv[3] /= formResult.size[1] / old_height; } } else if (element instanceof Mesh) { for (var key in element.faces) { if (element.faces[key].texture !== scope.uuid) continue; var uv = element.faces[key].uv; for (let vkey in uv) { uv[vkey][0] /= formResult.size[0] / old_width; uv[vkey][1] /= formResult.size[1] / old_height; } } } }) Canvas.updateView({elements: elements_to_change, element_aspects: {uv: true}}) } return new_canvas }, {no_undo: true}) Undo.finishEdit('Resize texture'); setTimeout(updateSelection, 100); } }) dialog.show() return this; } scrollTo() { var el = $(`#texture_list > li[texid=${this.uuid}]`) if (el.length === 0 || Texture.all.length < 2) return; var outliner_pos = $('#texture_list').offset().top var el_pos = el.offset().top if (el_pos > outliner_pos && el_pos + 48 < $('#texture_list').height() + outliner_pos) return; var multiple = el_pos > outliner_pos ? 0.5 : 0.2 var scroll_amount = el_pos + $('#texture_list').scrollTop() - outliner_pos - 20 scroll_amount -= $('#texture_list').height()*multiple - 15 $('#texture_list').animate({ scrollTop: scroll_amount }, 200); } //Export javaTextureLink() { var link = this.name.replace(/\.png$/, '') if (this.folder) { link = this.folder + '/' + link } if (this.namespace && this.namespace !== 'minecraft') { link = this.namespace + ':' + link } return link; } save(as) { var scope = this; if (scope.saved && !as) { return this; } if (isApp) { //overwrite path if (scope.mode === 'link') { var image = nativeImage.createFromPath(scope.source.replace(/\?\d+$/, '')).toPNG() } else { var image = nativeImage.createFromDataURL(scope.source).toPNG() } tex_version++; if (!as && this.path && fs.existsSync(this.path)) { fs.writeFileSync(this.path, image); scope.fromPath(scope.path) } else { var find_path; if (Texture.all.find(t => t => t != this && t.saved)) { let ref_tex = Texture.all.find(t => t => t != this && t.saved); find_path = PathModule.join(PathModule.dirname(ref_tex.path), this.name); } if (!find_path && Format.bone_rig && Project.geometry_name && Project.BedrockEntityManager) { find_path = Project.BedrockEntityManager.findEntityTexture(Project.geometry_name, true) } if (!find_path && Project.export_path) { var arr = Project.export_path.split(osfs); var index = arr.lastIndexOf('models'); if (index > 1) arr.splice(index, 256, 'textures') if (scope.folder) arr = arr.concat(scope.folder.split('/')); arr.push(scope.name) find_path = arr.join(osfs) } Blockbench.export({ resource_id: 'texture', type: 'PNG Texture', extensions: ['png'], name: scope.name, content: image, startpath: find_path, savetype: 'image' }, function(path) { scope.fromPath(path) }) } } else { //Download Blockbench.export({ type: 'PNG Texture', extensions: ['png'], name: scope.name, content: scope.source, savetype: 'image' }, function() { scope.saved = true; }) } return this; } exportEmissionMap() { new Dialog({ id: 'export_emission_map', title: 'dialog.export_emission_map.title', form: { format: {label: 'dialog.export_emission_map.format', type: 'select', options: { luminance: 'dialog.export_emission_map.format.luminance', luminance_inverted: 'dialog.export_emission_map.format.luminance_inverted', colors: 'dialog.export_emission_map.format.colors' }}, threshold: {label: 'dialog.export_emission_map.threshold', type: 'number', min: 0, max: 254}, round_up: { label: tl('dialog.export_emission_map.round_up', [Math.getNextPower(this.width), Math.getNextPower(this.height)]), type: 'checkbox', condition: () => !Math.isPowerOfTwo(this.width) || !Math.isPowerOfTwo(this.height)}, flip_y: {label: 'dialog.export_emission_map.flip_y', type: 'checkbox'}, }, onConfirm: form => { let canvas = document.createElement('canvas') let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (form.round_up) { canvas.width = Math.getNextPower(this.img.naturalWidth); canvas.height = Math.getNextPower(this.img.naturalHeight); } else { canvas.width = this.img.naturalWidth; canvas.height = this.img.naturalHeight; } if (form.flip_y) { ctx.translate( 0, canvas.height ); ctx.scale( 1, - 1 ); } ctx.drawImage(this.img, 0, 0, this.img.naturalWidth, this.img.naturalHeight); let data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); for (let i = 0; i < data.data.length; i += 4) { if (form.format == 'colors') { if (data.data[i+3] <= form.threshold) { data.data[i+0] = data.data[i+1] = data.data[i+2] = data.data[i+3] = 0; } else { data.data[i+3] = 255 - data.data[i+3]; } } else { if (data.data[i+3] < 254 && data.data[i+3] > form.threshold) { let v = form.format == 'luminance_inverted' ? data.data[i+3] : (255 - data.data[i+3]); data.data[i+0] = data.data[i+1] = data.data[i+2] = v; } else { data.data[i+0] = data.data[i+1] = data.data[i+2] = form.format == 'luminance_inverted' ? 255 : 0; } data.data[i+3] = 255; } } ctx.putImageData(data, 0, 0); let dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); Blockbench.export({ resource_id: 'texture', type: 'PNG Texture', extensions: ['png'], name: this.name.replace(/\.png$/i, '') + '-emission_map', content: dataUrl, startpath: this.path.replace(/\.png$/i, '') + '-emission_map', savetype: 'image' }) } }).show(); } getBase64() { var scope = this; if (isApp && scope.mode === 'link') { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas') canvas.width = scope.img.naturalWidth; canvas.height = scope.img.naturalHeight; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(scope.img, 0, 0) var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/png') } else { var dataUrl = scope.source } return dataUrl.replace('data:image/png;base64,', '') } edit(cb, options) { var scope = this; if (!options) options = false; if (cb) { Painter.edit(scope, cb, options); } else if (scope.mode === 'link') { scope.source = 'data:image/png;base64,' + scope.getBase64(); scope.mode = 'bitmap'; } scope.saved = false; } } Texture.prototype.menu = new Menu([ { icon: 'crop_original', name: 'menu.texture.face', condition() {return !Project.single_texture && Outliner.selected.length > 0}, click(texture) {texture.apply()} }, { icon: 'texture', name: 'menu.texture.blank', condition() {return !Project.single_texture && Outliner.selected.length > 0}, click(texture) {texture.apply('blank')} }, { icon: 'fa-cube', name: 'menu.texture.elements', condition() {return !Project.single_texture && Outliner.selected.length > 0}, click(texture) {texture.apply(true)} }, { icon: 'bubble_chart', name: 'menu.texture.particle', condition: {features: ['select_texture_for_particles']}, click(texture) { if (texture.particle) { texture.particle = false } else { texture.enableParticle() } } }, '_', { icon: 'list', name: 'menu.texture.render_mode', children(texture) { function setViewMode(mode) { let update_layered = (mode == 'layered' || texture.render_mode == 'layered'); let update_emissive = (mode == 'emissive' || texture.render_mode == 'emissive'); let changed_textures = update_layered ? Texture.all : [texture]; Undo.initEdit({textures: changed_textures}); changed_textures.forEach(t => { t.render_mode = mode; }); if (update_layered) { Texture.all.forEach((tex, i) => { tex.visible = i < 3 }) Interface.Panels.textures.inside_vue.$forceUpdate() Canvas.updateLayeredTextures(); } if (update_emissive) { texture.getMaterial().uniforms.EMISSIVE.value = mode == 'emissive'; } Undo.finishEdit('change texture view mode'); } return [ {name: 'menu.texture.render_mode.default', icon: texture.render_mode == 'default' ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked', click() {setViewMode('default')}}, {name: 'menu.texture.render_mode.emissive', icon: texture.render_mode == 'emissive' ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked', click() {setViewMode('emissive')}}, {name: 'menu.texture.render_mode.layered', icon: texture.render_mode == 'layered' ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked', click() {setViewMode('layered')}, condition: () => Format.single_texture}, ] } }, 'resize_texture', 'append_to_template', { name: 'menu.texture.merge_onto_texture', icon: 'fa-caret-square-up', condition: (tex) => (tex && Texture.all.indexOf(tex) !== 0), click(texture) { let target = Texture.all[Texture.all.indexOf(texture)-1]; Undo.initEdit({textures: [target], bitmap: true}); target.edit(canvas => { let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(texture.img, 0, 0); }, {no_undo: true}) Undo.finishEdit('Merged textures') } }, '_', { icon: 'edit', name: 'menu.texture.edit', condition: (texture) => texture.mode == 'link', click(texture) { texture.openEditor() } }, { icon: 'draw', name: 'menu.texture.edit_in_blockbench', condition: (texture) => Format.id !== 'image' && texture.path, click(texture) { let existing_tab = ModelProject.all.find(project => project.format.id == 'image' && project.textures.find(t => t.path && t.path == texture.path)); if (existing_tab) { let tex2 = existing_tab.textures.find(t => t.path && t.path == texture.path); existing_tab.select(); tex2.select(); return; } newProject(Formats.image); Project.texture_width = texture.naturalWidth; Project.texture_height = texture.naturalHeight; let copy = texture.getUndoCopy(); let new_texture = new Texture(copy).load().add(false); UVEditor.vue.updateTexture(); Project.name = new_texture.name; new_texture.load_callback = () => { new_texture.select(); } } }, { icon: 'folder', name: 'menu.texture.folder', condition: function(texture) {return isApp && texture.path}, click(texture) {texture.openFolder()} }, { icon: 'save', name: 'menu.texture.save', condition: function(texture) {return !texture.saved && texture.path}, click(texture) {texture.save()} }, { icon: 'file_download', name: 'menu.texture.export', click(texture) {texture.save(true)} }, { icon: 'flourescent', name: 'dialog.export_emission_map.title', condition: tex => tex.render_mode == 'emissive', click(texture) {texture.exportEmissionMap()} }, '_', { icon: 'refresh', name: 'menu.texture.refresh', condition: function(texture) {return texture.mode == 'link'}, click(texture) {texture.reloadTexture()} }, { icon: 'file_upload', name: 'menu.texture.change', click(texture) { texture.reopen()} }, 'delete', '_', { icon: 'list', name: 'menu.texture.properties', click(texture) { texture.openMenu()} } ]) Texture.getDefault = function() { if (Texture.selected && Texture.all.includes(Texture.selected)) { return Texture.selected; } else if (Texture.selected) { Texture.selected = undefined; } if (Texture.all.length > 1 && Texture.all.find(t => t.render_mode == 'layered')) { var i = 0; for (var i = Texture.all.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Texture.all[i].visible) { return Texture.all[i] } } } return Texture.all[0] } new Property(Texture, 'string', 'path') new Property(Texture, 'string', 'name') new Property(Texture, 'string', 'folder') new Property(Texture, 'string', 'namespace') new Property(Texture, 'string', 'id') new Property(Texture, 'boolean', 'particle') new Property(Texture, 'string', 'render_mode', {default: 'default'}) Object.defineProperty(Texture, 'all', { get() { return Project.textures || []; }, set(arr) { Project.textures.replace(arr); } }) Object.defineProperty(Texture, 'selected', { get() { return Project.selected_texture }, set(texture) { Project.selected_texture = texture; } }) function saveTextures(lazy = false) { Texture.all.forEach(function(tex) { if (!tex.saved) { if (lazy && isApp && (!tex.path || !fs.existsSync(tex.path))) return; tex.save() } }) } function loadTextureDraggable() { Vue.nextTick(function() { setTimeout(function() { $('li.texture:not(.ui-draggable)').draggable({ revertDuration: 0, cursorAt: { left: 2, top: -5 }, revert: 'invalid', appendTo: 'body', zIndex: 19, distance: 12, delay: 120, helper: function(e) { var t = $(e.target) if (!t.hasClass('texture')) t = t.parent() if (!t.hasClass('texture')) t = t.parent() return t.find('.texture_icon_wrapper').clone().addClass('texture_drag_helper').attr('texid', t.attr('texid')) }, drag: function(event, ui) { $('.outliner_node[order]').attr('order', null); $('.drag_hover').removeClass('drag_hover'); $('.texture[order]').attr('order', null) if ($('#cubes_list li.outliner_node:hover').length) { var tar = $('#cubes_list li.outliner_node:hover').last() tar.addClass('drag_hover').attr('order', '0'); /* var element = Outliner.root.findRecursive('uuid', tar.attr('id')) if (element) { tar.attr('order', '0') }*/ } else if ($('#texture_list li:hover').length) { let node = $('#texture_list > .texture:hover') if (node.length) { var target_tex = Texture.all.findInArray('uuid', node.attr('texid')); index = Texture.all.indexOf(target_tex); let offset = event.clientY - node[0].offsetTop; if (offset > 24) { node.attr('order', '1') } else { node.attr('order', '-1') } } } }, stop: function(event, ui) { setTimeout(function() { $('.texture[order]').attr('order', null); $('.outliner_node[order]').attr('order', null); var tex = Texture.all.findInArray('uuid', ui.helper.attr('texid')); if (!tex) return; if ($('.preview:hover').length > 0) { var data = Canvas.raycast(event) if (data.element && data.face) { var elements = data.element.selected ? UVEditor.getMappableElements() : [data.element]; if (tex && elements) { Undo.initEdit({elements}) elements.forEach(element => { element.applyTexture(tex, data.shiftKey || Pressing.overrides.shift || [data.face]) }) Undo.finishEdit('Apply texture') } } } else if ($('#texture_list:hover').length > 0) { let index = Texture.all.length-1 let node = $('#texture_list > .texture:hover') if (node.length) { var target_tex = Texture.all.findInArray('uuid', node.attr('texid')); index = Texture.all.indexOf(target_tex); let own_index = Texture.all.indexOf(tex) if (own_index == index) return; if (own_index < index) index--; if (event.clientY - node[0].offsetTop > 24) index++; } Undo.initEdit({texture_order: true}) Texture.all.remove(tex) Texture.all.splice(index, 0, tex) Canvas.updateLayeredTextures() Undo.finishEdit('Reorder textures') } else if ($('#cubes_list:hover').length) { var target_node = $('#cubes_list li.outliner_node.drag_hover').last().get(0); $('.drag_hover').removeClass('drag_hover'); if (!target_node) return; let uuid = target_node.id; var target = OutlinerNode.uuids[uuid]; var array = []; if (target.type === 'group') { target.forEachChild(function(cube) { array.push(cube) }, [Cube, Mesh]) } else { array = selected.includes(target) ? selected : [target]; } Undo.initEdit({elements: array, uv_only: true}) array.forEach(function(cube) { for (var face in cube.faces) { cube.faces[face].texture = tex.uuid; } }) Undo.finishEdit('Drop texture') UVEditor.loadData() Canvas.updateAllFaces() } else if ($('#uv_viewport:hover').length) { UVEditor.applyTexture(tex); } }, 10) } }) }, 42) }) } function unselectTextures() { Texture.all.forEach(function(s) { s.selected = false; }) Texture.selected = undefined; Canvas.updateLayeredTextures() } function getTexturesById(id) { if (id === undefined) return; id = id.replace('#', ''); return $.grep(Texture.all, function(e) {return e.id == id}); } Clipbench.setTexture = function(texture) { //Sets the raw image of the texture if (!isApp) return; Clipbench.texture = texture.getUndoCopy(); delete Clipbench.texture.path; Clipbench.texture.mode = 'bitmap'; Clipbench.texture.saved = false; Clipbench.texture.source = 'data:image/png;base64,'+texture.getBase64(); if (isApp) { if (texture.mode === 'bitmap') { var img = nativeImage.createFromDataURL(texture.source); } else { var img = nativeImage.createFromPath(texture.source.split('?')[0]); } clipboard.writeImage(img); } } Clipbench.pasteTextures = function() { function loadFromDataUrl(dataUrl) { if (!dataUrl || dataUrl.length < 32) return; var texture = new Texture({name: 'pasted', folder: 'block' }).fromDataURL(dataUrl).fillParticle().add(true); setTimeout(function() { texture.openMenu(); }, 40) } if (Clipbench.texture) { var texture = new Texture(Clipbench.texture).fillParticle().load().add(true); setTimeout(function() { texture.openMenu(); }, 40) Clipbench.texture = null; } else if (isApp) { var image = clipboard.readImage().toDataURL(); loadFromDataUrl(image); } else { navigator.clipboard.read().then(content => { if (content && content[0] && content[0].types.includes('image/png')) { content[0].getType('image/png').then(blob => { let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); loadFromDataUrl(url); }) } }).catch(() => {}) } } TextureAnimator = { isPlaying: false, interval: false, start() { clearInterval(TextureAnimator.interval) TextureAnimator.isPlaying = true TextureAnimator.updateButton() TextureAnimator.interval = setInterval(TextureAnimator.nextFrame, 1000/settings.texture_fps.value) }, stop() { TextureAnimator.isPlaying = false clearInterval(TextureAnimator.interval) TextureAnimator.updateButton() }, toggle() { if (TextureAnimator.isPlaying) { TextureAnimator.stop() } else { TextureAnimator.start() } }, updateSpeed() { if (TextureAnimator.isPlaying) { TextureAnimator.stop() TextureAnimator.start() } }, nextFrame() { var animated_textures = [] Texture.all.forEach(tex => { if (tex.frameCount > 1) { if (tex.currentFrame >= tex.frameCount-1) { tex.currentFrame = 0 } else { tex.currentFrame++; } animated_textures.push(tex) } }) TextureAnimator.update(animated_textures); }, update(animated_textures) { let maxFrame = 0; animated_textures.forEach(tex => { $(`.texture[texid="${tex.uuid}"]`).find('img').css('margin-top', (tex.currentFrame*-48)+'px'); maxFrame = Math.max(maxFrame, tex.currentFrame); }) Cube.all.forEach(cube => { var update = false for (var face in cube.faces) { update = update || animated_textures.includes(cube.faces[face].getTexture()); } if (update) { Canvas.updateUV(cube, true) } }) BarItems.animated_texture_frame.update(); Interface.Panels.textures.inside_vue._data.currentFrame = maxFrame; }, reset() { TextureAnimator.stop(); Texture.all.forEach(function(tex, i) { if (tex.frameCount) { tex.currentFrame = 0 $($('.texture').get(i)).find('img').css('margin-top', '0') } }) UVEditor.img.style.objectPosition = ''; while (i < elements.length) { Canvas.updateUV(elements[i], true) i++; } }, updateButton() { BarItems.animated_textures.setIcon( TextureAnimator.isPlaying ? 'pause' : 'play_arrow' ) } } BARS.defineActions(function() { new Action('import_texture', { icon: 'library_add', category: 'textures', keybind: new Keybind({key: 't', ctrl: true}), click() { var start_path; if (!isApp) {} else if (Texture.all.length > 0) { var arr = Texture.all[0].path.split(osfs) arr.splice(-1) start_path = arr.join(osfs) } else if (Project.export_path) { var arr = Project.export_path.split(osfs) arr.splice(-3) arr.push('textures') start_path = arr.join(osfs) } Blockbench.import({ resource_id: 'texture', readtype: 'image', type: 'PNG Texture', extensions: ['png', 'tga'], multiple: true, startpath: start_path }, function(results) { var new_textures = [] Undo.initEdit({textures: new_textures}) results.forEach(function(f) { var t = new Texture({name: f.name}).fromFile(f).add(false).fillParticle() new_textures.push(t) }) Undo.finishEdit('Add texture') }) } }) new Action('create_texture', { icon: 'icon-create_bitmap', category: 'textures', keybind: new Keybind({key: 't', ctrl: true, shift: true}), click() { TextureGenerator.addBitmapDialog() } }) new Action('append_to_template', { icon: 'dashboard_customize', category: 'textures', condition: () => Texture.all.length && (Cube.selected.length || Mesh.selected.length), click() { TextureGenerator.appendToTemplateDialog() } }) new Action('save_textures', { icon: 'save', category: 'textures', click() {saveTextures()} }) new Action('change_textures_folder', { icon: 'fas.fa-hdd', category: 'textures', condition: () => Texture.all.length > 0, click() { var path = undefined; var i = 0; while (i < Texture.all.length && path === undefined) { if (typeof Texture.all[i].path == 'string' && Texture.all[i].path.length > 8) { path = Texture.all[i].path } i++; } if (!path) {return;} var path = path.split(osfs) path.splice(-1) path = path.join(osfs) let dirPath = Blockbench.pickDirectory({ resource_id: 'texture', startpath: path, }) if (dirPath && dirPath.length) { var new_path = dirPath[0] Undo.initEdit({textures: Texture.all}) Texture.all.forEach(function(t) { if (typeof t.path === 'string' && t.path.includes(path)) { t.fromPath(t.path.replace(path, new_path)) } }) Undo.finishEdit('Change textures folder') } } }) function textureAnimationCondition() { return Format.animated_textures && Texture.all.find(tex => tex.frameCount > 1); } new Action('animated_textures', { icon: 'play_arrow', category: 'textures', condition: textureAnimationCondition, click() { TextureAnimator.toggle() } }) function getSliderTexture() { return [Texture.getDefault(), ...Texture.all].find(tex => tex && tex.frameCount > 1); } new NumSlider('animated_texture_frame', { category: 'textures', condition: textureAnimationCondition, getInterval(event) { return 1; }, get: function() { let tex = getSliderTexture() return tex ? tex.currentFrame+1 : 0; }, change: function(modify) { let slider_tex = getSliderTexture() if (!slider_tex) return; slider_tex.currentFrame = (modify(slider_tex.currentFrame + slider_tex.frameCount) % slider_tex.frameCount) || 0; let textures = Texture.all.filter(tex => tex.frameCount > 1); Texture.all.forEach(tex => { tex.currentFrame = (slider_tex.currentFrame % tex.frameCount) || 0; }) TextureAnimator.update(textures); } }) new Action('animated_texture_fps', { name: 'settings.texture_fps', description: 'settings.texture_fps.desc', icon: 'speed', category: 'textures', condition: textureAnimationCondition, click() { settings.texture_fps.trigger() } }) }) Interface.definePanels(function() { new Panel('textures', { icon: 'fas.fa-images', growable: true, condition: {modes: ['edit', 'paint']}, default_position: { slot: 'left_bar', float_position: [0, 0], float_size: [300, 400], height: 400 }, toolbars: { head: Toolbars.texturelist }, onResize() { this.inside_vue._data.currentFrame += 1; this.inside_vue._data.currentFrame -= 1; }, component: { name: 'panel-textures', data() { return { textures: Texture.all, currentFrame: 0, }}, methods: { openMenu(event) { Interface.Panels.textures.menu.show(event) }, getDescription(texture) { if (texture.error) { return texture.getErrorMessage() } else { let message = texture.width + ' x ' + texture.height + 'px'; if (texture.frameCount > 1) { message += ` - ${texture.currentFrame+1}/${texture.frameCount}` } return message; } }, slideTimelinePointer(e1) { let scope = this; if (!this.$refs.timeline) return; let timeline_offset = $(this.$refs.timeline).offset().left + 8; let timeline_width = this.$refs.timeline.clientWidth - 8; let maxFrameCount = this.maxFrameCount(); function slide(e2) { convertTouchEvent(e2); let pos = e2.clientX - timeline_offset; scope.currentFrame = Math.clamp(Math.round((pos / timeline_width) * maxFrameCount), 0, maxFrameCount-1); let textures = Texture.all.filter(tex => tex.frameCount > 1); Texture.all.forEach(tex => { tex.currentFrame = (scope.currentFrame % tex.frameCount) || 0; }) TextureAnimator.update(textures); } function off(e3) { removeEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', slide); removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off); } addEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', slide); addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off); slide(e1); }, getPlayheadPos() { if (!this.$refs.timeline) return 0; let width = this.$refs.timeline.clientWidth - 8; return Math.clamp((this.currentFrame / this.maxFrameCount()) * width, 0, width); }, maxFrameCount() { let count = 0; this.textures.forEach(tex => { if (tex.frameCount > count) count = tex.frameCount; }); return count; } }, template: `
`, mounted() { BarItems.animated_textures.toElement('#texture_animation_playback .tool_wrapper') BarItems.animated_texture_frame.setWidth(52).toElement('#texture_animation_playback .tool_wrapper') BarItems.animated_texture_fps.toElement('#texture_animation_playback .tool_wrapper_2') } }, menu: new Menu([ 'paste', 'import_texture', 'create_texture', 'change_textures_folder', 'save_textures' ]) }) })