var scene, main_preview, MediaPreview, Sun, lights, emptyMaterials, outlines, Transformer, canvas_scenes, display_scene, display_area, display_base; var framespersecond = 0; var display_mode = false; var doRender = false; var quad_previews = {}; const three_grid = new THREE.Object3D(); const rot_origin = new THREE.Object3D(); var gizmo_colors = { r: new THREE.Color(0xfd3043), g: new THREE.Color(0x26ec45), b: new THREE.Color(0x2d5ee8), grid: new THREE.Color(0x495061), wire: new THREE.Color(0x576f82), outline: new THREE.Color(0x3e90ff) } const DefaultCameraPresets = [ { name: 'menu.preview.angle.initial', id: 'initial', projection: 'perspective', position: [-40, 32, -40], target: [0, 8, 0], default: true }, { name: '', id: 'top', projection: 'orthographic', color: 'y', position: [0, 64, 0], target: [0, 0, 0], zoom: 0.5, locked_angle: 'top', default: true }, { name: 'direction.bottom', id: 'bottom', projection: 'orthographic', color: 'y', position: [0, -64, 0], target: [0, 0, 0], zoom: 0.5, locked_angle: 'bottom', default: true }, { name: 'direction.south', id: 'south', projection: 'orthographic', color: 'z', position: [0, 0, 64], target: [0, 0, 0], zoom: 0.5, locked_angle: 'south', default: true }, { name: 'direction.north', id: 'north', projection: 'orthographic', color: 'z', position: [0, 0, -64], target: [0, 0, 0], zoom: 0.5, locked_angle: 'north', default: true }, { name: 'direction.east', id: 'east', projection: 'orthographic', color: 'x', position: [64, 0, 0], target: [0, 0, 0], zoom: 0.5, locked_angle: 'east', default: true }, { name: 'direction.west', id: 'west', projection: 'orthographic', color: 'x', position: [-64, 0, 0], target: [0, 0, 0], zoom: 0.5, locked_angle: 'west', default: true }, { name: 'camera_angle.isometric_right', id: 'isometric_right', projection: 'orthographic', position: [-64, 64*0.8165, -64], target: [0, 0, 0], zoom: 0.5, default: true }, { name: 'camera_angle.isometric_left', id: 'isometric_left', projection: 'orthographic', position: [64, 64*0.8165, -64], target: [0, 0, 0], zoom: 0.5, default: true } ] class Preview { constructor(options = 0) { var scope = this; if (options && { = } //Node this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas') this.canvas.preview = this; this.height = 0; this.width = 0; this.node = document.createElement('div') this.node.className = 'preview'; this.node.appendChild(this.canvas); let menu = $(`
`)[0] menu.onclick = (event) => {, this) } BarItem.prototype.addLabel(false, { name: tl('data.preview'), node: menu }) this.node.appendChild(menu) //Cameras this.isOrtho = false this.angle = null; this.camPers = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(settings.fov.value, 16 / 9, 0.1, 30000) this.camOrtho = new THREE.OrthographicCamera(-600, 600, -400, 400, -200, 20000); this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle = [{n: false, a: 'x'}, {n: false, a: 'y'}] this.camOrtho.axis = null this.camOrtho.zoom = 0.5 this.camPers.preview = this.camOrtho.preview = this; for (var i = 4; i <= 6; i++) { this.camPers.layers.enable(i); } this.side_view_target = new THREE.Vector3(); //Controls this.controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(this.camPers, this); this.controls.minDistance = 1; this.controls.maxDistance = 3960; this.controls.enableKeys = false; this.controls.zoomSpeed = 1.5; this.controls.onUpdate(() => { if (this.angle != null) { if (this.camOrtho.axis != 'x') this.side_view_target.x =; if (this.camOrtho.axis != 'y') this.side_view_target.y =; if (this.camOrtho.axis != 'z') this.side_view_target.z =; } }) //Annotations this.annotations = {}; this.updateAnnotations = function() { for (var key in scope.annotations) { var tag = scope.annotations[key]; if (tag.object.visible) { var pos = tag.object.toScreenPosition(, scope.canvas);'left', pos.x+'px');'top', pos.y+'px'); } } } this.controls.onUpdate(() => setTimeout(() => { scope.updateAnnotations(); }, 6)) this.addAnnotation = function(key, tag) { scope.annotations[key] = tag; $(tag.node).insertBefore(scope.canvas); scope.updateAnnotations(); } this.removeAnnotation = function(key) { if (scope.annotations[key]) { $(scope.annotations[key].node).detach(); delete scope.annotations[key]; } } this.camPers.position.fromArray(DefaultCameraPresets[0].position)[0].target); if (!Blockbench.isMobile) { this.gimbal_controls = new GimbalControls(this); this.node.append(this.gimbal_controls.node); } //Keybinds this.controls.mouseButtons.ZOOM = undefined; //Renderer try { this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ canvas: this.canvas, antialias: typeof options.antialias == 'boolean' ? options.antialias : Settings.get('antialiasing'), alpha: true, preserveDrawingBuffer: true }); } catch (err) { let error_element = document.querySelector('#loading_error_detail') error_element.innerHTML = `Error creating WebGL context. Try to update your graphics drivers.` if (isApp) { window.restartWithoutHardwareAcceleration = function() { ipcRenderer.send('edit-launch-setting', {key: 'hardware_acceleration', value: false}); settings.hardware_acceleration = false; Settings.saveLocalStorages(); } error_element.innerHTML = error_element.innerHTML + '\nAlternatively, try to Restart without Hardware Acceleration.' var {BrowserWindow} = require('electron').remote new BrowserWindow({ icon:'icon.ico', backgroundColor: '#ffffff', title: 'Blockbench GPU Information', webPreferences: { webgl: true, webSecurity: true, nodeIntegration: true } }).loadURL('chrome://gpu') } throw err; } this.renderer.setClearColor( 0x000000, 0 ) this.renderer.setSize(500, 400); this.loadBackground() this.selection = { box: $('') } this.raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster() this.mouse = new THREE.Vector2(); addEventListeners(this.canvas, 'mousedown touchstart', function(event) {}, { passive: false }) addEventListeners(this.canvas, 'mousemove touchmove', function(event) { scope.static_rclick = false}, false) addEventListeners(this.canvas, 'mousemove', function(event) { scope.mousemove(event)}, false) addEventListeners(this.canvas, 'mouseup touchend', function(event) { scope.mouseup(event)}, false) addEventListeners(this.canvas, 'dblclick', function(event) {Toolbox.toggleTransforms(event)}, false) addEventListeners(this.canvas, 'mouseenter touchstart', function(event) { scope.occupyTransformer(event)}, false) Blockbench.addDragHandler('preview_', { extensions: ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'tif', 'gif'], element: this.canvas, readtype: 'image', }, function(files) { if (!scope.background.imgtag) { scope.background.imgtag = new Image(); } if (isApp) { scope.background.image = files[0].path } else { scope.background.image = files[0].content } scope.loadBackground() }) Preview.all.push(this); } //Render resize(width, height) { if (this.canvas.isConnected && this !== MediaPreview) { this.height = this.node.parentElement.clientHeight; this.width = this.node.parentElement.clientWidth; } else if (height && width) { this.height = height; this.width = width; } else { return this; } if (this.isOrtho === false) { this.camPers.aspect = this.width / this.height this.camPers.updateProjectionMatrix(); } else { this.camOrtho.right = this.width / 80 this.camOrtho.left = this.camOrtho.right*-1 = this.height / 80 this.camOrtho.bottom =*-1 this.camOrtho.updateProjectionMatrix(); } this.renderer.setSize(this.width, this.height); if (this.canvas.isConnected) { this.renderer.setPixelRatio(window.devicePixelRatio); this.updateBackground() if (Transformer) { Transformer.update() } } return this; } raycast(event) { convertTouchEvent(event); var canvas_offset = $(this.canvas).offset() this.mouse.x = ((event.clientX - canvas_offset.left) / this.width) * 2 - 1; this.mouse.y = - ((event.clientY - / this.height) * 2 + 1; this.raycaster.setFromCamera( this.mouse, ); var objects = [] Cube.all.forEach(cube => { if (cube.visibility && !cube.locked) { objects.push(cube.mesh); } }) if (Vertexsnap.vertexes.children.length) { Vertexsnap.vertexes.children.forEach(function(s) { if (s.isVertex === true) { objects.push(s) } }) } if ( && settings.motion_trails.value && Group.selected) { Animator.motion_trail.children.forEach(object => { if (object.isKeyframe === true) { objects.push(object) } }) } var intersects = this.raycaster.intersectObjects( objects ); if (intersects.length > 0) { if (intersects.length > 1 && == 'vertex_snap_tool') { var intersect; for (var sct of intersects) { if (sct.object.isVertex) { intersect = sct.object; break; } } if (!intersect) intersect = intersects[0].object; } else { var intersect = intersects[0].object } if (intersect.isElement) { this.controls.hasMoved = true var obj = OutlinerNode.uuids[intersects[0]] let face = Canvas.face_order[intersects[0].face.materialIndex]; return { event: event, type: 'cube', intersects: intersects, face: face, cube: obj } } else if (intersect.isVertex) { return { event: event, type: 'vertex', intersects: intersects, cube: intersect.cube, vertex: intersect } } else if (intersect.isKeyframe) { let keyframe = Timeline.keyframes.find(kf => kf.uuid == intersect.keyframeUUID); return { event: event, type: 'keyframe', intersects: intersects, keyframe: keyframe } } } else { return false; } } render() { this.controls.update() this.renderer.render( display_mode ? display_scene : scene, ) } //Camera get camera() { return this.isOrtho ? this.camOrtho : this.camPers; } setProjectionMode(ortho, toggle) { let position =; this.isOrtho = !!ortho; this.resize() this.controls.object =;; if (toggle) { let perspective_distance = this.camPers.position.distanceTo(; let factor = 0.72 * this.camPers.getFocalLength(); if (this.isOrtho) { = factor / perspective_distance; } else { let target_distance = factor / this.camOrtho.zoom; let cam_offset = new THREE.Vector3().copy(this.camPers.position).sub(; cam_offset.multiplyScalar(target_distance / perspective_distance); this.camPers.position.copy(cam_offset).add(; } } this.setLockedAngle() this.controls.updateSceneScale(); return this; } setFOV(fov) { this.camPers.fov = fov; this.camPers.updateProjectionMatrix(); } setNormalCamera() { //Deprecated this.setProjectionMode(false) return this; } setLockedAngle(angle) { if (typeof angle === 'string' && this.isOrtho) { this.angle = angle this.controls.enableRotate = false; switch (angle) { case 'top': this.camOrtho.axis = 'y' this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle = [{n: false, a: 'x'}, {n: false, a: 'z'}] break; case 'bottom': this.camOrtho.axis = 'y' this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle = [{n: false, a: 'x'}, {n: true, a: 'z'}] break; case 'south': this.camOrtho.axis = 'z' this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle = [{n: false, a: 'x'}, {n: true, a: 'y'}] break; case 'north': this.camOrtho.axis = 'z' this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle = [{n: true, a: 'x'}, {n: true, a: 'y'}] break; case 'east': this.camOrtho.axis = 'x' this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle = [{n: true, a: 'z'}, {n: true, a: 'y'}] break; case 'west': this.camOrtho.axis = 'x' this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle = [{n: false, a: 'z'}, {n: true, a: 'y'}] break; } this.loadBackground(); var layer = getAxisNumber(this.camOrtho.axis)+1; this.camOrtho.layers.set(0); this.camOrtho.layers.enable(layer); for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { if (i != layer) { this.camOrtho.layers.enable(i+3); } } if (this.camOrtho.axis != 'x') { = this.camOrtho.position.x = this.side_view_target.x; } if (this.camOrtho.axis != 'y') { = this.camOrtho.position.y = this.side_view_target.y; } if (this.camOrtho.axis != 'z') { = this.camOrtho.position.z = this.side_view_target.z; } } else { this.angle = null; this.camOrtho.axis = null this.camOrtho.layers.set(0); this.camOrtho.layers.enable(4); this.camOrtho.layers.enable(5); this.camOrtho.layers.enable(6); this.resize() this.controls.enableRotate = true; this.loadBackground() } Transformer.update(); this.loadBackground() return this; } loadAnglePreset(preset) { if (!preset) return;; if ( {; } else if (preset.rotation) {, 0, 16).applyEuler(new THREE.Euler( Math.degToRad(preset.rotation[0]), Math.degToRad(preset.rotation[1]), Math.degToRad(preset.rotation[2]), 'ZYX' ));; } if (preset.projection !== 'unset') { this.setProjectionMode(preset.projection == 'orthographic') } if (this.isOrtho && preset.zoom && !preset.locked_angle) { = preset.zoom; } if (!this.isOrtho) { // should be FOV and should be an option on saving||45); } this.setLockedAngle(preset.locked_angle) return this; } newAnglePreset() { let scope = this; let position =; let target =; position.forEach((v, i) => { position[i] = Math.round(v*100)/100 }) target.forEach((v, i) => { target[i] = Math.round(v*100)/100 }) let dialog = new Dialog({ id: 'save_angle', title: 'menu.preview.save_angle', width: 540, form: { name: {label: ''}, projection: {label: 'dialog.save_angle.projection', type: 'select', default: 'unset', options: { unset: 'generic.unset', perspective: 'dialog.save_angle.projection.perspective', orthographic: 'dialog.save_angle.projection.orthographic' }}, position: {label: 'dialog.save_angle.position', type: 'vector', dimensions: 3, value: position}, target: {label: '', type: 'vector', dimensions: 3, value: target}, }, onConfirm: function(formResult) { if (! return; let preset = { name:, projection: formResult.projection, position: formResult.position, target:, } if (this.isOrtho) preset.zoom = this.camOrtho.zoom; let presets = localStorage.getItem('camera_presets'); try { presets = JSON.parse(presets)||[] } catch (err) { presets = []; } presets.push(preset); localStorage.setItem('camera_presets', JSON.stringify(presets)) dialog.hide() } }) return this; } //Orientation getFacingDirection() { var vec = new THREE.Vector3() this.controls.object.getWorldDirection(vec) vec.applyAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0), Math.PI / 4).ceil() switch (vec.x+'_'+vec.z) { case '1_1': return 'south' break; case '0_0': return 'north' break; case '1_0': return 'east' break; case '0_1': return 'west' break; } } getFacingHeight() { var y = this.controls.object.getWorldDirection(new THREE.Vector3()).y if (y > 0.5) { return 'up' } else if (y < -0.5) { return 'down'; } else { return 'middle' } } //Controls click(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(':focus').blur(); unselectInterface(event); convertTouchEvent(event); this.static_rclick = event.which === 3 || event.type == 'touchstart'; if (event.type == 'touchstart') { this.rclick_cooldown = setTimeout(() => { this.rclick_cooldown = true; }, 420) } Preview.selected = this; if (Transformer.hoverAxis !== null || (!Keybinds.extra.preview_select.keybind.isTriggered(event) && event.which !== 0)) return; var data = this.raycast(event); if (data) { //this.static_rclick = false if (data.cube && data.cube.locked) { $('#preview').css('cursor', 'not-allowed') function resetCursor() { $('#preview').css('cursor', (Toolbox.selected.cursor ? Toolbox.selected.cursor : 'default')) removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', resetCursor, false) } addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', resetCursor, false) } else if (Toolbox.selected.selectCubes && Modes.selected.selectCubes && data.type === 'cube') { if (Toolbox.selected.selectFace) { main_uv.setFace(data.face, false) } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('canvas_select', data) if (Modes.paint) { event = 0; } if (Format.bone_rig && ( || (!Format.rotate_cubes && ['rotate_tool', 'pivot_tool'].includes( || event.shiftKey )) { if (data.cube.parent.type === 'group') {; } } else { } } else if ( && data.type == 'keyframe') { if (data.keyframe instanceof Keyframe) {; updateSelection(); } } if (typeof Toolbox.selected.onCanvasClick === 'function') { Toolbox.selected.onCanvasClick(data) Blockbench.dispatchEvent('canvas_click', data) } return true; } if (typeof Toolbox.selected.onCanvasClick === 'function') { Toolbox.selected.onCanvasClick(0) } if (this.angle !== null && this.camOrtho.axis || this.movingBackground) { this.startSelRect(event) } else { return false; } } mousemove(event) { if (Settings.get('highlight_cubes')) { var data = this.raycast(event); if (settings.highlight_cubes.value) updateCubeHighlights(data && data.cube); } } mouseup(event) { this.showContextMenu(event); if (this.controls.hasMoved === false && settings.canvas_unselect.value) { unselectAll(); } return this; } raycastMouseCoords(x,y) { var scope = this; var canvas_offset = $(scope.canvas).offset() scope.mouse.x = ((x - canvas_offset.left) / scope.width) * 2 - 1; scope.mouse.y = - ((y - / scope.height) * 2 + 1; scope.raycaster.setFromCamera( scope.mouse, scope.camOrtho ); return scope.raycaster.ray.origin } occupyTransformer(event) { if (this == MediaPreview || Transformer.dragging) return this; = this.isOrtho ? this.camOrtho : this.camPers Transformer.orbit_controls = this.controls Transformer.setCanvas(this.canvas) main_preview.controls.updateSceneScale() if (quad_previews) { quad_previews.hovered = this; } if (event && event.type == 'touchstart') { Transformer.simulateMouseDown(event); } return this; } showContextMenu(event, force) { Prop.active_panel = 'preview'; if (this.static_rclick && (event.which === 3 || (event.type == 'touchend' && this.rclick_cooldown == true))) { var data = this.raycast(event) if (Toolbox.selected.selectCubes && Modes.selected.selectCubes && data && data.cube && !Modes.animate) { data.cube.showContextMenu(event); } else if (data.type == 'keyframe') { data.keyframe.showContextMenu(event); } else {, this) } } clearTimeout(this.rclick_cooldown); delete this.rclick_cooldown; return this; } calculateControlScale(position) { if (this.isOrtho) { return 0.35 /; } else { var scaleVector = new THREE.Vector3(); var scale = scaleVector.subVectors(position, / 4; scale *= / this.height; return scale; } } //Selection Rectangle startSelRect(event) { var scope = this; if (Modes.edit || this.movingBackground) { this.sr_move_f = function(event) { scope.moveSelRect(event)} this.sr_stop_f = function(event) { scope.stopSelRect(event)} document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.sr_move_f, false) document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.sr_stop_f, false) } this.selection.start_x = event.offsetX+0 this.selection.start_y = event.offsetY+0 this.selection.client_x = event.clientX+0 this.selection.client_y = event.clientY+0 if (this.movingBackground) { this.background.before = { x: this.background.x, y: this.background.y, size: this.background.size } return }; if (!Modes.edit || event.type == 'touchstart') return; $(this.node).append( this.selection.activated = settings.canvas_unselect.value; this.selection.old_selected = selected.slice(); var ray = this.raycastMouseCoords(event.clientX, event.clientY) this.selection.start_u = ray[this.getUVAxes().u] this.selection.start_v = ray[this.getUVAxes().v] this.moveSelRect(event) } moveSelRect(event) { var scope = this; if (this.movingBackground) { if (event.shiftKey) { this.background.size = limitNumber( this.background.before.size + (event.offsetY - this.selection.start_y), 0, 10e3) } else { this.background.x = this.background.before.x + (event.offsetX - this.selection.start_x)/this.camOrtho.zoom this.background.y = this.background.before.y + (event.offsetY - this.selection.start_y)/this.camOrtho.zoom } this.updateBackground() return; } var uv_axes = this.getUVAxes() //Overlay var c = getRectangle( Math.clamp(this.selection.start_x, -2, this.width), Math.clamp(this.selection.start_y, -2, this.height), Math.clamp(this.selection.start_x + (event.clientX - this.selection.client_x), -2, this.width), Math.clamp(this.selection.start_y + (event.clientY - this.selection.client_y), -2, this.height), )'left','px')'top', c.ay+'px')'width', c.x+'px')'height',c.y+'px') if (c.x + c.y > 40) { this.selection.activated = true } //Select if (!this.selection.activated) return; var ray = this.raycastMouseCoords(event.clientX, event.clientY) var plane_rect = getRectangle( this.selection.start_u, this.selection.start_v, ray[uv_axes.u], ray[uv_axes.v] ) unselectAll() elements.forEach(function(cube) { if ((event.shiftKey || event.ctrlOrCmd) && scope.selection.old_selected.indexOf(cube) >= 0) { var isSelected = true } else { if (cube instanceof Cube && cube.visibility && cube.mesh) { var mesh = cube.mesh var from = new THREE.Vector3().copy(mesh.geometry.vertices[6]).applyMatrix4(mesh.matrixWorld) var to = new THREE.Vector3().copy(mesh.geometry.vertices[0]).applyMatrix4(mesh.matrixWorld) var cube_rect = getRectangle( from[uv_axes.u], from[uv_axes.v], to[uv_axes.u], to[uv_axes.v] ) var isSelected = doRectanglesOverlap(plane_rect, cube_rect) } else if (cube instanceof Locator && cube.parent instanceof Group && cube.parent.mesh) { var mesh = cube.parent.mesh; var pos = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(cube.from).applyMatrix4(mesh.matrixWorld); var cube_rect = getRectangle( pos[uv_axes.u], pos[uv_axes.v], pos[uv_axes.u], pos[uv_axes.v] ) var isSelected = doRectanglesOverlap(plane_rect, cube_rect) } } if (isSelected) { cube.selectLow() } }) TickUpdates.selection = true; } stopSelRect(event) { var scope = this; document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.sr_move_f) document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.sr_stop_f) if (this.movingBackground) { delete this.background.before return }; this.selection.activated = false; } getUVAxes() { switch (this.camOrtho.axis) { case 'x': return {u: 'z', v: 'y'}; break; case 'y': return {u: 'x', v: 'z'}; break; case 'z': return {u: 'x', v: 'y'}; break; } } //Backgrounds getBackground() { if (display_mode) { var id = if (id == 'monitor' ||id == 'bow') { this.background = canvas_scenes.monitor } else if (['inventory_nine', 'inventory_full', 'hud'].includes(id)) { this.background = canvas_scenes[id] } else { this.background = canvas_scenes.normal } } else if (this.angle !== null) { this.background = canvas_scenes['ortho_'+this.angle] } else { this.background = canvas_scenes.normal } return this.background } loadBackground() { this.getBackground() if (this.background && this.background.image) { if (!this.background.imgtag) this.background.imgtag = new Image(); this.background.imgtag.src = this.background.image.replace(/#/g, '%23');'background-image', `url("${this.background.image.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/#/g, '%23')}")`) } else {'background-image', 'none') } this.updateBackground() return this; } updateBackground() { if (!this.background) return; var bg = this.background var zoom = (this.angle !== null && bg.lock === true) ? this.camOrtho.zoom : 1 var pos_x = 0; var pos_y = 0; if (this.angle !== null && bg.lock !== false) { pos_x = this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle[0].n === true ? 1 : -1 pos_x *=[this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle[0].a] * zoom * 40 pos_y = this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle[1].n === true ? 1 : -1 pos_y *=[this.camOrtho.backgroundHandle[1].a] * zoom * 40 } pos_x += (bg.x * zoom) + this.width/2 - ( bg.size * zoom) / 2 pos_y += (bg.y * zoom) + this.height/2 -((bg.size / bg.ratio||1) * zoom) / 2'background-position-x', pos_x + 'px')'background-position-y', pos_y + 'px')'background-size', bg.size * zoom +'px') return this; } clearBackground() { this.loadBackground() this.background.image = false this.background.size = limitNumber(this.background.size, 100, 2400) this.background.x = limitNumber(this.background.x, 0, this.width-30) this.background.y = limitNumber(this.background.y, 0, this.height-30) this.loadBackground() Settings.saveLocalStorages() return this; } restoreBackground() { this.loadBackground() if (this.background && this.background.defaults) { this.background.image = this.background.defaults.image || false; this.background.size = this.background.defaults.size || 1000 this.background.x = this.background.defaults.x || 0 this.background.y = this.background.defaults.y || 0 } this.loadBackground() Settings.saveLocalStorages() return this; } startMovingBackground() { if (this.movingBackground) { this.stopMovingBackground() } this.movingBackground = true; this.controls.enabled_before = this.controls.enabled this.controls.enabled = false if (settings.dialog_drag_background.value) { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ translateKey: 'drag_background', icon: 'open_with', buttons: ['dialog.ok', 'dialog.dontshowagain'], confirm: 0, cancel: 0, }, function(r) { if (r === 1) { settings.dialog_drag_background.value = false } }) } } stopMovingBackground() { this.movingBackground = false; this.controls.enabled = this.controls.enabled_before delete this.controls.enabled_before Settings.saveLocalStorages() return this; } backgroundPositionDialog() { var scope = this; if (this.movingBackground) { this.stopMovingBackground() } var dialog = new Dialog({ id: 'background_position', title: tl('message.set_background_position.title'), lines: [ ` ` ], onConfirm: function() { var coords = [ parseFloat( $(dialog.object).find('#background_pos_x').val() ), parseFloat( $(dialog.object).find('#background_pos_y').val() ), parseFloat( $(dialog.object).find('#background_size').val() ) ] dialog.hide() if (!scope.background) return; if (!isNaN(coords[0])) { scope.background.x = coords[0] } if (!isNaN(coords[1])) { scope.background.y = coords[1] } if (!isNaN(coords[2])) { scope.background.size = coords[2] } scope.updateBackground() Settings.saveLocalStorages() } }) } //Misc screenshot(options, cb) { var scope = this; if (!options) options = 0; Canvas.withoutGizmos(function() { scope.render() if (options.crop == false && !options.width && !options.height) { var dataUrl = scope.canvas.toDataURL() Screencam.returnScreenshot(dataUrl, cb) return; } if (options.crop !== false && !(display_mode && display_slot === 'gui') && !options.width && !options.height) { let frame = new CanvasFrame(scope.canvas); frame.autoCrop() Screencam.returnScreenshot(frame.canvas.toDataURL(), cb) return; } var dataUrl = scope.canvas.toDataURL() dataUrl = dataUrl.replace('data:image/png;base64,',''), 'base64')).then(function(image) { if (display_mode && display_slot === 'gui' && options.crop !== false) { var zoom = display_preview.camOrtho.zoom * devicePixelRatio var resolution = 256 * zoom; var start_x = display_preview.width *devicePixelRatio/2 -*zoom*40 - resolution/2; var start_y = display_preview.height*devicePixelRatio/2 +*zoom*40 - resolution/2; image.crop(start_x, start_y, resolution, resolution) } else { if (options.crop !== false) { image.autocrop([0, false]) } if (options && options.width && options.height) { image.contain(options.width, options.height) } } image.getBase64(Jimp.MIME_PNG, function(a, dataUrl){ Screencam.returnScreenshot(dataUrl, cb) }) }); }) } fullscreen() { if (quad_previews.current) { quad_previews.current.controls.stopMovement() } Preview.selected = this; quad_previews.enabled = false; $('#preview').empty() var wrapper = $('') wrapper.append(this.node) $('#preview').append(wrapper) Preview.all.forEach(function(prev) { if (prev.canvas.isConnected) { prev.resize() } }) if ( { updateInterfacePanels() } return this; } toggleFullscreen() { if (quad_previews.enabled) { this.fullscreen() } else { openQuadView() } } delete() { this.renderer.dispose(); this.canvas.remove(); this.node.remove(); Blockbench.removeDragHandler('preview_' if (Preview.selected == this) { Preview.selected = Preview.all.find(preview => preview.canvas.isConnected); } Preview.all.remove(this); } } = new Menu([ 'screenshot_model', {icon: 'icon-player', name: 'settings.display_skin', condition: () => (display_mode && === 'player'), click: function() { changeDisplaySkin() }}, 'preview_checkerboard', {icon: 'wallpaper', name: 'menu.preview.background', children(preview) { var has_background = !!preview.background.image return [ {icon: 'folder', name: 'menu.preview.background.load', click: function(preview) { Blockbench.import({ resource_id: 'preview_background', extensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'tif', 'gif'], type: 'Image', readtype: 'image' }, function(files) { if (files) { preview.background.image = isApp ? files[0].path : files[0].content preview.loadBackground() Settings.saveLocalStorages() } }, 'image', false) }}, {icon: 'fa-clipboard', name: 'menu.preview.background.clipboard', click: function(preview) { function loadImage(image) { if (image.length > 32) { preview.background.image = image; preview.loadBackground(); Settings.saveLocalStorages() } } if (isApp) { var image = clipboard.readImage().toDataURL(); loadImage(image); } else { => { if (content && content[0] && content[0].types.includes('image/png')) { content[0].getType('image/png').then(blob => { let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); loadImage(url); }) } }) } }}, {icon: 'photo_size_select_large', name: 'menu.preview.background.position', condition: has_background, click: function(preview) { preview.startMovingBackground() }}, {icon: 'photo_size_select_large', name: 'menu.preview.background.set_position', condition: has_background, click: function(preview) { preview.backgroundPositionDialog() }}, { name: 'menu.preview.background.lock', condition: (has_background && preview.background.lock !== null && preview.angle !== null), icon: preview.background.lock?'check_box':'check_box_outline_blank', click: function(preview) { preview.background.lock = !preview.background.lock preview.updateBackground() }}, {icon: 'clear', name: 'generic.remove', condition: has_background, click: function(preview) { preview.clearBackground() }}, {icon: 'restore', name: 'generic.restore', condition: (preview) => (preview.background && preview.background.defaults.image), click: function(preview) { // ToDo: condition, save local storage, name and icon preview.restoreBackground() }} ] }}, '_', 'focus_on_selection', {icon: 'add_a_photo', name: 'menu.preview.save_angle', condition(preview) {return !preview.movingBackground && !Modes.display}, click(preview) { preview.newAnglePreset() }}, {icon: 'videocam', name: 'menu.preview.angle', condition(preview) {return !preview.movingBackground && !Modes.display}, children: function(preview) { var children = [ ] let presets = localStorage.getItem('camera_presets') presets = (presets && JSON.parse(presets)) || []; let all_presets = [...DefaultCameraPresets, ...presets]; all_presets.forEach(preset => { let icon = typeof preset.locked_angle ? 'videocam' : (preset.locked_angle == preview.angle ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked'); children.push({ name:, color: preset.color, id:, icon, click: preset.default ? () => { preview.loadAnglePreset(preset) } : null, children: !preset.default && [ {icon: 'check_circle', name: 'menu.preview.angle.load', click() { preview.loadAnglePreset(preset) }}, {icon: 'delete', name: 'generic.delete', click() { presets.remove(preset) localStorage.setItem('camera_presets', JSON.stringify(presets)) }} ] }) }) return children; }}, {icon: (preview) => (preview.isOrtho ? 'check_box' : 'check_box_outline_blank'), name: 'menu.preview.orthographic', click: function(preview) { preview.setProjectionMode(!preview.isOrtho, true); }}, '_', {icon: 'widgets', name: 'menu.preview.quadview', condition: function(preview) {return !quad_previews.enabled && !preview.movingBackground && !Modes.display && !}, click: function() { openQuadView() }}, {icon: 'web_asset', name: 'menu.preview.maximize', condition: function(preview) {return quad_previews.enabled && !preview.movingBackground && !Modes.display}, click: function(preview) { preview.fullscreen() }}, {icon: 'cancel', color: 'x', name: 'menu.preview.stop_drag', condition: function(preview) {return preview.movingBackground;}, click: function(preview) { preview.stopMovingBackground() }} ]) Preview.all = []; function openQuadView() { quad_previews.enabled = true; $('#preview').empty() var wrapper1 = $('') wrapper1.append( $('#preview').append(wrapper1) var wrapper2 = $('') wrapper2.append(quad_previews.two.node) $('#preview').append(wrapper2) var wrapper3 = $('') wrapper3.append(quad_previews.three.node) $('#preview').append(wrapper3) var wrapper4 = $('') wrapper4.append(quad_previews.four.node) $('#preview').append(wrapper4) updateInterface() } class GimbalControls { constructor(preview, options = {}) { let scope = this; this.preview = preview; this.node = document.createElement('div'); this.node.classList.add('gimbal_controls'); let svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); this.node.append(svg); this.lines = { x: document.createElementNS('', 'path'), y: document.createElementNS('', 'path'), z: document.createElementNS('', 'path'), } for (let axis in this.lines) { this.lines[axis].setAttribute('axis', axis); svg.append(this.lines[axis]); } this.sides = { top: {opposite: 'bottom', axis: 'y', sign: 1, label: 'Y'}, bottom: {opposite: 'top', axis: 'y', sign: -1}, east: {opposite: 'west', axis: 'x', sign: 1, label: 'X'}, west: {opposite: 'east', axis: 'x', sign: -1}, south: {opposite: 'north', axis: 'z', sign: 1, label: 'Z'}, north: {opposite: 'south', axis: 'z', sign: -1}, } for (let key in this.sides) { let side = this.sides[key]; side.node = document.createElement('div'); side.node.classList.add('gimbal_controls_side'); side.node.setAttribute('axis', side.axis); if (side.label) side.node.innerText = side.label; side.node.addEventListener('click', e => { let preset_key = key == this.preview.angle ? side.opposite : key; let preset = DefaultCameraPresets.find(p => == preset_key); this.preview.loadAnglePreset(preset); }) this.node.append(side.node); } // Interact addEventListeners(this.node, 'mousedown touchstart', e1 => { if (!scope.preview.controls.enableRotate && scope.preview.angle == null) return; convertTouchEvent(e1); let last_event = e1; let move_calls = 0; function move(e2) { convertTouchEvent(e2); scope.node.classList.add('mouse_active'); if (!e1.touches && last_event == e1) scope.node.requestPointerLock(); if (scope.preview.angle != null) { scope.preview.setProjectionMode(false, true); } let limit = move_calls <= 2 ? 1 : 32; scope.preview.controls.rotateLeft((e1.touches ? (e2.clientX - last_event.clientX) : Math.clamp(e2.movementX, -limit, limit)) / 40); scope.preview.controls.rotateUp((e1.touches ? (e2.clientY - last_event.clientY) : Math.clamp(e2.movementY, -limit, limit)) / 40); last_event = e2; move_calls++; } function off(e2) { document.exitPointerLock() removeEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', move); removeEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off); scope.node.classList.remove('mouse_active'); } addEventListeners(document, 'mousemove touchmove', move); addEventListeners(document, 'mouseup touchend', off); }) this.node.addEventListener('dblclick', e => { if ( != this.node) return; this.preview.setProjectionMode(!this.preview.isOrtho, true); }) this.preview.controls.onUpdate(e => this.update(e)); this.update(); } update() { let background = 'background'; let x = this.preview.controls.getPolarAngle(); let y = this.preview.controls.getAzimuthalAngle(); let mid = 40; let rad = 28; let scale = 0.16; let offset = { x: [Math.cos(y), Math.cos(x)*Math.sin(y), Math.sin(y)], y: [0, -Math.sin(x), Math.cos(x)], z: [-Math.sin(y), Math.cos(x)*Math.cos(y), Math.cos(y)], } for (let key in this.sides) { let side = this.sides[key]; let vec = offset[side.axis]; = `${mid + side.sign * rad * vec[0]}px`; = `${mid + side.sign * rad * vec[1]}px`;'transform', `scale(${1 + scale * side.sign * vec[2]})`); side.node.classList.toggle(background, vec[2] * side.sign < 0); } for (let axis in this.lines) { let vec = offset[axis]; this.lines[axis].setAttribute('d', `M${mid} ${mid} L${mid + rad*vec[0]} ${mid + rad*vec[1]}`) } } } const Screencam = { recording_timelapse: false, fullScreen(options, cb) { setTimeout(function() { currentwindow.capturePage().then(function(screenshot) { var dataUrl = screenshot.toDataURL() if (!(options && options.width && options.height)) { Screencam.returnScreenshot(dataUrl, cb) return; } dataUrl = dataUrl.replace('data:image/png;base64,',''), 'base64')).then(function(image) { image.contain(options.width, options.height) image.getBase64(Jimp.MIME_PNG, function(a, dataUrl){ Screencam.returnScreenshot(dataUrl, cb) }) }); }) }, 40) }, returnScreenshot(dataUrl, cb) { if (cb) { cb(dataUrl) } else if (isApp) { var screenshot = nativeImage.createFromDataURL(dataUrl) var img = new Image() var is_gif = dataUrl.substr(5, 9) == 'image/gif' img.src = dataUrl var btns = [tl('dialog.cancel'), tl('')] if (!is_gif) { btns.push(tl('message.screenshot.clipboard')) } Blockbench.showMessageBox({ translateKey: 'screenshot', icon: img, buttons: btns, confirm: 1, cancel: 0 }, function(result) { if (result === 1) { if (is_gif) { Blockbench.export({ resource_id: 'screenshot', extensions: ['gif'], type: tl('data.image'), savetype: 'binary', content: Buffer(dataUrl.split(',')[1], 'base64') }) } else { Blockbench.export({ resource_id: 'screenshot', extensions: ['png'], type: tl('data.image'), savetype: 'image', content: dataUrl }) } } else if (result === 2) { clipboard.writeImage(screenshot) } }) } else { new Dialog({ title: tl('message.screenshot.right_click'), id: 'screenie', width: 500, lines: [''], draggable: true, singleButton: true }).show() } }, cleanCanvas(options, cb) { quad_previews.current.screenshot(options, cb) }, createGif(options, cb) { if (typeof options !== 'object') options = {} if (!options.length_mode) options.length_mode = 'seconds'; if (!options.length) options.length = 1; var preview = quad_previews.current; var animation = Animation.selected; var interval = options.fps ? (1000/options.fps) : 100; var frames = 0; const gif = new GIF({ repeat: options.repeat, quality: options.quality, background: {r: 30, g: 0, b: 255}, transparent: 0x1e01ff, }); if (options.turnspeed) { preview.controls.autoRotate = true; preview.controls.autoRotateSpeed = options.turnspeed; preview.controls.autoRotateProgress = 0; } else if (options.length_mode == 'turntable') { options.length_mode = 'seconds' } if ( && animation) { Timeline.time = 0; Timeline.start() if (!animation.length) options.length_mode = 'seconds'; } else if (options.length_mode == 'animation') { options.length_mode = 'seconds' } if (!options.silent) { Blockbench.setStatusBarText(tl('status_bar.recording_gif')); gif.on('progress', Blockbench.setProgress); } function getProgress() { switch (options.length_mode) { case 'seconds': return interval*frames/(options.length*1000); break; case 'frames': return frames/options.length; break; case 'turntable': return Math.abs(preview.controls.autoRotateProgress) / (2*Math.PI); break; case 'animation': return Timeline.time / (animation.length-(interval/1000)); break; } } var loop = setInterval(() => { frames++; Canvas.withoutGizmos(function() { var img = new Image(); preview.render(); img.src = preview.canvas.toDataURL(); img.onload = () => { gif.addFrame(img, {delay: interval}); } }) Blockbench.setProgress(getProgress()); if (getProgress() >= 1) { endRecording() return; } }, interval) function endRecording() { gif.render(); clearInterval(loop) if (!options.silent) { Blockbench.setStatusBarText(tl('status_bar.processing_gif')) } if ( && Timeline.playing) { Timeline.pause(); } if (options.turnspeed) { preview.controls.autoRotate = false; } } gif.on('finished', blob => { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => { if (!options.silent) { Blockbench.setProgress(0); Blockbench.setStatusBarText(); } Screencam.returnScreenshot(reader.result, cb); } reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); }, recordTimelapse(options) { if (!options.destination) return; function getFileName(num) { return `${||'model'}_${num.toDigitString(4)}.png`; } var index = 0; try { var list = fs.readdirSync(options.destination); while (list.includes(getFileName(index+1))) { index++; } } catch (err) { console.log('Unable to analyze past timelapse recording', err) } Prop.recording = true; BarItems.timelapse.setIcon('pause'); Blockbench.showQuickMessage('message.timelapse_start'); function saveImage(image) { var path = `${options.destination}${osfs}${getFileName(index)}`; fs.writeFile(path, image, (e, b) => {}); } if (options.source === 'locked') { var view_pos = new THREE.Vector3().copy(; var view_tar = new THREE.Vector3().copy(; } Screencam.timelapse_loop = setInterval(function() { index++; if (!isApp || options.source === 'preview' || options.source === 'locked') { var scope = quad_previews.current; if (options.source === 'locked') { var old_pos = new THREE.Vector3().copy(; var old_tar = new THREE.Vector3().copy(;;; } Canvas.withoutGizmos(function() { scope.render(); var dataUrl = scope.canvas.toDataURL(); saveImage(nativeImage.createFromDataURL(dataUrl).toPNG()); if (options.source === 'locked') {;; } }) } else { currentwindow.capturePage((image) => { saveImage(image.toPNG()); }); } }, options.interval*1000); }, stopTimelapse() { if (Prop.recording) { Prop.recording = false; clearInterval(Screencam.timelapse_loop); BarItems.timelapse.setIcon('timelapse'); Blockbench.showQuickMessage('message.timelapse_stop'); } } } window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", function(event) { if ('SpaceMouse')) { let interval = setInterval(() => { let gamepad = navigator.getGamepads()[event.gamepad.index]; let preview = Preview.selected; if (!document.hasFocus() || !preview || !gamepad || !gamepad.axes || gamepad.axes.allEqual(0) || gamepad.axes.find(v => isNaN(v)) != undefined) return; let offset = new THREE.Vector3( gamepad.axes[0], -gamepad.axes[2], gamepad.axes[1], ) offset.multiplyScalar(3); offset.applyQuaternion(;;; let camera_diff = new THREE.Vector3().copy(; let axes = [ gamepad.axes[3] / -40, gamepad.axes[5] / -40, ]; camera_diff.applyAxisAngle(THREE.NormalY, axes[1]); let tilt_axis = new THREE.Vector3().copy(camera_diff).normalize(); tilt_axis.applyAxisAngle(THREE.NormalY, Math.PI/2); tilt_axis.y = 0; camera_diff.applyAxisAngle(tilt_axis, axes[0]);; main_preview.controls.updateSceneScale(); }, 16) window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", function(event2) { if ( == && event2.gamepad.index == event.gamepad.index) { clearInterval(interval); } }) } }); //Init/Update function initCanvas() { //Objects scene = Canvas.scene = new THREE.Scene(); display_scene = new THREE.Scene(); display_area = new THREE.Object3D(); display_base = new THREE.Object3D(); display_scene.add(display_area) display_area.add(display_base) = 'scene' = 'display_base' = 'display_area' = 'display_scene' scene.add(Vertexsnap.vertexes) = 'vertex_handles' outlines = new THREE.Object3D(); = 'outline_group' scene.add(outlines) var DScene = function(data) { data = data||{} = ? tl( : '' this.image = data.image||false this.size = data.size||1000 this.x = data.x||0 this.y = data.y||0 this.lock = data.lock||false this.defaults = Object.assign({}, this); } canvas_scenes = { normal: new DScene({name: 'menu.preview.perspective.normal', lock: null}), ortho_top: new DScene({name: '', lock: true}), ortho_bottom: new DScene({name: 'direction.bottom', lock: true}), ortho_south: new DScene({name: 'direction.south', lock: true}), ortho_north: new DScene({name: 'direction.north', lock: true}), ortho_east: new DScene({name: 'direction.east', lock: true}), ortho_west: new DScene({name: 'direction.west', lock: true}), monitor: new DScene({name: 'display.reference.monitor' }), inventory_nine: new DScene({name: 'display.reference.inventory_nine', image: './assets/inventory_nine.png', x: 0, y: -525, size: 1051, lock: true}), inventory_full: new DScene({name: 'display.reference.inventory_full', image: './assets/inventory_full.png', x: 0, y: -1740, size: 2781, lock: true}), hud: new DScene({name: 'display.reference.hud', image: './assets/hud.png', x: -224, y: -447.5, size: 3391, lock: true}), } if (localStorage.getItem('canvas_scenes')) { var stored_canvas_scenes = undefined; try { stored_canvas_scenes = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('canvas_scenes')) } catch (err) {} if (stored_canvas_scenes) { for (var key in canvas_scenes) { if (stored_canvas_scenes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { let store = stored_canvas_scenes[key] let real = canvas_scenes[key] if (store.image !== undefined) {real.image = store.image} if (store.size !== undefined) {real.size = store.size} if (store.x !== undefined) {real.x = store.x} if (store.y !== undefined) {real.y = store.y} if (store.lock !== undefined) {real.lock = store.lock} } } } } active_scene = canvas_scenes.normal MediaPreview = new Preview({id: 'media'}) main_preview = new Preview({id: 'main'}).fullscreen() //TransformControls Transformer = new THREE.TransformControls(main_preview.camPers, main_preview.canvas) Transformer.setSize(0.5) scene.add(Transformer) main_preview.occupyTransformer() //Light Sun = new THREE.AmbientLight( 0xffffff ); = 'sun' scene.add(Sun); Sun.intensity = 0.5 lights = new THREE.Object3D() = 'lights' = new THREE.DirectionalLight(); = 'light_top', 100, 0) lights.add(; = 0.41 lights.bottom = new THREE.DirectionalLight(); = 'light_bottom' lights.bottom.position.set(0, -100, 0) lights.add(lights.bottom); lights.bottom.intensity = -0.02 lights.north = new THREE.DirectionalLight(); = 'light_north' lights.north.position.set(0, 0, -100) lights.add(lights.north); lights.south = new THREE.DirectionalLight(); = 'light_south' lights.south.position.set(0, 0, 100) lights.add(lights.south); lights.north.intensity = lights.south.intensity = 0.3 lights.west = new THREE.DirectionalLight(); = 'light_west' lights.west.position.set(-100, 0, 0) lights.add(lights.west); lights.east = new THREE.DirectionalLight(); = 'light_east' lights.east.position.set(100, 0, 0) lights.add(lights.east); lights.west.intensity = lights.east.intensity = 0.1 updateShading() quad_previews = { get current() {return Preview.selected}, set current(p) {Preview.selected = p}, one: new Preview({id: 'one'}).loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[1]), two: main_preview, three: new Preview({id: 'three'}).loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[3]), four: new Preview({id: 'four'}).loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[5]), get current() { return Preview.selected; } } //emptyMaterial var img = new Image() img.src = 'assets/missing.png' var tex = new THREE.Texture(img) img.tex = tex; img.tex.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter img.tex.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter img.tex.wrapS = img.tex.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; img.onload = function() { this.tex.needsUpdate = true; } emptyMaterials = [] markerColors.forEach(function(s, i) { var thismaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, vertexColors: THREE.FaceColors, map: tex }) thismaterial.color.set(s.pastel) emptyMaterials.push(thismaterial) }) var img = new Image(); img.src = 'assets/north.png'; var tex = new THREE.Texture(img); img.tex = tex; img.tex.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; img.tex.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; img.onload = function() { this.tex.needsUpdate = true; } Canvas.northMarkMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: tex, transparent: true, side: THREE.DoubleSide, alphaTest: 0.2 }) //Rotation Pivot var helper1 = new THREE.AxesHelper(2) var helper2 = new THREE.AxesHelper(2) helper1.rotation.x = Math.PI / 1 helper2.rotation.x = Math.PI / -1 helper2.rotation.y = Math.PI / 1 helper2.scale.y = -1 rot_origin.add(helper1) rot_origin.add(helper2) rot_origin.rotation.reorder('ZYX') rot_origin.base_scale = new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1); rot_origin.no_export = true; setupGrid = true; resizeWindow() } function animate() { requestAnimationFrame( animate ); if (!settings.background_rendering.value && !document.hasFocus()) return; TickUpdates.Run(); if ( && Timeline.playing) { Timeline.loop(); } if (quad_previews.current) { Wintersky.updateFacingRotation(; } Preview.all.forEach(function(prev) { if (prev.canvas.isConnected) { prev.render() } }) framespersecond++; if (display_mode === true && ground_animation === true && !Transformer.hoverAxis) { DisplayMode.groundAnimation() } } function updateShading() { Canvas.updateLayeredTextures(); scene.remove(lights) display_scene.remove(lights) Sun.intensity = settings.brightness.value/50; if (settings.shading.value === true) { Sun.intensity *= 0.5; let parent = display_mode ? display_scene : scene; parent.add(lights); lights.position.copy(parent.position).multiplyScalar(-1); } } function updateCubeHighlights(hover_cube, force_off) { Cube.all.forEach(cube => { if (cube.visibility) { var mesh = cube.mesh; mesh.geometry.faces.forEach(face => { var b_before = face.color.b; if ( Settings.get('highlight_cubes') && ((hover_cube == cube && !Transformer.dragging) || cube.selected) && Modes.edit && !force_off ) { face.color.setRGB(1.25, 1.28, 1.3); } else { face.color.setRGB(1, 1, 1); } if (face.color.b != b_before) { mesh.geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true; } }) } }) } //Helpers function buildGrid() { three_grid.children.length = 0; if (Canvas.side_grids) { Canvas.side_grids.x.children.length = 0; Canvas.side_grids.z.children.length = 0; } if (Modes.display && settings.display_grid.value === false) return; = 'grid_group' gizmo_colors.grid.set(parseInt('0x''#', ''), 16)); var material; Canvas.northMarkMaterial.color = gizmo_colors.grid function setupAxisLine(origin, length, axis) { var color = 'rgb'[getAxisNumber(axis)] var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: gizmo_colors[color]}); var dest = new THREE.Vector3().copy(origin) dest[axis] += length geometry.vertices.push(origin) geometry.vertices.push(dest) var line = new THREE.Line( geometry, material); = 'axis_line_'+axis; three_grid.add(line) } //Axis Lines if (settings.base_grid.value) { var length = Format.centered_grid ? (settings.full_grid.value ? 24 : 8) : 16 setupAxisLine(new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0.01, 0), length, 'x') setupAxisLine(new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0.01, 0), length, 'z') } var side_grid = new THREE.Object3D() if (settings.full_grid.value === true) { //Grid let size = settings.large_grid_size.value*16; var grid = new THREE.GridHelper(size, size/canvasGridSize(), gizmo_colors.grid) if (Format.centered_grid) { grid.position.set(0,0,0) } else { grid.position.set(8,0,8) } = 'grid' three_grid.add(grid) side_grid.add(grid.clone()) //North geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(5, 5) var north_mark = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, Canvas.northMarkMaterial) if (Format.centered_grid) { north_mark.position.set(0,0, -3 - size/2) } else { north_mark.position.set(8, 0, 5 - size/2) } north_mark.rotation.x = Math.PI / -2 three_grid.add(north_mark) } else { if (settings.large_grid.value === true) { //Grid let size = settings.large_grid_size.value var grid = new THREE.GridHelper(size*16, size, gizmo_colors.grid) if (Format.centered_grid) { grid.position.set(0,0,0) } else { grid.position.set(8,0,8) } = 'grid' three_grid.add(grid) side_grid.add(grid.clone()) } if (settings.base_grid.value === true) { //Grid var grid = new THREE.GridHelper(16, 16/canvasGridSize(), gizmo_colors.grid) if (Format.centered_grid) { grid.position.set(0,0,0) } else { grid.position.set(8,0,8) } = 'grid' three_grid.add(grid) side_grid.add(grid.clone()) //North geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(2.4, 2.4) var north_mark = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, Canvas.northMarkMaterial) if (Format.centered_grid) { north_mark.position.set(0,0,-9.5) } else { north_mark.position.set(8,0,-1.5) } north_mark.rotation.x = Math.PI / -2 three_grid.add(north_mark) } } if (settings.large_box.value === true) { var geometry_box = new THREE.EdgesGeometry(new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(48, 48, 48)); var line_material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color: gizmo_colors.grid}); var large_box = new THREE.LineSegments( geometry_box, line_material); if (Format.centered_grid) { large_box.position.set(0,8,0) } else { large_box.position.set(8,8,8) } = 'grid' three_grid.add(large_box) } scene.add(three_grid) Canvas.side_grids = { x: side_grid, z: side_grid.clone() } three_grid.add(Canvas.side_grids.x) = 'side_grid_x' Canvas.side_grids.x.visible = !Modes.display; Canvas.side_grids.x.rotation.z = Math.PI/2; Canvas.side_grids.x.position.y = Format.centered_grid ? 8 : 0; Canvas.side_grids.z.position.z = 0 Canvas.side_grids.x.children.forEach(el => { el.layers.set(1) }); three_grid.add(Canvas.side_grids.z) = 'side_grid_z' Canvas.side_grids.z.visible = !Modes.display; Canvas.side_grids.z.rotation.z = Math.PI/2; Canvas.side_grids.z.rotation.y = Math.PI/2 Canvas.side_grids.z.position.y = Format.centered_grid ? 8 : 0; Canvas.side_grids.z.position.z = 0 Canvas.side_grids.z.children.forEach(el => { el.layers.set(3) }); } BARS.defineActions(function() { new Toggle('toggle_wireframe', { icon: 'border_clear', category: 'view', keybind: new Keybind({key: 90}), condition: () => Toolbox && Toolbox.selected && Toolbox.selected.allowWireframe, default: false, onChange: function (state) { Prop.wireframe = !Prop.wireframe Canvas.updateAllFaces() if ( === 'animate') { Animator.preview() } Blockbench.showQuickMessage('message.wireframe.' + (Prop.wireframe ? 'enabled' : 'disabled')) this.setIcon(Prop.wireframe ? 'check_box' : 'check_box_outline_blank') } }) new Toggle('preview_checkerboard', { icon: 'fas.fa-chess-board', category: 'view', linked_setting: 'preview_checkerboard', keybind: new Keybind({key: 84}) }) new Toggle('uv_checkerboard', { icon: 'fas.fa-chess-board', category: 'view', linked_setting: 'uv_checkerboard' }) new Toggle('toggle_shading', { name: tl('settings.shading'), description: tl('settings.shading.desc'), icon: 'wb_sunny', category: 'view', linked_setting: 'shading' }) new Toggle('toggle_motion_trails', { name: tl('settings.motion_trails'), description: tl('settings.motion_trails.desc'), icon: 'gesture', category: 'view', linked_setting: 'motion_trails' }) new Action('screenshot_model', { icon: 'fa-cubes', category: 'view', keybind: new Keybind({key: 80, ctrl: true}), click: function () {Preview.selected.screenshot()} }) new Action('record_model_gif', { icon: 'local_movies', category: 'view', click: function () { new Dialog({ id: 'create_gif', title: tl('dialog.create_gif.title'), draggable: true, form: { length_mode: {label: 'dialog.create_gif.length_mode', type: 'select', default: 'seconds', options: { seconds: 'dialog.create_gif.length_mode.seconds', frames: 'dialog.create_gif.length_mode.frames', animation: 'dialog.create_gif.length_mode.animation', turntable: 'dialog.create_gif.length_mode.turntable', }}, length: {label: 'dialog.create_gif.length', type: 'number', value: 10, step: 0.25}, fps: {label: 'dialog.create_gif.fps', type: 'number', value: 10}, quality:{label: 'dialog.create_gif.compression', type: 'number', value: 20, min: 1, max: 80}, turn: {label: 'dialog.create_gif.turn', type: 'number', value: 0, min: -10, max: 10}, play: {label: '', type: 'checkbox', condition:}, }, onConfirm: function(formData) { Screencam.createGif({ length_mode: formData.length_mode, length: limitNumber(formData.length, 0.1, 24000), fps: limitNumber(formData.fps, 0.5, 30), quality: limitNumber(formData.quality, 0, 30), play:, turnspeed: formData.turn, }, Screencam.returnScreenshot) this.hide() } }).show() } }) new Action('timelapse', { icon: 'timelapse', category: 'view', condition: isApp, click: function () { if (!Prop.recording) { new Dialog({ id: 'timelapse', title: tl('action.timelapse'), draggable: true, form: { interval: {label: 'dialog.timelapse.interval', type: 'number', value: 10, step: 0.25}, source: {label: 'dialog.timelapse.source', type: 'select', value: 'preview', options: { preview: 'data.preview', locked: 'dialog.timelapse.source.locked', interface: 'dialog.timelapse.source.interface', }, condition: isApp}, destination: {label: 'dialog.timelapse.destination', type: 'folder', value: ''}, }, onConfirm: function(formData) { Screencam.recordTimelapse(formData); this.hide() } }).show(); } else { Screencam.stopTimelapse(); } } }) new Action('screenshot_app', { icon: 'icon-bb_interface', category: 'view', condition: isApp, click: function () {Screencam.fullScreen()} }) new Action('toggle_quad_view', { icon: 'widgets', category: 'view', condition: () => !Modes.display, keybind: new Keybind({key: 9}), click: function () { main_preview.toggleFullscreen() } }) new Action('focus_on_selection', { icon: 'center_focus_weak', category: 'view', condition: () => !Modes.display, keybind: new Keybind({key: 191}), click: function () { let center = getSelectionCenter(); if (!Format.centered_grid) center.V3_subtract(8, 8, 8); } }) new Action('toggle_camera_projection', { icon: 'switch_video', category: 'view', condition: _ => (!preview.movingBackground || !Modes.display), keybind: new Keybind({key: 101}), click: function () { quad_previews.current.setProjectionMode(!quad_previews.current.isOrtho, true); } }) new Action('camera_initial', { name: tl('action.load_camera_angle', tl('menu.preview.angle.initial')), description: tl('action.load_camera_angle.desc', tl('menu.preview.angle.initial')), icon: 'videocam', color: 'y', category: 'view', condition: _ => !Modes.display, keybind: new Keybind({key: 97}), click: function () { quad_previews.current.loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[0]) } }) new Action('camera_top', { name: tl('action.load_camera_angle', tl('')), description: tl('action.load_camera_angle.desc', tl('')), icon: 'videocam', color: 'y', category: 'view', condition: _ => !Modes.display, keybind: new Keybind({key: 104}), click: function () { quad_previews.current.loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[1]) } }) new Action('camera_bottom', { name: tl('action.load_camera_angle', tl('direction.bottom')), description: tl('action.load_camera_angle.desc', tl('direction.bottom')), icon: 'videocam', color: 'y', category: 'view', condition: _ => !Modes.display, keybind: new Keybind({key: 98}), click: function () { quad_previews.current.loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[2]) } }) new Action('camera_south', { name: tl('action.load_camera_angle', tl('direction.south')), description: tl('action.load_camera_angle.desc', tl('direction.south')), icon: 'videocam', color: 'z', category: 'view', condition: _ => !Modes.display, keybind: new Keybind({key: 100}), click: function () { quad_previews.current.loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[3]) } }) new Action('camera_north', { name: tl('action.load_camera_angle', tl('direction.north')), description: tl('action.load_camera_angle.desc', tl('direction.north')), icon: 'videocam', color: 'z', category: 'view', condition: _ => !Modes.display, keybind: new Keybind({key: 102}), click: function () { quad_previews.current.loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[4]) } }) new Action('camera_east', { name: tl('action.load_camera_angle', tl('direction.east')), description: tl('action.load_camera_angle.desc', tl('direction.east')), icon: 'videocam', color: 'x', category: 'view', condition: _ => !Modes.display, keybind: new Keybind({key: 103}), click: function () { quad_previews.current.loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[5]) } }) new Action('camera_west', { name: tl('action.load_camera_angle', tl('direction.west')), description: tl('action.load_camera_angle.desc', tl('direction.west')), icon: 'videocam', color: 'x', category: 'view', condition: _ => !Modes.display, keybind: new Keybind({key: 105}), click: function () { quad_previews.current.loadAnglePreset(DefaultCameraPresets[6]) } }) })