class GeneralAnimator { constructor(uuid, animation) { this.animation = animation; this.expanded = false; this.selected = false; this.uuid = uuid || guid(); this.muted = {}; for (let channel in this.channels) { this.muted[channel] = false; } } get keyframes() { let array = []; for (let channel in this.channels) { if (this[channel] && this[channel].length) array.push(...this[channel]); } return array; } select() { var scope = this; for (var key in this.animation.animators) { this.animation.animators[key].selected = false; } this.selected = true; Timeline.selected_animator = this; this.addToTimeline(); Vue.nextTick(() => { scope.scrollTo(); }) return this; } addToTimeline() { if (!Timeline.animators.includes(this)) { Timeline.animators.splice(0, 0, this); } for (let channel in this.channels) { if (!this[channel]) this[channel] = []; } if (!this.expanded) this.expanded = true; return this; } addKeyframe(data, uuid) { var channel =; if (typeof channel == 'number') channel = Object.keys(this.channels)[channel]; if (channel && this[channel]) { var kf = new Keyframe(data, uuid, this); this[channel].push(kf); kf.animator = this; return kf; } } createKeyframe(value, time, channel, undo, select) { if (!this.channels[channel]) return; if (typeof time !== 'number') time = Timeline.time; var keyframes = []; if (undo) { Undo.initEdit({keyframes}) } var keyframe = new Keyframe({ channel: channel, time: time }, null, this); keyframes.push(keyframe); if (value) { keyframe.extend(value); } else if (this.channels[channel].transform && this.fillValues) { this.fillValues(keyframe, value, true); } = channel; keyframe.time = Timeline.snapTime(time); this[channel].push(keyframe); keyframe.animator = this; if (select !== false) {; } var deleted = []; delete keyframe.time_before; keyframe.replaceOthers(deleted); Undo.addKeyframeCasualties(deleted); Animation.selected.setLength(); if (undo) { Undo.finishEdit('Add keyframe') } return keyframe; } getOrMakeKeyframe(channel) { let before, result; let epsilon = Timeline.getStep()/2 || 0.01; for (let kf of this[channel]) { if (Math.abs(kf.time - Timeline.time) <= epsilon) { before = kf; } } result = before ? before : this.createKeyframe(null, Timeline.time, channel, false, false); return {before, result}; } showContextMenu(event) { Prop.active_panel = 'timeline' if (!this.selected) { } if ( {, this); } return this; } toggleMuted(channel) { this.muted[channel] = !this.muted[channel]; if (this instanceof BoneAnimator) Animator.preview(); return this; } scrollTo() { var el = $(`#timeline_body_inner > li[uuid=${this.uuid}]`).get(0) if (el) { var offset = el.offsetTop; var timeline = document.getElementById('timeline_body'); var scroll_top = timeline.scrollTop; var height = timeline.clientHeight; if (offset < scroll_top) { $(timeline).animate({ scrollTop: offset }, 200); } if (offset + el.clientHeight > scroll_top + height) { $(timeline).animate({ scrollTop: offset - (height-el.clientHeight-20) }, 200); } } } } GeneralAnimator.addChannel = function(channel, options) { this.prototype.channels[channel] = { name: || channel, transform: options.transform || false, mutable: typeof options.mutable === 'boolean' ? options.mutable : true, max_data_points: options.max_data_points || 0 } ModelProject.all.forEach(project => { if (!project.animations) project.animations.forEach(animation => { animation.animators.forEach(animator => { if (animator instanceof this && !animator[channel]) { Vue.set(animator, channel, []); if (this.prototype.channels[channel].mutable) { Vue.set(animator.muted, channel, false); } } }) }) }) Timeline.vue.$forceUpdate(); } class BoneAnimator extends GeneralAnimator { constructor(uuid, animation, name) { super(uuid, animation); this.uuid = uuid; this._name = name; this.rotation_global = false; for (let channel in this.channels) { this[channel] = []; } } get name() { var group = this.getGroup(); if (group) return; return this._name; } set name(name) { this._name = name; } getGroup() { = OutlinerNode.uuids[this.uuid]; return } select(group_is_selected) { if (!this.getGroup()) { unselectAll(); return this; } if ( return; var duplicates; for (var key in this.animation.animators) { this.animation.animators[key].selected = false; } if (group_is_selected !== true && {; } Group.all.forEach(group => { if ( == && group != Group.selected) { duplicates = true; } }) function iterate(arr) { arr.forEach((it) => { if (it.type === 'group' && !duplicates) { if ( === && it !== Group.selected) { duplicates = true; } else if (it.children && it.children.length) { iterate(it.children); } } }) } iterate(Outliner.root); if (duplicates) { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ translateKey: 'duplicate_groups', icon: 'folder', }); }; if (this[Toolbox.selected.animation_channel] && (Timeline.selected.length == 0 || Timeline.selected[0].animator != this)) { var nearest; this[Toolbox.selected.animation_channel].forEach(kf => { if (Math.abs(kf.time - Timeline.time) < 0.002) { nearest = kf; } }) if (nearest) {; } } if ( && && !== 'root') {; } return this; } fillValues(keyframe, values, allow_expression, round = true) { if (values instanceof Array) { keyframe.extend({ data_points: [{ x: values[0], y: values[1], z: values[2] }] }) } else if (typeof values === 'number' || typeof values === 'string') { keyframe.extend({ data_points: [{ x: values, y: values, z: values }] }) } else if (values === null) { let original_time = Timeline.time; Timeline.time = keyframe.time; var ref = this.interpolate(, allow_expression) Timeline.time = original_time; if (ref) { if (round) { let e = == 'scale' ? 1e4 : 1e2 ref.forEach((r, i) => { if (!isNaN(r)) { ref[i] = Math.round(parseFloat(r)*e)/e } }) } keyframe.extend({ data_points: [{ x: ref[0], y: ref[1], z: ref[2], }] }) } let closest; this[].forEach(kf => { if (!closest || Math.abs(kf.time - keyframe.time) < Math.abs(closest.time - keyframe.time)) { closest = kf; } }); keyframe.extend({ interpolation: closest && closest.interpolation, uniform: ( == 'scale') ? (closest && closest.uniform && closest.data_points[0].x == closest.data_points[0].y && closest.data_points[0].x == closest.data_points[0].z) : undefined, }) } else { keyframe.extend(values) } } pushKeyframe(keyframe) { this[].push(keyframe) keyframe.animator = this; return this; } doRender() { this.getGroup() if ( && && { let mesh = return (mesh && mesh.fix_rotation) } } displayRotation(arr, multiplier = 1) { var bone = if (arr) { if (arr.length === 4) { var added_rotation = new THREE.Euler().setFromQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion().fromArray(arr), 'ZYX') bone.rotation.x -= added_rotation.x * multiplier bone.rotation.y -= added_rotation.y * multiplier bone.rotation.z += added_rotation.z * multiplier } else { arr.forEach((n, i) => { bone.rotation[getAxisLetter(i)] += Math.degToRad(n) * (i == 2 ? 1 : -1) * multiplier }) } } if (this.rotation_global) { let quat = bone.parent.getWorldQuaternion(Reusable.quat1); quat.invert(); bone.quaternion.premultiply(quat); } return this; } displayPosition(arr, multiplier = 1) { var bone = if (arr) { bone.position.x -= arr[0] * multiplier; bone.position.y += arr[1] * multiplier; bone.position.z += arr[2] * multiplier; } return this; } displayScale(arr, multiplier = 1) { if (!arr) return this; var bone =; bone.scale.x *= (1 + (arr[0] - 1) * multiplier) || 0.00001; bone.scale.y *= (1 + (arr[1] - 1) * multiplier) || 0.00001; bone.scale.z *= (1 + (arr[2] - 1) * multiplier) || 0.00001; return this; } interpolate(channel, allow_expression, axis) { let time = this.animation.time; var before = false var after = false var result = false let epsilon = 1/1200; function mapAxes(cb) { if (!Animator._last_values[channel]) Animator._last_values[channel] = [0, 0, 0]; if (axis) { let result = cb(axis); Animator._last_values[channel][axis] = result; return result; } else { return ['x', 'y', 'z'].map(axis => { let result = cb(axis); Animator._last_values[channel][axis] = result; return result; }); } } for (var keyframe of this[channel]) { if (keyframe.time < time) { if (!before || keyframe.time > before.time) { before = keyframe } } else { if (!after || keyframe.time < after.time) { after = keyframe } } i++; } if (before && Math.epsilon(before.time, time, epsilon)) { result = before } else if (after && Math.epsilon(after.time, time, epsilon)) { result = after } else if (before && before.interpolation == Keyframe.interpolation.step) { result = before } else if (before && !after) { result = before } else if (after && !before) { result = after } else if (!before && !after) { // } else { let no_interpolations = Blockbench.hasFlag('no_interpolations') let alpha = Math.getLerp(before.time, after.time, time) if (no_interpolations || (before.interpolation === Keyframe.interpolation.linear && after.interpolation === Keyframe.interpolation.linear)) { if (no_interpolations) { alpha = Math.round(alpha) } return mapAxes(axis => before.getLerp(after, axis, alpha, allow_expression)); } else if (before.interpolation === Keyframe.interpolation.catmullrom || after.interpolation === Keyframe.interpolation.catmullrom) { let sorted = this[channel].slice().sort((kf1, kf2) => (kf1.time - kf2.time)); let before_index = sorted.indexOf(before); let before_plus = sorted[before_index-1]; let after_plus = sorted[before_index+2]; return mapAxes(axis => before.getCatmullromLerp(before_plus, before, after, after_plus, axis, alpha)); } else if (before.interpolation === Keyframe.interpolation.bezier || after.interpolation === Keyframe.interpolation.bezier) { // Bezier return mapAxes(axis => before.getBezierLerp(before, after, axis, alpha)); } } if (result && result instanceof Keyframe) { let keyframe = result let method = allow_expression ? 'get' : 'calc' let dp_index = (keyframe.time > time || Math.epsilon(keyframe.time, time, epsilon)) ? 0 : keyframe.data_points.length-1; return mapAxes(axis => keyframe[method](axis, dp_index)); } return false; } displayFrame(multiplier = 1) { if (!this.doRender()) return; this.getGroup() if (!this.muted.rotation) this.displayRotation(this.interpolate('rotation'), multiplier) if (!this.muted.position) this.displayPosition(this.interpolate('position'), multiplier) if (!this.muted.scale) this.displayScale(this.interpolate('scale'), multiplier) } } BoneAnimator.prototype.type = 'bone'; BoneAnimator.prototype.channels = { rotation: {name: tl('timeline.rotation'), mutable: true, transform: true, max_data_points: 2}, position: {name: tl('timeline.position'), mutable: true, transform: true, max_data_points: 2}, scale: {name: tl('timeline.scale'), mutable: true, transform: true, max_data_points: 2}, } Group.animator = BoneAnimator; = new Menu('bone_animator', [ { id: 'rotation_global', name: 'menu.animator.rotation_global', condition: animator => animator.type == 'bone', icon: (animator) => animator.rotation_global, click(animator) { Undo.initEdit({animations: [Animation.selected]}); animator.rotation_global = !animator.rotation_global; Undo.finishEdit('Toggle rotation in global space'); Animator.preview(); } } ]) class NullObjectAnimator extends BoneAnimator { constructor(uuid, animation, name) { super(uuid, animation); this.uuid = uuid; this._name = name; this.solver = new FIK.Structure3D(scene); this.chain = new FIK.Chain3D(); this.position = []; } get name() { var element = this.getElement(); if (element) return; return this._name; } set name(name) { this._name = name; } getElement() { this.element = OutlinerNode.uuids[this.uuid]; return this.element } select(element_is_selected) { if (!this.getElement()) { unselectAll(); return this; } if (this.getElement().locked) return; if (element_is_selected !== true && this.element) {; }; if (this[Toolbox.selected.animation_channel] && (Timeline.selected.length == 0 || Timeline.selected[0].animator != this)) { var nearest; this[Toolbox.selected.animation_channel].forEach(kf => { if (Math.abs(kf.time - Timeline.time) < 0.002) { nearest = kf; } }) if (nearest) {; } } if (this.element && this.element.parent && this.element.parent !== 'root') { this.element.parent.openUp(); } return this; } doRender() { this.getElement() return (this.element && this.element && this.element.mesh); } displayPosition(arr, multiplier = 1) { var bone = this.element.mesh if (arr) { bone.position.x -= arr[0] * multiplier; bone.position.y += arr[1] * multiplier; bone.position.z += arr[2] * multiplier; } return this; } displayIK(get_samples) { let null_object = this.getElement(); let target = [...Group.all, ...Locator.all].find(node => node.uuid == null_object.ik_target); if (!null_object || !target) return; let bones = []; let ik_target = new THREE.Vector3().copy(null_object.getWorldCenter(true)); let bone_references = []; let current = target.parent; let target_original_quaternion = null_object.lock_ik_target_rotation && target instanceof Group && target.mesh.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()); while (current !== null_object.parent) { bones.push(current); current = current.parent; } if (!bones.length) return; bones.reverse(); bones.forEach(bone => { if (bone.mesh.fix_rotation) bone.mesh.rotation.copy(bone.mesh.fix_rotation); }) bones.forEach((bone, i) => { let startPoint = new FIK.V3(0,0,0).copy(bone.mesh.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())); let endPoint = new FIK.V3(0,0,0).copy(bones[i+1] ? bones[i+1].mesh.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()) : null_object.getWorldCenter(false)); let ik_bone = new FIK.Bone3D(startPoint, endPoint); this.chain.addBone(ik_bone); bone_references.push({ bone, last_diff: new THREE.Vector3( (bones[i+1] ? bones[i+1] : target).origin[0] - bone.origin[0], (bones[i+1] ? bones[i+1] : target).origin[1] - bone.origin[1], (bones[i+1] ? bones[i+1] : target).origin[2] - bone.origin[2] ).normalize() }) }) this.solver.add(this.chain, ik_target , true); this.solver.meshChains[0].forEach(mesh => { mesh.visible = false; }) this.solver.update(); let results = {}; bone_references.forEach((bone_ref, i) => { let start = Reusable.vec1.copy(this.solver.chains[0].bones[i].start); let end = Reusable.vec2.copy(this.solver.chains[0].bones[i].end); bones[i].mesh.worldToLocal(start); bones[i].mesh.worldToLocal(end); Reusable.quat1.setFromUnitVectors(bone_ref.last_diff, end.sub(start).normalize()); let rotation = get_samples ? new THREE.Euler() : Reusable.euler1; rotation.setFromQuaternion(Reusable.quat1, 'ZYX'); bone_ref.bone.mesh.rotation.x += rotation.x; bone_ref.bone.mesh.rotation.y += rotation.y; bone_ref.bone.mesh.rotation.z += rotation.z; bone_ref.bone.mesh.updateMatrixWorld(); if (get_samples) { results[bone_ref.bone.uuid] = { euler: rotation, array: [ Math.radToDeg(-rotation.x), Math.radToDeg(-rotation.y), Math.radToDeg(rotation.z), ] } } }) if (target_original_quaternion) { let rotation = get_samples ? new THREE.Euler() : Reusable.euler1; rotation.copy(target.mesh.rotation); target.mesh.quaternion.copy(target_original_quaternion); let q1 = target.mesh.parent.getWorldQuaternion(Reusable.quat1); target.mesh.quaternion.premultiply(q1.invert()) target.mesh.updateMatrixWorld(); rotation.x = target.mesh.rotation.x - rotation.x; rotation.y = target.mesh.rotation.y - rotation.y; rotation.z = target.mesh.rotation.z - rotation.z; if (get_samples) { results[target.uuid] = { euler: rotation, array: [ Math.radToDeg(-rotation.x), Math.radToDeg(-rotation.y), Math.radToDeg(rotation.z), ] } } } this.solver.clear(); this.chain.clear(); this.chain.lastTargetLocation.set(1e9, 0, 0); if (get_samples) return results; } displayFrame(multiplier = 1) { if (!this.doRender()) return; this.getElement() if (!this.muted.position) { this.displayPosition(this.interpolate('position'), multiplier); this.displayIK(); } } } NullObjectAnimator.prototype.type = 'null_object'; NullObjectAnimator.prototype.channels = { position: {name: tl('timeline.position'), mutable: true, transform: true, max_data_points: 2}, } NullObject.animator = NullObjectAnimator; class EffectAnimator extends GeneralAnimator { constructor(animation) { super(null, animation); this.last_displayed_time = 0; = tl('timeline.effects') this.selected = false; for (let channel in this.channels) { this[channel] = []; } } pushKeyframe(keyframe) { this[].push(keyframe) keyframe.animator = this; return this; } displayFrame(in_loop) { if (in_loop && !this.muted.sound) { this.sound.forEach(kf => { var diff = kf.time - this.animation.time; if (diff >= 0 && diff < (1/60) * (Timeline.playback_speed/100)) { if (kf.data_points[0].file && !kf.cooldown) { var media = new Audio(kf.data_points[0].file); media.playbackRate = Math.clamp(Timeline.playback_speed/100, 0.1, 4.0); media.volume = Math.clamp(settings.volume.value/100, 0, 1); => {}); Timeline.playing_sounds.push(media); media.onended = function() { Timeline.playing_sounds.remove(media); } kf.cooldown = true; setTimeout(() => { delete kf.cooldown; }, 400) } } }) } if (!this.muted.particle) { this.particle.forEach(kf => { let diff = this.animation.time - kf.time; if (diff >= 0) { let i = 0; for (let data_point of kf.data_points) { let particle_effect = data_point.file && Animator.particle_effects[data_point.file] if (particle_effect) { let emitter = particle_effect.emitters[kf.uuid + i]; if (!emitter) { let i_here = i; let anim_uuid = this.animation.uuid; emitter = particle_effect.emitters[kf.uuid + i] = new Wintersky.Emitter(WinterskyScene, particle_effect.config); let old_variable_handler = emitter.Molang.variableHandler; emitter.Molang.variableHandler = (key, params) => { let curve_result =, key, params); if (curve_result !== undefined) return curve_result; return Animator.MolangParser.variableHandler(key); } emitter.on('start', ({params}) => { let animation = Animation.all.find(a => a.uuid === anim_uuid); let kf_now = animation?.animators.effects?.particle.find(kf2 => kf2.uuid == kf.uuid); let data_point_now = kf_now && kf_now.data_points[i_here]; if (data_point_now) { emitter.Molang.parse(data_point_now.script, Animator.MolangParser.global_variables); } }) } let locator = data_point.locator && Locator.all.find(l => == data_point.locator) if (locator) { locator.mesh.add(emitter.local_space); emitter.parent_mode = 'locator'; } else { emitter.parent_mode = 'entity'; } scene.add(emitter.global_space); emitter.jumpTo(diff); } i++; } } }) } if (!this.muted.timeline) { this.timeline.forEach(kf => { if ((kf.time > this.last_displayed_time && kf.time <= this.animation.time) || Math.epsilon(kf.time, this.animation.time, 0.01)) { let script = kf.data_points[0].script; Animator.MolangParser.parse(script); } }) } this.last_displayed_time = this.animation.time; } startPreviousSounds() { if (!this.muted.sound) { this.sound.forEach(kf => { if (kf.data_points[0].file && !kf.cooldown) { var diff = kf.time - this.animation.time; if (diff < 0 && Timeline.waveforms[kf.data_points[0].file] && Timeline.waveforms[kf.data_points[0].file].duration > -diff) { var media = new Audio(kf.data_points[0].file); media.playbackRate = Math.clamp(Timeline.playback_speed/100, 0.1, 4.0); media.volume = Math.clamp(settings.volume.value/100, 0, 1); media.currentTime = -diff; => {}); Timeline.playing_sounds.push(media); media.onended = function() { Timeline.playing_sounds.remove(media); } kf.cooldown = true; setTimeout(() => { delete kf.cooldown; }, 400) } } }) } } } EffectAnimator.prototype.type = 'effect'; EffectAnimator.prototype.channels = { particle: {name: tl('timeline.particle'), mutable: true, max_data_points: 1000}, sound: {name: tl('timeline.sound'), mutable: true, max_data_points: 1000}, timeline: {name: tl('timeline.timeline'), mutable: true, max_data_points: 1}, }