var open_menu = null; class MenuSeparator { constructor(id, label) { = id || ''; this.menu_node = Interface.createElement('li', {class: 'menu_separator', menu_separator_id: id}); if (label) { label = tl(label); this.menu_node.append(Interface.createElement('label', {}, label)); this.menu_node.classList.add('has_label'); } } } function handleMenuOverflow(node) { node = node.get(0); if (!node) return; function offset(amount) { let top = parseInt(; let offset = top - $(node).offset().top; let top_gap = 26; if (Blockbench.isMobile && instanceof BarMenu) { top_gap = window.innerHeight > 400 ? 106 : 56; } top = Math.clamp( top + amount, window.innerHeight - node.clientHeight + offset, offset + top_gap ); = `${top}px`; } if (Blockbench.isTouch) { node.addEventListener('touchstart', e1 => { e1.stopPropagation(); convertTouchEvent(e1); let last_y = e1.clientY; let move = e2 => { convertTouchEvent(e2); offset(e2.clientY - last_y); last_y = e2.clientY; } let stop = e2 => { document.removeEventListener('touchmove', move); document.removeEventListener('touchend', stop); } document.addEventListener('touchmove', move); document.addEventListener('touchend', stop); }) } node.addEventListener('wheel', e => { e.stopPropagation(); offset(-e.deltaY); }) } class Menu { constructor(id, structure, options) { if (typeof id !== 'string') { options = structure; structure = id; } = typeof id == 'string' ? id : ''; this.children = []; this.structure = structure; this.options = options || {}; this.onOpen = this.options.onOpen; this.onClose = this.options.onClose; this.node = document.createElement('ul'); this.node.classList.add('contextMenu'); if (this.options.class) { if (this.options.class instanceof Array) { this.node.classList.add(...this.options.class); } else { this.node.classList.add(this.options.class); } } } hover(node, event, expand) { if (node.classList.contains('focused') && !expand) return; if (event) event.stopPropagation() $(open_menu.node).find('li.focused').removeClass('focused') $(open_menu.node).find('li.opened').removeClass('opened') var obj = $(node) node.classList.add('focused') obj.parents('li.parent, li.hybrid_parent').addClass('opened') if (obj.hasClass('parent') || (expand && obj.hasClass('hybrid_parent'))) { var childlist = obj.find('> ul.contextMenu.sub') if (expand) node.classList.add('opened'); var p_width = obj.outerWidth() childlist.css('left', p_width + 'px') var el_width = childlist.width() var offset = childlist.offset() var el_height = childlist.height() if (offset.left + el_width > window.innerWidth) { if (Blockbench.isMobile) { childlist.css('visibility', 'hidden'); setTimeout(() => { childlist.css('left', 0); childlist.css('visibility', 'visible'); }, 100); } else { childlist.css('left', -el_width + 'px') } } let top_gap = 26; if (Blockbench.isMobile && this instanceof BarMenu) { top_gap = window.innerHeight > 400 ? 106 : 56; } let window_height = window.innerHeight - top_gap; if (el_height > window_height) { childlist.css('margin-top', '0').css('top', '0') childlist.css('top', (-childlist.offset().top + top_gap) + 'px') handleMenuOverflow(childlist); } else if ( + el_height > window_height) { childlist.css('margin-top', top_gap-childlist.height() + 'px') if (childlist.offset().top < top_gap) { childlist.offset({top: top_gap}) } } } } reveal(path) { } keyNavigate(e) { var scope = this; var used; var obj = $(this.node) if (e.which >= 37 && e.which <= 40) { let is_menu_bar = scope.type === 'bar_menu' && e.which%2; if (obj.find('li.focused').length || is_menu_bar) { var old = obj.find('li.focused'), next; switch (e.which) { case 37: next = old.parent('ul').parent('li'); break;//< case 38: next = old.prevAll('li:not(.menu_separator)').first(); break;//UP case 39: next = old.find('ul li:first-child'); break;//> case 40: next = old.nextAll('li:not(.menu_separator)').first(); break;//DOWN } if (!next.length && e.which%2 == 0) { var siblings = old.siblings('li:not(.menu_separator)') if (e.which === 38) { next = siblings.last() } else { next = siblings.first() } } if (next && next.length) { old.removeClass('focused') scope.hover(next.get(0)) } else if (is_menu_bar) { var index = MenuBar.keys.indexOf( index += (e.which == 39 ? 1 : -1) if (index < 0) { index = MenuBar.keys.length-1 } else if (index >= MenuBar.keys.length) { index = 0; } MenuBar.menus[MenuBar.keys[index]].open() } } else { obj.find('> li:first-child').addClass('focused') } used = true; } else if (Keybinds.extra.confirm.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { obj.find('li.focused').trigger('click'); if (scope && !this.options.keep_open) { //scope.hide() } used = true; } else if (Keybinds.extra.cancel.keybind.isTriggered(e)) { scope.hide() used = true; } return used; } open(position, context) { if (this.onOpen) this.onOpen(position, context); if (position && position.changedTouches) { convertTouchEvent(position); } let last_context = context; var scope = this; var ctxmenu = $(this.node) if (open_menu) { open_menu.hide() } document.body.append(this.node); ctxmenu.children().detach() function createChildList(object, node, list) { if (!list && typeof object.children == 'function') { list = object.children(context) } else if (!list) { list = object.children } node = $(node); node.find('ul.contextMenu.sub').detach(); if (list.length) { var childlist = $(Interface.createElement('ul', {class: 'contextMenu sub'})); populateList(list, childlist, object.searchable); if ((typeof == 'function' || object instanceof Tool) && (object instanceof Action == false || object.side_menu)) { if (node.find('> .menu_more_button').length == 0) { node.addClass('hybrid_parent'); let more_button = Interface.createElement('div', {class: 'menu_more_button'}, Blockbench.getIconNode('more_horiz')); node.append(more_button); more_button.addEventListener('mouseenter', e => { scope.hover(node.get(0), e, true); }) more_button.addEventListener('mouseleave', e => { if (':hover') && !':hover')) { scope.hover(node.get(0), e); } }) } } else { node.addClass('parent'); } node.append(childlist) return childlist.children().length; } return 0; } function populateList(list, menu_node, searchable) { if (searchable) { let display_limit = 256; let input = Interface.createElement('input', {type: 'text', placeholder: tl(''), inputmode: 'search'}); let search_button = Interface.createElement('div', {}, Blockbench.getIconNode('search')); let search_bar = Interface.createElement('li', {class: 'menu_search_bar'}, [input, search_button]); menu_node.append(search_bar); let object_list = []; list.forEach(function(s2, i) { let node = getEntry(s2, menu_node); if (!node) return; object_list.push({ object: s2, node: node, id:, name:, description: s2.description, }) }) search_button.onclick = (e) => { input.value = ''; input.oninput(e); } input.oninput = (e) => { let search_term = input.value.toUpperCase(); search_button.firstElementChild.replaceWith(Blockbench.getIconNode(search_term ? 'clear' : 'search')); object_list.forEach(item => { $(item.node).detach(); }) let count = 0; for (let item of object_list) { if (count > display_limit) break; if ( typeof item.object == 'string' || item.object.always_show || ( && || ( && || (item.description && item.description.toUpperCase().includes(search_term)) ) { menu_node.append(item.node); count++; } } } input.oninput(0); if (menu_node == ctxmenu) { input.focus(); } } else { list.forEach((object) => { getEntry(object, menu_node); }) } let nodes = menu_node.children(); if (nodes.length && nodes.last().hasClass('menu_separator')) { nodes.last().remove(); } let is_scrollable = !nodes.toArray().find(node => node.classList.contains('parent') || node.classList.contains('hybrid_parent')); menu_node.toggleClass('scrollable', is_scrollable); } function getEntry(s, parent) { if (s.context) { last_context = context; context = s.context; } let scope_context = context; var entry; if (s === '_') { s = new MenuSeparator(); } else if (typeof s == 'string' && s.startsWith('#')) { s = new MenuSeparator(s.substring(1)); } if (s instanceof MenuSeparator) { entry = s.menu_node; var last = parent.children().last() if (last.length && !last.hasClass('menu_separator')) { parent[0].append(entry) } return entry; } if (typeof s == 'string' && BarItems[s]) { s = BarItems[s]; } if (typeof s === 'function') { s = s(scope_context); } if (s == undefined || !Condition(s.condition, scope_context)) return; if (s instanceof Action) { entry = s.menu_node; entry.classList.remove('focused', 'opened'); //Submenu if (typeof s.children == 'function' || typeof s.children == 'object') { createChildList(s, entry) } else { if (s.side_menu instanceof Menu) { let content_list = typeof s.side_menu.structure == 'function' ? s.side_menu.structure(scope_context) : s.side_menu.structure; createChildList(s, entry, content_list); } else if (s.side_menu instanceof Dialog) { createChildList(s, entry, [ { name: 'menu.options', icon: 'web_asset', click() {; } } ]); } } parent[0].append(entry) } else if (s instanceof BarSelect) { if (typeof s.icon === 'function') { var icon = Blockbench.getIconNode(s.icon(scope_context), s.color) } else { var icon = Blockbench.getIconNode(s.icon, s.color) } entry = Interface.createElement('li', {title: s.description && tl(s.description), menu_item:}, Interface.createElement('span', {}, tl(; entry.prepend(icon) //Submenu var children = []; for (var key in s.options) { let val = s.options[key]; if (val) { (function() { var save_key = key; children.push({ name: s.getNameFor(key), id: key, icon: val.icon || ((s.value == save_key) ? 'far.fa-dot-circle' : 'far.fa-circle'), condition: val.condition, click: (e) => { s.set(save_key); if (s.onChange) { s.onChange(s, e); } } }) })() } } let child_count = createChildList({children}, entry) if (child_count !== 0 || typeof === 'function') { parent[0].append(entry) } entry.addEventListener('mouseenter', function(e) { scope.hover(entry, e); }) } else if (s instanceof NumSlider) { let item = s; let trigger = { name:, description: item.description, icon: 'code', click() { let settings = {}; if (item.settings) { settings = { min: item.settings.min, max: item.settings.max, step: item.settings.step } if (typeof item.settings.interval == 'function') { settings.step = item.settings.interval(event); } } new Dialog(, { title:, width: 360, form: { value: {label:, type: 'number', value: item.get(), ...settings} }, onConfirm(result) { if (typeof item.onBefore === 'function') { item.onBefore(); } item.change(n => result.value); item.update(); if (typeof item.onAfter === 'function') { item.onAfter(); } } }).show(); } } return getEntry(trigger, parent); /*let icon = Blockbench.getIconNode(s.icon, s.color); let numeric_input = new Interface.CustomElements.NumericInput(, { value: s.get(), min: s.settings?.min, max: s.settings?.max, onChange(value) { if (typeof s.onBefore === 'function') { s.onBefore() } s.change(() => value); if (typeof s.onAfter === 'function') { s.onAfter() } s.update(); } }); entry = Interface.createElement('li', {title: s.description && tl(s.description), menu_item:}, [ Interface.createElement('span', {}, tl(, numeric_input.node ]); entry.prepend(icon); parent[0].append(entry); $(entry).mouseenter(function(e) { scope.hover(this, e) }) */ } else if (s instanceof HTMLElement) { parent[0].append(s); } else if (typeof s === 'object') { let child_count; if (typeof s.icon === 'function') { var icon = Blockbench.getIconNode(s.icon(scope_context), s.color) } else { var icon = Blockbench.getIconNode(s.icon, s.color) } entry = Interface.createElement('li', {title: s.description && tl(s.description), menu_item:}, Interface.createElement('span', {}, tl(; entry.prepend(icon); if (s.marked && Condition(s.marked, scope_context)) { entry.classList.add('marked'); } if (s.keybind) { let label = document.createElement('label'); label.classList.add('keybinding_label') label.innerText = s.keybind || ''; entry.append(label); } if (typeof === 'function') { entry.addEventListener('click', e => { if ( == entry) {, e) } }) } //Submenu if (typeof s.children == 'function' || typeof s.children == 'object') { child_count = createChildList(s, entry); } if (child_count !== 0 || typeof === 'function') { parent[0].append(entry) } addEventListeners(entry, 'mouseenter mouseover', (e) => { if ('menu_separator')) return; if ('contextMenu')) return; scope.hover(entry, e); }) } //Highlight if (scope.highlight_action == s && entry) { let obj = entry; while (obj && obj.nodeName == 'LI') { obj.classList.add('highlighted'); obj = obj.parentElement.parentElement; } } if (s.context && last_context != context) context = last_context; return entry; } let content_list = typeof this.structure == 'function' ? this.structure(context) : this.structure; populateList(content_list, ctxmenu, this.options.searchable); let el_width = ctxmenu.width() let el_height = ctxmenu.height() let top_gap = 26; if (Blockbench.isMobile && this instanceof BarMenu) { top_gap = window.innerHeight > 400 ? 106 : 56; } let window_height = window.innerHeight - top_gap; if (position && position.clientX !== undefined) { var offset_left = position.clientX var offset_top = position.clientY+1 } else if (position == document.body) { var offset_left = (document.body.clientWidth-el_width)/2 var offset_top = (document.body.clientHeight-el_height)/2 } else if (position == 'mouse') { var offset_left = mouse_pos.x; var offset_top = mouse_pos.y; } else { if (!position && scope.type === 'bar_menu') { position = scope.label } else if (position && position.parentElement.classList.contains('tool')) { position = position.parentElement; } var offset_left = $(position).offset().left; var offset_top = $(position).offset().top + position.offsetHeight; } if (offset_left > window.innerWidth - el_width) { offset_left -= el_width if (position && position.clientWidth) offset_left += position.clientWidth; if (offset_left < 0) offset_left = 0; } if (offset_top > window_height - el_height ) { if (el_height < offset_top - 50) { // Snap to element top offset_top -= el_height; if (position instanceof HTMLElement) { offset_top -= position.clientHeight; } } else { // Move up offset_top = window_height - el_height; } } offset_top = Math.max(offset_top, top_gap); ctxmenu.css('left', offset_left+'px') ctxmenu.css('top', offset_top +'px') if (el_height > window_height) { handleMenuOverflow(ctxmenu); } scope.node.onclick = (ev) => { if ('parent') || ( &&'parent')) ||'menu_search_bar') || ( &&'menu_search_bar')) ) {} else { if (this.options.keep_open) { this.hide(), context); } else { this.hide() } } } if (scope.type === 'bar_menu') { = scope scope.label.classList.add('opened'); } open_menu = scope; = this; return scope; } show(...args) { return; } hide() { if (this.onClose) this.onClose(); $(this.node).find('li.highlighted').removeClass('highlighted'); this.node.remove() open_menu = null; = null; return this; } conditionMet() { return Condition(this.condition); } addAction(action, path = '') { if (this.structure instanceof Array == false) return; if (typeof path !== 'string') path = path.toString(); let track = path.split('.') function traverse(arr, layer) { if (track.length === layer || track[layer] === '' || !isNaN(parseInt(track[layer])) || (track[layer][0] == '#')) { let index = arr.length; if (track[layer] !== '' && track.length !== layer) { if (track[layer].startsWith('#')) { // Group Anchor let group = track[layer].substring(1); let group_match = false; index = 0; for (let item of arr) { if (item instanceof MenuSeparator) { if ( == group) { group_match = true; } else if (group_match && != group) { break; } } index++; } } else { index = parseInt(track[layer]) } } arr.splice(index, 0, action) } else { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { let item = arr[i] if (item.children instanceof Array && === track[layer] && layer < 20) { traverse(item.children, layer+1); break; } } } } traverse(this.structure, 0) if (action && action.menus) { action.menus.push({menu: this, path}); } } removeAction(path) { if (this.structure instanceof Array == false) return; var scope = this; if (path instanceof Action) { let action = path; this.structure.remove(action); this.structure.remove(; action.menus.remove(this); } else if (this.structure.includes(path)) { this.structure.remove(path); } if (path === undefined) path = ''; if (typeof path == 'string') { path = path.split('.'); } if (path instanceof Array == false) return; function traverse(arr, layer) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(path[layer]))) { result = arr[parseInt(path[layer])] } else if (typeof path[layer] === 'string') { var i = arr.length-1; while (i >= 0) { var item = arr[i] if ( === path[layer] && layer < 20) { if (layer === path.length-1) { var action = arr.splice(i, 1)[0] if (action instanceof Action) { for (var i = action.menus.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (action.menus[i].menu == scope) { action.menus.splice(i, 1) } } } } else if (item.children) { traverse(item.children, layer+1) } } i--; } } } traverse(this.structure, 0) } deleteItem(rm_item) { var scope = this; function traverse(arr, layer) { arr.forEachReverse((item, i) => { if (item === rm_item || item === { arr.splice(i, 1) } else if (item && item.children instanceof Array) { traverse(item.children) } }) } traverse(this.structure, 0) rm_item.menus.remove(scope) } } function preventContextMenu() { Blockbench.addFlag('no_context_menu'); setTimeout(() => { Blockbench.removeFlag('no_context_menu'); }, 20); }