Update cz.json (POEditor.com)

This commit is contained in:
JannisX11 2022-07-22 18:09:11 +02:00
parent 2defa6fc9b
commit ea0111cc7e

View File

@ -1539,5 +1539,60 @@
"action.pan_tool.desc": "Tool to navigate in the viewport and the texture editor",
"message.set_background_position.title": "Set Background Position",
"message.set_background_position.position": "Position",
"message.set_background_position.size": "Size"
"message.set_background_position.size": "Size",
"mode.start.recent.favorite": "Mark as Favorite",
"mode.start.info": "Info",
"mode.start.target": "Target",
"mode.start.start": "Start",
"mode.start.create_new": "Create New Model",
"mode.start.format.informations": "Good to know:",
"mode.start.format.resources": "Resources:",
"format.free.info.meshes": "In this format, you can create low poly models using cubes and custom shaped meshes.",
"format.free.info.limitation": "Models cannot be loaded into games that need specialized formats, such as Minecraft.",
"format.skin.info.skin": "This format is designed to create Minecraft skins and entity textures.",
"format.skin.info.model": "The model cannot be changed. In order to make changes to the model, first convert to a different format via **File** > **Convert Project**.",
"format.java_block.info.rotation": "Rotations are limited to 22.5 degree steps and one axis per element",
"format.java_block.info.size": "The model is limited to a size of 3 by 3 by 3 blocks. Display settings can make item models larger though",
"format.java_block.info.animation": "This format does not support animations in vanilla Minecraft. If you are creating a mod, you can use GeckoLib to animate models. If not, the only way to animate is to switch out the model using commands or animated textures.",
"format.bedrock.info.textures": "Each model can only have one texture",
"format.bedrock_block": "Bedrock Block",
"format.bedrock_block.desc": "Block model for Minecraft Bedrock Edition",
"format.modded_entity.info.integer_size": "The size of individual cubes is limited to integers.",
"format.modded_entity.info.format": "Models are written in Java code instead of dedicated data structures like all other Blockbench export formats.",
"format.optifine_entity.info.optifine_required": "Users without OptiFine installed won't see the model.",
"format.optifine_entity.info.pivots": "Bone pivots are locked, so it is a good idea to leave them untouched.",
"format_category.low_poly": "Low-Poly",
"format_category.minecraft": "Minecraft",
"format_category.other": "Other",
"format_category.loaders": "Loaders",
"message.recover_backup.recover": "Recover",
"message.invalid_characters.title": "Invalid Path",
"message.invalid_characters.message": "The path of the imported file contains invalid characters, uppercase letters, or white spaces. The supported characters are: %0",
"dialog.share_model.thumbnail": "Thumbnail",
"dialog.skin.high_res_texture": "Please note that skins with the selected resolution will not work as regular Minecraft skins. Select a lower resolution.",
"settings.allow_display_slot_mirror": "Allow Display Slot Mirroring",
"settings.allow_display_slot_mirror.desc": "Allow Display slots for Java item models to be mirrored. WARNING: This only works in Minecraft 1.14 or earlier or in special cases.",
"action.switch_tabs": "Switch Tabs",
"action.switch_tabs.desc": "Cycle between opened tabs. Hold shift to cycle in the opposite direction.",
"action.unselect_all": "Unselect All",
"action.unselect_all.desc": "Unselect all elements, faces, vertices, or keyframes",
"action.save_palette": "Save Palette...",
"action.save_palette.desc": "Save the current color palette inside Blockbench for later use",
"action.keyframe_column_create": "Create Keyframe Column",
"action.keyframe_column_create.desc": "Key all channels in the timeline at the current timecode, if they already have keyframes",
"action.keyframe_column_select": "Select Keyframe Column",
"action.keyframe_column_select.desc": "Select all keyframes in the timeline along a column below the playhead",
"menu.uv": "UV",
"menu.keyframe": "Keyframe",
"menu.palette.load.update": "Update Palette",
"menu.palette.load.update.desc": "Updates this palette with the colors of the current Blockbench palette",
"menu.timeline_marker.set_time": "Set Time...",
"uv_editor.scale_uv": "Scale UV",
"action.preview_scene": "Preview Scene",
"action.preview_scene.desc": "Change the model preview scene",
"preview_scene.minecraft_overworld": "Minecraft Overworld",
"preview_scene.minecraft_nether": "Minecraft Nether",
"preview_scene.minecraft_end": "Minecraft End",
"dialog.project.modded_entity_flip_y": "Flip Y Axis",
"preview_scene.studio": "Studio"