diff --git a/lang/it.json b/lang/it.json index b523e055..40246bd3 100644 --- a/lang/it.json +++ b/lang/it.json @@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ "message.file_not_found.title": "File Non Trovato", "message.file_not_found.message": "Blockbench non ha potuto trovare il file richiesto. Assicurati che sia salvato localmente e non in un cloud.", "message.screenshot.title": "Screenshot", - "message.screenshot.message": "Screenshot catturato.", "message.screenshot.clipboard": "Appunti", "message.screenshot.right_click": "Screenshot - Click Destro per copiare", "message.invalid_file.title": "File Invalido", @@ -143,7 +142,6 @@ "dialog.entitylist.bones": "Ossa", "dialog.entitylist.cubes": "Cubi", "dialog.create_texture.folder": "Cartella", - "dialog.create_texture.template": "Sagoma", "dialog.create_texture.resolution": "Risoluzione", "dialog.input.title": "Input", "dialog.settings.settings": "Impostazioni", @@ -178,7 +176,6 @@ "about.version": "Versione:", "about.creator": "Sviluppatore:", "about.website": "Sito:", - "about.electron": "Questa applicazione è costruita con Electron, una framework per creare applicazioni native con tecnologie web come JavaScript, HTML e CSS.", "about.vertex_snap": "Lo snapping degli vertici è basato su un plugin da SirBenet", "about.icons": "Pachetti Icone:", "about.libraries": "Librerie:", @@ -234,17 +231,13 @@ "settings.ctrl_size.desc": "Risoluzione della griglia tenendo premuto control", "settings.negative_size": "Dimensioni Negative", "settings.negative_size.desc": "Permettere allo strumento di ridimensionamento di usare dimensioni negative", - "settings.dialog_larger_cubes": "Modello Troppo Grande", - "settings.dialog_larger_cubes.desc": "Mostrare dialogo \"Modello Troppo Grande\"", - "settings.dialog_rotation_limit": "Limiti Di Rotazione", - "settings.dialog_rotation_limit.desc": "Mostrare dialogo \"Rotazioni Limitate\"", "settings.minifiedout": "Esporto Minificato", "settings.minifiedout.desc": "Registrare JSON in una riga", "settings.export_groups": "Esporta Gruppi", "settings.export_groups.desc": "Salvare gruppi nei file dei modelli blocchi", "settings.credit": "Commento Credito", "settings.credit.desc": "Aggiungere un commento di credito ai file esportati", - "settings.default_path": "Percorso Predefinito", + "settings.default_path": "Default Minecraft Textures Path", "settings.default_path.desc": "Cartella dalla quale Blockbench carica le texture predefinite", "settings.image_editor": "Editor Immagini", "settings.image_editor.desc": "Editore immagini predefinito per modificare texture", @@ -316,10 +309,6 @@ "action.load_plugin.desc": "Carica un plugin importando il file sorgente", "action.reload_plugins": "Ricarica Plugin", "action.reload_plugins.desc": "Ricarica tutti i plugin in sviluppo", - "action.uv_dialog": "Schermata UV", - "action.uv_dialog.desc": "Apri il dialogo UV per vedere tutte le facce vicine l'una all'altra", - "action.uv_dialog_full": "Vista Completa", - "action.uv_dialog_full.desc": "Apri il dialogo UV per modificare una faccia in schermo intero", "action.undo": "Annulla", "action.undo.desc": "Annulla l'ultima modifica", "action.redo": "Ripristina", @@ -425,7 +414,6 @@ "menu.group.sort": "Ordina", "menu.group.resolve": "Risolvere", "menu.texture.face": "Applica alle Facce", - "menu.texture.cube": "Applica ai Cubi", "menu.texture.file": "File", "menu.texture.refresh": "Aggiorna", "menu.texture.change": "Modifica File", @@ -673,7 +661,6 @@ "action.fill_mode": "Riempimento", "action.fill_mode.face": "Faccia", "action.fill_mode.color": "Colore", - "action.fill_mode.cube": "Cubo", "action.toggle_mirror_uv": "Specchia UV", "action.toggle_mirror_uv.desc": "Alterna lo specchiamento UV sull'asse delle X dei cubi selezionati", "action.toggle_uv_overlay": "Alterna sovrappozione UV", @@ -904,8 +891,6 @@ "action.import_theme": "Importa Tema", "action.export_theme": "Esporta Tema", "action.export_theme.desc": "Crea un file tema basato sulle impostazioni correnti", - "action.reset_theme": "Ripristina Tema", - "action.reset_theme.desc": "Ripristina il tema al predefinito di Blockbench", "action.slider_color_h": "Tonalità", "action.slider_color_s": "Saturazione", "action.slider_color_v": "Valore", @@ -1128,7 +1113,7 @@ "generic.all": "Tutto", "message.small_face_dimensions.title": "Incompatible Face Dimensions", "message.small_face_dimensions.message": "The selection contains faces that are smaller than 1 unit in one direction. The Box UV mapping system considers any faces below that threshold as 0 pixels wide. The texture on those faces therefore may not work correctly.", - "message.small_face_dimensions.face_uv": "The current format supports per-face UV maps which can handle small face dimensions. Go to \"File\" > \"Project...\" and uncheck \"Box UV\".", + "message.small_face_dimensions.face_uv": "The current format supports per-face UV maps which can handle small face dimensions. Go to \"File\" > \"Project...\" and change \"UV Mode\" to \"Per-face UV\".", "dialog.plugins.outdated_client": "Richiede una nuova versione di Blockbench", "dialog.plugins.outdated_plugin": "Plugin is outdated and does not work with this version of Blockbench", "settings.motion_trails": "Motion Trails", @@ -1227,9 +1212,8 @@ "dialog.flip_animation.info": "Opposite bones are identified by the keywords 'left' and 'right' within their name.", "dialog.flip_animation.offset": "Offset by half the animation length", "dialog.export_private_settings.title": "Private Settings", - "dialog.export_private_settings.message": "Your file contains the following private informations: **%0**. Remove these values if you plan to share the file with someone else.", + "dialog.export_private_settings.message": "Your file contains the following private informations: **%0**. Leave these values out if you plan to share the file with someone else.", "dialog.export_private_settings.keep": "Keep", - "dialog.export_private_settings.remove": "Remove", "settings.timecode_frame_number": "Display Timecodes as Frame Numbers", "settings.timecode_frame_number.desc": "Display fraction timecodes in the timeline as frame number instead of centisecond", "settings.animation_sample_rate": "Animation Sample Rate", @@ -1253,7 +1237,7 @@ "action.import_keymap.desc": "Import keybindings a .bbkeymap file", "action.export_keymap": "Export Keymap", "action.export_keymap.desc": "Export the current keybindings as a .bbkeymap file", - "action.edit_history": "Edit History", + "action.edit_history": "Edit History...", "action.edit_history.desc": "View the editing history and undo or redo steps", "action.group_elements": "Group Elements", "action.group_elements.desc": "Wrap selected elements into a new group", @@ -1292,7 +1276,133 @@ "camera_angle.true_isometric_left": "True Isometric Left (30°)", "menu.help.wiki": "Blockbench Wiki", "about.repository": "Repository:", - "dialog.settings.title": "Preferences", "settings.update_to_prereleases": "Update to Pre-releases", - "settings.update_to_prereleases.desc": "Automatically update to Blockbench beta versions to test new features. Pre-release versions can be unstable, don't enable this option if you rely on Blockbench for work or other important projects." + "settings.update_to_prereleases.desc": "Automatically update to Blockbench beta versions to test new features. Pre-release versions can be unstable, don't enable this option if you rely on Blockbench for work or other important projects.", + "data.separator.spacer": "Spacer", + "data.separator.linebreak": "Line Break", + "data.setting": "Setting", + "generic.select_all": "Select All", + "generic.select_none": "Select None", + "projects.new_tab": "New Tab", + "projects.close_tab": "Close Tab", + "message.invalid_format.title": "Invalid Format", + "message.invalid_format.message": "This model was made in the format '%0', which is not available in your Blockbench installation. You most likely need a specific plugin to open it correctly.", + "message.invalid_link": "Invalid or Expired Model Link", + "message.default_textures.current": "Current path", + "message.update_after_restart": "The update will be installed after the next restart", + "message.copy_paste_tool_viewport": "This tool can only be used in the UV panel", + "dialog.project.shadow_size": "Shadow Size", + "dialog.find_replace.target": "Target", + "dialog.find_replace.target.element_names": "Element Names", + "dialog.find_replace.target.group_names": "Group Names", + "dialog.find_replace.target.animation_names": "Animation Names", + "dialog.find_replace.target.keyframe_values": "Keyframe Values", + "dialog.find_replace.find": "Find", + "dialog.find_replace.replace": "Replace", + "dialog.find_replace.regex": "Regular Expression", + "dialog.add_primitive.shape": "Shape", + "dialog.add_primitive.shape.circle": "Circle", + "dialog.add_primitive.shape.tube": "Tube", + "dialog.add_primitive.shape.cone": "Cone", + "dialog.add_primitive.shape.cylinder": "Cylinder", + "dialog.add_primitive.shape.sphere": "Sphere", + "dialog.add_primitive.shape.torus": "Torus", + "dialog.add_primitive.shape.cube": "Cube", + "dialog.add_primitive.shape.pyramid": "Pyramid", + "dialog.add_primitive.diameter": "Diameter", + "dialog.add_primitive.height": "Height", + "dialog.add_primitive.sides": "Sides", + "dialog.add_primitive.minor_diameter": "Thickness", + "dialog.add_primitive.minor_sides": "Minor Sides", + "dialog.create_texture.combine_polys": "Combine Faces", + "dialog.create_texture.combine_polys.desc": "Combine connected coplanar faces into one UV section", + "dialog.model_stats.meshes": "Meshes", + "dialog.export_private_settings.omit": "Leave Out", + "layout.select": "Select", + "layout.options": "Options", + "layout.color": "Color Scheme", + "layout.documentation": "Documentation", + "layout.color.bright_ui_text": "Bright UI", + "layout.color.bright_ui_text.desc": "Text on bright backgrounds", + "layout.name": "Name", + "layout.author": "Author", + "settings.color_wheel": "Color Wheel", + "settings.color_wheel.desc": "Use the color wheel as the main color picker", + "settings.dialog.desc": "Show the \"%0\" dialog", + "settings.export_empty_groups": "Export Empty Groups", + "settings.export_empty_groups.desc": "Include groups without content in exported files", + "category.separators": "Separators", + "keybind.preview_area_select": "Area Select", + "action.color_erase_mode": "Erase Mode", + "action.color_erase_mode.desc": "With erase mode enabled, tools like Fill and Rectangle subtract colors rather than adding them", + "action.open_from_link": "Open Model from Link...", + "action.open_from_link.desc": "Open a model from a blckbn.ch URL", + "action.import_obj": "Import OBJ Model", + "action.import_obj.desc": "Imports objects from an OBJ model as meshes", + "action.add_plugin": "Install Plugin", + "action.add_plugin.desc": "Install a plugin through Action Control", + "action.remove_plugin": "Uninstall Plugin", + "action.remove_plugin.desc": "Uninstall a plugin through Action Control", + "action.add_mesh": "Add Mesh", + "action.add_mesh.desc": "Adds a new mesh", + "action.add_texture_mesh": "Add Texture Mesh", + "action.add_texture_mesh.desc": "Adds a new Texture Mesh", + "action.find_replace": "Find/Replace...", + "action.find_replace.desc": "Find and replace parts of names", + "action.hide_everything_except_selection": "Hide Everything Except Selection", + "action.hide_everything_except_selection.desc": "Toggle visibility on all elements except the ones that are selected", + "action.transform_space.normal": "Normal", + "action.selection_mode": "Selection Mode", + "action.selection_mode.desc": "Change how elements can be selected in the viewport", + "action.selection_mode.object": "Object", + "action.selection_mode.face": "Face", + "action.selection_mode.line": "Line", + "action.selection_mode.vertex": "Vertex", + "action.create_face": "Create Face or Line", + "action.create_face.desc": "Creates a new face or line between the selected vertices", + "action.convert_to_mesh": "Convert to Mesh", + "action.convert_to_mesh.desc": "Convert the selected elements into meshes", + "action.invert_face": "Invert Face", + "action.invert_face.desc": "Invert the selected faces to make them face the opposite direction", + "action.extrude_mesh_selection": "Extrude Selection", + "action.extrude_mesh_selection.desc": "Extrude the selected parts of the mesh", + "action.loop_cut": "Loop Cut", + "action.loop_cut.desc": "Split the mesh in a loop across the selected line", + "action.merge_meshes": "Merge Meshes", + "action.merge_meshes.desc": "Merge multiple meshes into one", + "action.keyframe_uniform": "Uniform Scaling", + "action.keyframe_uniform.desc": "Enable uniform scaling on the selected keyframes", + "menu.locator.ignore_inherited_scale": "Ignore Inherited Scale", + "menu.texture_mesh.texture_name": "Texture Name...", + "menu.texture.elements": "Apply to Elements", + "panel.color.picker_type": "Toggle Picker Type", + "uv_editor.transparent_face": "Transparent Face", + "display.pose_angle": "Pose Angle (For Preview Only)", + "data.mesh": "Mesh", + "message.box_uv_for_meshes": "Meshes cannot be used in box UV templates", + "dialog.create_texture.type": "Type", + "dialog.create_texture.type.blank": "Blank", + "dialog.create_texture.type.template": "Texture Template", + "dialog.create_texture.type.color_map": "Solid Color Template", + "dialog.sketchfab_uploader.suggested_tags": "Suggested Tags", + "dialog.sketchfab_uploader.category": "Category", + "dialog.sketchfab_uploader.category2": "Category 2", + "layout.restore_backup": "Your customized theme \"%0\" was overwritten. Click here to restore it.", + "layout.borders": "Borders", + "action.fill_mode.element": "Element", + "action.inset_mesh_selection": "Inset Selection", + "action.inset_mesh_selection.desc": "Inset the selected parts of the mesh", + "action.dissolve_edges": "Dissolve Edges", + "action.dissolve_edges.desc": "Dissolve selected edges in a mesh and merge the faces they divide", + "action.split_mesh": "Split Mesh", + "action.split_mesh.desc": "Split the selected faces of the mesh into a new mesh", + "action.merge_vertices": "Merge Vertices", + "action.merge_vertices.desc": "Merge the selected vertices into the position of the first selected verted", + "action.merge_vertices_by_distance": "Merge Vertices by Distance", + "action.merge_vertices_by_distance.desc": "Merge vertices that are close in proximity to each other", + "action.view_mode.normal": "Face Normal", + "action.snap_uv_to_pixels": "Snap UV to Pixels", + "action.snap_uv_to_pixels.desc": "Snaps the selected UV vertices to the pixel grid", + "menu.file.import.import_open_project": "Import Open Project", + "menu.help.unlock_projects": "Unlock All Projects" } \ No newline at end of file