class PreviewScene { constructor(id, data = 0) { PreviewScene.scenes[id] = this; = id; this.loaded = false; this.require_minecraft_eula = false; = tl( || `preview_scene.${id}`); this.category = data.category || 'generic'; this.light_color = {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1}; this.light_side = 0; this.condition; this.fov = null; this.preview_models = []; if (data) this.extend(data); PreviewScene.menu_categories[this.category][id] =; } extend(data) { this.loaded = data.web_config ? false : true; this.web_config_path = data.web_config; if (data.require_minecraft_eula) this.require_minecraft_eula = true; = tl( || `preview_scene.${}`); if (data.description) { this.description = tl(data.description); } else { var key = `action.${}.desc`; this.description = tl('action.''.desc') if (this.description == key) this.description = ''; } if (data.light_color) this.light_color = data.light_color; if (data.light_sid) this.light_side = data.light_sid; this.condition = data.condition; this.cubemap = null; if (data.cubemap) { let urls = data.cubemap; let texture_cube = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader().load( urls ); texture_cube.colorSpace = THREE.SRGBColorSpace; texture_cube.mapping = THREE.CubeRefractionMapping; this.cubemap = texture_cube; } this.fog = null; if (data.fog) { if (data.fog.type == 'linear') { this.fog = new THREE.Fog(data.fog.color, data.fog.near, data.fog.far); } else { this.fog = new THREE.FogExp2(data.fog.color, data.fog.density); } } this.fov = null; if (data.fov) this.fov = data.fov; if (data.preview_models) { this.preview_models = => { if (typeof model == 'string') return PreviewModel.models[model]; if (model instanceof PreviewModel == false && typeof model == 'object') { model = new PreviewModel( ||, model); } return model; }) } } async lazyLoadFromWeb() { let repo = ''; // repo = './../blockbench-scenes' this.loaded = true; let response = await fetch(`${repo}/${this.web_config_path}`); if (!response.ok) { console.error(response); Blockbench.showQuickMessage('message.preview_scene_load_failed', 2000); } let json = await response.json(); function convertURL(url) { return `${repo}/${url}`; } if (json.preview_models) { json.preview_models.forEach(model => { if (model.texture) model.texture = convertURL(model.texture); }) } if (json.cubemap instanceof Array) { json.cubemap.forEach((url, i) => { json.cubemap[i] = convertURL(url); }) } this.extend(json); } async select() { if (this.require_minecraft_eula) { let accepted = await MinecraftEULA.promptUser('preview_scenes'); if (accepted != true) return false; } if (!this.loaded) { await this.lazyLoadFromWeb() } if (; Canvas.global_light_color.copy(this.light_color); Canvas.global_light_side = this.light_side; scene.background = this.cubemap; scene.fog = this.fog; if (this.fov) { Preview.selected.setFOV(this.fov); } // Update independent models PreviewModel.getActiveModels().forEach(model => { model.update(); }); this.preview_models.forEach(model => { model.enable(); }) = this; Blockbench.dispatchEvent('select_preview_scene', {scene: this}); Canvas.updateShading(); } unselect() { this.preview_models.forEach(model => { model.disable(); }) Canvas.global_light_color.set(0xffffff); Canvas.global_light_side = 0; if (this.cubemap) scene.background = null; if (this.fog) scene.fog = null; if (this.fov) { Preview.all.forEach(preview => preview.setFOV(settings.fov.value)); } Blockbench.dispatchEvent('unselect_preview_scene', {scene: this}); Canvas.updateShading(); = null; } delete() { delete PreviewScene.scenes[]; delete PreviewScene.menu_categories[this.category][]; } } PreviewScene.scenes = {}; = null; PreviewScene.select_options = {}; PreviewScene.menu_categories = { main: { none: tl('generic.none') }, generic: { _label: 'Generic' }, minecraft: { _label: 'Minecraft' }, }; class PreviewModel { constructor(id, data) { PreviewModel.models[id] = this; = id; this.condition = data.condition; this.model_3d = new THREE.Object3D(); this.onUpdate = data.onUpdate; this.enabled = false; this.build_data = { prefabs: data.prefabs, cubes: data.cubes || [], texture: data.texture, position: data.position, rotation: data.rotation, scale: data.scale, } this.color = data.color || '#ffffff'; this.shading = data.shading !== false; this.render_side = data.render_side == undefined ? THREE.DoubleSide : data.render_side; this.texture_size = data.texture_size || [16, 16]; this.buildModel(); } enable() { Canvas.scene.add(this.model_3d); this.enabled = true; this.update(); } disable() { Canvas.scene.remove(this.model_3d); this.enabled = false; } update() { if (typeof this.onUpdate == 'function') { this.onUpdate(); } if (this.build_data.position) { this.model_3d.position.fromArray(this.build_data.position); } else { this.model_3d.position.set(0, 0, 0); } let offset = Format.centered_grid ? 0 : 8; this.model_3d.position.x += offset; this.model_3d.position.z += offset; this.model_3d.visible = !!Condition(this.condition); } buildModel() { let tex; if (this.build_data.texture) { let img = new Image(); img.src = this.build_data.texture; tex = new THREE.Texture(img); tex.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; tex.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; img.crossOrigin = ''; img.onload = function() { tex.needsUpdate = true; } } this.material = new (this.shading ? THREE.MeshLambertMaterial : THREE.MeshBasicMaterial)({ color: this.color, map: tex, side: this.render_side, alphaTest: 0.05 }); if (typeof this.color == 'object') { this.material.color.copy(this.color); } if (this.build_data.position) this.model_3d.position.fromArray(this.build_data.position); if (this.build_data.rotation) this.model_3d.rotation.fromArray( => Math.degToRad(r))); if (this.build_data.scale) this.model_3d.scale.fromArray(this.build_data.scale); this.build_data.cubes.forEach(cube => { if (cube.prefab) { if (!this.build_data.prefabs[cube.prefab]) console.error(`Invalid prefab "${cube.prefab}"`) cube = Object.assign(cube, this.build_data.prefabs[cube.prefab]); if (cube.offset) { if (cube.offset_space == 'block') cube.offset.V3_multiply(16); cube.position = cube.position.slice().V3_add(cube.offset); if (cube.origin) cube.origin = cube.origin.slice().V3_add(cube.offset); } } let mesh = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(cube.size[0], cube.size[1], cube.size[2]), this.material) if (cube.origin) { mesh.position.set(cube.origin[0], cube.origin[1], cube.origin[2]) mesh.geometry.translate(-cube.origin[0], -cube.origin[1], -cube.origin[2]) } mesh.geometry.translate(cube.position[0] + cube.size[0]/2, cube.position[1] + cube.size[1]/2, cube.position[2] + cube.size[2]/2) if (cube.rotation) { mesh.rotation.setFromDegreeArray(cube.rotation) } let getUVArray = (face) => { let arr = [ [face.uv[0]/this.texture_size[0], 1-(face.uv[1]/this.texture_size[1])], [face.uv[2]/this.texture_size[0], 1-(face.uv[1]/this.texture_size[1])], [face.uv[0]/this.texture_size[0], 1-(face.uv[3]/this.texture_size[1])], [face.uv[2]/this.texture_size[0], 1-(face.uv[3]/this.texture_size[1])] ] let rot = (face.rotation+0) while (rot > 0) { let a = arr[0]; arr[0] = arr[2]; arr[2] = arr[3]; arr[3] = arr[1]; arr[1] = a; rot = rot-90; } return arr; } let indices = []; let j = 0; mesh.geometry.faces = []; mesh.geometry.clearGroups(); Canvas.face_order.forEach((fkey, i) => { if (cube.faces[fkey]) { indices.push(0 + i*4, 2 + i*4, 1 + i*4, 2 + i*4, 3 + i*4, 1 + i*4); mesh.geometry.faces.push(fkey) j++; } }) mesh.geometry.setIndex(indices) for (let face in cube.faces) { let uv_array = getUVArray(cube.faces[face]); let fIndex = 0; switch(face) { case 'north': fIndex = 10; break; case 'east': fIndex = 0; break; case 'south': fIndex = 8; break; case 'west': fIndex = 2; break; case 'up': fIndex = 4; break; case 'down': fIndex = 6; break; } mesh.geometry.attributes.uv.array.set(uv_array[0], fIndex*4 + 0); //0,1 mesh.geometry.attributes.uv.array.set(uv_array[1], fIndex*4 + 2); //1,1 mesh.geometry.attributes.uv.array.set(uv_array[2], fIndex*4 + 4); //0,0 mesh.geometry.attributes.uv.array.set(uv_array[3], fIndex*4 + 6); //1,0 mesh.geometry.attributes.uv.needsUpdate = true; } this.model_3d.add(mesh); }) return this; } delete() { delete PreviewModel.models[id]; } } PreviewModel.models = {}; PreviewModel.getActiveModels = function() { let list = []; for (let id in PreviewModel.models) { let model = PreviewModel.models[id]; if (model.enabled) { list.push(model); } } return list; } new PreviewModel('studio', { texture: './assets/preview_scenes/studio.png', texture_size: [64, 64], shading: false, render_side: THREE.BackSide, cubes: [ {position: [-240, 0, -240], size: [480, 128, 480], faces: { up: {uv: [0, 16.04, 15.96, 31.96]}, down: {uv: [0, 0, 16, 16]}, }}, {position: [48, 0, -240], size: [96, 128, 480], faces: { south: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]}, north: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]} }}, {position: [-48, 0, -240], size: [96, 128, 480], faces: { south: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]}, north: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]} }}, {position: [-144, 0, -240], size: [96, 128, 480], faces: { south: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]}, north: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]} }}, {position: [144, 0, -240], size: [96, 128, 480], faces: { south: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]}, north: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]} }}, {position: [-240, 0, -240], size: [96, 128, 480], faces: { south: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]}, north: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]} }}, {position: [-240, 0, 48], size: [480, 128, 96], faces: { east: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]}, west: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]} }}, {position: [-240, 0, -48], size: [480, 128, 96], faces: { east: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]}, west: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]} }}, {position: [-240, 0, -144], size: [480, 128, 96], faces: { east: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]}, west: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]} }}, {position: [-240, 0, 144], size: [480, 128, 96], faces: { east: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]}, west: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]} }}, {position: [-240, 0, -240], size: [480, 128, 96], faces: { east: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]}, west: {uv: [16.06, 0, 64, 64]} }}, ] }) // Scenes new PreviewScene('studio', { category: 'generic', light_color: {r: 1.04, g: 1.03, b: 1.1}, light_side: 1, preview_models: ['studio'] }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_plains', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/plains/plains.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_snowy_tundra', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/snowy_tundra/snowy_tundra.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_cherry_grove', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/cherry_grove/cherry_grove.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_sunset', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/sunset/sunset.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_night', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/night/night.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_desert', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/desert/desert.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_underwater', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/underwater/underwater.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_coral_reef', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/coral_reef/coral_reef.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_lush_cave', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/lush_cave/lush_cave.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_deep_dark', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/deep_dark/deep_dark.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_nether', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/nether/nether.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); new PreviewScene('minecraft_end', { category: 'minecraft', web_config: 'minecraft/end/end.json', require_minecraft_eula: true, }); let player_preview_model = new PreviewModel('minecraft_player', { texture: './assets/player_skin.png', texture_size: [64, 64], position: [30, 0, 8], rotation: [0, 20, 0], scale: [0.9375, 0.9375, 0.9375], onUpdate() { this.material.color.copy(Canvas.global_light_color); }, cubes: [ { // "Head "position": [-4, 24, -4], "size": [8, 8, 8], "rotation": [0, 18, 0], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [8, 8, 16, 16]}, "east": {"uv": [0, 8, 8, 16]}, "south": {"uv": [24, 8, 32, 16]}, "west": {"uv": [16, 8, 24, 16]}, "up": {"uv": [16, 8, 8, 0]}, "down": {"uv": [24, 0, 16, 8]} } }, { // Hat Layer "position": [-4.5, 23.5, -4.5], "size": [9, 9, 9], "rotation": [0, 18, 0], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [40, 8, 48, 16]}, "east": {"uv": [32, 8, 40, 16]}, "south": {"uv": [56, 8, 64, 16]}, "west": {"uv": [48, 8, 56, 16]}, "up": {"uv": [48, 8, 40, 0]}, "down": {"uv": [56, 0, 48, 8]} } }, { // "Body "position": [-4, 12, -2], "size": [8, 12, 4], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [20, 20, 28, 32]}, "east": {"uv": [16, 20, 20, 32]}, "south": {"uv": [32, 20, 40, 32]}, "west": {"uv": [28, 20, 32, 32]}, "up": {"uv": [28, 20, 20, 16]}, "down": {"uv": [36, 16, 28, 20]} } }, { // Body Layer "position": [-4.25, 11.75, -2.25], "size": [8.5, 12.5, 4.5], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [20, 36, 28, 48]}, "east": {"uv": [16, 36, 20, 48]}, "south": {"uv": [32, 36, 40, 48]}, "west": {"uv": [28, 36, 32, 48]}, "up": {"uv": [28, 36, 20, 32]}, "down": {"uv": [36, 32, 28, 36]} } }, { // Right Arm "position": [4, 12, -2], "size": [4, 12, 4], "origin": [5, 22, 0], "rotation": [-1, 0, 3], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [44, 20, 48, 32]}, "east": {"uv": [40, 20, 44, 32]}, "south": {"uv": [52, 20, 56, 32]}, "west": {"uv": [48, 20, 52, 32]}, "up": {"uv": [48, 20, 44, 16]}, "down": {"uv": [52, 16, 48, 20]} } }, { // Arm Layer "position": [3.75, 11.75, -2.25], "size": [4.5, 12.5, 4.5], "origin": [5, 22, 0], "rotation": [-1, 0, 3], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [44, 36, 48, 48]}, "east": {"uv": [40, 36, 44, 48]}, "south": {"uv": [52, 36, 56, 48]}, "west": {"uv": [48, 36, 52, 48]}, "up": {"uv": [48, 36, 44, 32]}, "down": {"uv": [52, 32, 48, 36]} } }, { // Left Arm "position": [-8, 12, -2], "size": [4, 12, 4], "origin": [-5, 22, 0], "rotation": [1, 0, -3], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [36, 52, 40, 64]}, "east": {"uv": [32, 52, 36, 64]}, "south": {"uv": [44, 52, 48, 64]}, "west": {"uv": [40, 52, 44, 64]}, "up": {"uv": [40, 52, 36, 48]}, "down": {"uv": [44, 48, 40, 52]} } }, { // Arm Layer "position": [-8.25, 11.75, -2.25], "size": [4.5, 12.5, 4.5], "origin": [-5, 22, 0], "rotation": [1, 0, -3], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [52, 52, 56, 64]}, "east": {"uv": [48, 52, 52, 64]}, "south": {"uv": [60, 52, 64, 64]}, "west": {"uv": [56, 52, 60, 64]}, "up": {"uv": [56, 52, 52, 48]}, "down": {"uv": [60, 48, 56, 52]} } }, { // Right Leg "position": [-0.1, 0, -2], "size": [4, 12, 4], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [4, 20, 8, 32]}, "east": {"uv": [0, 20, 4, 32]}, "south": {"uv": [12, 20, 16, 32]}, "west": {"uv": [8, 20, 12, 32]}, "up": {"uv": [8, 20, 4, 16]}, "down": {"uv": [12, 16, 8, 20]} } }, { // Leg Layer "position": [-0.35, -0.25, -2.25], "size": [4.5, 12.5, 4.5], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [4, 36, 8, 48]}, "east": {"uv": [0, 36, 4, 48]}, "south": {"uv": [12, 36, 16, 48]}, "west": {"uv": [8, 36, 12, 48]}, "up": {"uv": [8, 36, 4, 32]}, "down": {"uv": [12, 32, 8, 36]} } }, { // Left Leg "position": [-3.9, 0, -2], "size": [4, 12, 4], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [20, 52, 24, 64]}, "east": {"uv": [16, 52, 20, 64]}, "south": {"uv": [28, 52, 32, 64]}, "west": {"uv": [24, 52, 28, 64]}, "up": {"uv": [24, 52, 20, 48]}, "down": {"uv": [28, 48, 24, 52]} } }, { // Leg Layer "position": [-4.15, -0.25, -2.25], "size": [4.5, 12.5, 4.5], "faces": { "north": {"uv": [4, 52, 8, 64]}, "east": {"uv": [0, 52, 4, 64]}, "south": {"uv": [12, 52, 16, 64]}, "west": {"uv": [8, 52, 12, 64]}, "up": {"uv": [8, 52, 4, 48]}, "down": {"uv": [12, 48, 8, 52]} } } ] }) StateMemory.init('minecraft_eula_accepted', 'object'); const MinecraftEULA = { isAccepted(key) { return StateMemory.minecraft_eula_accepted[key]; }, async promptUser(key) { if (MinecraftEULA.isAccepted(key)) { return true; } return await new Promise((resolve) => { Blockbench.showMessageBox({ width: 540, title: 'Minecraft EULA', message: 'This feature includes Minecraft assets. In order to use it, you need to agree to the [Minecraft End User License Agreement (EULA)](', icon: 'icon-format_bedrock', checkboxes: { accepted: {text: 'I have read the End User License Agreement and I agree to its terms', value: false} }, buttons: ['dialog.ok', 'dialog.cancel'] }, (button, result) => { if (button == 0 && result.accepted) { StateMemory.minecraft_eula_accepted[key] = true;'minecraft_eula_accepted'); } else if (button == 0) { return false; } resolve(result.accepted); }) }) } } BARS.defineActions(function() { new Action('preview_scene', { category: 'view', icon: 'nature_people', click(event) { new Menu(this.children).show(; }, children: () => { let list = []; for (let category in PreviewScene.menu_categories) { let options = PreviewScene.menu_categories[category]; if (options._label) { list.push(new MenuSeparator('options', options._label)); } for (let key in options) { if (key.startsWith('_')) continue; let scene = PreviewScene.scenes[key]; list.push({ id: key, name: options[key], icon: == scene ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked', click() { if (scene) {; } else if ( {; } } }) } } list.push(new MenuSeparator('individual_objects')); list.push({ name: 'Minecraft Player', icon: player_preview_model.enabled ? 'check_box' : 'check_box_outline_blank', click() { if (!player_preview_model.enabled) { player_preview_model.enable(); } else { player_preview_model.disable(); } } }) if (!BarItems.toggle_all_grids.menu_node.isConnected) { list.push(BarItems.toggle_all_grids); } return list; } }) })