(function() { let FORMATV = '3.6'; function processHeader(model) { if (!model.meta) { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ translateKey: 'invalid_model', icon: 'error', }) return; } if (!model.meta.format_version) { model.meta.format_version = model.meta.format; } if (compareVersions(model.meta.format_version, FORMATV)) { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ translateKey: 'outdated_client', icon: 'error', }) return; } } function processCompatibility(model) { if (!model.meta.model_format) { if (model.meta.bone_rig) { model.meta.model_format = 'bedrock_old'; } else { model.meta.model_format = 'java_block'; } } if (model.cubes && !model.elements) { model.elements = model.cubes; } if (model.outliner) { if (compareVersions('3.2', model.meta.format_version)) { //Fix Z-axis inversion pre 3.2 function iterate(list) { for (var child of list) { if (typeof child == 'object' ) { iterate(child.children); if (child.rotation) child.rotation[2] *= -1; } } } iterate(model.outliner) } } } var codec = new Codec('project', { name: 'Blockbench Project', extension: 'bbmodel', remember: true, load_filter: { type: 'json', extensions: ['bbmodel'] }, load(model, file, add) { newProject(Formats[model.meta.type] || Formats.free); var name = pathToName(file.path, true); if (file.path && isApp && !file.no_file ) { Project.save_path = file.path; Project.name = pathToName(name, false); addRecentProject({ name, path: file.path, icon: 'icon-blockbench_file' }) } this.parse(model, file.path) }, export() { Blockbench.export({ resource_id: 'model', type: this.name, extensions: [this.extension], name: this.fileName(), startpath: this.startPath(), content: isApp ? null : this.compile(), custom_writer: isApp ? (content, path) => { // Path needs to be changed before compiling for relative resource paths Project.save_path = path; content = this.compile(); this.write(content, path); } : null, }, path => this.afterDownload(path)) }, compile(options) { if (!options) options = 0; var model = { meta: { format_version: FORMATV, creation_time: Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000), backup: options.backup ? true : undefined, model_format: Format.id, box_uv: Project.box_uv } } for (var key in ModelProject.properties) { ModelProject.properties[key].copy(Project, model) } if (Project.overrides) { model.overrides = Project.overrides; } model.resolution = { width: Project.texture_width || 16, height: Project.texture_height || 16, } if (options.flag) { model.flag = options.flag; } model.elements = [] elements.forEach(el => { var obj = el.getSaveCopy(model.meta) model.elements.push(obj) }) model.outliner = compileGroups(true) model.textures = []; Texture.all.forEach(tex => { var t = tex.getUndoCopy(); delete t.selected; if (isApp && Project.save_path && tex.path) { let relative = PathModule.relative(Project.save_path, tex.path); t.relative_path = relative.replace(/\\/g, '/'); } if (options.bitmaps != false) { t.source = 'data:image/png;base64,'+tex.getBase64() t.mode = 'bitmap' } model.textures.push(t); }) if (Animator.animations.length) { model.animations = []; Animator.animations.forEach(a => { model.animations.push(a.getUndoCopy({bone_names: true}, true)) }) } if (Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue._data.text) { model.animation_variable_placeholders = Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue._data.text; } if (Format.display_mode && Object.keys(Project.display_settings).length >= 1) { var new_display = {} var entries = 0; for (var i in DisplayMode.slots) { var key = DisplayMode.slots[i] if (DisplayMode.slots.hasOwnProperty(i) && Project.display_settings[key] && Project.display_settings[key].export) { new_display[key] = Project.display_settings[key].export() entries++; } } if (entries) { model.display = new_display } } if (!options.backup) { // Backgrounds const backgrounds = {}; for (var key in canvas_scenes) { let scene = canvas_scenes[key]; if (scene.image && scene.save_in_project !== false) { scene.save_in_project = true; backgrounds[key] = scene.getSaveCopy(); } } if (Object.keys(backgrounds).length) { model.backgrounds = backgrounds; } } if (options.history) { model.history = []; Undo.history.forEach(h => { var e = { before: omitKeys(h.before, ['aspects']), post: omitKeys(h.post, ['aspects']), action: h.action } model.history.push(e); }) model.history_index = Undo.index; } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('save_project', {model}); this.dispatchEvent('compile', {model, options}) if (options.raw) { return model; } else if (options.compressed) { var json_string = JSON.stringify(model); var compressed = ''+LZUTF8.compress(json_string, {outputEncoding: 'StorageBinaryString'}); return compressed; } else { if (Settings.get('minify_bbmodel')) { return JSON.stringify(model); } else { return compileJSON(model); } } }, parse(model, path) { processHeader(model); processCompatibility(model); if (model.meta.model_format) { var format = Formats[model.meta.model_format]||Formats.free; format.select() } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('load_project', {model, path}); this.dispatchEvent('parse', {model}) if (model.meta.box_uv !== undefined && Format.optional_box_uv) { Project.box_uv = model.meta.box_uv } for (var key in ModelProject.properties) { ModelProject.properties[key].merge(Project, model) } if (model.overrides) { Project.overrides = model.overrides; } if (model.resolution !== undefined) { Project.texture_width = model.resolution.width; Project.texture_height = model.resolution.height; } if (model.textures) { model.textures.forEach(tex => { var tex_copy = new Texture(tex, tex.uuid).add(false); if (isApp && tex.relative_path && Project.save_path) { let resolved_path = PathModule.resolve(Project.save_path, tex.relative_path); if (fs.existsSync(resolved_path)) { tex_copy.fromPath(resolved_path) return; } } if (isApp && tex.path && fs.existsSync(tex.path) && !model.meta.backup) { tex_copy.fromPath(tex.path) return; } if (tex.source && tex.source.substr(0, 5) == 'data:') { tex_copy.fromDataURL(tex.source) } }) } if (model.elements) { let default_texture = Texture.getDefault(); model.elements.forEach(function(element) { var copy = OutlinerElement.fromSave(element, true) for (var face in copy.faces) { if (!Format.single_texture && element.faces) { var texture = element.faces[face].texture !== null && Texture.all[element.faces[face].texture] if (texture) { copy.faces[face].texture = texture.uuid } } else if (default_texture && copy.faces && copy.faces[face].texture !== null) { copy.faces[face].texture = default_texture.uuid } } copy.init() }) } if (model.outliner) { parseGroups(model.outliner) } if (model.animations) { model.animations.forEach(ani => { var base_ani = new Animation() base_ani.uuid = ani.uuid; base_ani.extend(ani).add(); if (isApp && Format.animation_files) { base_ani.saved_name = base_ani.name; } }) } if (model.animation_variable_placeholders) { Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue._data.text = model.animation_variable_placeholders; } if (model.display !== undefined) { DisplayMode.loadJSON(model.display) } if (model.backgrounds) { for (var key in model.backgrounds) { if (canvas_scenes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { let store = model.backgrounds[key] let real = canvas_scenes[key] real.save_in_project = true; if (store.image !== undefined) {real.image = store.image} if (store.size !== undefined) {real.size = store.size} if (store.x !== undefined) {real.x = store.x} if (store.y !== undefined) {real.y = store.y} if (store.lock !== undefined) {real.lock = store.lock} } } Preview.all.forEach(p => { if (p.canvas.isConnected) { p.loadBackground(); } }) } if (model.history) { Undo.history = model.history.slice() Undo.index = model.history_index; } Canvas.updateAllBones() Canvas.updateAllPositions() this.dispatchEvent('parsed', {model}) }, merge(model, path) { processHeader(model); processCompatibility(model); Blockbench.dispatchEvent('merge_project', {model, path}); this.dispatchEvent('merge', {model}) Prop.added_models++; let new_elements = []; let new_textures = []; let new_animations = []; Undo.initEdit({ elements: new_elements, textures: new_textures, animations: Format.animation_mode && new_animations, outliner: true, selection: true, uv_mode: true, display_slots: Format.display_mode && displayReferenceObjects.slots }) if (Format.optional_box_uv && Project.box_uv && !model.meta.box_uv) { Project.box_uv = false; } if (model.overrides instanceof Array && Project.overrides instanceof Array) { Project.overrides.push(...model.overrides); } let width = model.resolution.width || Project.texture_width; let height = model.resolution.height || Project.texture_height; function loadTexture(tex) { if (isApp && Texture.all.find(tex2 => tex.path == tex2.path)) { return Texture.all.find(tex2 => tex.path == tex2.path) } var tex_copy = new Texture(tex, tex.uuid).add(false); if (isApp && tex.path && fs.existsSync(tex.path) && !model.meta.backup) { tex_copy.fromPath(tex.path) return tex_copy; } if (isApp && tex.relative_path && Project.save_path) { let resolved_path = PathModule.resolve(Project.save_path, tex.relative_path); if (fs.existsSync(resolved_path)) { tex_copy.fromPath(resolved_path) return tex_copy; } } if (tex.source && tex.source.substr(0, 5) == 'data:') { tex_copy.fromDataURL(tex.source) return tex_copy; } } if (model.textures && (!Format.single_texture || Texture.all.length == 0)) { new_textures.replace(model.textures.map(loadTexture)) } if (model.elements) { let default_texture = new_textures[0] || Texture.getDefault(); let format = Formats[model.meta.model_format] || Format model.elements.forEach(function(element) { var copy = OutlinerElement.fromSave(element, true) if (copy instanceof Cube) { for (var face in copy.faces) { if (!format.single_texture && element.faces) { var texture = element.faces[face].texture !== null && new_textures[element.faces[face].texture] if (texture) { copy.faces[face].texture = texture.uuid } } else if (default_texture && copy.faces && copy.faces[face].texture !== null) { copy.faces[face].texture = default_texture.uuid } if (!Project.box_uv) { copy.faces[face].uv[0] *= Project.texture_width / width; copy.faces[face].uv[2] *= Project.texture_width / width; copy.faces[face].uv[1] *= Project.texture_height / height; copy.faces[face].uv[3] *= Project.texture_height / height; } } } copy.init() new_elements.push(copy); }) } if (model.outliner) { parseGroups(model.outliner, true); } if (model.animations && Format.animation_mode) { model.animations.forEach(ani => { var base_ani = new Animation() base_ani.uuid = ani.uuid; base_ani.extend(ani).add(); new_animations.push(base_ani); }) } if (Format.bone_rig) { Group.all.forEachReverse(group => group.createUniqueName()); } if (model.animation_variable_placeholders) { let vue = Interface.Panels.variable_placeholders.inside_vue; if (vue._data.text) { vue._data.text = vue._data.text + '\n\n' + model.animation_variable_placeholders; } else { vue._data.text = model.animation_variable_placeholders; } } if (model.display !== undefined) { DisplayMode.loadJSON(model.display) } Undo.finishEdit('Merge project') Canvas.updateAllBones() Canvas.updateAllPositions() this.dispatchEvent('parsed', {model}) } }) Formats.free.codec = codec; BARS.defineActions(function() { codec.export_action = new Action('save_project', { icon: 'save', category: 'file', keybind: new Keybind({key: 's', ctrl: true, alt: true}), click: function () { saveTextures(true) if (isApp && Project.save_path) { codec.write(codec.compile(), Project.save_path); } else { codec.export() } } }) new Action('save_project_as', { icon: 'save', category: 'file', keybind: new Keybind({key: 's', ctrl: true, alt: true, shift: true}), click: function () { saveTextures(true) codec.export() } }) new Action('import_project', { icon: 'icon-blockbench_file', category: 'file', condition: () => Format, click: function () { Blockbench.import({ resource_id: 'model', extensions: [codec.extension], type: codec.name, multiple: true, }, function(files) { files.forEach(file => { var model = autoParseJSON(file.content); codec.merge(model); }) }) } }) }) })()