Insert netlify link for netlify hosted web app
Add "Dissolve Edges" action, closes#1055
"Create Face" now takes texture from adjacent face
Improve face loop selection
Fix issue with vertex snapping on cubes
Fix skin models opening two tabs
Fix issue with closing projects
Fix#1048 Rescaling with face tool selection creates flickering
Fix ##1051 Arrow keys do not work with meshes (and other non-cubes)
Fix issues with null objects
Fix area select in UV editor selecting faces twice
Finish implementing theme borders option
Implement normal transform space
Turn name of locked elements gray in outliner
Fix face selection issue
Improve performance by hiding unselected faces on large meshes
Fix issue where imported bbmodels would switch to generic model
Add "Face normal debug" view mode
Hide linked setting actions in Action Control
Fix issue with generating recent model thumbnails
Make line + vertex selection white
Turn Shape tool Shape Select to icon mode
Fix issue with save dialog when closing program
UV Editor no longer updates when hidden, improving performance
Fix animated texture preview in UV panel
Make mesh templates work with other meshes and cubes, fixes#1034
Implement #1005 Tabs Feedback on unsaved projects
Improve mesh template generator
Highlighting of selected faces
Fix#1025 Cannot assign tab as a keybind
FIx#1045 error when saving java block/item
Fix#1006 UV face scaling issue
Fix#1027 OBJ mesh export issue
Make element toolbar labels slightly smaller
Fix issue with generating templates on 0 wide mesh faces
Fix outliner scrolling issue
Fix#1043 keyframes can be created at invalid timecodes
Fix vertex snap issues (#1017)
Add "Add Texture Mesh" to edit menu
Change default animated texture FPS to 7
Fix#1012 Uv window does not refresh scale when changing project res
Merge "Add Mesh" and "Add Primitive
Close#1010 Remember "Add Primitive" dialog settings
Close#1038 Write popup-setting description below input instead on a button
Close#1035 by adding tool to filter menu
Improve UV editor
Disable rotation gizmo outer ring when rotation limits are enabled
Fix vertex selection issue
Fix issue with extruding line
Auto focus search bar in settings and keybindigns window